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It was Casual Friday at work. Our receptionist- the public face of the company- showed up in pajamas. "It's casual day," she explained. "There's no rules, right?" And then Casual Friday was permanently cancelled.








But someone could’ve established some ground rules and kept it ‘jeans - we meant jeans are OK…’ right?


Jeans are less comfortable than my expandable waist pleated dress pants. 


Get better jeans. I have two pairs of jeans that I rock climb in. Jeans can be durable and comfortable.


> Get better jeans. Ok Hitler


"Jennasside.com...... jennasside.com...... I'm not hearing it Liz."


TBH I was kind of on her side with that one, but also kind of like, we're all adults here, try to have some common sense?


We all make miscalculations now and then, it’s good to give people grace. One day at my last job, we had booked a party boat for my department starting at the lunch hour and running for the rest of the day. We were all gonna carpool to the lake, get on a pontoon boat, grill, drink heavily, float around, swim, etc. — A very rare treat. And to be clear, it WAS a very fun afternoon. So the morning of the event, I showed up in spirit. I walked into my office job in a t shirt, board shorts and flip flops only to find the rest of my team in their standard jeans+dress shirt combo. I got comments and weird looks. I was embarrassed. I was the one who planned the dang event. I took the order from my VP to plan something cool for us to do, I secured the budget and the vendor, picked a date that worked for everyone and coordinated food, drinks, everything. The event was a big success. But I felt weird the morning of because I just misread the room. So I spent the first 3 hours of my day feeling awkward and underdressed. TLDR before we make fun of this receptionist that miscalculated, take a beat and remember how easy it is to misread unspoken cues.


Thanks to my childhood anxiety, I worry about being in a situation like yours, which is why on “spirit days” I tend to bring a spare set of uniforms/work clothes that I can change into in case I got the date wrong, etc etc


I’m from the UK and uniforms are compulsory for pretty much every single school. On charity fundraising days or “mufti,” we got to wear our own clothes from home. It was always a source of anxiety for me (and probably others) in case I turned up in my own clothes on the wrong day or forgot it was non uniform that day.


at my last office job, i shrunkwrap a polo shirt and kept it in the desk drawer. i actually needed it a couple times. one time involved a spilled drink, and another i think i got caught in a downpour during lunch, and another the office AC failed




They all brought change of clothes lol


Meh, don't worry about it. My old company had a Halloween costume contest every year. Apparently people went HARD for it too. I've got a couple cosplay costumes ready to rock, so I went as a Sith lord. I've got a great costumem, whole makeup setup for it with stage contacts, a lightsaber with custom everything going on. Like, Dwight Schrute would jizz his slacks over this costume. It was gonna be awesome.... ...except, no one told me that people wait until the end of the day to get dressed up to be photographed for the contest. Therefore, I spent an entire work down in a big office building in the center of downtown on the Friday before Halloween dressed up like I was at Dragoncon. Also, I came in 3rd place to someone that dressed up like the company president and someone that had a whole Master Chief setup.


Hopefully you take care of your feet. Hanging Ten in the office could be awkward.


I’ve worked with ‘no boundaries’ people who have ruined it for everyone else many times in the past… wasn’t trying to steal your thunder here. You said what needed to be heard.


> TBH I was kind of on her side with that one In what world does "casual dress" mean pajamas lol? Casual dress code is still a dress code. But apparently they should have clarified what "casual dress" is typically defined as, rather than assuming everyone knew.


aa the pool of people increases the likelihood of dealing with someone without common sense increases. they're an inevitability 


Back in the early 90s, I worked at a company that decided to have "Casual Fridays." Yay! It was understood that it was jeans with collared shirts for men and jeans with casual tops or sweaters for the women. Everything was great for about a month until one Friday, one of the project managers showed up wearing a neon colored skintight spandex tank dress that barely covered her ass and you could see the outline of her thong. Big boss took one look and called her into his office, she came out red-faced and was sent home and that was the end of Casual Fridays.


At my office, someone specifically said only jeans for casual day. One of the ladies showed up in a new pair of bib overalls. Management was not happy.


That doesn't sound so bad. They're just another form of jeans, maybe a step down in professionalism. Pajamas are unsuitable for public, let alone a business office.


No one ever wants to take on that responsibility of writing up ground rules that can help catch everything and then send out a memo. It sucks when people are too damn dumb to use some common sense and it ruins it for everyone else. They can put jeans. And someone’s will have holes in them. They’ll change it to professional nice jeans, and someone will show up with bedazzled jeans that look like they’re coming back from a glamorous rodeo. It’s just a mess and most companies will kill it outright than continue to waste energy and time on a group that looks like they’re purposely trying to be difficult lol


They could have, but in a business I presume employs only adults and perhaps the odd old teenager, it shouldn't be necessary to explain that "causal/dress down Friday" still carries a basic expectation of some decorum. Wearing pajamas to work is literally one step above rolling up to the office in your underwear.


There’s a difference between casual and business casual.


One of the sites at a former employer had pajama day. On the day the higher-ups decided to lay off all 1200 workers. The news were onsite interviewing workers carrying all their personal stuff out to their cars while wearing bathrobes and fuzzy slippers. Upper management learned that day to check for any local events before announcing major layoffs.


Now that’s funny.


What about all the people who sleep nude or in minimal underwear?


I sleep unclothed. So I simply purchased pyjamas for the work event. Because I wasn't sleeping in them I could buy a crisp cotton pair with a long top and long pants and buttons in a nice traditional stripe print, contrasting Marvin the Martian red boxers, and fluffy bear claw slippers.  One guy rocked up in what he actually slept in. A once-white singlet and briefs which had seen better days. Judgements were made.


Suddenly the hybrid option might get a bit more interesting!


"Business casual" is literally not jeans. For men it means a polo and khakis.


Sure. But when a business says it's 'casual friday', the basic assumption is that jeans are acceptable that day.


There’s a difference between casual and just woke up.


Bit of an overreaction. Instead of saying "No pajamas" they go "No more casual Friday." Sounds like an opportunity for you all to rebel and wear jeans on Fridays, daring them to stop you. There's strength in numbers.


“THEY CAN’T SACK US ALL!” *gets sacked*


I want to upvote you and downvote you at the same time. 


Every Friday I wear a graphic T-shirt to the office and proclaim "It's graphic T Friday" I've been doing it for so long people repeat it and join in. There's definitely a group of people that think it is company policy now.


My brain considers anything non restrictive to be casual. Jeans are restricting therefore not casual 🤣


Good on her lol


Receptionists sit behind a desk and I can almost guarantee most customers seeing them wouldn't be able to see their pants. Seems like the boss wanted to justify their job by axing something people liked doing.


As an elementary educator, there are pajama spirit days and I'll wear them to work. If I had errands that day, sometimes I won't change because they are comfy.


I have to get chemotherapy treatments, and they're around 5 to 6 hour long sessions. I just want to be comfortable.


This is more than completely acceptable and from one cancer survivor who had to go through those treatments to a future one, I just wanna tell you you've got this. Don't be afraid to lean on those around you for support when you need it.


As you should be!


I feel like it's completely acceptable to wear them to the doctor in general, especially if you will be there for a while. I remember as a kid my mom would tell me not to worry about changing out of my PJs if I had to go to the doctor and she wore them to her radiation treatments


Because I'm a monster who can sleep in jeans.


I went through a period where I slept in my jeans and steel toed work boots.


Sometimes I get home and my bed is *waaay* over there and the couch with the warm dog is right here.


Simply reading this irritated my sensitive skin.


I wore boots for around six days continuously, and the same socks for about two weeks. The socks were physically difficult to remove


I'm a monster who hasn't worn jeans in 14 years.




Yup. I had an open abdominal surgery that took my colon, appendix, and some small intestines out, and was there for 8 days. When I got home and needed to walk to not get a PE and to just move a bit, I walked around the suburban block dressed like a homeless person. Dgaf.


I don't know what PE stands for but I'm choosing to believe it stands for "permanent erection"


Pulmonary embolism


I had to have abdominal surgery, right there with you. Also, wfh. Found that even months after surgery if I put pants on at the start of the day by the end of the day I’d be in pain. I settled in wearing pj buttons for the first half of the day. I stood up while on camera and a coworker tried to give me a hard time for wearing pj pants. The cringe face he made when I explained to him that it was due to having had major surgery was hilarious.


I had a somewhat similar experience recently…but I just wear loose sweatpants bc for some reason I find them more socially acceptable and plus they feel more like “outside clothes” lol


Same. I’m disabled and my stomach hardly works, I have a feeding tube, and I couldn’t care less what people think if I’m comfortable while I’m out when I can be.


That person's comfortability means more to them than your opinion of them does




If I die and my eternal ghost clothes are some restrictive jeans and a scratchy sweater, I'm haunting everyone.


Hell yeah brother. I'm here for a good time, not a long time. If that means sweats and a hoody on my way to snag some rotisserie chicken and falafel, I'm doin' it big willie style.


I never knew anyone cared about people wearing PJs in public until I read this thread. To work is one thing, but when grocery shopping? Why does anyone care? Never bothered me seeing anyone in PJs. It’s still clothing, they’re not naked or anything. 


Totally agreed!!! The last time I took a flight, it was an 11-hour flight, with the total travel time being around 20 hours. I decided to wear pajama pants. While I was sitting in the waiting area at airport, a man walked past me, noticeably glanced at my pajamas, and then turned his head away to stifle a laugh. Although my pajama pants may look stupid, being gray with white circles, I believe my comfort is more important than what others think. He didn't know I had a 20-hour journey ahead of me, nor did he know that I sometimes suffer from depression, and that simple, comfortable things can make a big difference for me.




Yup, this was me. I hope no one cared or minded. I took myself to Target and got me some self-care products that influenced me to finally shower.


I aint going to the Oscars, Im just buying some food and its 10 pm.


Thank you! There’s no one in the ice cream aisle at 22:00 I’m tryna impress 🙄


Everything hurts. Some days just getting out of bed is a win. I may not have anything else clean because all my laundry is in a pile mocking me. My good days I do laundry, clean up. My bad days I fall out of bed, grab the easiest least uncomfortable thing to wear and hope that I remember to eat. I don't go most places in my pj bottoms, but if it's just Walmart or foodlion... why dirty another peice of clothing to add to my laundry woes? I just had a really good stretch of days and managed to do so much freaking laundry. I'm trying to commit to getting and keeping it to one load per person at a time.


very relatable


Laundry pile mock is so real. If you have trouble with folding, I suggest buying another laundry bin so you can just put clean clothes in from the wash and set it away from your dirty clothes bin. I did it for awhile and it helped me for when I felt ready to tackle on folding them




I have to ask, what’s it like to not feel awful every day?


That’s my secret, I don’t go out into the world!


I found some absolutely gorgeous, comfy, cotton pants. They are supposed to be PJ bottoms but I wear them exclusively as pants. They look like linen, they are cool & comfortable, they have a muted Australian native floral print on them. I paid $18 a pair for them so I grabbed four pairs in the four different patterns & now I have pants I love & I give zero fucks if people know they are meant to be PJs.


Because I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks


How to learn this power


I’m 55 I’ve raised three kids, buried both my parents and my husband Eventually you just don’t give a shit what ppl think you just need to be happy


Here's the way I look at it. The people who care the most about it and are willing to judge other people based on what pants they wear to the corner store (and there are examples of these judgmental people in this post) are also the type of people who I don't give a fuck about what their opinions are. Why should I give a fuck about the opinions of a person who judges others like that? The people who have opinions that matter are the ones who judge people based on who that person is. Their actions, their morals, their treatment of others when nobody is watching. Those are the people with opinions worth caring about. Those are also people who don't give a shit about what kind of pants you were to the corner store. So it's not that I care about NOBODY'S opinion of me. It's that I don't care about the opinions of those who are judgmental over dumb things. I try to live my life in a way that doesn't harm others and to help others when I have the ability. Pajama pants and my comfort when I'm at the corner store doesn't factor into that at all. So go forth, and be comfortable. But still be a rad dude while being comfortable.


This is a great way to look at it, thank you.


Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. - Bernard M. Baruch


Comes automatically with aging


It's a muscle that can be exercised. 


Easy. Don’t take criticism from anyone you wouldn’t take advice from. For example, if your relative is a rude and ignorant person, you wouldn’t take advice from him because you don’t respect his opinion, so why internalize his criticism? Or even strangers - they know nothing about you, so you likely wouldn’t take their advice. Why take their criticism?


Not from the Jedi




Especially the type of people who judge others because they're wearing comfortable clothes.


It depends on the PJ bottoms. If they are loose and beat up, they don’t give a fuck what people think. If the bottoms are form fitting, in good shape, it falls into the yoga pants territory. Sure it’s PJs, but it’s also form fitting and you can look good while also able to say you don’t care how you look.


There are sweatpants that fit, and there are sad sweatpants, too… it’s a spectrum of comfort vs given up


The dumb stuff we remember. My former supervisor called them, "give up on life pants."


Exactly. If I’m running to the grocery store or getting fast food or something, or especially if I am sick, why do I need to dress up? I don’t have time for that I want to be comfortable lol


Agreed. Most shoppers wont notice, and who cares if they did anyway.


I’m disabled, a lot of the time I’d like to be able to go out and be comfy rather than look nice and then have to stay home cause I used all my energy.


You phrased this perfectly. I actually have what I call my good pj pants and comfy shirts. They’re the ones I wear when I may leave the house. 


Because I'm 50+ and don't fucking care anymore.


I’m about to start my 30s and I already don’t care anymore


I started around 30s. Slippers too.


Now I just want to go out in public comically unready for the day. Like, bathrobe, slippers, pajama bottoms. Like I'm a cartoon character who just woke up.


Do it! Make a trip to the liquor store. It's kinda freeing.


That's what I do every day. I'm comically fun. Life really is too fucking short to care about judgmental cunts.


You should run for office


Behold the field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and thou shalt see that it is barren.


[Whoops, there goes the last fuck I had.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/17hpiao/all_systems_nominal/)


I'm 26 and have the exact same attitude lmao I also work a job which requires me to wear dress clothes for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I'll be damned if I'm not gonna be comfy when I don't have to be at work lmao


This is exactly how I view it. I am business casual for 40 hours per week. If I get home, change into my soft pants, and then decide I need to run back out, I'd sooner die than get back into some jeans or something for a 10 minute errand.


Covid made me stop caring at 27. I want to want to care at this point, before Covid I was an avid shopper, but suddenly shopping for new or appropriate clothes seemed senseless both during and after the pandi Edit: also, the occasional back spasm and just comfort.


You are my spirit animal


Yeah when teenagers do that we call them names


55 year old here and I can relate to this


My daughter does. She has chronic pain and it's hard enough for her to move.


As someone with parents who don't understand chronic pain, thank you for understanding your daughter's needs. I bet she appreciates it so much more than her pain will allow her to express 💙


Same ❤️


They cover everything that sweats or jeans would cover and they are way more comfortable. Why not?? Also life is hard enough without worrying about what I’m going to wear to go get donuts at 10am or pick up some groceries at 9pm. It’s not like I would wear pjs everywhere all the time but sometimes it really doesn’t feel like it matters.


Had jury duty in Federal district court last week. One juror showed up in plaid pj bottoms tucked into cowboy boots


A look!


I’m pregnant and my clothes don’t fit and I just want my little treat




Pajama bottoms, frizzy hair, and a stretched out sweatshirt was my armor of choice to take my dog on a walk and collect a urine sample for the vet. If I have to chase my dog around with a plastic bag, I might as well look homeless and comfortable as well as crazy.


Social camouflage


Comfortable and confident. What's not to love?


Because I am not trying to impress anyone, why do I care what strangers at the gas station think?


People who care about what other people wear, why?


This is the actual important question.


Because they're comfy and who am I trying to impress?


This 💯! I recently had someone try telling me it's disrespectful while I was shopping. No idea what they meant by it as I just laughed and kept shopping. Also if someone isn't impressed with my pj's (mandalorian, Rick and Morty, etc) then they have no reason to speak to me 🤣😂


They were being disrespectful for picking on your outfit.


Great response for this: "That's because I don't respect you."


My stepmother did this to someone. I was so embarrassed by it and said something to her (which she then freaked out on me about). Like who cares if someone is shopping at 10pm in their PJs? Or at any time? It's not my business what you wear as long as your bottom half is covered.


I can only imagine how embarrassing that would be. I could be out sporting shorts from the early 80's that show everything 😂 Honestly I only have 3 pairs of pants and I hate wearing them. I'm not on the clock anymore, mines a countdown and I'm gonna be comfortable in my last years. Good for you for saying something, even though you had to hear about it.


People need to know I stan Cookie Monster


I already have to put a bra on to walk the dog…changing out of pajama pants also is just asking TOO much of me.


I used to put a bra on to walk the dog. Then I had a little talk with him and told him to stop being so judgemental.


You do NOT have to put a bra on. Why draw the line there?


Bras are (often) for the sake of function, they might need to wear one to walk their dog comfortably


You don't HAVE too. Ask me how I know 😏


It’s cold AF and I’m just dropping my kid off (I don’t get out) and going back home.


People who care that people go out into the world in pajama bottoms, why?


I've never understood that either. Why do they care so much what I wear to the grocery store. I'm not dressing for you anyway, and even if I were it certainly wouldn't be at the grocery store.


I've noticed that it's becoming more and more common to just...never dress up for things. Jeans and sneakers at a fine steakhouse (not Outback). Crocs, baseball caps, athletic shorts, and hoodies to go see a play at a historic theater. It's not that I care what others are wearing. But I love getting to dress up nicely in fancy clothes for special occasions, and if 70% of other people are wearing what they would wear to pick up cold meds at the drugstore, suddenly I look like some kind of snob or like a tryhard dork. I dunno.


I’m not being facetious but if dressing up for those things makes you happy why do you care what anyone else thinks about how you look? Dress up and have all the fun!


It's the loss of the arbitrary social marker. A hundred years ago people dressing up in fancy clothes to go to the theater had a justification to feel they are within the circle of the chosen and better than the plebs who do not have theater-specific fancy clothes. These days nobody gives a passing care, so the fancily clothed feel their obsession severely devalued. Imagine wasting your life and salary on a huge collection of Beanie Babies and then watching the fad fade away, leaving you with at most 5-10% of your original worth.


Exactly. That's how i feel wearing my funky pj pants. Dress up, or dress in pjs. Whatever you choose, just stop worrying about people who will judge you either way.


I um. Actually don't own anything but jeans and sneakers 😂 so it's what I would have to wear


> never dress up for things. Jeans and sneakers at a fine steakhouse (not Outback). Crocs, baseball caps, athletic shorts, and hoodies to go see a play at a historic theater. All of these things were previously, for the luxury class. Going out to dinner? Ties. Going to the theater? Full suit. Up until really the 70s, you'd see people in full suits at *sport events.* I'm talking the Rangers playing at the Garden on a Wednesday night, the entire fan-base was in suits. Dressing formally was a way of showing respect to where you were going, you took the effort to notice that this is an experience that not many have, so I'm going to be on my best behavior.


I dress myself however the fuck I want. Thats why.


Because adding the tops make it too hot.


I might think twice going to work like that, but generally in public is a bunch of people I will literally never see again. I could not care less what they think of my outfit.


They match my pajama tops.


Dog's gotta pee bro


Because I want to


Because I’m comfy- what’s your damage


Pants are pants who cares


They are just lucky I'm wearing pants at all.


This. This is how I feel


comfy. Id be nude if it were legal




Because who the hell cares? My bits are covered, yeah? Why the fuck do you care about anything else? Seriously evaluate your life if you really think this is an issue


Because I want to be comfortable? Do people actually care?


You’re worried about pajama bottoms? People used to go out in JNCOs and Hammer pants FFS.


I loved my JNCOs.  Please bring them back! Soooo flappy!  So many pockets!


Back pockets that hold a 2 liter? Yes pls.


They're back in style😀


Why does everyone minding their own damn business have to dress up for you?/s Seriously though, I love when people look confident and comfy. We're in a grocery. Don't act like this place has tuxedoed waiters and couples in ball gowns waltzing around. Get your shit, and get out like everyone else.


Why the fuck not? Who cares. Mind your own god damn business if it bothers you that much.


Must be a few weeks til the next homeowner's association meeting.


I’ve only done this once, and I was too depressed to change into something else. However, I was able to go to Target, get me some self-care products, and it helped me tremendously with showering.


Because life is too short for uncomfortable pants! Embrace the cozy and conquer the day in style (or lack thereof)!


Because I don't dress for you. 


why not


Didn't know I need to impress the hooligans at the local gas station.


I have a permanent access line in my arm to facilitate medication to my veins and sometimes my arm hurts a lot so elastic pants or even simply not changing to go out is hugely beneficial for me. I'm just doing what I feel comfortable doing. As far as I'm concerned as long as your bits are covered up I don't care what you wear. You do you! I'll wear my Super Mario pajama pants to Walmart to get milk and the world won't explode.


Because I'm a grown ass man and I want to. Don't want me to? Pay me not to.


Love this take


I’m a teacher and it was Pajama day


My only curiosity is are they the same ones you sleep in?


Pajamas aren’t for sleeping in, they are for the grocery store.


This is the #1 thing I wonder when I see this.


I work from home and do not care


why not? I’m just going to 7-11 and I guarantee there’s someone in there that looks worse than I do. 😛


Because it’s comfortable and I don’t give a single shit.


I am not depressed, I am not in my 50s, I am not of poor health, I wear them because they are comfortable. That's it, comfort.


Who fucking cares?


I do that sometimes because I get hardcore stomach cramps and it feels like it would suck too much to put in actual pants


I’m a preschool teacher and we have pajama days.


Because my dog got out the front door as the kids were leaving for the school bus.  Because I'm gonna just check the mail real quick and none of my neighbors seem to be out -- oh look, my neighbor! 


I grew up in the 90s and if you wore sweat pants/pj's to school your social life was over.   Dropping my kids off at school now it seems to be the norm these days.  And I think that is fn awesome! I hated being looked down on for not being "cool" for having the latest fashion.  As for myself now.  I spend tons of $ on clothes but only dress up when I go "out."   I just dgaf on the daily when I go to the pharmacy, or to get groceries, or whatever.  


It’s rare, but when I do it’s usually on days where I just don’t really have any fucks left to give.


I only do it when I need to run to the pharmacy, since it's just down the road and I am generally lazy.


I've never ever seen this shit in Germany, the fuck is going on America 


Ain't no way I'm putting regular pants back on after working all day if I unexpectedly need to go back out


I see a lot of it when I work at my part-time job at the drug store. No self-respect.


people who like being comfortable, why arent you more worried about what strangers think of you?


Because I'll never see that person again. I hate to use the term.   But the general public are just NPCs in my daily life.  Once I turn the corner and no longer see that person then they no longer exist as far as I'm concerned.  So why would I care about some random ass RNG person's opinion?


Because a stranger’s opinion of me has absolutely zero bearing on my life. They aren’t paying my bills or sleeping with me or my parent so they don’t matter.


Because I don’t care about looking good for people I will probably never see again or certainly never recognize again. If I happen to bump into a coworker or something, we’re off the clock and I’m not repping the company at the moment nor am I a figurehead.