• By -


21 after 2 1/2 years of dating. Thought she was it. It fucked me up big time. I was soft. Learned from it and moved on but never got over her.


I was in the same situation except I was the girl, initiated the break up myself. I didn't really want to but my ex was depressed and in the last months i felt like i was sinking with him and lost, so I had to put myself over him. People often assume that the one who breaks up with you usually has a much lighter time getting over the relationship but sometimes we're out of options really


I had a similar breakup recently. She was depressed but when I pointed out behaviors that were clearly making her depression worse (overspending, smoking too much weed, excessive screen time), she would immediately dismiss those things and tell me "I have that under control." After a few months, I got burnt out and left. I felt awful but I had to look out for myself


Unfortunately some people take the ones that want to help for granted


I feel this. Similar situation here, just in the last week. I feel so awful that I couldn’t help him, make him see himself as I saw him. Thoughts with you.


It's hard but it's not your responsibility


Thank you for saying this 🙏🏼💔


Wow, same.


i think a lot of people have their first "real" break up around that time. you're old enough to mean things for real, and young enough to still have a lot to learn about relationships. doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.


kinda scared that’s what i’m going through rn but it has only been 6 weeks


Same, 5.5 years. I'm a better person because I lost her.


The way to cope with it is to just sit out. Time heals everything. But during the time where the healing process takes place one must make sure not to hurt oneself even further. So just sitting out and waiting is my answer.


Instructions unclear. Have been sitting for 2 years and can't stand up anymore.


Wym by “sitting”?


I was 12. Were together for 6 months, she moved 500 miles away. I ran away to be with her. Her parents found me and then we were broken up. I coped by being grounded for a year and working too much.


This is the sweetest thing ever.


And since then..... Is there an option for a sequel where you bump into each other in London - or in a nursing home.


Can you be with her now?


At 37 and I'm not coping all that much, I'm mainly just falling apart.


Time is a healer. Try and book a holiday or something to look forward to. It will help a lot and give you a light at the end. A breakup is similar to grief, we never get over it but learn to get used to/live with the feeling. Always remember, you never love the same person twice. A lot of people mess up their next amazing relationships because they are looking for the same type of love which is impossible. That is not saying the next type will not be the same level, just different.


It took me some 35 years to find someone I fell in love with, maybe she wasn't the one for me, but I'm not sure I'm willing to risk finding out. The pain this has caused me is not something I ever wish to experience again. I used to be perfectly fine with being alone, but at the same time I don't think I can go back to that either now that I know how happy I can be being with someone. It's been bad to the point where I felt I needed help because I can't make it out of the bottomless pit of sadness I'm stuck in on my own. So it's been therapy for a few months, medication for 4 weeks by now. Hopefully, not being constantly miserable is somewhere around the corner. Time might be a healer but it's working very slow.


I think a holiday is a great idea. I prescribe seaside, maybe a hot tub, some fun activities to do when you get there.


I'm not great at being alone at the moment and travel was something that the two of us were gonna do this summer so I think it might just exacerbate things. I've currently trying to have friends and family over to our apartment where I still stay to kind of reclaim it, because for a while it was a struggle to just be at home, it's kinda been working so at least there has been some progress.


15. Coped by crying in the bathroom.




Got over it quickly enough. Young love can be a fickle thing.


I was 21, about to turn 22. I listened to too much Radiohead.


Bad move 


22. Got cheated on, then blocked. Didn’t feel good. Now I can’t be around people that look like them comfortably 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah I also noticed I get a freeze response about any sexual. It’s like my body is saying nooooo


I was 18, dated a girl for 3 years she was my best friend. She ended up in a different college, met someone else and broke up with me. She married that guy eventually and has kids with him. I won't lie it hurt like hell for many months. Sometimes I feel happy for her, sometimes I think that life is kinda unfair for an average guy who gets dumped. I am 32 and married.


Oh fun story - I was 22 and had been with her for 8 years. Just to put that in perspective, I never did any of the teenage dating things, never developed any of those skills or whatever. I was in a committed relationship and learned everything I know about how to love and how to be loved from her. Honestly, it was amazing while lasted. Long story short, she cheated on me by charging men for sex while I was at work. When I found out it absolutely broke me. Broke me to fucking pieces. I went into a nearly 5 year long suicidal depression, ended up in a psychiatric ward, self harming, multiple attempts etc etc. Ultimately I decided I couldn't not love her. Even now, almost a decade on and I still will never love or click with anyone like her. Obviously though we can't be. So, considering she feels much the same, we've managed to forge out our way to a nice friendship. We have our own separate lives and we meet up a handful of times a year. I'm happy with that, it brings me happiness to know I've been capable of forgiving the worst thing that's ever happened to me and that I can still be friendly with a person I love. It's been nearly ten years since it ended. I've had two other relationships since. One was amazing and beautiful and we remain friends, one was awful and she used to beat the shit out of me. I've decided to not date anymore, not to do relationships. I've found solace and comfort on my own and I'm reconciled and ok with that.


I went through something similar, not the same by any means but would nonetheless still like to reach out to you in DMs if it's okay?


19, I ate 6 bananas and chugged 2 ltrs of orange juice (she dumped me at the end of my shift in a supermarket, we were co-workers), I was sat on the bus, crying my eyes out and I ate them and drank the juice in some sorta depressive stupor, it must have been an horrific sight for everyone else on the bus lol


This is laugh I needed. Expressing your pain made someone else's a little easier. Thanks for that.


I think 16? We had dated about 3 months. I think I got mopey for awhile but then plunged into new social circles and had a great time and met new people, so that was cool.


I was 16 and I broke up with him by text after about 2 months of situationship - relationship. I knew I broke his heart but I didn’t really realize how badly broken heart hurts. It was 9 years ago but I’m still ashamed of that. After that many guys treated me like shit but I was reminding myself about how I treated my first boyfriend and I felt like I deserved to be treated that way. But I’m 25 and in a healthy relationship since 2022 so now I know I wouldn’t hurt anyone and I wouldn’t let anyone hurt me.


I remember this. We both broke up together. We knew we were over. I said the words. I put my head on his shoulder and cried in the back of a cab. He asked me why I'm crying. Because I love you and I'm sad. 3+ years. He was sad too. Most beautiful end of times.


21 years.


21 dated two years,I didn't think in a million years we'd break up. Had no idea he fell out of love. Heartbroken to say the least, and in horrible denial. I followed him to the other side of the country trying to get him back full blown psycho style. Instead we ended up in some kind of sex established relationship thing. Took me a few weeks to finally snap out of it. Not my proudest moment.


I’m 27 and have never had a breakup (nor a relationship for that matter!) But I’ve had my fair share of unrequited love which is essentially a different type of a broken heart. Time might not heal all wounds, but it does get better eventually❤️


I was 2 years old and fell in love with a shark. We loved each other but it was hard to be together because the shark does not have lungs. We then broke up and I coped by eating a lot of ice cream


I was 20 and didn't deal with it well at all, didn't jnow how to! Obsessed over him for months and months & his new girlfriend. Had to eventually completely cut him out - delete his numbers, emails, presents he had given me etc etc. A couple of months ago (almost 20 years later) he randomly messaged me on linked in. It was the first time I had heard from him since I was 20. We are both married now with children & he says he often thinks about me & how I was doing.


I was 8. We were together for all of second grade. I dumped him because he got held back and I wondered why he wasn’t in my class for third grade. He followed me around the playground all day crying wanting me back. I told I didn’t date dummies. Now that I think back about it, it was really messed up of me.


Well, I'm hoping that never happens, but it feels like I may be having my first breakup, without even being in a relationship... so that's fun


18, I did the dumping. I had really loved her and felt like an arsehole for a whole year.


18 after 3 years together. I barely had to cope, it was liberating instead. He was bad for me and I was completely out of love with him when I left him. To this day, 25 years later, I'm glad I recognized toxicity at such a young age, even if in some ways that relationship fucked me up for life, it also made me strong enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves me.


20 after 1 1/2 years together, thought my world was ending, just spent it with friends, spent time "riding the pain" and eventually got over in in about 6 months. However this was a walk in the park compared to my marriage ending when my wife cheated in Sept 23, I'm still working through that one (although I'm on the road to recovery)


Breakup? I don't know maybe 10 or 11 I didn't give a shit. Heartbreak...21, hurt big time but I simply accepted cause I know I can't control external things.


I'll tell you when it happens. Kind regards a 48yo virgin.


There's still time buddy


22. I felt it so, so much. Didn't really cope that well initially, but I had friends and family to support.


now, im 18 my 2 years and 5 months relationship ended last week😣 honestly i don't know how ro to start at all the whole rs is so tiring i treated badly but i can't let go and last week he let me go but it hurts so bad broo need your advice


24, quite my job, bought a pushbike, left my country and rode around Asia and the US for a year. I was pretty ratshit. 


20. We had been dating for three months. He gave me an ultimatum with one option being breaking up, and I chose that option. He then got really angry and said some nasty things to me, showing a side of his personality I hadn't seen before. I immediately knew I dodged a bullet based on his reaction to our breakup, so I didn't even feel sad, just honestly relieved.


Aw fuck. I was 14-15. I was madly in love and thought she was too. All she did was talk about me to her friends and stuff. We talked every single day. One time I picked up the phone to dial her number and call her only for her to already be on the line. That's how often we talked (this was back with landline phones). Well one day I call her and shes hanging out with friends. I ask her about one of them and she tells me "he's my boyfriend." My heart absolutely shattered. I asked her to clarify and she tells me he is her boyfriend and her and I were never a thing. She was so mean about it as well. I was too young and had absolutely no help or anyone to turn to so it absolutely destroyed me. It unfortunately fucked me up for years after that as well. I'm over it now of course but I wish I had gotten help for it back then.


At 21 just 2 months ago it happened. I haven't gotten over it yet. Although i can do my daily chores and things, her thoughts keep coming to me and I can't help it. We still talk sometimes. We still have feelings but she still says she doesn't want a relationship with anyone. Kinda depressing


I was only 9. She dumped me in front of the whole class. It caught me really off guard, so I asked why. She said, “because you turned into an asshole” I replied with a Bud Bundy quote that I had recently heard, “I’d rather be an asshole than a whole ass like you” In retrospect, she was right. That was a real asshole thing to say. However I had the whole class laughing their asses off, and I definitely won that break up even though I was the dumpee.


I was 7 years old and it was extremely sad 😢


Yes, I was nine months old 🥲


19 I believe and it wasnt a problem, we started as friend, became FWB and naturally drifted appart after a couple years, she than also moved to the other side of the country and I met the love of my life, couldn't be happier with my current relationship so the end of the previous one was a blessing.


We broke up officially after college.




18. No well, but it was the best decision.


Was in 12th after exams. Suddenly stopped talking with each other. Found someone better on my 2nd week in college and suddenly I was over her.


16/17, mainly my friends helped me get over it after a while.


i was 15 and i simply stayed in bed at first, crying and asking myself what was wrong with me. after a while i got with one of my ex's best friends


16 she texted me and said we were done. It was like 2 days


10 years old and it left me damaged roughly until college


I was 14 I think, I had another "Girlfriend" by the end of that day. I remember my mom especially who I was holding hands with that day, and why it wasn't clear. "Mom. My girlfriend Hannah".


At 19yo, lasted for 9months, breakup hurt for ~7 months, until i got to know a new Girl. Went partying multiple Times per week for month after the First Break up


I was 17, dealt with it very well. Blamed it on myself, surpressed all the negative emotions and fueled my self loathing. Didn't skip a beat optically.


I had many in my teens but the first one that hurt me deep, and I mean the first one that cut me into little pieces and left my heart shattered was my ex fiance when I was 22. He was 32, I was 17. I never cared much for age gaps. To some extent, I still don't care about them now. I was in love we had a wonderful time together... at least initially. Well it turns out that by turning 20, I aged out so to speak and it took me another 2 years to realise it. We were engaged all of 2 weeks when I found out he'd been cheating on me for over 2 years with (surprise surprise) another teenage boy... I was genuinely heartbroken. I coped with the heartbreak by engaging in risky sexual behaviours bordering on hypersexuality, I abused my body and my psyche and it took me YEARS to emotionally recover. I grew very weary of guys older than me and now have a tendency to date same age or younger. Not sure if that's a trauma response, genuine preference or both... either way, part of my recovery was making the decision to move 2 hours away to start fresh and i haven't really looked back. I gave up dating as another heartbreak left me even more scarred and now I'm 30 and alone but I found happiness in solitude. I took up kayaking, building computers and various other hobbies and I just enjoy a quiet, peaceful life on my own. I've not dated or even had any intimacy since the first covid lockdown but after a while, I got used to it and now, I rarely think about it.


18m Going through one,welp but have to see her face everyday cause we are in the same class and same social circle .I dont think she seems affected per se well good for her but it just [hurts.Im](http://hurts.Im) still coping through gym,boxing,yoga. Sad part is not the breakup but I had so many things to say to her but now i just have to just lock em away somewhere in my heart. Anyways this breakup,the pain and being with her in general has taught me so many things I am grateful wish i could tell her this but the ship has sailed yahooo. :). Also sometimes my head feels heavy (it feels like a big stone is on my head 24x7 and yeah the memories flow in )


12, with Anna - still working on it. I'm 60.


Cheated on at 19, found a love for alcohol, drugs and drum and bass to fill the void


15 and didnt care because i didnt really loved him...


I broke up with my ex at 20 after 5 years out of nowhere I was shocked and I don’t think I’ve actually recovered completely yet. I now have my guards up way too high and don’t allow for people to get close to me in fears of getting hurt again. I’ve tried online dating but it’s worse now trying to find someone compatible now than ever. It’ll take a very special someone for me to date or find someone that I can connect with on a deep level.


Early 20's Didn't leave my bedroom and just listened to Death Cab and City and Color albums on repeat for multiple days. It really hurt and I find I have trouble allowing myself to connect with potential partners 100% since then. I'm 40 now.


21, sucked but didn't needed to do much coping because the dude she ran off to ended up cheating on her and also beat the living shit out of her occasionally Schadenfreude is one hell of a great coping mechanism


Highschool girlfriend, I was 16? 17? The relationship was only like a month but it was my first girlfriend, so of course in my mind this was going to last for eternity. I was DEVASTATED! Lol I listened to Linkin Parks Hybrid Theory to cope, over and over and over…..etc. Just made me feel so much better


18 after a two year relationship, I took three days of work, stayed in bed, cried and drank So dramatic lol


14 but didn’t really ‘break up’ was a weird af situationship and I was a heartbroken 14yo - my boomer mother was so confused and asked me ‘DID YOU HAVE SEX WITH HIM OR SOMETHING WHY ARE YOU THIS UPSET’


I just went to eat heavy food, cried till I got weak and repeated that same routine for a week. finally gave my life to Christ & till now I remind myself that I’m better off alone with food and Christ for now.


23 yrs old, 5 years of dating, she ended it, I kept myself very very busy never a minute of down time, exercise, hikes, reached out to old friends and I’d watch Seinfeld to put myself to sleep. I honestly thought I was done my life was over. Turns out she was lesbian and I didn’t find out till many years later, wish she had just told me that at the time, would’ve saved me a lot time getting over her.


23 after 7 years of dating. Fucked someone new who turned out to be abusive and sent me death threats so now I got trust issues 🎉


What's that?


42 and I’m still only 30, so it hurts


20. He broke my heart. But now I’m with my beautiful man, and he has shown me real love. My ex never loved me


18. I just gave myself time and did everything I didn't do, like spend more time with myself and my friends. Later realized it was for the best.


19. Didn't take so well, since the motive was him passing away. Let's just say that I had some dark thoughts on the next 4 years.


18 and we had been dating for 18 months. A family friend (my piano teacher) was so wise and kind. She told me that first love is special. So special that one day I would be walking somewhere with my husband and our paths would cross. She said my husband would see a look on my face that he had never seen, because that look was special because he was my first love. My husband never met him. He passed away eight years ago. My teachers words gave me so much comfort!


At 15 i had my first, it was difficult being a introvert and my partner being extrovert. He easily got another gf within a week and made me gloomy by picturing our 1 year relationship like nothing important to him. I felt lonely, jealous and pathetic. I took time to heal and grabbed my glow up both mentally and physically which everyone appreciated. After few months (about 8-9) i got severally ill and wasn't able to attend school. IDK how but he surprisingly indulged a lot of concern and messaged me various times. I acted formally and understood that people who weren't meant to be in our life will go even after being closest and the ones who are meant to be with us would even come from farthest.... Just wait, let go, and keep working on yourself.


15 yrs old, maybe. Haha. May first boyfriend. We broke up and i felt nothing. Lol. I'm preoccupied with family problems that time and I can't afford to waste my time on irrelevant things.


20. After 2 years of toxic rs. He was having several relapse and cheating with multiple women when high. I was too naive and had this savior complex or something, it was tough breakup but a relief after a while.


24. Used my 1 week vacation from work and sat in my apartment smoking copious amounts of weed and watching the Harry Potter movies over and over.


18. Dated for 4 months, he was my first love but I wasn’t his. He broke up with me 2 days before his birthday, it’s almost been 8 months I’m just existing not really living


19 after a 4 year relationship. Didn’t feel much to be honest. It had run its course. Although i have nothing but good memories years later (first love and all that)


I was okay that time coz I immediately focused my energy to someone else. But I learned something from it of course.


If you are going now trough a break up remember that something isn't beautiful because it last. Nothing will exist forever and you will be separated one day because of an argument or in best case scenario death. This gives the moments you where together meaning, the idea that it will eventually end gives its value.


I was 15 and it was an easy one. We both knew when we started dating that we were each moving away at the beginning of summer. Back then long distance was $.0.25 cents a minute. We talked once after the respective moves. Neither was allowed to call again. Next one was harder, dated all of junior and senior year of high school, planned a future together, planned same college. He decided not to go (after convincing me to go out of state) and I told him that we were over. Came home at Thanksgiving break and somehow he thought we were still a couple. I learned then that I couldn't remain friends with someone I was breaking up with.


At 23 after 1.5 years of relationship. He was a great partner and a great human being, but we both were so toxic at that time that a breakup was inevitable. It broke us both, since both of us thought that we'd end up marrying each other. But it was for the better, we both got therapy, worked on ourselves. I stayed single for 3 years after the breakup to heal. The universe brought us together twice more after that, and everytime we used to think "this is it". But it never ended up working. To this day he is the most genuine, loyal, authentic, thoughtful, attentive and affectionate partner I've had. I wish him the best things in the world.


14. My parents stole my phone while I was asleep and read my messages to my then first puppy love. Traumatic 🥲


12 after 2 weeks. Cried like a fountain for 30 minutes. Then swallowed it, had a slightly unpleasant feeling for half a day and then moved on. (She broke up with me via sms on the day my family went for summer holiday, so I needed to sit in the car for most of the day and had a great time with my parents and brother and somehow at the end of the day I forgot about her.) I didn't really need to cope because I soon realized I didn't love her at all, it was just the first girl how ever showed interest in me and I automatically jumped on the opportunity to have a girlfriend. Second time I was 14 and much more serious about the relationship. She broke up with me after I think 2 month. I didn't cry, I just felt awfull und as if life had completly lost all meaning. A good friend came over and we had some intense talks, which helped a lot. Moved on the next day, but needed another week to get over it, time and having fun with friend healed it. Funny enough I met her 15 years later on a party, where also my wife and kids were present, and her husband. She was pregnant. I tried to talk to her, but she awkwardly ignored me. Super weird.


19. We had dated for around 1.5 years (from when I was 17). I broke up with him and was relieved. Totally different experience to the breakup I had when I was nearly 21 lol. I was devastated that time as I had loved that guy and they had cheated. I ended it and it took like two years to get over them, and a bit longer to get over what happened. Was depressed and pretty much slept through the first month. Think it was the trauma of being completely lied to and heavily manipulated that hurt so much. Had dated them for a bit longer than the first proper one. Was engaged for a month lol. Looking back though, it was a good learning experience, however hard it was back then. Ironically, they would contact me several times through the years and I had to change my number. They supposedly never got over me. Dunno 🤷‍♀️


i just wanna forget it for good! she almost destroyed me financially and emotionally wise


16 I think? I was really sad but can’t remember if I actually cried. Listened to sad music. Felt sad for about 3 days and then got over it 💀


18. Remember crying a lot when i thought we were going to end. Well it did end, and world is still just fine. And most importantly, im still here. I have never loved myself more than i do now.


i was 16 almost 17, she was my first girlfriend. i was really in love with her, but she was so unfair with me sometimes. she cheated on me with a classmate who i thought was my friend, broke up with me then started dating him shortly after. they were very public and affectionate in school and i felt very humiliated. but as time went on i realized i had a huge weight lifted up my shoulders. all the time we were together she was just bringing me down, so at the end i think it was for the best. could've not have made a fool out of me in front of everyone though but whatever


22. Felt relieved.


First heartbreak... 16. He and I were very close but we kept hurting each other. I guess I spent a lot of time reflecting and trying to figure myself out. After a bit of time passed, we both reached the mutual conclusion that we wanted to know each other - strictly platonically - and never looked back. To this day, some 16 years later, he is among my oldest and most trusted friends. I wouldn't change anything. Don't know how a couple of fucked up teenagers reached such a mature decision but I'm proud.


Can’t remember, her or the age. It was easy to move on


19 it was fine I left him


I was 13. Afterwards I walked all the way to the local deli and bought 2 sticks of jar jerky and a cream soda. You would have swore I was a town drunk the way I walked back home 🤣


13 xD after 9 months, his parents didn't want us to be together because of their religion. i'm an atheist did take it pretty well since i knew it was only a question of time


I was 20. I was drunk and high for 2 months straight. Then quit drinking and smoking when my school started and I moved (on).


Completely devastated at 17. She made grade 11 the greatest year of my life and then tore my heart out forever. I'm 54 now.


9 years old my first relationship an 1 hour relationship at school i did not really like that relationship so I just went on as normal


14, she cheated on me while i was in the ICU. She lived with my family and i at the time. She was kicked out before i got out of the hospital. Didn’t see or talk to her again for 4 years i think.


5 years old, been dead inside ever since


20 and 1/2 at college 1 and half year relationship i dated my junior she was a sweet heart but i turned out to be an asshole later after i had drinking issues and after my close friends died , before my friends death it was all like fine it went all right for a year , anyways we went pur seperate ways and also i stopped drinking after that how i coped with this was i started reforming my life replacing my shit habits eith better habits like maintaining a good diet healthy lifestyle and workout regularly


15 years


12, found a new girlfriend


Over 3 years dating. He was a total mummies boy and by 18 i moved out of home and he couldn't be bothered coming to visit and had to always ask his mum if we could do anything. It was was ridic so i just called it.


I’m telling you all, don’t ever try to have young love. I was 12 back then almost turning 13 and I “fell inlove” it was charming and happy and good stuff. We’re so attached and full of “love” and after months of happiness I found out that person dated someone behind my back. It truly hurts I was just 12 okay. Well most of us is still growing at that age so I think that's the reason, we are still immature for relationship.


I was 17 years, she dumped me and dated the guy who sat behind me in class. The guy liked laughing alot, you can paint the picture of the misery I went through.


Sometime before 12, I just kinda went on with life.


15. I made a Tumblr account.


17 and it broke me at the time. I got over it by realizing I was still 17 and we probably weren’t going to last forever anyways because we were young and were going to change a lot over the years. Funny thing is I started dating who would later become my wife a year later.


First breakup that I cared about, 34. 4 months later I'm still getting over it. I fell head over heels for her, I thought she was at least in love with me. It felt like it, she said so, our connection felt deep on an indescribable level. My car broke down while I was trying a lower dose of my meds (she was aware). I needed her help, borrowing one of her two cars while I figured out my situation amidst panic attacks due to lower doses of meds. She broke up with me instead. That night I drank an entire bottle of 120 proof whiskey and, let's just say, got rather low emotionally. I cried pretty much the next two weeks straight. I'm doing better these days, but I still have times where it hurts. It's very rare that I date, it takes a very unique person to make me interested and she is pretty much the definition of unique (transgender, very successful entrepreneur, work hard play hard, etc...). I don't have any interest in dating again for the foreseeable future. My trust is pretty shaken after her.


I was 17 years, she dumped me and dated the guy who sat behind me in class. The guy liked laughing alot, you can paint the picture of the misery I went through.


15, I 3nded up in jail and she said she was maybe pregnant, I couldn't really cope with it because I was in jail for the first time and was dealing with that eperience


18 after 4 year relationship didn't cope well i don't think i left the house for like 2 months. and even after that i was really quiet and didn't speak.


21. Fucked me up badly. I have BPD, which made it feel even worse. Moved on eventually, and have found someone better for me now, but I’m still terrified of the same sudden abandonment I went through back then.


12, I cried.


I was 16 we have been in a relationship for a year my Parents didnt allowed us to be together. Then He met his other girlfriend they are togheter now for 6 years. Still think about him when im sad.


13. Idk tbh. I was honestly just bored and didn’t understand why we even had to date. I’m 20 and haven’t dated since, just haven’t felt the urge to look for someone or take on emotional responsibility like that


When I graduated Middle School. I was a fucking nerd. I studied. //To be honest though, losing my pet cats were/are more hurt than losing girlfriends.


15 after 3 months. I cried once and was fine within a couple of weeks. The worst breakup was when I was 21, after a 4 year relationship. It took me 2 years to get over it.


18 after 3 1/2 years together, I realized we were at different places mentally and emotionally, and he wanted kids, I didn’t. I broke up with him after going back and forth to recognize if I was really unhappy or just bored, and came to the conclusion that we aren’t a good match for.. -a lot- of reasons. How’d I cope after: I spent a lot of time soul searching and threw myself into writing.


22 and I was devastated! It really negatively affected my next serious relationship.


18 (25 years ago). Lying underneath the kitchen table listening to Silverchair and Marilyn Manson xD


I was 19 and had been seeing this rather "unstable" girl for a couple of years, when I finally decided enough was enough. It was hard breaking up with her, and I'd already had a couple of failed attempts where she emotionally blackmailed me into not doing it. I was a little scared of being single, being honest, and I just kind of hoped it would get better. It never did. I coped with it by becoming a pseudo rock star. it was the 1990s - I got pissed, formed a band, went on lads holidays, shagged girls and generally went on a bender for 2 years until I met the woman who eventually became my wife. Best time of my life.


It was so abusive,mentally and physically straining that I was relieved when that guy ghosted me and I didn’t had to continue being in that relationship.


I traveled the world with my trusty monkey friend mojo to find the secret city of antlandtus


15 She dumped me over text Got into a team sport, won three state championships, got with her best friend, married her best friend, she now lives in trailer park with her white trash partner.


15, just dont think about it ig


I was 18, with him for just over 2 years. Wasnt hard to cope with cuz he was an asshole lol


Can’t break up when you don’t get in a relationship


18. He was my first real crush, too. Couldn't believe my luck when he confessed the same to me It lasted three months before I caught him in lie after lie after lie, that he worked *way* too hard to cover up. It was unbelievably elaborate, how he snuck around for that long. It got so bad, I had a full psychological breakdown that summer. It wasn't until I left sixth form later that year that I started to get better. Took me five years after that to get rid of him for good tho We still drive past his house to go to my brother's place. My mum still offers to shit in his letterbox nearly eight years later 😅


21. Got over it in about 3 months, and i was at peace with it. i got cheated on but was in denial at first even though it was right in my face. We were long distance so it was hard to prove, but when she started dating the guy she said “not to worry about” 2 weeks later, it was clear. Realized what happened, cut it off, and Met some great friends, started going out more with people my age and was way happier outside of that relationship. Now in a much better relationship!


When i was 22 , to be honest because i cheated on him i really didnt care enough bout it so i just let it go , but when i was 24 i had another relationship that one really hurt me so i just started crying at night and just let it out .. i had to talk to my stepmom bout it and let it go like that .


I cried a lot and then immediately got into another one lol.


18 after 3 and a half years, I distanced myself from my friends because we had the same friend group probably took me a year after to finally hangout with those people again


I think she was my first official girlfriend but it was long ago and maybe there was someone before her. I was maybe 15-16. Maybe 14. Her best friend was into me and I was a dumb horny teen. I wasn't having sex with my gf and I thought her best friend might finally unlock the sex in me. (Didnt happen either) so I dumped her and got with her Best friend. Thing is, her best friend was dating my best friend. It was like a swap except my friend didn't get my with my ex. I didn't realize how much my weiner was thinking for me and I immediately regretted it. I spent the night after it all happened alone in my room with the lights off crying like a fool lol. Now I cope with the end of relationships by drinking heavily.


22. We dated for 2 years then I found out she was cheating on me. Still broke my heart. Didn’t know it could hurt so bad. Two worst pains in life, someone close to you dying and a broken heart.


20 i think. Cried. Begged for her to take me back. Drank. Thought the world was over. It was my first serious relationship so of course I thought she was the one. It was a learning experience that shit gets better. 36 now and thankful it didn’t work out because I honestly don’t know wtf 20 year old me saw in her.


20 i think. Cried. Begged for her to take me back. Drank. Thought the world was over. It was my first serious relationship so of course I thought she was the one. It was a learning experience that shit gets better. 36 now and thankful it didn’t work out because I honestly don’t know wtf 20 year old me saw in her.


31, drowned myself in studying and workout in demand skill set like programming and some random shits, this is during the pandemic. I need to tire myself out on the daily, mentally and physically for me not to think about her.


I was 17 (f) and he breaked up because we fought a lot. I personally didnt think it was to much to end the relationship but now i know that it was for the better. And in that time i just talked with my friends and tried to distract myself by playing video games and finding new friends. Now im 20 and i know that i have to break up with my current bf because i just dont love him anymore and we dont have anything in common except playing video games. It is hard to know and i am feeling terrible but i know that it is the best option. I dont want to stay in a relationship which makes me unhappy and we cant do things together.


16, we stayed friends, dated for 1 1/2 years and then broke up for 1 1/2, we are now back together. We could not cope without eachother, weird.


I was 14 that time we’re 3 yrs. I taught the reason we broke up was bcos his dad wants him to focus on studies. But later on I found out that He’s just cheating on me. took me yrs to move on.


I was 16 years old and he dated me for a couple of months until he went on to his next conquest. He phoned me to tell me we had finished and I just crumpled and cried. My mother hugged me and told me there would be plenty more fish in the sea. I got over him in a couple of days. I did not love him, I was just infatuated and thought it was love.


We didn't officially date but this girl and I were about to go on our first date when Covid hit. So we held off and midway through Covid I got a video texted to me. A dude took her phone during sex, sent the video to me and told me she was already claimed. Next morning she called trying to explain to me that she has needs and were not officially together. It broke me but I said if we were not officially together then I was not breaking up with her I was just no longer friends with her. She tried to get people to side with her on social media (she had a few thousand followers and subs on YT Tik Tok etc.) and when I showed the texts and video people sided with me to the point she has gone seemingly off the grid by deleting all her socials. I coped by years of therapy and realizing I am still loved by many and will probably be loved romantically later in life. Sorry if I was not any help OP.


35. I barely got out of bed, ate or slept for two weeks. Just laid around and cried. I lost 11 lbs. it wasn’t super fun


Birth, I’m still not over it


16. i initiated the breakup because my ex was constantly pushing my comfort zone and creating weird "what if" situations that for some reason always involved big breasts or sexual stuff. i was calm after breaking up, because i had him blocked on facebook, then on discord(because he tried) next morning i have 5 3-5-paragraph emails from him in my inbox telling me how i was manipulative, i betrayed him, etc. my parents pushed me to go to school anyways, so i did only to be met with my entire friend group recieving relentless dms from him the last stretch was when i began dating someone, and ex somehow found his contact, then convinced him to leave me we had to call the cops on him to make him c e a s e so no i never coped. still have issues but i gave up on dating as a whole


23 and took it hard for months. Then I married her best friend and that helped. Try this one weird trick to get over a breakup. Doctors hate me!


I genuinely didn't feel anything, I don't know why maybe I'm just an empty shell of a person but I didn't feel anything.


18, after 4 years. Met someone new pretty soon after and then just forgot about her


Never had one. I'm currently married to the first person to ever ask me out and express interest in me, who also turned out to be my soulmate and very compatible with me on most levels


17 and I was relieved, it was a rough relationship but I was worried about breaking her heart, so it's a good thing she finally dumped me instead


17. after three years and a lot of trauma i still hold. I hated him at this point so it was easy to get over it. I do have long lasting issues though and im 21


15. I was crushed. For at least 2 years. Just pushed on


16 and poorly


21 after dating for two years. I had already mentally broken up with him (women tend to mentally check out of the relationship months before actually breaking up) However, we were long distance most of the relationship so I lucked out in not seeing him in common places and also not attaching certain places to that relationship. When it finally “hit” I just kinda let it hurt for a bit. I took a year off dating to really balance myself and focused on friendships and school.


“Break up?” Like 14. I listened to a lot of Alkaline Trio and cried.