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Hoarders. It was so exploitative, and even at the time I sometimes felt like a bad person watching the misery of people who were clearly very mentally ill. It was also filled with so so much literal trash. And yet I kept watching.


Hoarders is therapeutic to me in a way. Sometimes my house gets messy and I think I'm the biggest pos alive. I watch hoarders and I'm like, well damn, I'm doing alright in life. Then I do the dishes.


Yes, this show really motivated me to do some cleaning.


Kinda like watching My 600-lb Life when you weigh 300.


I only saw a bit of this on YouTube and the comments were just vile. People don't see how much these people suffer. The problem with shows where they clean up is that it doesn't fix the mentality of hoarding. They need proper therapy and even then it seems like a huge lifetime struggle. Obviously I dunno how to "solve" it but I don't think exploiting them on camera is it. Did you ever see a similar show? How clean is your house? I saw one episode where this woman let her birds all over the house and it made my stomach churn. 




Shit hoarder lady was the top of the trashy mountain. Nothing will top her episode


True Blood post season 3.






I read the books so I was intrigued. The first four seasons were campy fun, but once they went to the whole Billith plot it was a struggle to watch. I don't think I saw all of s7, but I did watch the lame ass finale just to see how it ended. The only reason I kept going was because Alexander Skarsgard was often in various stages of undress.


The main reason to watch True Blood, in the end. 🔥


Upvote for Alexander Skarsgard


The final season of True Blood was one of the biggest nosedives I’ve ever seen a show take.


Same. That theme song slapped, though! If the opening credits song had been annoying af I don't think I would have binge watched all of it.


I just did a re-watch. It's so bad but I powered through and oddly enough... I kinda miss it now.






Oh god the finale. My wife is still mad about it.


Awesome intro theme song


Tiger. King. I often felt a bit unclean watching it, but watch it I did. :(


It is like going to a dive bar in an awful town. You feel sleazy after it.


Cops is my all-time guilty pleasure.


90s 20-somethings watched Cops before hitting the town on a Friday night, as a reminder that they're waiting for you.


Listening to the podcast that showed how the producers and cops were completely corrupt just ruined that show for me. They ruined many people’s lives for false publicity for LEOs and clout/money for high TV ratings. Edit: The name of the pod is [Running From COPS](https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/headlong-running-from-cops/id1459118695?i=1000436130094)


If you think that's bad check out what Steven seagull did. Driving a 4 wheel tank through someone's automatic gate, killing their dog all for some random misdemeanor the guy probably didn't even know about


Don’t forget the sex trafficking!


Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? One of my favorite X-files episodes was the COPS/X-files crossover, especially "Steve and Edy!" Love them!


The flash


"I'm not fast enough" becomes faster, wins. Next episode "I'm not fast" becomes faster, wins. Got old just like arrow did.


ARROW! Man that show bothered me. That dude would merk 30 innocent guards who were probably just hired to protect the bad guy just getting paid ready to go home to their families, just to get to the actual bad guy and act like he couldn’t kill them cause he’s a good guy. Like dude you just killed everyone before you got to him. People don’t survive those arrows man.




"we need more characters, but don't want to pay for more actors" "...alternate dimensions?" "Brilliant! Take a character and put glasses on him. If it's a woman, have them show more cleavage or act like a girl boss"


Yeah CW is creatively bankrupt


Man there’s just SOMETHING about CW shows. It’s like they are written by an outdated computer program. I can always tell 5 mins into a show if it’s a CW program. So many decent ideas ruined by being on the CW.


Speedsters can run around the world in the blink of an eye but somehow non-speedsters can fist fight them


Couldn't make it all the way through it. Not sure when they stopped making ***Arrow***, but I might've made it to the end of that one, stopped watching both around the same time.


Not me but my wife: Manifest. The acting was of lesser quality the Hallmark/Lifetime Originals, the effects were corny as hell, the dialogue feels like it was written by someone almost familiar with English, but the plot was cool... up to a point. When they pulled a literal Deus Ex Machina, I couldn't keep watching with her any longer. A higher budget for that series and it really could have been something. But as it stands, it's just bad.


I started watching Manifest with my Dad when it aired, but eventually, it got so convoluted we couldn't justify setting aside time for it anymore. The plot could've really gone somewhere cool, but it just.. didn't.


Exactly my thoughts on it. I wanted to enjoy it so badly but it was too busy and started to have giant plot holes.


I'm ashamed to say that I've watched that show for way too long. I've never seen so many uncharismatic characters in a show like this one. I hated all of them, no idea why I kept watching it.


I watched for awhile as well and it got to be so bad I couldn't remember what drew me to it in the first place. I know if any one of them had said the word '*callings*' again I was going to scream!


Three Christian kids dressed in a sci-fi trench coat. So glad I realized after three episodes.


I didn’t see it coming that early and am still mad about it


My SO and I started watching this on netflix, but in the UK , when we started it, they only had season 4 onwards, and we didn't realise. So we thought we were on season 1, and it wasn't until halfway through we realised. We thought it was really weird and hard to grasp, but just assumed it was one of those shows that throws you in the deep end and then fills you in with flashback stories. 😀


I finished 3 seasons just because they hooked me on the story. I was fast forwarding through most 1 on 1 conversations the show made it clear they’re going to have a bunch of emotional fluff that’s not useful to the story. Took a long break and forgot most of it. Got excited when I saw season 4 came out. Lasted 5 minutes and thought “you know what? I don’t care enough anymore to sit through this”.


Good lord the acting is so, so bad, especially when you consider it’s a Netflix promoted show. I legit roll my eyes like 20x watching it.


Oh honestly I agree. First few episodes were very interesting but then it got bad with story. Ups, it so unpopular opinion but it is true


haha came here for this I agree 100% such a terrible acting show with awful effects but for some reason its fun to watch.




Ronnie and Sam, so toxic




*Ronnie proceeds to carry the bed away manually from the room with Sam attached to the bed screaming and crying*


Are you friends wit her?! 👏🏼👏🏼


The chokehold that show had on society.


lol I binged like 6 episodes before I came up for air.


I still yell out, “CABS AH HERE!!!” when the Uber comes lol


Lol I even quote Pauly from the season in Italy "TAXIS SON AQUI"


“OH MY GAAAAWD RONNIE!!” Train wreck you couldn’t look away from is real, I think I watched too much GTL and smush from them. You know, when you feel your brain rotting but it’s all good?


And it was glorious


Jersey Shore from like 2009 to 2012 was amazing. It’s a great nostalgia trip if you re-watch it now, too.


The Situation has one of my all time favorite story/character arch’s. What a dude!


Honestly the only right answer! It was incredible


Blacklist had awful writing (Lizzie's motivation/disposition changed second to second to fit the narrative, nevermind the nonsensical gadgets), but James Spader's performance got me to binge a few seasons anyway. He's delightful to watch.


James Spader is the only reason to watch that show


His character is so interesting too. The premise is so good too. So much wasted potential with the show.


Blacklist is by far the best concept/lead with the absolute most shit writing/other characters of any show I've ever had the misfortune to watch. I wrote a rant about it at one point because my brain was so offended by the utter idiotic stupidity of it all. Yes, Spader was fun. But not fun enough to rescue it. I award it no points, and my God not have any mercy on the imbeciles that wrote and produced that trash.


I got far enough to see an ancillary character who played a minor role in one episode come back for a few seconds in a future season and retcon a major life event in the least credible way I've ever seen any story attempt. It's almost amazing how bad it is.


It was terrible, I loved it. Spader rocks.


The Tiger King


Yes it was trash but man was it just what we needed at that moment in time as the world came to a halt.


Even the post-COVID seasons hold some water because it underscores the fact that \_everyone\_ on that business is a shady person, even the "good ones" who abuse volunteerism.


It has multiple seasons???


My bro sells to the animal trade and they are all a bunch of skeevy scumbags. They can never seem to turn down the money for moving endangered species, then off to prison they go.


Do you count your brother among the skeevy scum for his business dealings?


Agree 100%. I binged this show and McMillions the day the world went away. I could not stop watching tiger king!


McMillions was impossible to stop watching too!!


I felt like they could've squeezed it into 3 episodes, and I lost interest after episode 3 or 4.


Ooh my days.... This was gloriously trash. A real dumpster fire.


I pretty much never ever watched or liked this kind of TV but for some reason with Tiger King I just couldn't look away.


A bright light in dark times! 😄


Oh you win this is it.


Flavor of love. Edit: thanks the support millennials


I'll see your Flavor of Love and raise you Rock of Love.


I call with, Real Chance at Love.


*throws down A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila card*


Yes I'm still sad she didn't end up with Dani!!!


tbh dani dodged a bullet.


My college friend was on that show! She was smitten with Bret Micheals and I could never stop laughing hearing about it.


Did she ever see him without his bandana? Ughhhhh


I raise you Megan Wants a Millionaire.


Vh1 as a whole back then


Me too! I loved that show. I honestly don't know why any woman could want him. The girls drama and fighting though was entertaining. And the part where that girl put an entire chicken in the microwave lol


Plus, Brooklyn's spin-off


Plus I Love New York!


Married at First Sight


You don't mention what country, but the UK one is a horrifying must-watch bag of shite. Why would anyone put themselves through it?!


90 day fiancé


This. Every flippin' season. I stopped watching when they kept putting Ed, Gino, and Angela on.  I couldn't stomach it any longer. 


The Anna Nicole Show.


This was on when I was in college. I lived in a sorority house. We never missed Anna Nicole!


Love is Blind


I was teasing my partner for watching this, then I watched an episode to make up for being a jerk aaaand 6 seasons later we moved on to all the other guilty pleasure trash shows (perfect match, circle, etc) I regret nothing


I started watching Love is Blind when I sick and on drugs that made me loopy. I thought it was hilarious, but later I assumed it was hilarious bc I watched it whilst loopy. I was wrong. I’ve watched all 6 seasons now (and a bunch of other reality trash tv). I also regret nothing. May I introduce you to a show called “Are You the One?” Please start with the hilariously offensive and unhinged season 4.


And the ultimatum. They make me feel so good about myself and my decisions to watch these people pour gasoline on a dumpster fire


25 seasons of little people big world. TWENTY FIVE SEASONS.


Vampire Diaries 😂


Quick, everybody save Elena. Over and over and over. I was kinda glad they threw her maudlin ass in a coffin for a minute. And poor Bonnie, just abused by everyone. Girl couldn't catch a break. She's literally the only reason Damon and Stefan lasted as long as they did.


Caroline was literally raped by Damon and enthralled by him and the show just completely ignored it.


Lol honestly I think the first 4 seasons are pretty solid and then it gets bad. Same thing with Pretty Little Liars. I used to watch it and fell off before we found out who A was. Watched it on Netflix to see the ending and I was sooo disappointed and confused by the last season lol.


The 100


Honestly I enjoyed the show up until the later seasons. Just didn't seem like it was when it first started. Still never finished it fully.


It’s a captivating show with fun ideas. But as most teen dramas they insist on having a deep emotional conversation between 2 characters 12 times an episode because the writers are actually garbage and a therapy session is the easiest way that can fill a half hour episode 15 times for several seasons with only 3 episodes of actual story.


You. There is absolutely no logical reason for me to enjoy this show, since it’s not really geared towards middle-aged men, but I got hooked pretty early on.


The first season had me hooked. The second season I did not bite. So fucking scary honestly (as a chick anyway)


Understandable but at least take solace in the sheer lunacy of the concept. By the 3rd season his body count is insane and because it's always an 'accident' there's no planning or anything. I mean ignoring all of that just building a room like that in New York without a permit? Seems unlikely


I’m hooked. There’s no going back now, I’m in it to the end.


Laguna Beach and The Hills. I rewatched a few episodes recently… holy hell they are terrible… but I’ll still watch them. 😅🤣


Seasons 6-15 of Supernatural. To paraphrase ~~Dean~~ Chuck, "Is it jumping the shark if you never come down?" Edit: Thank you for correcting me.


I love this show and God it pains me to admit it.


Boys over flowers. Western audiences, unless they’re ardent Asian drama fans, do not understand how utterly repellent and juvenile the show is but I’ve watched every iteration of it from Taiwan Meteor garden 2001 to Thailand’s latest BOF in 2021.


It’s both glorious and awful. Good choice!


Love is blind, it definitely doesnt prove its point when contestants decide not to get married after a month. Should be called love is rushed


Riverdale. I grew an attachment and had to stick through till the end.


My wife watched and would tell me about it now and then and it went like this S1 - “it’s the Archie comic but different” S4 - “now there’s a witch or something” S7 - “so now they have super powers”


Yeah that show definitely had some wild turns.


I can't stand watching it, but reading about it is honestly hilarious. Its like Eve Online


I thankfully was able to stop at season 3. I heard something about a rocketship being involved and Jughead having superpowers or something in season 4 or 5?


Me too. I'm ashamed at how much of my life was wasted on this series.


I'll show my age; The Gong Show. Chuck Barris was like Marty Allen after a six -week crack binge.


vanderpump rules and love island. reality shows that are entirely unapologetic about how ridiculous they are


Below deck is my guilty pleasure


Weeds after Season 3.... Its like showtime has writers that just stop giving a flying fuck after a couple seasons then the studio milks the series a bit more


Last one I watched all the way through was Dexter. Those last few seasons were horrendous. After that, I realize I'll NEVER get that time back so if a show sucks I ditch it. I've watched enough GOOD shows to just rewatch them.


Everything went downhill after John Lithgow.


Coincidentally that's when I stopped watching, so I guess I finished the good version of that show.


Hannah ruined Dexter in my opinion. No grips about the actress, it's just the way her character was written.


Then they had the chance to come back and end it properly but they managed to fuck it all up again. I was actually really into the first few episodes of the comeback but ugh..that ending. Never thought I'd prefer the lumberjack.


My 600 lb life


i have a magnet of dr. now on my fridge that says “why you eating so much?”


My favorite line of his is when that one lady says something about "opening up my horizons to eating more vegetables because I'm sort of a picky eater," and he says without hesitation "You're not a picky eater if you weigh 600 pounds."




phy-si-ca-lly-li-mi-ted in my darkest times of wanting to binge eat instant pizza, Dr. Nowzardan comes to me 😭 (also I live like 20 minutes away from his clinic lmao)


You need to lose turdy pound in one munt!


Used to be a producer on that show. Most drama super staged. XD




Honey boo boo


Cobra Kai. Everything, from acting to storyline was cheesy, yet so good


I watched one season, enjoyed it, and moved on. Hey, it's Johnny Lawrence, and I'm beginning to really like this guy. And I don't hate all of the teenagers. Oh, look, the Miyagi-do and Cobra Kai thing is happening again. In a way that actually feels earned. That's neat. And I'm good leaving it there. "You don't wanna see some more guest appearances from the moves?" Oh, you brought some more people back? That's cool. I'm good. "You don't wanna see some more of how the drama unfolds at the high school amid this rivalry?" Definitely not. I'm good. "What if all the tension boiled over into a really big karate fight at school?" Wow, that's stupid. I definitely don't need to watch that.


Storage Wars. The premise is barely passable. The people on the show are super annoying. The writing or "producer prompts" are terrible. The constant punny jokes are so, so lame. And i love it so goddamn much haha


the walking dead


Recently went back and finally watched season 7 and 8 to see the Negan storyline play out and because of the strikes there's simply nothing else to watch on the streamers I currently had. I got about halfway thru the 9th before losing interest again. Didn't intend to stop, especially because only 2 more remained. But there was just too much of the stupidity and terrible writing that drove me away 8 years ago. Characters doing things out of character just to get the plot where they wanted to move. The biggest pet peeve is people acting like idiots in a world where that should have killed off the dumbest ones years ago. Which seemed to be the entire point of Alexandria, to have an entire town of idiots who had just been lucky so far before Rick & Co. arrived just ahead of the hoard & Negan. Also, you have to turn your brain off more & more. It's YEARS after the world ended, yet gasoline is still plentiful and works long past the shelf life even with additives (6 months without it, 3 years with it). The whole storyline with the Scavengers was ludicrous and cartoonish. Especially because they have gone out of their way to show how Hilltop and Alexandria function. But the Scavenger world might as well be in Rick & Morty it's so unrealistic.


I originally stopped after Glen died years back but decided to come back to it a year or two ago. Ended up dropping it again during the mid season break for the final season. In hindsight, when Carl died, the show dies with him.


For a while, anything Housewife-related.




Entourage. I recognize it’s not a very good show but Ari Gold cracked me up as a character. I feel like they should’ve made him the main focus of the show, but for a shitty mind numbing mood, it’s not bad.


It’s so over the top and unironic in its “in your face” alpha machismo, that you almost kinda respect the art in a wierd way…haha


Kinda partial trash show, but the last handful of seasons of Supernatural.


Ugh, this show has a very special place in my heart, but it should’ve ended 5 seasons sooner than it did:P


Seasons 1-5 were incredible to me, and the rest just felt like bonus content - until 12-15, holy shit that was bad. I stuck around for the actors though, I think they did a great job particularly Jensen Ackles who plays Dean.


There are *fifteen seasons* of Supernatural?!


Jerry Springer


Rock of Love with Bret Michaels. Fucking incredible television.


I was just remembering this tragedy the other day. When he took individual women on dates and explained at the end that he had diabetes. He asked if they'd be willing to give him insulin shots and most of them kinda cringed at it. Beautiful.


Manifest Ok maybe not “trash”, but it definitely felt like Hallmark-level acting, writing and production value. That is to say… “meh”. Profoundly mid. But the premise was interesting and I had to know how it all concluded


I hate “reality” television but gosh darn did Floribama Shore suck me in.


Greys Anatomy after the plane crash


La Brea. Writing and acting were absolute garbage. The characters were just dumb as fuck and the time travel shit had no internal consistency. Watching it while stoned was very entertaining though. Just pointing out how dumb everything is was hilarious.


Big Brother 


Love is Blind


Under the dome and Jericho.




The OC


Game of thrones’ final season was absolute dogshit but I couldn’t stop watching.


I mean you had to watch it lol we had made it that far. Who knew that not only would the plot suck, but it would have mediocre action scenes. That euron jaime fight could have been from a 2000s straight to dvd movie with the lack of choreography and gratuitous cutting.


Undercover Boss. It’s so openly manipulative, but I a giddy thrill rushes over me when I catch a random rerun. I love how episodes are almost always on the flights I take.


Lucifer. So stupid but in a sucker for drama


Lucifer was great. It never intended to be a serious show, and absolutely leaned into that fact.


This is a great one. Incredibly stupid premise and plot lines, but the cast really worked hard and acted the hell out of it. The scene where Lucifer shows Linda his real face is still one of the most impressive bits of television I've seen.


I love it and it was one of my favorites. I accepted that it’s a silly premise and that’s just how it was going to be. I also think it was successful because everyone involved in the show knew they were making a silly thing and played into that. A lot of the time writers or producers will try to take their show way too seriously when it’s just supposed to be light hearted fun.




I only watched the first season of American Horror Story.


The Walking Dead past season 5


The Challenge.


The Resident, an almost cartoon version of all the hospital shows that have ever been on TV.


The Shannara Chronicles (MTV)


Dog the Bounty Hunter. I was endlessly fascinated with the way they preached to all of the people they caught and believed that they weren't just as fucked up.


When I was younger, it was Once Upon a Time. It was this messy, fantastical wreck with lots of pretty, dramatic women. Yes, I was a closeted queer kid, why do you ask?




I finally gave up in season 4. No matter what happened, Frank always found a way to show up (predictably) and screw up everything. It just got old.


Even though it's a shit show, I recommend finishing it.


It was gloriously awful until Fiona left, then it was just regular awful.


It didn't necessarily have to be Frank either. So many times, the other characters were written to do things against their own interests just when they have the opportunity to turn things around. It got so frustrating to watch.


….dance moms and keeping up with the kardashians….


*the deepest sigh I have ever sighed* Riverdale. I was right in the target audience age when it started, really liked the first season because it was exactly my weirdo vibe in early high school, then as I got older and the show got worse at the same time, I realized I hated it but i was so deeply invested that I just couldn't stop. When I turned it into a hate-watch and just made fun of it the whole time, it became a lot more fun 😂


True Blood started strong and went off the rails fast. It never stopped me from watching!


Passions. I would run home to watch this show. I needed to know what Theresa and Ethan were doing, how Kay planned to steal Miguel from Charity today, what was Sheldon doing, and oh that Timmy doll!


It's like a guilty pleasure rollercoaster ride - 'The Bachelor.' You know it's a train wreck, but you just can't look away from the drama and roses!


The rookie. It’s Nathan fillion as a 40 something rookie cop. It was fun for the first season but it’s just gotten stupid but I already put in this much time :/ Plus, I like Nathan fillion.


Sons of Anarchy. Had a lot of potential to be in the same class as Breaking Bad, but from the beginning of the 5th season through the series finale, the show descended into pure torture porn for the sake of it with the 6th and 7th seasons being especially guilty of this and dragging out the episodes to be over an hour long for no real reason.