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Depends on whether I paid extra for that seat and what seat I was trading for.


Yep. I’ll always trade for a seat closer to the front. I’m not trading a window seat for a middle seat regardless.


I've ever only asked someone to trade when I was trading their middle seat for my window so I could sit with my (now) ex. I don't think I could feel good about asking someone to trade down.


A lot of people are entitled enough to demand you accommodate like that


I had a 5:00am flight or some bullshit outta LAX one time to MN, full flight- I book aisle.  Then, a guy with his wife comes down and asks if I want to swap seats, he's middle seat a row up and his wife is middle seat in my row.  I just tell him "no".  He says that he hates to ask, but it's the only seats they as they were flying standby.  I just looked at him and said flatly, I paid and picked this seat, I am not switching it for anything else than an exit row aisle or first class. That was an uncomfortable flight, but not as uncomfortable as a middle seat.


Flying standby means he should be happy he made it on the plane, no matter which seat he was assigned.


Yeah, I agree.  I used to fly a bunch and was flying almost every week during this time when he asked me, I was just so damn fed up with constantly being in an airport/on airplanes in the wee hrs of the morning to make what should be "phone call" meetings, that I had just had about enough...


It's also weird to me that people are so insistent on sitting next to their significant other on a flight. Like... you see them all the time, you can sit a few feet apart for a couple hours. My husband and I usually fly Southwest and if we get a later boarding group and don't get to sit together, oh well. We'll see each other when we get to our destination.


It's nice to have someone who you don't mind being smushed up against.


My wife and I always buy a skycouch when we fly Air New Zealand to go visit friends down there. For those that haven't flown ANZ it is basically an entire row in coach that you can book to yourself or combine two seats into the entire row. They have more legroom and have leg rests that extend up to level so you can use it as a mini bed. A business class ticket from Calgary to Auckland is around $10k return. An economy ticket is around $2000. It only costs $600 extra to buy the skycouch seat each direction. That works out to $3200 per person if you want the row to yourself. We bring our kids too so we get three sky couches. All told, we all get to lay flat and sleep the entire trip for $2900 per person. To get a similar lay-flat experience (though admittedly a little nicer) in business class it would cost us nearly $40,000. In economy we all travel for $11k. Last time we travelled I had some guy come and just sit in the aisle seat of my row. I told him that wasn't his seat. He said "is anyone else sitting here?" I said "yeah, me" to which he answered "but you're in the window seat". I told him I paid for the entire row and he got all pissed. The FA had to tell him to go back to his seat or get booted off the flight. We always book at least 6 months in advance to make sure we get the seats we want. If you're booking last minute, that's just the way the cookie crumbles.


Someone straight woke my hungover ass up for my window seat. She wanted to sit next to her kids, which is understandable. I did move but it took me a full minute to come to out of my groggy state. She was apologetic but man, plan better.


Waking me up for any reason if I'm in a window seat and not in your way to get to the bathroom is the surest fire way to hear some unfriendly words Decade later and I'm still pissed that this freaking AA flight attendant found it necessary to shake me awake to ask if I wanted a drink while I was happily sleeping and there was a clearly visible water bottle and coffee thermos in my seat back pocket


I wouldn’t wake up anyone for that.


I moved from a window to a middle last month because they had to boot middle seat guy from the exit row. Lost the window, gained legroom, moved up a few rows. Flight was only an hour anyways.


I’d trade window for middle exit row any day. I’m too tall for this shit.


I can imagine. I’m 5’6” and feel like I barely have room to move my legs.


At 6’5” I just took a 4 hours flight last week and wanted to die. Was physically incapable of sitting in the middle but luckily my gf swapped for the aisle seat so I could at least sit sorta. Somehow it only seems to be getting worse every year….


I made the mistake of not spending $50 on an exit row upgrade flying from London to Charlotte last year. 6’7 I was suffering for 9 hours


$50 for a 9 hour flight. You done messed up. I’m 6’4, can’t imagine how bad it was for you.


I’m also 6’5” and I occasionally fly on our corporate shuttle ERJ-145. Every time i go to check in, the lady behind the counter takes one look up at me and says “you’ll want an exit row won’t you?”… without fail. It’s amazing.


Thats definitely a fair trade


Last time I flew I got my seat assignment last, right before boarding. They put me in the back row. But here's the twist: the seat next to me was empty, and there were only two seats on that side of the aisle. Most enjoyable flight I've ever had.


Yes, we call that Poor Man’s First Class. When it happens it feels like you’ve won the lottery.




I have asked for a middle to window trade, but I also offered some cash and a drink from the cart as part of the trade. Gal took me up on it :) I still totally would have been accepting if she'd said "hell no!" though.


I have a friend who is a very frequent flyer. Always gets window or aisle, always puts on her earphones as soon as she sits down. She’s been asked several times to switch seats, usually ignores the people, pretending she can‘t hear them. Most leave her alone, two or three haven’t, and tap her on the shoulder until she responds. She has just looked at them and smiled, saying “No, thank you. That doesn’t work for me” and puts the earphones back on. This has kind of confused these people and they leave her alone.


Got on a flight that was like 10 hours and a guy was sitting in my aisle seat. Told him he was in my seat. He said I could sit in his. His was the middle seat in the middle bank of five seats. Said no, I want my seat thanks. He said no, the other seat was better and I would like it better there. I said if it was better he shouldn’t mind sitting in it. Took about five minutes of conversation to get him to move. I assume these folks are just counting on people not wanting to make a fuss but seriously?


I don’t even bother. If they say no once right to the flight attendant


This. Why try to reason with someone who is clearly unreasonable to begin with?


I play so dumb in these situations. “Oh yeah, it’s just that it’s my seat? It says on my ticket?” “I’m confused, did they give us both the same seat?” And then grab flight attendent


how insanely entitled do you have to be to take someone else's seat and then argue about it...


Something similar happened to me in a movie theater. We had bought our tickets weeks ahead of time. I was really excited for this movie so I was even checking periodically to see how much the seats were filling up as we got closer to the event date. Turns out, not a whole lot. The theater only had a few clusters of seats that had been booked. Up until the day of the show the two of us still had four rows of empty seats surrounding us. The day of the show, two people had bought the tickets right next to our seats. They didn't even do the courtesy of a buffer seat despite so many empty seats being available. They would have had to see that our seats were taken when they booked their tickets. AND YET when we came in, they were sitting in our seats and also had their purses and jackets and theater snacks spread out on either side of them. I told them they were in our seats, and they seemed really surprised that I even said anything to them, and made a huge show about having to move all of their stuff and oh no how difficult it was because clearly they were already settled. I had to sit right next to one of the women for the entire show. It was annoying. This story has no point.


it's almost like it's a kink. god damn.


I bought tickets to see Moana last year when the Disney movies were rereleased. I also kept checking, and our three seats were the only ones purchased as of the morning of the screening. When we arrived, two people were sitting in two of our reserved seats, and they were so aggro when we asked them to move. I know they’re the best seats in the theatre, that’s why I booked them a month ago.


Just get a flight attendant next time, no use bothering with these kinds of idiots. If they don't get up and move after the first back and forth, turn around and get an attendant. > I assume these folks are just counting on people not wanting to make a fuss That's exactly it. I had some people pull this once on a train to Vienna. Me and my buddies booked 4 seats facing each other with a table in between so we could be more comfortable and chat with each other etc. A bunch of people were already in the seats when we arrived and tried to tell us there are lots of seats available so it's no problem. Then they tried to pretend they didn't understand English when we told them we booked the table seats for a reason, which is obviously the same reason they want to sit there. Instead of arguing with them I just went and got one of the train attendants who told them to gtfo




Damn he coulda been your soulmate lmao


Smiling and saying "No thank, I'm fine" has been a remarkable way to get past people asking for something.


I got scolded for this exact scenario on a trip a few weeks ago. The mom asked if I would switch the window seat for the middle seat so her child could look out the window. She didn’t even offer her aisle seat because “she would be uncomfortable in the middle seat” (I’m 6’3, she was maybe 5’5 tops). I told her it was absurd of her to ask, she got the flight attendant involved. They asked if I would move, I asked where they would move me that would be convenient for me, they said first class. Lady was not impressed that I got upgraded.


Wait she wanted you to sit in the middle between her and her child? That’s the weirdest part about this for me


This is such a great point. There’s zero chance I’d move to be between a parent and their kid


holy shit, trust me, you do not want to be stuck between ANY pair of travelers. i was once stuck between a married couple who passed food back & forth (not like, packaged snacks. they were passing food over my head *with chopsticks)* bickered, and showed one another magazine articles for the ENTIRE. flight. i asked several times if they wanted to switch seats. they roundly declined. this, incidentally, was a trip between new york & beijing. sixteen. fucking. hours of this. they did not sleep.


Oh dude, then inject yourself into that shit! if people don't want to move together but want to keep reaching past me over and over, I'm part of the family now. I'm taking bites of the food you pass, I'm casting judgements on the shitty articles and photos you share, I'm telling all my stories that embarrass others but not me. They gon learn today.


I would turn into the clumsiest most chaotic person you've ever seen. "Oh let me help you pass that sandwhich!" . "EUREAKA! I'VE SOLVED MY SODOKU" . "I need to get out to go to the bathroom immediately!"


10000%, this is one of the scenarios where you DO fight fire with fire. Become far more annoying to be around than they could possibly imagine. Do every single thing (that isn't violent) that your brain normally stops you from doing due to respect for others. They'll either stop, they'll complain which gives you an opportunity to provide the lesson verbally, or they'll be oblivious and you get to enjoy being a shit for 14 hours. It's a win-win-win


Lol why wouldn’t they want to switch. Crazy.


So that neither one would be stuck in the middle of course!


Yup. I would have taken the aisle seat so her child could take the window and she could have the middle, that wouldn’t have bothered me. But she didn’t want to give up her seat and sit in the middle because the middle was too uncomfortable for her….


Good for you, the absolute lack of awareness on her part is astounding.


That’s the worst part for me. She asks a stranger to give up a seat for a less beneficial one, makes a big deal about the stranger not willing to comply, but isn’t willing herself to give up her seat, for a less beneficial one, to make the deal happen. So in here head a stranger should be more willing to help her kid then her. People are fucked


That's how I read the initial question. I'm a parent, but there's no way I'd agree to switching seats if it meant taking care of someone else's kid for the flight.


I'm surprised the flight attendant took the lady seriously. Also I wonder if a first class seat would have been offered if you hadn't responded the way you did.


I’m not sure. From my personal experience, if you are the one being rational and calm, the flight attendant will do their best to accommodate you. You know, applying the golden rule.


I was asked to switch on my last flight. From a window in the middle of the plane to a middle seat near the rear. The flight attendant asked if I would please switch a family with small children could sit together. I didn't even make a fuss, and I agreed. The flight attendants did nothing to accommodate me. When the meals were given by the time they got to my row only one was available, and they were out of some beverage selections. Next time they can ask someone in the back or the plane to switch towards the middle. I'm saying no now.


I'm sorry, family with small children. You should have planned your trip with small children better so you could accommodate having these small children with you. Maybe next time, buy the seats next to each other since you have these small children you need to be next to. People are bonkers, man.


It really makes the moms who apologize constantly for their perfectly fine children feel like saints. Last one was directly in front of me and her kid cried for a max of about 3 minutes during takeoff and she kept asking if I'd like one of their sodas/juice boxes as an apology.


My wife and I were shocked when we flew back from Europe a could years ago. This mother brought an infant on the plane and was in the row with us. We were expecting the infant to cry the entire flight. That kid barely fussed the entire flight. A welcome surprise


I'm sympathetic. I don't know what the situation is. Maybe their first flight was cancelled and they got bumped to that flight and those were the seats available. But to go out of my way to help and have the flight staff be indifferent to the fact that I'm trying to make their job easier too is frustrating.


I don't fly often, so I don't know about flight attendants. But my general impression on how this world works, is if you are rational, calm and right, up against someone making fuzz, you most likely will be the person someone thinks will help them calm it down. By making you lose.


The one with the gold makes the rules?


No, the other one, from American Gods. "Dont fuck with the bitches who work in airports."


It's good business if they have the seat available. Basically a free upgrade to an otherwise reasonable passenger makes them more likely to come back. Same for free upgrades at hotels.


Last time I went away for work I booked the cheapest room at a smart hotel instead of the usual slum. Same price. Then I used the website chat to ask a question and during that call they upgraded me free. When I booked in reception upgraded me *again" so I ended up in the top room below a suite. With the best views (plural) and normally costing twice my usual budget. It was nice.


She probably wanted to save the man from that lady


I assumed they only asked in the first place because they knew first class seats were available. They'd already know the guy doesn't *want* to move, or the mom wouldn't have been calling for a flight attendant.


The flight attendant probably figured the mom seemed like she was going to be an annoying problem and knew they had the first class seat available. By bumping the guy up, it made it so it wouldn't be the flight attendant's problem the rest of the flight.


Right because what normal person calls a flight attendant to complain that someone doesn’t want to change their seat just so their child can get the window


Exactly. A normal, rational person would accept that their request was denied and leave it at that. This person went full Karen and called a flight attendant.


putting him in first class was probably also a way to get him away from the lady, as non-zero chance there would be a further issue.


Hmmmmm, I like this negotiation technique. Makes note to self…..


Who the fuck wants a stranger between them and their kids? What a stupid mom.


On a flight back from Hawaii, I asked a jacked Hawaiian dude if he’d mind swapping seats with my kid, a middle seat for an aisle seat. He was only too happy to accept, I also bought him a drink when the cart came around…it’s not hard to show gratitude, the entitlement of some people drives me crazy.


That's the rule: you don't ask someone to downgrade. When it was just me and the wife, we would buy window and aisle seats towards the back, because middle seat towards the back are often the last sold. Worst case scenario: middle seat is taken by a person who refuses to sit in a seat he/she didn't buy. (oh no, we sit separately, but still have window and aisle). Best case scenario: nobody buys the seat, we get the whole row. Regular scenario, we ask the middle seat to switch with one of us, and they're happy to upgrade from middle to "not middle."


My wife and I do the exact same. We're about 50/50 so far on getting the row to ourselves, and nobody has ever turned down the middle->aisle/window upgrade.


Once I booked a last-minute flight and was seated between a young couple who obviously booked the window and aisle in hopes of having all three seats to themselves. They asked if I wanted to switch and when I agreed, asked me if I wanted the window or aisle. That's how people should do it!


"Stewardess! This man won't do what I asked him to! Arrest him at once!"


I once got on a plane and a man was in my seat, so I asked him to move. He refused, because he wanted to sit with his family. I got the flight attendant because it was my seat and I'd paid $50 to choose it. Flight attendant told me she'd have me removed from the plane if I didn't just sit in his seat. I didn't want to be stranded so I was stuck sitting in his seat :( EDIT: Since several people have asked, the airline was Air Canada, circa 2017-2019, can't remember the specific year


I would have kindly asked to be refunded the $50. You can only try.


I called the airline after the fact and they refused a refund :(


The "secret" to resolving this in your favor is looking at the airline's website to find the "contract of carriage" and actually reading the damn thing. When you buy a plane ticket, you and the airline are both entering a contract. This is good for you and bad for them because contracts are one of the few things in this god forsaken country that are actually enforceable. The specific wording of this contract may vary slightly from one airline to another so its important to get the right one, but I'm going to illustrate with United Airline. If you read [Rule 4 subsection D of United Airline's contract of carriage](https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/contract-of-carriage.html) you'll find the language that lets the airline move your seating around even when you've paid for your choice. Check this bit here; > If a Passenger is removed from a United First or Business class seat, United Polaris® seat, United® Premium Plus seat, Economy Plus seat, or from Preferred Seating for which a fee, miles, or other compensation has been paid, and the Passenger is not re-accommodated in a seat of equal or greater value, or if a Passenger is downgraded from a class of service and is not re-accommodated in a seat in an equal or greater class of service for which a fee, miles, or other compensation has been paid, the Passenger may be eligible for a refund in accordance with Rule 27. UA also prohibits Passengers from selling their seat assignments at any time and/or exchanging them at the time of boarding without first advising a member of the crew. The airline can move you to another seat in the same or lesser class of service with a refund or move you to another seat that is an upgrade, but passengers cannot change seats without the airline's permission, that permission means the airline was involved in moving you from the seat you paid extra for. So call them up, tell them that if they are unwilling to issue you a refund under Rule 27 subsection A part 3 of the contract of carriage regarding an involuntary downgrade of service you will take the matter to small claims court. It is cheaper for an Airline to just refund your ticket and ask you to leave than it is to have to send someone out to bumfuck nowhere to speak with the local magistrate, especially when certain jurisdictions do not allow lawyers in small claims courts and they have to send an actual executive to explain why finding you a middle seat in the back of coach is a perfectly reasonable replacement to the aisle seat you paid extra to select in advance. If they don't issue the refund right away, go ahead and file the small claims paperwork. One way or another, they will pay. Even when it's $50 for the seat choice, it will cost them a lot more to fight you than it will to just pay. Read your contracts, adhere to your side of them, but be absolutely merciless when someone else breaks their end.


"Omg thank you so much for upgrading me to first class. After all if paying extra for a seat doesn't matter I'll happily take one of the empty ones up there!" Or just sit on the dude and inform him you paid extra for that seat and will be sitting there.


I didn't even think of climbing over his family to sit on him, that would've been amazing


You should have started moving towards an empty seat in first class if that's how its going to work


You should have called her bluff, and if she removed you then you should have filed a complaint.


I didn't even think of that in the moment, I just wanted to go home and not be stranded in another country without enough money to buy another ticket.


That is not good advice. Don't call her bluff. But you can get a video recording of it and then complain to the airline.


I got yelled at by a flight attendant for “holding the plane up” because I refused to take my backpack out of the overhead luggage compartment to allow a lady with 2 oversized (way to big to fit into the overhead space the correct way) bags to put hers in instead. I usually wouldn’t have minded but they were monstrous. I’m 6’2” and having my backpack under the seat would limit my leg space. I purposely only bring a backpack with my electronics/drink etc so I don’t have to fight for space. I said “No because I don’t have any legroom anyway.” The flight attendant said “well she’s going to have to check this then” “Okay” “You do realize you’re holding the plane up right now?” “I’m holding the plane up? She brought on TWO bags that are too big but it’s my fault?” She just huffed and the other woman rolled her eyes and muttered “unbelievable” as she stormed away.


I see this situation all too often. People taking bags out of the overhead to put theirs in and just expecting the person who’s bag they took out to deal with it. It really pisses me off that I try to pack as light as possible so I don’t take up too much space, yet people are allowed to bring carry on luggage the size of my checked baggage.


I travelled a lot for my previous job and I’ve seen so many inconsiderate people. It seems so many people think it’s their private plane. I had one guy in front of me shove his bag under his seat so it was in my foot space. He was annoyed when I told him he had to move it.


I'll swap a window for an isle but I'm not sitting in the middle. Edit: ugg.. Aisle. Sorry. :P


I sleep leaning against the wall of the plane. So an aisle isn’t equal for me. So it’s a hard “nope” from me.


Yeah, gotta tuck yourself into the corner between the seat and the wall.


I would consider it but a few times I have chosen the window specifically because I wanted to see the area from above, in which case I would be less inclined. The post says that you're being asked as someone who doesn't fly much, and in that case any excitement and curiosity I have about what it looks like from a plane window is just as valid as a kid's. A kid has their whole life to see this view. Also, if its a long flight I can only get sleep in the window seat, so I may have chosen it just for that purpose. But as a jaded long time flyer, I'd probably do it unless I was going to be flying over certain terrain or its a long flight.


>in that case any excitement and curiosity I have about what it looks like from a plane window is just as valid as a kid's. A kid has their whole life to see this view. That's how I feel about catching a baseball at a baseball game. I feel like everyone just expects an adult to give the ball to a kid and like... I've gone to baseball games my whole life and I've never gotten a ball, if I get a ball I'm keeping it


First one is yours, for sure! Also, anything—after your first—worth remembering; e.g. I got a ball at the World Series (Game 7, in KC, back in 2014). As I was admiring it, my friend mumbled—under his breath, “Put that fucking thing away!”… I looked up to see 3-4 kids just standing there—eyes wide—with their hopes up, and hands out… Put it in my pocket, and never looked back.


Taught those kids a valuable lesson. Fuck you, not yours.


Game 3, Stanley Cup finals in 2019. Blues are warming up and a puck accidentally flies over the glass and knocks over my beer. I quickly pick up the puck and act like I didn't hear when a kid next to me asks for the puck. I quickly put it in my pocket after showing my friend. About a minute later another hits my buddy in the chest and he quickly pockets it without saying a word. After the price of those tickets and the fact that I've only ever seen the Blues in the finals once, I'm not giving that away. I have it and the ticket professionally framed on my wall.


You’re still that kid inside and they deserve a baseball from a game too.


>isle I'll swap a window for an entire island too!


yeah you want to trade? you better have something better to bargain


No. Usually when I fly I have to pay an extra 50 bucks to pick that seat. Its mine.


I usually don't pay to pick a seat, but the companies I use let you pick a seat when the check in opens 24 or 48 hours before the fight. I always set my alarm and I between the first to pick a seat for free. Usually I pick the window because I almost never go to the bathroom and I hate to have to get up to people pass. Once, when I got there, an old man was sitting in my window seat. I was willing to let him sit there, but I asked him what his seat was just to confirm, because I didn't want to sit in a third person's seat and have to move later. But he was very rude, said that was his seat and told me to fuck off. I just called the flight attendant and let her sort it out. The attendant asked for his ticket but he didn't want to show it. So she had to explain that if he didn't show the ticket, he would be kicked off the plane. His wife begged him to show the ticket and the attendant demanded him to move. If he wasn't rude, he would have stayed at the window without any problems.


And now it's more valuable than 2 months ago when you paid $50 for it. Today the bidding starts at $100.


$150, my butt and bags are already planted. Moving either one costs well extra.


Just got back from a trip- United Economy Plus to Europe, front row, 10 hour flight. The guy next to us was super patient for the first hour as my husband and I wrangled our baby. Flight attendant politely asked if we wanted a bassinet set up, which would require the gentleman to have to move from his window seat, and the FA also asked if he’d be willing to move. We said we’d love it but only if the man got moved to a better seat. They put him in first class for the rest of the flight.  Pays to be nice sometimes, folks!


> We said we’d love it but only if the man got moved to a better seat. This is a solid, good-human-being move. Bravo!


This is how you inconvenience someone.




And conveniently


Love to hear it :)


Had a dude ask to swap my exit row aisle with his non exit row partners middle seat. It was a quick no, and he seemed shocked. He pouted the whole flight, I took a nap.


sounds like he should have offered his exit-row seat to a person in non-exit sitting next to his wife. Does he not love her?!?! /s


I always pay for my seat selection. I've had people ask me if I could swap for multiple reasons. I always reply with "I payed for this seat selection". The best one was a young couple that asked. I was sitting in the emergency exit row, gives you more leg room. He was sitting next to me. He asked if his partner could swap with me because she needed leg room due to her having knee pain. I replied with my usual answer. He sent her back to her seat and he sat back down next to me. Guess he really cared about her knee pain.


If she was disabled *(knee pain)* she had/has no business sitting in emergency exit row.


And if people are swapping seats in the exit row, flight attendants need to approve it and redo the little 60-second training course for them.


This is actually super common and done deliberately with the full intention of not having to pay for two emergency row seats. [One of my most upvoted posts is actually about this exact scam.](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/aaawaz/flight_attendants_both_past_and_present_whats_the/ecqkefu/)


I had something like this happen to me once. I was traveling across the country for work, about a five-hour flight. I had a window seat, and in the middle was a boy around 10 - 11. A few minutes before takeoff, a gentleman comes to me and asks if I'd be willing to trade seats with him, so he could sit next to his son and his son could have the window. He was super polite about it, but I was skeptical at first but he showed me his ticket. First class! I happily accepted his offer, but I had to know why he was willing to trade when he had first class. He told me that it was his son's first time flying and he tried to find seats together with a window but couldn't. He said he bought the first class ticket with the intention of offering a trade so he could sit with his son. He even bought me a drink while on the flight.


Now that right there is the most proper way to get a seat trade


I got guilted into it once. The kid spent the entire time on their Ipad and complaining that the plane wasnt as nice as the ones his dad takes him on trips on.


This is the main reason I don't swap. I'm looking out that window 50% of the flight, not two quick looks and an iPad.


Happened to me once but it was more like i was told. "We've taken the window for my son but you can have the aisle." I politely declined. I hate the aisle and i love the window and I'd booked the window. 12 hour death stares but I don't care. if you want the window, book a window seat.


Wow!! “We’ve taken the window”.. the balls!


Yeah - kind of what I thought too. Just the assumption that because it was a child I'd lost any rights to having a choice. I book the window so I can lean against it and sleep. And I'm confident in my abilities to climb over people without disturbing them if I need the toilet. No way was I tempted to risk a child's bladder on a 12 hour flight. And I wanted to sleep. And I booked the damn window seat!


I once had paid extra for a window seat with extra leg room, and I was settled into my seat. A little girl and her mom had the other two seats in the row and when they arrived the first thing out of the little girl’s mouth was to inform me that I was in her seat and I needed to move. Fortunately, her mom wasn’t having any of Little Missy’s attitude and tried to shut her down. Little Missy kept bugging me about the seat for the first 45 minutes even thought the mom spent most of the flight trying hard to shut down that kid’s awful and entitled behavior. That flight felt waaaay longer than 3 hours.


Thank God for good parenting!


I'd trade for the aisle with the parent in the middle but then I prefer the aisle.


“I don’t want investigators to be confused if we all end up charred corpses and all they have to go by is the original seating chart. You never know.” *Wink*


"What, you didn't know this is a Boeing?"


Actually, I change my answer. If my window seat is next to a door, absolutely I would switch with a kid.


That's a good vibe to put out right before takeoff lol


Don’t worry, it’s only gonna crash once


Phew, I heard it's not the falling out of the sky that sucks it's the unexpected landing


I’d imagine it’s quite the opposite. Falling out of the sky would be scary as fuck right up till you hit the ground. Dead instantly more than likely


Nope. Now offer me $200 to prove your love for your child. Let’s make it interesting.


*Now, offer me money.* **Yes.** *Power too. Promise me that.* **All that I have and more. Please...** *Offer me everything I ask for.* **Any thing you want.** *I want my window seat back, you son of bitch.*


You took my window seat. Prepare to die.


Excellent reference, I was wondering where you were going with that as I read. Have fun storming the lavatory!


Do you think they're going to be comfortable in that tiny bathroom? It'd take a miracle.


Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my Xanax buzz. Prepare to fly!


Less than the $200 they could have paid to get seats together, instead of cheaping out and freeballing that the kindness of strangers would come through.


This is... \*exactly\* what the airlines say when you book.


I picked the seat I picked and I’m going to sit there. Look, I have a 3 year old. I get it. But they should’ve planned better so their kid can see outside at the clouds blowing past


And a 3 yr old ain't going to remember much. Plus they'll have lots more years of opportunities to be on a plane again.


I didn't go on a plane until I was almost in my twenties lol, and even then you can only see so many clouds before you just go back to listening to music


No. It’s my seat and I’m going to sit there.


"Sorry, I already licked the window, you wouldn't want it now."


I'm not trading for a middle seat. I almost certainly paid extra to select my seat, and I am not moving to a bad seat. Parents need to pay to select seats together when they are booking.


"Am I getting another window seat? No? Then, no. Sorry. I specifically chose the window so I could lean against it and sleep."


This is exactly why I ALWAYS choose window seats. I sleep from wheels up to wheels down.


No. Listen we all know what that whole thing "is." If you want to sit next to someone, buy a guaranteed seat. People are picking cheaper "the airline picks where you sit" tickets under that assumption that they will be able to bully people into moving. ETA: "They aren't bullying them, they are just pestering them / guilt tripping them" isn't the retort you think it is people.


Wait until you meet the special breed of asshole who doesn’t buy a seat for their infant/toddler, then goes roaming the aisles looking for an empty seat so they can bully the people sitting next to it into swapping.


Or the one that manages to board before you, and sits in your seat, assuming you will swap for their middle seat in the back.


I have actually had the pleasure of booting those. They think they can capitalize on intimidating people who don’t like conflict. I love the conflict.


Only happened to me once, on a train. They were met with a type of southern passive aggression they were extremely unfamiliar with.


Me and one of my friends went to see dune and you have to reserve seats in the theater I went to. Had the dead middle seats, best in theater. Payed a lot. 2 guys where in out seats when we got there and told us there where seats open right next to them. Told him to get the fuck out of the seats I payed for and they moved over pretty quick. Another couple came in and they where supposed to be seated next to us so I asked if they needed help finding there seats and the moved pretty damn quick again. Some people just wait till they find one person who won’t tell them no.


Haha. They can go fuck themselves.


Absolutely. Your kid is your problem, not mine.


Nope. When I plan to fly, I will book the flight well in advance and carefully book my seat (window, aisle or emergency aisle). If there's an extra fee, I'll pay it gladly. People who want to trade seats to (a) sit next to someone or (b) to have more legroom can pound sand. Your problem is not my problem - learn to plan better.


I recently had a mom friend with two toddlers buy the cheaper plane tickets where they don’t pick their seats. She posted to our girls chat a picture of a guy who wouldn’t trade his window seat with her aisle seat to be next to her kids. Everyone in the chat was shaming that guy. But where is the accountability on the mom? If it’s that important for you to sit with your kids then why didn’t you pay to ensure that??? And I’m the type of person that prefers a window seat than the aisle so I always make sure I get my window seat.


The $64,000 question: did you speak up in the chat about her having bought non-reserved seats?


I did. No one responded to me. Probably think I’m a bitch.


Well we don't ;) People need to be called on their bullshit, especially when it's something caused by their own doing.


That's my issue. When you know someone is toxic af like that and you don't speak up thus enabling them to continue to act like a whack job.


To be honest, my kids will be fine, don’t take any strangers snacks! See ya in a couple hours!


Nobody can steal them, the doors are locked!


No. If they wanted a window seat, they should have booked it.


As crew I absolutely hate this sh\*t, last year in particular was really bad for seat shenanigans mainly thanks to a run of "news" articles about people refusing to move and various arguments leading to a large number of people on my flights putting their foot down and refusing to move then leaving me and the rest of the crew to sort out. Now, there have been instances where a flight has been cancelled and/or someone has bought the last two seats and it's resulted in a split and believe me, I will endeavour to help out but if you are just a tight sod who won't pay to select their seat then frankly they can get stuffed. I don't want to pay for my seat selection but I want a window seat and thus I pay to select one, I'm not happy about it but I will do it because I want it. It is not fair that others try and bully others into moving around and believe me, if they do that (the bullying/strong-arming) on my flight they are given the option of sit down and shut up or get off. Some passengers feel a massive sense of entitlement of "my children have to sit with me by law" and that's not quite right, a row in front, behind or across the aisle counts as "together" and also the age of the "child" counts, a 17 year old is an adult... Sorry for the rant, as for me when travelling PAX? I don't care if you are the King of England, you ain't getting my window seat.


Blame your coworkers. This only became an issue because flight attendants don't immediately tell people no. If flight attendants would stop appeasing these people and stop harassing other people looking for someone else in a better seat to move to a worse one, it would have never grown to be a problem. Boot people from aircraft and if you already took off, tell them they are going to be arrested when you land if they don't stop. If they do it again, make sure the police are waiting. Enforcement is what is lacking. Airlines put a monetary value on getting a good seat, so why do flight attendants pretend seats have no value when trying to get people to switch?


No. I'm an extremely frequent traveler due to my work. I book the window seat every time it's available. The answer is no, I will not switch unless one of the flight crew requests it.


>unless one of the flight crew requests it Uh, sorry flight crew, this is my assigned seat so why are you asking? Entice me with a better seat and I might be inclined to consent.


I won't do it even then. They are free to ask but unless they are upgrading me they can forget it lol.


Absolutely not. I pay for that seat. I pick it specifically so I can enjoy the view on my flight. I enjoy watching the clouds and the wing and flaps in action. There are only a handful of seats that I prefer, so when I get one it’s *mine*. I once had a lady ask me if I could *close my window for the entire flight* because she was scared. I looked her dead in the eyes and said “Sorry, but I got this seat to *use* the window. You’ll have to look the other way.” “You really won’t close the window for me?” “Nope.” Got to enjoy my view for the next 6 hours and she made it through the flight just fine.


Everyone knows that the person with the window seat gets the chose if/when it's open and closed. Simple plane etiquette.




Anyone else read this like a marine? This is my seat, there are many like it but this one is mine.


Well thanks for the offer but I don't think I'm ready to have a child in my life at the moment.


lmao one time i sat down at my window seat, put my headphones in, a few minutes later the lady next to me taps my shoulder and asks me if i would switch seats with her daughter, she points behind us and her daughters sitting in a middle seat. i said no, sorry and she got mad at me, she was like “i cant believe how rude you are, my daughter is sitting by herself, she’s just a young girl blah blah” a few things, her daughter was at least ten years older than me, i was 18 at the time, and flying alone. she even told the flight attendant thinking she would be on her side. she obviously wasn’t but the entire flight the lady was saying passive aggressive things to me i of course just ignored her, and the guy sitting in the aisle seat told her to get over it, it was wonderful. anyways moral of the story is, no i don’t switch w anyone idc


My answer would be no. If you want your kid to have the window seat then buy a ticket for that seat


Na, I always pre book my seats and pay extra. I really don’t care what the excuse is. If you cared more than I did about the seat, you would have pre booked it and paid. The issue isn’t courtesy here, the issue is people not wanting to pay the extra for pre booked seating and then trying to play musical chairs before the plane takes off 🙄 Ryan air in the UK is the worst for people trying to do this … cheap airlines for ya! 😂


"Given I paid extra for this seat, I'm not giving it up for free. If you can get the flight attendant to switch me into First Class, then we would have something to talk about. Otherwise, cute kid, enjoy the flight, gonna put on my headphones now."


Absolutely not, these people purposely avoid buying the seats they need in hopes of pressuring someone to give up theirs. Nope.


Only if it's a better seat for me than the one I already have.


No, I picked my seat previously and maybe you should have done the same. Have a great flight (puts in airpods)


Hell no. By the window I am the least exposed to interacting with other people and I am not giving that shit up


I would only switch my seat for an equivalent or better seat. I make sure to pay and arrange my tickets early to have the seat that is best for me. Someone else's procrastination is not my problem.


I am a frequent airplane traveler, and whether I'd be willing to switch depends on what they're trying to get me to switch to. An aisle seat? Sure. A window closer to the front? Maybe. A middle seat? Hell no, go pound sand.


“I’ll give up my seat if he lets me borrow his Nintendo switch”


My mother who was taking her first flight ever at age 70 told them no. She might never get another chance to sit by the window.


No hablo ingles With a very confused and innocent face


what if they start speaking spanish too?


je ne parle pas anglais ou espagnol


“I don’t speak Spanish either”


As soon as I get seated my headphones go on and I am asleep before take off. If they wake me to ask then they'd be rudely told no because I'm a cranky twat when awakened.


I get anxiety, and looking out the window helps. I’ve always just told people that I get nauseous if I can’t see out. Edit: Yes I book and pay for window seats. What kind of a psychopath asks someone to trade seats.


they need to learn, they dont get everything they want


At this point I'm genuinely offended you are even asking me unless you are actually trading me something equal or better. No one wants your middle seat and it's *always* a crappy middle seat in the back of the plane. No one has ever asked if they can give me their first class seat in exchange for my window seat in coach. And if I booked a window, it's because I want a window, why in the world would I trade for a stranger and their random kid? Pay the $10 if it's that important to you for the seat assignment or book with a better airline that doesn't require it or ask the gate agent, please stop putting this on random passengers and making them uncomfortable.


Frequent airplane traveler here— I’ll kindly say no if it’s a bad switch. If they’re also in a window/aisle seat, then I’ll switch.


I always request/pay for the aisle seat. I frequently get asked to relocate due to 2 people wanting to sit together for what ever reason. I always plainly state " I paid extra to book this seat so you can either pay double my cost or get me into 1st class". From there I put my headphones on and go about my trip. Their failure to plan ahead and book the seats together is not mine or your issue. Hell, I've even managed to update seats at the airport by asking the check in agent nicely.


I paid like $60(x2) to get to choose my seats for our upcoming alaska trip. I chose window and middle every time so my kid and I could look out the window. I absolutely would not switch seats.


tell them no lol