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My drill sergeant after seeing my wife pulled me out of ranks in front of 3 battalions and asked me who she was. When I replied she was my wife he said what is this? Be kind to animals week? Did I win the lottery? šŸ˜‚


Lmao.Ā  I remember going to one of our Marine Corps Balls and being absolutely flabbergasted that the goofiest mf in our Squadron had the most gorgeous wife. I mean good for him, but it was funny hearing half a dozen guys all mutter some variation of "How?", at the same time, lol.


Probably because he WAS goofy. She probably really liked that!


You know what, I bet you're right. Heck, Disney's Goofy is every bit the man I aspire to be one day. Charismatic, great dancer, loving dad, all around handy man, and a great sense of humor.Ā 


Goofy had a KID. Goofy got ass.




Drill sergeants do the best crowd work ever! They don't pull any punches either


People treat her very nicely and they also treat me nice but only when Iā€™m with her lol


For real had my first real gf and she was pretty cute too. It was amazing the friendly interactions I would have with people out and about even had the cover waved for a New Yearā€™s party once


LOL, this is my partner. He has a tough exterior and is a guppy on the inside. He ALWAYS pushes me to the front of the line and when I asked him why he said "because people are way nice to me because of you and sometimes we get free stuff!".


Yeah thatā€™s one thing I miss about being in a relationship with her. When we went places people seemed happy to have us. Itā€™s amazing the difference, people kind of ignore you if youā€™re just a dude being a guy going about your daily life.


Some very attractive girls truly never see the ugly side of people the rest of us schmucks see every day. "Oh, *John Doe*, hes so nice, Hes a good guy!" "That dude talks shit about literally everyone behind their back." "No way, hes always so nice!"


Attractive girls also encounter a lot of guys doing a 180 in behavior after they get rejected.


"You're the hottest woman I've ever seen. Will you go out with me?" "Sorry, not interested." "You're an ugly bitch anyway." That one always mystified me.


"so you're into ugly bitches? is that why you've had your nose up my ass like a fucking dog?"


stealing this lmfaaaao


It's like a billionaire thinking they're hilarious. No. People just laugh at their jokes because they think they should/need to.


Definitely. One time she told me how easy it is to get things for free, and I wondered if she knew thatā€™s only true for her lol


30 Rock did a whole episode about this.


I didn't like it outside the bubble. It was very ironic.


My wife is very pretty, and a few years younger than me. We were at a club pre covid and I whispered a bad joke in her ear, she rolled her eyes and walked away. Some other dudes saw it and thought I just got rejected, took pity on me and bought me some drinks while we talked about radiohead and D&D.


This is hilarious and sweet


I want to know what the joke was


"Why is six afraid of seven?"


Bc seven was a known six offender.


I'll be taking that, thank you very much


That guy was the literal definition of a gigachad. Helping the homies process rather than swooping in like a vulture.


Or he's just like me, sees a girl out of my league, assumed another dude tried his chances, sees how it turns out, and try to console the guy and props him for actually trying. I wouldn't want to know they're actually dating though, because that would crushed my confidence, lmao.


I constantly pretend I'm not married to my wife and flirt with her when we're out, I say terrible chat up lines and do really embarrassing dance moves. My wife's a 10, I'm about a 5 and I constantly get told by people that I'm punching above my weight. I took a chance when we met for the first time and it paid off. I went in guns blazing expecting the worst but hoping for the best.


Thatā€™s the kind of thing that can grow into a beautiful bromance. Tell me you got his number.


Iā€™ve been standing at a bar talking to her and a random girl came up and did the body block/ initiate conversation thing to ā€œsaveā€ her from me


I think im as attractive as my wife, she thinks i am anyway, and once at a club i was getting her a drink while she danced and a younger dude at the bar had a little drunk convo with me and i ended up taking a cigarette from him but i guess he was aware i was looking at (my wife) and looked me up and down and was like ā€œyou are a thirsty motherfucker, peaceā€ and that felt kinda weird


Thatā€™s hilariousĀ 


to be fair maybe OP was staring too long meaning it looked like he wasnt paying attention to the homie lol


Lol I swear there's just some horny dudes at bars who think everyone there is as horny as them. I was at a bar chatting with a girl who was just my friend & some random dude passed by behind her gave me a grin & a thumbs up, like thanks man but I'm just having a friendly conversation ha


Same, but I was talking to my sister.Ā 


Bro same. I went to the club with my sister last weekend and at one point we were dancing near eachother and some dude kept coming up to me talking ab ā€œcmon bro sheā€™s into you. Try to take her homeā€ā€¦ I even told bro multiple times it was my sister, but ig bro was too drunk to comprehend


Dude wanted to bring the incest category to life


Some people donā€™t have friends so thatā€™s still a win


Iā€™m the girl in the relationship so Iā€™ve never had anyone try to swoop in and rescue him, but the amount of people who think we are just two friends hanging out is unreal. Even people who see us together regularly donā€™t always put it together, which is weird to me because we definitely *act* like a couple when weā€™re together. But Iā€™ve totally been places several times when women have tried hitting on him right next to me and he has to put his arm around me or outright say something to get them to understand we are together.


Oh but plenty of (weird) people flirt knowing full well the person is partnered


I was in a relationship with a very attractive guy and when we went out sometimes women would pinch his butt or whisper things in his ear. Fully knowing we were in a relationship. No respect. Some girls at parties would straight out flirt with him. Eventually he cheated, I ended it. Never understood why people do this. Is it the chase? Competition? My husband now has had a situation where someone tried to steal him too. Thankfully he made it clear he was not interested.


Well it's two things, as stupid as it sounds women tend to compete with eachother for the attention of the man, surely you repress this through putting morals and common sense first but some people let the instinct win. Second, a guy is deemed "safe" if he is with another woman, something like, oh, he is in a relationship, this means he is safe and reliable and not a serial killer. Most of the guys i know say they get hit on way way more when they are in a commited relationship or when they go out with a girlfriend, and once they are single no one hits on them anymore.


Confirmed. As a single guy, you're transparent. As a guy with a gf, even if she's not around, you become interesting. That's always baffled me, like women have a 6th sense allowing them to instantly ignore single guys.


If I go out I need to take my wedding ring off. If I leave it on women hit on me near constant. Which was a huge ego boost until I realized they didn't want me, they just wanted to see if they could get a married guy. Without the ring they're nowhere to be found.


They... They know people can just *buy* a ring, right?


Similar thing happened to me. My now wife was hammered at the bar and went into the (unisex) bathroom to puke. I was trying to go in to check on her, and this girl stopped me and said "hey do you know her? Why are you following her?" And I said "actually that's my girlfriend." And she said "psst, yeah right" and followed her into the bathroom... then she tried to kiss her.


Yo my ex had that happen to her lol. We were out with one of her friends and when we were getting ready to leave, I was helping her friend with her jacket after already getting my girlfriend's jacket on her. Anyway some chick drunker than any of us, who my gf knew from college, started trying to block me from doing so, saying "I'll help her. Pay attention to your gf." Excuse you, I already helped my gf. We all looked at her like wtf. What's worse, we ended up giving her a ride home and she tried kissing my gf! They were all sitting in the backseat and my gf started screaming and jumped up front with me. Her friend was like "you messy bitch, wtf you doing?" Lmaoooo like yea try and act like I'm somehow at the bar but she ended up being the one with the problem.


Projecting her intentions onto you in her drunken state


Mmmm who wouldn't want to kiss a post-puke mouth?


I never got that one, but while in public, I had a guy come up us and do the same thing. "Is this guy bothering you?" She laughed and brushed him off, but it was weird because her body language was open and relaxed and we were just chilling, no sign of anyone being bothered.


"Yeah. The fucker keeps leaving his hair in my shower."


ā€œCould you have a word with him? Ask him to stop leaving my toilet seat up?ā€


This one time, I was walking thru a parking lot and a panhandler was bugging this old lady, clearly pushing what he saw was a weak target. So I rolled up and said, "Excuse me, sir, is this lady bothering you?" The old lady busts out laughing and the panhandler gave me a confused look and the situation was totally defused so i flew away


> So I rolled up and ~~said~~ *spake* c'mon, man, *own* that username




Why are you talking to your girlfriend, weirdo.


I know šŸ˜” I do it every day, I canā€™t help it


I've had a few girls we walked past yell "he doesn't deserve you!" I actually hated it


Thatā€™s crazy rude, wtf?


Yeah thatā€™s just downright being an asshole. Thatā€™s not even genuine concern thatā€™s just a desire to insult someone.


Doesnā€™t feel good


I never saw this in real life until it happened to me. Or I'm completely oblivious but I digress. My wifes reaction "How sweet" "Now fuck off" And I about fell out of my chair. She's usually very timid but I didn't realize how much wine she had already.


Iā€™m sorry thatā€™s hilarious


I remember my engagement photos. Big, juiced up photographer, ā€œYOU are the groom?ā€ Kinda fun.


Oh yes the big juiced up photographer, the bane of every average dudes existence. I can only imagine the reaction when he pulled out his tripod


Plot twist: Photographer says that to every groom.


Ever since that one time he did the whole shoot with the wrong guy he's been real intentional about identifying the groom.


ā€œDevelop rapportā€ was not on his checklist!


I asked my wife and she still hasnā€™t stopped laughing.


I asked my wife, expecting a similar response. Instead I got: ā€œItā€™s lovely. Itā€™s nice to know our daughter will be so beautiful.ā€ Sheā€™s delusional of course, but it definitely put a smile on my face.


This is so sweet :)


My wife is quite attractive, and I think I look like a potato. Idk, I just roll with it.


Potatoes are nice because they stay grounded.


potatoes are the supreme vegetable. the most versatile and the best tasting. youā€™re a winner man if you think youā€™re a potato.


Itā€™s AMAZING. Sheā€™s the best ever but she goes to another school so I canā€™t show you pics.


Right in the feels. Ā Iā€™m in the US and my girlfriend is in Canada.Ā 


In the Niagara Falls area?




> none of those friends are left. How dark should this be interpreted?


He straight up murdered them I guess. Edit: holy cow. Never been bombarded with notifications like this before. Never been upvoted so quickly in my entire life.


As one does in this situation


ā€œHer friends are no longer with usā€


ā€œHer friends areā€¦ā€¦..no longer with usā€


ā€œTheyā€™ll be missedā€


ā€œTheyā€™ll be missingā€*




I am irrationally angry that this sub doesnā€™t exist.


As a true crime lover, Iā€™m going with it took said person 15 years to slowly kill off those friends and dispose of the bodies. Maybe the kids helped? Great family bonding activity. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Great way to build character, digging holes


Oh been there. Spoilers: they won.


Eh I had similar when I was finishing my degree. Super stressed, stopped doing sport, ate too much, got fat. She graduated earlier than me so had money and free time, all her new friends told her to drop me and eventually she did. Hurt at the time but honestly finding out early that she wouldn't stand by me even for a short time when things were a bit tougher was a good thing. Compared to what my current SO and I have weathered together "I got a little chubby for a year" was not a high bar to clear.


Years ago, I brought my girlfriend (now wife) to Texas to meet my mom for the first time. Everything went normally. The first time my mom and I were alone, she turned to me and said, ā€œYou must be really good in bed.ā€


Maximum damage. Hope youā€™re still doin okay my guy.




"Took after yer daddy didntya boy?"


Your MOM said that?


As far as my mom is concerned I don't even have genitals, I just have a barbie doll crotch, and I don't even know where babies come from


My wife is way out of my league. When we started dating and going places this is how interactions would go. Staff - Hello there, what can I get for you? My wife - I'll have such and such Staff - And for her friend? (me). Happened so many times lol.


Lol thats cold


Honestly, it's better as a server not to assume ANYTHING. You can easily make things super awkward by doing that. I usually say "guest" rather than friend. The customer will clarify in their response and we can move forward.


Or just say ā€œand for you?ā€. Problem solved.






My boyfriend is also much more attractive than me. We both know it. I assume people wonder how I ever landed him. They can steal him if they want, theyā€™d return him, heā€™s a lot of work. But yeah, watching him get naked really is a good time.


> They can steal him if they want, theyā€™d return him, heā€™s a lot of work. lolololol


yess relatable. they're like premium sports cars, this relationships is we ll oiled machine, not some common honda civic


as the equivalent of a camry, I resemble that remark


Sounds like my husband. Heā€™s hot, but Iā€™m not sure everyone would be down for the farting.


> They can steal him if they want, theyā€™d return him, heā€™s a lot of work. I'm fucking crying laughing at this thinking of women returning him to your front door like "omg, PLEASE, just take it back, I have the receipt"


They'd return him hahahaha


Yep. When the clothes come off, I forget all my insecurities, Iā€™m just so into witnessing/banging this absolute triumph of genetics. Actually, now that I think about it, I started to forget those insecurities for good once I hit my thirties. I used to feel guilty, like I was holding him back from the perfect woman heā€™s \*supposed\* to be withā€”now I give myself a hearty slap on the shoulder and smile.


I feel this. I make my boyfriend do twirls when he gets out of the shower he is so good looking and naked is his best clothing option




When he starts to take clothes off I watch him And say, ā€œkeep goingā€¦ā€ and he always chuckles. Itā€™s great to see him get naked.


I feel the same about my husband.. but luckily he had been WFH for just under 20 years now šŸ˜…. But when we are out? He puts effort into dressing nice. And it just makes him draw more attention from women. I just keep reminding myself that he chooses to be with me.




My pops started going to the gym and made friends with a group of people from spin class. My dad was asked out to have margaritas with a fine young woman. He thought several people from the class were going so he invited my mom along with him then my mom told me to stop by and have some apps and meet pops new friends. I tell my sister to come along. It is my mom, dad, sister, and me on a date with this random woman. The shear terror on this girls face as we walked in as a family. My mom called her out in the nicest way possible and this girl became friends with our family. That was 20 years ago and still tease her about it to this day.


She's playing the long game, that's incredible


Why are these people being so friendly with me -Me at a Gay bar


Them: "Do you wanna go home with me?" Me: "to like, play halo or?"


The only rule is you can't get jealous. Not just on their behalf, but for your own sake. in general, being insecure is unattractive


I was dating a woman back in college who my friends still talk about to this day because how hot she is. I remember we went out one night with a group of friends and guys kept looking at her. It didnā€™t bother me, I trusted her. At some point, my friend said something along the lines of ā€œit doesnā€™t bother you these guys keep looking at her?ā€ My response was something along the lines of ā€œwhat am I gonna start a fight with every single guy that thinks sheā€™s attractive? Itā€™s flattering if anything, and a waste of energy being pissed off atā€


Iā€™ve dated some pretty attractive women and itā€™s crazy how fast some friends try to become better friends with your girlfriend lol. Bro-code just doesnā€™t exist for some guys when the girl is hot enough.


It is a thing. They don't even have to be _your_ friends, they can just be her friends that pounce as soon as they think they can do better, and they'll try to appear better than you to steal her. Some ladies aren't super cognizant because they're naive about this kind of man and don't realize what's happening. And when you say "hey this isn't healthy behavior you should probably cut them off" you look a little jealous. G/f had one guy friend that she recently reconnected with a few weeks prior that invited _just her_ to his apartment for "card games" when his wife went out of town. She just happened to mention it to me offhand a day or two prior and I already had my suspicions but kept them to myself up until that point. I mentioned to her that "he's trying to fuck you, you shouldn't be alone with him" and she responded (paraphrased) "no way... you think so?" I followed up "I know it sounds like I'm being jealous but that's just not something you do". I know it looked like I was jealous but I didn't want something bad to happen to her and my "this is a bad dude" klaxons went off immediately to that. A few weeks later dude is divorced by his wife, rumor is he cheated on her. I suspect it was worse than just cheating.


my boyfriend said this when a waiter flirted with me right in front of him multiple times. he said, ā€œyouā€™re beautiful; men *should* flirt with you.ā€ it was then i realized iā€™m dating the most secure man ever.


Men are constantly sending drinks to her, even if Iā€™m standing next to her. And yes I drink it in front of them


I used to also be attractive. Now Iā€™m not. Itā€™s hard. Women will openly stare mouth agape and approach him. He doesnā€™t notice half the time.


What happened? Why do you feel you arenā€™t as attractive anymore?


I used to date someone way more attractive than me back in the day, and I could recognize the look from other guys sometimes saying something like "What the fuck is she doing with him".


I experienced this too as well as my "friends" trying to convince her to date them instead. My landlord drunk texted her multiple times. Had a coworker desperate to "wrestle her" sometime. Little kids would walk up to her to tell her how pretty she was. Another friend blatantly started hitting on her *in front of his own girlfriend*. It was honestly too much, leave her alone!


I love how you slip- >Little kids would walk up to her to tell her how pretty she was. Into that list. Like, here's a bunch of creepy weirdos. Oh, and also back off gradeschoolers, she's mine!


Some of those kids got game and itā€™s still frowned upon to start a fist fight with a first grader.


This happens to me, it's adorable. I remember the first time it happened and the kid's mom got really mad, I felt so awkward.


This just goes to show how different life is for attractive people


Dude. Her freaking mom commented on my face in a negative way right in front of me when I met her. I felt shot through the chest.


My wife's mom said I had a nice butt. Then she got drunk and said she wanted to see me in a banana hammock


"Is his face supposed to look like that?"


All the women in my wifeā€™s family date down. Half of them only date thugs, and the other half pick such weirdos and kind of losers itā€™s dumb. I take no part in any of this other than my observations and I mentioned this to my wife who said sheā€™s given up trying to raise their self esteem. Wait a secondā€¦ did my wife date down?? Surely notā€¦ butā€¦ no definitely not ā€¦


I hate to break it to you milk4all, but youā€™re not just a thug, youā€™re a weirdo too.


Can I get an invite for the holidays?


They think Iā€™m rich


Sec, asking my wife. Update: I have played the most dangerous game and lost, fellow redditors. Learn from my downfall.


She said "I wouldn't know" didn't she? RIP


"You tell me." would have also been a plausible response.


What happened my dude


She talked about how attractive her boyfriend was.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Was your wife's boyfriend better looking?


I once dated a guy "out of my league" and the reality is that I was very insecure and felt uncomfortable when we went out to places where there were many pretty girls because I felt that I wasn't enough for him and that he'd look at another girl who was really pretty. In the end that did happen, but my insecurity didn't make me enjoy the relationship. Thank God I am working on that in therapy


Fact is ugly people cheat too. Dont even think they are particularly less likely to, either


It's great. We both think we are reaching and both think the other person is settling.


Not currently, but have in the past. I mean, itā€™s cool? You gotta get used to a shitton of people glancing/staring at them anytime you go out. Also gotta get used to guys trying to hit on them the second you walk away. I never had an issue with either, so it worked for me. The underrated upside is that shit is self-perpetuating: you immediately become more desirable if youā€™re with someone who (in this case) other girls realize is beautiful.


I spend a lot of time wondering when heā€™ll realize heā€™s out of my league and leave me. I mean, itā€™s nice when he meets friends of mine and they rave about him afterwards. Like, yes. I know heā€™s a snack. Heā€™s also the sweetest man in the world. So heā€™s the entire package and I consider myself extremely blessed to be the one to see him naked.


at least people know im the personality hire


My hubs could hands down get a way better looking girl than me, and as we age he keeps getting hotter and me, not so much. Sometimes I feel insecure that others wonder why he is with me, but then I feel complimented because it means I'm doing a lot of things right. I never feel jealous as in he would leave me, because I know he loves me, my mind, and our life together. I do however get jealous of how easy it is for him to be good looking. I have to spend hours getting ready to look OK to stand next to him, and he just rolls out and couldn't care less. He's the best. I'm super thankful.


Here's a complimented backhand, have you considered the possibility he's just average looking and you're both just madly in love?


My father used to say he married the most beautiful woman in the world and I didn't understand. Mom didn't look like the women hanging on my wall as a teen. Then I met the most beautiful woman in the world and finally understood.


God, I really like this comment. Thereā€™s something about being in love with someone that just really makes them seem so astoundingly attractive. You put it perfectly.


We argue over who is more attractive, but I'm convinced it's him. My SO gets called Thor /Chris Hemsworth by kids while walking down the street and in our friend circles. The only weird encounter we had was at a bar. This intoxicated older woman was visibly incredulous that we were together and kept trying to hit on him.


I just go to the restroom anytime she needs a drink.


Its nice though they suffer from self esteem issues linked to the specific kind of compliments they've gotten in the past.Ā 


To elaborate: basically every compliment came down to "wow nice boobs" Said boobs have been removed. So partner sometimes feels self conscious and worries I/everyone won't find them attractive without the breasts.Ā  There's also some anxiety related to recent weight gain mostly because their father is a massive prick and divorced and cheated on their mom the moment she gained weight.Ā  It sucks watching someone you love be upset and disliking their body.Ā 


Ugh, the boobs thing. I feel that. That's how I've always been complimented as well (and to be fair, they *are* my best feature). I'm terrified to lose them (I have an increased risk of beast cancer). I *know* people won't find me attractive without them because I'm *not* conventionally attractive. They distract from my face. I don't know how I could live without them.


One of my good friends recently had to have a double mastectomy. She's very pretty in all ways. She's opted for reconstruction, so she'll have implants sometime in the next few months.Ā  I'm only mentioning this because, while I absolutely do not hope you need to exercise those options, in most cases (maybe all? I'm not a physician), there are options for reconstruction Also, more importantly, whether or not you do end up needing surgery, you are so much more than just your breasts. Both in terms of your physical features and who you are fundamentally. If anyone makes it weird or implies otherwise, _they_ are the problem.


I feel incredibly lucky, especially since his personality is also amazing. I also wonder how everyone else heā€™s been with were dumb enough to let him go.


My significant other is WAY more attractive than me. Other girls fawn over him. It doesnā€™t bother me, because I know where his heart lies. We were out on a date one night, every time I walked away to go to the restroom or get a drink I would come back to some skinny little thot in my seat. He would be polite, but never flirtatious. Then calmly tell them to move so his girl could sit back down. On a different night I had a bartender tell me I didnā€™t have a shot with the ā€œgrey eyed guyā€. I was already living with the ā€œ grey eyed guyā€.


> We were out on a date one night, every time I walked away to go to the restroom or get a drink I would come back to some skinny little thot in my seat. Wait, you were dining at a table and women would run up and sit down in the seat you'd just vacated?


Yeah. The bar of attractiveness needed before women will act like creepy weirdos is a lot higher than it is for men but holy shit when you clear it it's truly bizarre. To be clear, I don't mean me. But I did go to university with a guy like that and it was ridiculous watching women fall over themselves around him, propositioning him, and honestly acting like men do around women only with even less shame about it. When you first met the guy you were like "woah lucky man" but you go out a few times with him and you're like "I feel sorry for all women everywhere if this is how it is for them...".


lol. That would have been hilarious, but no. It was a bar/pool hall place.


Ah, grabbing an empty barstool isn't nearly as creepy/entitled. I was wondering why your SO wasn't asking what the hell they thought they were doing.


F that bartenderĀ 


I get side eye from a lot of women, he's gorgeous. Strong jaw, full lips, deep brooding eyes, 6'1, well built, and dresses well. At times it can make me a bit anxious and nervous as I don't want to be stared at. He has people give him things and he thinks it's because they are nice or women suddenly need a man's help.


That last point hits hard. I'm not unattractive, but I dated a guy who was like... If Jared Padalaki and Henry Caville had a baby. Dude had an amazing jawline, long hair down to his belt, six feet tall, and he had that kind of "skinny guy muscles" that look like steel cables. You know the sort? I think the word is "wiry." Anyway, he thought it was perfectly normal to have a hundred female friends and only two or three male ones. He was unknowingly friend zoning an army of girls who were basically launching themselves at him cunt-first. His rejection didn't stop them from making their "true" intentions known, however. They would drop hints, wear quasi-inappropriate things when they knew he was going to be there, made excuses to touch him... I'm not the jealous type, but it got to me. Furthermore, the fact that he didn't even seem to notice that this was abnormal, (let alone inappropriate for someone in a relationship to tolerate,) only made me feel even worse. No, Ken. Tiff does NOT need help with changing a light bulb. She is perfectly capable of looking that shit up on Google for herself. No, Amy is NOT having an emotional crisis because she's perfectly FINE when you aren't around. She only puts on the waterworks when they're worthwhile. Girls are so sneaky when it comes to trying to steal your man... And men are so bloody oblivious to it.


I dated a professional rugby player, he was good looking, a good person, treated me like a queen but was a bit dim. I thought it shouldnā€™t matter if he wasnā€™t smart because thatā€™s not a character flaw and he was a great guy but I just found it hard to be attracted to someone who just agreed with everything I said and didnā€™t have much to think about anything. I told my friend I was going to break up with him and she got really upset because he was hot and I should try more. I felt bad because he was a genuinely nice guy but despite the hot body I just couldnā€™t feel attracted.Ā 


Beauty is skin deep but dumb goes down to the bone.


She was always the life of the party. Everyone wanted to talk to her all the time, and would always compliment her. Guys would openly admit to me they were trying to steal her away. Lots of drunk texts, sober texts, unsolicited dick pics. Lots of likes and comments on social media. A lot of ā€œreally, this guy?ā€ An old boss of mine even said ā€œno way thatā€™s your girlfriend, sheā€™s my girlfriend now.ā€ She was the love of my life and I miss her every day. RIP. Edit: she loved me too


They fart too.


4/5 times she goes out alone to the store, the gym, food, etc, she will get hit on. Itā€™s even happened dozens of times when we are together if I simply go to the bathroom or hover more than 2 feet away from her. Unlike like other relationships, where I was trained to get upset when this would happen, Iā€™ve learned to fully trust her and let go of jealousy. At this point, I just assume that every single man that she meets will be into her in some capacity, and thatā€™s OK because it doesnā€™t matter if she doesnā€™t reciprocate.


Like holding a steak in a pool full of sharks


I started dating her 16 years ago, me 24yM, her 23yF. Sheā€™s a Beautiful Native American. My friends say she looks like Monica from Yellowstone. Sheā€™s now/then totally out of my league but I tried my best to charm her. Luckily for me, she entertained my advances and gave me a chance, we dated for around a year & I never looked back! On our first date I told her I felt extremely attracted to her, & comfortable around her. After several dates She told me I was the kindest man sheā€™s ever met, ā€œshe felt safe around meā€. We married around a year later. That was it, weā€™ve been happily married for 15y. Best decision of my life, sheā€™s the best partner Iā€™ve ever had, & the best mom ever, Iā€™m a VERY lucky guy!!! I told her back then I thought she was ā€œout of my leagueā€, then she told me; ā€œIf you saw yourself the same way I see you youā€™d never doubt yourself again.ā€ That comment hit SO HARD, Iā€™ll never forget it! Sheā€™s my Wife & BFF!


I was in a long term relationship with a woman who looked like a super model. 6 foot tall, skinny, heart shaped face etc. She was the most beautiful woman Iā€™ve ever seen. Not exaggerating in the slightest. I was in shock the first time we made out. I just stared at her for hours and kissed her like I was in a daze. I soon figure out that when your with a woman like this literally every dude will hit on her constantly. When she was 9 months pregnant dudes were slipping her phone numbers. It was so insane. She definitely had a personality flaw. She thought she was better than everybody else, but was really good at being pretend nice to people. To make a long story short she completely destroyed me. Cheated on me 3 weeks before the wedding and was ā€˜appalledā€™ that I called it off. ln her words ā€˜no one breaks up with me, I break up with themā€™. She to this day thinks that I was the shitty person for calling it off. Fuck, she was so impossible.


šŸ’” Iā€™m so sorry to hear this. Are the two of you able to co-parent your child peacefully? I wish you all the best


My favourite memory was being at a bar with my partner but also with some friends. So we're all just hanging out. Not clear with who is with who. This bloke sees my partner and is legit stunned by her. She isn't aware, but as he's watching. She comes up to me and gives me a kiss/cuddle. He was half impressed, half bummed. Gave me an approving nod and moved on. It's nice when they're respectful that way.


Female servers ignore me and act real cute w my partner.


In my experience, I get told things like: - I never figured *you* could get a girl like *that*. - You married up, man. When I was single, I would also occasionally hear my buddies say things like "Man, I need to hang out with you more" after seeing some pictures of girls with whom I had been spending time. The insults never really bothered me, though. People are generally stupid and the whole "league" thing is ultimately nonsense.


Iā€™ve only dated two women who most men would consider ā€œ10/10ā€. This happened before I got married, before everyone who is young started calling me ā€œsirā€ to get my attention. Both girls acted like they knew the whole room was staring at them, one of them in particular changed her whole vibe whenever we would go somewhere and go inside, like she would act like the cameras were rolling, and often times, I could tell she wasnā€™t even listening to what I had said, like she was trying to capture how many people were looking at her without being obvious (and pretending to be looking at me, except she was looking *through* me).


A crappy personality can make an attractive person ugly really fast. It literally makes them look less hot when they act like a tool. A good personality can also make an average person seem more attractive.Ā 


I know I'm not ugly by any means, if anything I am considered by those around me to be quite attractive myself, but every time I stand next to him I feel ugly. But I am not unhappy because he only has eyes for me and always makes sure I know how highly he thinks of me.


It's great. People assume I'm rich. As soon as they realize I'm not, they assume I have a huge dick.


At first, took quite a long time to gain her full trust. More than once she have been being lied to or manipulated to try to get in her pants. And it os also hard for me sometimes. She is getting hit on regularly even if I'm there. I fully trust her, but on some days when I don't feel good due to work stress or fatigue or when our relationship is a bit down (like everything it has its up and downs), it adds a bit of stress, I have to relax and say to myself deep down that she loves me. As far as sex, yeah she is really cute and sexy, but sex is more than that when you love someone, does not change anything for me.


I am 6/10 on my best day and my wife wakes up at 8/10 and goes up from there. And that's at age 40. Especially when we first started dating, when she was the cute college girl, she couldn't get under 9/10 even if she tried. And here she was schlepping around with me. It feels fucking weird, dude. But she has reassured me enough, and I've seen her politely turn away a half dozen guys over the years, so I accept it these days. It was a hazard for a while sending her to pick up our pre-orders from GameStop because she'd get to talking with the guy behind the counter about her favorite games, then end up with him knocking on the car window to ask her out. She let him down easy and I don't get upset. I get it. I just have to accept it as one of those things I can recognize as true without really understanding. It's like gravity I guess.


Stealing this line: ā€œI just have to accept it as one of those things I can recognize as true without really understanding. It's like gravity I guess.ā€


Itā€™s annoying. I know my husband is hot, and he gets more attractive with age. Iā€™ve had two kids and been through some rough stuff mentally which has aged me. Kinda sucks. One night we were out at a bar and some drunk girl tries to flirt with him while I was in the bathroom. I walk up to him since he was holding my drink. She looked me up and down and goes ā€œwaitā€¦heā€™s with YOU?!ā€. Iā€™m not a violent person. I almost punched her in the throat.


As soon as i saw him, I couldn't take my eyes off him. Almost fell over the first time I saw him shirtless. I think I held it together alright (he says otherwise). It's been 2 years, and I can't keep my hands off him. In addition to being attractive, he has a personality that just lights up the room. I am thankful for every day that he is with me.


Everyone wants to be her friend, random people always talking to her, constantly dudes trying to buy her drinks if we go into together. I don't mind my wife is hot.


seeing other women look at him, flirt with him casually, being asked on dates if we need separate checks, or separate bags at stores. i feel like women sometimes hope he'll look at them, or mention how we're just friends. but his eyes r only for me :) and thats pretty cool


From a womenā€™s perspectiveā€¦ it isnā€™t great. My boyfriend is the whole package: handsome, tall, full head of hair, handsome face, great smile. Heā€™s a doctor. High earning life trajectory. Surrounded by nurses and secretaries that are constantly hitting on him. I have a history of being cheated on and so it definitely sucks to have him openly pursued by women that know heā€™s in a relationship.