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Of course nobody at HP uses those printers, they're fucking terrible.




Brother's software looks like spyware.


God the absolute worst. I bought one new from Staples and never got it to work, past the return date uggghh.




Windows search as well. Absolute fucking garbage. Why couldn't they integrate something like [Everything](https://www.voidtools.com/)? It's criminal how bad Windows search is.


The old old Windows search, pre indexing days was so much better. Weird how after all these years they can't even match the original quality. Although I noticed it's starting to improve.


Honsstly it astounds me that to this day they haven't included a more specific/advanced search function, it would solve like 90% of all problems


Yea I was using it to find a file, and it didn’t even bother looking lol


Mine was on desktop and it just didn't pop up. I closed search and there was the file staring at me


That program is boss,  Everything 


Oh, you want every email sent from a specific address so you can delete them all? How about I also include any email sent to that address, mentions that address or even looks like that address? And here are a few that we think you'll need as well because they also end in .com and that's probably close enough, right?




Apparently these people never bothered to learn how to use the search, and just decided it sucks


I feel this. The other thing that upsets me deeply is that CTRL-f in pretty much 100% of applications = I'll find that string for you right away. Outlook = fuck you, find your own shit. I'm forwarding this email.


Want to find an email? Go find the fucks I give instead ~outlook if it could talk


Do it too fast in a tab of SharePoint. "Oh, you wanted to replace this with half a word then search the other half the word? Also we automated so don't forget to fix that"


>Outlook ~~search function~~ FTFY


I came here to say windows 11 in general, but yours is more accurate.


The phone app search is straight garbage. It works great on my laptop, but the app will search for basically anything except what you’re looking for.




Also those plastic vampire teeth that would come out around Halloween. Candy corn. The perforated pull tab section on macaroni and cheese. Most Cracker Jack toys since they switched to cards or whatever instead of actual toys.


You leave candy corn out of this, what’s next, attacking circus peanuts?


I wanted to say something funny. But I really like candy corn and circus peanuts.


Please provide your mailing address. We will send them ALLLLL from our grandma's pantry


Ladies and gentlemen We hqve found the only person on the planet who likes these things Please stop monopolizing on focus groups


I bet you like black licorice too, don’t you?


Actually no, that shit is disgusting :)


our brand of mac & cheese recently changed their "cheese" packets. They're much smaller now and easier to hide in the box 🙁


Big Battery wanted those puppies to drain asap


Oh this one's simple. Those toys are designed by spiteful parents determined to inflict their revenge on as many other parents as possible. If they can't hear themselves think, neither will you.


When I was a kid my mom put tape over the toys’ speakers so she wouldn’t have to listen to the incessantly cheerful music and adult-as-child voices.


This new reddit layout is pretty awful, and not just because "me no likey different". Oh, you want to see the parent comment? You have two options: 1. Slowly move up the chain 2. See all comments and lose the parent comment in the sea.


Agreed. It's absolutely awful. If they remove the option of "opt out of redesign," I will definitely use the site way less, no clue what is better bout the new layout.


I use a plugin for firefox called 'Old New Reddit Redirect' that redirects it back to the previous design. This new one is straight up a mobile layout and it's forced on PC for some inane reason.


are you on desktop? you can use [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) instead of [www.reddit.com](https://www.reddit.com), and it has the "old" (not ancient) design. Its what i use on desktop. You can also use [old.reddit.com](https://old.reddit.com) if you want the ancient design


Team old Reddit checking in


Thanks bro!


And the back button will return you to the sub's home page, even if you weren't there before.


yeah i literally had to download an extension on my laptop so i could stay on the new.reddit.com layout (i prefer it over old reddit and the recent ui) its called ui changer for reddit


The human back.


It's incredible how the human body can be so intricate, as to design billions of tiny cells made to do a specific function and have them be flawless in their interactions, just to make one body part break if you use the wrong muscles around it


Intelligent design. Lol.


The human back has to be the single strongest piece of evidence for evolution in existence. No creator would ever design such a bad back.


Women’s bathroom stalls without coat hooks and a place to put your phone


any bathrooms like that. i'm a guy, i wear jackets


Having to change from a suit to regular clothes in a bathroom stall is pretty horrific in general.


Not a woman, but purses, too? My restaurant has a suggestion box and we got "no place to put my purse!" Like three times. We do have coat hangers :) and the purse thing shelf was an easy fix.


Weirdly enough I know why they no longer have hooks Its because messed up perverts keep changing them to hooks that contain a hidden camera So in this case its not the stores that are to blame The phone thing is annoying tho


Those terrible Twinblade disposable plastic razors. Might as well use a cheese grater


I use an old double-edged safety razor. Brilliant thing. 


Probably depends on the brand, but I really like Bics. You can't use them more than 5-10 times, but I like them better than all that Mach 3 Fusion garbage. 


I like my Mach 5 Pro Glide, simply because it has the single blade on the other side. I've yet to find any razor that doesn't irritate under my chin so I just deal with it.


If you like the single blade razor, have you tried a safety razor? It's my daily shaver. Bought it and 100 blades years ago for 40 bucks, clean shave daily. It's fantastic


This is the way. Buy a thousand and you'd be set for life.


I bought my first disposable plastic in years(was a part of mailorder club) they suck something awful. I swear they're worse


That Cybertruck. It just looks like something that was made because Elon had enough fuck you money to make his crayon drawing a reality without having to consider the flaws with its design.


It feels more like he had a big amount of steel he couldn't use for his toy rocket, so tried to figure a way to repurpose it into another product.


I feel like that gives him too much credit. This is the same guy who seemingly isn't aware of how quickly the material rusts on its own and disregarded basic safety features. I honestly think that for some reason he thought it looked cool.


The Wank Tank


wait, i can't take it to the car wash?


Only in car wash mode


Tell me that when you’re being shot at in a flood


From what I saw on a video, it's not even bulletproof.


I hate them also, I was just joining in the mocking


/s is always a good idea, even if you think it's obvious


It can definitely hold up though when 3 nerdy guys unleash a shin kick attack.


Apparently his designers had a backup design for when his ideas fail. Her made a truck out of stainless steel.


Oh, but I love the cybertruck! Every time I see one I just burst out laughing. Makes my day every time.


The navigation system on almost any automobile.


Turn left Then Turn left




Single ply toilet paper


Workday (the job application system)


I stopped drinking water entirely so I could grow kidney stones. That way, every hour or so at work, I can take a bathroom break and piss razor blades. It's the only thing that helps me forget the pain that I endure every day because of Workday.


That fuckin app is a pain in the ass.


Stupid ass Dyson hand dryers


They’re also the least hygienic option when compared with paper towels and standard hand dryers. https://youtu.be/mJ3BE9sGm5w?si=b4rODBIw3FAQMRXT


the most hygienic option will always be shaking you hands like a dog drying off


Second only to smearing your hands all over the front of your shirt and pants


no its more hygienic cause your shirt isn't necessarily 100 percent clean


Agreed. Both styles of the Dyson hand dryers are garbage. The newer ones are just slightly better, but still terrible.


AKA world's messiest urinal


B-but, bladeless technology!


Siri: “sorry I didn’t get that” Ugh


I asked Siri for directions to home yesterday and she responded ‘ok, here’s what I found on the web for hot strawberry sponge cake’


That is too funny.


Lego Movie “disable the shields!” “There are no movies in your area with that title.”


I literally feel like Siri has gotten worse over the last few generations.


same with alexa i find that one alexa commercial where the guys like hey you dont gotta yell at it incredibly funny cause sometimes u gotta yell at it


Hockey puck mouse with the original iMacs. 


The Magic Mouse that had to be charged upside down…


They did that so that whenever someone takes a picture of it in use it has to be wireless and it looks better.


Only to be replaced by the Magic Trackpad. An equally ineffective way to interact with your desktop computer. There’s a reason why three button mice with scroll wheel are the GOAT.


At least the trackpad functions like a nice trackpad. The hockey puck mouse had one button and hurt like hell. 


Dude the Magic Trackpad is amazing. Huge surface area, tons of useful gestures, and the fact that the click is done using haptic feedback instead of something mechanical means it’s less prone to breaking down and allows you to click down several levels if you want to, for instance, peek at something and then go into it after that. 


The Magic Trackpad is great. Superior to mouse in every way except portability.


Aftermarket LED headlight bulbs. Actually, headlights in general in recent years.


Typically it's not the bulbs fault you get blinded, if you switch to LEDs (or put a lift kit on) you have to reaim your headlights so they point at the road correctly. Most people don't so this, and in some cases the actually set them wrong intentionally so they can see better. 


My mother bought a paint roller “thing” (from a TV ad) where you sucked up the paint into the handle (like filling a syringe) and then you’d “pump” the handle and the paint would ooze through the roller from the inside. Absolute nightmare to use. When the handle was full of paint, it was almost too heavy to lift to roll paint on the wall or ceiling. The act of pumping over-saturated the roller so the paint would start dripping everywhere. But it was hard not to unintentionally pump the handle when you were just trying to roll the paint onto the wall. The handle (basically a tube) was so long it had to be cleaned in the bathtub or outside with a garden hose bc it wouldn’t even fit in a utility sink, and you could never really get it cleaned out. 


Government mandated "safe" gasoline cans


That’s a good one. Do they not realize the fuel I spilled is more hazardous than the 1 in a million chance that a spark back feeds up the spout?


The primary reason for the stupid spout is to reduce the amount of vapors going into the air.  Same reason many jerry cans don't have the separate vent cap any more.  Second reason is to reduce spills (though most designs are so poor that they probably have the opposite effect)  I've never heard the flame arrestor theory before.


Just got a new one that has that valve that opens from pushing on the ring of the gas tank. Also has no air inlet. So I need to hold it at a certain angle, press the catch, let the can fall a little to open the valve and wait until the next full moon while the can goes "ca----glug" over and over again until I'm finally full. Or I grab my old speed can that we drilled out for racing. Do a pit stop in under 10 seconds.


Hate that one! I found one with a lever near the base that you squeeze back with your hand. Still sucks, but much less.


85% of software. And it's not "seems like they never tried to use it." They absolutely never did.


Form over function. They want it to look pretty, doesn't matter if it works well.


any of u here ever notice how every printer seems to enter a state of existential crisis the moment you're in a hurry? it’s like they’re engineered to sniff out urgency and become ornery paper-jamming beasts, conveniently ignoring the 'low toner' for months until that critical document is due.


Search function in iPhone Mail. Completely and utterly broken, and has been for ages.


Windshield wiper fluid spray spot on the 2024 Honda CRV. It’s sprays when the wiper is all the way to the left so the fluid just goes off the car and isn’t wiped to clean the windshield. (It just really annoying and I haven’t had anyone to tell so thanks for the thread)


It's gotta be touchscreen controls on a car. Touchscreen for adjusting temp control, radio volume and channel, heated seats, etc Tesla even put the Park, Drive, Reverse on a touchscreen


"No-Spill" Water Bottle with a cap that defies gravity, ensuring a flood every time you attempt to take a sip.


that AI lapel/shirt pin that costs 700 and is complete trash in every regard.


I'd venture to say even the Rabbit R1. There's being early to the party and then there's being so early that no one is even asking!




Wait do they hurt?


They shove metal utensils inside you, spread your insides open, then insert a little plastic/copper dongle in your uterus. When I got mine replaced it sounded like a torture chamber.


From what I gather, as a dude, yes. Also from what I gather the joke is they were invented by men.


The lengths men will go to avoid using a condom are insane.


Yes and women are often not given pain relief despite it basically being an internal piercing. I refuse to get one because of the pain involved. That also doesn't cover if your body grows around the IUD and you need surgery, if it implants and you need it fixed, if it moves and needs to be replaced.... 


Women’s pants without pockets


Worse - ones that have fake pockets.


That seems cruel. Like the designers are saying "We could, but we choose not to."


The apple vision pro. Honestly, a screen that can extend your PC screen and take it with you is a pretty cool idea, but the apple pro is loaded with so much bloat to make it only usable with other apple products that it will almost never be developed for. Apple has also slashed production already and cancelled the updated version. Lot's of people out there spending 3k on a proprietary brick.


Listen, I’m not here to change your mind about the product, but just for clarity, I feel like I should point out that you don’t need any other Apple products to use it, the same analyst who said they slashed production (which is now back down to the level they were originally said to be limited by because of the displays) is the same one who just a while back doubled their estimated production, and the updated version is currently rumored not to be cancelled but to be pushed out a year to 2026. The most recent rumor about the cheaper, more mainstream headset was said to have been expedited. It’s just hard to know what’s actually true. 


Mammogram machines. 


boobie sandwich


Starbucks' evil and stupid olive-oil-iced-coffee thing.








As a pine tree, how dare you.


Oh god not that hellspawn of satan


For all it's faults, the Super Attack Pea is still pretty cute.


100% agree! It was described as a German accounting program that they tried to adapt to every function in a company. The most non-intuitive software invented.


Genie+ for the disney parks


It really is a pain to use. I tried it for the first time last year, and I felt like I needed a degree to figure out how to use it to maximize my stay.


Nokia N-Gage phone/game system. Thing was shaped like a taco. "Side talking" -- you held the side edge of the phone to your face to make calls. Changing game cards required you to power down the phone, open it up, and remove the battery (the cards slotted in underneath).


Any college website


I do furniture assembly, and there's no way those designers/engineers have tried to put together shit using their shit instructions with unlabeled parts and hardware. People complain about Ikea, but at least their instructions are well tested and makes sense!


Bacon packaging Bathroom stall doors that open inward and leave no room to squeeze through Those stupid little plastic pull tabs on sealed bottled goods. Screw those things. They almost always rip right off and I stick a knife through it instead.


I once went to a TJ max that the regular stall to get in you had to step up onto the toilet seat to close the door…everyone just used the handicap stall instead.


The Mac/Apple one button mouse. WTF


Clipper Card (transit) phone app in the SF Bay Area.




About 90% of lighting fixtures. Electrician here, the amount of times you go to instal some light a client bought to find out that some aspect of it completely clashes with trade standards. I'd go as far to say as 50% of all electrical finishing products were never tested once they were designed. And designers and engineers never worked a day in the feild so they have no idea what works and what doesn't. It's extremely frustrating and I say "who the fuck designed the piece of (usually expensive) shit" daily.


Electric epilators. Especially the old ones. No way anyone designed those and tested them on themselves. Probably designed by the military as a torture device.


I work as a hood tech at an oil change place, and it's wild how some vehicles are super simple to maintainence while others make it so difficult to check all the stuff I need to check. Air filters, cabin air filters especially, and headlights especially.


I've seen videos on YouTube where in order to replace a $20 AC condenser or heater core it's necessary to completely disassemble and remove the entire dashboard. Engineers are under a lot of pressure to bring designs to completion, and ease of maintenance is apparently low on their list of priorities.


The Reddit app


This gets my vote. They killed third-party apps, only to leave us stuck with the shittiest implementation of them all.


Meta AI in every damn app


Obligatory Segway is stupid.  They're apparently fun if you know how to ride it. But why would you put an old person on it?


Reddit's current desktop UI, that's why I use the new.reddit.com UI lol


Chair integrated with the table


You mean like a school desk? Those things were great for cracking my back.


Escape from Tarkov


Not really a "product," but the [sealed plastic packaging](https://youtu.be/HubZInAs0-A?si=bOD21nC4sUUD8SF7) that a lot of products are sold in.


Like 90% of the crap on LGR Oddware.


The search feature in Slack. How can such a popular software have such a bad search function?


Urinal cakes. I don’t think the creators tried them because they taste horrible.


The HTC Vive XR Elite. It's a very powerful and lightweight VR headset. It's very technically impressive. But the Wi-Fi is super short range, even for browsing the web or downloading updates. There's only two USB C ports, one that can't fit a USB C cable, and another that connects to the battery cradle, which was specially designed to allow data pass through. So you can't use an external power supply and USB Tethering at the same time. And it takes 40 watts of power, so you're always in a power deficit when USB tethered, and it goes through like a percent every 45 seconds, even if it isn't running any processes. And the included face gasket gets super uncomfortable after a few minutes, so much so that they released an aftermarket addon that was just a face gasket that didn't suck. So, to summarize. It's a VR Headset that runs out of power when connected to the computer, doesn't have enough battery to run internal apps with the provided battery cradle for more than a few minutes, can't connect to Wi-Fi unless it's next to the router, and can't be both powered externally and USB tethered. And out of the box it started to make your face ache after a few minutes. No wonder they're lowering the price and offering all kinds of deals. It's a very technically impressive and openly usable headset. the software is great, it's a very powerful headset, and if you have more than one battery cradle(which cost like 200$ each) you can hotswap them. But it just feels like they didn't test it with anything other than super high end consumer electronics. I don't think these could be used as glasses.


Cling wrap


It used to work well, but there was bad juju released when burned, so they changed formulas to something that no longer seals your food.


The Costco stuff works perfectly


plastic utensils


Reddit mobile.




Any new UI upgrade


Hair blowdryers in hotels, the ones that are like stuck to the wall. They blow so softly and heat up so quickly tgat you cant dry sht your hair


*Proactive* acne remover. used it for 2 months. didnt do anything.


The human body


E.T. from atari.


Microsoft 365. The whole suite. Intune, Entra, Sharepoint, you name it


the speculum


I bought a pencil sharpener and standard pencils didn’t fit in the hole.


The Grillo’s pickle container


Free Market Capitalism


That one mouse that Apple released. What a monstrosity.


The puck


Toddler bath toys never float correctly.


child gets to learn about drowning from duckies that swim head down


Azure DevOps


Reddit mobile app


Apple Magic Mouse


Amazon Prime Video search feature


IPhone's Phone App


Many baby prams and strollers


The app we use at work to make deliveries. The shift knob in a Toyota Prius.