• By -


I used to work as an oil and propane (insert Hank Hill joke here) technician, working on oil and propane heaters, boilers, furnaces, hot-water heaters, etc. Our company had a customer, an older woman. She had some sort of debilitating condition that required her to use a walker - I think it was multiple sclerosis, though it could have been cerebral palsy. She had several pets, at least one dog and two cats, though I'm unsure of the exact number. Because of her medical condition, she was unable to take the dog(s) out on a leash or clean a litter box. So, she just used to let them go down into the cellar to relieve themselves. Well, one day, her water heater failed. And by "failed," I don't mean that it just stopped producing hot water. I mean that the internal piping corroded through and dumped about 40 gallons of steaming hot water all over the cellar floor - a floor that was covered in dog and cat urine and feces. We had to work in about two standing inches of that godforsaken swill to secure the water system so the cellar could be pumped out and the water heater replaced. We placed several buckets upside-down to put our tools and other equipment on to keep it clean, but the hot air down there was basically humid with animal sewage. I've been in a lot of gross basements, but that one stands out. EDIT: For all those asking why I didn't simply refuse to do the job: It was a small family-owned company, only about a dozen employees. And the owner prided himself on helping poorer people or those that really needed it. He had something of a local reputation of taking on customers that no one else would, and being especially lenient with billing. I wasn't a licensed oil/gas tech yet, I was still in training. I was young, only in my mid-20s, and felt I had to prove I could do the tough jobs. And the serviceman I was helping that day didn't back down, so I wasn't going to either. Fortunately, the house had a cellar bulkhead door leading directly outside, so we didn't track anything through the house, and it let some fresh air in.


The house was so desperate to be cleaned it tried doing it itself.


It was a cry for help on the house's part


I lived for a while in an upstairs apartment of a house that had no backflow valve in the basement. A few times when I came home from my night shift job it was apparent that backflow had indeed occurred. So, I'd but on some boots, grab a bottle of bleach, and head down to the cellar. One of those old New England stone foundations but at least it had a cement floor. I'd wade in, being as careful as I could to avoid all the dookey floating around until I found the drain. Then I'd plunger it until things started going in the right direction. Then I'd sweep all the poo and wipes and TP in the right direction until it was all gone. Then throw bleach all around the floor and scrub it with a broom. I always thought that was pretty damn gross, until I read your account!


I'm a grown man and I want to cry right now. Cry and throw up. Dude...I am so sorry you had to deal with that. Why didn't you call the landlord or did you and got the wrong answer?


He worked and was damn near impossible to reach by phone. Best I could do was leave a message on his machine and waited until he got off from work and hoped he could get over there before the water was deep enough to hit my washer and dryer that were up on pallets. And deal with the smell while trying to get to sleep. Or help myself by reducing the level of raw sewage in the cellar. I am the type of person that would rather fix a thing if I can rather than leave it to someone else just to be “right”. And honestly, I’ve seen worse things.


Flea infestation in the carpet. As I walked across the living room in shorts, my legs began to look dirty. It wasn’t dirt.


Ah, my ex boyfriends dad's house. The fleas somehow transmitted 7 types of rare bacteria into his open diabetic sore he hid from us. I had 0 help cleaning the house and would find whole roasted chicken carcasses...years old stuffed in cabinets. The fleas would get in your hair from the ceiling. Also, he kept stacking the firefurnace wood in his bedroom. All year round for no reason. Fleas will EAT damp untreated wood. He had 3 dogs, I'm sure all but 1 died because the fleas were so bad. He had full body psoriasis and left body dander on everything like Pigstye in the peanuts did dirt. He kept stealing my car and it looked like it snowed white dude, and it sticks. Also fed the fleas. I invented knee high trashbag socks. The place needed to be condemed.


I don't know why but I derive some kind of fascinated satisfaction from descriptions like these. Maybe it makes me feel better about the fact that I neglected to take out my recycling for 2 weeks.


Me finding a coffee cup I left in the garage 2 weeks ago: "fuck I'm disgusting" People living in flea factories: "this is fine"


Why were you cleaning your boyfriend's father's house with no help?


Knee high trash bag socks aren't cutting it for me. It's either full hazmat suit or no cleaning


A relative had such a bad flea infestation along with junk everywhere. When I walked through I could hear the fleas jumping and hitting the surfaces of everything. It was like a hail storm from hell.


In residential HVAC, I had a maintenance on a system at this woman’s house, the smell was awful, she was “rescuing” cats from around the neighborhood. She told me all about the unfortunate flea outbreak she had that ended up killing several of her cats. The fleas were so bad her cats were dying. I didn’t even know that was possible. Can’t imagine how bad it was before she had someone get it under control and I never wore the clothes I wore in that house again.


I really shouldn't have read this comment.


I really shouldn't have clicked on this thread.








I like to think after you left Brian and his mom had a sidesplitting laugh party at the prank they pulled on you. Mostly because otherwise I'd weep for Brian.


The grandma was alive, she just lived in the walls and made people move the doll around.


A person who owned dozens of birds and let them fly free in the house. Bird shit EVERYWHERE.


Same, only with dogs.


Let them fly free?


Why am I picturing a bunch of Golden retrievers floating around the room? 😂


"Today we're teaching poodles how to fly!"




The several day old corpse of my neighbor across the hall. I had to go to work just as it was being removed.


I had a neighbour on my floor die in similar circumstances. Another neighbour saw post start to pile up and the same light on in one of the windows so called in a welfare check. Police called the fire brigade to break down the door, a few hours later they were walking out with a body bag. Poor guy lived alone and his flat stank of mould and mildew. Had to be totally gutted and renovated.


Similar thing happened here last year. My neighbor across the hall/breezeway passed, no one noticed for about 2 weeks. His upstairs neighbors had moved out just prior. There was an odor outside, and lots of flies, but most people thought it was the trash and dog canister my complex rarely seems to empty, baking in the South FL heat. We never checked our Blink camera to “spy” so we didn’t notice we hadn’t seen him coming and going, and I feel awful. I know it wouldn’t have changed his passing, but he would have been found sooner if we had been nosier, I guess. The camera caught the staff members’ and officers’ reactions, as well as them removing him, though thankfully covered. Poor guy. One of his dogs had passed too (it was old and sick iirc), but one lived! It was actually a nice spark to see the surviving dog rush out to greet everyone, tail wagging. That was last July, they’re only just gutting it completely now. They did clean and try to spruce it up, but after almost a year I guess they realized what they have to do. Poor guy. Sometimes it’s still hard to think he’s gone. I miss occasionally shooting the shit with him.


That smell I once had a neighbor whose house developed this smell… I knew what it was without even second guessing myself days later the house is being cleaned up and emptied out


If I died in my apartment like a rat in a cage, would the neighbors smell my corpse before the cat ate my face? - Aesop rock


My best motivator to keep pushing out of my introversion: live my life so that someone realizes I'm dead before I rot.


went my buddy's house in junior high. his little chihuahua was laying on her pillow. i said "oh wait i thought taco died?" "she did." her corpse was just chilling in the goddamn living room. no stink or anything, it was shriveled like a mummy. yeah that was weird.


Did they have someone mummify it because if they left it on the pillow it would have been absolutely disgusting and it’s really hard to mummify things without the proper environment? I mess with dead stuff on the regular and this sounds like they paid someone (or did it themselves) to taxidermy/freeze dry/mummify it for them.


it hadn't been to a taxidermist. literally skin and bone -- not much there to swell or stink, at least not that bad. i'm an LVT and have handled thousands of bodies. the tiny, emaciated ones just don't stink that bad, at least initially. i later found out they were spraying it with febreeze every day. 😬


Good lord


Not a big febreeze fan?


This username and ”I mess with dead stuff on the regular” is sending me. Ok Dahmer. 👍


It gets hard to separate out levels of vile after a while. I've done a number of search warrants on child predators, producers and consumers of CSAM, etc. You get in, you clear the house with your team, get everyone under control, then you start recognizing things from the pictures or video that prompted the search. That is the bed, that is the chair, those are the end tables... It's a different kind of vile.


Thank you for doing that job. I couldn't do it and I don't know many people who could.


Owner was using their three car garage as a puppy mill / kennel / dog run. No cages or crates, just locked in an empty garage, shitting and pissing wherever. This was in Florida and there was no AC in that garage either. Poor pups barking and whining, overheating, surrounded by shit all over the floor. You could smell hot dog shit from the street. Evil people.


Bru call the police


Fuck da police call da Baha Men!


I once went to a guys house who ran a dachshund puppy mill. There were something like 125 dogs in the house when it was discovered and he was arrested. Like the entire floor of this house was covered in wiener dogs. It was, however, surprisingly clean for a home covered in wiener dogs. The dogs were also surprisingly well taken care of, considering the circumstances. There’s a news story about it somewhere but I can’t find it as it was like 15 years ago. Edit: found the article. https://www.wect.com/story/3629908/wilmington-breeder-charged-with-animal-cruelty/?outputType=amp


I remember hearing a story about someone that had a similar situation with just over 100 dogs. Those were Dalmatians though. I saw it on TV when I was a kid.


I'm in FL I'll do it for u


It was 5 years ago and they were reported


When I was 19, some friends of mine had a baby and moved in to a house in a nearby city when the baby was about a year old. I went to visit them with another friend and every room except their bedroom was at least a foot deep in garbage. They had black trash bags full of the garbage stacked up in the hall and you had to squeeze by the bags, which would burst and trash would leak out. My friend called CPS from a payphone down the street after we left the house. I am 40 and I can still remember the smell.


It's always a good visit when you call CPS from the nearest payphone afterwards


It was so traumatic. They removed the baby from my friends and put him with his paternal grandmother for about six months. A few years later, the couple had another kid. The wife ended up falling in love with a man she met on the internet, moving to Germany and taking the youngest with her. The eldest was adopted and raised by his paternal grandmother and her husband.


It's so weird to me when people have kids after the other kids get repo'd.


Know someone who got 2 kids removed, moved away, had 2 more, gave them the same names as her first two kids…


😳 that’s dark


My cousin (adopted into my family) was put up for adoption by the state when she was born. Her bio mom had been warned that any future children would be taken away from her as they'd already removed I think 5 others and she was still failing drug tests and not meeting any of the other requirements to regain custody. IIRC my cousin is number 6 out of like 12 kids. Last year she heard her bio-mom was pregnant again and she was considering adopting the baby so at least it would be with family. For context, my cousin is in her early 20's. Not sure how old bio-mom is, but she's been flagrantly disregarding the court's orders to stop having kids for 20+ years now. I'm with you. I can't begin to wrap my head around it.


Repo'd ...they must have got behind on their kid repayments eh ? Haha


I agree. The mother has had another kid with her second husband in Germany, too.


That poor baby. :(


I went to a classmates house when I was a kid... for the record we live in a nice town. They lived in an apartment and their grandparents lived next door. We ended up going to his grandparents for some reason and sat at the kitchen table. His grandma was bedridden in the livingroom in one of those hospital beds. His little brother comes in, acting like a little sht. Then he opens the oven door and cockroaches came flooding out. He smashes one on a paper towel and proceeds to try shoving it in my face while cracking up laughing...grandma screaming from her bed in the livingroom . It was some serious hills have eyes sht.


Cockroaches are so hard to get rid of...fun fact that's why you can't take cardboard into a hospital. They unbox everything on the docks. Cockroaches love some cardboard


I don't doubt it. I remember those ones being the German cockkroaches. They were small but literally so many came out of the oven. My school has the big juiced up ones... mostly in the basement. Harmless but gross. Yes they do fly despite what people say... and no, they are not water bugs lol


A framed picture of a 40 year old man in a tux and a maybe 12 year old Vietnamese girl in a wedding dress. Dude was an ex convict and registered sex offender.


For future reference, most countries have laws against underage sex tourism. It doesn’t matter that the act was committed somewhere else. It’s still illegal and your home country can charge you with child abuse. I had a coworker who would regularly brag that he would go to an Asian country to have sex with preteen prostitutes every year. It’s how he used his PTO from work. I and a few others reported him to HR but nothing seemed to happen. Then one day at work we were all asked to stay in for lunch “due to construction in the parking garage”, and yep, it was a police raid on that dudes office. He walked out in handcuffs. I later learned that our reports did help in an already in progress investigation into a child exploitation ring that he was allegedly involved with.


Sounds like my dad who has thankfully killed himself


A drawer full of used condom “trophies” from years of hookups. Apparently she’d fish them out of the small trash can by her bed the mornings after 






She definitely owns something made of human skin


Once I slept with a girl, and afterwards, I asked "What should I do with this condom, just throw it in the trash?" She said "Yes, of course, what, do you expect me to keep it?" Apparently for some people, the answer is yes.


This was on a house cleanout a number of years ago. An old lady was removed by social services because her pipes had frozen so badly she had no water. We had to go in and clean the place out. The place was pretty gross with a lot of junk in it. Then I got to the bathroom. The toilet was dry but filled to the top with feces... since that was full, she decided to use the bathtub which she got about 1/3 full. We had to clean it. It was absolutely disgusting and vile. *shiver*


I'd rather have no job than this job


Yeah like I'd probably prefer to deal drugs or sell my ass than have to clean literal pounds of dried shit.


When I was an early teenager my elderly, diabetic, alcoholic uncle died and my mom and I went to clear out his house. His bathroom was in the same condition and I can tell you that not all of the shit is dried. The deeper you go, the wetter it gets.


Goddamn. When my alcoholic hoarder grandmother passed all I had to deal with was the fact that her ancient shag carpeting was infested with mites and got my legs all bit up. Don’t get me wrong there was junk everywhere and I threw up twice after my mom gave me a cookie she didn’t realize my lovely grandmother had been holding onto for *eighteen years*, but at least we didn’t have to clean up literal shit. We did have to throw out her sex toys though.


That last sentence.




I'd rather pay to have no job than this job


It's scary how people can normalize pretty much anything. 


Also known as "the day I quit my job"


how was the pay?


Whatever it was, it wasn't enough


My mum's partner found it when vacuuming the house. In my brother's room he found a bubble wrap envelope. You know, those durable water tight ones. He found it as he knocked it over where it stood leaning against a cabinet, splashing about a litre of urine all over his pants and boots.


Ngl thats an advertisement for the water tightness of that envelope, damn


This thread is so fucked up that my first thought to this was, “oh that’s not so bad”


When I was in 4th and 5th grade I had a friend that whose family lived in a couple run down trailers further down the road. His parents, him, and his sisters lived in the first trailer, which had no septic tank, so there was a river of human waste going through their yard out into the woods. Every time we went hunting with our BB guns we’d have to run and jump over it. His uncle, his wife, and their 6 children lived in the trailer just next door. And by next door I mean maybe 20 feet away? That trailer was older and some of the kids would either sleep on the couch or on the floor. But one of the little boys would constantly pee on the couch and floor, which they would then sleep in. We all rode the bus to school, and they always smelled awful.


I hate hearing about kids being raised like this


My girlfriend’s dead grandmother. She’d been dead for about a week in Australian summer and it was… not good. I was about 23 at the time. We had gone in to check on her and I went in first and smelt an odd smell. It wasn’t a bad smell, just… odd. I told my girlfriend to wait and I went and check the bedroom. When I turned the lights on, I didn’t know what I was looking at, at first. She was in bed and her arms were out to her sides and she was puffed up and bloated to about twice her normal size. Her face was bloated and blotchy and unrecognisable. It was pretty much the worst thing I’ve ever seen. I yelled out to my girlfriend not to come in and I’m so thankful that she never saw it. Called the police. They were actually great, the cop said that technically he needed me to identify the body and I told him I didn’t think I could go back in there and he let me have a pass and just sign the identification doc. They organised to get the body removed. The next day I went in and took the mattress outside and hosed it down. When you die, stuff comes out. It’s not good. Quite the formative experience for a young lad.


Sorry you had to go through that.. 🫂


Somewhat recently I found a bag of potatoes in my brothers kitchen that had liquified. Only reason I knew it was potatoes at one point in time was because of the bag in the goop


Potatoes will smell AWFUL too. Like something died. But is just potato.


I once helped clean the apartment of a slovenly young woman and disposed of a plastic bag full of vinegar that I found on top of her refrigerator. It turned out her parents had given her a bag of apples several months earlier and she had just left them up there.


Wow u threw that out? It took her several months to make that vinegar


A girl I went to high school with had a mom who was a hoarder. I didn’t know this girl well but went to her house one day after school to work on a group project. She seemed really uncomfortable about having us inside, but she was the only person who had the materials we needed for our project. We went inside and omg the smell made my eyes water! It smelled like a strange mix of cats, sewage and garbage rotting. Waist-high piles of clothes and garbage were cluttering the living room. There were even dirty underwear just sitting on the piano by a candle. It was SO random! And the kitchen smelled **so gross**. There were flies buzzing over the sink above a stack of dishes crusted with what looked like the previous night’s dinner. I almost tripped over a cat toy (even though I never saw any cats??) and something crawled out from under the cabinet and darted across the floor. I don’t know if it was a roach or what but I covered my mouth trying not to scream!!


That's incredibly sad for that girl. It's a horrible way to live as a child, especially since she had no ability to change it. I grew up in a mild version of that, my mother would get upset if I attempted to get rid of things. Awful.


My mom grew up in a mild hoarder house and had the tendency to not clean up, especially in the kitchen. At least once my brother had stacked dishes on the table so he could do homework, she got mad and did the whole "I'm sorry I don't keep the house clean enough for you!" while angrily cleaning. I got in trouble once for nearly the same thing, except I was trying to just scoot the dishes a little and one fell off the other side. As far as I know she's better now, especially after having had to clean out her parents' hoarded home when my grandma got put in the nursing home and brought bedbugs with her. It's interesting how kids trying to live a normal life or have space to do normal activities can really set parents off.


That girl definitely has trauma from being the "Smelly Kid." For you youngsters, if a kid keeps coming to school smelling like shit and piss- defend them, there's something happening beyond their control and They Know.


This thread really makes me want to scrub down and clean my house.


I used to do house call.  Never again.  The worst I saw was this dilapidated, over grown house that was completely filled, barring a single walk way through the home.  It was so poorly lit, I couldn't tell what was what,  just a giant mess. And this was the middle of the day.  Just this blacked out dank pit of a home.  And the smell.  Oh God the smell.  The patient was 600lbs ish and totally bed bound. Awful.  Another house I visited was gross but not on the hoarder level. It was just filled with unimaginable amount of bugs.  Everything that was moved had 50 bugs scurry away.  Ugh.  Burned those scrubs


> and something crawled out from under the cabinet and darted across the floor. I don’t know if it was a roach or what but I covered my mouth trying not to scream!! Was it a cockamouse?!


Nah, it was that piece of [Almost Pizza.](https://youtu.be/KLHRjaUBb3o?si=dsaEm69y0_3EYp4f)


Poor girl, I hope you guys were nice to her about it. We can’t pick who our parents are. :(


Old family house, family member long passed away, remaining descendants adamantly refused the place. Once the legal matters were dealt with, my mom, two cousins and myself went to empty the place, try and see if there was anything of value we could sell for a quick coin. Once we got into the cellar, we discovered a cage. That family member had no history of having pets of any kind. After a deep and thorough search, we understood exactly why the children didn't want the place. If you guessed the bitch had locked her kids in the cage, you'd be right.


Some funerals go unattended.  Some are attended just to be absolutely sure they're dead.


When I was a kid, I used to say I wanted to attend my step grandpa's funeral just to wipe a booger on his suit. I stayed home and smoked pot during his funeral instead lol.


I thought you were gonna find the kids secret brother they didn't want still alive locked up waiting for his daily fish head dinner.


I used to clean houses in my early twenties. This lady had hundreds of cats and the house was their litter box. It smelled so bad you could smell it from the street. She was also a hoarder and didn't remove the dead cats bodies. I hated going there.


Why did you keep going back?


The lure of dead cats, obviously.


>She was also a hoarder and didn't remove the dead cats bodies Jesus this makes me wanna cry. I know like they're dead and they don't care, but just thinking about my lil baby like that... I think that's enough of this thread.


A severed finger in the freezer at a house party. Apparently a former housemate had forgotten to take it with him when he moved out…


Many, many things. Just had a regular patient die recently that I would go to constantly because he would trip over his poop bucket in the living room. One of the worse ones was a call for a guy "possibly breathing." Neighbor said "you might want to wear a mask in there." Safe assumption on hearing that that he wasn't breathing. Went into this house in the middle of September with the AC off, and found the patient melted into the carpet upstairs with black skin filled with gas bubbles. He had maggots where his eyes and tongue were supposed to be. Not a great experience.


How do you even deal with this? I dont understand how the people who have to see this kind of stuff dont at least get paid for the constant trauma. Id be seeing that every time i close my eyes... I hope youve found a way to cope with it man because im not strong and that would break me.


Some of us are just not bothered by things, some of us aren't bothered until one oddly specific call or address comes up, and most people just aren't cut out for it. I've never been bothered by much, which helps when someone takes their own life or dies while on the phone with you. Jobs in public safety aren't for everyone for sure. I know more people that have work-related PTSD than people that don't. ☹️


I just wish you would get more for having to sacrifice yourselves mentally and emotionally like that because the stories I hear from EMTs reinforce (to me) that the people that do it are emotionally made of steel and criminally overworked/underpaid because 90% of us would break from it


I'd love to know who called the DOA in to dispatch. Because 'possibly breathing' is a whole lot of 'wtf it's kind of thing did you see that would indicate anyyyyyy sign of life?' Somewhat related story: I took a call some years ago for a woman who called for her husband. She was an absolute mess and understandably so, but she was able to get across that the husband (who was a late-stage cancer patient) was in bed, unresponsive. I sent fire, EMS and rolled PD as well cause she was in such a state I wanted to make sure everyone on scene was safe, plus she never confirmed to me if he was breathing or not before hanging up on me and refusing to answer my call backs (all of which was related to responding units). Fire rolled in quickly and came over the radio half confused and half irritated with me saying "dispatch, this is a GSW to the head, roll PD"....informed them PD would be there literally any second and had the fire capt listen to the 911 call afterwards to make sure they knew I would never not tell them about a GSW. I saw photos of the scene sometime later and the poor man had indeed ended it, the gun was in his lap, and his brains and skull were everywhere. It was that call (after having been dispatching for 8+ years at that point) that helped me understand what shock actually does to a person. She just refused to believe what she was physically seeing in front of her. Our brain works in absolutely ridiculous ways sometimes.


A girl I was hooking up with from Tinder when I lived in the South thought it'd be appropriate to bring me over to her apartment finally. We get there and she briefly warns me that "her dog is crazy lol" Crazy doesnt come close. Her dog is unsocialized, over-energized, obviously desperate for attention, and completely free to shit all over her living room and kitchen floor. It was no small dog, either. It was a full-sized Boxer, taking full-sized shits. I told her I had to go, and when she asked why I turned around to the literal shit-show her living room was and just said "If you have to ask, you need to be a bit more self-aware." Two weeks later, after I cut things off, she asked me for money because she got fired for stealing tip money. I still feel awful for that poor, neglected dog to this day. Poor guy had no idea how to socialize, and no one in that apartment cared enough about him to try to take care of him. It was sad.


i always feel so bad for the animals in these kind of situations people are disgusting


I wish the story ended there, but before I cut things off I found out that this woman was also a estranged mother who left her child in another country and hasn't seen her daughter in like 8 yrs. She then referred to her daughter as a stupid piece of shit multiple times. That was where I drew the line a decided to ghost her and not feel bad about it at all. How can you dip on your kid to go to school, drop out of school after 2 months, become a bartender, and then have the audacity to call you kid stupid?


yeah that’s just horrible i definitely wouldn’t feel bad for ghosting her at all to


Dude, you didn’t dodge a bullet- you dodged a cannonball. Holy shit.




Friend found the piss drawer 😔


A very stained looking dildo laying on someone's nasty looking living room area rug. I low-key kicked it under the couch when they turned their back.


You had the balls to touch it.


With my covered feet, yea. In retrospect, I probably should have burned that shoe.


A French Poodle with its eye hanging out of the socket. When I was 16, my friends and I were taking part in a protest. At some point we passed by a house and we saw there was an old French Poodle with one of the eyes just hanging out. I was totally out. She looked in so much pain and we knew we had to do something. We knocked on the door and Noone answered. So we broke into the house. In the middle of the day we got it, and stole the dog. The frontdoor neighbor saw us through the window and I'm 100% sure that he just noded. Somebody else noticed it too and told us it was about time someone did something about it. We got the dog out. 5 broke highschool kids with no money at all. We managed to take the dog to a vet while 2 of our friends collected some donations. The vet removed the eye, because the infection was huge but sadly she didn't make it. At the end I took her body home and gave her a burial.


At least her final hours were her finally being taken care of


I’m glad you did something that was very kind and brave of you.


We were very reckless back then, which it helped a lot. I'm also glad we tried to help. Even taking it to the Vet was another ordeal. Getting the dog in a public bus in that condition was a challenge in itself.




How didn’t you smell that if yall lived in the same apartment??




Prolly got nose blind to it after awhile


Moral of the story......Never trust people on Craigslist.


When I was 5, I went shopping with my family for a new house and we found this one house that seemed okay. I went upstairs and found a big notebook that had lots of pictures of different kids in what seemed to be compromising positions or weird clothes. I remember it making me uncomfortable as a kid, but I didn’t really register what I was looking at. It wasn’t until a couple years ago that I realized I was likely looking at someone’s child p**n collection. Disgusting


What the fuck, was this just chillin out in someone's house or was the house otherwise empty? A 5 year old (or anyone for that matter) shouldn't have to accidentally find and see something so fucked up


It was chilling on top of a desk in the side office. I watched a lot of L&O: SVU as a kid, so I had an inkling that this was inappropriate but I wasn’t sure what to do lol Wish I would’ve told my parents back then Edit: added “lol”


This is why I don't eat at potlucks.


After my husband and I got married, we attended a potluck reunion for his mom's extended family. My FIL refused to eat anything.


I don't blame him. I learned the hard way.


I knew a pretty stinky hippie (like so stinky he came back from sleeping outdoors on the way back from a festival and gave everyone scabies that he was with) that would constantly throw "community potlucks" and the food he brought was always dumpster dived You could tell :')


A sink (dishes) sponge so dirty there was maggots crawling on it.


I was supervising an eviction one day and saw a glimpse of this one tenant’s bathroom… his toilet looked as though he’d just been throwing buckets of liquid shit in its general direction for months, it was all over the sides of the toilet, the floor, the wall, covering the entire area… and worst of all he’d used it to finger paint messages and drawings onto the wall beside it. I was only in there for a couple of minutes but in that short space of time I’d been bitten all the way up my legs by insects.


I wonder if it's possible for me to get a restraining order from your memories?


I wear glasses, so I actually *paid* to read that.


worked for a junk removal company, went to help clear some garbage out of this woman's house. immediately upon walking in, the whole place smelled acidic. she had around 5 cats and though they themselves looked clean and healthy, the floor was sticky with cat piss, so much so that it had eaten away a massive chunk of her carpet onto the actual garbage, the staircase had about 20 garbage bags that we were asked to take out. i lifted one bag and could immediately tell it was full of used cat litter. as were the rest of the bags. the worst part of it all was that after i lifted that bag, i looked at the bags beneath it and saw thousands upon thousands of maggots, some living, some dead my coworker and i rushed those bags into the truck as fast as we could. i felt terrible because the lady was super nice and clearly struggling, but fuck man. that job was full of gross encounters but that was definitely the worst for me


Worked with a woman who was the epitome of vile. Smoked every 30 minutes and farted most of the day after lunch. Always sucking up to the boss and got everyone to agree to a potluck party for his birthday. She decided to bring in meatballs in a barbecue sauce, which she was cooking in the office pantry in a crockpot. I walked in and saw her stirring the pot with a big wood spoon. Looking right at me as if there was nothing wrong, she tasted the meatballs in sauce by placing the ENTIRE spoon in her mouth, licking it clean, and placed it back in the pot like it was noting. But wait, there is more... She also brought in celery sticks and filled the centers with cream cheese while in the pantry. She used her FINGERS and occasionally licked them clean. But wait, there is more... It was not uncommon for her to pick the inside of her ear with her nicotine stained fingers during meetings. Occasionally, she would eat the EAR WAX. I was happy to leave that office after one year.


You didn't enjoy working with an actual troll?


Yeah, sounds like Shrek's long lost sister.


One of my colleagues brought an oyster casserole (!) to a holiday potluck party. As I was helping get the party room ready, I looked out the window (on the second floor) and saw her crossing the parking lot with her casserole. Some of it spilled onto the pavement, and she got out a spoon and scooped it back into the dish.


You had me at oyster casserole (!)


Did you tell people? Did you let people eat it? That is so nasty! I do not eat at potlucks unless i know the people well enough to know they aren't nasty.


I work in the construction industry, I went inside a house to so some work and saw cat piss/shit dog piss/ shit all over the house. The peoples small baby was crawling around touching and playing in all of it. Me and my guys lost our minds and called the appropriate people.


I was a bridesmaid for my male cousin, it was a rebound wedding after his previous fiancé died. But we were all happy for him finding love again and it was good to see him happy again. I was dropped off at the bride to be’s house where she lived with her parents to get into the cars for the wedding. I’d met them all before and they seemed normal. I walked in, and in the shag pile carpet was dog shit and it was EVERYWHERE 🤮 I looked at one of the other bridesmaids who looked like she was about to puke. Then the bride appeared in her full white dress, and we had to grab her train, whilst trying to keep her dress and our dresses and shoes out of the piles of shit. I never want to go near a house like that again. The marriage didn’t last.


Ceremony and...poop. not pomp.


I had a coworker whose last name is Vile, so him I guess.


Minor plumbing install. Homeowner single male, 50s, nicotine fingers. Job was in an unfinished basement that clearly had been under "construction" for a long time. Shone my flashlight around to reveal a white, fluffy cat, which was unconcerned by me and ambled past. Shone my light back to a framed skeleton of a bathroom the cat had just left. The foot well of the shower enclosure was filled evenly and to the brim with cat shit. Service calls will really show you the broad sweep of what people consider acceptable living.


The sweetest cat dying from a obscene flea infestation. They were eating it alive. Just trying to comfort this poor loney thing, I got shells under my nails. It was laying on a friggn trashbag.   I offered to take the cat or wash it, I wasn't gonna leave it like that, I bawled. but they just...let it go that way. Wouldnt let me try, stood in the actual way because he hated his sister and it was her cat. I stopped talking to that dude ever again. His last fb post was how much they loved that cat and she finally died.  I cut all contact. That cat could be me. Fuck you alex! RIP misty you didn't deserve to die in filth. I'm upset for life about it.


Ever tried reporting him for animal abuse? Don't know how long ago this took place, but if theres anything to be done here it would be great, reading something like that makes me fucking livid and people like that deserve to be punished for their actions. Heart out to you for having to witness that


Yeah, but it was in an inner city, and legally not my cat. Cops told me off.  I was bugging out, pun not intended, for days. I sit with wild animals dying on the side of the road and make it so they can see trees and not traffic, and it's not remotely similar to how horrible it was.    i do catch, fix vax, n release...I feed the stray cats and friendly opposums, patch their booboos.    the helplessness of not being able to grab that cat and run broke me. I never went anywhere without my own set of wheels ever again. This was in 2012-2014.  The heart you give me, goes to Misty. Thanks.  I was able to save 1 cat from the kittens that house kept having before, when i was coworkers with this dude. and this cat has been my buddy and protector since 2010. He was fed...enough... but had tapeworm and fleas, and behavioral issues. The Misty situation opened my eyes as to why. He's a lot like me! I'm a kid of adversity too. I embraced the willfullness to begin with, but understand more after that, and hes my ride or die. He's been my hiking and swimming buddy, lived homeless in my car with me, loves cops for some weird reason and it helped. He's 14 now, loves sitting under the shady apple tree and has his own creek and a big green yard and routinely smooshes the catnip plants to death. He has 5 other friendly cats he still wrestles with. I was able to bring him a long way up, he motivated me to buy a house so i could give him the good things, and through him i did it!  He delivers me full grown, live and unharmed wild rabbits and drops them on my fella at 1am.   He knows the chaos he creates and makes the unaware person scream because he closes doors behind himself. He uses and flushes the toilet on his own...I didn't teach him. He gets served at the table. Cats are sapient. Knowing he came from that place, where they rejected the notion of even sentience, is hair-raising.  Like, not 10 years later we apply these standards to AI.  The Louis wain movie made me laugh when he talks about cats in space because I think they have a better shot at colonizing space then we do.


An old alcoholic hoarder who had passed away and buried under a mountain of junk for a week in summer heat (im a funeral director which is why I was there)




A dog with an untreated broken leg. It was vile because the owners didn't care.


Seeing mistreated pets always angers me the most, they don't deserve that.


I was very young and didn't know that I could have taken action. It's always stayed with me.


The majority of 2,000+ snakes they were keeping and breeding either had rotting mice in their enclosure or were dead and rotting.


I hate snake breeders that keep their snakes in small tubs on shelves. That's not life.


Had a friend who's house was always dirty af, went to use the toilet and there was shit on the toilet roll.....shit on the toilet roll, I'm all for recycling but that's just taking the piss


My brother kept a poo in a jar when he was 13. Never been able to look at him the same way since.


"That's disgusting, Beavis." "Yeah...I know!"


Went to pickup a guy to take him to detox through a local community funded program. He was living with some friends. I arrive and it's about as normal of an apartment as you could expect, cheap carpet, broken blinds, a bong on a 40 year old coffee table. When I got to his room everything changed. He had garbage, piss bottles and ash trays piled knee high and he was in some very dirty whitey tighties. Did my best not to breathe the noxious fumes. Got him showered and to detox and he's about 2 years sober now and works at the detox. Cool dude.


A statue (approximately 18 inches) of a grotesquely formed man and woman standing arm in arm with his dick wrapped around them both a few times. I was their paperboy and had to see it every time I dropped their paper off and their door was open. In hindsight they were probably swingers based on a few of the signals they put off. They also had kids around my age who were complete assholes. One of them died of an overdose about five years ago. Nothing good came out of their home.


This is what I expected in this thread, not everything else


Semi-adjacent-to-family home in which all pets and homestead animals had free range. Rooms entirely cakes with feces and no attempts to clean. Was invited for meal - talked them into letting us treat them at a restaurant. Never been back.


A pile of loaded rifles on a bed in a room where his kids were playing cops and robbers. I asked him to put the guns away and store them safely before my work crew started weatherizing his house, because it was workplace safety issue. The guy got all bent out of shape and started ranting about his second amendment rights and socialism and all that. Mind you, we had been sent by the federal government to fix up his house, paid for by US taxpayers- actually a great social welfare program. I told him that I was also a gun owner, and the issue wasn't the guns- it was that they were sitting within reach of his children.


I was a home TV repair guy when flat panels and projection tvs were big. I walked into a guy's house that had I'm guessing around 50 cats in a one bed one bath house. I could smell it walking up 25 feet out. There were these built in shelves under the windows and the cats had taken to shitting off those down the wall. The entire floor was cat shit. Anything that was elevated from the floor like end tables, kitchen table, TV, and even lampshades had shit streaming down the sides. It's like the cats were trying to not shit on the floor. Noped right the fuck out.


A kid I grew up with had a picture of Gramps performing a lynching framed on the mantle


That's rough


About 15 years ago I went to view a house we wanted to rent and when my wife and I got there we found the middle aged woman occupier was almost pass out drunk. She invited us in and told is to look around. The place was just awful, and clearly had been severely neglected. She was barely able to speak but invited us into the kitchen where we met her 8 year old son. She then instructed him to pour her some more wine and then went a lay down in the living room. We asked the kid if he was ok and he said he was. We then left him and his now unconscious mum and never went back there. Edit: just to add my wife called children’s services at the local council to let them know what we’d seen.


Someone who ate the black eye stuff from her dog in front of me. Someone who laid washable tissues on the heater to dry them instead of washing the boogers out of it.


Mold covered the bathroom & room ceilings, and bad roach infestation.. SO BAD. They would come out when people were there. I went over to that house too many times & sometimes would eat dinner there. Once they made fried chicken, took the tinfoil off and saw a roach in there. Used the microwave once & there was a roach IN THERE !! WHILE IT WAS ON!!!! Was talking to the brother & had to pretend not to see the roach HANGING OUT ON THE HOODIE OF HIS SWEATER THAT WAS ON HIS HEAD!! Put my jacket on to leave & there was a roach in the sleeve & one in the pocket. I don’t talk to them anymore.


I have many stories because a past job had me visiting residential units for electrical inspection work. I really just felt sorry for them. Here are some highlights:     Raw meat dripping on a countertop for days     Spiderwebs covering a countertop, a result of having so many flies in the kitchen     Numerous units with severe cockroach problems     Days worth of multiple animal's excrement on the floor     Tub that was mistaken for toilet You get the idea. 


A uterus that had been removed 30 years prior


Please elaborate on this


I used to work as a nurse's assistant. C. Diff... its something else. And when you walk into the home of someone who has it, whose adult-diaper has gone unchanged from negligence, whose pressure sores are nearly to the bone and infected... It was the saddest thing Ive ever seen, and a VERY unplesant smell.


after my grandfather died, it took months for anyone to go deal with his house. He lived in Texas and the rest of the family is in VT. He had two cats that got left in that home, my aunt had spoken with the neighbor and paid for the cats to be cared for. They were not. When we got there, there was cat urine and cat feces everywhere, there were multiple bags of cat food the cats had ripped open and been eating out of. We strongly considered arson and insurance fraud, but ultimately, we went and bought respirators and cleaning products and got the house ready to sell.


So... were the cats alive?


Did a ride along on an ambulance right out of high school. Got a call for an elderly man having a heart attack. It was in fact a 30something dude overdosing on drugs. The house was absolutely filthy. Dried dog poop and trash covered the floor. Used needles, beer cans, tin foil, cigarette butts, and other paraphernalia was stacked up on every surface. The other residents literally just sat on this nasty torn up couch chain smoking while the paramedics and EMTs worked on their friend. No shits given. I’m not even sure if they were the ones who bothered to call 911 in the first place. The absolute worst part was when I noticed a possible children’s bedroom. There were some cartoon stickers on the yellowed wall, a colorful blanket nailed across the window, random piles of dog shit covered clothing/toys, and a stained toddler bed with exposed springs. I waited until we were heading back to the ambulance before mentioning to the paramedic what I saw. I later found out that the child(ren) and pets had already been taken away. I still think about them and hope they were given all the love and care they were definitely not getting in that hell hole.


I was set up on a blind date when I was about 18. I get to her trailer (yep) and when she opens the door I’m smacked in the face with the smell of cat poo/ammonia. I could see the litter box in her kitchen from the door and there was a pyramid of cat crap in it about a foot tall. Yes, in her kitchen. I said “I’m sorry I’m very allergic to cats and can’t go in there!” and got in my car and took off. I went home and cuddled with my cat.


A large fish tank being used as a spittoon. 


I did in home sales for a few years and have some horror stories. Lots of hoarders, people in gigantic homes with no furniture and terrible credit, entire homes covered in pet feces, once sat in a chair that the fabric was so destroyed I was just sitting on springs. Cat piss was so bad my eyes stung for days after and the car had been dead for over a year. Had a gun pulled on me once but the one that stuck out the most was the one covered in dog piss and shit in a child’s room. They had mostly moved out (I think evicted) but I was furious that a child had to live and play in those conditions. It was nearly impossible to not step on turds anywhere in the house. None of those homes ever bought, or if they did they unsurprisingly failed credit.


There is this episode of a British TV show on cleaning houses of people with depression and such. One guy had this chair he would chill in most of the day and he had a LITERAL mountain of dried, caked spit next to his chair. I don't often get gag-reflexes but man...


I used to do overnight maintenance for a very cheap apartment complex. They didn't have cameras, inspections, or background checks which made the place a shit hole. One time I got a call about a leaky sink at 8pm or so and went over. An guy in his 50s wearing only a white T-shirt and a towel answered the door and the smell of shit hit me immediately. When I walked in there was 0 furniture except a folding table in the living room and some blankets. There was garbage and hay scattered all over the carpeted floor. While I was walking through the dining room (also carpeted), there was a pile of about a hundred potatoes sitting on the floor in the corner just rotting. Literally a stack up about 2 ft tall. The kitchen was even worse, with the normally white linoleum a solid brown with a 6 inch tread path down the middle. The whole kitchen reeked and had garbage and rotting food sitting out and in the sink. I checked all the faucets in the apartment and found no leak, the guy had just left the sink on. When I checked the bedroom it was wall to wall mattresses, enough for maybe 12 people but no one else was there. I left as fast as I could and reported them to management, I don't think they ended up getting kicked out.


Someone I knew had their kids taken away by cps. I helped clean their house and I walked into one of the rooms. Poop. Poop on the ceiling, the bed frame (triple layer bunk bed), the mattresses, the windows, enough to block the sun, the floors, the walls. It was a shit show. I helped clean it because they wanted their kids back. But damn. That was awful. The light bulb and guts were ripped out leaving exposed wires so we were cleaning poop in the dark.


Dog poop and pee everywhere (some of it on absorbent pads, some not), mold all over the shower, rotting dishes all over the sink and every surface in the kitchen, and the trash overflowing (was probably overflowing weeks ago). I don’t understand how someone can live like that.


Not in person, but the Twitch streamer Asmongold has a wall in his bedroom covered in specks of blood. He has really bad dental hygiene and while he sleeps his gums bleed, he then puts his finger in his mouth and rubs the blood on the wall. It’s been like that for years afaik. Fucking nasty


I knew a couple who had a cat room. It's where their 5 or 6 cats lived. No litter boxes. No furniture. No flooring. Just bare MDF floors absolutely covered in shit and piss everywhere. You could smell the place from the driveway.


As a kid I saw someone feed a bunny outta the bottle, leave the bottle out overnight and then let the toddler finish it in the morning. That same day one brother got a fish hook stuck in his head and someone picked up the toddler on their shoulders and hit their head on the fan on accident. It was such a shit show for one night


I was asked to housesit for a couple I didn’t know very well. The guest room where I was to sleep had a ginormous blood stain on the carpet. Lady caught me eyeing it and said not to worry, it was just from her home birth four months prior. I slept on the couch.


ILL Treated dogs