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How do i stop right now?


Picture you lungs getting darker and bubbling more and more with every puff, and the gunk and sludge building up inside your body as you innocently sit there and laugh and smoke with friends.


that goes hard man. i might take up smoking


Task failed successfully 👊


This might sound cliche but the trick is … don’t have your next cigarette. I wasn’t mentally strong enough to quit. And I couldn’t stare down a lifetime without another cigarette. But I can resist just that next one. And after 3-4 days, resisting *slowly* got easier. That’s your backstop. If you made it 4 days, the hardest part is over. I also had to realize it was all or nothing. Having one cigarette meant having ALL the cigarettes, forever. I couldn’t tell you what day I my last cigarette was. It doesn’t matter. I’ve just been resisting that one cigarette for over 10 years now.


I decided to quit one day when I was out in single digits weather. I thought "what a dumbass!" I imagined that there was someone I really disliked who was ordering me to go stand out in the heat or cold for 10 minutes at a time. That was my jumping point. I still couldn't quit cold turkey. Next step was to give myself an end date. I marked it big on the calendar. It was actually my community college graduation day. I allowed myself 5 a day to start, and of course I chose the most "important" smokes of the day. Morning coffee, drive to school, lunch break, end of school day, etc. I didn't stray from that. In fact, I kept telling myself to put off one earlier in the day so I could have one later. I am not normally a disciplined person, but I'm stubborn and still kept that mean person in mind who made me go out in the cold. After about a month, I cut back to 3. I then didn't allow myself to smoke in the car after I throughly cleaned it. The end was near and I had that countdown going. I shared the info with others, who were very supportive and kept me on track. I smoked my last one exactly 20 minutes before we walked into the building to get our diplomas and I'm now 10 years smoke-free. You Can Quit.


Go lower in milligram intake, and then spread out your usage over hours and then when you feel ready just fucking kick the habit (after you sleep it off of course). When you wake up, you won’t crave it as hard and all you gotta do is exert some effort in self control when you feel the urge. You got this buddy!




Why are all of your posts photos of hot dogs?


Theres a reason he said stop smoking


He didn’t say what he was smoking.


NGL bro has had that dog in him.


(We love you)


And we don’t want you to die


I love ur acc


Try a Chicago-style dog and a traditional Detroit Coney. Get them how they are supposed to be made - you won’t regret it.


Take care of your mental and physical health


Oh yes. For me, it would be: get diagnosed and medicated for ADHD, floss your teeth, and a big list of people to avoid and things to not do.


I was diagnosed at 31 and it's been HARD to not be resentful of all the years I've wasted feeling lazy and stupid and useless.


The ADHD one hits hard. I had a classmate when I was around 8 years old who went on adhd meds and it kinda turned her into a zombie, complete loss of personality. I was diagnosed a few years prior and my parents always threatened to put me on adhd meds if I didnt get good grades and constantly held it over my head, bringing up that classmate. High school came around and I'm still not on any, I noticed that I was having a really hard time focusing and ask my parents to put me on adhd meds and they tell me they don't think it's such a good idea and refused to consider it. I'm 21 now, still not on any adhd meds. I've been wanting to get a prescription for them, but I have no idea where to even start, and I lack the willpower to find out.


Go to your dr. Do you have a regular dr that you see? If not then you’ll want to start. This is really something you will want to do sooner in life. I was 34 when i found out. Could have really used that knowledge in my 20s to build a life instead of tearing it apart.


Dental, diet and fitness are op and don’t sniff too much ketamine


Enjoy your life to fullest, and learn to make big decisions.


and stop tryin on that neighbour's girl, she don't deserve a gem like you.


She sound real purrty though


I also chose this guys neighbor


I too choose this guys neighbor.


16-year-old me would be just as unappreciative and un-understanding as I was when my parents/family said the same thing.


At that age it's a bit like when you're playing a video game and someone is trying to tell you how to play over your shoulder. It might be amazing advice but feels irritating in the moment as your trying to navigate difficult situations/feelings. Best possible way to influence teen behaviour is to be (or at least act) interested, and ask lots of questions, especially when you hear logical inconsistencies/magical thinking.


Yep. I don't remember my teenage brain, so I would be more interested in how my teen self is thinking about things and life in general. That way, I can give some advice (that he might still ignore) that is more relevant to his headspace.


I mostly agree. But there are times when we take advice from people outside of our close circle more to heart. Also sucks for the initial person who gave the advice.


Yes can relate I once heard you need to learn how to make those decisions fast The longer you wait, the more delay And the less likely you will make the positive change in your life So whatever your procastinating on, take action sooner than later or it might become a dream never lived And I imagine there is nothing worse than being on your death bed with regrets And oh yeah, if you fuck up, learn from it, fast as well, and turn that into action once again, over and over


Don't be so hard on yourself; it's never too late to be happy and do good.


16yo isn't going to understand such a broad stroke piece of advice like that. That makes sense when your 40, but a teenager isn't going to get it. Tell you 16yo self to buy Bitcoin, Amazon, Apple whatever. Give them the means to afford all the mistakes they will make.


there’s a gorilla at the cincinnati zoo, you must protect him


Becomes boy that jumps into Harambee's enclosure




The timeline must be preserved


i swear the world went to shit when we shot that fucking gorilla


That gorilla’s death threw us into some sort of Clownworld alternative timeline somehow.


it really was the equivalent of a Dragon Break from the elder scrolls series


[ Removed by Reddit ]




You whip out your dick and security goes after you, ignoring Harambe and altering the timeline to avert WWIII.


Can you explain that please? I’ve heard that before on a song called "dicks out for harambe"


It’s the cincinnati sign of respect. Most funerals there’s a moment of “dicks out for Grandma (or whoever died. it’s not always for grandma, though she always appreciates it)”


Nah you’re shitting me


Woah that’s a flash back to the past. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve heard dicks out for Harambe


Epic parent failure on that one.


She Will never like you as you like her.


A harsh truth we all had to face one time or another - you're not alone on that!


I wouldn't tell him that honestly, sometimes it takes living through it to understand it


I would have said to act on it earlier though. I got stuck in a holding pattern for years for no reason


Start exercising now, don't wait until your older.


Legit. Also, for me, be more outgoing and talk to people.


Being introverted is not a character flaw you need to fix. Learn to adapt to it instead of trying to fight it. It will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.


Man, can I relate to that one! I was so quiet in high school, and I internalised that. Turns out, I just didn't have the right people around me.


Crazy how easy I meet interesting people today and surrounding by stupid people as a teen. Now I have the good hobby and a job that both filters the surrounding people.


What hobby?


intravenous opioids


I just in my mid 30's learned this... My whole life I've tried to push myself into situations and I was always miserable but people said "GET OUT OF YOUR SHELL" no! I'm staying in my shell its amazing and I'm happy.


I'd tell myself to not hide behind it and to fucking learn to talk like people sooner rather than later.


Tell your best friend you love him. He is going to die in a few years time.


I'm so sorry for your loss...


Thank you. You're very kind. (It's actually his birthday today :) )


My best friend killed himself 3 years ago Sunday. Love that jerk. But it sucks.


I learned that at 25 when I was calling peeps about the climbing date we had, turns out all 5 were dead when I was calling. Now I'm the annoying friend who tells everyone I love them.


What happened to them? ): sorry for the loss of your friends


May he rest in peace <3


Brush your teeth. Don't drink alcohol.


You'll find your love story, not before you learn to love yourself.


I believe the children are our future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a sense of pride to make it easier Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be


Some good ole Whitney


Completely agree to this. I believe that most children don't get the choice to comprehensively think about how they want to be as a person. From an early age they are put into an odd situation of stress with limited guidance on handling that stress. Also, I believe the biggest disappointment is seeing the flaws in their heroes. We keep them away from the greys of life for too long that they can only fathom the concept of white and black. The world dwells in the greyness and they are kept naive and never prepared for it.


You have autism get help. 40 is a hell of a time to find out, so much of life has gone by and to many decisions made.


I was diagnosed in my 50’s. I can empathize with how you feel.


This would be my message too, but I would add “ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF”. I spent my entire adult life up until a year ago misdiagnosed and over medicated. I’m so glad we finally figured it out! Cheers to a much better second half of your life!!


My neice is on the spectrum. My sister and I knew when she was in preschool. Her father (who to this day is undiagnosed, but we believe is also on the spectrum,) disagreed. My sister and her husband told her she repeated a year in kindergarten because she had some hearing problems. (She did have auditory processing trouble, and sound sensitivity.). My sister made sure she got extra speech help, since she had language delays. My sister was always thought if she got a formal diagnosis my niece would label herself and it would have hurt her self esteem. On the other hand I think it might have helped her understand herself better. Her self esteem was likely to be low either way. She had a tough go with teasing and finding a friend group. I think she would have realized she was not alone and could have connected with others on the spectrum online.






People really need to understand that last line.   Losers very very often stay that way (I mean losers in the way of not having ambition, putting down others, not trying to better themselves, not being positive and supportive, etc.). They very rarely change in life especially if they are that way the older they get.  Someone with a positive qualities stays that way, even through tough times.  


Mine goes along with this.. Put yourself first. Stop people pleasing. He’s not as important as you think he is.


Can definitely relate to that one!


I would literally tell myself NOT to go to college. It was a massive waste of time and money and my lack of direction meant it took 8 years to get a made-up degree that hasn’t done anything good for my life. College ruined my life.


Mine is the opposite. Finish my degree so I can support myself. I got married, had 3 children and became a widow at 50. I hadn't worked full time since my oldest was born. No real skills to support a family. Thank God for life insurance. You never know what life will throw at you so be prepared


You cannot have a pixie cut, because your hair is too thick, you will look like a hedgehog for 6 months.


The guys in this thread are wasting a trip in a fucking TIME MACHINE to give generic life advice that teenagers already don't listen to, like "work on your physical and mental health." Meanwhile the girls are giving practical advice to avoid butterfly effect altering pain "at 3:47 on Friday July 3rd 1998, IMMEDIATELY PUT THE NATALIE IMBRUGLIA CD IN THE CD PLAYER when Cindy Johnson says bangs would look cute on you."


I shaved my head and now I'm going through hedgehog stage. ...I'm 39.


Bless you. At some point in the regrowth, your hair will be heavy enough to start folding down, so there is hope.


Buy bitcoin


The rest he could figured out on his own


Hookers and blow ?


I almost had it figured out, I was messing with it but it was complicated and other things grabbed my attention. Look at me now...


at least you didn’t spend it on pizza


That dude is a hero. BTC would have never took off unless people were willing to spend it.


When I was 16, Bitcoin was $26 a piece. Enough said.


It was $0.0009 when I was 17


I mined it and sold a bit for a bachelors party rager in Vegas in 2012. Looking back it was both idiotic but amazing and "worth".


I remember my cousin called me so excited when he dumped his 30 bitcoin he bought for like $100 for $900 each to buy a car. He never got back in, but he was sad when it hit$60k


When you are 38, be prepared to answer a hypothetical question about your 16 year old self for a bunch of strangers on the internet.


Things could have been so different


Best response right here 




Realest shit


Stop drinking soda and learn to eat healthy now. Go for a light run of 2 or more miles at least 4 times a week. Save and invest money as soon as you have a decent job. When it comes to women, just talk to them with 0 expectations and listen to them. That last one is probably the hardest when you're going through puberty.


So many of you are wasting one chance to use a time machine in order to give generic life advice that every single teenager hears on a daily basis but never absorbs. You have to say something that could change a 16 year old's perspective. Apparently so they don't wind up regretfully stuck in arrested development


Your parents are crazy. You're gonna be OK, but *it's OK not to trust them*. Don't force yourself to. They're gaslighting you. And don't freak out too much about this. You'll find others who are more reliable to do some short-term parenting here and there. You're resilient and very smart, and you'll get through all of this. I love you, kid, you're awesome. Also, please eat more vegetables and try to get some good protein in you.


This one hits a bit to close to home for me


Thanks... I'm 16yr old... and I needed this... life has been hard for me lately... couldn't able to distinguish between who to trust, I feel more broken and dead from inside, I've cried my soul out this whole week... getting hard to recover both mentally and emotionally, which is also affecting me physically.... couldn't able to make any decisions.. Nothing seems right...everything feels wrong.. my existence, my whole life.. don't have any interests in anything... feeling overwhelmed and disheartened....


Don’t pop those pimples. Ignore what your mom is telling you and instead just go to dermatologist. Also yeah, screw expectation and don’t be afraid.


What happened? Can you please tell me a story. I'm very interested.


I have very bad acnes during high school and despite being schooled overseas, my mom dont know or believe in them i dermatologist and instead uses those herbal medicine and making me go to facial that popped the pimples painfully and leaving me with horrendous skin in high school and uni. Also always pressuring me to pop the zits as she had done during puberty. I ended up going to dermatologist myself and the doctor just gave me accutane and birth control. It cleared up in 6 months. I had acnes scars from it but it was life changing. It was also because my hormone was screwing with me too and asian mom dont like birth control.


You're not shit at stuff, you've got ADHD that nobody's noticed.


I'm in my mid 30s and am now looking to get assessed for ADHD. People shit on all the social media about ADHD but I would have never even considered getting assessed if I hadn't heard people telling their story and it sounded exactly like my experience.


It was quite literally a reddit post that struck way too close to home that first made me realize it.




Pick up an instrument, do sports, get into the higher ed branch that you are interested in and get a degree. Give all you can to make others flourish. Be a mentor. Take care of true friends and get rid of the false ones. And above all: Enjoy the show. Your ticket is only valid for one ride.


GTFO, as soon as you are 18.


don’t whip out ur cock in front of the whole music class bc you were horny


French Horny?


Well done




I think he whipped his cock out in front of the whole music class because he was horny.




commenting for storytime!


Storytime lol


Please tell us what happened


He got horny and pulled his dick out in class. Now, he seems to regret this behavior.


Damn band kids


Be patient. And also floss your teeth. And also people will tell you that your school years don't matter, and aren't worth caring about. They're wrong. These years matter to you, and there's no shame in that.


You'll have an opportunity to throw a pint glass at one of your worst bullies on the night of 18th January 1995. You chickened out because you wanted to be seen to be the "better person". Fuck that shit. Throw that pint glass, knock that fucker out and save yourself six months of being bullied so badly that you'll want to end it all. It won't matter in the end - he might have the looks and the guitar skills to make girls swoon (because teenage girls are fucking morons anyway) but he'll end up fat, alone and miserable in his wee council house in 2024 because his wife finally had enough of his bullshit and moved herself back to the States. Do it. Glass that cunt.


I don't know man...seems like 16 yo you decided not to commit felony assault and you're telling him he should have. Ima side with 16 yo you on this one.


Yeah maybe teach your 16 year old self some tactics to improve the situation that won’t end in jail. Maybe though. Depends on the situation. Sometimes it does help to target the biggest one and make them knock it off


Seems like he got his karma regardless though


Last time this question came up you said "be the bigger man and walk away and wait for highschool to be over. He's not worth going to jail over."


You defo done the right thing, had a school mate in similar situation, he did glass the cunt, cut him bad, spent the next 5 years in prison, not many things are worth 5 years.


"That girl really likes you. Stop being a chickenshit and ask her out."


Do not date the 21 year old! You are not mature for your age!


Are you me?? I was in the exact same situation and now that I am older and wiser, I am absolutely disgusted that a 21 year old dated an immature 16 year old me.


Yes! I’m 3 years into therapy now and I can say it does get easier!


Was waiting to see if anyone else was going to say it before I did. Those men don't think you're mature for your age, they're predators who know you're not getting enough attention at home -.-


my mom was 16 and my dad was 24 when they met and started dating. my mom still barely grasps how bad it was, and even i forget age gaps like 16-21 are considered bad bc i grew up knowing my parents were 8 years apart and knowing how old they were when they met🙃 like genuinely my first reaction was like what? then i was like OH😭


Kiss Christina dammmit. She likes you!!!!!!


Do it, thunderlips! Kiss Christina!


I still think about it it’s bananas. Definitely helped me learn to go for things I want in life.


Lol username checks out.


Try new things and don't be afraid to fail; that's how you grow


Buy bitcoin... mine bitcoin... sell in steps at $1000, $10,000, $30,000 and $60,000 :D invest in a number of IPOs from the early 2000's think google etc... Be more active in helping dear old dad build the family business. Buy and horde toyota supra, honda NSX, mazda RX-7, buy 80's and 90's gated manual Ferraris and Lamborghinis as well as old porsches while prices are low and they're out of style, hold until nostalgia boom in the 2020s keep one of each :D






stop stressing it brother, it gets worse x






This is so hard. I have done so many damn cringe things. But if I went and changed anything, would I be where I am today? Happy, in love with life, family and my situation. Not sure.. Feel like that's a grandfather paradox thing...


I feel this too. I struggled a lot in my teen and late teens but all of the mistakes and bad decisions I made have led me to where I am now. If I hadn't made those mistakes, where would I be instead?


Leave you eyebrows alone and DO NOT turn down the U Penn PhD program for that drunken predatory fuckwit 😭


Don't go to college. Don't drink. Leave the state and leave the country if you see an opening.


Nothing. You couldn't tell me anything.


thats the best part.. if my 36yo ass popped up in front of my 16yo ass.. I'd be like.. dude you're fat and old go away.


stop being mean to your mom. it's her first time too. 


This is either very sweet or sweet home alabama.


Start putting money into a savings account


strive for silent success


Love this - let the results speak for themselves!


Please lock the doors when you beat it, dude. Save me the embarrassment JFC.


Don't wait to go to college, your 2.3 GPA doesn't stop you, and now you have a 3.7 having your college paid for because of it. Keep working, put money into a hysa, I know it doesn't feel like it'll pay off, but you would have made me thousands by now!


I probably wouldn't listen anyway. A lot of the advice I'd give myself was basically extended to me at the time and I ignored it.


You marry a big tiddy goth chick. Congrats. Also actually brush your hair


Do a trade instead of many pointless years at Uni.


When she tells you she is on the pill, she’s lying.


Don't make decisions on your own your parents know better and enjoy your life


Sixteen-year-old me could have done with that advice too!




She really wanted you. No one does that by accident in a hot tub.


Don't start smoking you little POS


Guess what? Chicken butt.


"Hang on, you're almost there. It's going to get really fun in a couple of months."


Don’t be so much of a doormat that you start to lose yourself. You’re allowed to take up space. Don’t feel like you need to compete with anyone else- do what you want to do with your life. Comparison is the thief of joy. You’re allowed to prioritize your needs too. Your empathic and compassionate heart doesn’t make you “weak” or “emotional”- it’s your biggest gift and use it wisely on those who will appreciate it. Learn to advocate for yourself and make yourself heard. Most importantly: you’ll be okay.


protect your peace and don't let opportunities slip away


You are mentally ill. See a psychiatrist and start therapy. You are capable, loveable, enough and are limiting yourself by living a "safe" life and not taking any risks.


Buy apple in 2000. Buy Amazon in 2010. Buy Bitcoin in 2012.


You’re a girl


I came here to say this, more or less. "Yes, you just spent the whole day coming up with what a name would be if you were a girl. Well, you *are* a girl, so don't wait until you're in your fifties to do something about it."


You have adhd, for real.


How will the next year go? (I'm 15)


Don't waste your time with losers


Wear a condom


i’d say “maybe don’t let that 40 year old man get you drunk”….. yea. i was a virgin until that day


1.They do not think you are "mature for your age". 2. Learn about compound interest. 3.Very few people in your life actually want what's best for you, listen to your own conscience. 4. Weak minds will always seek easy targets. 5. You have as much of a right to be here as anyone else. 6. Watch how folks act when you have GOOD luck, it'll show a lot of truth, just brace yourself.


"That girl in your art class is very obviously hitting on you, you moron. Go talk to her."




Workout every day, don't be lazy