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Every day I go outside. If i stay home then every 2 days. Poland


If I was wearing polyester boxer briefs, the next day. If they were cotton, I can maybe go two. Why haven't I tossed these disgusting unbreathable undergarments, I'll never know


In Canada, and I shower every weekday morning for work. Weekends is a toss up


Oh good I’m glad I’m not the only one!


Once a day for sure. Sometimes twice. From Canada


Once for sure, sometimes twelve. Also from Canada


Twelve?!?! Sparkling clean!!




I have coconut oil I use sometimes but I think I'm just doing it coz depression :3


Shower and shave (face) every day. Probably overkill since I'm retired but just feels so much better.


I shave my head every day and my face once a week, whether I need it or not.


Same, morning shower, shave head. Sometimes on the weekend I skip a day, but when I'm going to work I like the routine. Face has not been shaved in years. Also residing in the Land of Sorry.


We got that fresh water


Same. Also Canada. My skin is naturally oily so I have to shower once a day or I feel absolutely disgusting. I'm also one of the last holdouts to use original Ivory bar soap because it helps keep my skin dry and clear. It's what we used growing up, I used body wash for a while I lived in university residence but switched back and it's been just fine again for the last 15 years.


Showering every day dries out my skin, so I opted for once every 2 days. [USA]


That's strange, showering makes my skin wetter.


I guess you've discovered the secrets of eternal hydration then! Share your secrets, oh mighty skin wizard! 🤣


"Putting water on things makes things wet." :)


Every day. US


Daily, its just too hot here in India. Like 41-42 degree Celsius where i live. Even the water is hot. Also i need to cool the water by adding a lot of ice.


Over 40 degrees year round?


No only in summers from april till june. Earlier we used to have all four seasons. Really hot summers from april to june then monsoon in july/august and eventually winters from oct to jan. Now due to global warming its just too hot and we barely have winters last year and its hot for like 8 months. Also it didnt used to be this hot earlier. For the past few years we have a heatwave. Even at night the temperature is 31 degree right now.


Gonna be real with y’all…probably 3-4 times a week. Live in the USA but I work from home and I have a newborn baby right now so I’m just shooting for showering every other day right now.


Not going to lie, I’m impressed you can get every other day with a newborn. 


Thank you for your honesty in this matter.


Every morning and in summer a second time in the evening. I live in Australia, very hot and humid summer so second and sometimes third shower is essential!


Germany. Any day. Except at the weekend when I am too depressed to get up.


Once a day. Sometimes twice in summer. I'm from Italy


Canada. Retired. Self-imposed stay-at-home. Single. Skin issues. Once a week. Unless I have to go to an appointment. Twice a day when I worked.


2 times a week a long wash with hair washing. During the week without washing hair when needed. Netherlands


Once every 2 days usually. Sometimes extra if I exercised on a 'off' day. I also tend to skip a day if it works out better with my workout schedule. I'm from Western Europe


1 time a month. From Sweden


For real?


Yea, as another swede I can confirm


Jesus Christ


Because it's cold, you do not sweat very much.  And a thin layer of dirt is important to stay warm.




Not like dirt from the ground, just like dead skin, body oil, dried sweat, etc.  


oh my god I'm sorry but you guys must stink


You’re asking people on Askreddit then judging them like this. You are a ass.


People tend to shower too much and actually ruin their skin (and also make themselves stink more easily) with that.


Not at all.  The dirt covers up the stink perfectly.




Once a day, from the UK.


Germany, every other day. Plus if I need one, like after swimming, playing in the sandpit, sweating.. In summer everyday or twice a day.


Twice a day, every day. Australia.


Every two days, from Ireland. But I do try to stay as hygienic as I possibly can in other aspects


Every few days. USA. Don’t wanna dry my skin out more, or make my hair worse than it already is.


Same. Only wash my hair once a week, it’s long and dense and takes hours to dry.


Everyday before going to bed. Poland. Okay, sometimes I'm tired and I skip.


At least once a day but maybe twice, from Brasil


Brazil. Twice a day. Sometimes four.


5 times a week (US)


Once a day, from Canada


once per day. more in the summer. will very rarely skip a day. romania.


Twice a day. Regardless if i go outside or stay indoors. From USA


US Resident here Usually once a day, in the morning. If I'm not going anywhere sometimes I'll skip it on my days off but I'm usually feeling pretty gross by the end of that day Twice a day if I got a haircut. Idk how anyone doesn't immediately go shower afterwards, it's incredibly itchy


Having very fine hair doesnt make haircuts itchy. 


USA here. I work from home and don’t leave the house everyday so I shower like every 2-3 days. If I get sweaty or gross I shower but otherwise it’s just not necessary. It’s not good for your skin to shower daily with soap if you don’t need to. I always get complimented on how soft my skin is and I never need lotion so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Generally, I shower once a day. If I've been sweating or working out, I shower more. I'm from Sweden.


UK and almost every day


After work, from Australia


At least once per day. In hayfever season, I’ve been known to shower 3-4 times in a day, as showing after coming in from outside can help reduce hayfever symptoms. I’m in New Zealand.


Every morning (uk) If we're in a heatwave then again before bed although the second shower would just be a cool water hose down, not a full soapy, hairwash type shower. 


Every day, right before bed. United States


Every other day.. (US)


depends on how acutely depressed I am, usually like twice a week I guess? more lately bc I've been hella into taking baths, and I end those with showers. there have been points in my life where I'd shower once a day, sometimes twice, but that kind of phased out once I stopped working at restaurants. I was so used to showering after getting off that it just disrupted my schedule, and I haven't cared to recover it. oh, usa


Twice a day easily. US. I shower because I like it.


I shower twice a day too


Germany, once a day. if i sweat much maybe two times.


Always when it rains so that the water collector is full. Daily in rainy season. But in hot season sometimes I don't shower for 2-3 weeks. I am from India


Once a day, twice if I'm going out somewhere or in a relationship. At the height of my OCD it was 3 times a day, every day. I'd also wash my hair each morning. I still struggle with it if I bother to think about it too much but thankfully I read this post just after getting out of the shower. I also get so, so angry if I perceive myself to be dirty or sticky in any way which makes going to hot climates difficult. Don't get me started on sex. I used to compulsively shower before and after.


depends how depressed i am, but when im normal at least once every other day, once a day if im going to be seeing people, and if im depressed maybe once a week or when i start to feel physically bad because of it edit: ive never had problems with acne


The US. Once a day. Though I'm about to move into a place that will involve a lot of work in the house and in the yards to get things the way I want them, so probably twice a day for awhile.


I shower every day but only shampoo my hair once a week. US.


Twice a week, USA. Only leave the house on sat and sun so otherwise would be a waste. Will shower again if I do have to leave the house


Twice a day, before work and after work. From The Philippines.


Once a day. Sweden


once a day, twice if i goto the gym which is 4 days a week and three times a day if i get sweaty or dirty after the second shower. north america


Shower every workday after work and chores, once it’s relax time. On non “work days” I let me body tell me when I need to shower, in the winter it can be once every 2-3 days if I’m laid off and staying in, as there is very little perspiration, greasy sensation, and I’m not using toilets other than the home one.




Once a day, U.S


Once a day, UK.


Once a day, Australia


Every day.


1-2× a day. USA


Twice a day - Brazil, but living in Japan.


Switzerland. In the later spring and summer - at minimum once a day. In peak summer, often more than once a day. It’s so hot that I’m often feeling gross by midday. In the winter, if I’m not doing anything particularly active (just going to work and coming home etc), maybe every other day.


Every week day and if I have plans on the weekend I'll shower for that day but usually I just nap Saturday and Sunday I'm from the US


It doesn't matter how many times, it' s important to always be clean


Once a day. Twice if I sweat a lot.


Daily until I retired - now almost every day, but once in a while will skip one if I haven't done anything to work up a sweat and if I have no plans to leave the hacienda...I'm from the US.


1 morning, 1 before bed - Canada


Once a day - twice depending on yuck factor. From Canada.


Canada here. At least once a day, every day.


US once a day unless it's a particularly physical or dirty day then its twice. 


USA, once per day in the afternoon. I don't really feel the personal need to shower that often, from a health perspective, but I do it to remain presentable and pleasant to the people around me. I do it after work because I don't give a shit about anyone at work, so those are the 8 hours I care least about being clean.


Usually in the morning and at night but sometimes I’m too lazy to do both so I choose one or the other. Minimum once a day. Brazil.


Sou brasileira também e fiz o post depois de ver um casal falando de pegar um trem "cheiroso" na Europa, fiquei em choque LKKKKKKKKK


Já ouvi muito isso também hsudhsusgs Fico com a pele mega ressecada passando uma caralhada de creme mas não fico fedida udushsugs


I'm Dutch, every weekday, but in the weekend I skip. 


After waking up before going to work, when getting home from work, if it's a hot day, one more before sleep, so 2 or 3, Brazil


4 times a week, showering to often can dry your skin out and cause issues. I ain't too sticky so don't find it necessary to do it everyday. From the 🇬🇧 


Twice a day. One in the morning and another one at night.


In the morning and before bed. USA


Twice a day everyday, once in the morning and once at night. My username should tell you where im from


Twice a day. USA. I can’t stand being grimey


Average work day : 3. USA. Average weekend day : 2.


Do you work at a sewage processing facility or what?


Run in the morning. Lift at lunch. Get sweaty or go into the river or ocean after work.


Once a day in weekdays In weekends i dont if im at home for 2 days Turkey


Once a day, sometimes I forget tho. I am an American 


TIFO I'm a little gross lmao. Once a week or so, USA. More if I need to like after swimming. I live in a dry place and do a no sweat job.


Depends, heavily, if I'm sitting at home and the temperature's fine I'll go without showering until I start smelling myself, look visually dirty, need to go outside or say I'm itchy somewhere etc. usually max 2-3 days until I want to shower In normal daily life when I go to work and gym, I try to keep it at 1 per day max but sometimes I do have to shower twice which can fuck up my skin, especially during winters if that continues for like 3+ days I don't find any enjoyment from showering or cleaning etc. so I do those things when I have a reason to.


Daily - California


Twice with the heat we have since I work during weekdays. Once during the weekends. Philippines.


Oh, this isn't gonna be controversial at all!!! LMAO.




Once a day, Spain residing in the US.


Once a day, twice if I get very sweaty and dirty. From North America.


Once a day. Norway.


I have a well so I usually shower every other day unless i get dirty to the point a wash rag wont do the job. Drilling a new well is exspensive and not something I can afford to do at the drop of a hat. USA.


After every workout, or at least every 2-3 days if I’m not working out daily. Daily in summer. Living in Canada, where summer is ~6 weeks long. 


I'm Canadian with a skin condition from allergies so I shower 2-3 times a day.


Once a day, occasionally twice a day (once in a blue moon) i'm from Ireland


USA, South Florida. Maybe once a month or two. Drop-in shelters have pretty inconvenient times for people that have to walk 20 miles a day to get the things they need.


I typically shower once a day during the week maybe twice if I wanna feel good before I go to bed(which is typically something I do if I had long/bad day). the weekend for me is a to if I have plans of course I will make sure to shower but if I don’t, it really depends on how I feel/smell.


Brazilian here, but living in the Netherlands. Normally 1 or 2 a day, on specific occasions it gets to 3. But the last summer I was in Brazil there was a day I showered 5 times. Then it's not about cleaning anymore, but about desperately trying to lower the body temperature.


twice or thrice. If I’m REALLY REALLY sweaty, maybe a fourth time haha. From Brunei 🇧🇳


Twice a day, USA. Mind you, as a kid I was the "potatoes growing behind the ears" kind of filth. But now that I've got my own hot water, I enjoy being clean.


From Australia, everyday before bed and sometimes in the morning in summer if it’s been a hot night.


I live in depression. So about twice a week (not really)


Depends what I’m doing. If it’s winter and I’m not doing physical activity, maybe once a week. If it’s summer and I’m out doing yard work, it’s every day. I’m in USA


I shower every night. USA. But I only wash my hair every 4-5 days.


At least once per day (sometimes twice). Murican.


  Usually once a day, I work outside in the heat and get sweaty. If I'm not out and getting nasty I might skip a day, however I don't wash my hair everyday. Washing your hair everyday strips natural oils from your hair and increases oil production.    I'll wash my hair once every two or three days depending again on how sweaty and gross I get. In the winter I might go 3-5 days without a hair wash. I'm a male with long hair and get many a compliments about my luscious looking hair, mainly from women who wish they had hair like mine. United States.


US. Every few days. But I work from home and rarely leave the house during the week, so I’m not covered in world grime. And I use a bidet.


USA, morning and evening


Every morning. Canada. Don't forget to wash your asshole, you dirty fucks.


I'm a sweaty boy. At least once a day. Living in South Korea. It gets humid, and we also have the monsoon season and poor air quality quite frequently. Still on the once a day track but by the next week or so, I'll ramp it up to twice a day on non-workout days.


Everyday. England


once a day, sometimes twice - USA. Sometimes I will have a lazy day (usually on Sunday and skip it) but I try to shoer once a day usually.


I have a quick 5 min shower in the morning to wash my hair and have a deep clean after work. I live in Canada


Once a day unless it's too cold and I'm not going out, then every other day - from Brazil but I feel like I need to specify I'm from the south, people in the northernmost areas shower more often bc it's much hotter than here


Minimum two times a day, often three. I do 10 workouts a week and shower after each workout. I also shower in the morning every day after getting up. USA.


Once a day if I am working in office, otherwise when Im home alone for a few days I couldn't give two shits


I shower every other day. I'm from the U.S.


At least twice a day. USA.


US every other day. I have a lot of kids and not a lot of time.


I'm trying to get it every other day by the end of the summer. I'm from the land of evil and thunder.


Daily at a minimum.


US: If Im at home, every other day; if I work, I shower everyday. Europe: every day (due to work) Philippines: 1 to 2x a day. Its too humid.


Every day, sometimes 2x a day, but also occasionally might go a day in between in the winter time on days when I don't run. But I exercise a fair amount and live in a hot, southern, state in the US so a daily shower is pretty necessary


I plan to shower every other day, but in all honesty I often shower twice, maybe three times per week. I work from home a lot, and don't get dirty quickly. In summertime, I shower a little more often. I live in the Netherlands.


Twice a day. Once when I wake up to get me going. The second time after I get home from work after working outdoors all day long. I'm in the U.S.


Once a day, when I wake up, from Canada.


Every day. Maybe miss one lazy sunday a month. United States.


Once a day almost every day. Occasionally I may skip a day on the weekend if I'm not going out at all. During hotter months sometimes I shower twice a day. Usa.


twice a day, morning and evening. The Philippines is way too humid.


everyday. philippines is scorching hot fr my dad showers thrice a day 😂


When I'm living in Canada twice a day. One in the morning, one before bed. But I wash my hair 3 times a week. However, when I'm living in the Philippines... 3 or 4 times a day at least. The tabo and cold water save my life there. I'm a white girl and can't handle the heat or feeling sweaty.


Once a day before bed on work nights. On weekends once a day in the morning. America.


Once every two days, to avoid drying out my skin and hair. Unless I have a particularly hot and sweaty day, then I will always shower, even twice if necessary. USA.


I regularly shower 3 times a day, in the mornings before going to college and before and after going to the gym, on weekends only shower once a day. I'm from Venezuela:)


Every day. USA.


At least twice a day. Indonesia.


5/7 regularly, on weekends only if there’s something planned. Italy


Once a day at night, because I work outside. I’m not dragging outside into my bed. I wash my hair two-three times a week. It’s a balance between the buildup and accumulation of dead skin cells, bacteria, and oil on the scalp and the oils nourishing the lengths of my hair.


Every night and sometimes in the morning if I’m doing my hair, days where I’m not doing anything is a toss up depending on how I feel and my motivation, I’m from Australia!


Every night, but I have kids, so it’s where I go to be alone hahaha


every day, sometimes twice a day (second time without hairwashing)im living in Germany, im from Mexico. When im Mexico def. 2 times everyday day.


Normally, everyday. But these days, because of the humidity, if I’m sweating a lot, 2-3x a day. I’m from the US.


Twice a day. Once when I wake up and once after working out at night.


Once a year whether I needs it or not. Bleat bleat!


Almost every day. I'm from Burgerland.


Once a Day. I get dirty at Work. (Not Porn-related)


Aboot once a Day, Canada. Sorry


1-3 times a day weather pending and how active I am throughout the day. Canada


Twice a Day. South Africa. Some of yall are stanky as hell


Some of y'all must stink


Twice after 3 working days, on weekends I do swims in nature. From Countryside




Why does it depend on the water pressure? That makes no sense to me


5 times a week, sometimes as much as 8, I live in the US. I have some OCD tendencies that I don't want to exacerbate by showering too frequently. I do use a lot of deodorant on days I don't shower.


Hair - once in 2 days. Shave - every day. Body - every day. Russia


Minimum once a day and usually twice in the warm weather.