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Depends if you want your relationship to blow up or not. 


That's why you play it safe and say "Among all your friends, you are the biggest"


"You're bigger than your dad, but smaller than your brother"


What about the uncle?


He told us never to tell anyone or else he'd kill the bunny.


We don't talk about the uncle.


He already knows about his uncle


Jesus! Lol lol


As a man, I'd prefer you casually lie to me. "They were all pretty similar, but you are the best sex by far." As a middle aged man with some relationship experience under my belt, I know not to be so fuckin stupid as to ask this question.


Yeah I'd never ask this question


I simply don't care which I think is the real place you need to be. it would never cross my mind to ask. I'm happy, she's happy, focusing on comparisons and past experiences is going to be neutral at best and hurtful at worst.


Also there are other things than sex in life.


Yes, but sex in death is typically frowned upon.




lol exactly


To all the guys out there. Don’t ever ask your partner how you compare to any guy about anything. Not about size, performance, nothing. If it’s worth mentioning, the girl will mention it all on her own.


>If it’s worth mentioning, the girl will mention it all on her own. My wife is autistic and absolutely incapable of lying. Without being asked, she candidly told me that her ex was admittedly bigger than me, but he was always limp, so it didn't matter. "I don't care how big it is, I don't want to fuck a limp noodle. The guy took Viagra at 20 years old for crying out loud. Sex with him was work... for both of us."


After our first sexual encounter over 10 years ago, my girlfriend spent the time just afterward telling me all about how she preferred it because her last boyfriend’s dick was SO HUGE that it hurt and she couldn’t take the whole thing. I was honestly upset that she picked *right after sex* (my first time, no less) to tell me all about sex with her last boyfriend. Over 10 years on and I still randomly joke about how his penis is so large it blots out the sun and NASA could use it to just *drive* to the moon. She gets so exasperated (though not in too bad a way). It’s great.


> her last boyfriend’s dick was SO HUGE that it hurt Why do people feel the need to share in this sort of graphic detail? If my bf told me he preferred sex with me because his last gf was “too loose” I would be grossed out on multiple levels.


Don't ask this question unless you have a large penis. If you have a large penis, she's probably already told you.


Mine had a large penis and asked. I acknowledged that it was large. He picked a fight because I wasn’t excited enough about it. We were out having fun with friends and he WOULD NOT LET IT GO. Finally, I told him I’d bigger and smaller and they were both better. And we broke up not long after that.


no she may not tell you, she might assume you already know even if you are oblivious.


Yeah, some men do seem to be oblivious to that. Twice I've had to point out to men that the reason they were struggling with condoms being uncomfortable and having a hard time cumming with them on was because they were using regular size and needed bigger.


Lol this person has been asked before


And answered wrong AT LEAST once


Yours is perfect. The big ones hurt...


"Your partner asks you about something they're possibly insecure about, how much do you destroy them??"


“I like the little ones because they don’t hurt”.


"I prefer it when I can't feel it slip inside"


It's the perfect size... for my butt.


Hi, I’m CryGeneral. Can I buy you a drink?


Naw Just some poppers


I heard this one before jesus lmao


"It gets the job done"


yours is way better than the normal or large sized ones <3


I spit out my tea lol


It ain't long, but it's thin.


"Babe the big ones always hurt too much" 😢


IMO it’s not a great idea to trap someone into answering a question where there’s only one answer that won’t trigger you but you won’t tell the person what it is ahead of time. Like I don’t want to be told I’m the most beautiful girl in the world cause that shit just ain’t true and never will be and I don’t need to be bullshitted, nor do I need a brutally honest reminder from someone else that I’m not. So I just don’t ask about that shit. ALSO please at least consider that she may be telling the truth that she prefers yours. One thing that grinds my gears pretty bad is men like…insisting they know better than women regarding what women like/prefer, even as they’re literally telling you, in their own words, what they like/prefer. Like what else will I say that you’re going to consider a lie when you don’t agree? If I’m not the expert on my own preferences then who tf is, you know? Not to go all angry feminist when nobody was really asking for it but it’s a tiny bit…infantilizing I guess? for someone to assume you don’t know what you’re talking about when it comes to like, you. Like if nothing else, I think that’s one subject I’m probably the authority on lol. Like, she may genuinely prefer them smaller. It is by no means actually impossible for that to be true.


Fellas pay attention. This will save a lot of fighting. Being in an adult relationship really necessitates the first point IMHO. Don’t ask trap questions. Do you actually want to know how your cock compares to her ex? Or do you actually want to know if you’re making her feel good? That she craves your attention? That some part of your sexual connection is unique to one another? Then FFS listen when she answers about what she wants.


Fr tho there's something extra hot about him being able to slam into me full force, without having to hold back for my pesky cervix's sake. Plus they're easier to snack on! 😋


Ok but fr most women bottom out at 6”


I am average size and ran into a woman that bottomed out at about 4.5”. I felt like a god when she asked me to slow down cause it hurt. Being the gentleman I am of course I did so. God bless that woman. She will be permanently etched in my memory.


Sounds like this one girl where I literally could not fit it in. It wouldn’t go. I had no idea that was even possible. Still riding that high


She probably had vaginismus tbh


No I am huge shut up


😂😂😂 this made me chuckle ….LET THE MAN HAVE HIS MOMENT !


yeah I actually laughed at this haha


😂😂😂💀 I laughed way too loud at this




That was her bellybutton


Please don’t ruin this for me😁


Basically this question in a nutshell


I mean its a simple as asking back, "Are you asking because you're genuinely curious? I don't want to share if you're worried about anything, because yours is perf"


This response will be taken as "It's small"


"Yours is perfect babe, it hurt too much with my last bf."


My wife said this exact quote to me 😂


As much as that might hurt the pride it’s a real thing and some women just can’t handle a huge hog and prefer a smaller more accurate size pairing. Be happy you fit!


“Ah don’t worry honey. My last gf had a front door like a bank vault and don’t get me started on the rear entrance”


That’s where they could easily drive the getaway van out.


One guy waiting while the other three finished up inside?


But fr this is a real issue. I won't tell my bf but I would kill for him to just be a little smaller. It sucks. It limits our sex life so much because without preparation it just won't fit and I'll be in pain for the rest of the day. I haven't had a quickie in 10 years and I miss the impromptu passion, the not having to worry if it will hurt or not. Not being limited by which positions we can do. I yearn for a man with a normal sized dick. I love him to pieces so I have no choice but to make it work.


He is suffering from success huh? All jokes aside, I understand. Its the same way with women. Most guys will say the tighter the better but theres such a thing as too tight.


I hear you. I had a fwb who was porn sized and the prep was crazy. He hit my cervix a few times in certain positions and I'd be in pain all day. Doggy often resulted in the worst cramps after. Anal was uncomfortable or painful. My husband is large but somehow my body finds it very comfortable (the feeling of being stretched but not in a bad way) + no pain or excessive prep needed.


This response will be taken as "It's small"


It ain't small, it's just not big enough.


Imo this sounds like you’re trying to make them feel better… in reality, if you prefer theirs, you’d just say “yours is the best by far” (third person ‘you’, not you-you)


>I don't want to share if you're worried about anything, because yours is perf When they want to calm a patient, a doctor needs to remain calm and confident themselves and act as though nothing is out of the ordinary. The moment they start trying to calm and comfort a patient and keep them from worrying, the patient will know that *now* something is happening that he indeed needs to worry about.


I was on the operating table. The surgeon came up beside me and said, "Don't be nervous, Robert. You'll do great. Everything will go fine." I looked at the surgeon and said, "Wait a minute, I'm not Robert." The surgeon said, "Oh, I know. I'M Robert."


The only problem is an anxious mind might mistake “I don’t want to share if you’re worried” for “I don’t want to share because it’s not what you want to hear”. If someone asks this question it’s generally coming from a place of insecurity unless they are turned on by the idea of their partner taking big dicks. I’d suggest something like: “don’t worry, I am definitely satisfied, but I don’t want to share intimate info about previous partners”. I may be splitting hairs here. Both answers would probably be fine.


no even an anxious mind, thats just how it sounds.


“I don’t want to share if you’re worried about something because then you’re really fucked” ☠️


It's always bigger than your ex


Always movin' up 🙌


This is just common sense. I have girl friends who are like “why wouldn’t I be honest with my bf? It’s his fault for asking.” If that’s really how you feel...just say you don’t give a fuck about him, or the relationship, and be done with it. I’d never ask my bf if he found me more attractive than his exes. But if I did, and **his answer wasn’t an unequivocal yes?** That shite would eat at me until the relationship was over. Maybe longer.


THIS. I knew a girl whose boyfriend broke up with her because they had the best sex ever and she told him it was the best sex she’d ever had…with HIM. How are you going to think adding that last part was remotely necessary?


Just wait til my next bf!


But smaller then his dad's


Then what happened?


Lie. Always lie. It’s always massive, maybe the most massive one I’ve ever seen.


I would be shocked to learn that she has a penis


Since none of my previous partners had a penis, I'd respond thusly: "Yours is by far, the most splendid and magnificent penis a lover of mine has ever had. A virtuoso in the streets and a demon in the sheets. If I was a spider, living in a barn, my web would say, 'Some Penis' for all the world to see."


You best believe I'm going on Etsy to get a personalized spiderweb sign that says "Some Penis" and putting that above our bed if I hear that response.


I would be shocked to learn that I have a partner




Don't fall in this trap. Answer "you made me forget them all"


Don't fall for THIS trap. "Out of all your friends; you're the biggest." /s


I would kill myself in front of her


This is the most acceptable response


"It feels like it was made for me." No details; you couldn't even describe it if you had to. Gun to your head; perfect dick.




Draw, from memory, a map of every vein of every penis.


Except from your partner's. Say it wasn't memorable


There's no pencil that is sharp enough to draw the line width.


No, you get your friend Will to do it. Then you put all the pictures together and you end up with a map to the tunnel system leading to the upside down.


Any excuse to bring out the scrap book


Sit down and have some tea. This is going to take a while. I’ll go get the photo albums~


Just bust out an in depth power point project on the subject with explicit details of all your past hook ups.. that should suffice.


As a dude, this is not a question that dudes should be asking their partners. They're probably not going to be comfortable answering it and you probably don't want to hear the truth anyway.


At BEST you’re given mental images of your partner with other people. Yeah man I’ll pass


I just randomly grab other fellas in the crotch to see what they’re packing.  This is the easiest way to learn about other bodies.


I’ve played team sports professionally for the last 5 years. I’ve seen every type of wang you could imagine. If your girl tells you her last man was a Dominican go ahead and call it quits.


Hilarious. I recently dated a lady whose ex was Dominican. This explains a great deal, lol.


Does your ex have very soft erections? Because if not, I just grabbed a very soft penis for nothing


This happened to me… we were in the beginning of our relationship and she told me she was one of those girls that squirted, which was found thanks to her previous boyfriend who happened to have a rather big penis. Yeah, it wasn’t good to know that last part of the sentence, it definitely made me think of other stuff for a while.


That's just more material for the spank bank!


A man of culture!


I actually would want to hear the truth for academic purposes. I love my dick, my dick is great, it wouldn't matter if she said I had the lamest dick she'd ever seen, she's fuckin' wrong.


It's been with me through thick and thin.


Wait... *my* dick has? What is going on here....? I'm calling the police.


Bro that person kidnapped your dick


Mother fucking dick thief!


I gotta adapt your mindset homie, for all of life not just dick.


No one can hurt me more than I can hurt myself.


For the science!🧪


Bust out the written references if necessary. It's why breaking up on good terms is so important in today's economy.


Same. I wouldn't take a random dick trade even if I got a dozen chances to pass. Way too much risk and little chance to upgrade. No offense to anyone with an ugly or small dick, but my dick is great. If my wife said she had been with the most beautiful dick in the whole world before me, I'd high five her and feel lucky she still chose to marry me.


Seriously guys why would you ask this???? Unless you’re like into that as a kink and want to hear it was bigger.


Its an insecure question that has no right answer. Youre either saying your Ex's was better or saying its not, and they won't believe you.


It’s ok to be curious. Not everyone is an insecure mess. If my wife told me her ex had a bigger penis I truthfully wouldn’t care, because I’m the one she married, and penis size isn’t a big deal lol But according to these comments, a ton of redditors are shaking anxious messes over what their partner thinks of their penis


For the same reason as women ask, do I look fat in this.


Yeah it's definitely for validation, but at least if she gets told that she looks fat in it, she can change lmao.


Hahahahaha fuck


Women don’t ask “do I look fatter in this dress than your ex did”


Does my dick look fat in this dress?


Take out the custom dildo you had made of your previous partner. Break out the measuring tape and calipers. Give him a full length and 4 point girth comparison. Get out the photos of the last guy's junk too, and have them color compared. Also comment on comparative stiffness, shape, taste, mouthfeel, and longevity. Don't forget to go the extra mile and give a comparative critique of average emission volume, thickness, and flavor.


"Well the last guy didn't wash his ass very well, so that kinda ruined the mood, getting a big tongue full of it. But we don't do that, so it's not a problem!"


*We don't* eat your ass.


Hahaha mouthfeel


Also bring the other custom dildos from every previous partner. Also, great timing for getting the measurements for the new dildo.


Whenever my wife asks me to compare her to previous partners, my response is always, “ I don’t remember.” Truthfully, I don’t really remember lol




Jesus lmao


He's been cold for a long time.


My wife informed me the biggest dick she ever had was from the fucking janitor at the hospital she worked at. I regret asking. Some things are best unknown.


Well naturally. You wouldn't expect the 'fucking janitor' to have a small dick, would you?


This comment is funnier than the credit it is currently getting.


how did that gem of a conversation come up?


"I mean he's your twin, how different do you think it could be?"


Me: Where do I measure up on the Olive Garden breadstick scale? Her: Not the cream of the crop stick everyone grabs for first, but not the small triangle stubby only grabbed when there’s nothing left either.


Too much garlic butter on yours though.


Livestream myself making a tier list that they can tune into, remind everyone to like and subscribe and ring that bell.


I would never ask my wife this question—I wouldn’t want to put her in that position and frankly, I’m not interested in hearing about past partners. I’m interested in what *we* share. That kind of question feels insecure and immature. She did mention that one past partner was on the small side and I wished I hadn’t known that when I met him. He’s a really nice guy. I really like my penis and don’t need that validated, but 31 years into being married, my wife and I were lying in bed after having sex, her head on my chest and hand on my member. She looked up with a smile and said, “It’s perfectly symmetrical!” That works for me!


Was his small penis all you could think about when you met him? Maybe it would’ve been better if he was an asshole instead of nice, I guess.


Kinda, yeah. It also felt like it was none of my business, and not at all something my wife would generally share.




Oh so you only like me for my personality and not my hog?!


I mean the question sounds like a trap anyways. It's like if my girlfriend asks me how you like X compared to other girls. I would feel like I have to choose my words carefully.


The answer is *always* you’re the best in every possible way. Michelangelo couldn’t carve a finer specimen out of marble if he had 1,000 years.


Michelangelo's David has a very well known small penis.... you fell in the trap question both feet first.


I knew you liked his cock better than mine!




Is that supposed to end the discussion?


"What do you mean by 'your penis', Martha?"




i asked an ex this once and she said "you're average" i believe she was trying to spare my feelings


I ask how much detail they want to know. Otherwise, I'm honest. Had this conversation with my husband, and it basically came down to understanding that everyone accepts that every penis is different, but a lot of guys seem to fail to realize vaginas aren't one size fits all. It's a bit of a Cinderella situation. Just gotta find the perfect fit. I found my perfect fit.


This is only the right answer here. I don't appreciate the condescending comments saying it's immature or insecure, just because it is does not mean it cannot be talked about with a partner and is a fairly common insecurity many young men have in early relationship stages. Sex is about having fun and learning about your body, there is nothing immature about that, and the fact that the person whose asked is continuing to have sex with them should be clear enough to a partner that it is mutually enjoyable. This is why I love your analogy as well!


Very true. Typically the onus is put on the dude to be big enough to please the woman, without even a thought of different vagina size. I’ve been with women where i struggle to get it in at all, and it’s absolute bliss once i do. Been with women who it actually seems like I could get a baseball bat in there. Doesn’t mean she was promiscuous or anything, just natural different sizes. In my experience the depths were all very similar, but the width was at least 2-3 times bigger on certain gals. Also the tightest ones were all really short in my experience. Don’t know if that was just a coincidence. And the looser ones were the tallest. Probably just a big coincidence.


I kid you not. This what one said to me. The size of yours is like a quarter, I mean a half dollar in diameter. My last bf was the size of a dime in diameter. My butthole is the size of a dime too. That’s why we don’t have anal.


Was she dating a sharpie?


Look. There is no one answer here. Me, I'm likely asking because the information turns me on. Others because they are jealous. Others because they want a reason to be upset. Some because of other reasons that i dont know of because I am just not those people. The point is, know your audience and respond accordingly. If I am asking, be as detailed as you can be. I'm horny and this is freaking story time, darling.


I love this and would so happily share my penis stories with you if I was your partner


On our third date (so traditional) she made a Pikachu face and said it was the biggest one she’d ever seen. I believed her. Doesn’t matter to me whether she was telling the truth. Only matters that I believed her. ❤️


Always say current is better even if it isn't


just say that they were huge


"I got freakishly lucky, every one of the 5 guys I slept with were freaks of nature, don't worry about them"


Depends on the relationship. My boyfriend has the perfect P for me, not too long, not too short, not to thick or thin, just right in terms of dimensions, a little big for me because I'm petite so we usually do it soft and gentle. And I've told him this, so I asume he knows I'm dick experienced? I guess if he asks he wouldn't be suprise to know I've been with bigger and smaller, but his is the only one that matters to me, the only one I want and he knows that too.






I'm going to guess that the most important aspect of any penis is the person it's attached to.


As a man, I gotta tell you that being told my dick is perfect because it’s “not too big” does not feel nearly as good as you make it seem. It’s the iffiest compliment ever and feels like my mother telling me I’m a special boy. It doesn’t even make logical sense because you can just put it in less. You even say this later in your comment. Even if it’s true, tell that to your best friend, tell that to your mother, but don’t tell that to your partner. It’s not even necessary, you could literally just remove that part from your description and it’s instantly better. I can’t imagine telling my partner I love her pussy because it’s “not too tight” for me. Even if it’s true she’s gonna mull that one over a few times. You think she’s gonna repeat that “compliment” to her friends? You think any man is gonna brag to his friends that his girl said his dick is “not too big”. No, because it’s iffy as fuck.


I've said this to my boyfriend, thinking it might be a decent response whenever he says he has a small penis. Because I don't think it is! It's average and I enjoy the hell out of it. But the way you just described this from a males standpoint makes me understand why he hates it when I say it.


Yeah, it really comes off as kind of an insult even if it isn't meant that way


It's true for any statement that says X is great because it's not too Y. "You're pussy is great because it's not too tight". "You're great because you're not too pretty". "You're boobs are great because it's not too big". Etc. They sound like negs.


Haha, all these responses telling men to just not ask the question. I swear I'm not some red piller, but this is a pretty good example of why I think society in general is just not ready for men who are emotionally open or vulnerable the way modern society is asking men to be. Women put themselves out there for validation from their partners all the time (e.g. does this dress make me look fat, am I prettier than your ex, etc etc), and society's response is "well make sure you have the exact right answer that isn't a lie and also makes her feel amazing". When a guy asks a question clearly seeking validation from his partner as an expression of something they feel anxious about, most of these responses amount to "why would you even ask that question?". I'm not saying it's right or wrong for men to be more emotionally vulnerable and open in modern society, but it's clear to me society is asking something of men that it's not actually prepared to handle


I dunno. I see those questions being asked by either "side" to be potential landmines.


That's not really what they're saying. Anyone asking these kinds of questions is being insecure and immature. The point is that with women you are told to prop them up and be kind, and with men you are told they are idiots for feeling that way and expressing it. It's two totally different approaches.


Agreed 100%


I'd argue that the responses to this post *does* include men being vulnerable. You're having loads of guys here admit that, yea, it would hurt to hear that they aren't up to par as their partner's ex. They'd prefer not to hear it, otherwise they'd feel insecure. If you told them to "get over it, she chose you", then that's telling them to emotionally shut down. There's a difference between asking for validation based on standards, and asking for validation based on comparing an ex, because then you might feel insecure and start to wonder what else was "better" about that ex? How much did they "love" about that ex? What are they missing out being stuck with you now? It just spirals. Men and women can feel the same way, especially when it comes to sex.


If yours was bigger, she’d let you know.


If a man asks a woman that she will never tell him the truth, know that.


My ex told her bf that mine was 9 inches….I am NOT 9 inches lol!


Don't ask questions you might not be ready for the answer to


You have chosen violence.


“Let me fire up my spreadsheet…”


Yeah.. I’m one of the dumbasses that made the mistake of asking this. One idea that I can suggest, is just don’t lie. If you do you must maintain the lie. And if you slip up at some point, it will erode his trust in you. However if you’re not comfortable telling the truth, then refuse to answer. Just say you don’t kiss and tell. The truth is usually along the lines of “some were bigger, some were smaller, some thicker, some thinner, some shorter, some longer. One was bent, a few straight, none were better, just different in unique ways etc”.


"I have dildos bigger than all of you. Let's move past this now."


Yours is attached to you so it’s infinitely better in every way


... Was your ex a eunuch?


I don't worry about other people's penis. I know what I got and how to use it, and as long as we both enjoy ourselves, idc.


No idea why any guy would want to know this… not a single good thing can come from it


I mean if the result is his dick is getting praised above others, I imagine that's a pretty good outcome for the guy. If he cares about that kind of thing, which he probably does since he's asking.


I actually had a sit down with my wife about this. She said a small penis is nothing to be ashamed of and it doesn't mean the sex isn't good. I still wish she didn't have one though


If it's something your partner can change like some technique or position, tell them about it. If it's something they're born with...sugar coat it.


I tried that. I still don't like the taste.