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Guitar for sure. My father was masterful at playing the guitar and piano but because he was a great dad, never pressured me into anything but I wish he would have motivated me into trying/learning. Back in the day, he used to play as my mom sang in a club! When I did finally start, when I played to him, even when terrible, he had the biggest smile on his face and endured my performance even though it likely sounded like trash to him... I got to play to him a few times before he died too soon in a motorcycle accident and the memory of his face listening to me is one of the things that keeps my dad and his love in my heart.




Immediately what came to mind first. I started in college and definitely wish I started earlier.


weight training


Running. Love it. Love how much my body's endurance has improved. I feel younger and healthier. My PMDD stopped and I have more energy.


Same. When covid came and the gyms shut down, I had to start doing something else to workout. I started running at 31 and love it. 4 years later, and started running 5/8/10ks and am training for a half marathon in November. My long run on Saturday morning is the highlight of my week.


Any good tips of workout/running shoes? I don't want shoes that'll fall apart after a year...


Go to a legit running store. They'll fit you and give you options of different shoes to try. I personally have a pair of Aasics and Altra zero drops. But what is best for me, might not be best for you. 


Thanks for the suggestion! 


Not the OP, but I can’t recommend getting fit at a running store enough. They’ll evaluate your feet/stride to get the right support for you. However, running shoes, no matter how good they are, will start to degrade after about 500 miles (on the high end, some are 250 miles). Depending on mileage, that may be more or less than a year for you.


Thanks for that info! 


I have basic breathable flexible sneakers that fit snug. I bought them super cheap and they're sort of wearing off. I should invest in a better pair


playing the piano




Here's some good news - it can be inexpensive and convenient to pick up. There are inexpensive keyboards and tons of YouTube videos out there. Now, to find the time....... :-( I wish I stuck with it.


I have played the piano from 7yo until last year. I stopped because of a personal reason.


This! One day I sit down at the piano to learn to play "Still Dre" as a joke and next thing you know I can play the majority of songs I have heard from memory.


Weight lifting


Strength training


Gardening. I love having ready access to fresh herbs and homegrown tomatoes and peppers are amazing. This year my family requested potatoes so I have 25 potatoes plants at the moment.




I read book every single day for just 40 minutes.


That's great but what made you pick 40 minutes?


Hell knows what lol. I felt like 30 minutes is too less and 1 hour is too much )))))


Stretching! Christ. Before stretching, my back was in constant pain and every turn of my neck sounded like lightning striking Mount Doom. Suddenly, the pain's just *gone.* Who knew?


Can you recommend a routine, or any other resource to get started? My back and neck feel exactly like what you are describing.


I watch a youtube video called "Sunrise Yoga" and do it 2-3 times a week. It's a 20ish minute easy yoga program. It's full body but a lot of focus is on the spine. Try to feel a stretch no matter what you are doing. It shouldn't always be easy but it should never be *painful*. If it's a sharp pain then stop pushing as much. Ease into whatever.


Ditto u/bythog 's comment. A really nice, simple and quick one - and the one that really just clicked (or rather, stopped the clicking) was this short morning routine from Calisthenicmovement: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc2xlLuCp4Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc2xlLuCp4Y) 10/10 recommend as a nice easy start to everything.




Coding. I only do it occasionally here and there, but it's a great source of frustration and relief that i really could have used back in the day, and i'd probably be a lot better at it now if i'd started back when i had more motivation for projects.


Collecting precious metals..


Magic the gathering, dungeons and dragons, long distance hiking and kayaking.


I have been a DM for about 2 years and wish I had started DND much earlier.




Couldn't do this when I lived at home as my brothers were assholes and would read and make fun of what I'd written.


Did you have a computer? You could make word file journals and lock your computer.


No we didn't back then. I have been keeping a journal, written by hand in a cheap notebook, since 2017 though.


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I’m nearly 47 and started a couple years ago. I wish I started as a kid (my kids do it too).


I started Tang Soo Do at 42. I wish that I had started it much younger. The martials arts have done so much for my physical and mental wellbeing.


Martial arts is amazing for everyone’s mental health. Every time I start a roll with someone, we’d ask if there’s any injuries we need to be aware of. My answer is always “only the ego” 😂


Do you find it difficult? I’m almost as old and would like to try. I’m fairly fit and strong but not flexible and worried it could be the source of many new injuries


It’s really difficult LOL I’m raising 4 kids and that’s not as hard as jiu jitsu lol BUT it is one of the best things I’ve ever tried. I did Muay Thai for years and that’s also easier in some ways. You’ll get injuries but you’ll start to learn to NOT get yourself in positions that might cause an injury. My husband also does it and we both wake up every morning feeling like we have the bodies of a 90 year old LOL


Kinda the same for me too, started TaeKwonDo at 27, which isn't "old" by any metric, and even though I did technically have a head start where I did it as a kid, but stopped when I got into high-school; there was still a lot of catching up to do in the last 3 years since I started back up. I've been competing in grassroots tier competitions for about a year, but the actual realization of how far behind I am and how much work I have ahead of me came once I started competing in nationally ranked competitions.


Hey regardless of age, it’s still better to do it now than not doing it at all! Good luck with your comps! I’ve tried competing a few times but lost all matches. Not enough women in my division with the same age and weight bracket. All my matches have been with women 10-25 years younger than me. The age difference is a killer. Younger people are just faster and more agile. I’ll still always train to compete again because… why not


It might sound kinda weird, but in a way, I'm actually more okay with having to deal with competing against those competitors who are 10+ years younger than me, because at least it gives me strong people to compete against. I've looked at the other division listings at my last few events, and it looks like once I age out of the my current division (17~32 into the U40 group), consistent match ups become rarer and rarer. I'm much more satisfied loosing the podium to a set of 18 and 20 year old's rather than being on the podium alone because no one else even showed up.


I agree! My first comp I was on the podium getting my bronze medal (there were only 3 women in my belt division competing). I was smiling from ear to ear lol I was so happy. It’s all worth it


Chess ♟️




I'd take saving a lot of money and having better health as a result instead of being a chef.


Learning a language


Disc golf


I do love a bit of Frolf.


Weight training and rock climbing






Playing the guitar and fishing






Photography is such a beautiful creative outlet. It really trains you to see the world in a different light and appreciate little, fleeting moments.


I miss working in the dark room the most. My current job has me traveling and moving quite a bit so it's impossible. I still do digital (wife more so than me) but I've told her when we retire I'm going back to black and white film and I want a dark room.


Riding a motorcycle


I wish I started gardening sooner. It's like therapy with free veggies! My apartment's full of green now. Plus, cooking with homegrown herbs? Chef's kiss!


Brewing my own beer. I’ve saved a ton of money and my homebrew is way better than anything I’ve bought at the store. Plus, now I can flex on my friends with my sick IPA game.




Reading and putting myself first


Knitting. It's so soothing and cozy to settle in with my pets and a half finished sweater after a long day.










Doing jigsaw puzzles. I've gotten really into puzzles in the last year, and I’ve enjoyed having quiet time in the evening to work on them while listening to podcasts or audiobooks.


Well I started make music but I couldn't afford it when I was younger so meh.


fermentation. Making vinegars, kimchi, sourdough breads...


BJJ. I started it 2 months ago to get in better shape. Had I been doing it for the last 10 yrs, I'd be a shredded bad ass black belt!


I think with all my hobbies I just wish I’d pursued them more before I had kids when I actually had free time. It is rewarding now that they’re 4 and 5 because I can teach them and get them interested in my hobbies too.


Drinking water


Of course, choose an instrument that you like. Knowing an instrument can really expand your social network


Dnd, i wanted to play it as a kid but had literally no friends to play it with


Tennis and golf. I’ve never done much sports in my life growing up , and I’ve found golf to be pretty therapeutic now which I enjoy.


Photography and fishing


web dev, if only I have started back in 2000


Anyone that wants to write I say start documents and keep them private and just see what happens. It might be crap at first but eventually you will really have something.


Cycling, programming.


Weight training oh and mafimatics


Well I didn’t really pick it up as an adult either, but I wish I picked up somewhat of a sport when younger and stick to it. I also did some comfortable, yet monetary worse decisions 15y ago which I wish I didn’t and if I had done that, I would have enough money now to answer your thread with: I wish I picked up Magic the Gathering 20-30y ago


Cosplay or photography


Consistent sleep schedule, now I wake up 5 minutes before the ringtone on the dot. Still a bit of a struggle to go to sleep on time, but I'm woekong on it and it's getting easier. Sleep apnea sucks though, I'll have to go get that managed.


I had the guitar down at sixteen, but I never realized how much I liked to race until I stepped into a kart when I was in my thirties. Probably a good thing, it would have bankrupted me.


The gym


Picked it up during covid. I call it day drinking. Sooooo good at it.


few years as im going to start guitar, what always stop me???


Synths (r/synthesizers) and making electronic music on my own. Didn't know that natural music ability was optional.


Drawing, didn’t think I could do it, I’m pretty creative and I sing, making bracelets and stuff like that, and then I decided to try to draw to release some anxiety. Now I haven’t done it since 2016, but I really wanna do it again, I just don’t know where the motivation is anymore


Cardio and strength training.


Resin art.


Being thorough.


Brazilian jiu jitsu


Fishing ... 


Treasure hunting with my MD. I would already find a way more coins and stuff.


caring about my health in general. thinking about what i put in my body and what i do to maintain it. i consider it a hobby because i'm always doing research to learn more. maybe i could have cured my 'unknown' epilepsy by now if i'd started like twenty years ago.


Gardening, hands down. Digging in dirt as a kid was for making mud pies, I had no clue it could be, like, therapeutic? Wished I’d known that bliss of growing my own salads sooner. Plus, succulents are way easier than pets, just saying.


Martial Arts. It's an incredible way to stay in shape


Sim racing. I was always into cars and had a project car at one point but can’t really afford it. Just got into iracing and it’s a great substitute for it.


Woodworking. It relaxes me, helps me kind of center myself, and lets me be creative.




Reading. I've never imagined I would enjoyed this much. Bookbinding. It can take me somewhere else although it frustrates me sometimes. Writing.


Unicycling. I would have crushed this as a kid.


Gonna sound stupid, but bird feeding, I have a couple of feeders and a small table, currently trying to learn the different type of birds, mostly it's pigeons but starlings and a few blue tits and magpies


Playing Irish traditional music. I started playing music in elementary school and taught myself a couple instruments in college, but i've been playing ITM for 20 years now and any kid who grew up in the tradition is still miles ahead of me in rhythm, speed and facility. I'm not half bad, but I'll never be as good as some of the kids (in their teens and 20s) who are beginning to rise.




Hand crocheting


Sewing. I was in junior high school during first-wave feminism, and I was a smart kid. So the conventional wisdom was that I needed to use my electives on academic subjects because "Home Ec and Sewing is for girls," i.e. "girl's stuff is inherently useless." I think their hearts were in the right place. I don't think it had occurred to anyone that when skills are divorced from gender that you are more likely to get talent from all genders. Anyway, I'm probably overthinking this. I started sewing as an adult, and I would be much more skilled if I had learned at a younger age and had real training rather than being self-taught. And if anyone wants to believe I'm attached to historical gender roles, I became an engineer and worked at a rocket testing facility for many years. Who cares what's between your legs? You should learn the skills you want to learn, period.




3d modelling


Crossfit and biking


Absolutely Disc Golf. I'm ADHD and I become extremely attached and dedicated to a random hobby and then eventually get bored of it and move on. I played disc golf for the first time when I was 28. Like usual I got intensely passionate learning everything, getting better and better, improving my form. But it is the only hobby I've ever had that has never "gotten old". And I still play several times a week & is my main form of exercise and meditation. I wish I started younger because I started playing with incorrect form which gave me a ton of lasting physical problems. If I started in my teens, my body would handle the whiplash while I'm learning how to not kill my body with each throw. Also, if I started younger, my ceiling for how good I can get and how far I can throw would be higher. All of these guys who started when they were like, 8 yrs. old are doing things that I could never imagine...


Lifting weights.


Weight training or writing, now I'm doing both!


Photography and videography


yoga and meditation


Absolutely demolishing my salami on a daily basis. No but real answer: Drumming


Weight lifting.




Learning how to swing trade.




Programming.  (More of a career rather than hobby, though I do spend a fair amount of my time building web apps.  I know my life would’ve been better off going on this route instead of healthcare.)


Weight training for sure.


Not a hobby but a way of life-not giving a shit about minor things


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