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Robin Williams


This. The saddest part is that it wasn't a complete surprise. Robin had been struggling and was clearly in pain. Yet he could always bring a smile and laugh to the people he was with.


A good lesson to always check in on your funny friends


to be fair to him, his LBD was getting worse and the prognosis for that isn't good. he would've lost himself eventually. Given that, i think still being in control and being able to decide was way better than the decline he would've had. but yeah his hit me hard too. #Bangarang


He had so much talent!


Dead Poet's Society, Hook, Mrs. Doubtfire, Jumanji, ... this man was a father figure / funny uncle to everyone who watched his movies growing up. Loved him particularly in What Dreams May Come. If there is an after-life, I hope he's painting his own paradise.


I knew this will be high comment.


This did me, too. I lived in Chapel Hill, NC while they were filming a movie there. He was always kind and gracious when I’d nod my head to recognize him. Funniest man ever. Brilliant.


Anthony Bourdain


Same here. Not even the best job in the world could beat depression.


This for me. It'll be six years to the day tomorrow. I've never experienced such as emotional roller coaster in my life. On this exact day 6 years ago, the Washington Capitals won the Stanley Cup. My favorite team, my favorite sport. I went to bed ecstatic... I woke up to news Anthony Bourdain had passed. Complete devastation. June 7 and 8, 2018 are two dates I will never forget.


this. devastated still.


Alan Rickman's death hit me like a parents slap. He wasn't just a brilliant actor but also a good man.


Rupert Grint drew a not-so-nice picture of him, and he saw it. He took it, and made Rupert sign it. He *loved it* Anyone who doesn't take themself that seriously should be sorely missed


Yes, and the worst was that his death was so unexpected. It came out of nowhere.




I'm sorry but I have to...... *Username Checks Out*


Dolores O'Riordan from the Cranberries upset me and Sean Locke the great comedian a sad loss


It was Dolores O'Riordan passing that made me realize the 90s were a really long time ago, and even people that made it out of the decade were mortal. It seemed so pointless and sad. I'd read an interview with her probably circa 2000 (no idea when) in which as I recall she felt keeping her abs in shape helped her with giving birth, and then I'm reading how she was depressed, divorced, and had died. Just felt a rush of years come on me. :(


Chadwick Boseman, an incredibly talented man who was taken far too soon. It was especially horrible because people were making fun of his appearance while he was battling colon cancer in secret.


I was so shocked when I heard he passed. And to know that he did all of those movies while having stage 4 colon cancer just showed me what kind of an actor and man he was. RIP King.


This was the one for me. Just a genuinely good man who did a lot for others.


Phil Hartman


This is mine. Watching on TV as they rolled the body bag on a stretcher and you could see he was curled up was brutal. I was a massive fan of his and he even went to my high school (albeit quite a few years ahead of me but not *that* many as I'm 55 now). Friends of friends had seen them at a dinner party just a few days before and said they'd gotten on beautifully and there was no sign of any trouble. Obviously, with drugs involved things can change on a dime. Many blame Andy Dick and he's an absolutely shit excuse for a human but only Brynn pulled that trigger. My heart has gone out to their kids ever since because Phil absolutely adored them.


Fuck Andy Dick.


😔Scrolled way too far for this😔




Mac miller 😖


I discovered Mac Miller’s music after his death, not knowing he was dead. When I found out… I was really sad.


That sucksssss, I’ve done that with different artists before. Like Alice In Chains 😩. I’m over here watch mtv unplugged trippin balls and all of a sudden I hear “you know he’s dead right”


I have the finding out about his death in my brain so locked in. It’s a core memory. I was clocking out if my job at McDonald’s on my last day before a 9 day break since I was having my tongue split 2 days later. So I was excited about that and I opened my phone to see what had happened while I was at work while walking out to my roommate to drive me home. I saw the news and I was in shock. I literally just mumbled “oh my god Mac Miller is dead” over and over again out loud. All the way home. A mass shooting had also just happened in my city the day before so that was a pretty intense few days for me and my memory usually sucks but those few days are burned in my brain. All the way up to that Sunday


Recent one but Andre Braugher. Brooklyn Nine Nine was my favourite show of all time, Captain Holt was simply an icon. Seeing he passed away was the biggest shock, completely devastated.


Steve Irwin.


I sat down at the table and simply sobbed when I heard. I still miss that guy. 


Ah yes this one hit hard.


Same, it just stopped our country in its tracks. I have never cried before or since about a celebrity death, but this one had me in tears every time it was mentioned. His funeral was heartbreaking 💔


Anton yelchin. His performance in Odd Thomas got me into the books. And i finished the first one right before his death


I was looking for this one. Such a young and talented actor. Tragic. Such a freak Final-Destination-ass accident.


This is the one for me. Not old age, not illness, no drug problem. Just a horrible tragic freak accident to someone in the prime of their life.


This was so tragic. He was such a talented actor and up and coming in the industry in his prime. Very sad and freak accident. I was devastated.




This still bums me out, he had such brilliant mind and was doing such cool things and he was just a generally awesome guy. And for some reason knowing it was an anureysm he died from like a fault with his own incredible brain was the thing that ended his life somehow makes it even more sad.


That episode where Tory hooks him up to the lie detector test, and he asks Grant “have you ever tried to make a sex robot “ and he can’t answer it. 🤣🤣🤣 RIP Grant - always appreciate those who are so passionate about their work that they want to teach others.


When we found out that he had passed my daughter and I did a Mythbusters marathon of all the episodes with him in them. He was so awesome!


I'm not big into celebs. But Norm Macdonald was a bummer. "I didn't even know he was sick." RIP Norm, one of the funniest guys of that generation.


Fought cancer to a draw.


I didn’t even know he was sick.


He did wage a battle though.


Jim Henson


Gen X here, he created much of my childhood from Sesame Street to the Muppet Show and Movies and beyond. I still remember where I was when I heard the news on the radio. The memorial service with Harry Belafonte singing Turn The World Around wrecked me.


Chester Bennington


My first album was Meteora that I bought at 10 years old in 2003. Fell in love with Linkin Park immediately and they were the soundtrack of my early teens. RIP brother, we all miss you.


I still... Have a super, super, super hard time listening to LP without fighting back some tears.


Robin Williams crushed me. I felt like I had actually lost a friend. I mourned him for weeks.


Yep. He always made me laugh no matter what. I grew up watching Mork & Mindy and I just loved that slapstick, literal, surrealist humour. His stand up was hilarious, his serious roles were brilliant. Still sad everytime I see him, but also very glad that he existed in the first place.


I don't rank tragedies. Bob Saget's unexpected death hit me very hard.


Alex Trebek


Who is Alex Trebek


Tom Petty. Completely out of nowhere and he wasn't that old.


I'm still not over this one.


My dog died the same day Tom Petty did. Now every time I hear a Tom Petty song, I think of Bear. RIP Bear. He was a good boy.


Same. Tom was the first musician that I 'discovered' on my own. Meaning, not handed down from my older brother. I remember hearing "Well, she was an American Girl, raised on promises" on the radio when I was a teenager working at the bike shop and thinking 'wow. there is an entire novel underneath that one line'. Almost 30 years later, Wildflowers was the soundtrack of me and my wife falling in love.


Neal Peart…knowing that RUSH would never play another live concert!!




Mr Rogers. Died of old age, but damn watched a lot of youtube videos of his show after his death. Content like his is so rare for young kids these days.




Matthew Perry. Growing up in my 20s my partner of 6 years and fiance (we've long since broken up) was an alcoholic and just wouldn't show up at home for 2-3 days at a time. They would occasionally text so I knew that they were safe but still didn't know where they were. This was a very hard time for me. I really struggled with that and the anxiety and loneliness it left me with. We weren't financially stable enough for me to have many entertainment options. During this time I watched Friends non-stop on good ol fashioned DVDs. It helped comfort me and get me through. Chandler was the most loveable main character on the show and you really grew to root for him with his character arc and personal development on the show. I watched that show for thousands of hours when I was trying to get through life. I cried when he passed. The first time I've ever cried for a Hollywood celebrity's death.


This is it for me. When I saw the Friends reunion he looked so fragile and the other actors so worried for him. The way they'd look at him spoke volumes.


Carrie Fisher, Chester B and Terry Pratchett. All such big parts of my childhood.


I wept unashamedly at my computer after reading Pterry's daughter's post when he passed.


The bbc doc about him did the same to me. Really moving but he’ll live forever in his work.


Can’t believe I haven’t seen Philip Seymour Hoffman in here, but yeah.


I’ve often wondered why you don’t hear more about his death. He was a phenomenal actor.




Yeah, I still have a hard time listening to Blackstar. Just can't separate the album from his passing.


Omg! I tried listening to Black Star YEARS after his death. I thought it would be safe. I ended up crying in a Walgreens.


Princess Diana


The day she died was the first time I saw my dad cry.


Man, her death was one of my first memories. I was playing outside and my grandma drove up and immediately said, "Go get your mom. Princess Diana is dead." So I went inside and told her just that. She looked at me with such anger and dismissal and said, "Absolutely not and don't say such a terrible thing." I had no idea who she was but watching my mom's face drop and start to cry as my grandma came in and they had this non-verbal exchange... I'll remember it forever.


Chris cornell


John Lennon Robin Williams Tom Petty George Harrison


Akira Toriyama Dragon ball was my childhood and inspired me (and friends) to work out. I have a lot of memories because of his creation.


Cameron Boyce. I grew up watching him on Disney. He was young like me.


I watched him with my kids as they all grew up. Huge loss.


Prince. Cobain. Mercury.


Scrolled way too far to find Prince. I have watched the video of him shredding that white guitar with Sheena Easton so many times.


Kurt Cobain. 13 years old and all sorts of crazy shit going on in my life. Finding some enjoyment and comfort in Nirvanas music. Then Bang


Freddie Mercury


Absolutely wrecked me.


Jeff Beck. My wife loved him and we saw him several times in concert. She died in Jan. 2022 and he went in Jan. 2023 and as badly and intensely as I miss her, there was a moment when I was glad she would not have to learn of his death. She would have been devastated.




Same. And I don’t know why it hurt me so bad as I wasn’t even a huge Glee fan. I think just the way she died was so devastating, I dreamed about it for weeks after. So sad 😢


Andre Braugher


Captain Holt was the first queer person I ever saw on television whose queerness wasn't the most interesting thing about them. He was fully developed and actually funny, not just relying on cheap gimmicks. This one hurt my heart.


Facts. He was the exact opposite of the stereotypical gay guy in almost every way. And that’s what made his queerness so special as well


This one hit real hard. B99 is such a comfort show for me and it was heartbreaking to learn of his death.


John Ritter.


Kobe, I've been a bug laker fan since 07 and he grew on me like no celebrity ever has. Also Steve Irwin. I'm from New Zealand so aussies are like our brothers and it felt like the world died a little when he went. Also fuck them pussy bitch ass sting rays I'll always hate them


Not even an NBA fan and my brain literally couldn’t compute it. Came home for lunch and my wife goes, “Kobe died!” Took me probably 30 seconds to understand what she meant. Really weird, my brain just misfired because why would Kobe be dead?


I was the same way. Not very into basketball, but Kobe was Kobe. I read the news pretty soon after it happened and was just like wait what? KOBE? And his daughter??? And more friends??? God it was just so sad.


Sean Lock


Taylor Hawkins. Only celebrity death I cared remotely about. Still bothers me.


James Gandolfini


Chris Farley - Partly because I was younger, but also he was part of one of the greatest SNL casts and I really loved and still love Tommy Boy.


Michael Jacksons




I held it together until the memorial concert. Then I bawled.




That hit hard for me, too My first ever album was hybrid theory. It was a staple of my youth. I'm still upset that he's gone, him and Chris Cornell




Robin Williams and Steve Irwin. I proper grieved for them


Betty White


Robin Williams, Bea Arthur, George Michael


John Lennon. My son’s middle name is Lennon after him. I was pregnant him when he passed. Robin Williams - extraordinary man. Think of him often.


Amy Winehouse. The loss of such a genuinely talented person.


Anton Yelchin - so weird to be killed by your car.


This one freaked me out because it was just that, a freak accident. Shows you that you can do everything right and sometimes the universe just fucks you. Appreciate every day.


I know it's been many years, but River Phoenix.


Scott Weiland


Ray Liotta


Dolores O'Riordan, I was obsessed with the Cranberries at the time and it devastated me


George Michael


Princess Diana, Aaliyah, Anthony Bourdain, Left Eye, Robin William, Steve Irwin, Mr Rogers




Chadwick Boseman. Still hurts.


Chris Cornell


Carrie Fisher.


Matthew Perry. There have been others but this one was so sad.


Olivia Newton John my first teenage crush Dabney Coleman as me n my family just watched one his classics the week before he died - Cloak n Dagger Markie Post - absolute babe in everything she was in


Layne Staley. He had one of the most amazing voices.


Danny Tanner aka Dad


Jerry Garcia


Robin Williams for sure! Wasn’t expecting it at all . I’m now living in a nursing home and rehab facility recovering from a hemmorhaggic stroke and I am surrounded by elderly with different stages of progressing dementia. It’s really sad and hard to watch . Most of them don’t know which way is up and many of them behave as if they’re existing upside down, slowly shuffling forward in their wheelchair with their arm outstretched trying to reach something or grab something to ground themselves. I certainly wouldn’t want to live like that but I probably wouldn’t be able to do anything about but exist. Of course the stroke I had due to a brain bleed increases my risk of dementia greatly as does the fact that I developed hydrocephalus after my stroke-cerebral spinal fluid on my brain so I’m probably fucked but I also probably won’t know that I’m fucked


Chris Cornell. Probably my favorite individual artist, just about everything he was ever a part of was great. Another big one was Taylor Hawkins. I'm not even a huge Foo Fighters fan (they're kind of a "greatest hits band" for me), but it made me sad seeing someone like him go. In about every photo that exists of him he's smiling, everybody who met him loved him, just a pure soul the likes of which we really need more of in this world.


Phil Hartman…it really hit me hard. He was just incredible. What a loss


Paul Walker


Robin Williams.


Toby Keith


Bourdain still fucks me up.


Chester Bennington. 


Steve Irwin, and Heath Ledger.


Chester Bennington, it hurt so bad man


My sarcasm coach - Matthew Perry


Robin williams , chester ( LP )


Tom Petty


Carl Weathers


Princess Diana


Norm MacDonald. I truly loved him as an artist. There was nothing he cared about more than The Joke. He was fearless in his topics, offbeat in his delivery, and charming in so many ways. I feel like Gen X gets lost in the pop culture shuffle and Norm represented the comedy silo of Gen X’s pop culture contributions.


Selena Quintanilla


Robin Williams 😭


It's hard to pick just one. River Phoenix, Heath Ledger and Steve Irwin all hit hard. All so talented in their fields and all so so young. To this day I can't see Terri, Bindi or Robert Irwin without thinking every single time that Steve should still be there with them, but also how incredibly proud he would be of them keeping his legacy alive and thriving.


Whitney Houston! She was gorgeous and quite frankly the best singer of this generation! No one can top her. How she died and the fact that her daughter died the same way, it was heartbreaking to hear.


Leslie Nielsen. The hardest I've ever laughed was when he stabbed the $20K fish with the priceless pen.


Surely you can't be serious?


He is and don’t call him Shirley


Robin Williams. Depression is scary.


He had been diagnosed with Lewy Body dementia and chose to go out on his terms. Having witnessed a prominent lawyer degrade so quickly with the same diagnosis, I honestly can’t blame him. Suicide is never the answer, so don’t get me wrong. However, the disease is absolutely terrible.


Betty White. I know it was her time but it was just 17 days too soon. 🥺


Yeah she was so close to hitting 100.


Anthony Bourdain. In addition to meeting him in real life after one of his theater performance shows called “close to the bone”, he really is the only celebrity I had felt truly sad for his unfortunate loss, and of course others that they had made a movie about him called Roadrunner


Neil Peart, Ronnie James Dio and Gordon Downie.


Steve Irwin


Eddie Van Halen


Robin Williams. He was in so many of my favourite films and some of the lines he said in the films still stick with me to this day!


Trevor Moore


Dimebag Darrell


Joe Strummer


Norm Macdonald


Prince ☔️


Britney Murphy was a great actress and had such a sudden death


Princess Diana


Chester Bennington. I like Linkin Park but not nearly enough to explain my reaction to it. I don't know why but I ugly cried for weeks over that one. It just felt wrong and icky. I had a similar feeling with Chris Cornell but yeah chester shattered me.


Anthony Bourdain. He’s a big reason I even got into cooking but when he passed I wasn’t even in the kitchen like that yet. His shows though were a great bonding tool/moment for my father, brother and myself. My dad is a huge fan and like many of his other interests, Bourdain’s personal cool and concise wordiness surrounding his experiences and travels trickled down onto me profoundly. Wasn’t until after he passed that I finally stole a copy of Kitchen Confidential and got to business. The man was so unpretentious and proletarian yet confident in his craft without limiting his experiences and potential to learn. His openness about his issues also helped me confront my own; unfortunately his suicide was one of those issues but boy did he touch a lot of people.




John Lennon


John Lennon


Chadwick Boseman


Lil peep big dick


This might sound weird, but Technoblade I have never really been into celebrities, I always thought that people were just people and fame didn’t matter, but then I began watching him and then he died and I couldn’t help but cry


Peter Steele and Elliott Smith


Anthony Bourdain


I really don’t get affected by this stuff. However, I do miss seeing things from Robin Williams, Steve Irwin, and George Carlin. Also, while Clarence Clemons’ nephew is really really good and imho absolutely the right pick to replace him. It’s just not the same.


David Bowie and Brittany Murphy. Brittany was great in both comedic and dramatic roles, very memorable even if she wasn't the lead. I know she would have given us more amazing performances if she had more time. Bowie was an incomparable artist.


Chester Bennington, Lance Reddick, Robin Williams, and Alan Rickman.


Anthony bourdain. Chris Cornell.


Freddy Mercury


Anthony Bourdain.


Karen Carpender


Freddie Mercury


I was in the 5th grade when aaliyah died, I had all her cds and sang her songs on my little purple karaoke machine. Her death still makes me super sad.


John Ritter and Robin Williams


Stan Lee! I fucking bawled my eye's out when he died.


pee wee


Layne. Not that he died, the way he died. Last words after an argument with Mike as he was storming out, "No, not like this." Farley. Same story. "Don't leave me"


Heath Ledger, man was on his way to being one of Hollywood's greatest.


Anthony Bourdain


Bourdain. I almost threw up. I had never had that reaction to a celebrity death before but after watching all his shows and listening to Kitchen Confidential countless times I felt like we were buds.


Alexi Laiho. I worshipped Children of Bodom in high school and his death reminded me that I'm not invicible. Same thing with Ryan Dunn.