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Based on everything I've read about it on Reddit, Egypt. Just nope.


Yes unless you are obsessed with pyramids and temples there is zero reason to go to Egypt. Cairo is dangerous and a dump for the most part, the sights are really cool but there are vendors everywhere trying to sell you shit and bugging the hell out of you. Even if you buy a bottle of water you have to haggle with these guys. Oh and cops tried to rob us at one of the temples. Fucking awesome


Not just Egypt but any trip where you are a constant mark with people trying to sell you shit or scam you is fucking exhausting.


Scuba diving in Egypt is unrivalled, I’ll agree there’s not much outside of the water though if you go for 5 days just book 5 full days diving 


Weren't there a bunch of shark attacks in Egypt? Sounds terrifying 😳


I wouldn't say it's unrivalled. It's just very good


I actually really enjoyed my trip to Cairo and to see the Giza pyramids. I really enjoyed seeing Saqqara too. One of my favourite trips.


I regret to inform you that you actually hated it and would never go back.


I also loved it!!


Same. I just went last November. I went all over and I loved Cairo.


I visited Cairo about 10 years ago. No regrets visiting but I probably would not have stayed nearly as long, I stayed 4-5 days. Two was enough, one day was the pyramids including some lesser known ones. Another day was the Egyptian museum. Then I sort of just wondered around. The city is immense and also very dirty. Going there made me really rethink visiting India. It was one of my top destinations. Now I’m just content having biryani every couple months.


Egypt can be a good experience, but it has to be done with more planning (and a willingness to spend more) than a lot of other destinations. My number one piece of advice for Egypt is to pre-arrange *everything* through aggregators like Viator or GetYourGuide. That includes paying for transfer service to/from the airport, and having a well-rated guide service for everywhere you plan to visit. Having a guide basically acts as tout/scammer repellant, which is most of people's beef with Egypt. If possible, I also strongly recommend staying in Western-branded hotel chains. The antiquities there really are amazing to see, but it's not a destination like most places where you can just wander about on your own without being constantly hassled. The people that tend to have an awful time there go expecting to wing it - it's not the destination for that.


I went as a teen with my family on a week long guided tour in the vicinity of Luxor several years ago and it was amazing. Despite a 2 slightly awful interactions it’s still one of the best experiences of my life.


What were the awful interactions?


Ermmm I got groped by an armed guard and the 4 of us sort of got ‘kidnapped’ !! Second one is now a very funny memory tho altho at the time Dad thought we were getting murdered, apparently :|


Maybe you've got an adventurous and forgiving spirit, but either one of those alone is enough to make the whole idea a hard "no" from me!


I just talked my mom out of a solo trip to Egypt by spamming the shit out of her email with Reddit threads by women who have travelled there alone. I’ve been to some wild places but it’s a no from me dawg


An old roommate of mine did a trip to Egypt (we both lived in Spain at the time, so obviously cheaper than from the US) and she said she would have never felt safe if she didn’t go with a tour group, and this is from someone with a ton of travel experience.


My mom and sister went together. They won't return. They were viewed as whores by the Egyptian men.


Jesus, for a second I thought you meant they're not returning home from Egypt and wanted to ask what happened to them.


My wife and I went to Hurghada on the Red Sea coast, followed by a day trip to Luxor. We had nothing but great experiences with the Egyptians we met and will return after the Houthis and Israel/Palestine settle down. We have never visited Cairo, but I would strongly encourage separating the reactions to large cities from the reality of the remainder of the country. Case in point, Paris felt rude to me, but non-Parisian France was pleasant and while London feels brusque to me, most other places were wonderful.


My egyptian roommate (exchange student) told me about Hurghada, because it has a lot of Swiss expats for some reason. Hurghada is by far the most expensive and exclusive place in Egypt. Only rich people (especially in comparison to the common folk) live there. He himself comes from a good family and told me he could never afford to go there. So you might have had a gentrified experience of Egypt. I haven‘t visited yet and he himself advised me against it and did not want to return there under any circumstances… was sad to see him go..


Sure, but Egypt stories aren't "the waiter was rude", they're "my 13 year old daughters were swarmed by mobs of men and we were offered money for them"


Went on a long weekend during a study abroad in college. I had a great experience but don’t think I would stay for more than a few days. 


I loved Egypt after my 13 day guided tour! Ready to go back purely for the diving this time!


My mum went to Egypt with her best friend in 1988, they saw all the sights, stayed with their friend who had a houseboat and just did it. I’m SO jealous because I’ll never be able to experience that experience 😭




100% As a woman I refuse to visit places where my rights are diminished


I was there for 18 hours, got called Shakira by dudes in the streets of Dubai twice for wearing shorts and a T-shirt in 110F degree weather. Apparently Shakira is considered a whore and it’s an insult? Lol I’m a brunette white girl who looks nothing like Shakira. But honestly anyone who wants to compare my physical appearance to Shakira is more than welcome


As a trans woman, I just don’t want to visit a place where I’ll be executed for being apart of the LGBTQ+ community.


My husband visited Egypt when he was much younger, and he regularly says how much he wants to take me, his husband, there for a vacation someday. I tell him that I don't want to visit a place where physical violence is a typical response to openly same-sex couples. I'm not hating on Egypt, but for me, there are so many other places to visit that are both safer for LGBTQ+ people and not nearly as hot as Egypt. (We also live in Florida, which I regularly say I want to leave for basically the same reasons.)


I’ve never been- but I’ve heard from multiple people that travel regularly that they all regretted going to Egypt. Not for your reasoning- but rather, that it was one big tourist trap- and nothing like they anticipated. But yes, I agree with you that that sounds like a terrible idea in general for same sex couples.


My friend's mom visited Egypt and was murdered while there. She was retired, finally had the freedom to travel like she always dreamed. Freaking heartbreaking.


Whoa. How did that happen?


My husband didn't mention the tourist trap aspect of his visit, but he did mention the rolling blackouts he experienced in his four-star hotel throughout the entire stay. I'd rather spend a fraction of that to stay in a nice hotel somewhere where I can rely on the electric grid. And Egypt without reliable air conditioning? I would be counting the days until the end of the trip.


I used to live in Qatar for work. Any time I had a new employee show up I had to very uncomfortably ask if they were gay or trans then brief them on the laws of the country. Funny thing was I was active on dating apps out there (straight guy seeking straight woman) and out of every ten profiles, I would come across a very obvious man who just so happened to “accidentally” select *female* as his gender while seeking *male.* Another funny thing was a knew I couple that were distant relatives of the royal family who were both gay. They married each other, had kids, but go on “holiday” quite often.


This was the first place that popped in my mind as well. From all I’ve heard it’s like a shittier version of Vegas that manages to be even more soulless somehow.


It’s always the top answer every week this thread is posted.


The city equivalent to putting lipstick on a pig. It's a terrible city with an extremely large amount of poor people living in it. Not to mention the ridiculous laws and terrible wealthy people that run the whole place.


With all due disrespect – fuck Dubai.


With no respect because they don't deserve any - fuck dubai


I read a story of a Scottish man was sentenced to three months in jail in Dubai for touching a man's hip as he carried a drink through a crowded bar. No fucking thank you, I don't ever want to visit any country who will jail people stupid reasons. Edit. You can be jailed over what you post on social media, even if it's something harmless.


Giving Dubai money is supporting their slave encampments outside the city.


Yup. I'm an atheist. Don't particularly care to be dismembered with a chainsaw.


You’re thinking of Saudi Arabia maybe. Dubai’s very tolerant with all religions especially because tourism is obviously a prominent revenue point.


Second this


It's technically my idiot friend's fault but I definitely didn't expect this. Few of my friends told me they visited there to party and hotel staff told them that couples cannot room together unless they are married (3 guys and 2 girls. Only one pair is a couple). They rolled their eyes and just decided to go with it thinking they won't check but once they got into their room, hotel security breached in like a swat team and yelled out the rules they broke. I'm always following the law especially in a different country but holy shit.


Dubai is one of the most hideous places I've ever been, and I've been to Sarpsborg, Norway. *Sarpsborg*!


Exactly this! Religion still controls the area. It’s not Vegas despite how they want to sell the same…


Yeah, never travel to a country where it's ***your fault*** if you get raped, goes for men too!


I came to say this but you've already done it :)


Soulless shithole


I visited Dubai and did not enjoy it. I fail to see its appeal to others.


Bali, as an Australian why the heck would I want to be around hundreds of drunk Aussies?


Bali for Aussies is basically Cancun for Americans.


Yeah i call it the Aussie equivalent of Ibiza for England 


Or Benidorm for the Brits? My whole family tree is Scottish and I have to laugh when they all go those types of places. Only place in Spain you can get an English breakfast at 2 PM.


My answer was Bali as well, until I went there last week. Get out of Kuta and the popular places and you’ll find the kindest, friendliest, happiest people on earth. Never once felt unsafe or like people were scamming me or after my money. And it’s the cheapest place I’ve been so long as you stay away from western establishments. I’ve been to more than 50 countries and Bali is probably my favorite destination.


I would’ve also said Bali, but mostly because of the humidity and mozzies. My family’s from Malaysia, and I would often hate our trips back there, so I figured Bali would be similar but with more drunk bogans. I actually just went there for my sister’s wedding. We stayed in Ubud and never went out drinking or clubbing as that’s not my scene, and I left actually wanting to go back and explore more, particularly since we didn’t have much time to do things like visit the various waterfalls and temples around the island, go island hopping or snorkelling etc. Also had a spa day which was amazing and very affordable. The weather and mozzies were definitely getting to me tho, and I’m pretty sure I caught covid.


Honestly I had never seen a bogan until I went to Kuta, the area of Bali closest to the airport. First cafe I went to there were some large tank topped aussies SHOUTING at each other in the middle of a sparsely populated dining area. There were more all over kuta. Went to different parts of the island and there weren’t really any there, for what it’s worth. Just a mix of locals and random tourists.


Exactly, that can be done in Australia lol


I didnt see any aussies during my stay! That's wild!


In summary: Dubai, Egypt, Cruise Ships, Vegas


Asa Brit Vegas is amazing. Got married there and have been back again.


Disney anything. I can’t believe no one else is saying this!


i’m not a disney fiend but would want to visit disneyland tokyo, it looks awesome.


My son and his partner went there recently and loved it.


I have no desire to go to India. Even if I went with a bunch of men, I don't think I would feel safe




I'd be somewhat interested in an Alaskan cruise or some kind of river cruise. I think that could be kind of fun. I don't really have any interest in Carribean cruises though.


We took an Alaskan cruise and it was really fun. It was half on land and half by boat. We were able to see areas that we wouldn’t be able to get to by car alone. That being said, my boyfriend came down with Covid a few days after being on the boat and I caught it a couple of days after getting home. The boat was a huge Petri dish.


All cruise ships are Petri Dishes. Came here to say that.


Peach tree


Cruise ship is the best way to see the Inside Passage, in my opinion


It’s the only way. The ‘Alaskan Marine Highway’ is their road system in that area.


Some of my family did a Viking river cruise through Europe and said it was incredible. I've been to many European countries and would definitely do one of these...or one to the norwegian fjords


Yeah, I did a Viking down the Danube and it definitely is a wonderful experience. There isn’t much to do on the boat so the emphasis is on the actual stops. They did incredible free tours every morning and sometimes you even got to stay overnight in a city while the boat docked. I almost never felt like my time was rushed whereas on an ocean cruise you maybe get a few hours to explore before you have to rush back. Also, we had a medical emergency and a couple people in our group had to meet up with the boat at the next stop and it was really easy since it’s not that far between distances whereas if you miss a stop on an ocean cruise, you’re pretty much screwed.




We actually started watching cruise travel vlogs to try to understand the appeal, and it's only made us more confident in our assessment that cruises are garbage. What is the appeal?


The appeal is visiting different locations without having to pack/unpack everything every time. And while traveling to those other locations, you enjoy the pool/drinks/food on board. Having said that and having been on quite an expensive cruise myself, I don't recommend the experience to people.


They’re very appealing for people with limited mobility. There’s a reason they’re popular with older people (and people with disabilities).


We went on a cruise when we were kids my mom said it was one of the best holidays for her, because everything was included.  -Activities for kids  -meals  -dishes -housekeeping  -kids can’t get lost  Normally when we’d go on a trip. My mom would have to take care of all that stuff and not get a vacation for herself.   She just hung out on the balcony and drank wine with my dad and another couple who’s family came along as well.  She said the destinations were ok. We had a nice excursion to that famous beach in Cabo San Lucas but the feature was the relaxation and lack of work for her. 


Cruises are their own kind of vacation type. You know how some vacations are for doing stuff and some are more for relaxing? This is a third type that allows you to mix and match those qualities day by day at your whim all while being cut off from cell service and internet (unless you pay a ton of $$ for crappy wifi). To me, having no Internet or cell service during my vacation is a big big bonus. No one from work can call me because the printer won't print or to ask me a question "real quick". I don't have any current events shoved in my face. I like it just to be me, my book and a cocktail by the pool for 3 uninterrupted hours knowing tomorrow I'm going scuba diving in the Caribbean and I'm already on my way without having to get on a plane or figure out how to get there. It's not for every vacation, but it's fun to mix it up.


It's because there's absolutely nothing to worry about, at all. You don't have to worry about food, you don't have to worry about cleaning, you don't have to worry about packing between destinations. There's no TSA lines. If you miss an event there's another one in an hour. You can be social if that's your thing, or not if not. It's not the most exciting trip ever, but it's just... Nice. All of the simple pleasures, and none of the work and worry.


When I read about cruises the quote, “ I thought it was illegal to haul that much trash into the middle of the ocean” rings true .


For the people I know who've gone - the food is a big part of the appeal. Round the clock, all-you-can-eat , don't have to seek anything out or find a way to get there, etc.


As someone who loves them it blows my mind people don’t want to go. For what I pay to go to Myrtle Beach or Pigeon Forge for a week I can go to an island and eat some of the best food I’ve ever had.


Ha reddit doesn't like cruises. I understand the hate but like you I like cruises. Sometimes you just want to fking go relax and not think about anything. That is accomplished in spades on the floating resort. I am speaking specifically about nuclear and/or extended family vacations here with kids and teens and grandparents etc. which are the type of vacations I take. But I enjoy them even on couple vacations. It's def not for singles. All my other trips take so much planning and scheduling and more planning and reading and scheduling and getting hungry tired people to follow said schedule and keep everyone fed with something they will eat. So it feels more like a job. it doesn't feel very vacation-y. A cruise you pay and go and relax. It is VERY vacation-y. You can do a lot of stuff too if you want. But you can also relax and do nothing. You actually have a choice as does everyone vacationing with you. And I don't have to worry about food and everyone is actually not complaining about the food. Is it great food. No. But not having to worry about the buying and cooking and cleanup for every meal on vacation for a group more than makes up for it.


It’s also good for an extended family vacation because you can get away if people are annoying you. There’s always a corner of the ship where you can hide.


And I love that you can’t use your phone. I’m sure it’ll change eventually. But it’s so freeing to not have to worry about having my phone on me at all times to respond to text or Snapchat. I can chill at the pool and read and drink.


Dubai, it's a demonstration of human stupidity and greed.


Don't forgot hatefulness and cruelty.


Don't forget no sewer system.


Agreed. It's everything that's wrong with the world in one place.


It's like Vegas but hotter. 


You can do pretty much anything you want in Vegas unlike Dubai where you have to walk on eggshells everywhere you go




India never attracted me in any way, but the Indian people i meet seem really nice and the food is great. This into a big contrast on the stories about harassment, lack of organization and general thrash wherever you look. There was a Reddit challenge where to drop a random streetview pin in India and see if you could find anywhere without random thrash laying around; it's everywhere ...


There's a big difference in how men and women tourist are treated. If you're a man, you probably were treated better.


India is more for travelers than tourists. I'm from the south and even I can't escape getting scammed for shit when I visit tourist places anywhere in the country. but if you know your stuff and where exactly you want to go (especially and obviously not tourist-y places), like parts of North-East India, South India or areas near Himalayas, there are some things you can't experience anywhere else in the world. It's way way way too diverse to generalize, like going to Romania and judging entirety of Europe.


As a fellow Indian, I must say you explained it in a very succint and precise manner.


I'm very aware i'm completely overgeneralizing a massive country with many different faces; it's just this uninformed view that doesn't make it inviting to dig into. Maybe because i wouldn't know where to start, especially when i'm not looking into the touristy places


I visited 6 cities in India last year for my first time and had an incredible experience. It’s full of culture, color, spirituality, the best food, kind people & so different from America. It’s worth experiencing!


Las Vegas


Was just there. A few days is enough, a week was too long.


Yup. A long weekend is plenty


Lived there for 2 years. That was 727 days to long.


3 days is the perfect amount of time there. Enough time to do some of everything the city has to offer, and then go home.


Yep, I've been there 3 times. 2 or 3 days is more than enough time but a week would kill me LOL. However it IS a fun place to people watch for a couple of hours


Oh man is it ever. Late one night we had a crack head walk up to us, stop, pull her pants down and take a piss right on the sidewalk. Lol marking her territory I guess.


I’ve never loved Vegas but I always want to go when invited. I hate gambling and I think the whole place is tacky as hell. But I always enjoy it somehow. There is a lot to see and do, great people watching.


Sometimes tacky is fun if that’s what you’re expecting. And Vegas brings it in spades ♠️


It’s like being in a giant arcade for adults. I don’t want to go to the arcade often, but always enjoy it when I do. I feel the same way about Vegas. A couple days there every few years is great, anything more and I’d get sick of it.


I always tell people- if you go to Las Vegas and have a bad time, it’s probably your fault. The whole city is designed to bring in people to be entertained. There will be restaurants and shows for everyone. It’s just sometimes a bit harder to find than your standard drinking/gambling/partying fare.


If you find yourself in town do go see the show Absinthe! We stopped in Vegas for two nights during a road trip and that single show made it worth it. Otherwise I would have just thought "ehh loud and kinda sleazy" but instead I left with "raunchy and fun!"


Born and raised in Vegas. The strip is a tourist trap, the hotels nickel and dime you worse than ever for resort fees, expensive alcohol, expensive mini-bars instead of refrigerators, parking fees, the hotel rooms aren't worth what you paid for, and often there is better cheaper food OFF of the strip. Now if you are coming to Vegas for a specific purpose or event like a concert, or a show that you just have to see, a UFC fight, or walking the strip is on your bucket list then by all means go to Vegas and have fun. You can still have a fun time, but if you just show up in Vegas without a plan, you might want to tame your expectations and expect that things just might cost more than you had planned on.


Yep. Going next week to see Dead & Company at The Sphere Thursday night. Get there Thursday at 3 and leave Friday at 3. One day is actually too much but I want to see this venue.


My friends just went! They didnt like Vegas itself - but said the Sphere was incredible.


I go to Vegas once a year for work. Usually 2-3 weeks at a time. After the first 3 days I turn into a recluse and just utilize my laptop and sit in my room. It’s too fucking hot. Too damn expensive. And it’s supperrrr easy to fall into the trap of “let’s just have one drink and play cheap blackjack”


I always thought I would hate Vegas, but I actually quite enjoyed my time there. I don't care much about gambling, but I'm a huge foodie and enjoy high end hotels/restaurants/bars which they have endless amounts of. I also like a good adults only pool with a fun DJ playing, which they also have plenty of.


would love to see the sphere


I made a stop there as part of a cross country drive. My family has gone multiple times and told me I would love it. Honestly I do see the appeal. I am not big on gambling or drinking but I could stay busy eating there. It would also be fun with friends. I just have never had the kind of friends it would be fun with. Meaning the ones you travel somewhere with.




Since when is Saudi Arabia a popular tourist destination lol


I mean, the question was what is a popular travel destination, and Saudi Arabia is hugely popular for Muslims going on Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca), so I think it's fair to mention it.


There was actually a recent article in the NYT on Saudi Arabia’s desire to become a tourist destination… https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/05/travel/saudi-arabia-tourism.html?unlocked_article_code=1.yE0.a7-s.wq56nXgcn-5Z&smid=url-share


The Moon, it just seems so lifeless.


The locals are a bit reserved but once they hatch out of their shells, you'll have a friend for life.


lol this is so ominous.


Burning Man. A bunch of annoying rich hippies in the desert doing weird shit? Sounds like hell.


An actual authentic version of Burning Man, a free commune type "everyone just shows up" type festival would be awesome. I'm sure several exist, but I'm nowhere near cool enough to know about them.


Definitely Dubai


Basically every existing hyped Instagram spot. When travelling, I make sure to plan around those spots.


I'll throw one out there that's probably different: most of Asia. Not for any racist reasons or anything like that, I'm just allergic to soy and it'd be a bitch finding something local to eat. Japan and Korea are high on my wish-I-could list, but I don't think it'll ever happen.


I literally came to say this... almost exactly. I am allergic to soy, and unfortunately Asia would be a massive struggle. I feel your pain lol.


I had a friend (she died last year) who loved going on cruises, and actually invited me and her housemates one time, because they had extra space in their suite. I declined, and then I had a major health issue in the meantime but I did take them to and from the local airport. :) Anyway, she was very intolerant of coconut, and when my niece was an exchange student in Indonesia a few years ago, I told her that she would be SOL there because coconut is a staple food in their cuisine.


Are cruises a destination or a type of vacation? Either way, cruises.


Same! My partner was trying to convince me to take one....does not sound appealing


I feel like all the people saying cruise in this thread have never been on one


Dubai, if you believe the "influencers". Dubai will chew you up and spit you the fuck out, you need a fucking LICENSE to drink alcohol, it is not the cool person Disney Land these assholes keep trying to sell you. It is a land of RICH assholes trying to get you to show up to be either regular labor slaves or sex slaves for them. The people simping for them need to be investigated or supported (pick one) and forced to stop.


Best part of your comment is capitalizing the drinking license. And not the slavery lol


Because you need to drink heavily to forget the resort you’re staying in was built by slaves.


Has anyone on this subreddit found the search function yet? Literally every other comment is Dubai, Egypt, Las Vegas or cruises - we get it lol.


Any place through a cruise ship. I took a cruise for the first time a few years ago and it was god awful. I no longer care where the cruise is going, that's a straight no for me.


My fiancé and I really enjoy cruising. Don’t book the cheap, short ones and you can avoid most of the trashy experiences. 10 days with everything you could possibly need delivered to your feet is always a much needed vacation. Getting to see several destinations, meeting people from all across the globe that you’ll end up running into for the entire trip, and really good food. We use them to try out new regions and figure out where we’d like to spend more time on the next resort trip. That’s how we discovered Kotor & St. Croix. Edit: also get away from the dock whenever you make port. Go into town and away from the tourists traps.


Sorry you didn’t enjoy it. There are some places that are better to experience by ship and those cruises we have found remarkable. Glacier Bay in Alaska, the Fjords of Norway, the Greek Isles, etc. it’s amazing to walk outside your cabin and just see all this amazing beauty.


Paris. I absolutely get why people want to go there. As a chef who specializes in French cuisine, it would be a natural fit for me *in theory*. But I'm just not drawn there. However, I *loved* London, and will absolutely go back there.


I've been to London several times and to Paris once - what surprised me was how much I appreciated England, and how disappointed I was with Paris. Might have to do with expectations too.


Mine was the exact opposite. Had built up London in my mind (and spent lots of time there but not for 25 years), went 3x last year and it was a depressing, homogenous, generic, filthy city. Oxford and surrounding areas, on the other hand, were fabulous. Dreaded ever going back to Paris, went 2x last year and was enamored. But by all means skip Versailles. What a dump except for about 3 of the rooms, and shoulder-to-shoulder people. Go to Palais Garnier and the Crown Jewels room of the Louvre instead, for a taste of grandeur.


If there is one word that doesn't describe London it's "homogenous"... It must be one of the most diverse places on earth, in terms of ethnicity, culture, income... I can totally get why London wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, but that's such an odd criticism.


I have no interest in visiting Dubai, United Arab Emirates. I find it to be too artificial and lacking in culture.


Anything Disney. I have an office in Orlando, and going through the airport enrages me to my core


Dubai, Cruise Ships, and the Pyramids. Dubai is just influencer/rich culture. Don’t care how big or unsinkable or any ship is, I’m not traveling by boat unless I absolutely have to. The Pyramids would be cool to visit in theory, but with all the stories I’ve heard about the scammers and aggressiveness of some of the locals and stuff towards the tourists, it just feels like a bad scenario that I’d want to avoid. Im sure it happens in plenty of tourist areas, but I’ve heard more stories about the Pyramids.


I don't really have any interest in "island paradise" so to speak. Not to say I wouldn't like to visit somewhere like Costa Rica or Thailand, but if I did I wouldn't do any of the touristy sitting on beaches type stuff.


On a whim, I bought a ticket to Montreal for next month. Never been, always wanted to see it, got lots of vacation hours, so why not? I asked a friend to go with me. She said heck no, and she would rather go to Hawaii. She just wants to sit on a beach and drink margaritas all day long. That does not sound appealing to me at all. I want to see architecture and history and cafés and plazas and ride metros and see how the locals live. I reminded my friend that we live within 20 minutes of several nice beaches. I'm sure the Hawaiian beaches are nicer, and I of course would go if I won a free trip or whatever. But I just prefer to visit cities when I travel.


Go. To. Montreal. Given your travel values, it's PERFECT.


Have a great time in Montreal! I'm lucky that I live so close to it, it's my fave city in Canada.


I spent 6 weeks in Montreal as part of my multi-year digital nomad experience. It was one of the highlights. I absolutely loved it.


I was in Costa Rica for a week and Thailand for four days and honestly don’t remember a single beach in either one. There’s so much else to do and they were both great.




Las Vegas


I don't drink anymore but I still had fun wandering around the strip, all the hotels and the Venetian with the fake indoor sky was cool. There's also some really good food all over the strip. I gave myself a total gambling budget of $20, and cashed out after winning $420 on a slot machine. Saw Criss Angel and realized was a creepy sleeze he is. Then took a day trip to Los Angeles. It was a good 3 days but I ran out of things to do just as I was leaving.


Great for people watching, at the very least.


Any warm weather destination. I hate summer weather and hibernate inside when temperatures get above 80f. On a similar note all-inclusives centered around 'fun in the sun" type vacations. I'm fair skinned and don't tan. If I'm traveling somewhere, I want to be DOING something, not sitting in the sun turning into a lobster.


💯 this. While everyone I know is daydreaming about going to Mexico to roast on the beach I'm over here thinking my next vacation should be Norway, Sweden, maybe Alaska?


Alaska!! Just avoid the Kodiak Bears


Any place that degrades woman, so idk all of those places but they won’t be getting my business


Cancun or any of the other big tourist destinations in Mexico. Frankly, I'm not into ANY tourist destination anywhere. If you're bringing in a huge number of tourists that means that business will charge tourist prices, scumbags will see an opportunity to con the gullible, and dangerous people will see an opportunity to catch a fly in their web. I'd MUCH rather go to an area with significantly less tourist activity and then maybe take a train to the tourist spot just to take a few pictures before heading back to base camp


Any place that has casinos as the focus. I have no interest in gambling and it really seems to attract the wrong crowd. I've been to Vegas for business, and it's cool watching the fountains at Bellagio, but not worth traveling just for that. I've been to Macau, and it can get creepy.


Disney. High prices, long lines, and crying kids.


Concentration camps I understand the importance of keeping them there to call attention to atrocities in the hope they will never be repeated, but I do not want to be there.




Las Vegas. It's everything I despise about human culture, all gathered in one place.




Went to China around 2002 and it was a great experience. Now not so sure


Really wish I could have gone to Hong Kong before the CCP crackdown


I went to Shanghai in 2012 and absolutely loved it. I still dream of the food.


Any theme park.


Las Vegas.


Florida. Except for The Keys. They sound a little interesting. I’ve been to Austin and was underwhelmed, so add Texas to the list. Cancun and Jamaica do not at all sound appealing to me.


Niagara Falls (slowly I turned, step by step, inch by inch…)


I live like 15 minutes from Niagara Falls and it’s one of those things that’s really cool to see, but I absolutely cannot imagine making a trip out of it or staying for more than an hour 


I’m Canadian and Niagara Falls pisses me off. That land should have been protected, it could have been the most amazing national or provincial park, instead they turned it into a tacky commercialized tourist trap


Egypt. I love the sites and ancient history but.. fucking hell, just loot at any question like this anywhere and any of the top 5 answers will have at least 1 foot long rant about how terrible Egypt is


Indian cities like Mumbai. Sewage, garbage, population density, noise, smells, all sound like hell to me.


Wall Drug






Dubai. If you paid me to go there, I would take the money and go almost anywhere else on the planet. 


Any disney land/world


Anything related to a cruise.


Central America: not particularly interested in the culture and I’m too scared of big spiders




Egypt - every person I know who went there did hate it.




Dubai, it's so overrated


Dubai. No thanks it’s a disgusting thought. Las Vegas — never been, never care to. Giant glitzy shopping mall full of the kind of people who want to go to Vegas. Nope!


Hawaii. Absolutely no interest in going there.


Paris. Idk, I’m just not interested 🤷🏼‍♀️

