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Went around different pawn shops in Florida with Hulk Hogan to find rare hot wheels. I like none of these things.


I'd like to think this might be a deleted scene in Inception. Real dreams are ridiculous, and there's a version of Inception that could've been a comedy in another time.


Similar, I dreamed I dropped acid with Katie Couric. I've never taken hallucinogens, and I have no fascination with Katie Couric.


being chased by giant rubber ducks through a city made of marshmallows. I still remember how sticky it was


the real question is: did you taste them? šŸ™ƒ


Where there marsh dudes?


Just last night I was to meet with Hitler and ask him who the second in command was. I knew it was Goering, but somehow it was Lawrence Fishburne. I was careful to address him as "Mein Fuhrer."


In the end he chose the head of the navy as he didn't trust anyone else. I forget his name.


Karl Dƶnitz


Who did not get the noose at Nuremberg.


erm actuashy itā€™s ā€œmein vaterā€




Walking around a park for the entire dream. Lots of people everywhere. Then a bomb drops from the sky and I wake up. Had this dream at least 20 times as a child.






I once dreamed I was being chased by giant tacos that were trying to eat me. I woke up craving Mexican food.


every night my dreams are wierd....last night I dreamed that Steve Coogan was in a tv play, acting as one of the first transgender people, being interviewed for a nurse position in a hospital, and saying that she knew how to prepare a baked potato in 47 different ways, 48 if you're not squeamish.


I want to know about #48ā€¦




Did you give it to him?


When I was like 15, I dreamt that I was using a box cutter to cut up some cardboard. I wasn't focused on any sort of safety, so one time when I was cutting toward myself the knife slipped and I sliced open my belly. Instead of blood, cooked fish meat, small bones, and guts started spilling out. Turned me off of eating fish for years lol.


The queen of England was roller blading on a giant peanut butter and jelly sandwich playing an electric guitar in a rock band. Don't ask me why


I was having sex with hitler then the soldiers saw us


Did they join in on the fun?


I dreamed I was in the back seat of a limo or London taxi. Daniel Craig was driving and the Queen was sitting in front of my seat. We got into a chase of some kind and had a minor accident. The last thing I remember of the dream was us three standing beside the car examining the damage and The Queen smacks Daniel with her handbag.


I had a dream where I was best friends with a talking llama, and we went on a road trip to find the world's best ice cream. We never found it, but we did have a blast.


I was a man in my dream and I raped myself


when i was really young i had a dream in the third person that two men cut my heart out and put it in a jar - i was watching it happen and i was awake and i could've sworn i felt it


Being chased through an uphill cabbage patch by a very drunk Tip O'Neill who was trying to SA me, . So very weird...


My mom cheating on my dad with a foot soldier from TMNT. Was like 4-5.


You know what they say about people with big feet. I would assume the foot clan have big feet


This was a dream decades ago when I was working in retail: My GM was a velociraptor hunting us employees. Another manager was trying to help us hide from him. ā€” About a week later the manager that was trying to protect us from dino-manager was fired, irl.


Velociraptor is a diminutive dromaeosaurid dinosaur that lived in Asia during the Late Cretaceous. Smaller than most other dromaeosaurids, Velociraptor was about 2 m long with a body mass around 18 kg. It was a bipedal, feathered carnivore with a long tail and an enlarged sickle-shaped claw on each hindfoot, which is thought to have been used to tackle and restrain prey. Velociraptor can be distinguished from other dromaeosaurids by its long and low skull, with an upturned snout.


Being raped by my BF's boss.


I was 5 or 6 years old. Cockroaches eating away at my right arm, trenches and craters in my flesh and Cockroaches all the way down Another is being chased around my childhood apartment by a giant outside the windows and it ends with me hiding somewhere but the giant always reaches in and grabs me


I often have dreams where I have something stuck in my mouth and I can't get it out. Like a huge wad of gum that I can't pull out and it falls apart as I'm trying to pull it out.


The one when I was nude in a room full of massively hung men wearing clown masks. I woke up before things got any weirder


In high school, I married Andy Samberg in a dream. I woke up absolutely devastated to lose the literal dream life we had built together. Physically hurt over it. Still kinda heartbroken over the loss more than fifteen years later. Happy for him and Joanna tho.


Last night, I dreamed that I took my elderly grandma (who is now deceased) to Aldi to get groceries. At checkout, the cashier added a 40% service fee, and I didn't notice until after grandma had already swiped her card. So the rest of the dream was me arguing with the cashier, then the manager, who wouldn't take the charge off or allow a return/refund. I got so irate that it actually woke me up. Now I'm in a bad mood.


The one with portals that you went through in what was basically a large room in a insulated craft. It was movie theater style with bars on the chairs and a large center screen with destinations and messages. The portals took you all over to different planets. I can't remember all of it, but I do remember that the moon was colonized by vampires and if you went outside the portal station and gift shop you were basically going to be attacked and drained. Vampire ran gift shop on the moon still tickles me. I wish I could remember all of it, like most of my dreams it was very long and detailed.


I dreamt I was teaching a class of penguins how to salsa dance on an iceberg.


Sex with family member Ohh shit


Last night I had a dream about Rage against the machines song People of the sun and for some reason I was giving some speech about how I'm a person of the sun and how my kids were now people of the sun and everyone was into it. I don't even have kids.


I was getting raped by multiple women at once and ā€œMake it Shineā€, the theme song from Victorious was playing in the background.


I was laughing at a girl calling me a manslut. LOL šŸ˜†


A yellow line vibrating like a visualized sound wave, sometimes becoming a fuzzy point. This abstract dream reoccurred a number of times.


Wife chased me through a vacant Kroger filled with random stuff, shouting at me to put it in her butt (she would never) and I was flailing like a toddler and crying. Then we ate chicken and went swimming. Fucking weird.


All my dreams weird, but I would never forget this weirdest dream ever in my life So I had this dream when I was like 6-7 y.o I ran through my village on the main highway at dusk, next to me there was a rabbit that ran on his hind legs with me from giant cockroaches and ants who 100% tried to eat us, and this rabbit was incredibly scared, and by the way, he occasionally told me something like "run faster" or something like "itā€™s ver, we'll die" so yea that all


I was lying on my stomach with the lower half of my body under an elevator. A random lady went inside and started jumping up and down. Instead of pain sounds, I asked "Do you mind, senor?" I do not speak Spanish. I then watched a mixture of birds and fish fly around beside a group of marathon runners in shorts and high vis vests running in the distance, with the leader holding up a deer antler while running


I used to have a recurring dream as a kid where my momā€™s hands got severely burnt after she refused to stop playing volleyball when the ball caught on fire and my dad was sucked up/eaten by our sentient vacuum cleaner. The dream ended with the vacuum telling me that Iā€™m next. Not sure what my subconscious was doing with that one.


I grew up in an old farmhouse in the middle of cornfields.Ā  I had a series of dreams that were more or less ā€œreoccurringā€ except they were more like reoccurring in theme than in content.Ā  Essentially, in the dream, my family is at home, there are monsters outside, my family doesnā€™t believe me, and I have to protect them from the monsters despite their disbelief.Ā  Sometimes the monsters looked like the Wicked witch of the west or Frankenstein or a skeleton, but they all had monster-movie vibes.Ā  The thing that really stands out to me though is the lighting in my dream. Sort of like a sepia-sunrise yellowness. Sometimes, even 30+ years later, if I wake up to a really yellow sunrise, I have a minor freak out.Ā 


Ed Sheeran was a shapeshifter and was stalking me. Everything turned into his face.


I have two. Got myself caught up dealing drugs with merlin from amish mafia lol it was weird. Shortly after my mom died I dreamt I was sleeping on the couch exactly as I was in real life and my mom came through the front door and I was gasping for air to talk to her and couldn't make a sound and she laughed at me and said why are you crying stop crying I'm fine and I woke up. I woke up with tears running down my face


The actor John Goodman was hosting a dinner in my family's living room and he stood up and pulled his heart out of his chest and it was bleeding milk. Terrifying. I had this dream 30 years ago and it is the only dream i remember from my childhood.


Probably 12 years ago I had a dream I somehow woke up in Carmelo Anthony's body. The Knicks were playing the Spurs that night. I remember seeing Manu Ginobili warming up and being terrified. I remember thinking "I'm not Carmelo Anthony! Manu is about to KILL ME!" I felt so bad. I'm not a hooper. I was genuinely fearful of ruining Carmelo's career with my shit game.


It was my second time lucid dreaming. I was in high school and had just learned about it and every day I was trying all the tricks to make it happen. In the dream I was being chased through a house and realized I had been there before in a different dream and suddenly became lucid. From reading about lucid dreaming I remembered that you could "transport" by opening doors and thinking of where you wanted to go. I wanted to try to see my then girlfriend and thought of her. I opened a door and it lead to open space, no floor or walls, with seemingly infinite doors floating in place as far as I could see. I jumped and floated to the closest one and started opening them, still trying to find my girlfriend. I remember one just being big red hearts throbbing like the essence of valentines day. Another was dark with a bad feeling inside, I think some tentacled were thrashing around. It was around then that I could feel myself losing the lucid dream and waking up.Ā  I woke up in my bed, it felt like 2 am, and I felt something wrong. Laying there I felt a presence at the foot of my bed, like when you're being watched or when someone enters a room. It also had this aura of malintent that filled the room, I could just feel it was bad. I look up at the foot of my bed and see what I can only describe as a little demon girl covered in visible shadows surrounding her. She wasn't moving, just standing there staring at me. I couldn't make out her face but I knew what she was, and I immediately start screaming. After screaming for a few seconds my parents run into my room and flip the light on. The little girl disappears and I'm just sitting there breathing heavy while my parents ask me whats wrong over and over. And then I woke up for real. I leapt across the room for the light switch and just stand there for a second terrified. It took me a long while to fall asleep again that night. The second dream still feels more like a memory and the first one felt like a lucid dream. This all happened before the Insidious movies as well, so the first time watching that got me real good. I stopped trying to lucid dream after that night.


Fucking a Mattress..


Me and my parents were at an archery range, and my mom got shot by an arrow. They pulled it out and it turned into a mole on her back. I was like 5-6 years old at the time. The archery range is a real place nearby where I live. I still remember it incredibly vividly, better than most memories from that age. I actually had a hard time for a while back then, because I couldn't figure out why I remember this, because its obviously not true, but it felt so real. Im 33 now, and I still feel weird walking by that place. And no, my mom was never shot by an arrow accidently or anything.


being crucified on the edge of a cliff


I actually saw myself die in a dream last year. I was fleeing from a group of people trying to kill me in a post-apocalyptic war torn setting, like blown out buildings and everything just demolished. I run into a big blown out building, like an old factory or something, to meet up with a woman who I am working with (I knew that because of the weird dream logic of knowing stuff). I find her and we are talking about what to do next when the group chasing me suddenly comes in. The woman leading the group walks up to me, pulls out a pistol, and shoots me in the forehead. As soon as that happened it was like in Dr. Strange when she pushed his soul or whatever out of his body because my point of view shot back and up so it was like I was looking down at the scene as my body fell to the floor. I watched the woman I met with and the one that killed me start to talk and I realized that I was set up. That was when I woke up, I think it was the anger of being betrayed that woke me up.


My weirdest dream was I was accompanied by a group of talking animals, including a wise old owl, a mischievous fox, and a timid rabbit. They each had distinct personalities and spoke in perfect English.


I woke up during a zombie breakout in an 1850+'s gold rush style town with a magic double barrel shotgun which never needed to be reloaded. The shotgun could talk but it sounded like Roger Rabbit. It made me laugh in the dream with the "plbplbplbleeease shoot the zombies!" I was kicking doors down, charging through plaster walls and blasting zeds. I think it was supposed to be a nightmare but they always turn out better than they began.


I had this dream when I was like 17 (I'm 27 now), and I still remember it vividly. I was at the superbowl, except for some reason, it was at my high school football stadium. Seth Myers was there for some reason, and he waved to me. I got bored of watching the game, so I went under the bleachers, and one of the guys I played hockey with in high school was laying there dead. I tried to yell for help, but the noise from the game was too loud. I got one guys attention briefly, but he couldn't hear me, and he just went back to watching the game. Then I felt someone or something staring at me, and I turned (away from the bleachers) and saw this creepy ass abandoned warehouse just sitting there about 50 yards away. I don't know why, but I knew the rest of my high school hockey team was in there being chased by a murderer. So I went in to help, found a few of them, and helped them get out, then we regrouped outside the warehouse and decided we had to go back in prepared to fight the killer. So we decided it would be best if we split up and all went in a different entrance to surround whatever it was. So I go in, and most of the guys are dead already, hanging up on meathooks, mutilated, some still twitching. Then one of them who was still alive appeared and told me to run, so we ran outside, and the killer started chasing us. I never actually saw what or who the killer was, but I could tell it was chasing us. So me and my friend who survived start doing parkour through buildings, and eventually, we got back to the superbowl where no one believed us that our friends were dead and we were being chased. So after the game ended, we took a bunch of people back to the warehouse to show them they really were dead. And that was the end.


I gave birth to a mouse in a litterbox


I was in drone mode, overlooking a winding country back road. Two huge red coal trucks were being followed by a blue one. As I landed, the blue truck floored it, popped a wheelie, and hit one of the red trucks, knocking it off the road. They all pulled off in to a field where they were suddenly joined by several other blue and red coal trucks and engaged in one of the most spectacular demolition derbies I've ever seen. When all the trucks became defunct, the drivers exited, were all wearing civil war uniforms and began shooting at each other with muskets. I was genuinely frightened and headed towards a huge tree for cover encouraging my oblivious friends (who suddenly appeared) to do the same. No idea what that was all about.


I got married wearing a full Santa suit.


This is super weird, but I often have dreams about true crime. Iā€™ve dreamed about the Delphi murders, the Robb elementary school shooting, and Iā€™ve even dreamed about JonBenĆ©t Ramsey. When I dreamed about JonBenĆ©t Ramsey, I was her best friend and she was showing me her room (nothing like her room in real life). All I can really remember was she showed me her clothes she had so we could play dress up


The weirdest dream I still remember is being chased by giant talking vegetables through a maze of chocolate rivers and marshmallow mountains.


I dreamed of being alive with the dinosaurs


Got into a John Woo style gunfight at Blockbuster


No freaking way all these are real


It had a funny lamp shade in the corner of the room




Being stuck inside dreams is the worst. Especially the kind where you know youā€™re stuck, manage to wake up, only to find that you ā€œwoke upā€ into another dream. Stressful af.


Me being forced to marry ugliest creature possible


Someone was making love with me, but I can his face.


I somehow got super powers like superman. Was having fun saving people and flying around until one time, I fell for a trap. I walked in a house and it was ambushed by women who want to steal my power. The only way they could do this is by having my dna inside them somehow so they tie me up and force me to go down on them all. Idk why i remember this. I want it erased from my memory


Herding a paddock of water along the highway


Running nakedly on the public road.


Growing up, I would always have this recurring dream when I got sick. Not a cold or stuff like that, but like the flu, or something that would make you throw up, cuz that would always happen after the dream. The dream was just me running through hallways and rooms, but in fast forward, like a Benny Hill scene or something. I always felt like I was running from something, and couldn't find my way out of the house. Some rooms were dead ends, or traps, or loops back around on themselves...And when I would wake up, I would vomit and then I would be over the sickness within the day.


Getting shot to death and waking up to find a cold white spot on my skin where the dream bullets hit me.


Since I was a kid, Iā€™ve had a recurring dream of my mother releasing dinosaurs & then she nopes the fuck out & I have to try to escape all sorts of dinosaurs. Itā€™s not fun.


A big ball of light was chasing me! I remember vaguely it was something to do with Nazi Germany. I was roughly 12-14 years old. I was that scared and confused I jumped out of my first floor bedroom window and ran around my small town in a pair of boxer shorts for over 2 hours at 2am. Finally came back home and went to bed. Woke up and thought Iā€™d had a really mad dream, stood up and had the biggest blisters youā€™ve ever seen on my feet. It happened again at Christmas time that year and I ran in boxers through the field which was full of cows. Hid under someoneā€™s trampoline until the ā€œbig ball of lightā€ had disappeared. Also used to dream that there was a plane crash over my town. Had this over and over again and still have it 20 years later. My house was also haunted to the max!


I was in a car (back seat) with few people driving around and and then one of the people in the car said "hey that's principal sanders riding a skateboard" then they rolled the window down and started shooting him then the principal along with a couple of others started shooting at us, we took cover behind the car and eventually everyone was killed, I even got shot.


Stuck on a ledge of a skyscraper with no where to go. It was so vivid I remember touching the buildingā€™s concrete. Iā€™m probably still trapped up there in some parallel universe.


i had to escape from a lost place and other people were running away as well, it was raining hard and really dark. then i saw this one guy slip and bang his head on the ground and it made a huge explosion or bomb noise. had those kind of dreams at least every night for 3 weeks after an important family member in my life died.


My cousin giving me a hickey


Recurring dream of being able to float or fly. I can float away from danger, laugh at my enemies chasing me. Been going on for decades. Also, got machine gunned by some Nazi's in another dream. Could feel the bullets.


having sex with a muslim girl where muslim girl in the philippines are sacred. It almost gave me a heart attack


I had a dream where a bunch of giant dicks with rollerblades on their balls were trying to kill me.


I was in a jungle playing laser tag while Tony Robbins gave me support from above.Ā  My supervisor is a big fan of Tony Robbins, and I tried getting into him but didn't really get it, but maybe something has worn off.


In between World Wars, even the Avengers are fighting, and big flights are going above and dropping missiles. And I am running and trying to find a shelter or help anyone I can, hiding under the bridge and seeing the Avengers getting defeated. I can't do anything but just watch. The sky is stormy, filled with dark clouds and fire everywhere.


I just had a dream hanging out with some old dead friends and this crazy lady came out of nowhere shooting a shotgun and when I woke up I felt terrified like I was gonna die or something


A couple stand out. I had a dream as a young kid - maybe 5 - that giant germs lived in a cave in my house and would come out and get you. A few years later, maybe eight or so, I had a fever and dreamt germs were sailing a little pirate ship across my bedroom carpet to get me sicker. I wish I still kept a dream journal. I had one through high school and then when I moved in with my boyfriend around age 17 I think I was worried he would read it and see all the cringey dreams I had as a teen girl about making out with characters from Harry Potter and whatever novel I was reading at the time, so I hucked it in the trash.


Was going home on an airplane and decided that it was a good time to try skydiving. Jumped off the plane and landed on a trampoline in my grandmother's back yard. Jumped on that for a while, did a few backflips, then went inside for lunch. Saw the time and realized I was late for school, then remembered that I'm 24 and out of school--and it's Saturday. Then I woke up and remembered that I actually have to work today.


I was on the Next Generation Star Trek Enterprise and was part of the crew. I was using a phaser to kill a monster and it would not disintegrate.


I can't remember cause I was asleep


In the late 1990's/Early 2000's I had a dream that played out like I was watching a film. There were opening credits and everything. It was the film version of the TV Show "Home Improvement" (which is odd because I never really watched that). It had the same cast of characters and started off like you would expect but quickly became a sci-fi action adventure where an interdimensional civilization was invading and Tim Taylor fought back. If I had to explain it, I would say "A Half-Life movie featuring the characters of Home Improvement".


I was in a house that was under construction(recurring theme) and I was barefoot. Dangerous certainly, but the floors were made of raw meat.


The weirder, the more likely to forget


I drove off a freeway exit that was high up. Somehow the exit disappeared and I was flying thru the air. I knew this was the end and then I woke up.


I was at a moon base and it was attacked by flying saucers. We were going to be destroyed, but Boba Fett showed up and started fighting the flying saucers.


a burnt lemon was chasing me around my house but it was just floating and the closer it got to me the larger the flames got.then I was teleported to a bounce house with all my now ex friends.


I had a dream as a 17 year old that five little greys were standing around my bed. I couldn't move, like I was paralyzed, but I was awake and could move my eyes. It seemed like they were deciding what to do with me. The strange part is that it was not dream like. I remember looking out my windows at the clear night sky very differently afterwards.


Being very sick when I was 8 or 9, and staying the night at my grandparent's house. I remember being very drowsy and delirious *in* the dream, and my aunt and her friend taking turns kissing me on the lips as I was going in and out of consciousness. It's been over 20 years, and I still remember that odd dream. I don't even know if I ever actually stayed over at my grandparent's house while sick, or if that was also part of the dream. Strange stuff.


Maybe someone can help me with this actually. I had a dream when I was a kid during the late 90's. It was very distinct, and I remember that I had seen my father playing a PS1 game at the time, and it ended up in my dream. I cannot for the LIFE of me remember the game, and it's been haunting me into my 30's, as I constantly remember things from it. It was a horror game, or a horror action game. You bought guns and equipment from a truck outside of a mansion, like before the game began or something, or at the end of each level. He'd open the back of the truck and there would be all this stuff hanging around and characters you could pick from. Then, it would take you to a mansion looking place. It's all I really remember, but I distinctly remember it being on a PS1 era system. It could have been the Sega Saturn, but, I'm doubtful. If anyone has a clue what this game was called, or even ideas, I'd be thankful, as I could consistently remember the truck and buying items elements from it since I was literally like 7-8. I've tried looking for the game a few times, to no avail. I don't feel like it's just some random thing I dreamed up and it got stuck in my head, as I was sure it came from something my father was playing at the time.


In my dream, the wife of my boss at the time was giving me a blowjob. I don't know why here, I never found her attractive. Anyway nonetheless, that was happening in my dream. But halfway through, she stops and pulls a maggot out of her mouth, and tells me my urethra is full of maggots. I check and lo and behold, maggots in my tube. She says if we want to keep going I better do something about it; so I start digging them out with my fingernails. There's blood everywhere, and my piss hole won't close afterwards: it just keeps flapping open like those creepy baby dolls' eyelids do. Anyway, I woke up sweating and freaking out after that one. I wish I didn't remember it.


for context, i had a cousin die in the late 90s due to a freak accident, she was only 6. a few months ago i had a dream that i went over to her house and met her kids. by far the weirdest dream iā€™ve ever had


I had a dream that a man held my brother down in a chair, and another man ran at him from across the room with a machete and cut his head off.


I used to have a reoccurring dream when I was younger (probably elementary to middle school age) where I was being chased by a green almost 2D-like alien guy (imagine Gumby with a round head lol). I had this dream like 10 times and every time was the same. It always started with me being in a weird space station-like compound that for some reason wasn't in space and I would run out of it trying to get away. Once out I would start trying to fly but would only ever make it about 15 feet off the ground and then fall back into running. I was never caught by the thing in this dream before I woke up and I never woke up feeling like it was a nightmare ironically enough.


I met my twin and he said "hi , i'm is yourself from another world"


It was last year. The first part, I was in this weird shop covered wall to wall with clocks, no desk or checkout or cashier or anything. I was looking at them and then fidgeting with a couple of them. Next thing I know, Iā€™m driving in a truck Iā€™ve never been in to my parents house, except all the trees in their yard are gone and thereā€™s a clear view of the nearby lake. Whatā€™s more, thereā€™s a kid in the backseat Iā€™ve never seen before. I pull into their driveway, get out to open their garage, next thing I know my truck and everybodyā€™s truck gets pulled into the lake. I dive in afterwards, open the door to the kidā€™s seat and in his place is an Octopus. It wraps around my head, next thing I know I wake up in a cold sweat in my bed. Took a few minutes to make sure it was just a dream.


Many years ago as a teenager I had a dream where I was floating in a very small, maybe shipping container-sized space vehicle. I was alone and freaking out because I was stranded in space and felt the vastness of it all around me. The ā€œroomā€ began to fill with water, and I pulled a lever that said ā€œelectric lifeā€ and the doors opened. I watched the water bubble away in space and at one point I saw the American flag on the moon, and was worried about getting sucked out. I woke up shortly after but what stuck with me was the feeling I had of being truly alone so far from earth, unable to contact them.


I owned a marble poundcake company and baked the barcode in the individual slices using the chocolate and yellow cake.


I remember having a dream in which a hamster repeatedly transform back and forth into a pile of needles, and in the dream this was a TOTALLY normal thing that happened regularly with hamsters. I keep thinking about that dream and how dreams can make ANYTHING seem perfectly normal.


I was shot point blank in the chest several times. I was in a bed on a moving train. Woke up to some nasty chest pains and a little motion sickness.


my wet dream with taylor


When I was learning to lucid dream I finally had one! I was like wow this is so cool! I could punch through this brick wall if I wanted to and it wouldn't hurt! So I did that - punched a brick wall. It hurt and woke me up šŸ™ƒ


I still remember a dream from 3rd grade (Iā€™m 42 now) in a lot of detail. I was playing on the swings with a friend of mine at the playground in our townhouse community. A girl we knew came over and got into a fight with my friend. She pushed him down and, as he fell, he shrunk down to the size of an ant and fell into an ant hole. The girl and I got down and looked into the hole hoping to find him. Then a floating ball of light came out of the hole and flew around us before flying into the distance and beyond the tops of some trees. As soon as it went beyond the trees, winds picked up indicating a big storm was about to hit. The girl and I both ran to our respective homes. On the way, I saw off in the distance a tornado. I turned away for one second and looked back and it turned into a palm tree, dressed as a policeman, dancing the hula. Think old timey cartoon style. Anyway, this didnā€™t mean the tornado and storm werenā€™t still coming. I ran into my home and yelled for everyone but no one was home. Then I heard a tapping at one of the windows. I turned about looked, but no one was at the window. This freaked me out so I ran upstairs and hid in my bed while listening to the storm intensify. Then I woke up before it hit.


my wet dream with jennifer lawrence huhu


Dreamt that Trump and his team came into the restaurant I used to work at and after eating- he helped me fo the dishes, he was really nice too


Iā€™d say playing a round of golf with tiger woods and Dmitry Medvedev (Russian politician) while an asteroid came down and killed us all is pretty up there


i had sex with my dad but i don't know now if it's fake


i met albert einstein as he was marrying his cousin, after the wedding he kept cracking the joke ā€œi married my cousin, and that is very relative!ā€ then my head fell off and it turned to a basketball, and everyone started playing soccer with my now basketball head


I asked a woman at the airport applebees if she wanted to have sex, she said yes so I teleported backwards 3 feet out of my clothes but I couldn't get my socks off, she found this off putting and called the whole thing off.


One of the first dreams I remember was the weirdest, I think I was around 7. I was at the beach but everyone was a Simpsons cartoon character, except they all had 3 eyes like Blinky the fish. The ocean had all these oil barrels in it on their side, and surrounding each one was a bunch of floating, dead fancy fantail goldfish.


I was Terry Crews (I am white and 19F) and had these contacts that gave me special powers. I got caught with these contacts somehow and was taken to a special prison for people with powers and they took my contacts from me. I then had a flashback as young Terry where I was looking at a haunted house, and when I entered I found his grandma. I talked to her and she gave me the information to escape. I was able to escape by using karate and kicking a lot of people. I was looking in a mirror and just about to put in my contacts again when I woke up.


I don't know. Whats the point. Everyones mad at me


In short: I lived another life with no knowledge I was sleeping. Complete full other mindset, lifestyle, and physical appearance. Then I died but not slowly. My vision faded as I bleed out with all stimuli of the moment, then it faded back in only I was me and laying in my bed with sunbeams through my bedroom blinds. 1st thought was what the hell just happened.


My grandpa was Kong fu panda and his power was to turn people into butter


Shortly after I moved to a new house, I had a dream where I woke up in the middle of the night with my bedroom door closed. As soon as I opened the door, I woke up back in my bed again. This looped a few times before I woke up for real.


When i was a kid I had a nightmare about robot spider on the ground floor of my house that killed all my family. Guess i had played too much megaman that day, but 30 years later i still remember that dream lol


It's not the weirdest but the most recent (this week) I dreamt that I was back in college, but the college was a mix between the factory I work for and a school, and they sent Taylor swift to give us a seminary on motivation and she spoke Spanish, but she gave us drinks in paper cones but it wasnt water, it was liquid hand soap because she was trying something I... Don't know what the hell happened hahah


A handful of weird dreams over my life but one I remember because it left me with a scar on top of my toe. I dreamed that some sort of flying insect landed on my leg and started burrowing under my skin, I can still remember watching it start to move under the skin - in my dream I kicked as hard as as I could to try to dislodge it. Turns out I was also kicking in the real world and kicked the cement wall next to my bed pretty hard and split one of my toes open.


my dog poooped on my face


I had that double dream thing where u wake up but your actually still dreaming. I was being chased by my uncle who had turned into a hedgehog, and they say dreams have meaning...


There might have been weirder stuff but what always comes first to my mind is a dream where I puked out hacked up mice in a sink that was in my parents bedroom for some reason.


i had amnesia


I love this question. I once was having really crazy wine dreams when I was 20 y/o, but once I had this dream that felt like an eternity: I found myself on a vast barren rig anchored in the middle of the ocean. I don't remember all of the details but basically I concluded it was a prison of sorts with other inmates, so I immediately fled the prison by boat the first chance I got. The guards didn't put up a fight so I successfully escaped. Well I had drifted in the ocean for a while, but I came upon a massive looming metal temple. So I went inside. Here's where it got very crazy: as I ascended each level of the temple I encountered visions or manifestations of almost every single person I've ever met. Like childhood friends, pets, family, classmates, teachers, strangers, girlfriends, just about everyone. I was running into each person in the sequence as I met them in life, having full blown conversations about very real shared experiences. This continued until I made it to my current time at the top of the temple. Then I woke up. For me it stuck with me to this day 10 years later. Some of the details and conversations I remember to this day. It was a profoundly impacting dream that really made me feel what it's like to have a dream that lasts way longer than you actually sleeping or dreaming. I've not had another dream like this but I think about it often.


This was at the height of my career climb. I was in a clear elevator going straight up into the sky watching every phase of my life that I was missing,...family, friends, watching scene after scene of a life id never live. The elevator began to slow and I started plummeting to the ground, woke up right before I was going to hit the bottom. 4 years later I resigned and moved back to my hometown, my life is now rich and full of love and support, something I never would've had if I had kept grinding.


Long and long ago, I went through a period of about a decade where my dreams were populated by six people I referred to as "the cast". Maybe not all of them, but some of them appeared in every dream. No matter the context. I have never met any of these people in real life.


A group of terrorists released several tigers on Purdues campus. We climbed the bell tower to escape. It was a very gory/scary dream.


My first nightmare. I was being chased by the wienersnitchel mascot. I make it a row boat and start rowing for my life. He reaches the lake shore, smiles at me with sharp little teeth. Right as heā€™s about to idk, walk on water maybe? A little yellow duckling gobbles him up. Right as the relief begins to hit the duckling explodes and he comes flying out. I woke up screaming


a wet dream with mom


So I have two and the first one was at least ten years ago. I dreamt I was hanging out with Obama, not sure why but we were at the beach and we met a talking turtle, don't remember what the turtle said, but we killed it and I woke up before any consequences. Next was pretty recent but I dreamt about my childhood dog who's been dead for 20 years. For some reason he had a massive boner that kept growing until it was as big as he was. Now this dream probably would have been erased from memory if not for the fact that before anything was resolved I was awakened by my mom calling me to tell me my grandfather just had a stroke. So I don't think that vision of that dream will ever go away thanks to a family emergency.


One time I had a dream where I was riding a giant squirrel through a city made entirely of cheese. Everyone around me was either a talking animal or a cartoon character. At some point, I had to participate in a dance-off with a group of penguins to save the city from melting. The weirdest part? The squirrels were cheering me on in perfect harmony, singing 'Eye of the Tiger.' I woke up feeling like I had just saved the world in the most ridiculous way possible. Still cracks me up whenever I think about it!


I fell off a cliff and it was first person until I hit the ground then it switched to like a camera view. So I watched myself die? I landed in snow so no blood or anything. Still weird to me though.


I will never forget this dream because it was so creepy and random. But like 10 years ago I had a dream I was walking through this forest that was like your typical horror movie forest. Dead trees everywhere and blood red sky. Kind of like a resident evil looking forest. I found an abandoned run down house and walk up to the front door. And my mom opens the door and says ā€œcome inside, everything is going to be ok, just come inside.ā€ As soon as I walked through the door I woke up.


One I've never forgotten was being in the house alone and I had to get something from the attic. I'm making my way nervously up the stairs in the dark, get to the top of the stairs and open the door to the attic. There are electric wires all over the floor flashing and sparking. I'm trying to get across the room but if I touch any of the wires I cant get away from them. Then I woke up. Not pleasant. No I'm not an electrician.


Not the weirdest but super vivid last night: I was at a renfest and lost my wallet. When I found it the ID and cash were gone. I go to report it to who I think was in charge, and as I'm complaining, the man proceeds to take his clothes off, then put the same clothes back on. I woke up so confused


that we are aliens


Wife and I go to the airport. Run into college pseudo friend hadn't seen in a while. He gets chased off by police for stealing what he thinks was a pot brownie but is just a normal brownie. Get to plane. Wife's boss is piloting the plane (wife worked in a research lab, soooo not a pilot). Take off. Boss realizes she forgot something at home. Lands plane on freeway by home. We all get off for reasons. Approach boss's house. Something lifts the house like it's a hinged lid. Lizard people grab wife and me and drag us into giant hole under house. Get separated. I end up in a super deep pit, hanging onto a wall. Find an alcove in the wall. It's a hallway. Go looking for my wife. First room is a Sevirus Snape lookalike teaching magic like this is Hogwarts (I hadn't even read Harry Potter at this point). I just kind of back out. Next room, filled with life size dolls with porcelain heads and creepy smiles. I finally woke up then.


When I was less than 10 yoa, I remember having a dream that I was a tornado and I was watching two other tornados compete in a boxing match. Each of us had faces and everything. One of the two competitors started getting upset during a round and the environment started getting more and more violent as the competitor grew in size. Then a ā€œfemaleā€ tornado that was judging the match started really yelling loud and destroying the environment around us. Then I woke up and discovered that my mother and grandmother were caring for my little brother who was having a seizure in the bathtub. Needless to say, I have never forgotten that dream nor the events that followed when I woke up.


Riding the Rollercoaster cart with the most beautiful girl ever in white gown while being chased by Nazzi from comedy series Allo Allo.


Went to a wwe raw event where Ronda Rousey lost a match. I felt sad for her so went down to the ring and escorted her out. We then became a couple; it was the sweetest dream ever. She made me feel amazing and loved. Woke up sad and feeling lonely. I love Ronda Rousey.


i was fucked by a dog


Weird dreams are my default. Most dreams are like I'm tripping. I rarely have a 'normal' dream. I didn't realise this wasn't normal until a couple of years ago.


I once dreamed i live in a house made from apples


I was on the planet Jupiter and I just kept falling and falling and screaming. Then I was on the surface of Jupiter trapped in the eye forever surrounded by storms.


\*Dreaming of seeing my Mom and my Grandmother (her Mother) working in a field. I went up to embrace the both of them, to give them a hug and a kiss as it has been a long time since I had seen them. My Mom told me I still had work to do and I needed to do that, but when I went up to give my Grandma a hug and a kiss, she slapped me across the face and told me to finish my work. Which was weird and maybe the weirdest dream I've had. My Mom died in 1995 and my Grandmother died in 1968, and though I've dreamed of my Mom and Dad often, it had been a long time since I had dreamed about my maternal grandmother. Because of health problems I've had, I've wondered if the dream meant finish your work on Earth. finish what you were meant to do so you can join the family members who are over in the spiritual realm.


The weirdest dream I ever had was being chased by giant, talking vegetables through a labyrinth made of cheese. It was so vivid and bizarre that I still remember it clearly to this day.


literally having a mental breakdown right before school in a dream


Hmm where do I start...


one of the weirdest dreams i remember involved me attending a dinner party where all the guests were animated vegetables...


being chased by dolls and disney princesses with no make up


I was in a house shooting at Russian soldiers coming down a hill towards the house and they got to the house and took it over but I walked around the house as if I was a Russian soldier and would kill any if they were alone but then I eventually got caught and help prisoner with other American soldiers until they shot me in the back of the head.


I have recorded my dreams sporadically since 2014. I have 50 pages on word. Sometimes, very sporadically I get lucid, I remember that often I ask if anyone is a ET and more often than not some people in the dream say they are ET and they slip out of their human costume to show their alienly self.Ā 


My baby neice was crying, I patted her on her head, she farted, flew into the air, bounced off the ceiling, and shot through the window. I woke myself up laughing hysterically. I was 11 when I dreamt that. I'm 62 now.


The running away dream recurred pretty frequently when I was small, except I always dreamed I limped and could never outrun whatever was coming to get me. Nowadays, I rarely dream, but I have a killer hitch in my step to remind me of how much fun being young was!


I had a dream once where the political party ā€˜Gary Johnson and 22 Ukrainiansā€™ won a significant share of the vote. Iā€™m not American and barely know anything about Gary Johnson, itā€™s an interesting party name


I see sails from a ship just below a cliff. It's twilight, and the field between me and the sails is punctuated with golden grass about knee high. I run my two hands on the grass as I step closer to inspect the sails, slowly, dramatically, then I wake up and vividly remember everything... until I forget again, shortly after. I just remembered this as I was reading this post lol tf? It all came flooding back.


I was just a toddler. I remember being in the house i grew up in, looking out the window at the John Deere factory across the street, They sky was tinged with yellow saffron, coating absolutely everything in a golden hue. As I daydreamed at the window, I saw a full sized adult male lion. walking up the street toward my house. At the same time, a cacophonous droning sound carried on over the air. I could hear nothing else. Panic immediately filled my chest and I remember running as quickly as I could upstairs to my big brothers' room. I looked out their window to see if I could spot the lion, and just as I looked down I saw his rear part enter our side door. My heart was pumping so intensely, I could only hear my heartbeats and the very loud droning sound carrying on in the background. I quickly moved to hide. Under one of the beds was the best I could think of, so I lie under there and waited on baited breath.


Cumming humans


I donā€™t know what the weirdest one is, Iā€™ve had a lot of weird ones, but last night I had a dream I went to Kroger with Lance Bass


I was a ghost buster with my friend in the middle of a party and the fun part of the party turbed out to be throwing eachother with mud. Then I had to go to hunt for some werewolves and ghosts. They found me sooner and wanted to kill me. I also got a car.


Jack Nicholson Joker and Jim Carrey Grinch broke into my house together and I had to protect my family from them. I can still feel the Jokerā€™s gloved hand around my mouth before I woke up.


A friend who lived in a home on the beach, had me watch her two black snakes while she was on vacation. She said the snakes liked to swim in the ocean and told me they might start their period. Sure enough one of the snakes started their period. I recall vividly taping the Kotex onto the snake. Then I worried because if the snake went into the ocean it might sink & drown as the Kotex will absorb the water. I was frantic what to do because my friend didnā€™t say if they could swim with a Kotex on.


Not weird in the "random shit happening" sense but in the "why did I have these series of dreams" sense. I had a series of 10 or 11 dreams where I was back in school. It would just be a normal school day, but always talks of a big assignment due at the end of the year. Each dream happened chronologically. So I wasn't jumping back and forth in the year. I was doing different parts of the project or taking a test on something we learned in a previous dream. The final dream featured me turning in the final assignment and after that I never had the dream in this dream world again. The last one being about 8 years ago.


I had a dream that I, as a normal human being, was stuck between a clash of superheroes (think Superman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man,also a few video game characters ,etcā€¦). It was in a large urban area that looked like it was plucked out of a sandbox game (Like GTA). I ran before most of the fighting started to find some kind of shelter, and the house I chose just so happened to also have the real life Hatsune Miku. The following series of events in my dream after that moment were increasingly vague, but I interpreted it as Miku and I went around to various parts of town looking for a job (all while the superhero clash continued), and we eventually settled on a lucrative egg-selling business. If I had to guess where most of the themes of this dream came from (Superheroes, an urban setting, Hatsune Miku) it was probably because I went to Comic-Con somewhat recently at the time of the dream, but I have no idea where I got the idea to sell eggs from.


I dreamt about getting kidnapped by the mafia (am born and raised in Asia). They pushed me into a gunny sack, and dumped me into the boot of a car. When I finally could see where I am again, I was kneeling next to a river in the middle of nowhere. A gun was pointed at my forehead. I closed my eyes. Heard the shot. And my eyes just flipped open as I awoke from my dream, feeling an eerie sense of calmness, and the sensation of being gently "placed" back into my body, which was lying on my bed. All the fear I felt before the shot immediately went away, and I had like a solid 3 seconds of thoughtlessness and weightlessness. And I don't know why, but I immediately thought to myself - "is this what death / being reborn feels like?"


The 5 random Lucid dreams I've had at some point in my life


When I dreamt of two ppl that I work with now. Iā€™ve never meet them in my life. (There my boss and his son which is one of my supervisors.) The fact that a yr after that, I dreamt that someone in my family was going to pass away. And surely my grandma roughly 4 yrs later when we had covid she passed away when everything was opened up again.


I was sitting on a lawn chair with Cab Calloway listening to his music and to which he says "This music sucks"


When I was a kid, I had a dream that I was walking through a park and just wanted to sit down because I was so tired. I got to a bench and started to sit down, and a guy ran up behind me, yelled, "Banana split!" and stabbed me in the butt with a knife. OK; I'll go to the next bench, I thought. I was so tired. Got to the next bench, went to sit down, and the guy ran up behind me, yelled, "Banana split!" again, and stabbed me in the butt. What the heck? I just wanted to sit down. Finally got to another bench. Banana split again. I woke up. "What a weird dream," I thought, and rolled over. Onto our cat. Who bit me on the butt again.


I went on a magic carpet ride around the city with Eric Stoltz. When we landed, the locals beat him with clubs, after which they told him he could be their mayor.


I always have a recurring dream where my cousin takes me on a motorbike, I'm thrown backwards, my head is about to hit the ground, then it's over.