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A kid at our school fell from a shed roof and impaled himself on a spike that was atop the gate next to it. He survived with minimal injuries and from then on was referred to as 'Kebab'.


My friend was talking about a taser/knife weapon and jokingly I said “taser knife is such a bad ass name”, so they began to call me that and place food orders that I had to pick up as “taser knife” so I’d have to tell the cashier that stupid ass name to pick the food up.


it was my world of warcraft name. in college, our group would play in one room together because it was winter and too cold to do anything else. friends who didnt play would hang out with us, and hear us using each others player names. one of those friends worked with me and changed my name on the schedule to my player name, and then everyone started calling me that.


No one can pronounce my French name in English. So I use the shortest easiest version of my name. My dad does the same


Not really stupid I guess. Relentless is the name of my favorite album. I'm from Ohio 🤣


Some people at work call me Crispy. This is because around the time I joined my team, one Chris left and was replaced by a second Chris. The one leaving was therefore Chris 1, and his replacement got the nickname Chris 2.0, or just “2.0” for short. Since I wasn’t replacing him, though, I couldn’t be Chris 3. I joined around the same time and worked alongside him, so I was declared to be equal but different, and therefore Chris B. Over time it turned into “Crispy”. A few months after I started we recruited another Chris whose surname begins with B (mine doesn’t). He therefore can’t be called Chris B even though it’s literally his name. For unrelated reasons we call him Boy Wonder.


For my Reddit nickname "CarlosdosMaias" its a literary reference. "Os Maias" is one of the most important portuguese literary works, you even have to read it in school. Its a romance where the guy eventually finds out the woman he is banging is his sister xD That guy is named Carlos. So translated to Portuguese its "Carlos from the Maias" My other username, which I use pretty much everywhere else has plenty of meanings