• By -


Yes. Silence and peace is invaluable




Where you going lark? Oh uh a little town called Hyrule. Don’t look it up.


Even better: camping and no wifi or cell service.


unplug from the world 😍




I get five weeks vacation a year and I don't go anywhere due to anxiety and a never-ending need to save all of my money. People at work get so angry when they find out I use my PTO and stay home. Like literally yell at me and tell me I'm wasting my time. Jokes on them, I love my house, I don't give a fuck that you care about how I spend my free time you freak.


As John Lennon said - Time you spent doing something you enjoyed is not wasted. Travel is stressful and there's nothing more I love than a nap on my Tempur Pedic mattress.


"Time you spent doing something you enjoyed is not wasted" -Bertrand Russell -John Lennon -Michael Scott


“Time isn’t wasted, when you gettin wasted” - Asher Roth


"Time" - Pink Floyd


"Which one's Pink?" •Unknown


“You better get the party started.” -Pink


I'm in Paris right now, and I'm having a great time. But the only thing I want right this second is **my** chair at home, and seven bong hits. And my dog. I'll be cool tomorrow am, but traveling with kids is a fucking pain in my dick.


I love my kids, but traveling with them makes me miss work, and thinking about how depressing that is really ruins the trip all around.


Temper-Pedic mattress? In this economy? 😁


I know people like this. I have a family member who criticizes me for scheduling a buffer day between vacation travel and work. He just simply can’t understand I need a day to recharge and get mentally ready to return to work. Thinks I’m wasting my vacation time.


That's ridiculous! Who wants to get back from vacation and go to work the next day? Heck, my husband and I took nearly three weeks off for our wedding and honeymoon, but were away for only ten days - we had a couple days off before the wedding, a couple days free before leaving for the honeymoon, and a few more days off before returning to work. It was awesome.


Any time I have gone somewhere on a vacation I planned to be home a day or two before I had to be back at work. Gave me a chance to decompress, do my laundry, grocery shop, etc. before returning to work.


The older I get, the more I appreciate buffer days. I'm taking 2 weeks off next month, and that includes 6 days of doing jack shit around the house.


What an incredibly insignificant thing to get angry over. In another year or two I'll be getting an extra week of PTO and guess what, I'm using that time to work on my gundam models.




It's literally the opposite of wasting your time. Most places have a use it or lose it policy for PTO. Depends on the job some places you accrue PTO time constantly while others dump it all at once for the year and only let you carry over a certain amount from year to year. Maybe if you're lucky you'll have a job that allows PTO to be cashed out.


I used to work at a prison where they let you stack PTO indefinitely and one guy had stacked up enough to take a full year off after 29 years. He took the entire year off and then retired when his PTO ended.


I worked a job that had a very generous PTO policy like this. The people I knew retiring often fucked up their vacation time towards the end Because you accrue the entire time you’re taking that 9 to 12 month vacation. Finally someone wrote some Excel doc to do the calculation of exactly how much PTO you will accrue over the time you’re taking PTO so you know how to set your retire date lol.


My dad this. He took something like 364 consecutive days off, then showed up on the very last day. (I guess that was required for some reason.) He also could’ve taken the PTO as cash, but by doing it this way, he got a year of health insurance.


I love resting at home. All my main hobbies can be done at home. Anyone who yells at you for using your time the way you like... is very strange.




Straight up. I love my house, my man cave game room and garage beers. Staying home to recharge and relax is way more enjoyable than travel and itineraries these days, personally. I’ve done plenty of travel in the past.


>I don't give a fuck that you care about how I spend my free time you freak. Good for you! It's your time off to rest and recharge as **you** need to. Staycations are great and I feel like you're doing something really right if your home is your happy place. Not your fault they need to escape their entire lives to feel happiness.


This is me in August. I put in PTO in April bc I was thinking about going to gencon. That fell through so I'm just gonna sit home and play video games and sleep for a week instead lol. My job sucks, I genuinely hate it and I just need a break before my classes start for a career shift in October 


Oh man I love Gen Con. I'm finally going back this year since 2019!


Gencon is a bucket list thing for me and I have a friend who lives in indianapolis!


Yep. People shouldn’t underestimate the beauty of having free time with literally zero obligation. I do this every so often and it’s glorious


Agree, there’s genuinely not a better feeling to me than looking ahead to the next 3/4 days and knowing you have absolutely no plans or obligations, and you have full control over what you do. That’s what I find relaxing and screw anybody who tries to tell someone else how to spend their free time.


I book an hotel with a spa/wellness for a few days. Binge tv shows, enjoy the relaxation and take naps.


I do like to travel occasionally but also love a staycation where I can chill on the balcony with a book and a drink or decide I'm going to go to the art museum or something for the day.


I'm a big fan of the staycation. I also hate the beach, and my family loves it. Once a summer my partner takes our kid for a few days to a week. They get to enjoy sand and surf, I get to spend a few days doing absolutely nothing. It's the dream.


If you could sell that feeling you’d be a billionaire


[Come home to Simple Rick's](https://youtu.be/02_1G2ABIeI?si=Vqy3LhZGpcs-RKIS)


I do exactly this. Wife takes the kid and goes to some kind of cottage for a week and I stay home. I try not to think of what it says about me, but that’s the week I look forward to most in the whole year. 


Hahaha, I love my family more than anything, but my partner and I are both home all day, throw in the kid home from school, and about mid summer we all need a break, lol. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and all that jazz!


I think it’s a perfectly reasonable thing to do - as long as you’re reciprocating and taking the kids for a week so your wife gets a break too. My husband and I - we don’t have kids - enjoy doing things together but we also enjoy being along. He went on a 2-week holiday while I finished my Masters degree a few years ago. I went on a 1-week holiday while he sorted out his mother’s estate after she died (he needed to do it alone with his 2 brothers). Do what’s right for you and your situation, not what everyone else expects of you.




I take my kids to the beach for five weeks in summer and my partner goes camping with them for a week/10 days in autumn or spring. It’s great.


I'm doing that right now! Took this whole week off. I've done nothing. I'm very happy.


So jealous


Same. I got a bunch of yard work done that I’ve been putting off, cleaned, and will have golfed twice by Saturday. I have off again in July and plan on doing more of the same!




Just being at home with whiskey, dogs, video games, and a nice yard is enough vacation for me


Throw in a book and I'm in.


I was going to say, replace whisky with weed and that's the same for me


We didn’t go anywhere because going places costs money.


And my PTO expires at the end of the year so might as well use it


The way I'm interpreting the *tone* of this question is bothersome. I'm sure they didn't mean it that way, but it reads like some rich pos asking why you only have *one* vehicle. "Have you ever just *stayed home* on your vacation? Like one of the *poors*?"


Where do you summer ?


My boss does that shit constantly like he doesn't know exactly what he pays me. "Got any vacation plans this year?" "So where are you going on your time off?". After rent I can barely afford to keep my car running to get to work and back.


could read like that. I read it as "does anyone else do this?"


I was thinking I can't be the only money challenged fucker on here.




I tried a week long staycation a few years ago. I made the mistake of telling my family. They proceeded to call me every day and ask me to do favors or run errands for them because they were “too busy”. I still get angry just thinking about it.


I currently live in my hometown for a bit, and my mom (who I adore, she's wonderful in most every way) had a learning curve with this one because I WFH. Like, I am still working, Ma! I can't just pop out at any given time to grab some bread or say hi. Definitely different perspective from when she worked her 40+ years only in person


This sounds great. Though at the same time, I’m enraged and frustrated that modern life has us this frazzled that we need to waste PTO like this just to say sane. No one should be at risk of burnout!!!


I get 33 days off work a year and obviously I'm gonna use them lol, but I'm not paying to go away on holiday for 33 days each year.


28 days plus the 8 bank holidays here in the UK. I've got 16 days left to take this year, last year I didn't really use much so just took December off and did fuck all. It was wonderful.


I do this every year between Christmas and New Years.


Our company use to let us rollover PTOs. Back when I was single, I had easily 160+ hours at one point, so I did the exact same thing and took those 2 weeks off, and a week before Christmas just to chill, catch up on sleep, or play games I haven't played/finished. Miss those days.


That feeling of having so many consecutive days off over Xmas that you genuinely forget what day of the week it is.


We used to have to go visit my family by plane during that time. Covid squashed it, and now we just stay home, and it's amazing. No more air travel when the rest of the world is also traveling.


I took a week off for the release of Final Fantasy XII, Halo 3, and Skyrim...


About 9-10 years ago, half my team went down with what was later dubbed "Fallout 4 Syndrome"


I took a week of leave for the Fallout 4 release. It was awesome!


This guy games


And BG3. And Boltgun, lol.


yes. because it's CHEAP to stay home, and I needed to save $$ to get my kid to his school. Like right now, I'm saving money by not traveling because he graduates in May25 and I have to go to Maine to be there for the graduation!




Its paid time off, do what you want with it. I want time off from work because I like not going to work. This idea that I need to travel when I take PTO is stupid.


I do this for a new game release that I am excited about. Baldur's Gate 3 was a great week.


Never a week at a time, but I schedule pto for Friday+Monday all the time just to have a super long weekend to myself.


Thats all I ever do. Just not being at work is vacation enough


I was house sitting and didn’t like the extra 45 minutes it added to my commute.


Yep. It's nice to just relax, plus I play a very, very large and hard to move musical instrument, and I love being able to just sit behind it and go to town for a long time. Can't bring the damned thing on a plane with me, and putting it in a car requires buying the car AROUND it.


yes. I have two sets of PTO from my job, one set expires if it is not used before the renewal date and the other continues to accumulate until I hit a hard cap of PTO hours. I will use whatever PTO I have from the former before it expires/renews otherwise it's just wasted.


A couple of times. I took a week off for mental health purposes after I finished up the Crap Project from Hell that had me assigned 60 hours of work per week. I only had 25 hours to actually do the work because there were meetings upon meetings for multiple leadership layers to get status reports. Another time I took off a week so I could act in a play. Didn't leave town but I wanted focus time.


*Most* PTO that I have used in my lifetime has been what is now considered “mental health days.” I’m not going anywhere, I don’t have any plans. I just do what I want to do. Relax, tend the garden, ride my bike, knock out some fun errands. It’s a great way to recharge.


Me too. 10 days of PTO with a disabled husband and 3 children all went to doctor's and school related things. If I ever get a real vacation of several days together, I just want to stay home.


I wish I had enough PTO to justify it, but I really do enjoy traveling so I tend to use all of my PTO for that.


When my child was an infant we didn't have a vacation planned but I badly needed time off work. I took a weeklong staycation and did touristy things around my community - many of which I hadn't done in years. It was awesome. Would recommend.


As someone who generally procrastinates on planning things to do, and had done many staycations in the past... fuck that noise. I got really tired of the "wasted opportunities" feeling I'd get at the end of the week. ~6 years ago I made a concerted effort to begin planning and saving up for trips when I had vacations coming up. First one was to visit a friend in Montréal, which blew me away with how much I fell in love with that city (even in the dead of winter!)... COVID put a pause on future trips shortly after that, unfortunately. However, beginning in 2022, I started traveling again, mainly to visit friends and family around Europe. Just recently, as a longtime NASCAR fan, I did a pilgrimage road trip to the Charlotte/Concord/Mooresville area of North Carolina, which went even better than I had hoped. I don't ever want those "wasted opportunities" feelings to build up again.


Yeah, it’s called a staycation and it’s awesome.


Because I want to stay up late, sleep late, deep clean the apartment whilst burning doobz, nap whenever, spend uninterrupted hours playing VR, focus on a backlog of creative projects, have lunch with friends, take little solo trips... It's *me* week. Incredibly restorative.


You have perfectly described how i also spend my time off, it is very relaxing.


Vacations cost money.


Yes! I actually just did this last week. It felt amazing to just wake up whenever I wanted, in my own bed, read, go to the pool, make an overly elaborate dinner because I could. Staycations are the best! I love my apartment and it was nice to spend time in it ENJOYING it.


Yep. Staycations are the best.


Staying home and relaxing as an idea is a very good one, but I know with myself that I would just use the time to do all those things I put on the back burner, like cleaning up the basement and fixing the shed. So in reality I would return to work after a week and be exhausted. I need to leave to relax, because that's more important.


Traveling is stressful and expensive and my couch looked lonely


Because the modern work environment is soul crushing and not sustainable. Used to be one person worked for 40+ hours and made enough money to sustain a family.  The other partner would stay home and upkeep the house, do the grocery shopping, run errands, etc. Now 2 people need to work 40+ hours to make that same situation work.  Which means both people are also shopping/cleaning/running errands/etc. This inevitably leads to burnout. Planning a trip is exhausting. Sometimes you just need peace and quiet and time to get your non-work life in order


My dog is 16. She doesn't have long and can't travel with me anymore. So I staycate.


sometimes taking a break and chilling is better than traveling tbh


Not yet. I enjoy and can afford to travel: week-long vacation trips, short family visits, and tacking on a few days in an interesting business meeting location. These all use up my measly 15 days per year.


Yeah. You eventually start hitting the vacation day rollover cap if you work at the same place long enough.


Not enough money for a proper vacation and still needed a break from work.


Hell yeah. Time off is just that, time off. What you do with it is completely up to you.


Staycations are the best. You get paid to sit on your ass at home for a week doing things you actually enjoy.


I have next week off because I need to use my time or I would lose a bunch. I might go to the dentist or something


Yup. I've done just because summers are super hot at work, and time off in August is a godsend. I've also done it to play games I was super hyped for.


Routinely. The last time I traveled for a vacation was 2016. I need actual down time and going someplace is stressful even if being there is nice.


All the time. I tried out the solo travel thing a couple times, but it's not for me. I usually use my PTO to just relax at home or work on different projects around the house.


I traveled all my life for a living (early days computing consultant, all over the world). It should be totally unsurprising that I'm huge fan of staycations. I've been retired for a while now and I still have no desire to travel again.


Doing it rn and wish I had at least lied about a schedule so my family doesn’t come by. Only regret


Hell yeah. I'm a chef. I work like 75 hours a week. I use my pto to sleep.


I am doing that right now. Glorious!


I can’t do this because I get so little PTO that I have terrible anxiety about misusing it


Multiple years now. Have use or lose at the end of every year. Last year I had 12 days to use. Took 2 weeks off with the holidays.


Some people use that week to get projects done around home, doctor’s appointments, etc.


Yes- my brain just needs a vacation every so often, even if I travel only to my study. And by 'study', I mean the comfy chair in the living room that like as not my cat will have already claimed.


All the time. Traveling is expensive and I would rather stay home and relax on my off time.


5 weeks PTO a year, cant afford 5 travel vacations.


Yes, got a week of staycation. It was cool.


I did a couple times, mostly because I had use-or-lose time built up, but couldn't afford to travel at the time.


I have 6 weeks of time a year and vacations are expensive. 


Had use it or lose it PTO, and during the height of the pandemic there was nowhere too go. I also like staycations sometimes, just randomly walking around local parks or exploring the area without having to calculate travel times or expense. Plus my cat loves the attention.


For me it's because I have to because if I don't the PTO expires and I don't have the time or funds to plan a trip somewhere.


Once I had accumulated 17 days off. I told my office I was going to Portugal with the extended fam and would be in a rural place with no wifi. The fam left and I stayed behind and had 17 blissful days of farniente at home. It took my therapist telling me it was ok to do this to do it but what a "trip".I was seing the therapist due to stress.


I wish I could just stay home and not tell anyone…. Cause when my family and friends know I am home on vacation they start inviting me or planning get-togethers. And that defeats the whole purpose of my staycation….. which is to just relax my own way. Christmas holidays become so stressful socially that some years I go away on vacation to just avoid the social obligations.


Similar, but not quite: I got 18 weeks of paternity leave when my daughter was born last year. I used a vast majority of my leave clearing out my parents' house after my father passed away two months after my daughter was born.


I might this year. Already asked for the time off but I don't think we can afford to leave town.


Not a week at a time. But I totally do “I don’t feel like working” and burn a day or two to nap and play video games.




Hell yeah. But I'm also already in Alaska. Every weekend is a vacation.


Honestly, that sounds nice. Just taking a week or two off just to wake up and go do whatever you want when no one else is able to.


All the fucking time


Absolutely, it is nice to relax at home with nothing to do except catch up with family and chores.


Just to get stuff done around the house.


I'm about to do that right now;   I've got the equivalent of two months PTO accumulated,   I'm thinking about taking at least a week off every month this summer just to be able to hang out with my kids and get shit done around the house. 


Yeah, I do it for my birthday every year. Why go anywhere, I just don't want to work my birthday


Yeah. I have depression so sometimes I get burnt tf out. It’s nice to plan ahead a week paid where I can just relax and re energize…


Yup! I’ll use a day or two to run errands or catch up on some housework and use the rest of the time to chill and veg out at home.


I take the week to get stuff done around the house. The projects I've been wanting to do, but feel like I need a block of dedicated time for. Easier to keep my momentum if I don't have to go to work.


Not sure if this counts but I'm an hour outside of Chicago. Unfortunately we don't go downtown often. Every year we do a staycation and drive into the City everyday.


Yeah. Not my default preference, but staycations are nice. I may in fact take one this year, work on my house.


It's your time, use it as you see fit. I usually take a week off a year to clean out and organize the garage and patio.


I enjoy being home, I dislike going places. I have to go somewhere every day in order to work, why would I want to waste my time off going somewhere when I could enjoy my home?


This is how I prefer to take PTO. I obviously use it for family travel as well, but honestly just being able to laze around the house, watch movies, catch up on house projects, etc. Its like a short retirement.