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Nurse here. I was in a code blue caused by the patient pulling out the breathing tube. Her family had refused sedation and also loosened the restraints on her wrists. We went in as usual to do resuscitative measures. The pulling out of the tube had caused some trauma to the airway so re-intubating was quite difficult. It quickly progressed from not breathing to no pulse. A couple of providers were arguing with each other over the best approach to re-intubate while everyone else is still there giving medications and performing CPR. Suddenly, the patient's face starts swelling up. To this day I don't know the cause but it shocked everyone because it would not stop swelling and made it physically impossible to put another breathing tube down. I have never in my life seen such swelling. It was cartoonish to a point. Her entire head just kept swelling like a balloon. Her nose became just nostrils on tight skin. I didn't realize swelling could be so extreme. Epinephrine should've treated anything like anaphylaxis. We gave steroids and antihistamines in false hope. Nothing worked. It was literally impossible to get any air into her lungs. An emergency tracheostomy entered the conversation way too late. She was gone. I will never forget the family member standing next to one of our nurses, watching the whole things, both in absolute shock. Moral of the story: we sedate and tie up your loved one for a reason.


Have to remind myself sometimes that families don’t understand why we have these protocols. And then when you educate them and they still insist otherwise….


So I know this is clearly quite an upsetting event but if it’s okay I have a question. Did the patient pull the breathing tube out because they wanted to die, or was it because of discomfort, and the discomfort is why patients are usually sedated?


It's extremely uncomfortable, and almost all patients will try to pull it out.


People who wake up with breathing tubes in their throats, often start pulling or gagging. Thats why they wanted to sedate. Everything will flex, and the patient will stop fighting the fact that there are tubes in the throat.


The short answer is that it's a bit of both but it is more complicated than that. The endotracheal tube is extremely uncomfortable. There is a foreign object in your trachea, where our bodies are already designed to reject anything coming in. The sensation is very much like being asked to breathe completely through a standard plastic straw. People don't feel like they are getting enough air, even though they are. This is why I like to have even something mild infusing to try to relieve the constant discomfort. The patient was able to respond to basic questions with nods and shakes. She could also write. She had expressed wanting the tube out, knowing she was going to die, and was okay with that. Now, how much she actually meant that is a gray area because there are known conditions: ICU delirium and ICU psychosis, that will alter a person's thinking and develop just from being in the critical care environment. They often lose track of day/night cycle and they lose a lot of reasoning. This is why it's extremely important to make your wishes known before you find yourself in the middle of these situations. It's very possible she never wanted to be intubated in the long term and would've preferred to pass away - we would've definitely honored that. But she did not have a legal document saying so and her family either didn't know or did not want to honor her wishes.


Reading your comment I can't help but think of this scene from "Big Trouble in little china" https://youtu.be/A_MnyV-HH3U?si=4mcqNAcvAwhDOJLU


motorbike accident, helmet fly away with head inside.


Similar. Biker speeding, got cut off and layed his bike down. Slid head/helmet first into a guardrail. After the explosion we couldn’t tell what was him and what was his helmet.


Omg 😱


Literally my face reading that.


As a guy who group in a Harley club, that's one of the things we had to repeatedly beat into the heads of newbies: Past about 40mph, the only thing a helmet does is keep your head in one piece. You'll still be dead, but your face will at least be presentable.


As a survivor of a crash at greater than 40 mph, you’re wrong.


It's ok he's in a Harley club


Do those even go over 40? The ones I pass seem like they are sitting still.


The ol' Jango Fett treatment.


Omg, was he ok?


No need to lose our heads over this


What's in the booox!!!


Stop while you're a head.


I'm gonna need to cut you both off right there.


I think you’re not thinking straight, your mind must be wondering somewhere


Last day of high school before spring break, tons of traffic leaving out of the school and on the main road. Four kids in a red convertible with the top down. Driver pulls out of the school, showboating, I guess, and smashes into another car. I'm driving by shortly after it happened, and the cops had just arrived and are trying to gain control of the scene. I pulled over and asked if I could help, and as they're running to render aid, they asked if I could help stop traffic. As I went past the car, which was laying on its side, I saw that all the kids had been thrown about and were all badly injured, but the one nearest to the car was twisted at the waist with the top half facing one way and the bottom facing another. The kid's mouth was slowly opening and closing, and he looked like he was right on the verge of fading out. That image has been burned into my memory ever since.


This is what terrifies me as I get older and am a parent. You never think about how fragile we all really are when you are younger. Literally walking down a flight if stairs the wrong way can kill you. Falling from 6 feet high can kill you. Someone else's brain not registering the right decision while **you** are driving can kill you. I just think about what it must be to be conscious in that moment for that child gasping for their last breath... "well, I guess this is it" Sorry I hope that doesn't bring people to a bad place, it's just reality.


Damn, you nailed it for me, too. I've got a kiddo who's turning 3 soon, and when he was born, I thought about this kind of thing a lot. The simultaneous overwhelming joy and fear that comes with a child. Knowing that this kiddo that I love more than anything I ever have could be gone in the blink of an eye. So I got into the habit of manually thinking of times that he's made me smile. Just focusing on all the happiness. It's helped get over some of the fear for me.


Geesus fuck Did you ever find out if any survived ?


No, sadly I don't know


That's terrible. D'you know if the kid made it?


Almost certainly not, that’s a sign that the body is broken beyond repair and the midbrain is shooting out signals to see what’s still working, hoping to get oxygen to the brain. Agonal breathing.


I was on the fire department for a few years so I've had a couple. Two guys that flipped over a semi truck. One of them was beheaded instantly. The other one was completely trapped by his leg. His leg came off when it was attempted to move. He bled out and died. A guy who was hauling a U-Haul trailer. Hit a bridge abutment and the whole thing burst into flames. His wife was following him and saw the whole thing. By the time we got there, he was just a charred torso. There was only a vague shape of a head. His teeth had popped out completely and there was just a gaping hole where his mouth was. When the body was removed, you could see coins that were still burned into his body from his pockets.


Sorry you had to see that, hope you're doing ok... Also, that's enough reddit for today.


Thank you for your service. My dad is a fire fighter and that is the bravest profession. I hope you are doing okay after having to live through these tragedies.


Current firefighter. Worst one I’ve had is a trench collapse where the victim’s crew used an excavator to get him out. Blood pouring out of every orifice, dude was mangled. Most bizarre part was his chest, which was completely concave. There was no chest recoil when doing cpr because his ribs were completely pulverized.


Afghanistan 2011, kid ran screaming to the gate of our compound. Head sliced open to the skull. Just blood and a flap of skin hanging down. Found out his dad had hit him with a hatchet. We arrested the dad, handed him over to the ANP (Afghan national police) and they let him go. His son was considered his property and he could do what he wanted with it.




That is messed up


I was the person who discovered my uncle chose to leave this world via shotgun.


Ouch. I’m sorry. Hugs to you.


2 days ago I had to give a teen 6 doses of nasal Narcan to bring her back from a Fentanyl overdose.


I found an associate I managed at the time in the parking lot, purple face on the ground. The paramedics had to give him narcan several times. It messed with me. Hr for the area asked my boss why I sounded so rattled. Fuck that guy. 


Thank you for what you do


Jesus. I hope the kid gets help.


I hope the kid accepts help.


Thank you


One I can think of was when my father was on the roof of our barn. The wind would loosen nails in the tin roofing over time, and he was up there nailing down some of the sheets. He was about half way up to the peak and he lost his footing. He slid down the roof with his arm out trying to stop himself. The top of a nail entered around his elbow and exited around his wrist. I remember my mom having it wrapped in a towel, blood everywhere and he was bitching about having to go the the hospital.


Car accident where the flames spread so fast nobody got out in time but we kept driving i was 8.


Was at an NHL hockey game, an American team vs a Canadian Team in the US. (Retracting teams to protect the innocent) After the American home team wins the game, this guy in a USA jersey gets into it with the Canadian guy and they are nose to nose. Canadian guy's wife steps between, and talks to her husband to chill out, as she turns around to talk to the American guy, she gets cold-cocked with a fist. Nose broken, blood everywhere. Security tackles the guy and the Canadian guy tends to his wife. I was 14 with a few friends at our first NHL game without a parent witnessing it all go down in the nosebleed section.


Nosebleed section must mean something else in hockey…


Holy fuck my blood boils thinking about this. Hope Americans dude got the book thrown at him. Imagine being the dude that probably feels like he let some dude knock out his girl. So many emotions.


Fuck that American guy.


I was at a skatepark someone fell face first on rocky concrete they slid about 3 meters the were knocked out but when the were flipped their whole cheek was gone I saw nearly all of their teeth I have nightmares about it still




Yeah it was well grim


Did you know them, or find out how they turned out? Also, if he didn’t go by Twoface after that, I’d be disappointed.


I was a CNA in a nursing home when I was 18. One of our residents was the victim of a drunk driver. She broke her back in the collision and was paralyzed from the stomach down. When I met her, she’d been in the home for 4-5 years or so and basically everyone who she thought loved her had left her. She had one of the strongest wills I’ve seen though. Never skipped a OT/PT session. Last I heard (maybe 15 years ago) she’d made it out of the nursing home. I still think about her sometimes and I hope she’s doing well still.


Driving by a car accident. Person sitting against the car, neck is so broken the head is barely being supported by their shoulder.


I think the objective worse I've seen was gramps' last air leave his lungs after his heart gave in. But I wasn't disturbed, we all knew it was coming and he'd made his peace with it. The worst i've actually *felt*... In the same bus ride I saw a biker crash against a lamp post and plop unconscious, possibly dead, while a father was flipping the fuck out on his 13yo calling him a piece of shit and demanding he get off the bus alone in the middle of the favela part of of the hood. I got off the ride so anxious I sprinted to my friend's house


Male patient removing his own Foley catheter without deflating the balloon




Oh! That happened when I was working at a Veterans nursing home. He was severely disabled from a stroke and he pulled it on purpose to cause his own death. He refused to go to the ER after it happened and basically bled to death internally.


I must not have seen anything scarring enough to leave a lasting mark yet and I'm so grateful for it. These comments have me fucked up.


Actually! Your brain loves to help you forget your worst memories! You might just not remember!


A ton of stuff on the former rotten dot com website. They had photos of what clearly were crime scenes with a guy decapitated after a subway/train hit him. Also pictures of a guy head decapitated in half from a helicopter blade. Saw a picture once in school of a guy who used heavy drugs and proceeded to cut off his face and feed it to his dog. Saw a guy’s vehicle sandwiched between two big rigs on the highway. The car was practically a pancake.


Millennial who grew up on the internet. I have zoomer friends and tell them horror stories of the early internet. They don't truly understand how sterilized the Internet is now and I'm glad they don't have to experience the horrors I commonly saw. Funky Town has been permanently ruined for me.


Yes it’s true. I’m Gen X who was in college studying for IT. When I was in freshman year, we really just started with basic web browsers but they were slow. I used Mirc by my senior year to search for games etc. The chat channels were the Wild West. Think of having chat rooms where you can download stuff and no major presence monitoring the content. I reported some stuff but at the time I really didn’t know how best to do it and the cops just blew it off like it’s someone else’s problem. They themselves didn’t know what to do with IT crimes.


Yup. Came across A LOT of CP when I was still a child myself. Lots of pedos messaging me as well saying horrendous things. Reporting it never did anything. People complain about Gen Z having little to no tech literacy, but it seems as though the trade off is an unrestricted internet where there's cartel beheading videos galore and pedos running around blatantly and without fear.


The early internet was a blursed wasteland


Not disturbing per se, but I was standing on a sidewalk of a semi-busy street with my then 4 year old son. He sees his grandma park on the other side of the road and immediately bolts off the sidewalk to run towards her. I only was barely able to grab his arm to stop him and a station wagons flew down the street at the exact time he would have hit my son. There were cars parked on our side of the road too so this driver never would have seen my son. It’s been ten years now and there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t relive that moment at least once. It makes me wonder how hard it is for people who have seen horrible things to cope and my heart goes out to a lot of the other commenters here.


One of my soldiers killed himself by putting a 12ga into his mouth. So me and a few other people are at his house with the cops and they take his body away, but don’t clean up much else. His wife gets home and says she wants to go into the room. We tell her it’s a bad idea, but she refuses to listen and insists she needs to go in to see it. Well, I’m not going to let someone go through that alone, so my chaplain and I go into the room with her. She immediately falls to the floor into the puddle of what is left after someone blows their head off, wailing hysterically. So I end up kneeling in the puddle of brains consoling a new widow as she absolutely breaks down. The blood and bits were bad, her inconsolable crying was worse. That was pretty fucked up, it still gets to me from time to time.


Someone dead on a road.


I saw Carrot Top in Vegas




i was looking up kendrick johnson and i saw the photo of him rolled in the mat. still stuck in my head a lot


Okay that was the weirdest shit I've read today. I looked up the investigation. Must be horrible way to go. Dude basically fell inside a rolled mat head down and in that position you will slowly die.


In Denver, waiting for a bus near the capitol, I see a man behind me looking disturbed and disheveled. He's about 10 feet away from me when he pours a liquid over himself and sets himself on fire. That's the second most disturbing thing I've seen. Don't want to discuss the worst.


Well now I wanna know


Personally, I find Denver disturbing. Hated every second that I was there.


Denver has a very high population of homeless individuals. Lots of stuff happening with that.


Probably an open casket funeral for a stillborn baby. The baby in question wasn't in the casket; the mom was carrying it around in a blanket and showing him to people.


My wife's best friend had a baby stillborn...she posted pics of it in various poses and outfits...on Facebook. A good friend of mine used to work in a camera shop (mid 90s). At least once a week he'd get a roll of film full of dead baby pictures.


How is she now?


My soon to be ex mother in law has a picture of her daughters still born on their mantel with everyone else’s pictures. So fucking creepy.


Kind of, but it's mostly sad. Imagine her grief.


A man’s eyeball cut in half and leaking jelly-like fluid down his face . Also saw a huge pillar of black smoke on the horizon as I wad driving down the highway. As I was slowly driving past the vehicle which was still ablaze, I saw a charred figure in the driver seat. Looked like he didn’t make it out in time.


Plane crash. Was at my first airshow in 2004, age 6, and the second guy to perform got stuck in an inverted flat spin and plowed straight into the ground. His wife and kids were there too.


I grew up in a farm. I've seen a lot of death and disease. But the one thing that got me happened just a week ago. I saw a mama duck trying to lead her babies across a busy highway. It was pointless because, there was no way she was going to get across that high divider in the middle. But apparently she didn't see that. Traffic was very heavy. She didn't make it. Her baby's followed her though. None of the family made it. It kind of broke my heart.


Two guys rented a boat. They got stuck in sand shallows, nothing major, front of the boat just got a bit wedged into sand. One of them went behind the boat to try to pull it back into deeper water. The guy inside put it in reverse and went full throttle. This of course pulled the guy which was behind the boat into the propeller and made mince meat out of his entire one leg, somewhere above the knee. I was near by, and after that idiot shut off the engine I went in and pulled the guy out. His leg wasn’t nicely sliced. No. The place where it was cut off was full of dangly bits of flesh and ground up femur bone. I have never seen something like that even in the movies. I’ve put a tourniquet and called the ambulance. They’ve sent out the speed boat instantly. While on the phone with them (they were guiding me what to do with the guy as he was going into shock), they asked me if I can find his leg because maybe they can reattach it. They also thought it’s some sort of clean cut. I put on my diving mask and went to look for it (because I also had no idea what I am looking for) and I checked the propeller first. His leg was wrapped around the propeller like fucking kebab meat block. It was just a bunch of minced meat. You could not recognise this was a leg, barely even recognise it was human bits. And the fish were already at it nibbling it. The guy lived. I gave him my hoodie as he was starting to get cold, and in my hoodie was my business card. He later (2 weeks later) called me to thank me. That thing traumatised me for a while, made me especially scared of boats and propellers.


Car rolled over with a lifeless heavily contorted body through the windshield


Picking up pizza for lunch, we hear a chair fall over with maybe a backpack on it or something…or so we thought. There were about a dozen of us I’d say, including the workers. A guy had fallen over & was having a heart attack…we didn’t know that at the time. We were all nervous to do much more than check that he wasn’t choking, as non of us were certified or trained & didn’t want to make it worse. We talked to him, someone prayed, as the ambulance seemed to take forever. In reality probably only 3 min. To make it about me for a second- I just thought this poor guy would die alone surrounded by strangers. It was heartbreaking. The EMTs jumped right in and we all backed away, then kind of stared at eachother and realized we had to just go about our day. I stopped by the next day to see if they knew anything- his wife stopped by earlier to thank them & let them know they can share that it was a massive heart attack, but he was “ok”. This was an over a decade ago and I still think still about him from time to time. He just looked so scared.


I saw a guy on a motorcycle get hit by a car and go flying 20 feet. Luckily there were coppers right behind us, but the guy wasn't moving.


witnessed a car run over baby ducks crossing with their mom.


A friend who had been shot in the eye point blank with a 44. Face was intact, the back of his head was gone.


Murder or suicide?


Manslaughter, but yes. Not self-inflicted. Another guy was trying to brag and ended up with 20 years


C) cleaning a gun, checking the barrel visually from the business end Happens too often.


Not saying it doesn't happen, but not in this case. It wasn't self-inflicted.


Ah, stupidcide. I hadn't considered that.


Darwin Award winners know that term well


A mom slap a toddler in the face at the grocery store.


A crackhead biting a chunk out of the neck of a still alive pidgeon.




I've seen someone get shot in the back and killed right in front of me. I have saw a lot gang violence as a kid. Having said that Freddy got fingered the movie is probably the worst thing ive ever seen in my life.


A guy taking his life by throwing himself under a passing train, right in front of me. I will never forget the sound it made.


A baby choke and die on a bit chunk of potato


I was going to say that one time when contractors were working on the high pressure air system on our sub. He didn't secure and tag out the air before begining work and it broke free and cut his hand off across his fingers and palm. But on second thought, it was a truck accident north of Atlanta. Truck wasn't paying attention and traffic stopped. He went into the trailer of the truck in front of him at a high rate of speed. Went 10 feet into the trailer. It crushed his engine into his lap. He fell out of the truck screaming leaving his intestines behind as he fell.


I grew up in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn in the 80’s and 90’s. Seen quite a few dead mobsters. The most disturbing one was the two sitting in a car with it still running. They had been strangled and man it was not a pretty sight. I was 12 at the time and I can still remember the way their eyes were bulging out of their faces.


Daamn. I never thought about the brutal sights people must have encountered when the mob was still a big force running major cities.


Body of a jumper lying in the middle of the street as I was walking to my parking garage after work. She had only been there a few minutes and the cops had just arrived. Wearing nice black dress pants and a white, silky looking blouse, like she had just left the office too. She fell about 15 stories and her body was just, twisted. Blood all around her head and dark hair, and her brain about 10 ft away in the gutter.


When we was playing rugby this dude broke his ankle his leg turned the otherside


Roughly the same except the guys ankle opened on the side. Flat foot, leg straight with the floor 🤮


My sister passed away in the hospital after 2.5w of life support. Her face was contorted like the ones in The Ring, but not as extreme. She also had the "death rattle" in her chest. I'll never forget that sound or her face.


My mom cheating on my dad. Walked in on them when I was 5 to 10 years old and found her in bed with another guy


When I lived in Tampico/Mexico around 2011/2012 there was a gang war in Mexico with cartels, anyways we were in a bus going downtown. On the way there we were passing a bridge from a far you can see a banner n something red dripping around. As we get close and approach it my mom tells me to close my eyes and look away. I didn't listen me at 12 staring at atleste 8 severed human heads display in an orderly fashion. The red substance dripping was the blood from the severed heads. I wish I would have listened I still see these heads at 28. I remember later that night we see it in the news.


As a doctor, maggots on patients. Multiple times.


Yes! We have seen maggots, flies, and all kinds of bugs in skin folds of very overweight individuals


A hit and run in iran, woman flew like 15 feet in the air and landed on the sidewalk. The perpetrator ran away while the woman bled. I'm not sure if she made it


My father’s ass, after he had died.


That's enough reddit for today


A dead body of my classmate after an accident. The whole funeral watching her parents, brother friends it was my first time experiencing death of someone close. Traumatizing


Watched someone get punched in the face with so much force, it broke the person's neck. Literal feet away. Super traumatic for an 11 year old


A really bad car accident- one flipped on its back and skidded down an entire block. Gave CPR to the 11 yr old boy who very much seemed dead while his aunt cried "my baby my baby"




For some reason, this hit le harder than all the others. 😪


A coyote eating a calf while it was still partially inside its mom, who was birthing it. It was pretty rough, I lost any sympathy for coyotes I had right then, vicious creatures.


Welcome to Nature. It sucks! You're gonna love it


Not vicious. Just trying to survive. Nature is rough.


Animals are often vicious while trying to survive.


Not vicious. It’s unfortunate and sad, but it’s nature. Animals kill to survive.


twitter recommendation which was a photo of 2 dead kids buried under rubble i think this was from Ukraine bombings.


A dead body of a man which was mauled using an iron bar. Face was barely reconizable. Pieces of flesh remained in the iron bar.


A driver at a stunt show got decapitated as he drove through a bus. The wife's scream from across the track gave me chills.


I found my grandpa dead in his bed when I was 14. He had been dead for 2 days. That smell stays with you for life (or at least it has for me).


I lived in Ukraine and when I was a kid during my school period I remember the day, when I was going back home by foot (we live in suburbs) I looked to the right and there was a man standing in the bushes jerking off looking at me that was quite disturbing experience 🥲


Rejection in the place where u qualify but you get rejected bcz of caste......


i saw animal abuse. same dude was also pretending like his dog was missing and putting up pictures with “”missing dog”” , needless to say the most piece of shit dude i’ve ever seen in my life


when I was 6/7/8, my mom and I went down the baking aisle at Walmart and this 3/4 year old girl was standing in the basket of the grocery cart towards the end side of the basket. the mom rounded the corner and stopped causing the little girl to fall out of the basket head first onto the concrete floor and she let out a piercing wail. I remember her head being sharply turned while on the floo. it’s been nearly three decades since and I still picture her falling out of the basket and the way she landed on the floor, and can hear the wail she let out in pai. I still turn away when I see a child standing up in the basket near the side because I don’t want to witness another child fallin.


Oprah eating a whole chicken with her bare hands.


A guy get shot in Bangkok


ig thats one night in bangkok, i hope he didn't play chess


Man had a heart attack and what such a dark shade of purple/blue


i’ve said hello to a usual customer, and she died sitting outside minutes later.


I walked by my parents bedroom and saw my dad with his hand between my mothers legs.


I saw someone steal a baby out of a carriage and run off into a swamp. I was like 15, and it was so unreal I froze. Never heard anything about it later, so I guess it was a domestic dispute? I really have no idea.


Saw a dude faint and smack his head on the concrete. It wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been, but I really can't unhear that impact sound.


I was 9 years old. The neighborhood I grew up in was a demilitarize zone, the time frame was 1988. Two brothers across the street fighting over a girl. One of the brothers goes and gets a sawed off double barrel side by side shotgun from inside the house. Proceeded to blow his brother in half because he slept with his girlfriend. I'm almost 45 now and I can remember it like it was yesterday. Most people think the stuff they show in movies isn't real. That evening you could see the sidewalk through his chest as he laid there. Just a few chunks holding him together. Honorable mention. Dodging bullets in a drive-by shooting. Luckily they were bad shots. I was just a kid walking home from school. (That was the first one. There were others.)


I’m disturbed by the mean, selfish things people do to one another. Why you gotta be like that??


There were these two kids speeding up and down the road leading up to my high school on a four wheeler. There is a guy that owns a house below it and chains off his driveway at the entrance. It begins at the top of a steep hill and the two goofs decided they wanted to try and jump the chain. They landed right in front of it and i watched as it beheaded one of them. They were siblings.


Homeless guy was playing guitar outside of a movie theater. I sat and listened waiting for my friend to arrive. Last train of the night he walked onto the tracks with his belonging and guitar in hand and disappeared. Saw a severed leg and mess underneath the train. Turned into an expensive Uber home.


A leg wound covered in maggots. Guy figured that’s when he should come in for treatment


When I turned 18 years old my friends and I went on a bus trip to Atlantic City for the day. As our bus was passing through to the exit, in New Jersey there had been a bad car accident and the police hadn’t arrived yet and the driver of the corvette was decapitated and we saw his head unattached to his body. It was one of the most frightening moments that I ever had. And I pray that I don’t ever see anything like that again.


Did you scream?


Yes many of us were screaming and praying for the soul that was killed. We also saw the other car which had bodies lying around in side the car. They weren’t moving or making a sound that we could hear. To date I hope never to see anything like that again in my lifetime!!


I was in a car accident where we hit two trees and rolled into a luckily dry creek bed. When I came to I saw the drivers face while everyone else in the truck was struggling to get out, they all remember me saying you don't touch the body over and over until the ambulance came. It was a terrible accident l and the other 3 are very lucky to still be alive.


I saw a guy who had just been shot in the head and back. Somehow, he was still alive and walking around apologizing for waking everyone up. It was about 3:00am and the apartment building fire alarm went off. From what we could piece together, he escaped some sort of robbery attempt and pulled the fire alarm to get help. It was not the nicest apartment building and this guy drove an $85k car in the mid 90s. He may have been doing business with some sketchy folks. I never saw him after that night(morning) but his car returned a few months later so maybe he pulled through.


my cousin forced 8 year old me to stay sat while he took his own life. that image forever will haunt me


Wtf!?!! I have no idea how anyone can overcome that......


Dead kids, burned bodies, smashed bones, exploded brains, rotten corpses, people saying goodbye to loved ones for the last time. That about covers it.


Saw some people burning alive in a car last year, looks like they were speeding and drifted off the highway into a lightpole. Fortunately didn't see the people themselves, just the flames, but saw the news article after which said that there was a husband and wife in there and they didn't get out


Watching a patient’s body twitching uncontrollably from a severe case of parasites in the brain. As we got closer to their eyes we saw one swim across… never eating pork.


I was in the ER waiting room around the end of the covid scare era. The hospitals were still short staffed and over worked. It was standing room only, and I was standing by the front entrance waiting. A very pregnant woman and a man, I'm guessing the father, walk in and go to the counter. The pregnant woman says that she is in labor and about to have her baby. The person working at the counter brings her a wheelchair, parks her next to the counter, tells her they'll be with her shortly, and walks away. Over the next minute she is telling all of the staff she sees that she is on kid number 5. She says "this is my 5th pregnancy I know the baby is coming now." Of course the staff blow her off and just say things like, "we will be with you soon, someone is on their way." The pregnant lady has been in the wheelchair maybe a minute. 2 tops and is about 10 feet from me. She stands up from the wheelchair with her legs still between the foot rests and the seat. She is wearing a skirt and pulls her underwear down to about her shins. She then squats a little bit and the baby shoots out. It bounces off of the trampoline like underwear and then thuds on the floor. At least THEN, the nurses run over there, scoop up the baby and umbilical cord, and rush mother and baby to the back. The baby cried some on the way to the back, so at least survived the fall. I was never able to get an update later. I'm not sure too many people there saw it as they all had heads in phones, talking, or heads down in pain/sickness.


When I was in highschool I had gotten really heavy into spice/K2 (synthetic marijuana) I was hopelessly addicted and would smoke a 20g bag in just a couple days. I literally lived life high from age 15-17. One night I decided to introduce my sister to it and we were laying in bed watching South Park, I'm completely gone watching the show and I look over at my sister and she's just vibrating. I wasn't tripping, she was basically having a seizure where her gaze was locked 1,000 miles away and her whole body was shaking, not violently but noticable. I was completely freaking out because my sister was unresponsive so I ran out of the room and got my uncle (who has basically done every drug you could think of) thinking he surely would know how to solve this. I don't remember much but what I do remember is standing in the doorway and watching my sister continue to shake with my uncle and mom next to her trying to get her to come back to reality. The next thing I saw was her body go completely still, all color drain from her, and her head just slump to one side. I was in hysterics at this point and had turned to look away. I don't know if it took seconds or minutes but I just remember hearing my sister's voice screaming "WHAT THE FUCK!!! YOU KILLED ME, IM DEAD!!!" and I turn back to see her locked onto me with pure fury cussing me up one side and down the other for killing her (she literally thought she was a ghost) I felt the most relief I had ever felt in my life in that instant and didn't even care that she was screaming at me. I just hadn't killed my sister. It still took another year for me to finally drop the spice/K2 but that memory will still haunt me from time to time.


A truck transporting cattle involved in a high speed crash in a dip in the road. I had to drive a pool of blood covering the road forty yards long and 2inches deep.


A dead body in a wrecked car.


A rabid dog bite a man's foot off in one single swipe, i saw the white of his bone. i was 13 & the dog was actually coming for me when someone honked, that changed it's course & it bit the man in front of me. Another where some people were fighting on the main road, i stopped to break up the fight, the young one took out a gun & shot him in the heart. The blood sprayed out like a fountain. Turns out victim was being robbed but resisted, he died before reaching the hospital


I worked a job in high school with heavy machinery. Once we were loading a tractor onto a trailer and a guy I worked with got his arm crushed by the wheel against the side of the trailer. It was just gruesome!


Dead people in various states of decomposition.


Some unlucky guy was crushed by a train and I have seen some of his pieces


My parents having sex...


To see how badly propaganda can be and how it work with peoples


The mirror


Somebody was actually eating a pizza with pineapple




Funny enough I actually make an amazing grilled cheese sandwich


And I'll do it again!


Absolutely disgusting! 🤣


And disturbing


now you got me craving pizza 😭


Pepperoni pineapple with chili is amazing. Salty, sweet and hot.


VrChat. Was in a YouTube playing room, and somebody kept playing videos of dead people.


once saw a guy get into a huge fight, it got really violent, never forget that


Guy had a heart attack at a party. He died at the hospital


Guy get hit by a car. He flew


Found a dead woman in the bathroom at work.


A car crash where one car rolled over 3 times from the impact and the driver got out and collapsed


Several heroine overdoses. Sadly most of them didn’t survive.


Two huskies impaled with the same galvanized u-channel post, left on the side of the railroad tracks in Fairfield, CA, just south of Airbase Parkway, circa late 2003.


Shotgun to the head suicide victim, my father in law


I was walking past an apartment building in Hyde Park in Chicago. There were two tarps over something next to it and a small stream of liquid from the tarps. And police nearby. I realized it must have been dead people. Later I learned that the owners of the apartment building and his wife jumped. I guess they had not been keeping up with certain repairs and the city was going to force them to do them, and they would have gone bankrupt. So instead of dealing with that they both jumped.


Saw a guy get split in half by a bus accident in Mexico , I was only like 7 years old but still remember it clearly 


A girl tweaked out bad on meth at a public store. It was deeply disturbing and sad to see.


Head crush of a pedestrian by the bus


As an adult, seeing a friend get his ring caught whilst jumping down something and ripping his finger off. As a kid, seeing another kid get his hand caught in the chains of a moving bike and grinding up his fingers.


When I was a senior in high school, my boyfriend and I were driving past an accident. We thought it was just a normal crash until we got close. Turned out a 5 year old was rolling skating down the side walk, fell as he went over a driveway and fell under the wheels if an 18 wheeler. We saw the immediate aftermath.


No body horror, but living in a large city opened my eyes to the horror of seaguls and their profane tenancy to swallow rodents whole Before that they where amusing food thieves at the seaside