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My phone number used to belong to David Copperfield, so I get calls and texts for him all the time. Once I got to talk on the phone with Paul McCartney because of it.


Mine is just some dude named Travis from West Virginia that people hit up for meth regularly


Some old guy would call me once a week and leave me a VM yelling " CHIP CALL ME BACK GOD DAMMIT" My name is not Chip BTW


I got a VM from a pissed off guy that I absolutely did not recognize once. I was so confused and curious I tried calling them back and didn’t get an answer. He called me back though and apologized. He was trying to call his teenage son (who’s number was one off from mine). He was pissed cause the kid had stayed out entirely too late. Lol


Oh man I hope his last name isn’t McElroy


That's pretty cool. Better then the guy that had my number before and is still giving it to people who keep asking for him.


No way. Nope. This is the one for me


I'm weirdly more fascinated that Paul McCartney would be calling David Copperfield? Like...what would they have in common?


Working adjacent to famous people, you’d be surprised at how many famous people who don’t have much in common are actually good pals. The circles of actual successful entertainers is small. As reality stars get more famous, the circles get even smaller. So it’s not uncommon for Uber successful entertainers to randomly call each other to shoot the shit, catch up on the latest gossip, talk about their golf game, and invite you to dinner on their mega yachts.


I feel like this is one of those “it’s a small club and we aren’t in it” type situations where like, yeah it would make total sense if Lebron James and Taylor Swift routinely text each other soup recipes or something weird like that because they are both just uber-rich and famous.


One time I saw a cat use the cross walk at an intersection. Then it waited for the light to turn before walking on the cross walk in the other direction. Crazy


I watched a koala do something similar. No lights, but stopped and looked both ways, waited for the cars to stop then crossed.


Our village had a cat that did that. Bless him he would go round to all the shops saying hi but to do that he had to cross a road. He learned where the crossing was and knew not to cross when cars were coming. He got a reputation and people photographed him doing it all the time. He had so many photos taken of him that the Christmas he died, his owners made and sold a calendar of all Bert's favourite moments. He was precious!


I want a calendar of Bert!


I guess you could consider it a “catwalk”


"Rise of the Planet of the Cats"


My mom legally changed my name when I was 5 and she let me choose it. Lol no one believes me but I remember doing it and my mom used to talk about it often.


When I was 5 I wanted to be referred to as "Jay" because I thought it was WAY cooler than my full name so one day I just wrote "Ja" one the top of my paper and my kindergarten teacher said "oh and here's your paper back, you didn't finish writing your name on it" and I said "that's what I want to be called now" and she looked back at it and goes "Jah?" And the whole class erupted with laughter. ...I didn't really want to be called Jay after that.


When my dad and his buddy were around 10 or 11 they decided that their names were stupid and they would never get any girls with the names they had, so they spent the day thinking up new names. By the time they went home that evening my dad had decided he'd go by Vince (ya know, like Vinnie), and his buddy would be Pete. They're both in their 70's now, and occasionally still talk on Facebook. And both men never went by their given names again. It feels really weird when I need to use my dad's legal name for anything. I never asked how effective the new name was for picking up chicks, but I know his legal name wouldn't have done him any favors.


Max Power? Is that you?


About 20 years ago, the local Territorial Army (ie volunteers) recruiter in my area (NW England) was a bloke who was actually named Max Power! He detested anyone making any comment on his name and was a grumpy, bitter arsehole.


Max Power, he's the man whose name you'd love to touch But you mustn't touch, his name sounds good in your ear But when you say it, you mustn't fear 'Cause his name can be said by anyone.


And to this day, no one believes Tyrannosaurus Hotdog Prime when they tell the story.


What name did you choose? I would have chosen “Pink Monster”


I remember insisting on being called Princess Leia for a day or two after Star Wars first came out, mistakes would have been made


I wonder, was it her plan all along? That the name you had was in her eyes just a placeholder, until you were old enough to choose your own? I used to think about how it would be if we were given names from our parents and when old enough to, being able to choose our own name. Then the parent chosen name would become the middle name.


Dont leave us hanging!


Stan Wolfgang is a cool name


When I (24M) was 7 my parents were housing some young film makers and they had Steve Buscemi over for dinner. Really really nice guy, just as everyone says.


This would have been around the time he was on the Sopranos. Thats crazy!


17 years ago the sopranos had already aired its last episode. Time really does fly.


THAT ANIMAL BULUNDETTO? I cant even say his name.


I had actually heard that separate from his famous career as a NYC firefighter he also made some Hollywood movies.


I have a recurring dream world I go to every time i sleep, even naps. I know where the coffee shop is, i have a cat, and i know where the restaurants are etc. What’s weird is that a few weeks ago i had trouble sleeping and couldn’t sleep for 3 nights. When i finally was able to sleep i was right back into my dream world and i said “i really missed this place” in my dream.


I also have a set dreamscape. It's a mishmash of real places but slightly twisted in the wrong locations and some entirely made up places in real locations (a park; a restaurant that sells something unspecified Asian that's really good and nicely priced; and an amazing secondhand shop). There's also an English city, a Dutch city and a Hungarian city that I sometimes visit, all with their own layout.  The latter two are connected by train.


You're living in two realities/universes and switching by sleeping


This was the premise of one of my favorite shows “Awake” but it got canceled. Dude was in a car accident with his wife and son. In one world, his wife is dead but his son survived. He goes to sleep and wakes you up in another world where his son dies and his wife survived. He doesn’t know which is real.


I loved that show! No one ever seems to remember it


From childhood, I used to have a “dream friend” who would show up all the time in my dreams. He always wore khaki pants and a white sweater with three stripes across the chest. Many times he would show up in my nightmares and save me. When I was 25, I was dancing at a club with some friends, and a guy started dancing with me. He was drunk (as was I) and he did some move with his hips that literally knocked me off my feet. When he reached down to help me back up (apologizing like crazy) I realized he was wearing khaki pants and a white sweater with three stripes across the chest. We just celebrated our 20th anniversary:D


I had a reoccurring dream every night for almost 3 years. I finally taught myself to realize it's a dream and wake myself up. It was trippy


OMG SAME I visit the same town in my dreams all the time. I’m very well acquainted with it at this point and know where everything is located.


I once guessed the answer correctly on Wheel of Fortune with no letters on the board. No witnesses though 😩😅


Imagine (as a contestant) losing your shot at the bonus round and having to watch it backstage, immediately knowing what the answer was while the bonus round contestant biffed it. I'm still not over it.


I feel this in a similar sense- I guessed the Wordle word on the first try. Out of all the five-letter English words to choose from, I guessed the correct one on the first try. No proof of it...


Wow that's impressive! I've only got as close as 2 a few times. Great job!!


I use the same word first try every day. It will eventually be *the* word and then I’ll have to choose another word.


I once pissed my father off at age 12 by correctly guessing the puzzle before he did....while I was in the other room doing dishes and couldn't see the tv. 🤣 Man was he MAD


This is a perfect story


He was a super asshole too so bonus points to me lol


Well yeah why would you get mad at your kid for doing something amazing


THATS INCREDIBLE!!! Don’t worry I believe you!!!


Did you try to use 3 q's and the batman symbol for clues?


I failed physics my last semester of my high school and my school refused to graduate me, but I was already accepted to college on an academic scholarship and they didn't care, so I just kind of moved on with my life. Then I got a full scholarship to law school. So now I have a BA and a JD, both from top-10 programs, but I still don't have a high school diploma and still don't know physics 😂 🤷🏽‍♂️ 


That’s actually hilarious. I wonder if your high school is pissed.


I jumped out from a moving bus to escape kidnapping.


Did it work?


Nah, dude is working the mines as we speak


Good wifi tho


Turns out the cuffs weren't for a kidnapping. He was being arrested.


Fucking lol


Could you elaborate Jesus 


I think his name is Mike


I have a mostly invisible and thankfully mild form of cerebral palsy called flaccid hemiparesis. The right side of my body is significantly weaker than my left. Thanks to early intervention with physical therapy, I learned to walk and run with (mostly) no problems. Other fine and gross motor skills (swimming, athletics, throwing a ball, pretty much any task that requires fine motion with my right side) is extremely difficult for me, but to most people who aren't familiar or not examining me trying to find it, it's almost completely invisible. It's a weird thing to go through life technically having an invisible disability, because my range of motion is extremely limited, but no one takes it seriously, and it feels dishonest to claim disability and deprive people who need more resources available when accessibility services are already paltry and the needs of disabled persons in the US go so deeply ignored. I can basically begin to do activities, but will never be able to do them well. I cannot swim properly because I cannot adequately coordinate motion between right and left. My girlfriend is a swim instructor and has been patient in trying to teach me, but can see that I struggle to even move in the water. I play soccer and people get angry when I cannot use my right side at all. Musical instruments are extremely difficult for me because I cannot move individual fingers on my right hand. Idk why I'm even writing this I just need to vent because it's a weird lonely thing. I'm not impaired in my daily life in any substantial way, I just can't be good at physical activities and my range of motion is extremely limited lol, and my punishment is that no one will ever take it seriously when I express that.


Same!! I’m not sure if you’ve seen Special on Netflix but the main character summed it up perfectly when he said something along the lines of “I’m not disabled enough to fit in with disabled people and not able-bodied enough to fit in with able-bodied people.” I struggle a lot with feeling immense guilt that 1. my case is so mild compared to most with CP and 2. that I do often struggle with my condition when my struggles are so small compared to most cases. It’s such a tricky spot to be in.


My aunt has this. We always said if you're going to be a smart ass, stand on her left side so she can't swat you as hard 😆


I caught 2 flys flying in front of me at the same time with a single swipe of my hands.


Do you think you could kill seven at one blow?


For 8 years I made 500k or more a year. The last year was 2015… developed a drug problem… moved left the money and now I live okay, but seriously wish I could have controlled myself and was still making that kinda money.


What were you doing for work?


Grew and sold weed (legally) and was good. I loved it. I’m not really a smoker or anything but I loved growing.


I would say do it again but as a former drug addict its tough to be around and not get back into it.


100% other drugs. But they were more freely available in that environment. Also harder market to get into now. Also, in the wrong state for that now. When I weigh the pros and cons leaving was absolutely best, but idk just wish I would have been stronger.


You were strong enough to know when you needed to leave. That's stronger than most.


You made the right call. Clearly. Consider how many make that money (somewhat more) legally and end up worse than you. It's most, I'd wager.


I once avoided getting struck by lightning while walking back from fishing alone in the high Uinta mountains. A thunderstorm was moving in and my fishing rod started shocking me like crazy while I was crossing the earthen dam at the reservoir, a very exposed location. I threw it to the ground and scrambled down the side of the dam as fast as possible. I pressed myself to the ground for around a minute. Once my hair stopped standing on end, I grabbed the rod and sprinted back to my campsite. It's been almost exactly two decades and I still avoid being outside in exposed areas during storms.


I know someone who got killed by lightning. My mom said he told her about a dream he had the week before, in the very place he died. Crazy things happen.


What a shocking story




ever get stuck half asleep half awake and you can hear yourself snoring


Along the same vein, has your own snoring ever woke you up?


Had that happen a few times, it's freaky


This would mean that you are mostly lucid while dreaming yes? Because in 'normal' dreaming, you have no idea that you are dreaming. Sometimes I become aware that im dreaming and at that point can wake myself up too:) usually I dont want to though, because being in control of dreams can be quite fun. Issue is I get excited and end up waking up anyway


Fairly recently, I was attacked by a mountain lion. I thought to myself “I’m dead unless this is a dream, so I’d better wake up” and so I did.


Man the concept of dreaming itself is quite interesting


Me too! If I’m having a nightmare I can sense it. I can tell myself “no way this is real. this has got to be a dream.” and then force myself to wake up. I have woken up from sleep paralysis so many times and nightmares. Sometimes in the middle of the dream I start recognizing that I’m dreaming. And then I get so excited because I can now do weird shit like replace the person in the dream with my current celebrity crush and hang out with them while continuing to dream.


Same. I can also wake up and deliberately go back to sleep and go back into the same dream if I want to, to see how it ends, like a movie. I can tell my dream to do something different, like change a scary aspect or give myself an ability, and fall back asleep into that same dream with those modifications. I've been able to do this since I was very young. Just a few weeks ago my mom was recalling how she used to wake me up for school and I would beg her for a few more minutes so I could "finish my dream."


If I know I'm dreaming, I can wake myself up by opening my eyes in the dream. Or I can squeeze my eyes shut and then relax them; I'm in another dream, as if I changed the channel. (Too often I mix them up.) You?


Oo interesting! I can’t do that, but if I wake up in the middle of a dream and I want to manipulate the ending, I can fall back asleep and go back into my dream and keep the plot going!


I technically helped save a guy’s life by having the worst diarrhea ever. It was hunched-over-a-toilet-bowl-clutching-my-stomach-and-trying-to-read-the-ethnic-slurs-written-on-the-stall-door-to-distract-myself-from-the-pain bad. Ended up pushing our ETA back by 30 mins (I think I was 13 at the time) and my family was pissed. On the drive back, one guy was on the road behind us driving erratically. He ended up confronting us on an off ramp and we were able to call an ambulance. He was a diabetic, and he couldn’t focus on the road so he tailed us until we stopped. If we hadn’t been there at that time, he could have been dead today.


That‘s great, sometimes diarrhea has it’s benefits. When I was in London on a school trip I suddenly got a really bad feeling in my stomach and ran to a McDonald’s. On the way back I randomly met the members of my dad’s favorite band standing around and got a photo with them. Would’ve missed this fun surprise if it wasn’t for copious amounts of Starbucks chocolate drinks


As a fellow grammar nerd, I admire your commitment to hyphens in that second sentence. Cheers Edit: Good job saving someone's life and I hope you're feeling better.


I was born deaf, stay that way till i 5 got hit by a car hit my head on a gas pump when woke up I could hear.


That reminds me of a weird thing my kid did. When he was 5 or 6 he starting telling me about the first time he could see. I'm like, what? He has a specific memory of something he was doing when he was about 3 years old, that he insisted was the first time he could see anything. He literally thought he was blind until he was three. As his mom, I can assure you he was never blind. I think that in his child's mind, not having any memories before that moment equalled being blind. He's twelve now and has no memory of the time it took us a week to convince him that memories and sight are different things.


Your parents just forgot to remove the earplugs you were born with, the accident knocked them out


That's amazing! Did they figure out how this could happen?


I honestly don't remember it been 37 years and I have vague memories of it.


People who are born deaf have sensorineural hearing loss, which is a malfunctioning cochlea. The cochlea is filled with hair cells that, when they vibrate, send the message through to the 8th cranial nerve that carries the sound to your brain. No amount of head trauma will fix that. A sensorineural hearing loss also causes distortion in sounds. So when you gear a person with hearing loss speak, that's what they hear. However, a conductive hearing loss is caused by issues with the outer or middle ear. It can be a blockage in the ear canal (wax plug, or if you were my kid, a pebble...for MONTHS), or middle ear fluid. Little kids and babies have ear infections like crazy because their short necks don't allow for the eustacian tube (the thing that opens when you yawn or swallow) to straighten out and clear the fluid. My bet is that you were never completely deaf (probably passed your newborn hearing screening?), but likely had middle ear issues. When you hit your head, it could have ruptured your ear drums or hit your eustacian tube in a way that the fluid drained. Kids have tubes places for that reason. Middle ear fluid can cause a significant hearing loss. It would have sounded like you were underwater. Anyway, my bet is you had a conductive hearing loss and the impact cleared whatever was disrupting your middle ear.


that mustve been jarring 😭


When I was in primary school it was recess time and I was not paying attention as a soccer ball came flying down fast and hit me directly in the ear. It hit so hard it actually damaged my ear cartilage so badly. So now I have an elf ear lol. I've told multiple people that and for whatever reason they don't believe me.


That's pretty believable.  A lot of people damage their ears from things like judo or boxing, changing the shape to what's called a "cauliflower ear".  


Right? Idk why people would think it's made up, especially as a growing child too.


When my twin and I were younger, we would both have a nose bleed at the same time. We could be at different locations doing different things but if one of us made ourselves get a nose bleed, the other would also get one.


Sounds like the beginning of a horror movie


I saw a meteor falling and it was burning and I could see it really close and it was huge


One time when I was smoking in my backyard I randomly started staring at this specific star, and after a few minutes it randomly started getting bigger and almost like it was coming towards me until it was like 20x the original size, it was massive, then it randomly zoomed across the sky and was gone before my eyes could realize what happened


I really like smelling flowers. I always have to get a wiff of some roses and tulips when I'm at the grocery store. When I loved alone, id buy myself flowers because they look and smell nice. It's unexpected because I'm a big bearded man who never talks about flowers and acts like I have no idea what baby's breath or begonias are.


This guy at the church my dad pastored tried to get handsy with me in a basement Sunday School classroom when I was 7 years old.


I believe you and I’m sorry you experienced this. You deserved to be protected.


Same. I was 5. I’m sorry it happened to you too.


I don't have any trouble believing you. Unfortunately in the past there was a hell of a lot of that in churches, schools, you name it.


I believe you and I'm sorry


My grandfather is on a $2 bill. He taught people how to survive on land during the artic relocation. Those 4 men are called the human flag poles.


What currency?




I've played lead guitar in bands for more than 20 years off and on. I work in a very corporate role and they always ask me questions if I mention it like they're trying to catch me in a lie.


Lewd guitar? Like your genitals are out while you play or what?


Using your flaps instead of your palm to mute is a great technique.


5 hours have passed with no edit, maybe it was lewd?!


It's the only way they can do the Eddie Van Halen tapping technique


James Williamson from the Stooges had this happen. He worked in a totally corporate job after he got out of music and would run into people who didn’t believe him when he told them. Roky Erikson from the 13th Floor Elevators was admitted to the Psych Ward and would tell the Doctors and staff he was a well known musician and his chart was filled with sarcastic comments about he was delusional. My gf at the time worked at this hospital and would sneak into his ward to read the comments in his chart.


The bass player and main songwriter of one of my favourite punk bands from the 90s is now the Head of Sales at one of the software vendors I work with. I’m not above quoting his songs back to him.


I often see colours when I hear sounds. Usually blues if it’s a sudden unexpected sound, reds when it’s a deep sound.




Yep! For the longest time I just thought my senses were messed up. When I was a teenager I went through this weird phase for about a year where the smell of food cooking made me want to throw up. My mum kept accusing me of hiding an eating disorder and was offended when I could barley eat her cooking. She wouldn’t listen when I tried to explain it. Walking past Subway and smelling that bread cooking was the worst!


I have ADD, and my mother thought I was a willful and obstinate child who didn't need special tutors but a good spanking once in a while to set me straight BUT She reluctantly agreed to a "reading tutor" because she felt that as a 8 year old (3rd grade) i should be able to read a childs book already...so she allowed the parochial school to put me in an a special one hour "tutoring program" during English class. There were eight students in the tutoring program for an hour, but me and another student got extra time with teacher so it was definitely more than an hour. I was well into my 50's that my mother told me, "I was talking to \[cousin\] about you and all the difficulties you had in school and she said the oddest thing to me...she said it sounded like you have ADD and she is amazed you got as far as you did in school without help. I told her you don't have any of that ADD nonsense, but she began to list things that were just, it was you, she described you like she lived at our house. So now I believe you really do have ADD, and I want to know: how did you get through college with ADD?" Years of special tutoring and counseling, mother. edit: reading the reply's it seems we all had the same mother. heh. Just to clarify I loved my mother, and to say my relationship with her was complicated would be understatement.




I am 53 and have never dated or been kissed.


Well, do you want to be?


10yrs younger but same.


Same. Personally I just have a low tolerance for other people in my space.


That I'm an introvert. I'm wildly friendly, easily outgoing, and sincerely so. But I'm not super social. I need my alone time, and a lot of it. I think there's the perpetual idea that introversion=shyness and vice versa.


Know that feeling. I'm an introvert and also shy as fuck. Nowadays, I'm friendly and easy going, do not have any trouble talking to people, etc.  But that's the thing, those are skills I learned. With a lot of struggle. A lot. And I need my alone time to recharge. My social energy goes out way quicker than most people. 


People never believe me when I say I’m an introvert. Just because I’m really good in social situations doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t rather be at home reading.


Or that it takes a lot out of me.


I’m super quiet in most situations, so people are always surprised to find that I’m competitive, a little extroverted, and have done some wild things in my 20s. They just assume you’re boring because you’re quiet.


I am usually considered quiet. The thing is, I had bad impulse control in my early life, and I would say and do stupid things or offensive things. I literally had to learn to shut up.


Some of my expertise at work is informed speculation rather than actual knowledge.


I was walking through the countryside and I saw a big sheep at a cattle grid and it looked me in the eye then commando rolled over the cattle grid to the other side. It then got up looked at me again as if to say no one will believe you” and that’s exactly the case.  I don’t trust sheep now they are suspicious. 


That I’ve been homeless, lived on the street, in a car, you name it. I’m now a dentist. Statistically I wasn’t supposed to make it, but hard times create strong people. I credit my mother, may she rest in peace, for being my mom and my dad.


Happy Father's Day to your Mom!


I can stop hiccupping by force of will


I just repeat “I am not a fish” a couple times and it stops.


Ummmm trying this next time 


My daughters, now in their 40s, think I’m lying when I tell them they loved Lima beans as toddlers and would scarf them up. Other people side with them.


My daughter loved broccoli when she was a toddler. If anyone had any leftover on their plates she would ask for it. She doesn’t believe me now.


I can twist my leg around 180 degress so my toes point behind me


Ok, but could you not though?


Do you have EDS or HSD?


I met Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez (while they were still dating) backstage at one of her concerts, because I was friends with the opening act. I went back to talk to her, which was a very cool experience, and they just walked up to us and started chatting. They were both super nice and it was a pretty great moment as they were both at the height of their fame at the time. But for some reason people think I'm making it up even though I have pictures of myself with my friend from that night lol


I finally potty trained my youngest child by giving him written instructions. Autism is weird.


My grandmother was good friend of former Pope (Jan Paul II).


I can believe this as he was a university teacher at one point and a lot of people knew him from that period. Compared to most modern popes he had a fairly extensive experience outside the Church, including Second World War experiences.


I’m Unbreakable. I think. I have never been sick from major or minor issues. No colds, flu,stomach bugs, hospital visits. You name it. I have no idea what heartburn is. Im in my 50s and so far not one trace of baldness or thinning hair. My resting heart rate is just above 50. I got hit by a car when I was a kid. Got hit, car then ran over my foot. Woman freaked out and BACKED OVER my foot. No broken bones. I slipped on wet steps. Maybe a set of 10 or so. (yeah, I was running…). Went flying. Got some cool bruises. Never got hurt playing sports. I was in a mosh pit in the 90s and smashed heads with someone. He got knocked out. I went ouch. Was mountain biking and at the bottom of a very steep hill after useless braking on a wet trail, I flew over my handlebars and hit a tree. I broke the tree (ok, it was long dead) and then dusted myself off. My wife had Covid three times. I never got it. During that time, I had a second job working night shift at a warehouse. People getting covid all around me. I never got it. Got tested more than I could count. I have tons of these incidences. But really, I can’t remember the last time I was sick. I do have a weakness. Chocolate. It’s serious. Keep it away from me. Edit: I did grab a pan handle from a pan that had been in a 400 degree oven for an hour and burned my hand. Put some cream on it and bandages and was all good after a while. Edit 2: i touched a live wire in an office building years ago and got the juice real good. Blew half my fingernail off but that was it. The “shock” of it was worse than the electrical shock. Now this is turning into a Final Destination thing…


I guess chocolate makes you unbreakable!


I had a house with an indoor pool at age 25. Made 15k on the weekends playing blackjack in Vegas. I was retired at 26, and then homeless and bankrupt from divorce at 28.


How did you recover?


I wanna hear this story too!


I've had dreams about stuff that happens later. Deja Vu i think. No idea how tf that works. Edit: To give a bit more context, recently i had a dream that had me walking in a mall near my house, and i bumped into a bald guy in a leather jacket. Around 3 weeks later a friend and i were at that mall and that exact guy bumped into me, at the same spot. Kinda freaks me out.


Not to freak you out but I had the same thing and I got diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy. You should talk with your doctor about this


So many things like this are symptoms of real issues people should be aware of, and they just.. don't know.


The phenomenon you’re experiencing is called Déjà Rêvé it means “already dreamed. Déjà vu is when you feel like you’ve experienced that moment before. I deal with Déjà Rêvé quite often. It can be pretty trippy.


Me too! And yet as soon as I remember that I’ve dreamt about it, I can’t remember what happens next.


ive had 23 surgeries, will be 24 in fall in top of a fucking laundry list of bullshit. i also survived a 1 in 1.75 million chance cancer last year.. all of this at the age of 16 or earlier. yea i think thats enough said :P


I am in constant pain :)


Heyo for invisible chronic illnesses! I have two and every one thinks I'm exaggerating for attention.


I was involved in a sporting-type accident. I broke my nose. After the bruising and swelling went down, it became clear that the break had significantly improved the look of my nose. Everyone, including family, thinks I had a nose job and that I invented the accident as a cover story.


I could read the Washington Post when I was under two years old. I was what is called a “spontaneous reader.” My family evidently kept wondering why I would pick up the newspaper and stare at it as a tiny child. That is, until I asked my mom what the word “gubernatorial“ was, because I couldn’t read it. She asked me why I was asking her that particular word, and I evidently told her that all the other words “spoke to me, but that one didn’t,” so she asked me to read her the rest of the paragraph. So I did. I thought everybody could read from the time they were able to pick up a book or newspaper. It actually made raising my son difficult, because I didn’t know how to teach him to read. I literally remember reading about the assassination of John F Kennedy in the Washington Post, and I was under two when it happened. For some reason, I remember my wanting to read, was spurred by wanting to know more about Jacqueline Kennedy, because I’m a fashionista, and she was so glamorous to me. Reading about her is some of my earliest memories of reading.


I switched my handedness from Right to Left and I am now left handed.


Do you ever think you were always naturally left handed but for some reason used your right for most tasks?


I think this is more common than people think, I have a cousin who learned to do most everything right handed because that's how we all did it in school, at home, etc... But then we would play sports and he would kick/hit the ball harder with his left foot... His parents then told him to do everything left handed & it all came slightly easier for him


I did something similar. I'm not 100% left handed now but are almost 50/50 with both hands. I forced myself to use my left hand after it was stuck in a cast for 12 weeks and I wanted my mobility back.


I am a Guinness book of world record holder for most costumed people on a roller coaster. We were dressed like zombies, took place at Dorney Park.


I got slimed in Nickelodeon studios in Orlando but it wasn't on TV because it was the week they were filming in the Bahamas.


A student teacher at my grade school I went to was sexually abusing me from ages 7-10, and nobody believed me when I tried saying something. I tried to tell my therapist when I was eleven and she convinced my parents I was a liar because the student teacher in question was one of her relatives. That I'm an alcoholic. "You look too put together". It's been eleven years and I'm only piecing my life together *now*.


Not about me, but when she was in her early 20's, my mom lived in the US. She was a waitress for private parties and such, mostly for rich people. At some point, she got invited to a garden party. She was bored and decided to join the lonely guy who was grilling sausages on the BBQ. They chatted and laughed and then served the sausages. The other guest where in awe, they went to my mom and asked her if she knew who she was cooking with. My mom responded "Yeah, it's George, Nice guy". It was in fact George Lucas, my mom grilled sausages with George Lucas


I have a photographic memory. I can remember details from books, conversations, and even specific dates without taking notes)


I have two uncles on both sides of my family that have the same name in the same order of birth, one uncle on each side is married to a woman with the same name.


I was in the emergency exit row of a plane the day the plane landed on the runway and the pilot called evacuate evacuate evacuate. Pulled the door into the cabin, threw it out on the wing, and jumped off the wing and everyone else followed.


Why? What happened after?


Also, my brother and I have no problem believing the house we both grew up in for nearly 20 years of our lives respectively was haunted by a malevolent spirit for several years that seemed to only want to get OUR attention as all the weird and unexplainable crazy shit only ever happened to myself and my brother and not our parents. Even if they were home we would say that something crazy happened and they wouldn't believe us and tell us to stop making stuff up. Both of our parents and gone now and we still talk about how creepy and uneasy we felt in that house whenever our parents were gone and neither one of us ever wanted to leave the other in the house alone and how crazy we both thought it was that if anything wild ever happened to him or me, days later something equally wild and unexplainable would happen to the other. After almost 10 years of this sort of thing happening all the time my mom started believing us about it and eventually when we were both in our late teens she had someone come and bless every corner of the house because, crazy shit started happening to her too but nothing ever happened to my dad. He didn't not believe us though. He just found it as bizarre as we did that none of the crazy stuff that happened ever happened to him. The crazier part? My dad was a relatively healthy man with only mild health concerns but, when he was 54 years old he died unexpectedly in that house from a massive heart attack. My mom said he was walking around the house talking incoherently and not making any sense. Kept saying he was too hot, then too cold. Was walking around complaining every bone in his body hurt and when he fell asleep he fell asleep next to her with a cold pack on his chest because, he said he felt too hot. She woke up later and fell asleep in the other room and when she woke up she went to go check on him and he was cold. He had died 4 hours before she woke up. She woke up at 3 in the morning from what she thought was her mothers voice nagging her and yelling at her (Who had been dead for several years) telling her to go check on my dad and when she woke up she scared herself because she said "Okay, mom! I'm going!" Still to this day childhood friends who stayed the night at our house don't believe us because whenever they stayed the night, nothing happened.


This thread is so wild. Thank you for the entertainment. My life isn’t nearly as interesting as all of yours


I’m a truck driver in Tennessee who creates abstract contemporary fine art paintings and sells them online. Most of my customers are in NYC or California. 


I'm a tad over 8 feet tall. The only ones who don't believe this are those who haven't met me in person.


I have full control of my penis. I can get fully erect dick in less than 5 seconds, I can maintain an erection post orgasm, and I don't get that ticklish feeling other guys talk about so I can keep going through an orgasm and beyond. I literally have full control of my dick.


Dennis Reynolds?


I was on an escalator and it collapsed into itself two steps away from where an old lady and I were standing and I carried her away as the hole collapsed toward us to where we previously were. If we didnt escape we would have been fallen into the gears or fallen 3 stories (terrible Malaysian mall design). No one believes me tho lol so no hero points for me ☠️


That my parents became undercover police informants and were given an award by the city in a secret ceremony for bringing down a gang and lowering crime rates in the city. They did this in two different cities in the country. I don't even bother telling people this story because it sounds like BS re. bigging up your perants but it's completely true. The stories are like something from a Neflix series...


Starting at 17, I began working at a 24 hour fitness. I became a general manager of my own club by 19. By my 21st birthday I began working as a director making 150k with a company car and my high school diploma. I saved up money to get an education and I now make 90 k per year however way more stable


I saved a stalion who was choking on an apple by shoving my whole arm ( hand to the shoulder ) down his throat.


I had a neighbor (Tom) who used to BS about everything. It was exhausting. All kinds of suspicious celebrity encounter stories. One day I met his brother (Jim). Jim and I hit it off so eventually I said “your brother (my neighbor Tom) is a real character, eh?” “Oh yeah, Tom is full of shit 24/7 hahaha” So we talked about his greatest hits, his favorite tall tales about hanging with various celebs. Me: he likes to talk about how he knew Madonna before she was famous. Jim: haha nope. That one is real. She lived in his building in NYC. I met her too. They used to hang on the stoop sometimes and she would talk about taking over the world. She was really focused on rehearsing and getting famous.


That I am athletic and was a pro athlete. I was a professional athlete for 6 years. Specifically track. I am well under 6 foot tall, very skinny, late 30's, balding white guy, bad eyesight, love anime and DND. I dress like a nerd to boot. Everyone assumes I don't do any sports or am athletic. But I also run a 4.40 40-yard dash, a 4 minute 20 second mile, just under 300 bench (about double my body weight), well over 300 pound squat, and am very agile (I can do standing backflips, dive rolls, all those ninja things haha), had D1 college offers and again ran professionally. IDK what it is but my body doesn't look like the traditional athlete, I just hold my muscle different. edit: Spelling, AND I am under 6 foot tall, not 5 foot. That was a typo.


If this is true, your bench is close to the [world record](https://worldpowerlifting.com/records/mens-world-records/) for your weight…


I’m ambidextrous in the sense that I’m righty in certain things and lefty in others. I write lefty but throw righty. Kick lefty. Punch righty. The list goes on.


My brother is like this. I'm left everything and he writes left handed but kicks right footed and plays golf righty amongst a few other things. I've never accepted him as a true "lefty". But being a lefty sucks for certain things (writing on dry erase board, using certain scissors, etc.) I'd give my left arm to be ambidextrous.


My Cub Scout leader was Albert Einstein’s cousin.


I have a "phonographic" memory. I remember every bit of every song I've ever heard. I can sing melodies from songs I heard one time, years ago. I don't always remember lyrics, but I recognize all the music parts decades later, even if I heard it as background music in a store or something.


When I was about 11, me and some mates were sat outside my Nans chatting away, when a fireball suddenly appeared. No more than a 100ft off the ground, it slowly and gracefully passed over us. We were sure it was going to crash into the housing scheme, so we chased after it. The fireball just continued over the houses until we lost sight of it. This was in Middlesbrough in the early 70s.


I've predicted my grandma dying as a child. She was already in a hospice for severe cancer in her digestive tract. The night before she died I had a dream about my grandpa in a suit waiting for her in a field of flowers and her running to him (she had MS and couldn't walk anymore) and him being so happy she was finally with him. I told my parents, because I felt different than with other dreams. Like a weird "something is about to happen" feeling kept lingering. Not long after we got the call she died in the hospice.


I caught a shiny with Pokerus in Pokemon, which is a 1 in 178 million chance. It was also my first shiny after playing pokemon for over 10 years


I had a dream that my boyfriend got killed about a week before he got into a fatal accident at his work, and the day it happened I asked him to call off because I had a bad feeling. I don’t think there is anything I could have done to keep him from going in but I always still wonder.