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Just ignore them forever


Currently 18 months into this method and feeling great. I blocked her on everything, last month she contacted my aunt and asked my aunt how I am doing.


Radio silence and the pursuit of what makes you happy is the ultimate revenge. Especially when you forget everything about them and they see this manifest


"The best revenge is to live well."    - some guy


Not worst but was well deserved. My ex-husband decided he never wanted his son and refused to pay child support. He left the state and I didn't know where he was. Years later he decided to return and was living at his sister's house. A neighbor saw him and told me. I alerted Domestic Relations and they wouldn't do anything. Even though my ex owed me thousands and had bench warrants issued against him. My ex had bench warrants against him from the game warden because he poached deer. So I called the game warden and my ex was picked up the next day by the sherif's deputies. To this day my ex doesn't know it was me. That little bit of payback felt wonderful.


Don’t fuck with the game warden!!


He's the only one who helped arrest my deadbeat ex. He did what Domestic Relations wouldn't.


Around here, I'd sooner mess with the sheriff than the game wardens. They don't play.


Your ex must be a moron. If the game warden showed up at my house, I would immediately think about who hates my fuckin guts...and you should've been the first person that came to mind. Guy must be a complete idiot.


He's the kind of person who did what he wanted and never cared who he hurt. He really broke my heart because he left me when I was pregnant with his son. He was in love with another woman. If she would have been young, beautiful and had money I would have accepted it better. She was 11 years older than me, ugly and lazy. She wouldn't work whereas I always worked and supported him when he'd lose jobs. He lost out on a really great, handsome son. Thank God he looked like my side of the family.


Yeah, we all know these people. I hate them, and I think they deserve my hate. I hate people that would treat other people like that. The world is a bad place because it's full of people like your ex. Except not all of them are as dumb, and some are even highly capable.


It's fucking wild that in a so-called civilized country animals are perceived by the state as more important than a woman and her child.


I doubt it’s that simple. More likely the number of deadbeat dads is astronomically more than the number of poachers. The game warden has probably been waiting around for a chance to do something while domestic relations has a backlog of cases going back years.


Changed the Netflix password and left her ranting on read.


Out of all the posts, this one might be the best..so simple and yet so good.


An ex girlfriend I was head over heels for kept planning dates with me, only to stand me up every time and not respond for days. When I finally had enough I asked her what’s her problem and if she was on drugs. She was offended I asked and hung up. This was before text messaging was popular. The following week she mailed me photos of her having sex with another guy, bj shot, facial shot, flicking me off shot with jizz on her face, and a short mean letter. Very hurtful and disrespectful. So I used white out and blanked my name out, wrote her Dad’s name on it and sent it back. Her dad kicked her out the following week.


No fucking way, did the dad take your side did u ever speak to him


No, I didn’t really know him well and never spoke to him. Never spoke to her again either. Years later I learned she actually did have a drug problem.


Strange flex sending you shots with a fresh batch on her chops. Great revenge though 😂👍🏻


Holy shit that chick is fucked up man. To actually do this is crazy. Like fine I get take the pictures because your mad as fuck...but then to actually send them is a whole different level. Twisted.


Girl actually thought she was flexing


If this was before text message, you're telling me that she had to use actual film on her analog camera AND reveal those photos, and this shit was expensive back in the day! How petty you have to be to do this?


What she did sounds like something an immature drug addict would do


She brought a really nice bottle of wine home from Italy (not rich person nice, only like $100) that she and her best friend planned to drink together when they graduated. She kept it at my place.so her parents wouldn't find out. She broke up with me and casually let slip that she had cheated on me with her ex, her best friend, a random person in Italy and a random guy at home (U.S.). The bottle was still at my place, so I drank it, then told her I thought she had taken it when she got all her stuff. Tame compared to what other people have done to their exes, but it's still a fond memory of petty revenge.


"I fucked four dudes" "Well I *drank your fuckin' wine*"


I mean... I'm not gonna go fuck four dudes.


Yeah, go for five.


Five Guys 🤤


That drink was worth more than her! 






Probably true




Text her that you were lying about the bag 


I hope he did


That's a nice bag.


Hahaha that’s why I just buy my designer bags myself


She didn’t even bother to verify ?


I read this exact text like 2 times before on Reddit, on a similar asked question. This is a bot lol


Told his mom that he cheated. He emailed me calling me names and slurs and such and that he was right for cheating. I sent that to her as well


That last line really made it! I hope you're doing well now. Cheaters suck.


I snitched. The guy I dated in high school was a real piece of trash. (I was into the older “bad boy” vibe, and he was both.) He treated me badly (as expected) in all ways. About 8 years after I last spoke to him, I saw his picture on our county’s Facebook page; he was wanted for armed robbery and assaulting a woman, and they were trying to identify him. I called the tip line sooooo fast. When the paper reported that he’d been caught, they said they received dozens of tips naming him. I know I wasn’t the only one looking for a little payback. He’s still in prison last I checked.


Did you collect any reward $$$?


I wish! I didn’t get anything. I don’t actually remember if there was any, come to think of it!This was several years ago.


I told him if he ever cheated I would never speak to him again we were together only 5 years. I walked in our bedroom to see some dirty woman on top he seen me the colour drained from his face. I walked to the closet silently packed his stuff it was my house all the time he's tripping over trying to get dressed apologies it was a one time ment nothing speech. I just kept packing sent one message to my 6 foot 6 brother to come take out the trash. He started screaming at me talk to me all while crying. I just calmly carried on till my brother walked in the door I never spoke one word to him ever since and some friends said I was awful to him and mean glad to say I did the same to them. I am a kind person with a big heart but cheating is unacceptable he still tells people that me not speaking to him was the worst part.


Who the fuck thought you were in the wrong? You came home to your house and in your bed was your so of 5 years cheating on you with out a care in the world. I would have thrown his shit out the window and sent him a bill for a new bed. The only people who would defend something like that are Cheaters themselves. Good for you and hope you feel better since.


Juries in America used to consider it fair game to murder people for this. They couldn't get people to convict people who shot their partners for this exact same thing. Frankly, I understand the urge. We all might briefly get it, but I doubt I would ever act on it. However, I totally understand why someone would, and it nearly seems close to fair game in my head.


I did feel rage but I waited till he was out the door I didn't want him to see me weak and see my tears I know it sounds silly but it's just happened I broke down at the loss then I picked myself up because I know I deserve better. My uncle always told me never accept second place especially in a relationship go for gold everytime.


No you're not wrong or in the wrong. And I get what you mean and understand you. I'm sorry that happened to you. People suck. That anyone could feel sorry for the dude regardless of what you did after, is the asinine part.


They did try to justify it as a one time thing but I found prove it was for months and she was not the first. Its only when my old friend was cheated on did she realise the hurt I felt. She eventually apologised but our friendship was already over I did listen to her when she needed it but we are not close. I wish her only the best though.


This was wayyy back in high school but I dated a girl who cheated on me. After we broke up she began texting me about how she was fucking dudes left and right to make me feel insecure or something. I got tired of it, so I took a screenshot of her texts and sent it to a groupchat with her parents


What was the response? Similar story but a guy wouldn't stop pestering my then-underage friend for pics so she somehow found his parents' socials (even though it didn't have their surnames in it lol) and messaged the screenshots to them. Idk what came of it but they said he was going to be in deep shit


What’d the parents say


The only response was from her mom who said “I’m not surprised”. I couldn’t stop laughing when she said that lol


I wish I could do something similar with my ex’s parents but we have zero languages in common, and things would get lost in translation. Not worth getting a friend involved to translate because it is not worth the trouble.


Was right behind her in the line at a store and I saw her eyes go wide when she saw me so I know she recognized me. Hadn’t seen her in about 10 years and she had let herself go so I pretended I didn’t recognize her


Hahahahahaha you fucking savage mate


This is probably the harshest one on here. Excellent.


I'm pretty sure I saw an ex from HS at the zoo with her kids and husband. I was there with my wife and kids too. We ended amicably (I dumped her but as nicely as I could I was 19). I recognized her but it didn't seem worth saying anything. What's there to say? "Hey remember when we used to fuck?" Hey all you kids, before your parents met we both used to fuck each other, isn't that cool?"




Wow, that’s taking it a little too far don’t you think?


Best revenge is living a nice life


Fucking SAVAGE!




Found out he cheated on me, and he invited me over shortly after. Convinced him to let me tie him up and left him stark ass naked for his male roommates to find hours later when they returned home. I could hear him screaming my name and begging me to come back over a block away.


lmao this is nuts


This would be so much better if you threw a bunch of evidence pics around the room


A girl I was dating but wasnt super into anymore made a joke while we were out having dinner that we were breaking up. I knew she was joking but for some reason I decided this was the perfect opportunity to make it officially over...that was a mistake. Dont break up with anyone in public, it's just bad for everyone


Do tell


I stole her license plate and threw it in a river.


This is the most petty dirtball one in this thread and it make me crack up.  Bravo.


They called me a few weeks ago out of the blue wanting to rekindle our friendship because honestly they've burned through all of the shitty people on their life that is something of their support system. I honestly considered being that friend but really I just don't have the emotional resources anymore to handle it. They have a way of sapping away all my energy to handle all my own problems, and I'm just in a really bad place myself.  Basically emotionally they were drowning, but I'm still in the water trying to find a flotation device myself and I knew I couldn't save them, and would drown if I tried. Still made me feel like a shitty person though even though I know all the logical reasons to not try to reach out.


At least you know you’ve got a heart still. a lot of people lose that to shit partners. 🤝


Started dating someone new immediately after the breakup.


She came to me a few months after the fact saying that she needed a negative opinion of her for a paper, and she couldn't find one (try as she did). I spent the next few hours venting my entire hateful soul to her, everything I hated about her. She just cried and cried and cried. I don't feel bad at all, I wish I could have had another go. But you gotta let that shit go.


This is so hilarious. She literally asked you for it and you went hard. I love it.


My ex refused to give back my jeep that was in both of our names and didn’t want to get my name off of it. He said he could care less if it ruined my credit and I couldn’t go back to school because I didn’t at too much debt to my name. Found out he stopped making payments,went to his job, hired a locksmith to get into the car and reprogram a new key. But the new key wouldn’t work so before this, I made a fake pink slip that the car was only in my name and paid off. His coworker alerted him that his car door was open, and was shocked to see me. Told him that I had paid off the car and my friends boyfriend pretended to be my lawyer and said he will arrest him for a stolen vehicle . He handed the keys right over, it wasn’t till hours later he asked to see the pink slip and read it. Ended up blocking him. Next few days, sold it for 14k, paid off the car (10k) and bought myself a new laptop to enroll back in school. Almost done with my first year in my masters and he’s still walking to work.


That's fraud and you're not out of the statute of limitations yet so try not to self snitch when you have such a promising career ahead of you! But with that being said, nice job 😎


It’s not actually. With and/or titles , either party can sell the car without the other’s consent because only one signature is required. I made sure to do it all with legal because they did threaten to sue but their lawyers said they had no case because of it 🤷🏽‍♀️


an ex-girlfriend of mine asked me 'how does jason's dick taste?' while i was going down on her. i fucked her sister 3 days after breaking up with her.


How did Jason's dick taste?


I hope you let her sister know she’s the better one in bed


That’s just nasty of her. Wtf


I hope you let her know y’all was fucking


I kinda feel like almost no one would do this in a vacuum...are you saying this was 100% unprovoked? Because the fact that you could go fuck her sister 3 days later, and that her sister would fuck you kinda says a shitload about you to me.


And the sisters family…to be fair


Trash all around


That’s crazy I’d lose it


The most petty thing: had the water service turned off on a Friday afternoon after months of telling him to take the bill out of my name. We were divorced and I had moved out nearly a year prior


I made them feel guilty for the breakup even though it was my fault.


I was a dogshit human being until I got my life right around 27-28. I want to apologize to this woman so bad. When we were both freshman in college, both virgins, I started a FWB situation with a girl in my dorm. She wasn't really my type but she had huge tits and I was scared and lonely. I didn't like being seen with her and was on the hunt for someone better, but I'd bring her to my dorm and we'd fuck around. I told her repeatedly I didn't want to really be in a relationship, but we kinda became exclusive. We lost virginity to each other. Then over the summer when school was out, I found a girl I liked better and immediately entered in a relationship. When me and my FWB got went to college the next year, she rushed to see me and when she found out I was in a relationship, it shattered her. She dropped out. Vanished from all social media. I haven't heard or seen anything from her in all the years after. I'm sorry. You deserved a lot better than how I treated you.


Jesus Christ I feel so bad for her, I hope she found someone who truly love her. 


> I told her repeatedly I didn't want to really be in a relationship, but we kinda became exclusive. I mean if you didn’t really lead her on and you were clear about it, I’m not sure this is that big of an asshole move.


Criticized them harshly in front of our friends.




Are you the ex of the guy up above who peed then peed on her side and blamed her? 😵‍💫


Why are you with someone if you treat them like that


Messaged his current (at the time) girlfriend telling her that he was cheating on her. Had proof and all. He was a complete asshole to me and at the time I didn’t think he ever deserved love again so I was trying to ruin any chance. Turned out the girl didn’t care that he was cheating on her.


I found her husband’s phone number and told him about the affair. For two days, I lied about me being the one who told him. She said I ruined her life.


Do you regret it? Did you know she was married at first? Why did you do spill about the affair? Not judging, just deciding if I should do the same.


I don’t regret anything. I didn’t know she was married when I met her. I was trying to get the guy to divorce her because she wants kids but not with him.  I thought it would blow over because she moved out of his house because of me, and I assumed he was aware of the split.  Apparently, the truth is that she got an apartment but made her husband think it’s only because he’s a slob. It felt good telling him I fucked his wife.


What came immediately to mind was after we broke up, I was out eating with some friends and apparently she came into the restaurant. Made a whole presentation of trying to get my attention and I didn't even know she existed in that moment. Just completely oblivious. I think that could be one of the worst feelings is that sense of invisibility when it comes to wanting to be seen.


I told him that he actually needed to get a job in order to keep living with me. 🤯


We’d been together about 4 years and he was a constant cheater. I found out he snogged yet another girl and when I confronted him and told him it was over, he would not leave me alone. I tried to get away from him and he just would not let me be. So I punched him in the face and chipped his tooth.


My ex was a whole man child, so I decided to give him a bib and a pacifier for Valentine’s Day. I gave him some chocolate too so he wouldn’t overreact. I didn’t get to see his reaction, but my friend said it was priceless and that makes the $5 I spent 1000% worth it.


I was 17 and dumb. I totally ghosted her when I found out my friends didn’t approve of her. I regret it.


She wasn't my ex ***yet***, but we knew it was headed that way. I, at 21 years old, pissed the bed. I woke up mid piss. I rolled, pissed on her side. Then I woke her up and told her she did it. She wasn't good at waking up. Never noticed the angle couldn't possibly have been her. She spent the entire day apologizing and begging me never to tell a soul.


Your ex is in the comment section my bro : https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/0rlydPFvJY


This one is hilarious lmao


Made a lot of money and started a wonderful family without really thinking of her. Living the best life is the greatest revenge you can take.


I didn’t do anything bad to them, for the sake of the good times we had together.


I keep signing mine up to be contacted by missionaries wanting to baptize newcomers.


Treated him the way he treated me


My ex texted me after several months of no contact sniffing around and asking to get back together because he's just been dumped and said his mom died. I said I was sorry for his loss and nothing else. He kept forcing the issue and I said you can't expect me to just drop everything and get back with you after months of not speaking. He then started laying out everything he saw wrong with me and started in on demeaning me. Being purposefully nasty pushing buttons and said "oh you think I'm being disrespectful now? I'll show you what being rude really is if you want" I said you won't show me shit and while we're getting things off our chest, you're an abuser, manipulator, and scrub. I then said "Hope your mom is looking up and laughing from hell" and blocked him


I told the president of the college that she was sleeping with her advisor. She got her degree extended and he lost his job. (Not my proudest moment)


I found out she was a prostitute on Craigslist. I piled all of her shit in the middle of my living room and let my dogs piss on it.


I was a pretty idiotic person at the time... But I got her pregnant and, though I didn't really want a kid, figured well I guess this is what happens and I also didn't want to break her heart. So I went along with it and we told family and friends. Once we started doing that, however, the reality set in and I drunkenly broke it off during a fight. She got an abortion. What I feel even worse about, though, is I was just being an asshole when we were fighting/breaking up and told her I had never loved her, which was a lie. I still regret all of that. A lot.


Wowwwwww your a dick 😂


you're\* I know. Not my proudest moment. I learned at least that I have a conscience and that situation made me feel like complete dog shit.


I can feel the sadness in your words. Hope you’re doing okay now, and I hope she is, too.


Thank you. Yes it's been 6 years, we are both with people who are a better match for us who we love.


Lived a good life.


After being humiliated, lied to and treated like dirt I decided I couldn't put up with one more betrayal or hear one more lie. So for 7 years I worked on myself, worked out, got a good group of loyal female friends and poured my energy into my family. I would go out on dates but not sleep with men so when they inevitably turned out to be married/liars/ ghosters I wasn't hurt because I had done nothing wrong and they had shamed themselves. I suppose having them chase me/apologise/finally see my worth is revenge but I wasn't looking for it and didn't enjoy it. I also got a better career, fitter body and happier family. I finally did meet someone genuine who did take the time to get to know me, treated me like a human and was honest. 


If you asked my ex, everything I have ever done in my life.


I had her fall in love with who I portrayed myself to be, then who I really was ultimately left her heart broken.


I was on the receiving end of this with my ex, it still hurts months later


This hit me hard, I hate myself everyday all day for doing this to someone


I told a recent ex I wasn't running a drop in center for middle aged men with commitment issues and to lose my number. It was almost 6 months ago. He told mutual friends it still haunts him. I'm not even sorry. He really hurt me and confused my kids. Gtfo - boundaries suck


Dated them


So you’re toxic?


All our most serious conversations were done over the phone…even the breaking up part. Probably one of my biggest regrets I wish I’d handled it differently especially since we hadn’t really talked or met up in weeks beforehand.


Sort by controversial if you really want to see the worst examples


Live a better life without them


My first proper girlfriend. After 2 years together I cheated on her, gaslit her and semi-ghosted her. I was a complete dick to her and she was a great person. On the plus side, it made me take a long, hard look at myself and I’ve never treated anyone like that since.


Not *to* her technically. My ex died and I couldn't help laughing when I found out because it was just so ridiculous yet unsurprising (she fell off a cliff trying to take a selfie).


Tried to keep in contact with her, which she considered as harassment? But the whole situation was kind of weird mind games from her. I told her I will accept her decision, if she wants to separate, and she blamed me for simply accepting it, since in her eyes I should fight(?) for her. Then, after I tried to keep in contact on the most unintrusive ways I could imagine, she shifted between ignoring me, attacking me, telling me to leave her alone, and then blaming me for accepting her decision, since I should keep on fighting for her. Well, I've learnt my share and I will never engage in those mind games with a girl again.


When me and my first gf broke up we kept texting afterwards but she kept trying to make me jealous "Oh this really hot guy just sat next to me on the bus" "I like you but I also like \*\*\*\*\* and \*\*\*\*\*\* and \*\*\*\*" "I think \*\*\*\* likes me and I like him" I kept trying to kill her with kindness like "Oh cool you should go out with him" blah blah. Then she gets a new boyfriend and starts texting me like "me and \*\*\*\* just had sex" and all this. So one night I told her I still have feelings for her and told her she has to choose between me or her current boyfriend. She started having an existential crisis and was considering dumping her current boyfriend to get back with me and I was like "SIKE. I don't actually have feelings for you but I knew you'd react like that. Go and spend time with your boyfriend and stop texting me" She was devastated and her friends were pissed. We apologized to each other and made peace a few years later, she made the first move in that regard and was very cool and mature about the whole thing and we remain good friends to this day. This was almost 20 years ago (damn)


cleaned the toilet with their toothbrush


I used my exes toothbrush to scratch my asshole 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


Broke up with him...


I once lost 135 lbs, got an amazing wife and kid. She took meth. That's the worst thing I've done- live my hest fucking life.


Ex of 3 years. She left me for someone she had (at a minimum) emotionally cheated with. She came over one day to collect a box of her stuff. When she opened that box, the very first thing she saw was an old birthday card she had given me, with some note along the lines of "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."


I introduced him to a guy i knew who was mostly a jerk but had some charm. My ex then dumped me for that guy, who ended up treating my ex pretty poorly over the next few months. Oh boo hoo. Poor you!


Ghosting her , and ignoring her requests for months to regain communication with her . Still regret it


I peed in his cup of Mountain Dew and he drank it.


My boyfriend asks me to pee in his wine for funsies.


"For funsies" is a delightful way to dress up this horrifying sentence


told a mutual friend who can’t keep his mouth shut, about my ex’s bald spot