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Bridalplasty, where engaged women compete to win cosmetic surgery procedures in time for the big day. When a contestant was voted off, the presenter said something along the lines of “you will still be getting married, but you won’t be perfect” Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it


That's disgusting.


I heard this in Tyra Banks voice


With good reason. Her ANTM show was a trauma parade.


Feels like something from "Idiocracy"


Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.


I love you


Did no one learn anything from The Swan and how bad of an idea *that* show was?


I was just telling somebody about that show the other day! I had forgot about it until I saw it mentioned in a thread like this. I saw it. I know it was real!


That premise sounds like it would be a family guy cutaway than a real thing


Oh.... not very well known, but if THAT upsets you, look up The Swan. I'm pretty certain it's the one I'm thinking of and I'm not going to watch it to find out. Basically, the women get totally separated from their families (if applicable) and come back unrecognizable. I'm 99% sure. But there are so many of these, it could be something else, however Swan sticks in my mind as being awful regardless, and it's more or less what I've described even if there's another one out there that's worse. The women have to admit to being ugly hideous monsters in the beginning, by the way. Oh right, and the prize aside from the obvious free surgery and whatnot? You get to participate in a beauty pageant against the other contestants. So in the end, you objectify yourself on stage and probably end up finding out that there's still people prettier than you out there, at least according to some judges. Yay! Self esteem reset to zero, cool!


Secret Life of an American Teenager. Even 13-year-old me knew that was bad acting.




Omg stop I forgot about this line. I’m cackling


[That's the only line from the show I'll never forget ](https://youtu.be/mvSTLnYW_tQ?si=0JDTUIG_CFPz7THs)


Girl killed her dad by having amazing sex with her boyfriend.


What’s the context for this? I want to know but I want even more to not watch the show.


There’s a girl who’s super Christian and is waiting until marriage to have sex. One day she finally gives in and has sex with her boyfriend. The same night, her father dies in a plane crash. She’s convinced she killed him by having sex.


The other comment explained most of it but it’s also emphasized that she really enjoyed it and the sex was amazing and she’s convinced afterwards that this is the reason God decided to punish her by killing her dad.


I mean “God” is the writers of the show, so basically she was right.


How Shailene Woodley got another job after this, I’ll never know. That show was terrible…ashamed to say I did watch it.


How about the fact that she was engaged to Aaron Rodgers.


That's because they are both nuts. And granola but mostly nuts.


Jfc. I went through a particularly difficult time in my Army career at the same time my wife was binging this show, so it brings up some bad memories for me. The acting was hilariously bad, and I tried to zone out when she watched it in the same room as me. They always said "sex" in 2.5-ish syllables (seh-khs~seh), and it made it very difficult not to say anything about it. My wife looks back now and says, "why the fuck did I watch that show?"


This is the one. The writing was also the worst I've ever seen.


My wife and I hate watched the hell out of this show when it was on Hulu. It was a blast.


I'm putting that on my bumble "looking for someone to hate watch shitty reality shows" I'm not joking


I'll throw some extra hate at this show. They cancelled Kyle XY and gave it the worst ending I couldve possibly imagined, and they replaced the time slot with that show.


My girlfriend at the time made me watch that show. Should have broken up then, but I was a fucking moron back in those days.


I’m not sure that even amazing actors could have done anything with that writing. It was a prime example of adult writers trying too hard to sound like teenagers.


Y'all realize Milf Manor is airing on TLC?


I was a fan of the first season when it was called MILF Island and Deborah, a struggling actor from LA, won.


One of her implants exploded, but she kept going, because she's here to win.


Just because she's a stripper doesn't mean she isn't a wonderful, caring MILF.


Didn't that air after Bitch Hunter?


YES! And right before Celebrity Homonym.


And was the mid season replacement for God Cop.


Nope, it’s the other one!




Remember when The Learning Channel {TLC) was about, um learning?


Now it's The Leering Channel


Yes! And A&E was arts and entertainment and they showed symphonies and PBS type mysteries. And the history channel was actually about, you know, history 😅


This show made me so uncomfortable I had to turn it off. Like the same feeling a particularly violent scene in Oz might give you, but with zero benefit to continue watching. 🤢 Edit: to clarify, Oz could never make this list. It's gritty but phenomenal.


Yes to Oz being brilliant but damn, it's nightmare inducing.


Indeed. Milf Manor gave me that same queasy feeling. Oz is a benchmark I use for things difficult to watch.


John Oliver mentioned this show recently on Last Week Tonight and played some clips. Shit is wild and it's absolutely unhinged that its on TLC


The only reason I know about this show. Bless that man 😂


I’m watching this right now and it’s just as cringey as I expected but I can’t stop!!!


Oh really..


Incest Manor.


I don't know why I watched 3 seasons of Riverdale


Oh hey, in the last season, the gang is sent back in time to the 1950s by a space wizard. I'm not even joking.


TBF, that’s kind of in line with the comics. I mean right now they all take place in an alternate universe because a Predator killed everyone but Betty and Veronica so they used a machine to turn the Predator into an Archie look-alike to protect them while they went reality hopping to find one where the Predator *didn’t* kill everyone and once they did they got rid of the Archie Predator so they could all live there in peace. Yes, really.


You’re capitalizing “Predator.” Do you mean like… like fucking PREDATOR as in the alien from space that hunts other species for sport?






This show is almost great just because of how nonsensical and ludicrous it is. I never ended up finishing it though. My favorite part is when the leader of the organ harvesting cult tries to go to the moon in his homemade rocket (yes this actually happens).


I kind of like it as a show to completely turn my brain off to before going to bed. And I like that they don't seem to be taking themselves too seriously either. Previous show that I had that with was Pretty Little Liars, but that went from so bad it's good, to so bad it's bad.


Wasn't that season 4? Yeah, that was lame! I have a soft spot for Riverdale, I have awful taste in TV shows and movies. I also re-watch Pretty Little Liars on a regular basis, LOL


At least you KNOW you have bad taste. That’s the redeeming quality of having bad taste. My ex loved crap shows like this with zero irony, and thinking they’re the pinnacle of entertainment


The first season was pretty good with the whole mystery of how that one guy died, it certainly went downhill after that.


I FUCKIN LOVE RIVERDALE!!! My ex would turn it on as background noise for when we would "hang out" and I'd just get distracted and watch it instead. It's so fucking stupid and I love it.


The Swan - The show aimed for dramatic changes in the contestants' physical appearances by the end of the program. "The Swan" was a reality makeover show that aired in the early 2000s. It featured women undergoing extensive physical transformations, including plastic surgery, to enhance their appearance Above is a copy/paste from Google. Essentially, women that would be deemed to be "unattractive - but with potential for improvement" aka: an ugly duckling - would go on this reality show which included a weight loss program, plastic surgery, dental implants, & iirc, a lazy ass attempt at therapy from the show. They couldn't look at a mirror until the contest ended & there was a big reveal at the end where they would transform into a "swan" At the end of each season the "Swans" would compete against each other in a beauty contest That show was evil af


I watched in horror. One woman was shamed by a plastic surgeon because she wouldn't let him touch her nose. She wanted to keep the nose because her daughters had inherited it from her, and she wanted to have the same nose as them. The surgeon acted all disgusted that she turned down his magical skills. Sometimes I wonder how all those veneers survived but I don't think I want to know.


It was awful. I remember that they had two women on that were both postpartum - one blonde, one brunette. During the blonde's initial interview, before they started the process, she was describing her looks as mediocre & said that the main reason for going on the show was because she didn't feel like her husband was attracted to her. I thought to myself, "Oh, she's lovely & I'm sure that he doesn't feel that way!" ... then they interviewed him & he verified it. During the process, she kept going on about how much she missed him & I was like - why? That man is no prize! Anyways, after all was said & done, he loved the results & let her (& America) know that he was now VERY attracted to her. Iirc, she won the pageant. My heart still aches for that woman. I hope that she kicked his useless ass to the curb The brunette's story was completely different. She wanted to do this for herself 100% & while her husband was supportive of her doing this, he didn't feel that she needed to do this to improve her looks at all. He'd always felt that she is beautiful & he seemed very genuine. She had so many challenges during the process. The weight loss, the dental work - everything. I remember when her husband saw the reveal. Again he was supportive, but he basically said that he's going to have to get used to the change (he didn't seem the type to not want his wife to have a "glow-up," I genuinely felt that he loved the heck out of his wife & he didn't think that she needed to change at all) Tbh, I think that both of these women might have been experiencing PPD. I don't think that the "therapy" that they received from the show even came close to addressing that This may just be me, but did you notice that after makeovers all the women essentially looked alike? It was unsettling. I'm still pissed at my mother making my teenaged self watch that bs. Those poor women :(


There were really only two women that stood out to me in the final "pageant". There was a short blonde who seemed like a dressed up pony. And Rachel, the winner, was genetically blessed with height and looked like a Victoria's Secret model.


People forget that the show, Extreme **Home** Makeover, was a spinoff Extreme Makeover. It was the rival show to the Swan. The wholesome, "Change a families life with a new home," show has a pretty fucked up origin.




My cousin played one of the cavemen in this show


Is your cousin Nick Kroll?


No, but he worked with Nick Kroll once on a TV show based on the Geico cavemen


Did it permanently destroy his acting career?


That's debatable


The commercial reacting to it almost made it worth it, though. Might have been a Super Bowl commercial. [Turns off TV] "What was that?!" "I know, the makeup was terrible!"


Yep, this was my first thought. Everyone knew it was going to be bad before it aired. It's based off a commercial. They only aired about half of the episodes before cancelling it and it never even made it to DVD. Widely considered one of the worst TV shows of all time.


90 Day Fiance. It's terrible. The show is awful and the people on the show are even worse. Anyways my wife and I are almost done watching season 10.


It’s awful. I’ve seen every season of every spinoff and can never seem to stop watching; I take breaks from it but it always drags me back.


LOL same


Probably Manifest, because they never resolve the main plot point, and all the episodes become repetitive with the characters and the “callings”.


Yeah it's one of the few shows I didn't finish. Nothing getting resolved, characters making stupid decisions, the constant barrage of emotional responses. It had a lot of promise, but failed to deliver hard.


You truly didn't miss anything. They supposedly had a 6 season arv fully planned out, but it got canceled after season 3. Netflix brought it back for a fourth season and it was just terrible. They clearly tried to rush a lot of the plot points that would have taken the remaining 3 seasons, and all the characters become even more insufferable. If you were ever curious about finishing it, let me reassure you that you shouldn't.


The Manifest sub has a "hate watching" flair. Just saying. 😂 I found the show so perfectly mediocre. Like Mindy St Claire would have it on tv in the Medium Place.


Those first few episodes really sucked you in though.


I feel like the pitch meetings for that were basically "let's take a really cool premise and do absolutely nothing with it."


@Westworld after the first season


And you end up fast forwarding through painfully long boring conversations


I did finish it, but it kept going off on strange, illogical tangents.


I didn’t finish it but I found the acting very poor as well which turned me off


I would agree here, started watching this with my wife some time ago and it just got boring and repetitive. The concept initially was really cool, they just didn't really go beyond it.


Cop Rock. Terrible crime-drama in the style of Glee. Absolutely terrible but hilarious


Copera! Policicle


In the style of Glee? You mean it was a musical. And absolutely not awful, ambitious and hilarious.


7th heaven. Hated it even when I was a Christian preteen. I do enjoy that one guy on tiktok who does episode recaps of some of the absolute batshit nonsense that went on though


Wasn't one of the adult actors exposed as a pedophile?


Turned out to be a goddamn diddler


Yes, the dad, who was a preacher. I guess they were going for authenticity.


The dad, I believe, who I think also played Andy's (second) dad in the later seasons of The Office.


And Dennis and Dee’s real dad on Always Sunny I’m pretty sure




Christ, I tried watching this show because of Jessica Biel but holy shit it was soo boring.


It also seemed like the kids were constantly getting married or engaged.


The Lily Singh talk show.


I honestly feel bad for her after learning about the behind the scene of it. Apparently it was all scripted; they refused to let her write anything, she said she really regretted doing it. The right opinion did a really good breakdown of it on YouTube 


Selling Sunset. My wife watches it. It's a reality show about a bunch of trashy, superficial real estate agents that sell to millionaires in LA. It's all so fake and the people on the show are beyond insufferable. Even for reality TV it's bad.


“Reality TV is the perfect antidote to people who don't have enough self-centered douchebags in their life.” - Dana Gould.


Can I add Buying London. It’s probably worse than Selling Sunset. I’m like why subjecting myself to really bad reality tv.


Mulaney I mean I like John Mulaney. His writing on SNL and stand up is great and I was excited for the show. I watched it and five minutes in I knew it was an utter dogpile. He cannot act to save his damn life.


He was really good in The Bear but that was a very minor role.


The biggest mistake of that show was trying to fold his stand up into the plot. The plot itself was pretty mediocre, and I'd already heard all the best jokes.


He really tried to pull a Seinfeld


Without a Larry David, it's impossible.


"John Mulaney Presents: Everybody’s in L.A." was pretty great though.


Dance Moms. Exploiting children for a reality show... not a good look.


Oh they were exploiting children long before there was a TV show…


It's why JoJo Siwa is insane


While I loved them as a youngin back in the day when they originally aired, a recent re-watch attempt of *ALF* and *Small Wonder* made be believe I must have been on some pretty heavy drugs as a child to find them at all funny.


God, the budget for Small Wonder was a nickel, I swear.




The people who green-lighted that have probably never stopped living that down, more than 30 years later.


There was a lot of cocaine use involved in that decision I’m sure.


“I’m the…baby merchant, Tots-R-us!”


Heroes Reborn. Absolutely had no reason to be a thing, was written to appeal to nostalgia for the main series and make people think certain actors were going to appear. In reality a bulk of them had moved on and had other projects. It was dead in the water and had a plot that couldn't decide what direction it wanted to take.


It did make Henry Zebrowski some money though and I’m here for that.


Hail yourself.


Hail Gein!




The writers are profitting so hard from all the hate-watchers


I have a pet theory that it's a troll show, deliberately terrible specifically to succeed through hate-watching and social media outrage.


"But we're *meta*, now!" **Eldritch-abomination Scooby:** "...ugh."


I haven't even seen it and I could tell by looking at it that it was garbage.


Manimal. That show premiered as a 90 minute episode on a Friday night in September 1983. Aired four episodes in total before cancelation.


You shut your whore mouth! That was a masterpiece of television! Ol' boy turned into a kitten and spent 5 minutes cavorting in silk-robed cleavage. Kindergarten? 1st Grade? me decided I needed to be a Manimal.


Keeping Up With the Kardashians


I've never seen it aside from clips, but in the 90's the BBC had a sitcom called "Heil Honey, I'm Home" that only aired the pilot. (Edited the correct name in.) Because it was a sitcom about Hitler and Ava Braun living nextdoor to a couple who were Jewish. Ever since learning of it, this has been my answer to this type of question. Like seriously, who TF thought that was an idea to greenlight and approve filming?!


Have you ever seen the musical masterpiece that is “The Producers”?


There’s also Guess Who’s Back The plot is that Hitler travels through time instead of death and tries to cope in modern Berlin. 


It was a parody of bad American sitcoms. Still… not a brilliant idea.


Imagine the big bang theory but no nerds, just nazis. Not sure I can


Heil Honey I’m Home


That sounds like Family Guy cutaway gag.


Every season of Prison Break after season 2. Yeah, I kept watching, but it was crappy and I resented it.


13 Reasons Why. The first season was good but the show kept getting worse after each season. It didn’t need four seasons but it got four seasons..


A YouTube channel that I love did a watch along for the last 2 seasons. They compiled the best parts into like 8 minute videos per episode so I got a decent idea of what the show was about. I couldn't believe what I was watching and how the writers thought any of that was a good idea.


All of the shows around the Duggers. They are a toxic family full of children that were traumatized by their parent's, specifically their father's, greed and starvation for attention.


The duggers are much worse than that,. They're part of a fundamentalist cult. and the eldest son was convicted for molesting his siblings and possessing child porn that is reportedly so sadistic that even other pedos are disgusted.


Monster Hunters. The worst show about Alaska! I dare say it's worse than Alaskan Bush People, which is a close second. Mind Numbingly Bad.


You know I usually love those MonsterQuest or Mountain Monsters type shows where it’s a bunch of guys and a camera crew bumbling around the woods at night with ridiculous cutaways and what not but I just could not get down with Monster Hunters. Even by the standards of rednecks stumbling about in the woods with GoPros it was bad.


There were some abysmal sitcoms in the 80’s, like What A Dummy with a living ventriloquist dummy and the one where a cop was killed and his soul went into his dog




This is my answer only because I read and enjoyed the book a lot. The TV adaptation of Joe Hill’s *NOS4A2* was utter garbage of the highest degree. I’d have been so fucking mad if that was my novel and I saw what they did with it. Not even Zachary Quinto (one of my fav actors) could save the TV adaptation.


Mama June: From Not to Hot. Spoiler: She's still not hot and trailer trash.


Two Broke Girls. No idea how that stayed on the air for so long. 


Kat Dennings boobs


Nobody ever talks about other one that has super nice legs tho


People sleep on Beth Behrs.


It's raunchy comedy for people that don't like raunchy comedy. Just innuendos and horned up characters, just like the early 80s


That show just relied on Kat Dennings being hot and endlessly making sex jokes, that's why it stayed on the air


It's popular with women in their 20s. At least according to my ex.


Two reasons.


There's two pretty big reasons it stayed on the air


Very corny but it's a guilty pleasure of mine, also Kat Dennings


It was just yelling to me, just seemed like a loud show.


Relevant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_television_shows_notable_for_negative_reception


I'm binging all of these tonight, btw


The Idol


I mean- I put considerable time in Passions as a teen. The stupid teen love triangles, the orangutan nurse, the animated talking doll and witch.




My roommate in college used to watch The Secret Life of an American Teenager. What a pile of hot dogshit.


90 Day Fiancee. It's a slow train wreck


Inhumans. There is a lot of story behind why it got made but none of them excuse the dumpster fire of a show.


Every time I see someone dog on Inhumans I go “aw, but I liked that show :(“ only to remember a second later that no, I’m thinking of the Imperfects. Since I’ve heard nothing good about Inhumans, I’ll never watch it so I’ll probably make this mistake forever lol


That Oak Island show


My dad loves this show and my mom and I make fun of him for it every time he watches it. We just mimic the way the narrator says "goooold?" Although, those brothers are geniuses. They turned a baren island into a multi-million dollar TV show about them digging up nothing.


I was interested enough when they were trying to actually dig, once they started having conspiracy nutters on every other episode and then doing like 3 recaps a season I stopped caring. Digging up colonial era artifacts from British soldiers camping in the area was neat, going all *AlIeNs* guy about Knights Templar, or illuminati, or US presidents, or whatever typical history channel conspiracy of the week bullshit is not interesting.


Fear The Walking Dead from season 4 onward. There are two separate nuclear explosion storylines completely independent of each other.


I hated that FTWD chose to do the time jump/crossover with TWD. Wish they’d just left Fear as it’s own separate thing.


Anything about the Kardashians. What vile people. Except Kirby Jenner you all should drop whatever you're doing and watch it immediately.


Girl Meets World


I always thought Two Broke Girls and Two and a Half Men were awful. I never could get into the CBS hits.


I wasn’t able to finish either of those. I really liked Two and a Half Men until they got rid of Charlie and it went downhill faster than any show I’ve ever seen.


Metalocalypse in All the Best Ways \m/


I think about Dethklok every time I hear of a gimicky performance. Like what's the worst that can happen? The barge sink and electrocute everyone while helicopters spin out of control and Cuisinart the audience? With clowns?


I can no longer say “popsicles”, they must be “popcockles”. Thank you Toki, and your never ending bowl of horrifying candy.


Hamburger time.




Booze is food.


Hell yeah


Nah that show was 🔥


It’s needs *zazz*


We don’ts knows how to plays grandpa guitars!




Why would you have even wanted to? Before the Kartrashians, there was "Growing Up Gotti" whose popularity was puzzling to everyone except teenage girls, who ogled the sons.


13 Reasons Why was offensively bad.


My Big FAT Fabulous Life. Just gawdawful


I watched two episodes of Fire Country and couldn't believe how bad it was. From writing to acting to directing to special effects, it was all completely terrible. Utterly hackneyed plot with a brooding, troubled male hero and his family who just don't understand him, as well as an instantly set up love triangle between the hero, his ex-best friend and a cardboard cutout "overachieving, smart, super hot girl." The worst thing about it was that it was all so earnest and po-faced and completely unaware of its own ridiculousness.


In the 00s, there was a network TV show with a title like "The Secret Life of the American Teenager" that acquired something of a cult following, and parents, including one woman I knew, would host watch parties. I tried to watch an episode and didn't even make it to the first commercial. It reminded me of a newspaper story I had recently (at the time) read about a local pastor who had self-published his faith journey, and one thing he said was that when he was in undergrad, he would sometimes watch TBN while high, or sometimes while not high, and thought, "I was raised in the church, and I have never known people this weird." Another woman in our social circle, who like me didn't have kids, said that there was no way she would have allowed her kids to watch it, if she had them. I replied that it was the kind of show I would watch WITH them, and point out why it was not a good thing to act like this. A decade before that, there was a short-lived program called "Action" whose dialogue was so heavily bleeped, it made little sense. It might have made sense on, say, HBO, but it didn't belong on network TV.


Highlights include “you’re my whore” and the girl who thinks her dad died because she enjoyed sex.


Angela Anaconda. Wtf was that?