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Yep.. I would have a full time masseuse. Just ready whenever I want it


I work for a company that helps people who get certain government services. One of my clients gets like 2 massages a week for some medical reason. He canceled it since "It made him sleepy." #My guy. I would *pay* to get like 1 a month let alone 2 a week.


2/week is some baller shit, I’d love that


What condition? Asking for a friend.


Enough Schizophrenia to keep you from leading any sort of viable normal life. Wouldn't recommend.


What country is it that provides massages for Schizophrenia?


USA surprisingly. It's through a secondary company that offer a lot of options for those who have various issues keeping them from living on their own. Medicaid will expense a lot of things if given paperwork for it.


im really interested about that company for my moms neck issues. Would u mind dming me


Roses are red, violets are blue I’m schizophrenic and so am I


Good news. You can pay for that.


I wish.   My discretionary income is pretty shitty. I've already got my arms full with rent, insurance, food, medicine, etc.




>I would *pay* to get like 1 a month You... you can do that... That's a thing.


Yes, that is the whole point. They would pay for what that person gets for free, but is turning down.


I lived in China 10 years ago. Had a live in housecleaner/masseuse. Was pretty cool for the 8 months or so she was working for me.


Username... /r/nothingeverhappens


Actually, my username is related to a death of my 2.5 year old daughter from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis about a decade ago. The unthinkable really happened. Yes, the subreddit you mentioned looks interesting.


Ugh. That made me sad. Peace to you my friend.


Well, that took a dark twist.


I’m sorry to hear that. My deepest condolences.


Move to Thailand. Hour massages are like 5 bucks.


Why I’m considering a move to Thailand


Yea "massages" is exactly why I want to move to Thailand too


You don’t need the “massage” cover story to pay for sex in Thailand. Prostitution is technically illegal but they turn a blind eye for tourists and there are thriving red lights districts in every major city. It’s actually the worst form of illegal-but-not because it’s a ripe situation for all of the abuses and exploitation imaginable. Thai Massage (not “massage” wink) is actually a practice they take very seriously. And there’s nothing erotic about a Thai massage. You wear what basically amounts to denim pajamas while a woman crawls all over you and bends your body into crazy positions until mysterious joints pop and apply some pretty painful pressure points. Massages that focus on rubbing is a western thing.


Wait, why denim? That sounds terrible


Idk where that dude has been going but I’ve had a few legitimate Thai massages and they aren’t denim. It’s your choice between what you’re wearing or their shorts which are definitely not denim - it’s more like a khaki type material but darker coloring. Not sure what the actual name is for it but it is 100% not the same shit your jeans are made of




Sounds like Chiropractor levels of dangerous tbh.


I went to a Thai massage once. A tiny Asian woman proceeded to just beat the stuffing out of me for an hour. Hurt like hell, but I felt much better afterward. Not sure I would do it again though.


I am a size 14 American woman, 5'7" tall. Went to Thailand for a conference in 2005. Right after the tsunami. The conference was at an AMAZINGLY luxurious resort in Chiang Mai. You could go to their massage spa and get a Thai massage. Which I thought was a great idea! So first of all Thai ladies are stunningly beautiful, strong, but petite. When I showed up they were making jokes about what a blubbery whale I was. So ok, I wasn't a size 6, but from the way these bitchy masseuses were carrying on, you'd think I was super-morbidly obese. I had picked up enough Thai by that point (2 weeks in the country) to get what their comments and giggling were about. they ask you: easy, medium or hard Thai massage? "When in Rome" I thought, so i went the whole hog: hard massage. Massive fits of giggling. uh oh. Those "hard" massages are BRUTAL. they take deep tissue massage to a whole new level. I was actually bruised. Took days for the soreness to wear off. I gave them a tip in the interests of Thai-American relations, and also because I wasn't sure they'd know that no tip would have been the sign of an unhappy customer. But if I had it to do over again, I'd tell the management they were being rude to me before they laid a finger on me and then I'd choose wussy strength massage. There is NOTHING sensual about a tough Thai massage.


I could definitely use a legit Thai massage if it helps with my back issues.


For unlimited money, I’d buy Thailand instead.


That's a good one. I live in Asia and they have a lot of massage parlors. They also have a lot of "massage 😉" parlors. However, it's nice to just go and get a deep tissue or foot massage on a lunch break, they have the siesta/lunch rest culture so we have a long break and can nap, relax, workout or get a massage. It's great. I'm married now so I just get the regular kind.


Literally exactly the first thing I thought of too. Just back from Bali. So many massages


I had a year+ of horrendous, constant back spasms, and in order to treat it, I started getting regular massages. It was truly not an optional thing, and it was genuinely life-changing. I'm now, blissfully, in maintenance mode: I haven't had full on spasms in 10 months, but I'm still getting massages regularly to keep it that way. I was just recently trying to stretch the time between massages when work got significantly more stressful and things started to tense up, so I'm back on the once-a-month train. I'm definitely not a rich person, it is a serious financial investment, but in my case it is unbelievably worth it. If it would have a marked improvement on your quality of life, it's worth investigating your options.  If I had unreasonable amounts of money, I'd get rid of the stressors that make my massages necessary on such a regimented schedule 😂😭


I lived in Hong Kong for a while and would get weekly massages. I was playing pretty high level rugby and it helped in a big way. My wife would get weekly foot massages. Man I miss it!


A wealthy friend of mine, who had a baby about 9 months ago, has gotten three massages a week, every week, since she was 5 months pregnant. Until now. As someone who is back is still hurting from carrying children, bending over picking up stuff, never being able to rest, etc... I'm so freaking jealous




If you had unlimited money would you still work at your current gig is the question.




No. I would do the same job but for another company. One that drives through whole europe with their trucks. I only drive in switzerland but it pays a lot better than international.


I'd still work, but it would be what I want to do instead of what makes me money.


Well, if I had unlimited money, I'd buy the company and give myself a huge raise, obscene stock options, a magnificent golden parachute, and a new job title, office, company car etc. And since I have unlimited money, I'd also give everyone I like a raise, and a great benefits package, and company cars etc. Because, ya know, unlimited money. ^(Note: Don't blame me if inflation starts to go through the roof.)


I would.


What do you do that you cannot find a similar way of doing purely on your own terms with no stress as to being able to stop doing it and go on vacation whenever?


Time. I’d have a full time staff to free up my time for other things. Chauffeur, chef, housekeeper, personal assistant, etc.


That’s one reason corporations and wealthy people have private jets. They are buying time. It drastically cuts down travel time. It’s a perk for vacations, but for business it’s also very valuable.


My company has a couple private jets and that is 1000% accurate. They are pretty generous with them and even allow family to tag along if there are open seats, trying to maximize their usage. When there is a critical issue those things are mega clutch.


I have never traveled on one but I imagine it's pretty amazing to roll on up to the FBO and just board the plane - not having to do all that airport mishigas. Plus the onboard snacks look magical.


I’ve done it once. It is amazing. It’s all it’s cracked up to be and then some. We flew to up state New York for a tour and meeting, it was a 3hr flight each way and we were only on the ground 3 hours. The airport had a courtesy shuttle van we borrowed to go to the meeting. Due to the location of the facility, the closest commercial airport was a couple hours away and flights were inconsistent. It would have been a two day thing to have 7 of us fly up the night before, rent a car and drive 3 hours to a hotel, get up the next day and go to a meeting and then 3 hours back to the airport for a late flight home. But instead we took a jet and it cost ~2500$ in fuel. It was our general contractors jet, they didn’t charge us for the use of the jet or the pilots as they are on staff. And they have about 250mil in projects going on for us.


It's incredible. It looks so comfortable and so much easier. The way commercial air travel works now with the crowded seats, security hassle and the way people behave makes travel stressful.


It's not just time, it's privacy/comfort. Even if you fly business class/first class, you still have to deal with the public... In addition to the issues everyone deals with(crying babies, unruly passengers, etc), they have to deal with people that know who they are. Fans that want to talk to them, people that want to pitch a business idea to you, etc.


They also hire family wealth advisors, companies, who actually do all the bill paying and legwork for the lifestyle.


Time is the best answer in this thread. It's what people with real wealth can afford to buy. I have money but am not "wealthy." We pay people to clean our house, cut our lawn, and fix stuff that breaks (like the guts of a toilet, for example). This is time we buy that allows me to do things like spend more quality time with my family (I have two young children and a wife I adore), pursue a hobby, or just do... nothing. Relax. Worth every single cent to me.


Years ago, my best friend and I decided time was the most precious gift we could ever give each other. Instead of gifts, we give each other time.


Would you care to elaborate on that?


They never hang out, out of generosity.


so all my friends aren’t ignoring me, they’re just super generous?


Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes


Sure. Instead of presents around birthdays and holidays, we plan trips or events where we spend time together and sometimes include our spouses. We live in different areas of the country, so getting together takes some logistics.


Fuckloads of clocks.


All of this, except Chauffeur. I'm spending that time in the car anyway, and I enjoy driving.


We have a maid every other week. It’s an incredible mental reset






I drink yours


No problem, I have unlimited milk shakes.


To bring the boys to your yard?


They ain't making more of it.


The volcanos are trying!


Simple answer: All butter would be kerrygold.


The final version of butter


Butter final boss


Mantequilla Gloria from Mexico is my all time favorite butter but it's hard to get it in the states so I "settle" for Kerrygold lol


We carry nought but Kerrygold in my house. Worth every cent


In this economy?


I do this anyway. Kerrygold is barely more expensive than regular butter, and Publix regularly has it on a BOGO. That’s the only butter I get and I’m broke AF but it’s sooooo good


If you get it at Costco it’s cheaper than name brand and nearly as cheap as store brand and butter freezes incredibly well. It’s one of those staples that if you have the storage space is well worth buying in bulk.


It’s cheaper in Costco than it is in Ireland


I know I’m going to sound like an ass, but you don’t need to be that rich to buy Kerrygold butter every time. You gotta dream bigger than that! And maybe this is the part where you reply, “Larry, I’m on Ducktales”


Aldi carries grass fed Irish butter.




Yeah I'm upset and having to change my preference after that whole ordeal.


I’mat a comfortable enough place that I have fancy butter and regular butter in the fridge, I can’t wait until I only buy fancy butter




Funny story. I got migraines pretty much my entire adult life. At 18 I had gotten those amalgam fillings from a military dentist. They just drilled until there was hardly any tooth left and filled it with the silvery stuff. A couple years ago one of those teeth cracked and I had to get a crown. A year after that another one on the other side did the same thing and I got a 2nd crown. About six months after getting that second crown I realized I haven't had a headache since. If you suffer from migraines.... Get your teeth fixed. And if you have amalgam fillings, maybe spring to have them replaced with the ceramic stuff.


After I got my amalgams replaced with ceramic my headaches went away lkke 90%


Find a dental school! They’ll hook you up for little-to-nothing. Really.


great in concept, however the waiting lists in my city are neverending…


Unless you live in buttfuck nowhere it might be worth your time to drive a little further and get to a bigger university


Teeth don’t wait for you my friend. Get that shit at least examined and extracted if needed. A crown or implant can wait but a root canal is a necessary and mildly emergent procedure. 


People die from tooth infections


You are AWESOME!


Food. If I’m out eating with friends or family it’s on me. If there’s a homeless shelter needing a food drive, consider it paid for in full. Small restaurant is suffering in town and needs people to spend money, no worries. Meals are free every weekend just turn up and have one. This gets bigger and bigger the more I think about it.


truly i tell my sister all the time - if i ever was lucky enough to come into more money than i could ever spend in my lifetime (as ensuring my stability for the rest of my life would be the top priority) i would have SO MUCH FUN - throwing that money at people who needed it. every homeless person? - heres enough money to get a hotel and hot meal for X days/weeks donate to all the charities go on gofundme and pay off peoples debts billionaires are so boring with their hording. i would LOVE to be a someone who more or less lost their billionaire status because i couldnt stop giving money away. like whats the point of all that wealth and stability if i can't use it to improve the lives of my community and humanity in general?


You sound altruistic and power hungry at the same time


Chaotic good. The best good.


My SO sent the local food bank $100 every month for about 2 years. He passed away last year and we were going through finances and his daughter started crying when she found out. We met when we were older, back when he was young and raising kids, he used to play Secret Santa for poor families. He would take the kids and go drop off food/wrapped toys on Christmas Eve. Some families were living in squalor and were grateful. It was sad when some parents got irate and turned them down. I could tell it affected him the way he would tell me about those days. I miss him terribly, he had a beautiful soul. We need more giving, less taking.


Food for all the shelter dogs I‘m adopting.


Lego sets. Building them is so fun but so expensive on a regular basis


My biggest constraint is space. Lego sets are BIG! I'd buy land to build sheds just for my finished Lego sets


They have brick sized Lego now(technically not brand name) that people are building houses out of.  You could use those mega legos to build the storage space for the regular legos!


Every pharmaceutical and healthcare company on earth and make everything free


I’m voting for you for President of the wold. 




Same here friend. Toro everyday of the week, and as much as I can eat without giving myself mercury poisoning.


And sashimi!


I’m having a new pair of socks everyday. There’s something absolutely incomparable to a brand new pair of socks.


For at least 20 years I’ve said that would be my one “weird rich guy thing” if I was ever wealthy.


I agree wholeheartedly.


And you just donate them at the end of every month. Trickle down sockenomics


But then the next person would have no fresh new socks, Jerry. Every man deserves their own pair of fresh socks!


I have a friend that played AAA baseball back in the early 80's. His roommate was someone who made it very big in MLB (and is now in the HOF). Dude never washed his underwear. It was a new pair every day. I don't want to say who it was, because I don't want it to get out and make my friend mad at me.


Im not proud of myself but back in high school I came into possession of a duffel bag full of new socks, probably about 100-120pair. So I actually got to live out your dream, temporarily, and yes, it was glorious.


There is so many other things but somehow this was my first choice aswell. For no particular reason other than what you stated.


Massages. I’ve had a few in my life. Professional ones and they’re amazing and really relieve stress well




Ho, sneaky move. That’ll get you an infinite money glitch, ultimately.


also unaffected by rules and laws glitch


Personal chef 


Fine wine - would love to open a $200 bottle on a Tuesday and just enjoy it


"Why did you open the 1643!?" "I'm celebrating the day!" "It's just tuesday!" Yes, but it's a great one!"


"For you it was the 1643, but for me it was Tuesday."


Medical services. Like, I think 85% of my pain would go away if I just went to physical therapy, but the copay is $80/session. And the sleep study would set me back $3500, but I know I have sleep apnea, and I would benefit from a CPAP machine. Just a couple of examples there.




I know that this is probably referring to the food, but I want to believe this is about a black market purchase


LOL. I was afraid someone would think this was Armie Hammer talking.


Damn most of these answers are too practical Unlimited money and $4 butter is the best you came up with?!


do you know how good $4 butter is????


Healthy food.


Id buy the best meat and freshest vegetables, and that cheese I really love but can’t afford to buy as often as Id like to.




I’ll pick up some today so I can make my signature dish: Meat with meat sauce


I'm poor, fixed income, I still get healthy food. Actually that's all I can get. Junk food is so expensive. Sure it's cheaper up front but do you feel full? Rarely so you keep eating.


Depends where you live. Here in NYC junk food is cheaper than healthy food. You can get a whole pizza in Dominos for $6.99 but at the same time 200g of salad costs around $4 in regular stores. Of course, you can always find it cheaper if you know where to look, but this is just an example.


Better than that, a nutritionist and private chef.


Perhaps one should consider the long term cost of buying healthy food now versus the cost of a medical bill in the future due to poor eating habits. For instance, I think many would be surprised that a box of Cheeze It’s cost more than buying 1-2 head(s) of brócoli. A big bag of Lays cost more than buying 1-2 cucumbers. Etc. The goal should be what processed foods can we stop buying and replace with fruits and veggies. Not buy healthy food on top of processed foods🥕


Absolutely absolutely absolutely agree However I feel decently (although temporarily) full after eating $2 of Cheezits I have to eat about $6 of bell peppers to feel the same level of fullness I have to eat about $4 of tuna fish to feel the same, even though the tuna/person will fill me up for longer If I only have $8 in my pocket I’ll get those $2 Cheezits every time so that I can put the remaining $6 towards school supplies and a warm coat and the electric bill because I have nothing left over This is why obesity is so prevalent in food deserts and lower income populations


Very expensive Burrata.


Stays in nice hotels.


Same. Just so nice to wake up somewhere new, not make your own breakfast etc.




Land. Mountains and forests so that they can’t be cut.


Senators and SCOTUS Justices. They are conveniently affordable.


Probably drugs


I'd buy all the drugs then run a clinic that gave people free drugs if they performed healthy functional life maintenance behaviours. Want cocaine, then prove you slept 8hrs and ate a nutritious breakfast. Opioids? Show me you've looked after your kids. Meth? Clean up your house, yard, and mow your lawn first! Cannabis? You gotta exercise for 1hr, show me your HR monitor.


Looking at this list of examples, meth seems unfairly treated. From what I've seen, you need to add like 5 more tasks to make sure you've tuckered them out.


Lmao username inspection: all seems to be in order.


Your profile icon is evil. Thought there was a hair on my screen, then panicked because I thought it was a crack, then groaned because I realised it was a very convincing trick!


I don’t know but what I DO know is that Costco would be SICK OF ME.


Porsches. I like cars.


Man. I did the Porsche Experience in Atlanta last year. The 911 Turbo S is such a good car. Fucking goals. If it wasn't the price of a damn house lol


I'm jealous. The Porsche Experience Centers look like soooooo much fun. Ya if I had unlimited money one of the first things I'd buy would be a 911 Turbo S Cabriolet in Gentian Blue. I'm not interested in the GT cars, I want to be able to drive it every day and not deal with the harsh ride.


Food. I would seldom spend my time cooking. I'd have a personal chef cook me a well rounded diet


That is bang on for me. Sooooo tired of "what are we having for...".


I'll say labor. I'd stop working on my own vehicles, I'd stop doing my own home repairs, and I have someone come in and clean the house twice a week so my wife wouldn't have to. I'd get qualified private tutors for my kids. I'd pay someone to do all my yard work, do the grocery shopping, wash the cars, and do my taxes. Basically I'd get to do only what I'd want to do and have a very stress-free life.


Houses. Anybody need a house?


I'd like to build housing for lower income people. It's probably a lame answer, but with unlimited money, I would regularly build whole ass neighborhoods for people who may not have the opportunity otherwise.


First class plane tickets




Air conditioners for people online who need them because I don't have one myself.




I'd buy stuff for others. I'd be the man Bruce Wayne could have been. No more hunger, or homelessness. No more paying for school lunches or college. Adequately fund the sciences and the social safety net. No man is an island.


it's crazy to me that not ONE billionaire has actually done this...not even one...which just confirms that there is no ethical way to BECOME a billionaire in the first place...even if you just invent something and it happens to take off (like Microsoft)...there are still so many decisions that have to be made along the way to stay dominant that are unethical


Dolly Pardon would be a billionaire if she hadn't given so much. 


Cars. If money was unlimited, i could play Gran Turismo (pokemon style gonna drive them all). My wife would cut of my D if i would even dare to say escorts.


Ford Escort? 


Candies and other desserts (I have a sweet tooth)


Unlimited money? I’d buy solutions to all world problems solvable by increased effort.


Hookers and blow.


Damn! Took a while to find this answer!


Sprite from McDonald’s. It just tastes better than store bought.


Hitmen. I have a long list.


Books are something I would always buy if I had infinite money. This would enable me to continuously learn new things..


Acres and acres of dirt


Food for the people in need


Bombas Socks




Beef jerky.


Annie's shells white cheddar Mac and cheese. It's not that good for you, and it's just pasta, so I don't purchase it or eat it that often. But with my personal trainer and team of doctors making sure I'm generally healthy, and not needing to worry about having a job, I'm eating that shit for lunch every Wednesday till the sun goes dark.


All kinds of food and donate on Tuesdays. This is called seva.


Pet food. Just think of all of the dogs and cats who need homes.


If my money was unlimited. Id pay for a overhaul to educational system around the world. Id ironically pay to end pacs in Politics. Id get my family out of debt\\their loans etc. Id give massive sums to research anything from medicine to Actuall renewable energy. Fix world wide free healthcare. ++++




It would be fun to feed people who are barely scraping by. Let them dine in the nicer restaurants.


Fresh socks and underwear every day.


Proper food would be nice. And salad, lots and lots of salad


I would hire a chef who cooks all my (healthy) food. And a full time masseuse of course 🤷‍♂️


If I had unlimited money, I might try to get all of the Sims 4 DLC. That's not a realistic goal for any mortal human bank account.


I would door dash everything


Classes of any kind. I really like learning stuff


Plane tickets. So much traveling.


the government, i would use my money to set the people i think would be better suited into place or to have others taken out of play, with those resources i could do my best to end hunger, slavery and other horrible acts that some governments say are legal and work on making the world a better place in a whole.


My brother's medicine.






Food for homeless people


I just recently came into a VERY substantial inheritance. Only surviving child. I’ve got that choice facing me, and what I’d choose is something I can’t have; my complete health. I’m 71, and my only health issue is idiopathic neuropathy. It’s in my feet & hands. I cannot orient myself in space and I fall way too often. I cannot feel my feet, and I’ve been forced now to use scooters and canes & such. Until @6 years ago I enjoyed perfect health. My internist (I outlived her) told me my heart was a thing of beauty. The things I thought I’d really look forward to…traveling, enjoying my brothers company again (he died a few years ago suddenly from not using his CPAP) I cannot now do. It’s depressing and sad. But, I’ll find another focus. Given my family’s longevity, I have a while to go. Mom died at 98, granny at 104, other aunts & uncles all past 95. My health other than the neuropathy is excellent. I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes just recently; way after the neuropathy diagnosis. I understand neuropathy can be a side effect of diabetes. Mine showed up the other way around. I’m well controlled on diet & mild meds. Anyway. Big surprises happen.