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I strained my neck once when I was 15, while popping it. Anytime I moved by head side to side, I had a shooting pain go down my right arm and side. That was not pleasant.


You might have a problem with impingement of spinal nerve root at the cervical level. Your description of the shooting pain from your neck to your arm seems to fit how cervical spinal nerves are innervated. Perhaps you should see a medical doctor.


That happened in 98, and hasn't happened since. Was given some muscle relaxers and it stopped it. I was just careful till it healed.


Well, he did say that it was when he was fifteen, implying that it was in the past. He probably got I checked out by now.


Childbirth, au natural. The worst pain imaginable.


Gallbladder. Shit is intensely, profoundly painful. One of the published side effects of gallbladder pain is "fear of imminent death" because people think they are having heart attacks.


This...got it removed after 5 years of relentless attacks. Then, because I obviously haven't suffered enough in this life....kidney stones happened..fkn next level pain, surpassed everything, appendicitis, hysterosuspension, even surpassed childbirth.


Same. For me it was pancreatitis possibly brought on by gallstones. The morning I went to the hospital I had to force myself to get off the floor. I was going to go die there if I hadn't gotten up. Doctor told me if I hadn't gone in that day they would have been planning my funeral the next day. Then he followed that up with telling me I had a 30% chance of living. I made it, but that pain is no joke.




Two pains. An abscessed tooth, after the dentist introduced an infection. Had to remove ... And the second pain was a pinched umbilical hernia, emergency surgery.


I got stabbed in the hand by Father Christmas.


Ripping my acl and meniscus




...does good pain count?


Left side rib got broken. To this day if I move in weird ways it still hurts


Knee replacement surgery


Trigeminal neuralgia on both sides of my face and nothing worked for a year and a half I have the kind that doesn’t stop but gets worse then goes back to baseline due to my nerves being compressed by my unstable vertebrae … still have it, it’s just better than before probably I’d say about 80%…


My friend got a surgery called a gamma knife and they fried the nerve endings in his face. Face still works fine and the nerves still try to fire but no face pain.


I’m glad the surgery helped! Unfortunately I couldn’t get the surgery due to it being from a genetic disorder


I broke my knee skateboarding once and while the healing process hurt like crazy, the pain I felt once the initial shock wore off was insane.


Kidney stones


I once stubbed my toe. Just kidding. It has to be my wisdom teeth aftercare.


my broken foot ( which my bone burst into fifty or so pieces ) that had to be lifted up, when it had been almost hanging upside down for 18 hours


When I had to get up from my hospital bed for the first time after having weight loss surgery. Till that point I never realized just how much I use my abs for basic things like getting up. That was some of the worst pain that I’ve ever been in. I was crying. It took like 15 to get me sitting up. Took even longer to stand up and walk to the bathroom.


Elbow dislocation


Crushed L3 vertebrae


I've had multiple foot fractures,a hand fracture, a ct scan level serious head injury but for me it is Appendicitis pain, before the operation. Crazy pain, it was so acute that it could have burst and cause infection but I reacted just in time and got the operation next day.


Getting hit by a car...


Period cramps


I think I had an exposed nerve in my tooth! Worst pain ever. Had to have ice cold water in my mouth constantly for the pain, or it would make me scream in agony! Or when I twisted my knee on the bus, and I felt it pop/crack in three places OWWW. Makes me cringe thinking about it.


Sciatic nerve pain down to my calf and it felt like all my skin was pricked with thousands of needles at once when I tried standing up.


I got pancreatitis in 2020 and now I'm a type 2 diabetic


The meds wearing off early after a c section. I felt like I was being ripped in half and the doctor came in and said I still had 45 min before any pain medicine to stop writhing (in pain) or I would rip my stitches. Thank God for one nurse who gave it to me anyway after he left.


wisdom teeth surgery recovery


Just had a baby. Turns out my monthly menstrual cramps actually hurt more than childbirth.


menstrual pain


When an ovarian cyst bursts.


Probably a slip into the bootyhole 🤣