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Parents abandoned their 5 kids for like a week. The oldest son, who was obviously stressed and no older than 14, came to the front desk and begged for food once they ran out of the snacks their dumbass parents left them. Cops were def called.


I caught a 15 yr old breaking into the vending machine. After talking to him a bit, came to find out his foster mother rented hotel rooms and dropped the kids off at the hotel so she could get a break. He was the eldest with youngest being 8 and there were 6 of them in the room. The way the eldest was speaking, she did this all the time.


Fucking asshole parents.


Dumbass parents indeed. jfc.


Not only dumb, but criminally negligent!


Sounds like something Frank Gallagher would have done.


We had an older man (fifties-ish) checked in with a teenager. Didn’t think anything of it, fathers and daughters check in all the time. About half eleven, the police arrive and it turned out it was a teacher and his thirteen year old student.


We had a similar situation years ago. Guy checks in by himself early evening, think nothing of it. Next morning some cops show up looking for a 15-year-old girl we didn’t know was on the property, then they gave us the guys name and sure enough she was with him in the room. Turns out her mom called the police when she couldn’t find her daughter, as they had to go to court to fight a prostitution charge…


I was big into theatre in high school.  My parents were divorced, and my father lived in a neighboring state.  He'd come down to see my theatre productions, and then we'd stay in a hotel.  Absolutely nothing nefarious about it. But the looks we got for hanging out in the lobby- an older man and a teenager wearing a TON of makeup and rehearsal clothes...


Glad to hear police arrived!




> We had an older man (fifties-ish) checked in with a teenager. It's funny how much framing devices matter. Knowing what thread I'm in, and hearing 'an older man,' I was primed to be like, "OMG why didn't you call the cops immedia-" Then you reminded us that fathers and daughters are a thing, and I was like, "oh right right, sometimes adults are with children for normal reasons."


This reminded me of when my Dad took me (his daughter) to tour colleges. I was doing an overnight stay on campus, but I went with him to check-in ro his hotel and the person behind the desk gave my Dad a **VERY** harsh look when he asked for a single king bed.    I didn't understand why at the time, but I also remember my Dad telling the person that I was staying over on campus.  This was in 2000/2001, for reference. 


Posted this before... I have a friend that owns a small motel just off a highway. I would hang out with him and chat on some late nights. One night, he got a call that one of the guest heard a loud crash in the room next door. Checked the computer and saw that the room was unoccupied. Friend and I go to check it out. We knock and there is no answer. He opens the door and there was a cat in the room. It knocked over a lamp and smashed it. It was super friendly and came right to us. We took it back to the office and looked at the room records. The prior person that was in the room abandoned the cat when he checked out three days earlier. He was already on the other side of the country when we called him, and he said he was not coming back for the cat. My friend took ownership of the cat and now she is the motel cat. She walks all around the property and takes care of any mice or critters. She even has her picture on the wall as one of the "employees". Not sure why the maid service did not see it when the room was being cleaned. We think that the vacuum scared the cat and she hid somewhere. Still was a dick move of the old owner to leave the cat behind.


Any respectable hotel / motel must have a competent pest control officer !!!






***Do I look like a cat to you, boy?***


Cool username!


Thank you.


> She even has her picture on the wall as one of the "employees". I LOVE this! :-)


Better be under "employee of the month" every month!


I wasn't expecting a wholesome comment when I opened this post !!


I'm glad this story had a happy ending. Would love to see a photo of the cat on the job.




We're going to need someone to pay the cat tax. Or show the cat's W-2.


Cats are independent contractors (definitely independent). So they'd be issued a 1099, not a W-2.


Was this in FL? Stayed at a hotel with a cat employee. He would walk right through the automatic doors, then back to the office to grab dinner and some water.


Glad this has a happy ending 


This was...unexpectedly wholesome :)


When I worked as a security guard at a motel I saw three people on go onto the roof of the motel and one guy dropped to his knees while the other two pointed guns at his head like they were about to execute the guy on the roof. So we called the cops and the three of them went back inside before the cops showed up so they went into the hotel room to see what was going on and the idiots were shooting a amateur movie and used our motel as a set without asking. The guns they had were toy guns with the orange tips electrical taped black.


I was a film student so I can sort of see where they’re coming from with “guerrilla filmmaking” but using prop guns in public without any form of clearance is a huge no-no lmao what dummies (Also trespassing is bad too but as a broke college student sometimes you gotta ask for forgiveness, not for permission)


Happy ending yay




I wonder if that might have been an Andre the Giant type of situation. He was so big, he couldn't use the toilet. He had to shit in the shower, then squish it down the drain.


Waffle stompin'!!


Not me, but my previous housekeeping manager once entered a room to discover that the man in the room had blasted his brains out all over the wall. She ran to the bathroom to throw up in the sink, then looked up and saw in the reflection of the mirror, the dismembered and beheaded body of a young girl in the bathtub. Turns out it was his daughter. It’s a given that if you stay in the industry long enough, you’ll eventually see a dead body. During my time in hotels I heard a few dead body stories, but that was the absolute worst. I didn’t stay in the industry long enough; my personal stories are pretty weird but nobody ever died.


Been on this site ten years, and this is one of the most harrowing stories I've heard. My mom keeps trying to talk me into going into the hotel industry, because "everyone seems so happy there." (She can't distinguish between good customer service and someone being genuinely happy to see her.)


I bet she thinks strippers like her too


*I'm gonna be so proud of Mercedes when she finishes that Communications degree.*


I was in the high end hotel business for years. Avoid. "Base to MOD" still triggers me.


What does MOD stand for?


Manager on Duty. Basically the person in charge at that time. Could be any one of the department heads but is typically someone front facing like the Front Office Manager. When you hear that over the radio it's usually because a guest wants to light you up for something.


I cannot even imagine how traumatic that is, that is absolutely awful.


Why do people have to off the kids before offing themselves? Evil


Depends. I had a mother tell me she considered killing her children and then killing herself. Why? She thought life was terrible and not worth living and couldn’t fathom leaving them to fend for themselves in a world that was so awful. Not the case for all, but I definitely view these deaths a lot differently now.


sounds like postpartum psychosis honestly.


Just intense suicidality can do that.


One thing that has been explained to me is that people who are deeply suicidal are in an extremely skewed and self-focused place. One thing they may believe is that those who love them, especially children who rely on them and spouses who also rely on and love them, will be unsafe and too sad to live if they die. So they try to solve the problem, take away the potential pain, but killing those people as well. It is an EXTREMELY fucked up and backwards attempt to care for a family, conceived by an extremely ill mind that can only think of death as an answer.




I was working at a shady motel, and we had what we nicknamed the "Weekend at Bernie's Incident." A guy had his dad die in the room, and then proceeded to try to load the body into the passenger seat of his car. He had casual calm conversations with other guests, telling them "Yeah, this is my dad. He's dead." And of course, those guests came to us immediately. I had to call the 911, they followed the guy, turns out he did take the body to a hospital (which makes it even weirder that he didn't just call 911 himself as soon as he found his dad??). We had great cameras, so we found out the guy spent a solid 20 minutes wrestling the body into his tiny car. Finally got his dad in, feet on the dash board like he was chilling... Detectives came and closed off the room as a crime scene for a few hours, but I guess no foul play was found. When the guy came back to collect his stuff from the motel, his first words to our manager was... "What was the breakfast this morning?"


Probably didn't want the ambulance fees


Might've been some kind of stress or grief reaction that's hard to understand from the outside too. If he had just seen his dad die, he might not have been thinking completely straight and thought it was normal to drive deceased family members to the hospital yourself.


agree, Grief manifests in weird ways sometimes.


Trauma makes people do weird things.


Discovering a hidden camera installed in a room by a previous guest.


how was it hidden just so i can make sure in the future...


😬😬yiiikes that’s creepy




Tom Brady just needed somewhere to sleep for the evening


So this one isn't as bad as most, but Motherfuckers cleaning and cooking a large number of fish in the room on a electric griddle they'd brought in with them. Oil and fish splattered everywhere. They booked three rooms for a large extended family so they were cooking for a dozen or so people. The room reeked of fish for weeks and no amount of airing it out or scrubbing it down could get all the smell out. Then on top of that, there's a decorative fountain in front of the hotel. They were taking buckets of water from it to wash the cars in the parking lot. There was a carwash down the street and we had a hose they could have used nearby. Instead they drained the fountain. I know it's not pedophiles, drugs or death, but it was still a "What the hell is wrong with you people?" moment.


I've stayed in little motels in rural Wisconsin that have signs in the room reminding guests not to butcher animals in the guest rooms. Not even in the tub!


Oh wow - hadn’t thought of this in quite some time, but there was a “do not clean fish in hotel sinks,” sign at a hotel I was staying at in Upper MI years ago.


I’ve seen a motel in Northern Ontario that politely reminds guests to use the designated towel only (not the bathroom towels) for cleaning off your snowmobiles.


They should have been thrown out the second the first fish hit the pan. Wtf man


Not as bad, but we had a group of workers that stayed on and off for a bit. The rooms had a mini-fridge so they would make homemade salsa to eat. Unfortunately they always used the small bathroom sink to clean the produce and wash down waste, causing sewer blockages that overflowed into neighboring rooms. They wouldn't stop so they ended up DNR'd.


At least they didn't cook their food using the hotel iron!


Classy bunch!


Sometimes people from other cultures just don't really understand things that seem obvious to us... And sometimes people are just shitty


One Saturday night this team of youth soccer players and 6 or 7 adults checked into a room block on the 4th floor. The last room on the block consisted of a few of the soccer kids and it was next to this old Russian guy who had been there for a couple of weeks on a business trip. On one of my security rounds at about 1 AM I heard *very* loud porn playing in the old guy's room. Like, you could hear it by the elevators. I knocked on the door and asked him to turn it down and he did. Went back downstairs and a half hour later one of the chaperones of the team called and said the man was still listening to loud porn and the kids started complaining. So, just as before, I went upstairs and knocked. This time I told him he would need to keep his TV down or we'd need to ask him to leave. So he apologized again and told me it wouldn't happen again. A little while later I did a security round and there was a commotion near the room block. Turned the corner and one of the adults was pounding on the old guy's door and I asked what was going on. The dad said he could still hear the porn through his door and he wasn't gonna back down until the old guy came out because his kids were next door. I told them to go back to their rooms and after 5 minutes they finally did. I went back downstairs and while I was asking my manager about what we should do, he said we should wait and monitor the situation. Shortly after a person who was in the room next to the block came to get a snack and we asked him if he heard any noise coming from the old guy and he said that since we came knocking the second time, he could no longer hear porn but he did hear the dad come roaring out of his room before pounding on his door. At this point I agreed to post up by the block for a while. Eventually, the old guy exited his room and all of a sudden, the adults must have heard his door open because one of the men flew out of it and started shoving the old guy. I went to break it up and he said stay out of it, he was gonna deal with this pervert. Then out came all the kids and adults. One of the women was now smacking the old guy and the kids were rambunctious. I called the police and told everyone to stop but they completely ignored me. Finally the cops came and arrested the two adults that assaulted the guy and talked to everyone. After the police spoke to us, we found out that porn wasn't all there was to it. Apparently the old guy at some point *cracked the door while he sat on his bed masturbating in plain view* and one of the kids walked by and reported it to the dad who became irate. Apparently this happened right after I spoke to the old guy the second time. The old guy was apparently already on probation so they ended up taking him in, too, when a neighboring room said they saw him in there beating off too but ignored it. We then officially had both him and the aggressing parents trespassed. Crazy night. We wrote the incident report which led to a big investigation in which we were each questioned twice.


As a former barista, I have a deep abiding hatred for traveling sports teams. Imagine my surprise when they turn out to be the heroes of the story.


That last part is fricking gross


You're telling me, lol.


Those parents deserve the best lawyers, not sure I would've done anything different tbh


Yeah, I hope that old fart went to prison. But if he was on probation he would have gone straight there.


I was working at a low budget motel in a ski town. My shifts consisted of mundane tasks like changing light bulbs, fixing clogs, etc. etc. I got a call from one of the maids to come to a room because "the lighting is weird". I asked her to expand on that and she said that the room just looked strange. Uh ok... I arrived at the room and sure enough with the lights on and the curtains closed the room was bathed in an weird yellow glow. I look up at the ceiling light expecting that the bulb is underpowered or the fixture is shorting out and instead find that the glass globe surrounding the bulb is filled right to the brim with piss. Someone actually unscrewed the 3 screws holding it up, peed in the globe and (I imagine) carefully put it back. The worst part was that the bulb had actually been submerged in piss and had warmed it back up. TL/DR Man changes the mood lighting of his accommodation with urine.




This is the most unexpected one I've read so far, honestly 


Bodily fluids- either in unusual places or in terrify amounts, one time it was both unusual and a huge amount of blood. Like something is either dead or dying amount of blood under the bed. Turns out a guy was not used to wearing sandals and had destroyed his big toe, too hammered to really feel it or deal with it sensibly so he improvised. Suck his foot in the bin and held the bin in place wedged under the bed, slept on the floor so he would basically just bleed into the bin was the plan. At some point he rolled over and spilled the mini blood bank. Bandaged up his toe as best he could and checked out in the morning. We only found out what happened as staff were worried he was in danger and had to contact him or the police, he was very apologetic and embarrassed. Even offered to pay for damages but it was done through insurance.


That is fucking hilarious


Once I had a guy ask for a new set of linens because he "popped a pimple". The amount of blood on the sheets had me wonder if he had used a knife to pop whatever the hell was on his body.


Buddy even slept on the floor to try to salvage things lol


It was a family retreat/kids birthday party. The adults were getting shitfaced while the kids were in the presidential suite raising hell. They had decided to have a fully stocked ice cream bar and allowed the kids to do what they wanted with it. M&Ms crushed into the carpet, chocolate footprints on the walls, whipped cream fucking everywhere. Fruit punch spilled on the bed. In total we had to charge them about $7k in damages, which they took to court, because they thought "The Cleanup would be included, that's why we did it at a hotel!" They also smashed glass all over our dog hiking trail, which I had to clean up.


Wha…what do you mean destroying the property to the point of calling a contractor isn’t included? What by sort of parenting leads to a rotten child painting walls with their feet in chocolate. Let’s go hiking on a dog hiking trail and smash bottles on the rocks. Some people just shouldn’t procreate.


Thats why we did it at a hotel lol


I hope the judge told them to get fucked and pay up.


Hunters cleaning out their deer in the bathtub. Leaving the guts and blood all over the bathroom. I grew up hunting. Why they wouldn’t take care of it after they’ve killed the animal is beyond me. Hell of a lot lighter to move after it’s been cleaned.


Also the meat is better if cleaned immediately


If they did it outdoors, couldn't they just leave the innards on the ground? Other animals would get to it, or just become fertilizer for the ground


You're supposed to, at least here in Washington. Makes me wonder if it was more poaching than hunting.


My husband was a GM for 20 years. We lived on property at different hotels around the US. The stories I could tell. You would be surprised how many people die on property. But this is not a death story. At this one property we were at we lived on property. The hotel had a pool. It sat in front of the front desk but was in a separate room. And there was an open window so you could hear what was happening in there. The front desk person was pregnant and she needed to go to the doctor. So my husband was covering for her. My kids and I and my inlaws brought lunch and we were having it in the lobby with my husband. All the sudden there was a mother and grandma screaming in spanish from the pool area hysterically. My father in law jumped through the window and my husband understood the word drowning and called 911. My father-in-law jumped in the pool in all his clothes and drug the boy out and started CPR. We lived in New Mexico at the time. The ambulance showed up about 3 mins later. The boy would have died if not for my father-in-law. They took the boy to the hospital. The city gave my father-in-law an award


Not my story nor the craziest but one of my coworkers got a call at the front desk from a room that said their food was stuck in the microwave. The front desk attendant goes up to the room to take a look and help, turns out the guest had locked their food in the safe and took a lot of convincing that it was not a microwave.


The minute I saw one of those glossy hotel safes with the keypad etc, I thought, "someone has make that mistake at least once."


I worked at a truck stop motel as a teenager. SEVERAL truckers asked if I could help them get a hooker. Some asked me if I was a hooker. One guy tried to get me and only me to come to his room to "fix his tv" and got angry when I refused and offered to send our maintenance guy. He said it HAD to be me. I was a naive kid, but even my alarm bells were ringing at top notch. I had access to a taser (police grade, not cheap, don't ask how owner got it) and a maintenance guy that lived at the motel. This was not a place for a teenager to be working. Had a police stakeout there once, a guy had kidnapped a kid and suspected serial rapist. (I was not given a name of the guy, so I can't say who. May be able to look it up though if you want that info-DM me.) Bunch of kids coming from the Woodstock 99' event that stayed over. And some older man gave me a $20 to help me get out of that place and find a better job.


I feel like your gender is relevant here.


Woman. In my 40's now, so a long time ago.


Woodstock 99… What town(ish) is that motel in?? Countryside NY motels always scare the bejesus out of me


I can't name it because you'd be able to do the previous owners It wasn't in NY, more of a through town off a major highway in another state


Truckers don’t care


I worked in the pool and had a guy come up to me and said someone shit in the change room. Sure as shit there was a massive soft turd on the floor, 2 feet away from the toilet and I had to clean it up…. Some people are disgusting assholes….


Sure as shit you say?


That was my “they aren’t paying me enough for this shit” moment


I used to work in Parks, and part of my job was maintaining restrooms and pool changing rooms. People REGULARLY poop on the floor, even in toilet cubicles. 


A man jumped from the 34th floor of a open atrium lobby of a downtown hotel in a successful suicide attempt and landed 6 feet behind me while I was standing my post as a bellman! As a bonus the body didn't have a head!


So your're saying he cut his head off and then jumped?


Could have been attempting to hang themselves and made the rope too long Or long enough depending on how you look at it, no suffering that way


Tbf, too long of a rope decap is probably better than bodging things and ending up slowly suffocating. Na pop my head off like a ring pull bottle cap!


We got no food, we got no jobs, our friends' heads are falling off!


He didn't jump - DUH. He had no head, couldn't see where he was going and walked over the edge by accident.


His head got knocked off on the way down


Propably shot himself a couple of times before that just to make sure


Ahh the putin method, 60% of the time, it works every time.


\*\*Boeing enters the chat…\*\*


The trick is not to shoot yourself until you feel the poison kick in.


I'm thinking maybe hit a stone wall or something or a metal railing or perhaps a very taught wire on the way down and it popped off


If it's a hotel fancy enough to have a Bellman, the guest probably hit something on the way down like a flag post lamp etcetera


So... he got decapitated when he landed? On the way down?


He hit a plexiglass panel that was in front of the open glass elevator. The head was on the bottom of shaft.


Christ. I don't know how you handled it, but I think I'd be scarred for life.


"his capa was DETATED!!!"


Was there one police report or two?


Guy checked into a suite and jump shortly after. As far as I could tell he was trying to land in the elevator pit so he wouldn't hit anyone. I was on fucking local TV for this.


Im no hotel employee but my mum has been a house maid at a local hotel for 15 years and one of the many unexpected and unusual things she has found when opening up that hotel door to do a morning clean was a family room with 2 double beds and 3 single beds plus a large couch, all of the mattresses and couch cushions removed standing up vertically in a circle in the middle of the living space as if it was set up as Stonehenge upon further inspection of her findings was 1 used condom right in the middle of mattresshenge


Did she keep it preserved for future guests to ponder its significance?


They just wanted a couch cushion fort like when they were kids! No big deal! ... it does sound a little weird now that I type it out


Mattresshenge got me


A customer having a dementia-related fit. Due to rules, I would have had to call the police to remove him. I actually would have felt bad for the police..... That old man belonged in a nursing home. Thankfully the customer's wife grabbed him and took him outside.


Hotels always have perverts who ring them up, usually the reception, all through the night. We had at least 3 who rang every night, usually saying they were watching us through the window, they had been one of the customers that day and could still smell our perfume or had seen our eye colour, saying they would follow us home after our shift, asking for colour of underwear or describing what they were doing. It all gets a bit boring after a while tbh but for the first month I was petrified. We also had a guy who was OCD and would check in every week then call down within an hour for the manager or room service. He had a pair of white gloves and would go over the whole room until he found dust then complain. It was part of some kink he had but as a paying customer, we couldn't refuse.


Regarding the perverts, I learned from online porn that there is a kink about getting caught. Naked guys who pretend they didn't hear the maid come in, or guys who are just getting out of the shower when room service shows up and they accidentally drop their towel, etc. I imagine that shit gets really old after a while.


A creep who was married to my second cousin pulled that on me one time and I just laughed and walked away.


Worked in hotel industry for a few years, worst thing girl passed out naked in the communal games room. She wasn't a guest someone brought her back and they left her there. This was a family hostel, some dad and his kid went in there in the morning to play a game of pool and found her. More recently a couple cracked out of their minds, the room was a wreck, made me heave cos the smell was so bad and they wouldn't leave had to get maintenance workers in to fet them out. Also while cleaning a room few years back found someone vomited in the bedside drawers and made no attempt to sort it out. 


Not in the industry anymore, but one night we had a drunken, violent guest who started shoving staff. Me and another bellman tried to restrain him. Guy was HUGE. Six four about and heavy. I wound up in a headlock, my coworker was trying to pry his arm off me while pulling him away from the front desk. Lasted 30 seconds. He stopped, started crying. Turns out he spent years in prison before being exonerated. I ended up bringing him water. Police showed up. No injuries and he was escorted off. Two weeks later he tried to reserve a room again. He was denied as they blacklisted him. Also had the FSD START a fire. Swept up some trash. Didnt see a still lit cigarette butt. Placed the dustpan in a closet with it and it caught fire. This was the overnight shift in Jan in NYC. Guess who had to explain to dozens of angry guests in the street everything is ok. One that stands out most: Guest died of a heart attack in his room, in front of his family. I was the one to go up that night to collect thier belongings and assist. Family was devastated. There was still debris left by the paramedics still. I drank hard after work that night. I learned so much from that great industry but moved on after 13 years.


>Turns out he spent years in prison before being exonerated. That's sad. Sounds like ptsd or something. Ptsd is a bitch. I'm sorry that happened to you.


I agree. We found a news article on him backing up what he said. It was a brief scuffle only thaankfully. I forgave him 5 min after. The guests family pain stayed with me a while. His son was young. I lost dad young also. I was fighting tears clocking out.


My wife and I used to own/operate a boutique hotel and a couple on their honeymoon asked me to order them a prostitute to share. I said, "No."




Can't find good customer service these days


Once worked night audit at a hotel. Went up to check a noise complaint and after I was done, returned to the elevator and the damn swat team poured out of it. Apparently someone had called in reporting someone had a gun. As far as I know, no one had a gun


Plot twist: Someone had a piece of gum.


We one time found an ENTIRE dead wild turkey crammed into the mini fridge of a guest that checked out.


Ex hotel employee. I never witnessed it happening live only the aftermath but the amount of people who shit where they shouldnt would blow most peoples minds.


Never worked in a hotel, but considering the rates in which people decide to shit in store changing rooms, this doesn’t surprise me


Just had someone shit in the elevator last week.. I'm new to the biz but damn


I had a client who was an escalator and elevator repair guy. One of the many stories he told me was that anytime they had to do work in "The Pit" or bottom of the elevator shaft, the first thing they would do is hose the whole place down with strong bleach-water. People pee in elevators. ALL. THE. TIME.


Last time I stayed in a motel, there was a huge dookie on the playground. I didn't think much of it until I noticed a bunch of turds had been stuck to the side of the building by the pool, which I'm pretty sure was the restrooms. I don't know how that happened. I couldn't imagine who would've done that, or why, or even how. (It was a lot.) I did inform the front desk and I swore it wasn't me who did it. I'm not sure if they believed me but it was still there the next day at checkout. Maybe it was a prank. The area didn't smell like poop and there seemed to be more poo than one person could make at once. Also I'm not sure if regular turds stick to walls like that. I've never tried it. I gave them 4 out of 5 stars in a review because it was a great vacation besides the wall turds.


A buddy of mine shat on a lobby sofa at a hotel in Cancun during his post-high school trip.


Worked at a very high end hotel in Chicago. The amount of pro athletes and government officials that frequented with sex workers was nuts.


A woman had checked in near 11:00 pm and later reported that her shower curtain had fell off. We asked her to wait in the lobby so maintenance could do a quick fix. She had a blanket stretched out on a couch and we got back into the routine. Time passed and as we went to tell her it was set, but she was missing. We figured she make it back to her room and the shift changed and someone asked if they saw the blanket outside. I answered no, and the auditor said she'd look as there's an iron gate the ran from the lot to a deep valley below. The poor auditor found her hanging there in the predawn darkness. It was horrible, she never really never recovered from the sight.


Oh, so the shower curtain breaking was her first attempt, then went outside to try again. Grim.


Exactly. Engineering said it looked it was ripped off the wall., but stranger things have happened. What got me is she was crashed on the couch far and away and the normal business went on. It must have happened near 3:00 am when almost nobody was in our lot or in the building next door. I'm told that happens in hotels as people don't have to come home to a scene.


Woman killed her baby and was walking around the lobby with its corpse. She had it wrapped up so we didnt know. Usually the baby was screaming its head off but was silent now. We found out the next morning what really happened. The husband was very upset. The woman was arrested.


A friend of my aunt is a cleaning lady at the hotel she works at. One time she had to clean a room and when she opened the door she was greeted by a big fucking snake. Turns out the 2 dudes staying there had a python with them and didn't mention anything to the hotel staff and just went out visiting the city...


We found a young kid wandering around the Holodome, naked. We were able to get enough info from him to locate what room he was in. Knocked on the door. No response. We opened the door and his mom was passed out on the bed, naked. A big hole burned in the middle of the carpet. Trash and empty vodka bottles everywhere. We called in the police, and come to find out, her husband had been beating her, and she grabbed the kid and ran. Came and got a room, got drunk and passed out. The kid got bored and was able to get the door open and went on a little adventure. CPS was able to find her shelter, counseling, and she was able to keep her kid.


Had a long term guest who would only drink water from the kitchen faucet. It was "safer" than the other water in the house. She would fill up a large container in the morning. One morning, she came for breakfast, dropped her bags and ran outside. A city work crew was digging up the road and she accused them of tampering with the water. She was very loud and angry. I tried to bring her inside, but eventually the cops came and arrested her. She was in the kitchen the next morning, getting water for her day. I didn't ask.


Couple in their late 20s came in. Clean, no tattoos or needle marks. Next morning, the man came in and turned the key. He said his wife took the car and he was waiting for a ride and would be gone shortly. When I went in to check the room, it was a bloodbath. Childbirth blood. Stuff was even on the ceiling fan. It stunk like hell. Owner's wife had been a midwife in a foreign country and I called her in. She checked everything and never once mentioned childbirth. Pulled the sheets off to peroxide and soak them and one pillowcase was missing. We will never know whether that baby was carried out dead or alive. It's been over 7 years, the carpets have been cleaned regularly, and occasionally I can still get a whiff of that horror.


The sheets weren’t thrown away???


Hydrogen peroxide both disinfects blood stains and takes them out. We used it to treat menstrual stains and the blood gushers that needle drug addicts leave when they shoot up. Sally Beauty Supply has ordinary non-creme peroxide by the gallon. Little trick I learned from a medical lab tech years ago. That's how they keep those white coats white.


No noise complaints?


There’s a list as long as my arm of things I’ve witnessed. One thing that sticks out was this woman who checked in, few minutes later she comes down to reception as her bathroom light wasn’t working, I told her I’d be up to change it but she said she had to pop out so if she’s not in there to let myself in. I find a spare bulb and go and knock on her door, silence, knocked again, nothing. So I let myself in. I walk into the room to see her completely naked with about 12 guys, also naked, wanking over her. I froze in my steps, she looks right at me and says “You joining us?” I didn’t.


My friend worked at a hotel where the packers would stay when they came to Minnesota. If you could imagine Aaron Rodgers was a total douchebag who would cuss out the minimum wage workers if his fruit smoothies weren’t good enough.


fuck the packers


Fuck Aaron Rodgers


content warning, this is heavy: a man spent the night talking with me and my partner at the time (i worked third shift and on weekends he would come and sit with me for a few hours overnight so we could have some time together) the man told us a story about how him and his family were having to stay in hotels due to a gang coming for him after he "took care of" the guy who was abusing his daughter. both his daughters were with him at the time as well, i sat and talked with them while my partner talked to this man. he kept saying things like, "if i wasn't here my family wouldn't have to worry anymore," and "if a cop shot me dead, i'd be okay with that because bullets don't have names and at least they would be pointing the gun at me." we just listened to him/his daughters and he kept thanking us for doing so since no one else seemed to hear him out. he sat and talked with us for hours and eventually went back up to his room with his girls. 30 hours later, that same man walked into our lobby with a gun and told everyone to get out before he shot the place up. he didn't hurt anyone, even the girl who was working desk that morning said she didn't feel like he was going to hurt her, however cops shot him dead at the scene. it was the most shocking, heartbreaking things i've ever experienced working in hotels. i tried calling the police department to tell them about the alleged gang coming after the family, but they never did anything about it. i don't know where those girls are, but i remember talking to them about New York and how much they wanted to live there one day. i really hope they eventually got there and were able to find some much needed healing.


!ive been a maid both inside the hotel industry and out on my own. I've walked into countless destroyed hotel rooms in that time frame but the craziest was when I walked in on a guy tied up on the bed. In his birthday suit of course! Couldn't believe it!


[Madam, I need you to remain calm](https://youtu.be/mlX-MCLdURQ?si=Yz_WjWNNDHJ4ZSzC)


Friend used to run a small B&B and she had couple of guests (m&f) check in separately. They claimed to be strangers. It was apparently clear from the start that they knew each other, or that they arranged a meet up under a pretence. The following day, after they left, she found the gentlemen’s room nearly untouched and the ladies room had a big poo wrapped in a towel on a bathroom floor.


There needs to be an official training course in fetish etiquette for anyone into scat


Your comment made me sit and think for a minute about what would be good poop etiquette for Kink play. I've decided that good etiquette would be packing a plant repotting mat. It has all the advantages of a tarp, but in a small format that's capable of catching any liquid.


See, people *can* solve problems when they work together!! 💛


Full service hotel that had a Presidential Suite in it with giant windows overlooking the indoor pool and hottub in the lobby. A couple on their honyemoon decided to have sex up against those giant uncovered windows overlooking the pool as parents were franctically covering their kids eyes. They never rented that suite out again.


Dude came back from his fastfood trip and bumped into the wall which caused him to spill half of his drink so he got angry and just threw the whole large drink on the other side of the wall in front of us.. LMAO 🥴 Screamed FUCK and walked back to his room afterwards. 😂😂😂


I was working in the office of this small locally owned 41-roomed hotel in the city centre. Theres three storeys and we back onto a church car park in the back. We were renvating so loads of vans and builders walking around out there. The head housekeeper came in looking for the boss. I was alone in the room at 10am on a Friday. "Oh I thought he'd be looking at the cameras", Whyyyyyy??? A cleaner was on the second floor when she saw a man drop from above. She looks down and he's gone. She calls management and they go up to the room she said she saw him fall from on the third floor. Room is locked no answer. Master key reveals the door is bolted. They thankfully can get up into the window from outside with the ladders the builders have. A manager who's skinny enough to fit the window goes up. The rooms have vaulted ceilings so the windows are tight rectangles that don't open that wide for safety. This window frame is bent and the window boosted to open fully. Guy crawls in and he usually takes the piss but his face was still ashen when we talked later. He saw from his angle, hair and blood on the bathroom floor. Taking a look thankfully it was just blood and hair, not a body like he thought. He unbolted the door and let the rest in. The room was lived in but not even messy. They brought this guys left behind stuff into my office since it has a code and lock on the door only 3 people know. The guy had 1400€ on him and all his cards were still in his bag. We call the police. In the meantime the receptionist who checked him in last night says she actually remembered him because he was normal. We had a few weirdos in the building that week but he was polite and had a bit of small talk. The police arrive and ask if he needed to pay for the room or had any fights with people or had any guests. He had paid in full the night before, no guests and stayed in his room. CCTV showed him sliding out the window, bending the frame and taking a chute with him, landing on a small awning before batman rolling to the ground and taking off out the pedestrian gate of the church yard. No builders saw him. The police are stumped since he wasn't dodging a bill or anyone looking for him. I suspected mental health issues. He bolted that door and saw the window as the only way out. He left everything behind in his panic and seemed to pull the hair out of his head (he had a pony tail when he checked in and we have no sharps in the room to do a hair cut and none was found). He turned out to be local and his brother went around flyering the area in missing persons posters for him. Last footage in CCTV was him running around by the river two seconds away from us. Kept seeing it online too and about 3 weeks later his brother announced rhey found his body in the river. He jumped in that morning but I'd say his body got caught under something and only resurfaced three weeks after when he bloated. Very sad ending to a confusing Friday morning.


My dad was the head cook at a fancy hotel in Los Angeles for 36 years. Every year, he would take his 3 week vacation right after the 4th of July except for two years. Back in the mid-90s, he took it in April because of a family emergency, and the other was because one of his employees blew his brains out in one of the rooms. I believe this was mid-March back in 2003. He didn't want to be at work, so he was given time off, and he just rolled it into vacation time. I didn't know this is why he took so much time off until he officially retired in 2020. One of the maids who had worked there as long as him told me at his retirement party.


My cousin worked at a big hotel and said that at least once a month, housekeeping would find a scream mask in a closet


Worked at a small boutique hotel in NW Portland. Husband & wife in their 70s came in. He made a joke about how many “homeless people he’d have to kick” on his way to their event. He was a retired cop from southern Oregon. Well they check out no problem the next day. About an hour after check out the wife calls and asks me to check their room for her kindle and broach. I go up there, door is open for housekeeping. Sure enough I see her broach and kindle. And then, on the bedside table is a handgun. Safety off. I call my manager up and he puts on the safety(luckily has gun control knowledge) and puts it in a safe in our back office until they can come back to pick it up.


Not a hotel employee at the time, but my wife and I stayed at a strange hotel with our kids while traveling across the US. We got into our room and started to unpack a few things when I dropped something on the floor and it went under the bed. When I got down to pick it up, I noticed a line going around the walls of the room about four or five inches above floor level. I started looking around the entire room and realized it was black mold. Apparently, the room had experienced flooding and they didn’t bother to remove the damaged drywall. They’d just painted over it and the mold kept spreading and growing. I told my wife and she said, we need to get another room, to which I agreed. We were given a second room and when we went into the room there was a large hole in the ceiling. It was big enough for an adult to fit through and we could see the ceiling joists with the lights on in the room. So I went back to the front desk and they gave us another room at the other end of the building on the second floor that was much better. We had planned to stay in this hotel for a few days, but changed our plans and left the next morning.


My sister found a used tampon in one of the glasses full of blood and water. She said it looked like they were trying to make period tea or something


Vampire teabag.


Years ago worked in a hotel and we’d have amateur wrestlers stay over the weekends once in a while. They’d be in town for whatever show they were involved in. It was a mix of mostly men and a few women. Late on a Saturday night we hear random noises coming from a conference room (across from our front desk area) so I go to investigate only to walk in on 4 dudes and 2 women having a free for all with each other. Not sure if they saw me, as I immediately stepped back out into the hallway, closing the door and yelled thru the door that we had a noise complaint and needed them to leave and go to their rooms. I worked the next morning and needless to say checking them out was ackward as f.


Ok amateurs wrestlers.... "free for all" could mean sex or wrestling. Which is it?


Not an employee, but I've found boiled pasta remains in the tea kettle twice now. I don't use hotel kettles anymore


We had a guest sneak a reindeer into a newly renovated slopeside condo at the ski resort where I worked, took it up the elevator and everything. It smelled for days.


I worked reception at a historical hotel in a small town. One day a lady walked into the lobby, pulled down her pants, sat in one of our plush lobby chairs, relieved herself as if on the toilet, then stood up and walked out. All less than ten feet away from where I was sitting at the reception desk.


Worked in a downtown Nashville hotel that had a rooftop bar and two guys with parachutes went up and base jumped off the top. I’m pretty sure they never got caught either


Had a friend who was the manager of a Days Inn. She said that at least 3-4 times a year, a customer checks into the hotel just to kill themselves. They figure, if they kill themselves in the hotel, then their wife/kids don't have to find them dead at home. But those poor housekeepers who find you dead? Yeah, fuck them, amirite?


They don't care about strangers


My mother worked in a long term motel. One of the tenants was shot by a police officer officer when he pulled a gun on them. When they went into his place, they found a blow up doll on the bed and a complete wardrobe for her in the closet.


One time a lady had a full on temper tantrum when I told her I did not have water bottles and couldn’t leave the front desk to get her one


One time, I walked in on a guest pleasuring themselves with a stuffed animal in their room. It was definitely a shocking and awkward moment for both of us. I quickly apologized and made a hasty exit. Definitely not something you expect to see while working at a hotel.


Once I was doing my rounds and I saw a dude shaking his bare ass wildly at people passing by from his hotel room. He was also calling sex hotlines and the front desk reported it to me. I mean, an ass shaking that's quite fast and disturbing. He was wearing only a black shiney jock jacket. I passed by his hotel room and saw him shake his ass at me. He did that anytime someone walked by. We called his room to tell him we saw some inappropriate things and calls to sex hotline. When I walked by again he came outside with pants and shirtless under the black jock jacket to smoke outside. I stayed the hell away. Clearly, this dude was on some heavy drugs, probably crank or something of that nature. Other than that bunch of 20 something kids smoking pot and Karens angry that the pool closes early.


Our maintenance guy was passed out on heroin in the bathroom and we had to call 911. Felt horrible for the guy but hopefully he got help


Jizz on practically every surface, including the ceiling. A fishing tackle box full of near 30 different strains of weed and pills. Two brand new unlocked iPhones filled to max capacity with hairy bush porn. A large duffel bag filled with dildos of varying sizes and colors. This was one room and one guest. Blacklighting the room may have been a mistake.


Posted this on the last one but Worked at a hotel front desk 3rd shift and an old, maybe 75+ lady , called the front desk and wanted a pillow delivered to her room. I took the pillow. when I got there she wanted me to come inside. I’m like uhhh naw here is your pillow, she insisted so I did. I get inside she shuts the door and tells me to put the pillow on the bed. She then goes to a drawer in her dresser, at this time I’m like “I need to return to the front desk”, thinking the worst. She then pulls out a thing of bandaids and wants me to put bandaids on her open sores on her feet... I noped on out of there as fast as I could and left before she came down for morning breakfast. Still freaks me out. Yuck Pre-feet finder era


A large group of mostly Germans stayed in the conference hotel for a couple weeks and drove the staff nuts. I'm assuming they were part of a cult. There was water damage all over the place because they insisted on cleansing a bunch of upholstered furniture. They locked the conference room doors and staff weren't allowed in but I heard a rumor that they were bowing to a plastic statue of an alien. They refused to eat anything that was microwaved. And worst of all, they didn't tip


I work in a hotel, older style.  Had a couple check in one night, no proper id and no reservation. My GM rented them a room anyways because they were older and didn't seem like trouble.  Wwwwweeeeellllll,  It turns out they were somewhat on the run from their family and had been erratic with them on the phone. The family was deeply concerned about their well being.    The police came by looking for them one evening while I was working. They needed me to get access to the room should they not open the door. So I went to the room with the officers.   A do not disturb sign hung on the knob. House keeping had mentioned they refused room cleaning for a couple days. I could hear a tv playing in the room. I knocked and announced myself and the police.   A lady's voice from inside said:   " Oh we're ok.  No need to bother."  I stated that I would open the door, as the police need to see you.   "Oh ok." Said the woman.  I opened the door slowly, and we got hit with the smell. Inside the room was a barely dressed old lady sitting in a chair in front of the TV. Next to the bed  sprawled out on the floor was her male companion, bloated and purple with death. He had been dead a few days while the lady just watched TV in a daze.  Police took her away without issues. And took the body as well. I've never heard an official word on what happened, but from my understanding the couple had planned some sort of suicide pact, and had alluded to this to the poor family trying to find them.


I worked at a Travel Lodge in the 90's. We had one of those covered curved driveways in front of the hotel where people parked before they came in to check in or out. One burley manly man would come in every so often (I worked the 2:00p - 11:00p shift). He would go into his room put on a pink tutu ballerina outfit, head piece, ballet flats, and when nobody was out front he would dance ballet. He was good, but it was odd to see his big beer belly and bearded tutu wearing guy doing Piruets. We also had a married couple (not to each other) come in once a week. My co-worker told me they had been coming to the hotel for years. In hind sight, I was 20 and would work my shifts alone until the next person arrived, that was an unsafe job for me.


Oooh, I have some. I worked as a receptionist at a small hotel (the working hours were 8:00 - 22:00) when I was 22yo(F). The moments that stand out to me are: ● Grandmother was checking in with their granddaughter (About 4 y.o) and the little girl peed at the reception, no warning, just stood there and let it go. The grandmother took the keys and walked away, without apology. ● German tourist who left the bathroom covered in sh*t... it was a woman, probably 50y.o, looked very clean and according to ID had a PhD. ● Man (around 30 y.o.) got drunk at the hotel restaurant and demanded room for 4 people. He thought that 3 women who sat at the restaurant, and for which he bought a let of drinks, would come to the room with him and sleep with him. He was really angry about it. In the morning a had to knock ok his door several times that he had to leave the room. He opened in only his underwear asking if I am there to give him his breakfast. I had to ask waiters from the restaurant to get him out. ● One local woman always booked a room, arrived with a different man and left the next morning. After her 3rd bookong we found out that she was probably shooting porn... the wrapers and used "toys" in trash bin were a big hint ● Group of 3 women were calling me around midnight saying someone was trying to break into their room and were demanding me to come and take care of it. I said to call the police, that I would be there in 30min and that would probably be late. Their answer to not come at all and in the morning they came downstairs with their husbands and started yelling at me. They actually made me cry and I was scared to even charge them for breakfast.. ● Drunken hotel guest was leaving the restaurant late in the evening and got into the wrong door, and fell down the basement stairs. We had laundry room in the basement and the door were not being locked so that housekeeping could go there easily with loads of laundry. The door had a sign "do not enter" on them. The guest was found in the morning by a housekeeper half dead.. He cracked his head on the stairs and died later at the hospital.