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When someone un-does their belt with one hand while maintaining eye contact. ugh. I’m done


My belt is Velcro.


*SHHHRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPP* ***(with eye contact)***


Oddly, when a girl grabs my hand and SHE places it where she wants, whether that's her breast or ass or thigh. Like fuck that's hot


I had an ex that would stick my hand down her pants to feel how wet she was… drove me crazy




Hey thats my move! 🤣


When my girlfriend sits down and it makes her thighs look bigger. I'm a massive sucker for legs.


I'm happy to read this cause I am very insecure about that!


I've heard that from a lot of people. It's way more common for people to find it attractive than not.


Can confirm


women -- everything you are insecure about drives the men/women/thems in your life crazy. Stop it.


I'm also a major hypocrite as I am attracted to women seek the very things I complain about. I'm my own worst critic.


I've literally had this conversation with my wife: "Oh she's gorgeous." "Well, that's what you look like when you dress that way." "Oh no, she wears it well. It looks bad on me." *sigh*


I have a hilarious story about this. A bunch of couples were hanging out and someone posed this question. One of my buddies dead seriously says "Oh man when Jen wears her sundress and collar it drives me insane." Jen immediately pipes in "My what?". He goes "You know... your sundress and that collar!" She thinks for a second and then goes "OMFG do you mean my CHOKER?? Have you been telling people you love it when I wear my COLLAR all these years?!?!" As one of his best friends, I can confirm that he had been saying that for a long time lmao.


tbh if neither were popular terms i feel collar would be a lot less risqué sounding than choker lol


As a guy who isn't super familiar with women's clothes, collar sounds way tamer than choker, choker sounds hardcore as hell, like some BDSM shit lol. I have heard the term choker but it always sounded weird to me.


That's simply fabulous oh my gosh 😂😂😂😂


Whenever my wife gets naked, even if it's just to change clothes, or shower, or if she's wearing just underwear....it always turns me on.


I also choose this guy's wife.


You should be so lucky!


Is she single?


I will never not upvote this joke


Someone lightly nibbling on my neck


Someone doing anything really, to/on my neck. Except shitting maybe?


Detonating a thermonuclear bomb, perhaps?


Hair flip, tying hair back, etc. It’s the rolling up the sleeves equivalent, but for those interested in women.


[“Someone’s ear is in danger of having hair brushed over it”](https://youtu.be/Q417HOVIZCU?si=pAqKgiNxPt-6dktF)


Unexpected midriff


My wife doesn't like crop tops but she'll wear a midriff shirt. Any time she wears one it's her cue to tell me she wants to get after it at some point in the day. The flirting begins heavily at that point.


 **cue can mean “to give a prompt to,” and queue can mean “to arrange or form in a line"(or a queue).**


Well he has to get in line if he wants to be with his wife, so queue is the right word Source: I waited in line for 3 days


When I was younger, I worked at a summer camp and I had a big crush on one of my supervisors (I was 19 or 20, she was early 20s). One day I saw her stretch enough to lift her shirt above her belly button, and I saw that she had a belly button piercing, not to mention this impeccably flat tummy. Lemme tell you, that got me bricked up.


*core memory created*


this but on guys too. when they stretch their arms and you see a bit of their happy trail 🫣


My wife goes gaga eyed for the hip-flexor/abductor crease when I do that, haha


This guy physical therapists




I’m pretty sure my man winked at me once early on in our relationship, and I’ve thought about it a lot ever since. It just does something to me, and I’ve never had that reaction to a wink before. I’ve over-thought it to the point of me questioning if I just imagined it happening. Whenever he gets serious, grabs my waist/pants, and pulls me against him, or when he grabs my face/neck or runs his thumb across my lips when we kiss… immediately gets me in the mood every single time. 🫠


My guy has this one eyebrow raise that he does that's my kryptonite. He usually does this when we're just cuddling in bed. Once, he did it from across the room while my friend was talking and got lost for a minute there. 🥴


Is your guy The Rock?!


She's definitely smelling what he's cookin'


Ahhhh hahahah have you ever told him about the winking bit? Thats absolutely cute I feel like making out in general turns me on like way too much maybe lol i love locking lips


Seeing her wearing a thong, cleavage. Damn.


>Seeing her wearing a thong You must have really liked the 2000s when whale-tails were in fashion


The straight G string is always hot


Pajamas. I don't know what it is, but when a girl just looks like she is comfortable enough to wear them. I can't describe.


“I just want to know they’re comfortable!”-Troy Barnes


I was laying in my bed once and my gf wanted to get onto the side that was against the wall. She stood up on the bed, and as a joke, she stepped on my face with her bare foot. That was the day I learned that I'm into that.


Lol I love bare soles


Look at you... baring your soul.


So when my ex gf wore a loose without a bra at home… she would do this thing when she talks to me she would get on all fours in whatever direction I was looking and look me dead in the eye knowing that the shirts she was wore were loose enough so you could down her shirt. Something about seeing boobs down a loose shirt just looks so unbelievably hot to me.


Thigh high stockings or pantyhose. Especially on a woman with nice legs. Gets me every time and the wife takes advantage of this.


Lucky man you are!


lol well she’s crazy so there’s that too. But not a bad crazy and we balance each other out.


someone who is nice to me.


Hi, i hope you're doing well and had a great day. How is it?


Innocent “neck flashing”. I have no idea if it even has a name, but that’s how I call it. Say for example your girl’s just doing her things, not paying attentions. She move, her hairs shifts and reveals her neck — goddamn I wanna bite that neck.


Unexpected vampire


We need to make r/unexpectedvampire rn


Van Helsing wants to know your location.


You're probably the reason schools don't want their students to show shoulders lol


Men fixing shit lol


Well you're in luck, because when I fix shit it takes a good long time for it to be fixed.


Boner through his pants


Same, I’m very pro-visible-boner. Makes me wanna grab it


Honestly? Just flirting. My partner comes over and starts flirting with me like it’s the first date. We take our time, going back and forth for hours throughout the day…and then it’s on. Building up tension is really underrated.


The dick bulge...sometimes it's hotter than actually seeing it...


Especially under grey sweatpants 😮‍💨


When a guy's better than me at something I enjoy - Be it the piano, the guitar, acting, music theory, singing etc... I don't know why, but it turns me on so bad.


I mean III, vi, ii, V⁷, I, am I right?


So, if you're better than a guy at something does it have the opposite effect?


That was pathetic. *completely dries up down there*


Yup, exactly. I have no idea why my brain does this.


I was riding the subway once, and this gal across from me was dressed in sort of casual business attire (way pre-pandemic). It was fall, so chilly, and she had these thick leggings on, in a dark color that was nicely coordinated with the rest of her outfit, which included a courderoy skirt and turtleneck sweater. She was cute, but I swear to Christ I was just admiring her gear. But then her stop came, and as she was getting up, I caught a flicker of very high thigh, as her leggings were not leggings but those thigh-high American Apparel socks. I nearly passed out from the surge from my equipment. It was a very powerful, unexpected reaction. My heart skipped like seven beats. Nothing has ever happened remotely close to that, as far as a turn on. I don't even know her name.


I know that outfit and I endorse this message


She was also reading a book, which always adds like a five factor to the overall slay.




Someone coming out of the shower wrapped in a towel is the eighth wonder of the world. With a few drops of water still on their body OMG!!!




Not the worst thing to think of. When I was 7 I was told by my mom to go wake up my grandpa from his nap but he was expecting my grandma… he was butt ass naked just laying there. I don’t think he knows I remember. But im gonna keep it that way because I know he was embarrassed.


Damn, that killed my boner over the other guys girlfriend real quick


He remembers.


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Like the facehugger from Alien lol


Listen soldier, you finish your meal, NO SCRAPS.


What a power move. Kudos to your gf!


Gotta respect a woman who goes for the direct approach.


I have a pretty dominant personality for a lady. I love a man who knows how to make me submit, that's the biggest turn on ever... *Make me* lol


Ugh same. I’ve been an extremely independent girl my entire life, and I’m the head of my department at work and take no shit. Please, I beg of you, *take over.* Easiest way to get me there.


For real! Saddest thing is when they're shy or don't know how to handle your energy... I guess it's intimidating? But dammit boy, just do it! We'll both be happier for it lol


I can handle the energy. It's more about not knowing how aggressive the person is looking for. Like there's a not so fine line between "slap me and make your cock disappear down my throat like I'm David Blaine" and "lightly choke me, spank me, and make me blush"


The way you phrased that was beautiful 🤣💕 I getcha though. It's ideal to have an understanding ahead of time what you're getting into. My problem is... I tell the guy I like it rough and whatnot, and he's afraid to spank me... TF?! Gets lost in translation sometimes I suppose.


RIP your inbox


I’m a make me girl too. You can have it just fight me a little and shut me up.


Picking up litter when it’s not their job or their responsibility. Immediately makes me want to have that kind of person in my life. Alternately, when someone I’m attracted to does litter, especially if they notice and don’t do anything about it, they are immediately on my shit list. If I could have a single superpower, it would be to transport people’s misplaced trash to end up immediately in their beds.


The hair pull (at the base of the skull) while you're kissing so he can get to the side of your neck and shoulder.


Yess! Makes me melt 🫠 lol


This thread taught me that humans are diverse creatures and- People like tits.


Chokers. If I’m out and about and see a woman with a choker on? Doesn’t matter if it’s thin or thick banded. If it’s tight against her throat? Game over mate. I’ll be in my bunk…


Whenever we arrive home, my boyfriend will start taking off my shoes and socks. It’s REALLY a minor thing, but watching him undo my laces, or unbuckle my heels just do something insane to me I don’t know😭


Oh shit. This unlocked something for me. Gotta talk to my boyfriend...


I order my partner with something (nonsexual or sexual) and she responds "Yes sir" and does it. Instant 100% arousal.


I do love hearing a good ol’ “yes ma’am” Revs that motor like nothing else


A man out-braining another man. Not like, cutting them down with insults. Just two respectful logicians going at each other... Hot damn. Like, let's go party together in your office chair with the lean back feature since you won that discussion with them brains. Now.


you have an office crush don't u


Seeing a girls panties peek out


Whale tail power.


Why did I read this as white tail power 😑


Oh, deer.


Men NATURALLY having manners. Like holding a door open etc. you can tell when it’s forced. But it’s hard to come by nowadays


I always do things like holding doors etc. It is a habit that was drilled into my head as a kid by my older sisters.


Now you two kiss


Hey, I'm the priest here. Yes, they should kiss.


Ok… here’s the quandary… I was perceived as a flirt in college, and still get strange attention when I do these types of things! Growing up on ranches in west Texas, there are certain things that are just natural responses… like holding doors open, stepping back and allowing lady’s first, pulling out chairs, standing when they walk in the room, etc.  


What about east Texas?


East Texan here. Manners are still important and similar to other areas of the south, but West Texas has more ranch culture than we do, whereas East Texas leans into the Bible Belt more prevalently. Not to say that East Texas doesn’t have a ranch culture or that West Texas isn’t Christian— just that both are influenced more by one rather than the other. What this means for this conversation is that a lot of East Texans are mannerly because it’s the Christian thing to do, and West Texans are mannerly in a little more of a “southern hospitality” way. I hope there’s some logic to that? Purely based on my own experiences born and raised in Texas.


I actually had a huge conversation with my best friend basically asking “why do I do this?” I was never raised to, it’s just kind of in some people


Thigh-high stockings.


Thick thighs save lives, but thigh highs are my demise.


My SO's hair gets curly when it's humid or she starts sweating. It's only the baby hairs on her neck that get into these cute little ringlets. Something about them makes me get flooded with love for her and a very naughty need to wrap my finger in one and \*pull\*. She frequently will do fun strip teases for me or whatever and it's fun and awesome... but it's when she's busy and engrossed in physical work, not trying to do anything for me at all, and those little curls on the back of her neck come spring alive.... Ooofies! :)


this is so so cute


A good cook, nothing like a talented chef to get the tastebuds going 🤧👀


My wife waits until I’m on the phone, a call that seriously needs serious concentration and start with boobs out, she know’s she has me… concentrate, concentrate on the phone call for goodness sake, zipper undone, give up I’m already talking gibberish


A nicely shaped butt in tight clothes. Could be big. Could be petite. But nicely shaped. A bare midriff. Surprise underboob. Surprise overboob. Surprise sideboob. Cleavage. ... I spend a lot of time horny.


I've got big boobs so the surprise boobage and cleavage happens to me way too often.


A genuine, warm smile can be incredibly attractive!


domestic domination (purposefully putting something on a high shelf that i can’t reach “oh let me help you with that darling” / a hand on the small of my back to lead me through crowd / asking me to clean something that involves bending over or getting on my hands & knees)


That works for me but on the other side. Tell her to clean or do something that requires kneeling. Even order her just to kneel.


When I say something and she slightly bites her bottom lip then smiles. Could be talking about how while painting a wooden deck you need to paint WITH the grain, not against it, and suddenly I’ll have a raging boner because the girl I was talking to bit her lip lightly and smiled.


My wife at any time I see her, she is literally the most beautiful woman on this earth, as far as I am concerned. But nothing compares to seeing her first thing in the morning, it never ceases to amaze me just how beautiful she is, and I cannot resist that in any way. It is on at that point.


It’s nice to spot a fellow decent, apparently well-adjusted human being on the internet every once in a while. I hope you’re enjoying life as much as I am.


I assure you I am, and I appreciate your kind words. I could not ask for a better life, I am the luckiest man on earth. My wife and children are my world.


My heart.


Emotional availability and communication?


"what did you just say, honey?" - *continues scrolling reddit*


When a girl sits and her thighs get bigger, like they are melting. Thick thighs are already hot so when they do this... Good lord.


Probably you but we would have to test it to be sure


that was very smooth, kinda caught me off guard


Haha thanks. Happy Friday! Ps I like your dog!


thank you!!


***Now kiss...***


Smooth ass line my bro.


I read that as "smooth my ass line, bro" and deadass tried to intepret what that meant


My girlfriend has just texted me “I’m horny” before and it just about made my own horniness shoot through the roof. Aside from that, my basic answer is catching a glimpse of lingerie or undergarments is an instant turn on for me.


When she puts her hair behind her ear. When she inadvertently exposes her midriff. Very small chested women wearing a dress or shirt that shows a lot of cleavage. Small booty girls wearing very tight pants. French braids.


You like them petite girls eh?


"Black girls, white girls, skinny girls, fat girls, tall girls, small girls, I'm calling all girls" - Sun Tsu, the art of girls


“Everyone report to the dance floor, it’s your chance for a little romance or butt squeezin’, it’s the season” - Sun Tzu One of my favorites out of his works. That’s real poetry


French braids drive me crazy. She can look like Phyllis Diller but if she has French braids I’m attracted.


When a guy is passionate about something and talks about it with those glistening eyes (no mansplaining tho)


A robe and wizard hat


I haven’t seen a blood ninja reference in a hot minute.


Holy shit the old internet still has some life.


A girl with a sleeveless shirt suddenly putting her hair up into a bun.


When my wife has a long phone talk (something that happens quite often) she always props her bare feet on the coffee table and moves them a lot . There are much more powerful moves, but I mention this because it is an everyday situation, she doesn't do it on purpose and it works because of my twisted mind.






My girlfriend is an expert in that, and it’s double hilarious to me to watch her giggle cause I am a fucking caveman and I’ll be like “So, that, babe, is when Solo jumped in the ring to stop Cody from…uh….uhhhhh….oh wow. Okay!” Thankfully I get the hint but for like twelve seconds, it’s like complete and total BSOD of the brain. I can hear the Windows XP reboot sound in my head


Working on updates 0% completed Don't turn off your computer


I don't know if you appreciate the magnitude of this power... Men lack an equivalent. Best move I have is grey sweatpants, and even that isn't a sure thing if she's not paying attention.


Weird, your other response below says the guy you’re seeing squeezes you.


You know how men become more attractive to women when they have a puppy or something? At least that's what I've noticed. I'm not saying this is always the case, but I've noticed that girls find guys attractive if they have puppies or if they align themselves with their family—anything that subconsciously shows the woman that he could be a good father. Well, I think that women who are nurturing are attractive.


Big tits, small bra


Wet floor signs can instantly turn me on in the right situation... doesn't typically happen at, say, work thankfully, but if I am off for the day and I walk by a nice sign, damn does my mind go places if I let it...


The ole “cuidado. Piso mojado” huh?


I scrolled WAY too far, hoping to find you


I've seen you in the wild like 5 times this week. It's crazy.


My wife’s tits


Neck kissing.


In a relationship: Being addressed as "darling." When they take an audible breath while hugging me, extra mega bonus points if it's from behind. Squeezing my hips from the front... thumbs right on the joint. OMFG. Lacing their fingers in my hair during an otherwise chaste hug. From random strangers: Respectfully, briefly touching the small of my back when passing in tight quarters. Engaged eye contact when I'm speaking passionately about any weird topic. Unobtrusively re-tucking a shirt... like, just a brief adjustment, not a full redress.


Watching my SO in the shower and he doesn’t know I’m watching. I have a perfect view from our bed. Something about watching him rub soap all over his body and rubs it up down and all around on his balls….. I’m like a wet kitty waiting to pounce his dripping wet body as soon as he steps out of that shower MEOW


Oh he knows.. and waiting for the pounce


You knows what’s funny. He saw this post and then told me he always knew i watched him and he likes that I do. And yes he waits for the “pounce” 😻


Physical- shoulders/collarbones on fit guys, and nice hands Non-physical- presence in a room full of people, a resonant voice, and gentlemanly manners


Dat arch! When a woman kneels down on all fours, maybe playing a board game or going to grab a sandwich at a picnic, something non sexual, and they arch their back and their hips widen. Hard to explain, but it makes me froth at the mouth.


Side boob gets me fairly turned on for some reason


sharp jawline on a girl


When a woman is wearing shorts but shows just a little cheek.


When my wife comes out of the shower wearing lingerie. Its game over


She should probably just put it on after the shower


Breasts. Big, small, medium, firm, soft, saggy, doesn’t matter. Don’t know the reason why, just know nothing makes me “sport wood” faster.


her voice


My girlfriend likes to bite me randomly (not very hard) and that always gets me going


Messy hair bun ❤️😍🔥🤩


Women that are wearing purses with the strap running b/w their boobs.


Jeans and no top. Something about a nice pair of jeans and nothing else on just screams "Lets bone!"


When he stretches and his shirt lifts up slightly. ╯(˙༥˙)♡ (i'm virginier than olive oil)


Being little spoon and his mouth goes anywhere near my neck/ear.... game over 🫠 Bonus points for pulling me closer by the waist 🙏🏼




Putting your feet on my lap


When a girl is wearing tennis shoes in a bikini especially while wearing a hat. No idea why but it gets me every time.


Lip biting !


When she just gets me. It is a natural "click." Similar feeling to falling in love, but not quite the same thing. I just crave a lady who thinks and vibes like I do.


Had an ex who when she would be in the mood, would seductively suck on my finger.  Worked everytime...


Nice big boobs bouncing around. I'm a simple man.


My ex gf after she had our son her tits became mythical to me and still are unfortunately


Sun dresses and forbidden pants


Forbidden pants?


The dimples in the small of a woman’s back. Instant boner.