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The way Adam Sandler’s roommate proposed to Hooters girlfriend on Big Daddy. Sorry just watched this movie again today but it was hilariously bad😭


That movie is on my queue to watch, it’s so good haha


At someone else's wedding. I understand that the bride and groom are likely aware and okay with it, but how does one even ask "hey, can I make your day about me?"


Proposed to my sister through a Facebook post


Nah this is crazy tho, what did she say??😂


She said yes on the post, but they split two days later. Long story short she made a friend at a new job she got, and he got real paranoid and jealous. In said feelings he took to Facebook to make his proposal... turns out my sister and said work friend were just work buddies and nothing more


damn that’s crazy, i appreciate the story time though!!


No problem dude 🤙


Huh. I came home from work one day after a 12 hour shift and a 2 hour round bus trip . I was shattered. The house was quiet, went to my bedroom to get changed and on the bed was 2 champagne glasses with a ring in 1 and the most beautiful poem id ever read. The words will you marry me at the bottom. Bottle of champagne too. I thought my boyfriend must have been hiding in anticipation. Nerves maybe. Looked around the house for him no sign. Rang him, he's in the pub with his mates pissed ASF. I told him no way of you can't even be arrested to be here for the proposal/answer. Drank the champagne myself.