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They’re just bitch outside but they have angelic personality inside


Went on a few dates with a girl like that and it was kinda intimidating in a fun way. It was like her default mode was ‘bored/annoyed’ and I was the only person who could make her laugh (sometimes). And when she opened up and starting smiling or giggling around me more after a few dates it was honestly really refreshing and rewarding.


why is this in a neutral/depressing tone? are you no longer together?


We only lasted a few dates sadly


yeah i can tell off your profile. do you have any other hobbies that you can use to take your mind off your current situation?


I have lots of hobbies and gained a few more to try and help with what’s been making me sad recently but it’s not really done much unfortunately. Best I managed to do was distract myself for a few days or weeks but eventually the pain I’d distracted myself from would come back all in one go.


I'm exactly in the same boat man. I read your profile and can relate on so many levels it's not even funny...my person left me to actually divorced from me, 14 years together and married for 4 of those 14. Told me through text while I was at work. I left for work in the morning and kissed my wife goodbye to come home midday to her not even wanting to be in my life...and we have a daughter who wasn't even 3 years old yet....it has completely broken me....this upcoming September will be 1 year since she asked for divorce it's only 3 months away and nothing really has changed, I can have some distraction from the thoughts of every thing but it all always come back, depression hits like a ton of bricks out of nowhere all the time. I miss my wife and my person and the way she used to be to me and the life we had together and the life I had planned raising our daughter together. My entire life flipped upside down in 1 half of a day and it fucking sucks...I feel your pain my dude


Sorry to hear about all that man, I’m a wreck after 4 years, can only imagine how bad 14 would be. And yeah, I always assumed a relationship that’s lasted a long time would take more than one day/incident to fall apart. Not sure how to trust someone now knowing I’d always be one bad day or event away from losing them forever. The only time I thought that happened is when someone cheats - and I knew that’d never happen and we both thought most of our ongoing issues were ironed out so I felt like we were bulletproof up until our last moment. Makes it hard to trust now


Yea I agree man it's shitty. It makes it even harder cuz we have a kid and she moved on in less than 2 months was in a full on relationship with someone we knew and moved in with him....is raising my fucking kid in another guy's house like they are some little family. It fucking sucks knowing that my daughter has no memories of me and her mother together and will start her life long memories with her mom being with someone else and dad living in an apartment alone, like I can't even give her the family life she deserves to have.... Dating sucks, it's ruined my self image so fucking bad like even if I want to talk to a girl I have so much self doubt that I don't even try anymore and it sucks cuz I'm so tired of being alone and feeling like that will never change cuz I dont love myself, I'm never happy, always fucki g bummed out or sad or depressed and feel like how could someone even want to be with me when I'm this way....and I can't stop feeling this way it's awful, I mean I have been trying hard to let shit go move on feel happy but nothing works, at all.... I'm sorry for what you feel but your not alone with those feelings cuz I feel them too


Yeah I found a post from my ex asking if it was normal to move on in 2 weeks, and around that same time she said she was 'seeing other people' - and that honestly crushed me more than the breakup did. The breakup felt like it could've just been a bump in the road up until then, but that made it seem a lot more spiteful and cynical - or at the very least made me feel like I meant nothing. I think often about how quickly she moved on vs how much I still struggle and the more time goes on the more it hurts missing someone who doesn't miss me and who barely missed me at all. And I get what you mean about being constantly sad messing up dating, I feel like all the parts of my personality that made me worth dating - the sense of humour, the confidence, and my motivation are all incompatible with my life after such a sudden loss. Even if I met someone like her again, I doubt they would even like me with how sad I am now.


at a loss for words. but there are always better options. there's no point in reminiscing previous events that led you to this outcome. if you ever find yourself in mortal dilemma, sometimes the best option is to back out. (i am no therapist but do take this as actual advice)


I am pretty much exclusively attracted to women who scare me. It's a real problem.


 Yes bc their just like me fr 


Yes. I love getting mean-mugged by attractive people. Something about it, especially once you know them and you watch them go from RBF to a smile. Melts my heart. But i also just like when people are a little mean to me in a romantic context.


I have it too


Yes, they'd be the most wonderful person you'll ever know.




Yes, I like em on the mean side 😅😁


Resting bitch face is just a facial expression, not a personality trait. I'd be more interested in someone's character than their expression


I think most people like it- IF the person with the RBF is conventionally attractive. If you’re attractive, you can look bitchy, intimidating, rude, scary, and people will think you’re hot. They might not wanna be your friend, but they’d still find you attractive lol.


Y E S. I like women a little mean smh.


My wife has told me as well as other people that I am intimidating/hard to approach because my face is so serious most of the time. It’s nothing personal I am just an observer and I try to process everything I am taking in. But what I am getting at is that my whole town agrees with that about me but after reconnecting with my now wife after 15 years she told me not only did she but everyone she knows has always had a crush on me and still to this day…I’m 35 now smh. I disagree and try to figure why they like me. Haha


Go you! Haha


Haha I’m telling ya, I also owned a painting business and did no paid advertising or any at all and stayed busy from my name mostly. Things like that has always intrigued me because it shows how different our brains work.


people with resting bitch face often have resting bitch attitude.


Married to it


Yeah, if she's known to have that and I'm the one she gives a big smile, then I'd love that. There was this girl when I was a teenager working at a supermarket. She had an "unemotional" face and a bit of a monotone voice, but when we spoke one on one she smiled and fluctuated her voice. I really enjoyed seeing that


Sure, as long as you can actually have a good time when you are not in resting mode. If you just blank stare our whole conversation without much reaction, I would just think you are not into me and move on x)


Yeah, but I'll probably be intimidated and end up not talking to them haha


Attracted? Quite possibly.   Would I think of asking her out? Probably not.   It's always a big mental hit getting turned down and if she already looks like she doesn't want to be approached I'll just spare myself from the pain.


Yes BUT they have to be great at communicating because it'll be tougher to read their emotions.


Yes because for some reason I find bitch face hot




Was with someone with RBF for 6 years. And idc tbh. It can't be helped soo why should I be the judge. It is what it is.


Hell yeah, it’s attractive


Sure lol just depends whether or not she says hi or appears interested in me.


not attracted, but might still want to bend one over the sink to wipe it off her face


Yeah man, love jizzing on them faces..




....what? I can't believe that's ur first comment ever