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Ordered a pizza.Had a couple of slices, then took a shower.Once I came out the rest of the pizza was gone


I’m gonna say, rats can steal slices of pizza.


Im on the NYC subway right now and and from here so the video of pizza rat is so poignant right now lmao


Love that rat


This happened to me once. My roommate would not believe I didn’t take her last piece of pizza because it was just gone. One day shortly after, we discovered we had a rat problem and also found the crust left behind under the oven.


Raccoons used to crawl through my grandmas dog door and take any food out on the counter so you never know.


Especially when they have 4 teenage sons to feed.


Yes! Omg I had a chihuahua once I left a sandwich on the table for my bf after work. He calls me asking why I prepped it with no lunch meat in it 😂😂


The people in your attic ate the rest.


Same thing happened to me once. Turns out my brother ate it, even though he’s a vegetarian and it had chicken on it. 


A phrogger stole it 😐


Phroggers genuinely scare the shit out of me


This one is happier: In my parent’s house, a few of our beloved pets have died of various causes. When I was living with them, I slept in a room the pets frequented often, when they were alive. Many nights I would be woken up from deep sleep to twilight because it felt little paws (I think) walking on my bed trying to find a comfy spot to lay down and sleep. It happened often. It wasn’t scary but it got annoying sometimes.


Back when I still lived at my mother's, I had a cat that mom had rescued and "gifted" to me. Mom had just bought an old farmhouse from my grandmother (her mother) and during the winter, someone left 2 kittens in a cardboard box with a blanket at the mailbox. One was given to our new neighbors (and sadly didn't make it) but one my mother kept for me. She had frostbite on her tail and was clearly mistreated but I loved that cat like nothing else before. She clung to me like flies to.. You know. She was my cat and I was her human, she abhorred anyone else and I was the only one who she'd allow to even pet her. She was obviously traumatized and kept her distance from most people, and hated having her belly touched, but she'd always sleep at the head of my bed, right next to my pillow. I liked to sleep with the blanket over my head and she'd even put a paw under the blanket to make sure I was still there every now and then. For a couple years after she'd passed, I'd be awoken to the sensations of a cat jumping on the bed or cat paws walking from my feet up next to my chest or head, her favorite spot to keep an eye on me. I'm not really a believer of paranormal per se but I know I felt her jumping into my bed to come see me for years after. I miss that cat so much. Her name was Zoey. She was the cutest longhair calico I've ever seen. I miss you, girl. [The only pic I could find of her, cropped from a photo taken ~2009-2011ish by a crappy flip phone, in her foot-of-the-bed post when I was awake. I miss you, girl.](https://ibb.co/6t7yJqM) One of my favorite things to do with her was play fetch. Somehow we figured out she loved to play with milk jug seal rings, they were one of her favorite toys. She was definitely above intelligence for the average cat and not only understood games but understood commands, too. She'd play with "normal" cat toys but if you had a seal ring and played fetch with her, she'd almost entirely forget she was trying to be distant from anyone but me :p. Sorry if I'm rambling. It's Saturday, I'm tipsy, and I'm coming to terms with the fact that that cat was one of the best people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. I gave her time to open up, time for me to understand her and how to make her feel safe after a dumpster fire of a human left her to possibly freeze to death, and she respected the time I gave to her. Cats are truly treasures.


fuck... man you're making me think about my cats. I'm giving them all hugs tomorrow.


They're more present, cognizant, and aware than any of us will ever know. There's a reason I don't trust people who don't like cats as a whole. They're people, just as much as you and I are.


We used to regularly see our old cat out of the corner of our eye, he died when he was 2 and we'd see him or almost trip over him. When we moved we didn't expect to see him again. I accidentally stood on his tail 2 weeks after we moved in. He came with us!


Soon after my beloved dog died, I heard the click click of her nails coming up the side of the bed to check on me as she would. But faster, like she was no longer hurting. It was sweet. She looked at me and made sure I was okay before she left.


My childhood dog died two days ago and I am definitely not ready to see this


I’m sorry Sweetheart. I know how rough that is. It’s been more than 10 years since my childhood dog died and I think of him with such fierce love still.


I get that feeling sometimes too when I know no cats are in our room. I'll just be laying in bed and will feel the bed shift as if one of them jumped on to it and I can feel whatever it is lightly walking my way. We've had a few pets die since we've lived here.


I like to think it’s their spirit coming to sleep next to me again :)


This happened to my daughter and myself. Our cat passed and we would feel her steps as she walked across our beds.


When I was young we lived in a very old house across the street from a *very* old cemetery.  One night I awoke in the wee hours needing to use the bathroom. To get there required walking through the laundry room.  When I entered the laundry room I encountered a woman who I initially thought was my mother hanging clothes to dry on the drying rack. I thought this was odd considering it was the middle of the night and she hadn’t turned on any lights.  When I asked why she was doing laundry in the middle of the night, she didn’t respond. It was at that moment that I realized I wasn’t looking at my mother. I ran screaming back to my bedroom.  Never saw her again. 


My god imagine you end up a ghost and you’re still doing chores…


There was a song that always played at my 7-year long retail job with the line “I died and went to work” And every time I heard it I would have this flashing horror at the thought of passing from the mortal coil and then coming back to fold these sweaters… Edit: misplaced word


I heard that some of these ghosts are like recordings that play themselves over and over again.


I've posted this before, so I've just copy and pasted an old comment here: I had a dream one time about getting fired from a job for slacking off after a recent promotion. Didnt think much of it until years later, after I had been promoted at my job and my boss was on vacation. I immediately recognized that I had dreamt about that exact scenario years prior, I knew that my boss was about to walk in the door for a surprise inspection, so I told everyone to hurry up and look busy. Sure enough my boss walks in moments later, does an inspection of the store and says something along the lines of "Huh, good job" and then leaves. The strangest part about the whole thing was I could see it in her eyes that she was thinking "This isn't right. This is not how this is supposed to go" Weird shit. Ever since then I've believed Deja vu is a real thing and not just our brains malfunctioning.


I've posted about this before, but when I was about 9 years old, 1995, in the middle of a bright summer day, I went to the refrigerator to get a popsicle. Suddenly a roughly teenage-looking guy, with long brown hair, wearing a beige turtleneck and red plaid bell-bottoms, turned around the corner into the hallway to my left, then vanished from toe to head as I looked at him. Told no one about it for years, until after my mother mentioned meeting the (now grown) kids who lived in the house before us, who asked her if she'd seen "the bell-bottom ghost".


did it acknowledge you at all or was it oblivious to you?


I was about five or six years old and was playing in my room by myself. My mom says I walked up to her in the living room and asked her who the man in purple sweater was. She asked who I meant, and I told her that a man in a purple sweater walked through my room and walked out through the wall.     She didn't think too much about it. But a few days later she was talking to our new neighbors, a young Indian couple, who had moved in a few weeks before across the street. They were all freaked out. They had been laying in bed when a man in a people sweater walked into their room and then also exited through the wall. 


Someone needs to call the ghostbusters.


No, they need to call the police! Obviously, the ghost was trespassing.




I’ve had that happen a few times. It always gives me chills. The clearest one I remember was when I was about 12 years old and on vacation. We had just eaten dinner and were watching people dancing. I turned to my mom and said “have we been here before? I remember this exactly.” She laughed and said “no, we’ve never been here. Maybe you saw something on tv.” I said “no, I remember this! A lady with blue feathers in her hair is going to come out and dance with a man in a blue vest. He’s going to spin her in the air!” And a few minutes later that’s what happened. My mom and dad looked at each other and she got a weird look on her face. She didn’t know how to explain it to me.


You could've seen the same troupe and routine on tv I guess


Happy cake day!


Normally I’d think that was a possibility. But in this case, we were at a resort in Colombia and it was the hotel staff. Kind of like how cruise ships have dancers for entertainment. Definitely not something that would have been on tv.


I think thats just déjà vu. I've dreamt and also purposely thought of places or instances that had high likely chances of happening and try to memorize them. It's pretty fun when I get a sense of déjà vu and remember how I got the original feeling.


It's actually called deja reve when it's a dream, very similar feeling to deja vu when you experience it! 


Some times during conversations I can predict what the other person is going to say because I have dreams about the conversations. Once it happened with a complete stranger that I didn't even know


There's also the chance of self fulfilling prophecy with these things. Though not this, but you dream it and subconsciously start moving in that direction till your scene from your dream is pretty much setup


This happens to me probably once every few years.


Ok so in 2017, I was informed about an abandoned property in my hometown thats been abandoned for decades. The story went that a family lived there and the son killed the parents and covered it up by setting a fire. So I was with my sister and my bestie one night and we decided to check it out. This property is on a back road hidden away by trees with hardly any neighbors. I think like one neighbor. We parked the car on the road and walked up to the property and started exploring. At some point we started hearing scary noises from the woods so we got on out of there. As we were walking down the road back to the car, we started hearing the sound of a vehicle moving behind us so we started moving faster. The vehicle started moving faster too like it was going to run us off the road so me and my sister bee lined to the ditch and bestie went to my car as the vehicle heard sped past us. But there was no vehicle behind us. We felt the road moving, we heard the vehicle but we didn't see a vehicle move past. Neither of us can explain it


Three days after my dad passed unexpectedly, our second daughter was born. The three hours of the wake was the same as the three hours my wife was in labor. I went from the wake with the oldest daughter to the birth of her sister. Some time later, I had a dream that my dad and I were having a conversation. I remember having the feeling that I was telling him all about his new granddaughter that he had been anxious to meet. I hope that he was checking in 😀


My grandfather, who I was very close to, passed away shortly before I had to move overseas for a year. It was a difficult time, already dealing with the family separation as well as another close friend passing away suddenly as well. I just kind of pushed all the emotions down and figured I would deal with them later the best I could. A few weeks later, in the middle of the night in my hotel, I was having this terrible dream about my grandfather passing. I woke up and realized I had been crying in my sleep. But then I also realized that my grandfather was there with me, and he wanted to let me know it was ok. No floating apparition or spooky voices or at like that…but I KNEW he was there. I could feel it. And all of a sudden I was comforted. I have never experienced anything like it before that, or after, but I sincerely believe that my grandfather was there that night to let me know it was ok. I felt like a huge emotional burden was lifted from me, and I was able to make peace with his passing. A few years later, my mom told me she had a similar experience. I had never mentioned what had happened to me.


When my grandma passed, I felt a rubbing on my leg. I woke up and heard her voice as normal as it sounded. "I'm off to see your grandpa. It's okay. You be strong now." For years, I thought I failed her until I realized that what she meant was to just get out to the other side stronger than I was.


I think however you can get to where you need to get, that’s strong enough.


saw my dog that passed away, clear as day, sitting at the foot of my bed one night


My dog's anniversary is tomorrow. Fingers crossed. I miss him so much.


Omg I had this happen too! But she died when I was about 8 or 9. Flash forward 20 years, my mom died. I had already moved out of my childhood home, but came back to visit before her passing. My mom and I totally believe in ghosts, so I whispered to my mom that night she died , “mom if you hear me, please don’t visit tonight. It’ll only freak me out”. I woke up in the middle of the night, and that same dog was sitting on the edge of my bed. I started petting her and she gave me kisses. And it was almost like we could communicate. I thanked her for visiting me and she left. 2 seconds later, I woke up. I definitely believe she came to visit me in my dream. I mean, the room was the exact same, no changes.


He loves you and he wants you to know he's okay..


I've posted about many of my supernatural experiences before, but I don't think I've told this one here. I was about 13 and I was attending a family reunion at my cousins' house out of state. It was a very large house on a lot of land as they owned a tree farm and used most of the acreage for that. The nearest neighbors were miles away. I got to the reunion early with my mom to help set up and my stepdad was going to bring my brothers later (one 10 yr old and 2 year old triplets). I went upstairs to get something and looked out the window to see a little boy with blonde hair going down the slide on the playset. When I came back down, I asked if my brothers had gotten there, and was told no, I was the only kid there at that point. My cousin that owned the house looked at me, then asked if I saw a little blonde boy on the playset. When I told him yes, he said he's seen him often. Turns out the land they built the house on was previously a cemetery. There was still a bit of it left down the hill (which my older cousins took me to see) but they had no idea about it when they bought the land. They ended up moving out a couple of years later and had tons of strange activity.


I lived in a house as a child where the previous owners passed away separately from natural causes. I had this touch lamp in my room, and it would randomly turn on and off and dim to lower levels often. That was weird, but I didn't think about it too much and just hoped the weird activity stopped at that, lol. In the same house, we got a dog a few years later, and he NEVER barked. He would whine but wouldn't bark. However, there was one day I heard barking out of nowhere, and he was staring in a random corner of the house. When I say he was barking, it was loud and continuous, and he just stayed in one spot. I'm not sure if it's coincidence or not, but my lamp never did anything weird after that day.


The lamp could be an electrical issue, and the dog may have been barking at a rodent in the walls. I wonder if a rodent knocked some wires that actually fixed the issue.


In 2005, my Bradley got blown up by an IED. No one died, but we got f*cked up pretty good. That same day, back in California, my mom had a dream where she saw me in my uniform and wounded on the ground. Before she could run towards me, someone she couldn't see or make out who they were told her not to worry about me and that i would be ok. She woke up and told my dad and sisters about the dream. They, of course, dismissed her. Later that day, my command called home and told my sister that I had been wounded by a bomb blast but would be OK. Here's the kicker. I didn't find out about her dream until years later after I left the Army. when my sisters told me. I haven't asked my mom about it, and she has not spoken to me about it either. I think I'll leave it that way.


My mom was sick and after a 10 months past her diagnosis, we got word they were transferring her to hospice. I had 2 lucid dreams the week or so before she died. Both dreams were on consecutive nights. Both dreams about the afterlife. I have chills every time I talk about it. The dreams were so vivid that I ended up writing a novel about them.


please Send us a link of the novel or something about the dreams


Thank you! I’ll DM you.


What did they say about the after life?


The first night, I dreamt about a man who died in a car wreck. When he passed, I saw his spirit. I felt the spirit’s panic when he saw his own body. First responders showed up to the crash, retrieved the body from the wreckage, and towed his car. He watched the entire thing - in despair. Then he’s standing there alone, wondering about how his wife is going to take the news. It was then that he began to rush to find his wife - when this portal opens up. The portal was dark, had thunder and lightning inside - and seemed like a vacuum or wind tunnel. There’s a voice that comes from the tunnel and there’s a being who emerges. He explains that he’s a “gatekeeper” and there to transition the man to the afterlife. The man who died explains that he has to find his wife. The gatekeeper says that he has a choice to enter the portal, but if he chooses not to, then there’s no guarantee there will be another portal. The man who passed away says he can’t leave his wife and chooses to stay. The gatekeeper warns the man that staying behind is dangerous, and explains that he’s still being judged. The man who passed then says he understands but he can’t leave. The gatekeeper enters the portal and it shuts. It was there, that I felt the spirit questioning his decision - as he realizes he was completely alone and couldn’t communicate with the living. I woke up at that point. The second night, a similar dream - and a man who passed away from cancer chooses to stay behind because he wants to meet his unborn grandson. Same situation. Same portal. Same gatekeeper greeted him. I wrote the book based on those two dreams.


Aww that’s sad. I wonder if those dreams represent crossing all the way over versus being a ghost? Good news is most ghosts do eventually cross. They can be helped. Also can I get a DM of the name too?


DM sent!


That's an awesome story! DM me the novel name!


Could I also have a link to the book please? I've had my own dreams about the afterlife it was during the time my gran had passed away and she said that was staying to look after a cousin. I would have normal dreams and then a clarity would occur and she would appear to talk (toward she end of our talk she looked off into the distance and said that she had to look after my cousin, it turns ou5 that the cousin was crying that night and was ageing difficulties with her pregnancy), my gran explained about the doors/portals that lead to the other side and shown that sometimes if a death occurs quickly then you don't realise you have died until you seen your body and the memory catches up with you, at that point the door /portal opens and you can go inside, the door I had seen was a bright light and at that point someone explained to me that the afterlife has no sense of time so when we say that our family will meet us in the afterlife it's just that it appears that way but everyone turns up at the same time from our perspective. I d not had another dream about it but the clarity of it still sticks with me (sorry for the grammar and punctuation I'm on a train)


Dm with the novel name please?


DM sent!


me too?


Hi there! Is it too late to ask for a link to your novel, please? Thanks for sharing!!


DM sent!






DM sent!


Seven years ago, my boyfriend died. About a year after, my best friend asked me to go see a psychic with her. Here's the thing, I used to love Crossing Over with Jon Edward when I was in college, but I saw something on the news or whatever about how they found the people they were going to "read" in the audience. But, I still wanted to believe that stuff is real. Anyway, back to the psychic. I made a point to not talk about my boyfriend or anything. About 20 minutes into the show, this guy looks at the man sitting right behind me and starts giving him a reading. The man behind me knew who he was talking about but wasn't really close with him or anything. Anyway, the psychic says, "[Boyfriend's Name] is with him and he's okay." The guy behind me was like, "I have no idea who that is." During intermission, I turned around to talk to the man behind me. Turns out, the person he knew was a friend of his from college who he hadn't seen in almost 40 years. But, that friend and my boyfriend died on the same day. Other story: About 5 years ago, my mom died. She was my hero. I idolized her. During the private, family viewing time, the music being piped into the room was "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" from Phantom. It's not one of the big, famous songs from the show. My mom and I used to listen to Phantom all the time. She took me to see it twice in Toronto. We listened to the tapes until she got a car with a CD player, and she got the CDs. She absolutely knew I would recognize an instrumental arrangement of that song.


I was a Marine infantryman stationed in Hawaii, while on a pump to South Korea we were staying at a place called LSA lava. Wasn’t far from the border or DMZ. My entire battalion were at this old run down place, it was an old artillery school. From the lowest ranking man to the highest, everyone had a story of tall shadow people standing over marines as they slept and would disappear when you shined a light. The gate watch would hear little kids crying and laughing throughout the night to the point where they made 4 guys stay on duty at once in case they needed to investigate something and no one would go alone. The battalion surgeon saw a women with blacked out eyes one night, our sniper platoon were using thermals for training and saw a little girl swinging back and forth on a swing. Here’s the catcher with that, she showed no sign of heat while under thermal. They said they could only make out a faint outline of a small child and they could see the swing move just so slightly. South Koreans told us there was a mass grave a few hundred meters away from the school, I have no idea if that is true


kid ghosts are always on swings..


This is the scariest one so far


My dad’s grandma had a house that multiple generations of my family have lived in at some point. When my dad lived there he had a dream where his grandma just came up, called him By name and told him there was $500 hidden behind the phone. He woke up, detached the phone and found $500. Decades later My cousin lived there and was doing a little remodel. He took a picture to send around the family and reflected in a window was dad’s grandma- like unmistakably her. Pretty creepy! It’s now framed at the house.


I gotta see this pic. That’s crazy!


Only two things that were unexplained happened to me, and they were both while I was dating a specific girl (who claimed the ghost of her grandpa was looking out for her). Once me and a friend were walking through the kitchen and a oversized decorative martini glass exploded into a thousand pieces for no apparent reason just as we walked past it. The second time was when me and said girlfriend were laying in bed with the lights on and the door open; as I was talking to her the door slammed shut and latched. It opened into the room so there was no way that someone from outside of the room could have slammed it.


Damn Gramps did not want you with his granddaughter lol


I mean he did lock them in the bedroom together


Two friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, passed away in an accident. They came to me in a dream that morning, a real conversation, bathed in light. I told them that I missed 'You guys', and I broke down, in my dream. They both smiled and said 'We know'. I asked what was back behind my friend, on the other side. He just smirked, shook his head, like 'I'm not going to tell you'. And I woke up. They've been gone for over 30 years now, and I still remember their faces from that dream, and I still miss them today.


I have a reoccurring dream of my brother who passed away in an accident almost 20 years ago. In the dream we are in a forest, it’s snowing and we are both crouched around a fire but it’s not cold. My brother stokes the fire and we look at each other for the longest time but he never speaks and neither so I. There is a peacefulness to it that makes me calm after I wake up. Anyway, I’m sharing because it reminds me of your friend not willing share what is beyond.


This breaks me up somehow. Missing your besties for 30 years and they won't even tell you what's in store for us. Gosh




Probably pissed that their home is now a motel. 


I was house sitting in the country and it was kind of spooky at night. I kept having dreams about indigenous/African looking people dancing around in a circle with skulls spinning around on sticks. So when the people came home from their trip and asked how my stay was, I said it was great. Except I had these nightmares about people dancing.......and then the owner of the house finished my story for me....dancing around in a circle with skulls spinning around on sticks? She said. I was like fuck....this....possessed fucking graveyard!


I astral projected once, it felt like my soul leaving my body


I was about 25 miles down a trail in the desert of California, 2 am new moon night so only stars. It was pretty dark, had no cell service nothing. I was taking a piss in front of the lights of truck, I could MAYBE see 20 feet in every direction outside of the lights from my truck. Anyways, out of nowhere mid piss the hair on the back of my neck just stands STRAIGHT the fuck up and I get this insanely eerie feeling I'm being watched. I don't really know how to describe it, I wasn't necessarily scared but I didn't feel like I was top of the food chain anymore. Luckily I have light bars on all 4 sides of my roof rack so hopped into my truck, turned em on, turned around and HAULED ASS back to the main road. The ENTIRE time I felt like I was being watched, the feeling didn't go away until I got back on the main road, and really until I was back in civilization. Wild ass time. I miss the desert lol.


I have sleep paralysis multiple nights a week so, that.


I had it once and that was good for me. That was prolly 15 years ago and I still have a very vivid recollection of it.




As a fellow sleep demoner here, I appreciate how awful that can be. It's not paranormal in the least. Of you arent currently seeing a neurologist that specializes in sleep medicine, please go


Oof I felt this one. First time it happened to me was when I was a child and was waiting for my best friend to text me to hang. Fell asleep while waiting and in this half sleep state I saw him in my apt (I was alone there) and his like cross chopped me and it scared the shit outta me and woke me up. Didn't think much of it. Years later as an adult, I was at a work training in these tiny fucking rooms at the training facility. I feel asleep but thought I woke up to the sight of this creepy fucking little demon girl (there were zero children there for miles). I thought it was a weird dream so I just told myself whatever it's ok you're dreaming just ignore it... and this bitch runs over, SCREAMS in my ear, and slaps me on the head hard as FUCK to the point I JOLTED awake with my ears literally ringing. Turn the lights on and... Nothing, obviously. But I swear at this point I was fully awake and my head hurts and my ears were ringing lmao. Thing is, I was drinking that night so... Maybe it was like an early onset hangover? But... I never really have headaches when I'm hungover and have literally never had my ears ring like that (or ever). So bizarre. I've had sleep paralysis a lot since and routinely see creepy AF stuff. It's strange how so many people have the shared experience of sleep paralysis where we see strange creepy and scary stuff... I don't think I've ever heard of someone having it and seeing something pleasant lol


Coming from an alcoholic, it actually helps when I’ve been drinking because it numbs the dreams lmao. But everyone is different! I totally resonate with your experience though, there are definitely some psychosomatic responses.


Maybe it is pretty normal and common but sometimes after a person I know died, like close family member see them in dreams and stuff.  It is only really intense like that the month they pass away.   It is like they move on somehow. (Edit:) I want to add also some odd things about it. One of the persons I was working through some mixed feelings of whether he had ever loved my mother and various other bad mixed feelings about some things he had said to me and how it effected me. He also had a lot of palaple stress and worry and kind of intensity about him, worrying about things and maybe even worrying about his children and even me. That....it was weird...that after he passed I just mentally felt that somehow he was able to understand me in a way he never was able to in life. In a good way. In a really good way. Peaceful and like some things were resolved and some kind of stress was gone. Also I had told a younger relative that had only good experiences with him (he had mellowed out a little toward the end) that if he was around and wanted to say hi that a bird would visit her and she would know. What do you know but the day after I was thinking about those things about my mom and him a female and male duck sat out on the lawn of the place I was living at. We are no where near a lake or river and it wasn't during any migration period. I don't know how long they were out there but after I watched them for 15 minutes they went to the street and flew away. Were never there before or after that. Also while thinking of putting a wreath for Christmas on his grave that featured a cardinal I was looking out the window and a bright red cardinal flew to a branch right outside the window. It was just looking right at me for a while and then it flew off. Another ONE! He had a previous business that he had sold about...like...10 or more years prior to that. Since he expressed he didn't want a fuss made..."Just put me in the ground...I'm not going to care." We didn't make an announcement or publish an obituary. So...I was with my brother and we had visited the gravesite that day and we're driving back. He said I have to make a detour I need to pick something up from my job. It was in one of those factory business parks that all the buildings look the same and nondescript. It was a little hard getting into the parking lot because a construction crew had partially blocked it off because they were working on something on the road outside of it. My brother goes into the business and I am sort of looking at the road work going on while sitting in the car through the window. One of the guys sort of turns and I start to feel he looks a little familiar. I squint and look and look...thinking...yeah...he sort of looks like that guy that worked for my dad. I then look at another worker. THAT guy looks like ANOTHER guy that worked for my dad too! And so does that guy! It must be them. (It was a group of brothers and cousins that all worked at various times at my dads business.) I get out of the car and say..."Hey...." They immediately say..."We heard about your father...we offer our condolences. We really appreciate him giving us a start in life." I said "I  had no idea you guys were in construction." (Totally different unrelated line of work.) They said yeah....bla bla got a job in it and then we all started to get jobs in it and now we work together. If you want to calculate the odds of just running into them randomly like that...I have no idea what the odds of that are.


One time I was talking about ghosts with my dad and brother while working on a project. There was a lock on the only door to the room we were in. Suddenly, we hear the doorknob make some sounds like someone was trying to open it, but we kept talking. The door opened by itself and our little dog walked into the room. The lock sticking out. The way the door was set up there is no way that could have happened by itself.


I had a crappy door like that. The lock could be engaged, but you could just push it open with the lock still sticking out.


Once in an old dorm building in college, I went out of my room to go to the bathroom and when I reached for the doorknob I heard the lock click. The door was locked from inside the room and I lived alone in that room.


1) I’ve “felt” a ghost run its hand down my back in a house that was clearly haunted. I have plenty of highly unexplainable photos I took that night in the house, and witnessed many unexplainable things leading up to that. 2) I’ve had voices, clear as day, instruct me on things that have helped me. For example, I was in a severe car accident and a voice told me to close my eyes right before the windshield shattered and sprayed my face with glass shards. I’d probably be blind otherwise. 3) In my 20s, I experimented with deep meditation and self hypnosis. One time I tried to imagine if I had a past life, and I scribbled down words and images that came into my mind. None of them made much sense until I googled a name I’d written. The name matched a historically significant Catholic hospital that was founded in the era of the images I had imagined, and one of the black and white images on the site matched what popped into my head. I never did connect any other dots on the rest of what I had written down though. 4) I’ve just “known” things on a few occasions. Things like people’s names or calling out actions right before they happen. For example, talking to someone I’ve never met before and feeling with 100% certainty that I know their not so common name. And then their name happens to be what I think it is.


Oh dear. It looks like your access permissions and account data weren't fully wiped before you reincarnated. We are sorry you are having this experience. One of our technicians will contact you to help rectify this.


I also did a self hypnosis a few years back to see past lives. I could see a huge ship, tons of people around me, children running, and I very vividly heard the name "Frances". I've always been really drawn to the Titanic so after googling the name, I found out there was, in fact, a Frances on board, and she didn't make it off the ship, nor did her 4 children that were with her, bodies were never recovered. I had no prior knowledge of her. Another interesting thing is she was born March 18th and I was born April 18th. I have always kinda believed in past lives but that experience really solidified it for me.


Posting this in case someone is reading through these with distress due to anxiety issues. Reading about paranormal or ghost stories can sometimes be a bit unsettling. If you're feeling anxious, let's take a step back and look at this with a critical eye. It's important to remember that there is no scientific evidence supporting the existence of ghosts or paranormal activities. Numerous investigations and studies have been conducted, but none have yielded concrete proof. The natural world operates on principles we understand through science, and there’s nothing to suggest otherwise. Many of these stories are crafted for entertainment. People love a good ghost story, and sometimes the thrill of telling one can lead to embellishment or even complete fabrication. It's a tradition that spans cultures and generations, often aiming to give a good scare, not to report a factual event. Critical thinking is your best friend in these situations. Question what you read, look for reliable sources, and consider the possibility of logical explanations. Often, what seems like a paranormal occurrence can be explained by natural phenomena, psychological factors, or even simple tricks of the mind. If you find your anxiety rising, take a break from reading these stories. Engage in something calming or fun to distract yourself. It's normal to feel a bit spooked, but remember that there's no real paranormal danger lurking in the shadows.


Thankyou sooooo muchhh 🥺🥺🥺🥺


Thank you for posting this. I'm going to stop reading and go to bed now. 🫣




Got the chills reading this. The next week after my mom died my doorbel was ringing by itself, one night I woke up and saw her watching me sleep and she disappeared. The craziest thing was I was sitting on the couch watching TV with my gf at the time and we both smelled her perfume.


After my first son was born and came home for the first time to our 100 year old house. I was alone downstairs watching TV. The property is gated. Front Door bell rang. I opened the door within seconds. Nobody there. Two weeks later the rear door bell rang. Same. My mom died 10 years earlier. I always thought she might have come to visit her grandson.


I came back home after being away for a while. One night I couldn’t sleep so I rolled on my belly and played a game on my phone. I was fully awake. Shortly thereafter, I felt chills go up my arms my neck, goosebumps. I stopped and then heard 3 knocks behind me (near the foot of the bed). I was terrified and paused which felt like a minute. I finally jumped up turn the light switch on and proceeded to turn every light in the house on. I yelled for my mom to see if it was her but she was asleep. Then it dawned on me that the dog wasn’t barking. I was standing there in the hallway trying to make sense of what happened. I couldn’t. Eventually I went back to bed… but till this day if I wake up in the middle of the night I will not lay on my stomach and look at my phone. Creepy like I could feel it and then to hear it. Awww!


In my families home, there’s a lot of things that happens, there’s one guy that will pass by the window outside our kitchen, but even if you run out there immediately nothings there, and everyone sees it, even guests. There’s this shadow figure that just stands at the foot of my bed and then out the window, he doesn’t do anything just stands and looks out the window. There’s sometimes voices or whispers and they imitate family members there aren’t there. Today I put on deodorant and looked over and saw a solid black figure walk by to the other bedroom. I was alone in the house. One time there was snow outside on the steps and there were footstep leading in, no one’s shoes in the house matched the tracks in and there were none leading out. Still can’t explain that. Sometimes outside multiple members of the family will hear my brothers voice calling for them, and when they look around no one’s there. Every time it’s happened he has been next to me in the house playing a game. This is all I can think about right now but there’s probably more.


I used to manage hotels, and in my last, we had numerous odd occurrences. The strangest was around 3am we suddenly lost the entire security camera feed. That in itself isn't extraordinary, but when we called the company to fix it we discovered something odd. The relays in the ventilation, in an area inaccessible to guests, were all unplugged. Every single cord (each leading to her if the 20 cameras). Even stranger, bad on the time stamp is the last frame we had recorded, ever cuts got pulled simultaneously. So imagine trying to unplug 20 HDMI cables in the span of a single second. It isn't humanly possible. But something did exactly that.


TLDR; great grandpa reaches beyond the grave to tell his son the day he is going to die. I was tasked with being the caretaker of my grandfather, dementia was setting in so outlandish claims were commonplace. The house is on fire, we are flooding. On good days in his mind we were camping or simply driving across the US taking in the sights. On one particular day I find him upset demanding to know who was just here visiting him the conversation went like this: Papa: who was that man that was here? Me: I don't know what did he look like? Papa: he was tall, blonde hair with overalls and a white shirt (I later showed him a picture of his father that he confirmed was the man in question) Me: why are you so upset? Papa: he wrote on my table here, he wrote 122 My b'day is dec 2nd so I didn't think much of it at the time......he passed on January 22nd


My grandma knew for a few years before she died that she was coming to the end. She wasn’t sick (up until a few months before) or even too old, but she wanted to be ready. She told my sibling and I that she would flicker the lights and fuck with us when she was gone. That’s just who she was, very open candor, loved a laugh. I’m a terrible griever so when she did die, I struggled for months. I was only in my freshman year of high school so I don’t think I was supposed to be good at grief but it was exceptionally hard to lose her because she was my last grandparent left (as she liked to remind me). One night, I was in our basement, really depressed, sobbing my eyes out because it was my first holiday season without her. I was thinking of ending everything and the lights start flickering. The bulbs didn’t go out or anything so I don’t believe it was a coincidence. I just knew she was there.


Time Slip: I once walked into a room and found myself in a different decade. Everything looked old-fashioned, then flickered back to normal in seconds.


Déjà Vu: I visited a new city and knew my way around perfectly. Every street and corner felt eerily familiar.


My siblings and I would spend the night at my grandmother’s. Each of us woke up freaked the fuck out in the morning. Somehow or other all of us had awakened to a ghostly type figure standing in the doorway (not our grandmother). Our grandmother is a black woman and very round, this figure was white woman and very thin. My grandmother lived near a cemetery, Even my mom, said something spooky was always happening in that house. In good news, I was saved from committing suicide. I was going through a godawful medical condition that I wouldn’t wish on my worse enemy. Finally, I’d woken up and just had enough. Didn’t tell anyone and knew I was going to unalive myself that day. Write out my letters, gathered my pills. Out of nowhere my sibling text me everything is going to be ok. I don’t know why I responded but it stopped me cold. Come to find out her CO-WORKER WHO I NEVER MET WARNED MY SISTER & intercepted me unaliving myself. My friend passed away from cancer. She’d visit me in my dreams. I asked her did I need to believe in Jesus, be saved, heaven. She laughed and waved her hand and said, girl, if I can get in, anyone can get in. She always showed up in my dream glowing and happy and at peace. Was doing EMDR with a therapist while I was in a very bad relationship and trying to get over my depression and anxiety. Suddenly, I was in another “dimension” or in the spirit realm. Instead of sitting in my therapists office, I was sitting on a beach starting at the ocean and sitting next to me was my spirit guide, a man with locs, very peaceful. He told me that my then partner was not what I wanted but I’d continue on for a bit more because of my life’s lesson. Snapped out of it freaking out and back in the office with my therapist crying my eyes out.


First and foremost. I can “feel” people’s emotions. As in I feel their sadness, or happiness, or angry emotions. Which makes relationships hard because I have to consciously differentiate. But my experiences with paranormal. 5 years old. Mom and I moved into the basement of our house so her friend with 2 daughters could move in with us. My room was at the bottom of the stairs. I’d been asleep for a bit and mom was in the other room asleep. I heard the stairs creak. I assumed one of them was coming down stairs to do laundry. I saw two elderly people I’d never seen in my life. They turned into the other room where the laundry was. 4 years later we were living in Boise with another one of my mom’s friends. I saw a photo on the wall of the people I had seen. I asked who they were. They were the mom and dad of the lady who moved in with us years before. And they had passed away before she had moved in with us. I described the clothes I saw and it was the man’s favorite shirt and the woman’s favorite night gown. At 8 I saw my grandpa at the end of my bed. It was calming. He was smiling. Found he had passed the next morning. I often stayed at my grandmas before and after. I slept on the couch there and his chair was across the room. After he had passed his chair would rock at night. I’d hear him moving around. Hear the fridge open. Hear a Pepsi(his favorite soda) open. Just randomly through the night and sometimes in the day. I talked to my grandma about it. She knew he was still there. He had passed in their bed. Years later (18/19) I had a tough event with my dad and drove to my grandmas house. She had passed away a few years prior. My aunt was living there but no one was home. The door was unlocked and I went in. I laid on the couch crying and then felt totally at ease. I heard my grandmas coocoo clock(which wasn’t in the house anymore) and grandpas chair rocked. I grabbed his blanket that he always used. My aunt got home later and saw my truck. She asked how I got in. I said the front door. She said she locked the door and deadbolt before she left. At age 11 I dreamed the lady’s daughter who we lived withs ambulance (she was an emt) was going to get in a bad collision. I told the lady we lived with and she told her daughter who stayed home. Sure enough it got hit by another vehicle in an intersection and one of her co workers as well as one of the passengers of the other vehicle died. At 16 I was working in a bowling ally. We were closed and the front desk people were counting the till. The maintenance guy was oiling and I was cleaning at the other end. (50 lane house) I saw someone run along the wall to the back. Looked like a kid. I yelled for them to stop and went to get the manager. We looked but couldn’t find anyone. The back door has an alarm and would have gone off. He checked security cameras and there’s me on camera. You see my head turn and yell. But there’s nothing there. At 19 my girlfriend and I were leaving the house. It was in farmland next to a potato sorting facility. 10 at night. I was opening the car door for my girlfriend and a man appeared to be walking towards us from the direction of the facility. He was 10 feet from speaking Spanish and seemed emotionally distressed. I stepped between him and my girlfriend in full fight mode. And he disappeared. My girlfriend was truly frightened. Because she didn’t see anything or anyone. Later that next morning they found a man’s body in the facility. At 21 I was living back with my aunt in Illinois. I had a dream about the first love of my life who had stayed with us a bit in high school. Happy memories. I smelled White Castle (where she worked at the time) and just remember feeling super happy. The next morning a friend I hadn’t seen since highschool rang the front door. I knew immediately it was Jenny. I said it before he said it. And he said “how did you know”. I told him my dream. She had been murdered that night by the guy she lived with. My dad passed from als when I was 29. I would give a lot to have had a moment with him. But I didn’t until I was 36. My fiancé, her dad, and I were in Lake Tahoe. In the air bnb on the fireplace mantle was this monkey with symbols in each hand. I remarked that my dad had something just like it. My fiancé had gone to get some food and I used that moment to ask her father permission to ask her to marry me. The moment he said yes that damn money started clapping his symbols together. I’ve saved 3 people’s lives. I’ve interacted with numerous presences. It’s been interesting. I won’t go to “haunted places.” I don’t watch scary movies, primarily haunting and possession. I keep my dog with me all the time when I’m alone. And I have a blanket my grandma made me that, as long as it stays on me at night, no bad things happen. So it travels with me everywhere I go. I’m 40 now. And things have continued. But it’s mostly all bad stuff. My wife has experienced it to an extent. Screaming in my sleep, stiff like I am straining every muscle in my body. Tears coming out of my eyes. But I’m not asleep. I’m awake and there’s a dark entity pinning me. Each time a bright light shines in the room like pure white light and it goes away and I can wake up. I’ve had scratch marks, bruises, etc. She is very good at soothing me. She will turn a light on and see my blanket is on the floor. She will get it and put it on me. She doesn’t understand it. But I don’t either. I’ve explained my experiences to her. I haven’t remembered a dream in two years(since I started anti depressants) I don’t believe in a “heaven” or a “hell” But something is after death for some. Maybe all. And some things are good and some things are bad. I’ve been told that there has been other people in my family’s history who have claimed similar things. I’ve met one other person like me who I believed. So. That was long winded. But it’s been my life. Or a glimpse into some of it.


That’s wild. Very interesting.


Do you catalog / document this stuff anywhere, especially the wounds and stuff?


I've had some similar experiences and I believe you.


Its not so spooky or something like that. 2 months ago i was sleeping in fetal possition, just heard like if a dog were licking and smelling in "agressive mode" my ears, i couldn't detach my body from the fetal possition, also i was extremately trembling. At the moment were that happend i had not any pets. Wasn't sooo spooky, maybe it was an nightmare but scared me so bad ngl


I had this exact experience, except I was face up and had an eye mask on! Took me 20 years to sleep in that position again.


I couldn't sleep again in that position too lmao


My dad had called me a few hours before he died to tell me he was feeling much better than he had in months (he’d been sick, and I found out years later that this is called the Surge). When he died, I made it a point to take his watch as I’d given him one every year for his birthday for a long time. I’d take the watch out every once in a while to see if it was still ticking until it eventually stopped working. This watch had the seven days of the week on it that would tell you which day it was as well. It had stopped on Monday, at 1:30pm. My dad died on a Monday. And he had called me at exactly 1:30pm that day. Ive heard the chances of a watch stopping at this exact point is very slim. I still believe he is my guardian angel to this day. This isn’t the only blatant sign I’ve gotten from him over the years, it’s just the most direct and sentimental.


My Dad had died..he was only 59..I was having a very hard time believing he was gone forever..he wasn’t..I woke one morning..he was in my room..I said to him why did you go? He came and hugged me, he said I am always with you..live your best life..I started to cry in his arms..he disappeared, but I could still feel him..I still do at times..I think our souls live on..in fact I know our souls live on…keep going..x


>I have posted this before, not sure if it was a haunting, time loop, or me just getting over emotional. I have been at this post about 30ish times in the past 3 years now and have never experienced this since that very first night. My dad worked in security, I got into it after he passed. One night I was called on my night off, they need someone to go fill in on another site. I never worked the site before but hey, overtime, I accepted... It was one of my dad's old sites. So it is about 0200, I am doing a round, I enter one of the buildings and I think I see someone moving up ahead. It is 0200 and the building is locked, there should not be anyone in there, I quietly close the door behind me and creep up for a closer look. At the end of the hall is a security guard, which is odd as I am the only guard on duty at the time, so I am eyeing this guy, and I notice the uniform, it is for a company that doesn't exist anymore, in fact it is for the company my dad worked for when he was at this site. So it hits me that it is my dad, I'm standing there watching him, he is apparently doing a round of the building I am patrolling. So I watch him, he looks directly at me as if he could see me, he looks at me for about 30 seconds or so, he then turns the corner. I run to catch up with him but he was gone. Almost 2 years later I still swear I actually saw him that night. I don't know if it was a ghost, if I was hallucinating because it was one of his old posts and I was emotional, or if maybe some how time loops exist and I actually saw him working the site in the past. I honestly don't know but every time I have a night off and they can't find anyone to fill in, I jump at it, no longer for the overtime but with the hope that whatever happened that first time happens again. I have filled in there over 20 times since that encounter and I haven't seen anything since.


There I was backpacking through the English countryside with my buddy when we were attacked by some big dog. I think it was a dog. Anyway, long story short, I'm now a werewolf and stuck in London...


I saw a werewolf drinkin' a piña colada at Trader Vic's.






I was dating a girl and we were sleeping in her bed. In the middle of the night something struck me in the ankle super hard. I fell back asleep. The next morning she's freaking out about this saint statue missing from the bookshelf next to the bed. I help her look for it and find it tucked allllll the way in the corner under the bed on the side with the pillows. I then remember getting hit in the middle of the night.  She's hysterical and tells me that she finds the saint statue turned around constantly and she always turns it back.  I have no explanation for how this occurred. 


A ball flew throught the room and hit the wardrobe very hard, it was night but i could see very clearly cause outside lights, no more after that 👍.


I don't think I'd call it supernatural, but I had a weird thing happen once. My first real girlfriend when we were both teens had been groomed by a guy in another state from age 13. She was super into tarot cards but when we met she always drew the eight of swords regardless of if we were using her deck or the one I'd gotten after meeting her. For context the eight of swords in the rider waite deck is a women blindfolded surrounding by a circle of swords...but remove the blindfold and the woman could easily escape the circle of swords. It generally symbolizes being helpless, trapped or victimized. We wrote down our readings so we knew this card always showed up for her and this was really unusual given we kept trying to shuffle more or try new decks. I didn't realize this guy was more than a distant friend at the time, but it eventually came out he molested her when she was 13 when at one point when her Mom drove them to meet up (her Mom thought the guy would help her survive the apocalypse and supported this) and her favorite deck was gifted to her by him at that meeting...and the eight of swords was missing from it and found under his and his wife's hotel bed (who was complicit in all this with John Rodgers from Rockford, Minnesota.) I've not found a way to explain this, but also I've not seen anything like it with tarot or anything else since so I assume it was just a really weird one off thing.


I had a dream shortly after my grandmother died. She was in a white robe and she wanted to tell me she was okay. Then, she floated up into the air and disappeared. I’ve never dreamed of her since so I feel like that was real. When my grandfather died, my mom took a picture of his headstone (back then it was Polaroids) you could clearly see in the picture to the right of the headstone a person standing next to it. One more about my grandmother- my cell phone rang at the exact minute she died a year later. When I went to answer it no one was there and it said “unknown caller” on the ID. I feel like that was another way of her telling me she was still around me. I still am somewhat of a skeptic - but reading all these comments a lot of us have seen certain things. I guess it gives me some kind of hope that there’s something after we pass.


my friend, i know she is feeling sick but insisted to go outside and buy something from the store, we are heading home and she still not talking and we are almost home and she sat down and talking with a different sounds (kid, old woman, act like a kid and praying) this is scary asf.


I have had dreams of my grandmother. She came to tell me she was okay. After that I felt that. Then after my brother passed away I had several of him visiting me. Every dream I tell him I miss him. But he just smiled and hugged me. But when my sister passed away and I had a dream where my sister told me she was sorry. My brother met her and started walking down a hallway. I yelled to them not to leave me. My brother said I couldn't go with them because it wasn't my time. My mom passed away recently and I dreamed of her too. Although this time it was fine at first when she smiled at me. But soon I could see her skull under her skin. Like her skin faded and I saw her skull. Scared and shook me to the core. I don't know why that happened or what it meant. What is strange about all those dreams is I can remember every detail. Not only the place but the feeling and emotions and what they said.


Wrote about this one before. Had a dream about a close friend who was going to die and it came true a week later. Told me friends ahead of time and only my cousin believed me. Everyone was in shock but the response from the brother was not what I expected. He said maybe if I didn’t say anything, none of this wouldn’t have happened.


I lived in a house that I now think was haunted. I was never able to find anything that stood out when I researched the house and owners, but it had a hidden speakeasy and a makeshift elevator so it’s inevitable that it had a sketchy past. I had episodes where I would wake up not being able to move and a tall shadowy figure would be in the doorframe to my room and slowly walk towards me and I would finally regain control right before it got to me. I also had a few times where I was all alone inside the house and felt someone grab my back/ribs and turned around fully expecting someone to be there and there was nobody. Obviously these can be explained with sleep paralysis and muscle spasms, but it’s still so weird that they only happened in the year I lived in that one house and never before or after.


I had a dream I was talking to my grandpa. He was asking me about how I was doing and how my family was doing. He lived in another country and I hadn’t seen him in 4 or 5 years. I asked my mom the next day if we could call and talk to him. She called and found out from her sisters that he died the night before.


Late one night we were driving home up through these twisting mountain roads. It was about 3 in the morning when on this dark road in the forest there was something in the middle of the street. I slowed down and both of us caught our breath as this creature in the road writhed around. It looked like a skinless deer that had been laying on the painted line right in the middle of the street. It moved really strangely and I said "WTF is that!?". In a few seconds it stood up and walked off the road where we could clearly see it was a woman, wearing beige clothing... she looked at us and walked away into the trees as we slowly drove past and continued our way. It was a woman but... we both swore for the seconds it was in the road, it was not human at all. Why was it, whatever it was, laying in the middle of the road? We made it home not long after to our mountain house and were completely chilled by the experience.


Chilling Encounter: One night, I felt an icy hand on my shoulder while alone in a supposedly haunted house. There was no one there.


UFO Sighting: Driving at night, I saw a bright light hovering in the sky. It moved in ways no plane or helicopter could.


Premonition: I dreamt about a car accident exactly as it happened the next day, down to the smallest details.


Poltergeist Activity: Objects in my house started moving on their own. Keys, cups, and even furniture shifted without explanation.


Out-of-Body Experience: I found myself floating above my body during a deep meditation. I could see myself and everything around me from above.


My brother got me a smart watch for my birthday. I ended up falling to sleep with it on, listening to music. Then i woke up unable to move and starting right over me, was a sleep prepares demon. It was on the edge of my bed watching me, i started to panic as it reached over. Then i got a shock go though my, body i jumped off my bed and hit the ground. It turns out my brother had add a shock feature to my watch, for 4:00am. I was supper annoyed and just went to have breakfast. But, i didn't realise to later and it still haunts me. The demoned reacted, like i could see the shock in its eyes as, jumped up and fell. But, also how it actually felt like i kicked something when jumped out of bed


Sleep paralysis


https://www.sleepfoundation.org/parasomnias/sleep-demon You're definitely not alone. It's actually one of the more common and explainable, yet still extremely real feeling and terrifying, "paranormal" experiences


I was lying.


I was maybe 8 years old when I woke up at night being choked out by a ghost. I was trying to yell but no sound was coming out so I banged on the wall. As soon as my dad came in and turned on the light the ghost vanished. It was a black figure from toe to head. I'm getting massive chills just typing this out. This really happened and I was scared shitless for several years.


At least one or two people with a strong mindreading ability. If you think things clearly enough around them, they pick up on things. My counselor says it's bs but I was there and I'm not lying. Too many things to be a coincidence and they definitely can.


I'm not sure if this is supernatural, but i remember waking up on night with a pencil in hand, having written a random date on the wall above my bed. I never thought much about it, but when that date arrived, I had a high school American football game. Everything was going swimmingly, and I had a great game blowing up the offensive line and causing havoc in the back field. With 22 seconds left in the game, the coach called a shift, which lined me up over a guard. (For my football players, we ran a 3-4 scheme, and I was starting Nose tackle) That guard dropped his shoulder into my head, and I basically compressed big time because he was coming down into me. It ended with a severe concussion that made me redo the last two weeks of school and a fractured C3 vertebrae (broken neck). The only bright side was that the live stream cut out about two minutes before the collision, so my mum didn't see me crumpled on the field.


During COVID, I was WFH at least half of the week. I had goldfish in a tank in my office. One night, I had a dream that one of the goldfish passed away. The next time I was in the office, I thought to go and check. Unfortunately, the goldfish had passed away. I had never previously dreamed about the goldfish, nor did I honestly give them much thought when I was around them full time.


ITT: 90% “I had a dream” or “It was dark and I was scared.”


My babysitters family lost their mother when we were young. She passed of cancer. Very sad. She was an amazing woman and left behind 3 sons and a daughter from 6-19 years of age. Their mother had an absolute love for those bird clocks that made different bird sounds every hour. As they were packing up some things in their garage every single bird clock went off at once... Somehow when every one of her children was in the garage at the same time. The clocks did not have batteries and had been stored for quite a while by then.


I moved from a house I was renting to a townhome back in 2017. I had to put my dog, Sasha, down when I lived at the house right before moving. Sasha loved her two kitty brothers who came with me to the townhome. About a month after living there, I walked out on the balcony and I could have sworn on my life Sasha was standing out there. Her tail was down, which was always an indicator that something was upsetting her. I gasped and jumped and then she was gone. About a week later I agreed to watch my sisters huge ass pitbull, I never had a problem with him before. I just worked a midnight shift at work and came home and took a nap on the couch. I was woken up by the pitbull jumping up off me, he snapped and went after one of my cats. I jumped up to stop him but wearing socks on a hardwood floor, I slipped and landed on my chin. I struggled to pull myself up and got down the stairs to pull the dog off my cat. I did get the dog in the cage and rushed my cat to the vet, but my poor little boy died that night. The vet said the dog basically popped him. I messed up my neck and back, a chiropractor basically had to pull my head out like I was a turtle. I regret taking that nap and accidentally leaving the dog out. But I swear Sasha showed up to warn me. I hope she is taking care of her little brother in heaven. RIP little Loki and Sasha, I will see you again one day and I can’t wait to spend time with you again.


the malevolent spirit of an evil demon burst forth from the area of my trouser with a terrible guttural rasping sound, and left behind a most foul stench such as from the very pits of hell


I lived in the same house from birth until I was in my early twenties. My parents waited until my younger brother finished high school before moving (we had a summer home a couple of hours away closer to my grandparents and they decided to renovate it to make it suitable for year-round living.) It just so happened that when they announced that they'd be selling the house an apartment became avilable not too far away, and as I had a good job and was earning decent money as well as going to college in town, I decided to take it, so there was a short gap of time between me moving into the apartment and them moving out by the lake, I think it was around four months or so. My new apartment was only about a mile away, and my parents' place was much closer to the center of town - my apartment was all the way out by the river, so it was a nice hike to the strip where all the bars and restaurants were, so I got into the habit of stopping by there after nights out with the boys. My kid brother had taken over my room down in the basement so that my parents could use his old room that was now empty to pack up boxes of stuff in the bedrooms on the second floor. The basement had its own entrance and I'd knock at the basement door (this was before everyone had a mobile phone) and my brother and I would chill, play some video games and stuff like that, then I'd hoof it back to my place that was about 30 minutes south. It just so happens that my parents' next-door neighbour had a sister who was looking to move from the city, and she put her in contact with my mother. They wound up coming to an agreement and thus avoided having to go through an estate agent and all that, so the move happened very quickly compared to the average sale of a home. If I remember correctly I think they asked if they could move in around 8 weeks later, so my parents really had a lot to do in a short amount of time. I'd come by at the weekend and help them pack up... My brother and I drove out to the lake house and did a bunch of work to prep it for the builders... And during that two months I'd drop by as usual, my brother and I would play Medal of Honor or throw on an old movie, have a few drinks at the basement bar, that sort of thing. The time flew by and all of a sudden moving day came and they were gone. I think I had classes and work and stuff, so I wasn't actually there to see them off, but the house was only vacant for something like 24 hours before the new owners moved in. It had to be two or three weeks later that I happened to be out and about in town again, skulling in a few pints down at the local with the boys and I decided to swing by my parents' place on the way home, completely forgetting that they'd moved house. The lights were out, but I still had the key to the basement door, so I let myself in. I figured my brother had gone to meet his friends and that my parents were asleep upstairs, so I went up to the kitchen and heated up some leftovers in the fridge, then locked up and left. I walked home, crashed out, and woke up the next day thinking nothing of it. The next time I talked to my brother - which wasn't long after that, he mentioned that he and my mother had to make the drive into town only a week after the move because they'd forgotten to give the new owners the keys to one of the doors to the greenhouse in the backyard. He hadn't told me in advance because he knew I'd be in class and working that night anyway, and they basically just dropped off the keys and headed straight back... All of a sudden it hit me that I'd been there just a few days earlier and I told him about it and he was dumbfounded. He said that the new owners had made major changes to the house - they'd made the formal dining room the living room and the living room the dining room, they'd taken the fence down because they didn't have a dog and didn't need it, and they'd done all kinds of other stuff like pull up the carpeting, they'd mounted mirrors on the walls, all kinds of stuff... But the thing is that nothing was different when I was there. Same yellow kitchen with sunflowers everywhere... Same fridge with my mom's meatloaf on one of our plates with the green floral pattern with plastic wrap over it... I distinctly remember looking into the living room and seeing the furniture, everything just as it was... Even on the way back out, our pictures were still hanging in the hallway, the umbrella stand was next to the door. Everything down to a T was still exactly the same as it had been the last time I was there, but there's no mistaking that my parents had been gone for something like 17 days by that time and the new owners had been living there pretty much the entire time since they left. To this day I have absolutely no idea how to explain this. And before you say that I must have been plastered and imagining the whole thing, that's more than a bit of a stretch. According to my brother who had been there even more recently it was actually jarring how insanely different the house looked with all of the new owners' stuff in it. There is just no way that I could have possibly made a mistake - the timing I have for this incident checks out, and there was simply nothing amiss whatsoever, there was not a single clue that anything had changed since the last time I'd stepped through that door. I passed by the house a few days after talking to my brother and it looked completely different from the outside. That fence was gone. They'd even changed the main floor windows. There is just zero explanation for any of it, and I got this really indescribable, ominous feeling being back there. I lived in that town for another four years after that, but never once did I go back down that street. It wasn't until I was home for a funeral years later that my brother and I passed the old house and it was nothing like it was when we'd lived there and I didn't get that feeling again. Still, it's the single most bizarre experience I have ever had in my life.


My brother has a story.. he was carpooling home from work with 2 other people, at 6am. He was in the front passenger seat, trying to sleep, head down… when he hears the driver say “oh shit!”… he looks up and the car is heading towards a pole or tree…. Next thing he knows, he’s standing outside the car , looking at a massive wreck. The driver and the girl in the back seat have serious injuries. My brother didn’t have a scratch, bruise, cut… nothing. He was completely totally unharmed. He says it was like someone/something pulled him out of the car the second before it crashed


I had an interest in magic in my high-school years. After a long period of trial and error stuff started working. Reading minds of teachers, sending one of them for a year-long sick leave, hitting someone's house with lightning. Even if it was just a long-ass series of coincidences, it scared the hell out of me. I burned my notes and vowed to never try this again...


2 Stories, the first one was a personal experience and the second was a thing that happened in the family. One: My grandfather died almost a decade before I was born. My parents and grandparents have told me that from the time I was brought home to around 6 months, I would stare at this wreath that was on a door in the house. This wreath had been on my grandfather’s coffin. My grandma is currently convinced I am her husband reincarnated. Two: That same grandmother also has two cousins who are sisters. For privacy reasons, I will call them Jane and Nancy. 6 years back, Jane had a boy, who died about 4 months after birth. A year or so later, Nancy had a boy of her own. Once this kid learned to talk, he pointed to a photo of his aunt with her baby (who later died) and said something along the lines of “That’s me, I was sick and now I’m better again.” Keep in mind, this was told to me second hand, I cannot verify it’s authenticity, or get the details exactly right, this is just how I remember it being told to me. Tl;dr: I and a distant cousin may be reincarnated from deceased relatives, me a grandfather and him a cousin.


Angel Encounter: During a tough time, a stranger comforted me and gave profound advice. When I looked back, they had vanished.


I have very specific dreams that come true semi-often, and I have such a strong sense of intuition that I've predicted deaths of two healthy family members. If you've ever seen M.A.S.H, I have the kind of ESP Radar has, only instead of hearing choppers before anyone else, I can feel when we're about to have a call come in to my fire station. I've predicted the specific type of call before too, several times (beyond the general chest pain, dizziness, etc broad calls).


Not me but my friend! Her house I very old she has seen a lot of supernatural stuff. There is this one ghost boy kid that is in her room. One time she walked into or woke up to the kid in the room crawling around in a circle on her bed. Another time we was walking in the hallway and saw a shadow of a female arm move down in front of her. The hallway isn't big so she would have seen who it was but no one was there. Scared the shit out of her though. Last I'll mention is she heard noise coming from her parents room and went in there to check on the noise. When she left her room she left behind the Eclipse plush from fnaf. She went to her parents room and nothing was there and nothing happened. She went back to her room and the eclipse plush was gone. When she went back in her parents room it was sitting right there on the parents bed perfectly sitting there. She's sure she never grabbed it.


When I was 24, my mom remarried and bought a house. She was giving me a tour. As she took me into the front bedroom, I refused to cross the threshold. She asked why and I told her that a really bad person died a horrible death in that room and was not fully gone. I refused to enter until the room had been blessed or scrubbed with Sage. 2 weeks later, my mom had tea with the previous owner to give her some mail. They got to talking and my mom mentioned my reaction to the room. That’s when the previous owner told her story. About 10 years before, the woman was home alone when a man invaded her home. He SAed her, grabbed some valuables, and was trying to escape through the front window in the bedroom. That’s when the woman shot him twice in the back. She waited until she knew he was dead to call 911. It took him almost an hour to die. It turns out he was a wanted man for robberies and SAs of over 60 victims. My mom had a priest bless the room and a friend do a sage scrub. My moms family calls me the family psychic.


I pooped. Then I looked down, as one does. No poop there. PHANTOM POOP


One time, I had stuff sitting on a shelf on top of my dresser (fairly high up). I was playing a game on my PC and out of nowhere the shit I had up there went FLYING across my room. It didn't just fall off like the shelf got shook (earthquake, or something else). No it flew far enough that to mimic it myself, I'd have to be able to get my arm a good deal back to get leverage and really put some "oomph" into it to send it flying as horizontally as it did. Only happened once but it scared the shit out of me. Still have no explanation for what the hell happened. Cat wasn't in my room at the time, we own no other animals big enough to both fit on the shelf and swipe the stuff off at the trajectory it flew. A mouse would have knocked stuff down but not "across" the room. Absolutely bizarre.


I don't know if this was supernatural, but one time in my previous-previous apartment I got up to go to the bathroom one night, and as my hand got to my bedroom doorknob I was SO overcome with this very urgent 'DO NOT GO OUTSIDE OF THIS ROOM' feeling. I was paralyzed with fear as I just kept getting this "DO NOT LEAVE THIS BEDROOM" feeling over and over again. I have NO idea why. The dog didn't bark so I don't think anyone had gotten in - and we were on the third floor so it's not like someone came in through the window. When I finally went out like 10 minutes later, everything seemed fine. It never happened before or after that one time. I have no explanation. And in my previous apartment, one time I was in the living room, and heard this kind of like "scrit-scrit-scrit" noise coming from the kitchen. It sounded similar to dog claws on vinyl flooring. I heard it, the dog that was sitting next to me heard it and turned and barked with her hackles up. I assumed it was my younger dog in the kitchen, so yelled for her to get out... so she comes trotting into the living room from the *opposite end of the apartment* meaning she wasn't in the kitchen at all. We had a lot of other weird things like that and *coincidentally* they started up after we got this used sewing cabinet and they stopped immediately after we got rid of it. Was the cabinet haunted or was it just some kind of audio trick with the mechanics? Whatever it was, my dog heard it too. Also this one hopefully wasn't supernatural, but one time when I was rewatching Haunting of Hill House, something fell off the wall in my apartment immediately before you know who jumps off the balcony on the show. Scared the everloving shit out of me. That is 100% the kind of thing I would do if I was haunting a house.


We think we have a cat ghost as they only seem to knock things off the side. Have also on multiple occasions thought i saw my wfie move quickly in front of the doorframe going to the kitchen or bathroom and heard the door close and after 10 mins of not coming out will go to check on them and they are in the living room, when asked they haven't got up and no one is in the room with the door still closed. Has happened at several places i have lived so i wonder if it has followed me around.


I gave a fuck once lol


I was on a long road trip, being driven down a motorway, going past the countryside pretty much in the middle of nowhere, in full daylight, when I looked out at the fields and saw what I can only describe as a large hovering black cuboid. There were other details to it, but I hardly remember. It looked totally unnatural. It was hovering at a similar height to a low-flying helicopter, but definitely was no helicopter. There was no apparent reason why it should be flying or hovering. It travelled along with us for a bit and then resumed its stationary hover. I didn't even say anything, because I was lost for words.


I feel like i have esp, extra sensory perception… I’m hyper aware of everything going on around me, predictive of scenarios, strange feelings of things before they happen. Never really mentioned it before


15 seasons is what happened


I woke up.


Look at James Randi videos. He had a check for one million dollars for anybody who could prove the supernatural. Nobody ever got the check but many have tried. When does something supernatural become natural? I would imagine instantly after happening.


Positive, perhaps not a proper answer, but: When my dad first died, i had a dream that i was waiting for him at some arcade-like place. My memory of that is a bit hazy now, but eventually i was led up this large upward starcaise to a door, like a hotel or an apartment, where my father was staying. I got to say hi and visit him like i did when i was younger. The whole scene reminded me of when i was a young kid, which i was 13 at the time of his death. I dont recall well, but i believe he told me he loved me. Just a few days ago (about 8 years later) i had a dream that i was staying with my dad again. He drove and picked me up, and he was with another woman (i know it was one of my other deceased family members but i cannot recall who). They were in this beat up car, maybe an early 2000s model, and they brought me pie. i got to just hang out with them, and it was wonderful. There were weird things that happened before and after this though, but my dreams tend to be odd and they didn't correlate to my father. (Talking cars that looked like they came from Cars, weird fighting like youd see in an elder scrolls game, sewers, and so on) I wish i would dream about him more often, but he likes to stop by to remind me hes always here by sending me white butterflies as well. When he was alive he always said he would reincarnate as a white butterfly, and now i see them very often. Sometimes they'll actually follow me around or land on me. I know for a fact that hes visiting me, the dreams are so sparce and so oddly specific to situations (me going up a staircase right after he died, kind of like a stairway to heaven kinda deal. And him driving to me and picking my consiousness up to talk to me and visit, bringing along another deceased relative who hadnt seen me in a long time) I miss him dearly, and I'm glad he's still here even in spirit. I even more so appreciate him stopping by in dreams, even if it's sparce.


You’d probably like the podcast uncanny.


I was driving with my partner to visit my relatives in Ireland. They lived on a farm deep in county cork with nothing nearby. I had never been to the country before and it was late at night and raining. Because we were in the middle of nowhere there was no phone signal and no working GPS. For some weird reason I suddenly knew exactly where I was and knew the way. It was like I had lived there all my life and I could just drive straight to the farm. We arrived about 20 minutes later. Was really weird as I just drove on autopilot like I was driving home from work.


I was in a boarding school,I would study alone at the top floor because I don't know how to study together with others I would off all the outdoor lights because I don't want to trouble our principal because I was already studying alone and don't want to cause anymore trouble . One night I was studying by myself and felt like someone was watching me ,the room I was staying in was the top floor and there were three rooms ,I was staying at the middle and there was a balcony right outside which went all the way,like the other two rooms and the one in my room can access it , because there's no wall in between and so I turned towards the balcony to the window and saw a faceless figure ,a girl I would say ,I was shock and scared but didn't believe it at first,but I looked again and it wasn't there anymore .But I'm not actually a believer of these types so I continued studying,and then at the end of the night after studying I decided to go down to bed and as I locked the door I saw a tall figure at the end of the classroom standing, all black , I was sooo scared closed and locked the door and went down and act like nothing ever happened. After days,my warden came and said I have to tell u something,were close so we talk about stuffs with each other and then she said I would hear stuffs during study hrs the students heard it first and they told me about it and then she went on saying that and then she said I had a wierd dream last night I SAW A TALL BLACK FIGURE STANDING!! The way i stood frozen ,I almost cried at that spot ,I had goosebumps all over ,I told her I saw the exact same thing , I couldn't get that out of my head till this day .


I remember watching the movie Elizabeth back in 1998, It started off with a heretic burning scene. I was an adult at the time, and I'd grown up watching all this scary and gory movies of the 1980s and '90s, but nothing ever gave me the chills quite like that. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack every time I thought about it for weeks after. Even today, any sort of fictional or real life story about someone being burned to death makes me anxious. I've never been a spiritual person, but it did get me wondering about the validity of the past life experience, and what real world explanations there could be for it.


I saw a man with both eyes gouged out screaming at me. I blinked my eyes and he was gone. For the next 3 minutes or something I saw him and heard him scream whenever I closed my eyes. He was a middle aged white guy wearing a light blue collar shirt and black jeans. He had dark brown hair. Blood was pouring out of his eye sockets and I could see the nerve thingies sticking out Edit: And before you ask, no, I don't do drugs and I'm not a schizophrenic.


I'm not afraid of much when it comes to the supernatural, but I have three hard lines that I refuse to cross: don't mess around with Ouija boards, stay out of Native American burial sites, and the third and most important of all, you **NEVER** under any circumstances speak the word "Skinwalker" aloud. I've taught my kids the same and we're very superstitious about all three.  We call Skinwalkers "Ski-walkers" if we ever do talk about them and we never talk about them for long. However, the rest of our family doesn't believe in them. So of course, it would be my own mother who summons one in the middle of nowhere while we are lost. We were driving back from summer vacation in southern Florida. My mother is elderly and I was the main driver. The GPS in her van wasn't very reliable and it was my first time driving back from Florida. I'm notoriously bad at directions. We didn't leave until late in the afternoon because she had procrastinated on packing up until the last minute, so by the time we got to the northern part of Florida, it was pitch dark out. We'd hit a traffic snare due to a severe wreck about 15 minutes south of Gainesville that we were stuck in for hours. My mother decided to take a nap after we got through, insisting I shouldn't have any trouble as I just stayed on the interstate.  Long story short, I was not supposed to stay on the interstate and we ended up lost in the middle of Northern Florida at 2 am. And when I say 'nowhere', I mean it. The houses were at least a mile apart each. My mother had me exit the interstate in the worst area possible. She demanded I pullover so that she could drive, so I pulled into the empty lot of some tractor supply store and being outside of the van just felt eerie. We got back on the two lane and it became very clear that this area was very isolated and I was starting to get spooked. I wasn't the only one. My oldest Son behind me said , "This feels like the kind of place you'd see a Ski-walker." I told him not to say anymore and my mother latched on,  demanding to know what he'd said while we begged her to drop it. My youngest son was yelling at his brother for bringing it up and my mother was upset because I wouldn't say the word properly so she could understand even though we told her that saying it is not allowed. But she figured it out. "Oh, *Skinwalker!* That's what you're saying!" Both my sons start freaking out and getting onto her for saying it and the three of us are adamant she stop speaking about it immediately.  "It's just a word and you shouldn't be encouraging their fear. Skinwalkers aren't a real," she snapped at me and my youngest cried, "STOP SAYING IT." Everyone in the van goes silent and I turn to continue looking out the window, but that's when I see *it.* It looked like a dog, but *wrong* and it was bigger than any dog or wolf I'd ever seen. My mom has a 90lb rescue dog and this thing looked to be three times bigger than him. It was walking on all fours, but it's gait was off-like it wasn't used to walking that way. It almost reminded me of how a human would walk on all fours, keep the first joint stiff like a human would keep their wrist from bending, and causing its weight shifted from side to side.And it's lbs were too long for its body. They looked stretched and thin, just grey skin over bone. Its fur was black, but it looked patchy and like it was was glued on and hanging limply onto its body, its grey skin resting awkwardly on its bones. It's eyes were bright yellow and while the head looked like that of a large dog or a wolf, it looked just off as the rest of its body. The head looked disproportionate to the rest of its body, much smaller than it should have been. And it looked like it was panting, but the teeth were needle like and there was no tongue. It was holding its head at a strange angle. As, the headlights of the van hit it, where it was slowly shambling between the road and a rusty barbed-wire fence, it turned its head toward the van and *grinned.* All of it happened within a few seconds, but it felt like years. My heart stopped and my body went cold. All the hairs on my body stood on end, even my scalp. Just this primal fear that I'd never felt before.   "Do you fucking see that," I asked, tapping hard against the window and my oldest son, replied, "Oh my God, I see it, I see it!"


"Is it a gator?" My mother started to slow down in order to look. My sons and I, who had all seen the thing started screaming in unison for her to keep going and drive faster. My youngest son started crying. "It was probably just a dog." It was clear she didn't believe us. "That was NOT a dog." "No way that was a dog." My mother scoffed like she always does when she's dismissing something someone's said that she doesn't believe and disagrees with vehemently. "Well what else could it have been?" "A Ski-walker! You're not supposed to say the name or it summons them. We told you that and you said it anyway." My oldest is very close to his grandmother and never really gets mad at her, but he was furious. "Will you please stop talking about it?" My youngest was crying hard at this point and that was enough to get my mother to drop it.  We didn't talk about it until after we got home, nearly 12 hours later, in broad daylight with the doors locked.  I have never been so terrified of something in my life. I've had my life threatened by someone on more than one occasion and those were nothing compared to this. It wanted us to know it was real and that it could be summoned at any time. I think it knew how afraid of it them we are and it drew enough satisfaction from that alone that it was content enough to leave us with that taunting grin. It makes my skin crawl whenever I think about it and I always change the subject whenever one of my sons brings it up. Even though my youngest son didn't see it, he says he believes his brother and I because of how terrified we both looked and how we both described the same thing to him later.  I hope we never encounter something like that again.


I saw a ghostly figure in my bedroom once. Chills.


I have three Events, one was tangible the others were, *Mostly,* dreams. I will start with the event that occurred to me while I was awake. I was dating this girl in college and we had been going out for a while. One day she invited me over to her dorm because she wanted to talk about something. I went over later that day and she said we should go in her room to talk because she didnt want her flatmates to hear. She let me go in first and about two steps in a felt this heavy weight press down on me and I nearly fell to the ground, I got super light headed and only stayed up because I caught myself on the bed. She went on to explain that she had been seeing a demon in her dreams for the last few nights and it was tormenting her and saying that God could not hear her in her dreams and that she was not loved, ect. ect. I probably would have shrugged it off as stress dreams or something if I had not been nearly crippled by an unknown presence in the room before she said anything. I still think about it to this day. I've told this before on reddit a few years ago. I had a dream that I was in a group walking down a spiraling path deep into a cave. The cave wall was on our right and on our left was a hole so deep you could not see the bottom. At one point we take a right turn breaking up the normal spiral and see a stone statue across the abyss. it was carved out of the wall and looked like a giant idol to an ancient god. Everything was lit with torches which caused crazy shadows to be cast on the walls around us. I heard a voice that said, "You cannot stop me". At that point I laughed and said "watch me" and I jumped into the abyss. I landed in what I would refer to as Hell. A dark, fire scorched landscape with a burnt out castle and trees burning eternally around it. No one in sight in any direction. I wandered through the hellscape and found someone with their back turned to me. In my dream I knew that this was the person I had come to save, but I never saw their face. I grabbed them by the shoulder and then led them, running, out of the castle and over the iron fence. I woke up, couldn't breath or move and in the corner of my room I saw a dark cloaked figure staring me down. The figure stayed there the rest of the night until the sun started to rise. I don't really know how long it took but eventually it was gone. Maybe 6 years later, that cloaked figure appeared in a series of dream that I had over the course of three nights. Each night I had the same short dream three times after which I woke up. The first dream, I was sleeping on the floor of my friends dorm when I had it. I dreamed that I was sleeping on the floor and instead of sleeping in his bed, my friend was next time me, over his sleeping body that dark cloaked figure was kneeling with a dagger in his hand. I stopped him from killing my friend and woke up (this happened three times that night). The next day I was back at my home and had a dream that my brother was sleeping in a bed next to mine and again that figure was standing their with a dagger and I woke my brother up and save him from being killed (again three times that night). Lastly, I had a dream that I was walking through the marketplace of a busy city (think about it like an old city square with lots of stalls selling food and clothes and such). In the crowd I see the figure moving toward someone I didn't know and I ran ahead of it to grab the person he seemed to be following (again three times that night).


My parents lived in an old plantation house for a brief time. While I was visiting one weekend, I was laying down reading in a bedroom right next to the beautiful, carpeted staircase. I heard heavy footsteps on the stairs and assumed my mom was coming upstairs so I put my book down to anticipate popping in to check on me. Never heard or saw her. Later on, I asked her what she had been doing upstairs and she said she never came upstairs. It was the next visit when we heard stories about the house. One of which was a young girl daughter of the house’s owner dying after falling down the stairs. She must of been who I heard that night.


I attended a college noted for its ghosts. You had one famous one that was probably bullshit, two spoopy suicide ghosts apparently on the grounds, and a poltergeist in the library. I was a library work study for about a year. Keep in mind, I only worked in the daylight in this early 1900s building. It was good, lazy work. I’d do it for about two-three hours and call it a day. The main ‘work’ aside from the desk was ‘reading the stacks’, basically ensuring that books were numbered right, in the right area etc. On one level of the school the books were in tall, metal grate shelves parallel to the windows. It was a large portion of our miscellaneous bits of the collection, including screenplays. No one really touched the things much, they were in large, plastic binders you’d put recipes in, solid. I looked at them and went on walking to another stack before about three of them flew off the stacks into the empty one parallel to them. One shattered, one was cracked, the other splayed outward. I’m freaked out. I pick up what remains. I put them onto the re-shelving table for people paid slightly more than me to handle. Cut to a month or two later. Different section of the library, different time, different types of books. There is a book in the stacks that is lying on its spine in spite of probably being able to fit. I right it. I move on to another row. It’s stable in there. It just falls off and conks the ground with a thud. Barely five minutes later. I put the book spine down, I apologize to the ghost, I carry on. One time is a fluke of nature and gravity. Two times, it’s a fucking ghost.


When i was 11 or 12, i lived with my mother in a split level townhouse/apartment. it had 2 bedrooms upstairs and 1 downstairs. The building was 4 apartments that shared walls so it was normal to hear neighbors, so i would fall asleep with my headphones on. I slept on the bottom bunk which made the top bunk block the bedroom light. One night i woke up to what i thought at first was my music still playing but i didnt recognize the sound. I can describe it now only as that first time somebody does a mic check with a PA turned up too loud and everybody reacts at the same time. Only, it was an insanely low voice saying "HELLO". This is before the technology of wireless anything on the consumer level, my music was on a walkman with wired headphones. So, i fumbled around for my walkman to turn it off only to find it was on the floor next to the bed. Then "HELLO", again. Thinking it was the neighbors playing around with a PA, i put my pillows over my head and tried to sleep again. A few more thundering "HELLO"'s and i started thinking, how could i see my walkman on the ground, the light should've been off? I removed the pillows and sure enough the room was lit but the top bunk was in the way of seeing the actual bedroom light. Another "HELLO", and i was like okay, fuck this, i'm out. As soon as my feet hit the floor, everything was pitch black and i never slept or spent any time in that room until we moved out when the lease was up.


One night i was sleeping, and had a a dream about my Nan who passed away a year after i was born. I have no recollection of her whatsoever not even a faint memory, but in this dream i was in her house (specifically her kitchen) and i looked up and she was there and smiled at me. To this day i strongly believe that she come to say hello to me, still makes me feel comforted today.


Had an Ouija board that a friend gave me because they had too many creepy experiences with it and wanted it gone. Didn’t believe in ghost or that a board game could contact the spirit world or whatever, but I was curious. I still don’t necessarily believe in any of that, but there was something weird about that Ouija board. The only times in my life I’ve experience very vivid nightmares or sleep paralysis was when I slept in the same room as it, one time I remember waking up from a vivid dream where something was chasing me around my apartment and there was a shadowy figure standing in front of the shelf where the board was. Weird images showed up in the background of some photos took in the same room as it, including one that looked like a mostly decapitated person, which is how a friend of the original owner died, and an incident with trying to contact them was part of the reason they no longer wanted the board. This was 20 years ago, but I think I still have the photos on a hard drive somewhere. There was other stuff but what finally convinced me to get rid of it was my dog barking aggressively at it, and my toddler seemed to be terrified of the corner of the room where the board was. I chucked the whole thing from my balcony into some woods that backed up to my apartment, the dog and kid immediately stopped as soon as the thing was gone.


i have never seen my grandfather. He died when my mother was in her twenties. Every few months i have this dream where he checks up on us. He talks to me about how my mother is, how we are and stuff. I told my mother she told me to decribe him. it is strange how it matches to the last detail. I domt believe in the supernatural so i am guessing it is something my mind is putting up by joining the dots of all the photographs and stories and i have seen or heard of him. It makes my mother happy to think her father is checking up on her so ig i am happy too