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I don't say an age. Everyone's journey is different. Stability, great relationship, good health, and not living pay check to pay check. That was 27 for me.


Hubs and I had the same caveats and for us, that age was in our early 30s. We were together 10 years before I got pregnant! We always told people we were in no rush (not to marry, not for kids), we'd rather take our time and lay a solid foundation.


I would have picked 27. Not stupid anymore and old enough to have become stable yet still with energy (I was 33)


whatever age it is to be financially stable to support a child..


On the other hand if you “ Wait until everything is perfect “ you may wait a while and then be at a high risk age or not wanting to deal with toddlers at 50. ETA: for most regular working stiffs, there will never be that “ Everything is perfect “ level.


>whatever age it is to be financially stable to support a child.. Is very different from >“ Wait until everything is perfect “ One is having enough money to feed the child so that CPS doesn't take them away.


This is so important and missed by young people. It is NEVER going to feel like the right time. If ya know ya wanna do it just do it.


I think that’s not what they are getting at and instead are saying “yeah, just aim not to have a kid when you can even afford to keep yourself or the newborn fed” …. Because yeah, genuinely some people are in those situations where they are struggling even keeping themselves fed and that’s just not a good environment to bring a kid into (could it work? Maybe, but it wouldn’t really be a great idea)


Came here to literally say this.


And mentally.


But it’s very hard to get pregnant after 50.


financially stable years old


And mentally.


Very underrated comment, and will remain so until it hits 1k upvotes.




Old enough to have stable income if you went straight into college from high school. Young enough to still have *some* energy and also young enough to still have some life after the kid(s) graduate high school. Also, you don’t have to be the “old dad” at school. Source: 36 with two toddlers, I live off caffeine, and am constantly tired.


I had my first at 32, which for me was the perfect age. But then the second took a lot of time and medical intervention to get to happen, which she finally did when I was 37 and hubby was 39. Although the 5 year age gap has had its upsides, *both* of are glad we weren't any older. I do know people who had babies in their 40s but they're waaaaay more naturally energetic people than me!


Don’t think of it as an age, think of it as a point in life. Are you financially stable? Have you met your career goals, and if not are you comfortable putting them on hold? Have you seen the places in the world you want to see? Travelling is very different with children. Somewhat related to age, but are you in a good physical state to handle kids? Playing with them, managing reduced sleep can be pretty demanding on your body. Different people will have these boxes ticked at quite different ages. That said, for most people I think that will probably be around 30ish.


And are you and your partner emotionally healthy as individuals and as a couple. I think that’s a big one too. Hurt people raise hurt kids.




I started trying when I was 35. I waited until I felt financially stable and mentally ready. Unfortunately, I have premature ovarian failure and ultimately was not able to get pregnant after a very painful infertility journey. What I didn’t know was that I could have requested to be tested for AMH/FSH levels to determine approximate egg count. I wish this was more widely known, because I would have done it in my early 30s and started trying sooner. I am an outlier, more often than not, people in their mid to late 30s are still very much able to get pregnant. But I do want folks to know because I do not wish infertility on anyone; it is traumatic and heartbreaking. (I’m ok now, I have made peace with it, but I do want others to know they have the option to get tested)


fellow person with premature ovarian failure here. I was lucky to have started at 27, I had the eggs of a 40 year old with an fsh of 14 and a amh of less than 1. I was luckily able to get pregnant but always council all my friends who are waiting to get tested. hugs friend


I was pregnant at 19, 28, 32 and 36. And lemme tell ya, 28 was the sweet spot for me.


25-35 as long as your financially stable to form a family


The age in which you and your partner are financially ready for it.


And mentally.


Everyone keeps mentioning financial stability but what's more important IMO is emotional stability. If you haven't matured to a point you're not going to pass your traumas to your children, you shouldn't have children. As for a specific age, I'd say 30ish give or take a few years.


Financially stable of course, you but nailed it on the head with emotional maturity. The human brain doesn’t fully develop until around 25 years old, so any time after that. And this is coming from someone whose parents were young when I was born.


Honestly, this is a 'how long is a piece of string' question. You'll get the full range answers to it. I had my kids at 35 and 42. Upside: maturity, party years behind me, can afford to work p/t Downside: hope to be alive to meet my grandkids. Socially it's a bit isolating to be 10 years older at the school gates. There is no perfect age. Life is unpredictable. I wasn't expecting to leave it this late but medical complications. Just enjoy it and know everyone thinks everyone else did it 'right.' There is no 'right'. We are all just muddling along with our fingers crossed behind our backs.


Once your frontal lobe is fully developed and you have a stable job & a village to support you


I am constantly saying how no one should have children until their brain is finished developing, just bare minimum


You shouldn’t start cooking a brain until your brain is fully cooked


I disagree on the village front. It's hard but you can raise children without a village. If this was a requirement lots of amazing parents wouldn't have children.


Sure, not a requirement, but the question was “ideal”


In this economy? Never.


Yeah, you only think you are financially ready but then comes along another bout of inflation the government pretends doesn't exist, or 7% plus mortgage rates, or they start laying off millions. Having kids without plenty in the bank is insane.


Finances is one thing, but I just know I can't emotionally and mentally handle having a child of my own. The environment and family I had grown up with tainted my views on having children, and it feels liberating that I am in no rush to have a family of my own. I enjoy my independence and child-free life.


Any time between 25 - 35 I feel is pretty good


That works. I was 29 and 33 and it worked out great


When my bank account stops looking like a countdown to zero huhu


Depends, every relationship and person is different, for me, around 27-28






Who tf is financially stable these days?


Scratch that, who tf wants a kid these days?


Way more than people think, because a lot of people in the child bearing years who are not themselves that well off yet have parents with half a million or more in house equity, and maybe that much in investments and pensions. It will come to them eventually and in the meanwhile their parents will normally help when time get really tough. Either that or be so poor that you qualify for assistance. You have to be pretty F'ing poor for that but it is consistent and the kids will not starve. Of course that could come to a crashing halt next year if there is a Nazi takeover.




In this economy?! No fr uh for me financially never lol




I can hardly afford rent when I work 40+ hours a week lmao a kid would literally cripple me




Before 40. Young man’s game. These fuckers will wear you out. 


People worry too much about age, it should be about when you find someone with who you have confidence will be a committed loving father or mother. When you know your child will have safety, warmth, healthy food, and parents' time. When you know you will not let the screen raise them. When you understand that parenting is not about you and what you want, it's about the well-being of another human being who is 100% dependent on you emotionally and financially.


Everyone is talking about financial stability and that is 100% true, but it’s also when you have had enough life experience as a person without kids. Once you have kids, you never get that opportunity again. You can do it as a 50+ year old and that can be amazing, but you can never do it again in your 20s or 30s. I’m talking about carefree travel, impromptu road trips and adventures, late nights out, couples vacations, really getting into intense/time consuming/expensive hobbies, etc. You can’t do that with kids. And what you can do is different. Get that out of your system. Then have financial stability. Then have kids. For me it was early 30s.




Agreed. Too expensive and too much hassle.






Whenever you’re mentally and financially prepared because children are hard work, and so so expensive 😪


Every person is different. You and your partner should both be financially and mentally stable to have a kid together. Me personally before 30


It depends on the person and the circumstances. I have met some ppl who got their kid at 22y and were the worst possible immature parents ever, who only harmed their kid. Then again, I have met some extremely calm and mature 20y olds who could have been the best possible parents for a kid. Some people get a kid at 35y but are extremely tired and have no energy or interest to give to the child. Some people get pregnant later in life, and you wouldn't even guess that the energetic person in front of you is 45y. Since I have seen so varying situations with varying results, I am not comfortable in giving judgement on a general level. Do what is best for you and the kid. Perhaps the main thing I can give as a pointer is that you shouldn't follow the trends or your friends, but believe in your own path. What is best for you, might be a very poor decision for your neighbour.


For me, 28-35 is the ideal age for marriage.


Unsure but 34 was too old.


Never! If I could do it all over, I wouldn’t have any.


Had my kids at 23/24 and husband was 29/30. We are 37 and 44 now and I have zero regrets about having my kids “early”.


Never. The last thing I ever want is kids 




25 to 30




Had a kid when I was 19 and I'll be honest - it wasn't exactly ideal. BUT we made it work and I'm thankful every day




For me it appears to be never.


Never too expensive in these day and age






In my opinion, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on personal circumstances and readiness. However, many people find their late twenties to early thirties a good balance between maturity, stability, and energy for raising children


25 -> 32


Excessively Italian stereotype dad says: Never! You can have kids when you’re dead!


Never years old (for comedic effect) 🤣🤣🤣😂 Economy bad People getting worst Weather going Turbo (Wreak it Ralph reference) But seriously I'd normally say financial stability, but today people are losing good jobs at no fault of their own, meaning you can literally go from good to bad in one day 😳 Don't down vote me for my honesty please, 😂🤣 I still feel there is hope... Maybe hehe, eh just have your kid if you want one honestly. Do it before you lose your good job or nice house, that way at least you tried.




Mid to late 20's, in my opinion.


Never. A dog is enough.


28-38 In my opinion, if you are thinking about having kids, you should ask yourself these questions: - Are you sure you really want kids? Some people have kids due to societal/familial pressures or to "fix" a relationship. Make sure you actually want the kids for themselves. - Can you afford it without setting yourself up for financial hardship? - Have you satisfied your own desires in life so you can adequately give your kids the time, energy, and resources they deserve? - Do you have some sort of plan to raise your kids? Doesn't have to be even close to a perfect plan, but at least think about it. If any of the above answers are no, I suggest seriously reconsidering having kids until all the answers are "yes." Typically, I would say most people can answer yes between the ages of 28-38, given my answer.


When you’re financially, emotionally, and mentally stable enough to take care of another life for at least 18 years. Try a dog first. There is never a perfect time, you eventually just need to commit once those three boxes are checked.


25+ depending on how financially stable you are. If you’re mid 20s and still not stable, makes sense to wait 


I had my kids when I was young and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I was completely done by 30.


34 ish


I’m 36 and pregnant, and while I feel a couple years earlier would have been better age wise, I was not stable enough for a LONG time.




Never 👍🏻


Whenever you're financially stable, in good physical health, and mentally well.


Never. Save the planet.


My wife and I traveled around the world rock climbing in our 20s. Kid at 33. Pretty ideal timing for us, but you got to choose whats ideal for you. Lots of people I grew up with had boring asf lives and kids were the only way to make them feel like they have purpose.




I'm a 25 year old woman, I couldn't think of anything worse right now! I had an abortion when I was 22 and it was absolutely the best decision I've made for myself. At the same time I have friends that have started popping out kids and "settling down". I'm moving to Australia with my boyfriend of 5 years in a couple of months to work and travel a bit, maybe even save some money whilst we are out there. If I could pick an age, and im not even sure if I even want kids, it would be 32-35.


Never. Save your money for your awesome reatirement.


40s. Or never.




Never. The world has enough people already.


Not too early, definitely not too late; runs the risk of health defects for your kiddos and wanting to have a child in spite of what negatives their quality of life would have is a no no




38-35 i think


Did you mean 28-35


Never! If you want kids go adopt from foster care. Tons of kids that need homes.


Poor people all over the world having kids left and right and people talking about financial stability. Peoples definition of financial stability is all over the place. If you can afford a place to live and daycare, that’s already ahead of many people. Most Americans can easily afford having a kid.


Early 30s. That’s when my parents had me and it’s worked out well.


25-35. But i guess when you’re financially prepared and in a good, healthy, comitted relationship is best. A lot of people say age doesn’t matter but honestly i would have no desire to have a kid after 35


Whenever you and your partner are ready.


In your 30’s!


Your early 30s probably. At that point most have their lives in order, which you'll need when introducing the chaos that is children into your lives.


When you can afford to have kids.




Whenever you're financially stable. We had our first child when we were 23 and 22. We weren't destitute, but we weren't comfortable. We had our second child at age 30 and 29. The difference was staggering.




Financially stable


Talking solely about age from a female perspective and my opinion, somewhere between 25 and 37.


Realistically it’s whenever you can afford it and are ready but in the most ideal situation it would probably be your late 20s biologically speaking. It would be easier on the person giving birth’s body and on both parents physically in general. Plus you’ll be young enough to be able to do a lot of active stuff with your kids and down the stretch you’ll be relatively young grandparents as well. Seems the best age in a vacuum without financials and such.


When you have the cash and hopefully still the energy


When you are financially stable and are mentally ready to raise children


Medically 25-28, financially 35-50, morally ?-??.


I used to think it was until financially stable. As I get well into my 30s, I am jealous of the ones who did it in thier 20s because they had a lot more energy and patience to deal with babies.


Whenever you can finacialy and emotionaly support them. For some thats ealy 20s for others its the 30s.




Before 40 after 30


My oldest child was born when I was just a few months shy of 30, and in my opinion my wife and I could not have timed it better. Old enough to have our careers in place and be making a solid income with some savings, young enough to have abundant energy to play with my kids daily.


Your financial situation is far more important than your age. But that's an answer it seems everyone has given so another really good "age" is waiting 3 years after marriage to start. People go from the honeymoon to one of the most stressful points of their lives without a second thought and it can break a marriage fast. Settle into your new life and build a strong bond. It will help you get through the rough patches.




It’s a good idea for women to plan to have their last baby before they turn 40. After 40, everything gets riskier. Work back and figure out when you need to start. It’s less critical for men, but probably still a good idea. Financially, you can’t predict the next 18+ years. The stability of your relationship is more important than the stability of your finances.


Finance aside... I think 30's. Get your playing, exploring, and fun out of the way while you are in your prime. Parenting is hard work. Everything will be changing. I've seen people have kids young, late teens to early 20's, and they neglect their kids while they explore the world and their own growth. Once you have kids, it's about their playdates, and exploring, and fun. Even better if you enjoy that with them.


Had my kid at 29, felt like the perfect age because I got to experience a lot in my 20s and was ready to embark on being a father in my 30s.


Started trying at 30 years old. Had baby at 32 yo. But even then, I wanted 3 and could really only afford one… so we’re one and done.


When your financial able to do so. But I think mid 20s. Late teens/early 20s get your shit together, have fun, travel. The have kids. By the time your late 30s/early 40s they're old enough to look after themselves and you can go have fun and travel etc again whilst you're still somewhat young lol


Relationship is true, strong and stable. Own a house. Mother can afford to have 2-6 years off work to raise child/ren if multiples. Family is somewhat avail to help with child. Mother has progressed far enough in your career that taking the time off will not prevent her from earning good money once returned to the work force. Solid maternity plan through your work. Relationship is strong and stable.


Biologically, probably in the late teens. By the time the kid is going through puberty, the parents will be in their physical peak to play with their children. But financially, socially, etc. probably late 20s to late 30s.


My wallet says early 30s but my knees says 20s.


Whatever age you’re financially and emotionally stable enough to raise kids.


Ideally they should be 0 when you have them, and from then on they should get a year older every year.


For me it was the early 20s. I was still young when they were teenagers. We were a very active family. I miss those days.




It's definitely best to wait until you are financially and emotionally prepared for it, however I will say that physically I think 18 would have been wayyyyy better. I was 29 for my first, 31 for my second, and now my body is destroyed 🫠 Probly would have bounced back a little easier if I had been younger.






Mid to late 20s… ehhh late 20s…. Only from my POV… it’s easier on your body, less chance for complications…less of a chance you’ll pass while the child is still young (growing up… I mean under 30). You can relate to them better…


Whatever age you have them. Just make sure you have money and free time.


The age when you fully accept what is your definition of life and whether you are ok and capable to provide that for the said child(ren).


30-35. Yes, financial stability is important, but there’s a sweet spot. Any younger you might miss out on cool life experiences easier to have without kids. Any older, then you’re in your 50s chasing down a pre-teen/teenager.




The modern age without a doubt. It was much harder in the past.


i had my kids at 36 and 38. It was perfect for me because i was financially stable and 100% ready to be a father.


A lot of people putting finances at the top of their prerequisites list. It is a tough one no doubt but for me I think the best time to do it is when you’re biologically prime for it, which is your early 20’s for a woman. Obviously men at that age are at their lowest financial earning capacity so it’s harder but it is also a great incentive and motivation to transition a boy to a man. We raised my first son from 18 and the second one I was 24. Had some shitty paying jobs at that time until the second one was born, and the wife was SAHM. Did they have self rocking cribs and Dolce and Cabanna head bands, not by a long shot. Did the kids suffer because we were kids as well, in some respects but they also had the benefit of very active and involved parents. Don’t wait for the right financial moment, you will figure it out. Do it while your body is ready and you have a lower chance of birth defects.


I was 26 and that was perfect for me. I’m still fairly young and my son is grown.


Zero. Starting at any other age is weird. And don’t get me started about old man Button.




I am 33, I have no idea how people had kids at 20 or even 24. I am ready now mentally and financially


By accident at age 20. Made me grow the fuck up


25 - 30


18 and have as many as humanly possible. Life is short and uncertain. You may all lose it now.




In your 20’s when your back don’t hurt


Don’t they come out as 0?


i was 43, and can’t imagine having done it a day sooner.


financial capability aside - 22-25.


Not 14.




30 was my cut off for having kids. By my late 20’s I had some life experience under my belt, stable in my career, got some stupidity out of my system. Young enough to still be able to keep up with the kids and also still be able to have them hopefully out of home / self supporting by the time I’m entering my 50’s


After you have had fun in your young adult years. Financially secure + mentally mature for the sacrifices ahead.


I feel like to answer in this thread, the person should say whether they have kids or not so people know how much weight to put on their answer. I don't have kids, so I can't provide a good answer.






Not going to lie somehow everyone I went to college with or high school or knew when I was 18-20 and haven't seen in 10 years are suddenly having babies within the past year (myself included). Like at least 10 people. So 29/30


Who really cares , it’s hard enough to find the right person lmfao


I have seen people at 21-25 that were ready..not me..I waited until I was 30..so glad that I did..I didn’t really grow up until I was in my 30s..I was a dumbass in my 20s..depends on the person/couple


Mid 20s if you are financially stable. Young enough to enjoy your child’s entire childhood, old enough for the maturity and mentality needed. I had my first at 20. We were not ready. My husband and I were eating out of food pantries and living with his mom. I had my second at 26 and we were much more prepared. We were living in our own place, and financially stable.


Everyone is so worried about financial stability, which comes and goes. What you should worry about is the ticking of your biological time clock. Geriatric pregnancy starts at 35. People these days wait too long to have babies. You parents will be dead before they get to see their grandbabies get married.


When you can afford them.




Have them when they are young. If you get old kids they might not fit in the car seats.


There is never a good time


Never, lol.


A generation is 25. That's when the next one begins.


there is none. as we don't know when people will meet the conditions. 20 to 35 is best for the age of having a child, recovering from having the child and having the energy to keep up with the child. 40 to 60 is best because you can now afford a child, maybe. 21 to 100 you might be mentally mature enough for a child depending on the person. right now, there is no idea age for a child, more so since no one can afford to have children as we can't even afford a home or even food for ourselves!


29. Growing up I always said kids before 24/25…very glad I didn’t.


I wouldn’t say an age but just whenever you’re ready


When you are mature enough and can afford them




In my case, never.


Why are you even having kids? Important question to answer. Equally as important to know yourself. Kids will absolutely trigger you every minute of every day. Know yourself. Find a good therapist if possible. Dissect your own childhood and understand how you became the person you are. Understand your family dynamics then and now.


As someone who had a kid at 21 and 26... At least after you're 25. The shift in your brain once it's finished developing is incredible. Second to that would be financial stability. There are so many things I missed out on with my first because we weren't comfortable, financially. Second time around has been amazing, and if I could do it all over again I would have waited.


27 to 34


When you can comfortably take care of them… that comes in different stages in life. The usual age that strikes me is like mid 20s-mid 30s But I can never say when it’s ideal for another person, their ideas of parenthood or fatherhood (since I’m a guy) might be vastly different than mine.
