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I have issues


Don’t we all


OK, probably true


Fully true


Now kiss


No I’m shy


Shyness is the obstacle to happiness, always remember that, please. You should never be shy. Im shy too btw, ntmy dude !!


Who invited you? Clearly you weren’t wanted in this kiss party. That’s why we need to make that closet over there a bit more like home, HoldZealousideal1996!!!!!😏😏😏


Let me watch.


Oh look, it’s one of those issues




Oh you know they're "looking" for sure


As in "issues that keeps me from doing what I know I need and want to do to get me where I need to go and be where I want to be, but somehow in every iteration of mental inception pose as the excact same problem, that repeats itself circularly through it all and presents itself as a locked door, and the more I try to unlock the door, paradoxically the more stuff I also put into the room behind it and the more it stays locked, leaving me outside as a still emptier shell of lost dreams and hopes and wants and needs and connection to humanity"?


What in the deep dark secrets from inside out are you hiding behind that door brother👀


Pah, my issues have issues.


i can fix them


I've got 99 issues but a..




Happy cake day


What all issue


My partner for 13y passed away 3yrs ago. Still missing him & not ready to move 🥺


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you don't feel pressured to move on too fast, if at all. We all heal at our own pace.


My wife died last year. It's so insane and just completely impossible for my brain to comprehend it's just a never ending nightmare I'm unable to wake up from. It still feels like, I'll wake up at any moment and she will be there again. This pain is never going away. ...


My fiancé died 3 months ago. I don't think I'll ever have another relationship. I don't want to.


That was heartbreaking to read. Hope you are doing well! 💚


I hope the Love in you Lives Forever


That's ok. Grief is a tsunami. Eventually, the waves get less frequent, and power diminishes. When you are ready, you will realise some random Tuesday morning when making coffee or at lunch with friends on a Saturday. You will just suddenly realise/know without really thinking about it, and then you will know you're ready. Live through your grief, let it take its course, and trust yourself. You got this.


You deserve to be love again


By choice, just not mine


This right here


We out here


lmfao yes exactly that




Introverted, I don’t go anywhere and don’t want to go to the kinds of places I need to go to meet someone, don’t like myself (so can’t expect anyone else to), anxiety, don’t like the hookup culture of today’s society. Basically accepted years ago that it’s just not gonna happen.


take the anxiety issues and self hatred away and that would basically be me


Alright Mr Perfect, no need to brag


I didn't mean to brag. As a mattter of fact, these are issues I used to have but managed to get over my recommendation would be to confront the scenarios that make you anxious. I used to have social anxiety myself, but now I do start talking to people more, which helped regarding the self hatred, I recommend identifying the flaws and working on fixing them whilst also appreciating strengths more and taking full advantage of them.


Im pretty sure it was a joke :D


Add "ugly as fuck" to that list and that's basically me, yep




Pretty much how I feel too. I've long since accepted it. My therapist is adamant that I'm gonna be married in 3 years, even though I've been single for 12 or 13. Bless her heart.


I am the exact same as you. I never go anywhere so because of that, I don't have any social connections beyond online friendships with people that I used to know in games that I played in my 20s, and coworkers. All of which are quite superficial of relationships. So basically... hardly anyone knows me. And I don't know any way that I can change that meaningfully. I'm in my mid 30s so there won't be any women out there in similar situations as me. It feels like a lost cause.


It’s easier.


This is true. Not much drama. But what about the loneliness?


I don't feel lonely anymore. As I got older I just decided I enjoyed having total freedom and independence. Plus my coworkers told me the dating scene here sucks. It's been liberating actually.


It’s a downside


True. Weigh the options i guess




I have cats and friends. It outweighs being lonely vs being lonely with someone just to say I’m with someone.


And cats and dogs do a pretty decent job too.


Just because someone is single doesn’t mean they are lonely. Edit: Also, OP what about those who suffer from loneliness despite being in a relationship?


Being single =!= being lonely. You can have friends you know.


It’s not lonely anymore once you learn to accept who you are, but learning that takes many miss-steps


A drama free life doesn’t sound too bad. I’ve seen how much arguing my siblings are getting into with their SO’s and it makes me glad I’m not dealing with that shit right now.


It’s possible to be alone, but never feel lonely. Depending on your mindset.


Loneliness can be suppressed or find ways to distract mind like working every waking minute of your life


The loneliness passes pretty quickly


A maiden is required, I've yet to find one.


All my dark Souls brethren, single since the dawn of time. The only one fucking us is miyazaki.


In the land of Lordran, even love is as elusive as a Titanite Slab drop


100 upvotes for this shit post. I think I am starting to get internet.


But since you are maidenless...


It is the handmaiden's tale now


Halo announcer: *No maidens*


Ahhh, thou art maidenless? A most unfortunate circumstance.


Varre: No bitches?


Become a Lord, and the maidens shall arrive.


I don’t wanna lose half of my shit again.


Look on the bright side, this time it would only be a quarter of what you initially had!




I mean, I wished I could fall in love one day and get someone loving me the same as well. But till today, no luck yet. Still no romantic experience at 25.


Honestly I was in a similar situation and thinking back all I had to do was invest in myself confidence honestly its like a magnet the more you put in yourself the more good things and people get drawn to you. Good luck you got this 👍


Honestly I agree so much, after I graduated i got a really good job and started working out, suddenly dating got so much easier, and im not built like a greek god either. Work on yourself is honestly so effective.


Still very early.


Because I live in a small town where it's hard to meet new people and I have some social anxiety.


My dude, I live in Los Angeles and I go to bars almost every weekend. I don't even really meet new people. It's hard going out to a bar alone and socializing, and everyone stays in their own little groups that they arrived with


Exactly! This happens Everytime I've tried to go alone. For whatever reason going with someone makes interacting so much easier. I always feel like everyone thinks I'm weird for being alone


Exactly, me too


That never stopped John Mellencamp


I literally do not have friends


Behold the internet


The cause and solution to this guys problems..


Best way to have friends is to be a friend to someone who also needs one. I’m not saying that it’s the case with you, but I find a lot of people who claim they haven’t got friends just are unwilling to put themselves out there. Everyone wants a friend… so if be one for someone then they will hopefully be one for you too.


Because I loved someone way too much and when they left I realized I forgot how to love myself .


14 years. My best friend, and all-consuming everything to me. Gone for someone they met in a different state over twitter for under 3 months. 13 days ago... I'm sure the hurt eventually stops.. just.. not any time soon.


Yeah, they tend to leave a big hole


Im Still figuring that one out too!


i think it's somewhat normal, you kinda give up self love by replacing it with your partner's love


Learned that for the first time about a year and half ago, she really messed me up and I can’t see myself dating for a while. I lost my hobby’s, friends, Independence, had to move, a baby actually, and a lot of my love has been gone since. I hope it gets better


I actively avoid dating


Username checks out.


Coming from a fkd up toxic family background I promised myself i will never be like them. Thought I’d never let their behavior influence me in any way. Since they showed me everything that could go wrong in a relationship I thought I would have the healthiest relationship. But man I was wrong. Once I started dating I got to see a whole new side of myself. I realized I’ve inherited every single wrong thing from my folks. One thing I was scared of that I’ll end up being like my parents that came true. There was this guy I was so in love with but I never realized how toxic I was towards him until he left me because of it. I just didn’t know how to love. I still don’t. After him I dated once or twice but I’ve never been able to love anyone. I still haven’t been able to forgive myself for how I treated him and how I probably lost the loml unknowingly. I just thought that because of my parents toxicity I’ve suffered so much my love life would be my safe place the one thing that brings me peace but I guess you are what you are born to and I’ll have to live with that. So yeah I am currently single and most probably will be for the roml because I donot want anyone to suffer because of me.


Had a shockingly similar experience myself. Grew up seeing exactly what love *isn't*, thought there was no possible way I could inflict the pain my parents did to each other, to now having to accept that even after atonement, some fuck ups we truly do live with for the rest of our lives. I wish you the best in your future. Self-love is a fickle thing, but I hear it's worth the work. You do deserve it. Best wishes.


Hey I’m sorry to hear this. I think the first step is to acknowledge the issue. Which you’ve done. What about therapy?


Haha therapy?! Dude it’s not even like my parents are toxic but at least they are rich so I’ll try to heal myself from their money. I’ve been working since I was sixteen and every penny I bring goes to support my family and save a lil for my education. It’s not that they don’t earn or something. We’re just really poor. Sorry for over explaining everything but I don’t mind earning and supporting them as I am their child and thats the least I can do but I just wish I could get one thing from them . Mental peace.


You’re now an adult and. Your own person don’t let the trauma lead your life any more it still is based of this it’s okay to be aware of the bad in the world but don’t make the mistake of making issues in your head! You can either learn from trauma or be consumed now is your time lead the way and normalize anything into your own life! Seen that earlier in a comment and loved it


I have some unsolicited advice, feel free to ignore. You can learn to manage your emotions so that you are not toxic with your own partners. You have agency as a human, and your future is not written in stone, certainly not by your parents. The want to improve your own well-being and mental state should be the driving force here, rather than denying yourself relationships out of unnecessary and misplaced martyrdom.


cause im terrified to be vulnerable 😭


Because I'm comfortable being single.


Wherever you are, be happy




🙋🏻‍♀️ Joining this single at heart thread. Its easier, its freeing, my money is mine, my time is mine, its just nice.


Yep, when you are happy being single then your potential partner really gotta add some value for being part of your life to be considered


I don’t have the energy 🤷‍♀️


Dating today is exhausting and takes a lot of energy and money if you're not in the top 20% of attractive people. Dating app costs to cut thru the algorithm, countless weeks of talking for countless first dates that fall flat, and the devastating 3rd dates where you're finally starting to feel comfortable and confident thinking in the shower getting ready to go out how happy this person makes you only to have the rug pulled out from under you... Then the next day, get right back up to get shot down some more. IMO it's all worth it for when you finally meet that one person that's as crazy about you as you are them. I persevveed and met a beautiful woman whose beyond sweet that melts that layer of exhaustion right off my soul. Just met with the parents yesterday.


Same here. I all want to have someone but I do not have the energy to put with someone anymore.


My girlfriend of 4 years cheated on me :( 2 weeks single now, trying to heal


Same fuckin thing here, after 6 years with one of my ex-best buds :) Gym going brrr


Breakups make bodybuilders 


Feel yay had the same happen to me a month ago :/. Don't worry, you'll be through. It took me 3.5 weeks and finding someone to at least talk to


Fat, old, asexual.


Damn so now it’s gotta be LGBTQI+FOA




I am too pussy to make any first move I have no sexual experience I was literally on a date yesterday and realized we were both waiting for the other to make a move and I simply would not


god I'm terrified of doing anything, I have to be more than 100% certain of anything to even think of making the move and i still have trouble lmao


Because no one will ever love me


Because I have failed to get a date


Painfully Introverted and bad at conversation


I rexently was diagnosed with autism, and I dont really know how to connect with women. They always find me boring or weird. The rules and guides for dating make no sense and being myself can be too much. I haven't given up but its very hard.


After past relationships, I'm loving the single life and focusing on other goals. I feel at peace choosing not to navigate the minefield that is dating 😄


Wise choice. Thank you for spitting facts


Because I’m unattractive to ppl my age 😞




It’s better to be single than lonely with someone else


its my choice. for years now


Because I’ve recently gotten out of a toxic relationship where we enabled each other to dive deep into each others alcoholism. I’m 49 days sober and plan to stay single to work on myself for as long as it takes to be comfortable with myself (sober) again. Unfortunately, my ex wanted to keep drinking.


Happy that you chose this path. Keep going brother


Standards and preferences that don't really align with my own attractiveness.


That's a better question for everyone that doesn't want to date me.


My standards are way too high but it’s just the way they are 🤷‍♂️


She told me that our relationship had a lot of issues, went on a 4 month break where I tracked my goals and accomplished a good chunk of them. She had not accomplished any of her personal ones. Oh, and also she had severe mental health issues and tremendous episodic breakdowns. I don’t hate her or anything. I really do wish her the best in life, but I cannot be her therapist/social worker.


Because I'm fat and ugly and no one likes me.


Honestly same.


After suffering in two big relationships and going to therapy to figure out why I chose the wrong men, I am now just being single and happy and open to whatever comes, but wouldn't compromise myself in the same way as I did so I am waiting patiently for the first time for someone I will actually feel safe and respected with. If that never happens, so be it, I feel safe and respected right now, more than I ever have.


My last showed me i give too much of myself in a relationship, and now i am scared that the next one is going to just take and take without giving anything back, just like the last one.


Being a Muslim, I'm not allowed to be in a relationship unless married. Also I'm not into men. But I can't reveal that in the strictly religious society I belong to. I can't be with a girl of course so yeah there's no way I'm ever going to be in a relationship of my choice.


that fucking sucks, dude. Hope you're able to leave that backwards religion and be free someday :(


As a Muslim woman myself, I’m sorry I hope one day you can be happy wether it’s with Islam or without ❤️ If you still have your faith, remember الله is the most merciful most forgiving


On the other hand, you can bring your girlfriend home and no one will suspect a thing. Unless they catch you kissing.


My face


1. Dating is a lot of work for me. The small talk/intros are nerve wracking/draining. 2. I'm quite happy single and not unhappy enough to change anything about my life right now. 3. Heartbreak sucks and I'm not sure it's worth it in the end.


Because I just got dumped. As of an hour ago. After 4 years. The day before my birthday.


This really sucks. I’m so sorry to hear this


This might be TMI but: I don't think I'm good enough to date. I have autism, live with my mom, I have a factory job so I have no money, I don't go out, my hobbies aren't that interesting and I never dated anyone in my 37 years of life and I can't imagine that anyone would want to be my first. I've only been interested in dating one person but she turned me down. That is my sob story thank you (sorry) for listening


When I was younger, women considered me handsome and I typically had no issues getting attention or 2nd dates. I am now 41, but a couple of years ago I went on a date with a woman who seemed to be a perfect match, and she was gorgeous. She denied the 2nd date. It's all ego, but got bummed because I felt like my photos on the dating app probably showed me a little younger and slimmer than I was before, and for some reason, I just am having trouble updating it to the older me.


At first I thought that it was my appearance or that I’m just antisocial that made it hard for me. But maybe it’s because I lack confidence and not enough care for myself, which made me want to take the time to work on it and change.


Because I realised I'm attracted to avoidant personalities and haven't healed form my previous relationship properly yet. This in turn has caused me to avoid any kind of relationship and just run because its easier on my own. Bonus, I have a son that I havd to take care of and adding a man onto thar list just seend like a lot of work.


The feeling’s never mutuals : I like guys that never like me I don’t want guys that want me


I can’t move on from someone that doesn’t want me.


This sentence hit me like a lightning bolt. I have been too afraid to give it a label, especially the 'L' word, but it was a lot like it. They are on the other side of the world now, probably forgetting me already. It sucks and I should stop. But I'll remember them as my last attempt at love. I'm too tired now. I'm okay this way. Maybe someday I'll be happier and at peace. Maybe that day will come sooner rather than later. Hang in there, friend.


It’s simple. I have yet to find someone again who I have chemistry with.


My ex tried to beat the shit out of me, now I'm happily enjoying living my best single life. It's fun to have little flirtatious moments, but imma definitely not ever live with a man again. Would maybe be ok with a discreet FWB sitch, eventually, but I have no time or desire for anything else.


I’m overweight. I’m a pretty social guy, and I am otherwise very happy in life. It just keeps me in the “best friend/ brother” category. But, that’s my own flaw. I’ve made it a goal these next 6 months and onwards to work on myself. That way, my body can keep up with the rest of me.


Chronic social anxiety and a borderline personality disorder issue.


Damn its like I’m hearing myself speak.


Divorced and prefer casual relationships for now.


Still looking


I suffer from a TBI and PTSD, makes having long term relationships difficult due to mood stability and memory issues.


Got dumped. Still hurts but more manageable. Just going to start from scratch and learn how to love myself before i love someone else.


Dating now-a-days is a JOKE 😁


Partly because no one answers in a positive way, but mainly because i'm busy with my career


My standards b high af


Because human females that are single, under 200lbs, and reciprocate my interest are proving... elusive/rare? My dude, you asked Reddit why we're single, that feels like asking the redlight district why they aren't maintaining their virginity for marriage...


I'm physically disabled, and I have no car. (I got 5 thousand dollars saved up though.)


Because I'm chronically depressed and also less than 2 weeks out of inpatient rehab. I hate myself, have low self image, and also attempted suicide twice last year. There's still someone who wants to date me, which is pretty stupid.


Hey man, i know you’re going through a shitty time. I hope you’re able to find the love and help you deserve. Tough times will pass . But please hang in there


Thank you! I'm trying my best.


Someone found the text I sent my partner. Turns out my partner was cheating on me with seven other guys.


I think I just got exhausted by failure on that front. I had some good relationships before OLD by organically meeting women at university, but online dating has been brutal for my self esteem. The problem is that once you're off it, meeting someone is considerably harder irl. I'm not one for cold approaches, and I've tried meet-ups, and have had a couple dates, but available women tend to be online as well, so there's a lot of guys vying for attractive women.


I have crippling social anxiety


Because i hate everyone equally




*Stretches* Hit me with your best shot


I’m fat. Until I get this under control I’m not looking in anyone’s direction.


Cheated on or not 3.5 years ago. Gut says the first part, but the ex says no. Messy, horrible thing after 6 years of being together, living together, slowly building a life. 6 months of harassment and hurt followed. Anyone who I've asked out afterward has either been taken, declined, or, in the worst case, accused me of sexual harassment (even though all I asked for was an ice cream or dinner date, with me giving my info to them.). So I'm just tired. It's easier and less hurtful to be single. I don't have to worry about my feelings being hurt, I don't need to worry about impressing someone. I can just live for myself and know that whatever I do is 100% the result of my effort or lack thereof.


Broke up because I didn't see us together in the long-term. The companionship is nice, but I needed something she could not give me.


I act like I want to date people, but when it actually happens it fizzles out or I lose interest. I still think I am recovering from when I finally found what I think is love some 4 years ago, and in hindsight, fucking it up pretty bad...


Hard to find someone who has same mental disorder


I have no clue where to meet women.


I like the solitude and complete freedom


Don't want anyone. Can't comit to anything


A multitude of reasons brought me to here, I've had isssuesssss in all my past relationships, and been the issue a few times too. But the main reason now is I *want* to be single, for the first time in my life the idea doesn't fill me with horror. I actually want to be with myself, spend more time on my friendships and my family relationships and it would take a truly special and spectacular person for me to invite them into my peace that I am attempting to create for myself for the first time. I'm excited for being single for hopefully a really long time. I'm not against finding love I just don't put it anywhere near the top of my list anymore and I'm finding life much more fulfilling.


I am very self-aware that I am a self-destruction machine, that's been operating overtime. I am very logical but I am also very very emotional. I am a affection hungry, clingy, needy puppy that will follow you around. But will fight you if I asked for a kiss and you only gave me four kisses.... Like what is this behaviour, do you not love me enough to give me 10? So what if I asked for one. See? I am toxic. But then..I will give you 100.. I will support you through and through, stand by you like big ass giant rock, protect you and make good food for you ... BUT I need my daily dose of affection. I am contradictory bro.... I am not made for relationships. It's too much for antone and I totally understand that. So I'd rather stay single than drag someone nice in a mess that's me.


Since my last relationship ended over 3 years ago I haven’t been able to get feelings for anyone new. Not because I’m stuck on my ex, I’m over her completely. It’s just I don’t feel excitement anymore to meet someone.


Numb inside or checked out mentally, I get it. It's been 3 years for me too. I am not stuck on my ex, but I cannot make anymore mistakes with men, I will go insane.


Because I’m sure no one would want to date me


Guess I'm ugly


Because my ex GF is a fucking psycho. I need a few years of me time before risking getting into that situation again.


Because my gf broke up with me a month ago. Nothing happened between us, love just started getting dimmer on her part and she felt no energy left to try to rekindle that flame (because of a tough personal period she is going through). It hurts like hell and I miss her so much.


Just waiting for my Hogwarts acceptance letter.


My fiancé passed away about 8 months ago and I don't know if I'll ever want to date again


My husband died. I have zero desire to date again.


Partner suggested we have a break. I suggested we break-up, coz what does that even mean? What are you supposed to be doing if you can't communicate or see each other? I honestly equate a break to a break up especially if its for an unlimited time.


I'm genuinely less happy in a relationship than single


I am still grieving for the loss of the person I thought my partner was.


I’m unwilling to date again ever since my late partner passed away. I also have abandonment issues, trust issues, trauma and mommy/daddy issues. I don’t like asking for help or showing my true emotions. However with my late partner, the storm inside me was vanquished. Now that he’s gone, the storm is back as another form of trauma struck me.


Depressed & can't afford to date. Lonely af. I don't pursue desires but just avoid pain.


I don't try because of my lack of self esteem and self confidence. I've been rejected many times and I have fear of getting rejected again. I'm still longing for it, hopefully I get to meet someone and like me for being who I am when eventually I have the courage to try again.


Dicks too big.


My own life is a dumpster fire, why would I invite anyone into it? I mean, I'm working on it, but right now? A relationship is not something I need on top of it.