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I love you


I also love you


I love him more.


Back off, he’s mine!


I’d offer my love too, but looks like this user has their hands full 😂


I also choose this person to love


Give hin some space. Bar


I came into this thread thinking I wouldn't learn anything


Me too!! Blown away with this curser thing.


Is nobody going to talk about how 4 of the top 5 comments right now have the same frog-suit avatar, & the same "sexy girl" usernames? u/Naughtydolly82 u/amateur-gal9 u/prettyteenage71 u/sexy-tits80 You gals should be friends. ETA: 1hr later, all 4 comments deleted. Um...


What did it say?! I feel like I'm missing out on something life changing


This must be phone and/or keyboard app specific, as it did absolutely nothing on my end. Edit: I had to enable Cursor Control under ``Settings > Typing`` in SwiftKey to get this to work. Thanks /u/LucretiusCarus for pointing that out! Different keyboard apps may have a similar toggle in a different location, it could be enabled by default with no toggle, or it may not be available at all. /u/bobby2175 says he enabled Gesture Cursor Control under ``Settings > Glide Typing`` to get to work using Gboard.


On Android with multiple languages, holding had no effect for me (other than bringing up the option to switch languages). Swiping left and right on the space bar works however.


Thank you, I had the escat same problem!


Escat- electronic shit


Does your phone have multiple languages? I had to hold the space bar a bit longer.


Holy fuck As a chronically bad texter, this is life changing


I cannot for the life of me tap in the exact spot I want. More frustrating is that if something's in my clipboard, it'll give me the Paste option every time *except* when I'm ready to paste it


hello i am testing this and holy shit holy shit it works oh my god holy shit wow. Testing testing one two OH MY GOD!!!! THIS IS INCREDIBLE! three YOU CAN EVEN GO UP AND DOWN this is the end of the sentence. edit to add: the tip was that you can hold down the space bar on your phone to manuver the cursor!!!


Wait you can go up and down? I knew about left to right but not up and down. Oh doesn't work for me maybe not on Android?


Not only this. If you are bilingual as many are. You can add two languages that you switch by swiping the spacebar. And you can have autocorrect, etc, on the English one but don't need to have it on your native language keyboard. Really helps a lot since the autocorrect sucks on swedish and wants to separate words, etc. But my spelling on English is not that fluent always. We only have åäö extra otherwise, they are the same. So many swedes don't know this feature since it works using the Swedish one. Also at least on Android you have an extra menu on the dot that you can access by holding it. You can add 10 characters to it.


Wow TIL - i can assure you, you have improved my life significantly


There’s a voice isolation feature in your settings where the person you’re talking to only hears your voice. They won’t hear you taking a piss or an ambulance going by. It’s wonderful! Haha


Perfect for conductimg buisness while taking a piss near the ER.


Which is something I experience at least a few times a week


I once tried out working from a boat. On that specific day I had quite a few online meetings. I had to sit under deck with my laptop, because it was way too windy on deck. So basically I sat 1 meter next to the running diesel engine, which was everything, but certainly not quiet. I came up with an excuse, that my neighbor was doing garden remodeling with heavy equipment and asked if the noise was distracting. Not one of them heard the engine running. I was completely stunned and amazed. And had a blast on the water.


Don't rely on this one that much. It's good to make your voice clear but you'll never really know when it fails.


What kind of phone? This one is new to me!


The feature is on iPhone so it’s probably available on android as well. But with iPhones, during a call, swipe down your control centre and then long press the microphone symbol you will see. Can change it there! E: word


"during a call", I will try and remember that for the one call a week I have. Seriously is there no way to set this as a default?


Just call any Walgreens and hit the pharmacy button. You’ll have a good 20 minutes to refine all of your in-call settings without bothering anyone.


CVS doesn't even answer anymore, just goes to voicemail. Fuck chain pharmacies


You can simply open FaceTime, the icons will be there when you swipe down on the control center (no need to actually start a call with someone).


FYI, the function hasn’t been perfected yet. I told everyone about it when they added it, then had tons of people start complaining that they couldn’t be heard at all on phone calls. It’s especially bad when using the function with speakerphone (in private, of course; I’m not a monster)




Wow it's even got all my children sorted in to groups just by their faces. Kind of creepy lmao I didn't even know it was tracking that.


It’ll Face ID your pets too; we had two Siamese and we can search for them by name and it’s uncannily accurate!


Mine thinks all my cats (persians... unmistakeably cats...) are dogs. So I guess it's a "mileage may vary" situation.


Yes, it’s an awesome feature. I do that with receipts - whenever I buy something big or expensive, I simply take a picture, and by looking up receipt on my phone, the app will 9/10 times show me the picture I took


Oh fuck that’s genius. It kinda sucks at recognition but it works well with text!


Wow this is cool. I searched “cat” in my photos and brought up a random photo of a Melbourne laneway that happened to have the word “cat” within a sign.


Yeah it all scans the text. Very handy, works with handwriting too


My phone returns pictures I took of old pictures at my parents’ house that have me as a child. I did not prompt it to do this. One day it just offered me the profile for “young ree_hi_hi_hi_hi”


This is great! When I search “dog” it brings up photos of my dog! When I search “cat” it also brings up photos of my dog 😂. (my dog was very small and cat-like)


Best thing is that it recognises specific pets. If you tag them with your pet's name then you can search by it. It's not 100% perfect but it's pretty amazingly good.


I didn’t even realize that there *was* a search function. Which is weird, considering the little magnifying glass was right in front of me. You’ve saved me so much time…


Another thing in photos if there is text in the picture you can copy it by holding down the cursor as normal!


Oh my god this is so cool!!! I had no idea there was a search option. I have six thousand photos and I’ve been dreading going through them. What a time saver. Thank you!!


And even more useful, you can search for any text present in a photo.


You can use the translate app with your camera to translate printed text in real-time.


My wife got a bunch of clothes from one of the fast fashion brands, ASOS or Shein or whichever. The clothes turned up filthy, and there was this handwritten note in the bag with Chinese looking letters. Pulled out Google translate and it comes up with "these have been returned, not washed and filthy, send them back out to the pigs." We were mortified. Complained and sent them back but nothing ever came of it apart from a refund.


You know it would have been better if you posted this on social media. 


> nothing ever came of it apart from a refund. What do you expect?


For the transgressor to be hung, drawn and quartered obviously. But yes you make a fair point. Probably not a lot. But I think I might have at least liked a fake company platitude of "sorry, we'll look into it" rather than just hearing nothing.


I've used this a lot while traveling. To be honest it really made the experience a lot more pleasant than constantly asking people to translate.


You can also do this with laundry icons, you know the tags that comes with your clothes on how to wash it, take a picture and it will interpret the icons on what you need to do, like delicate laundry, dont put on dryer etc


I use this all the time. It's a life saver for someone like me. Still learning the other language, at the grocery store and need to read packages.


You can turn off the keyboard sounds.


It infuriates me when I hear people’s keyboard sounds


Bonus: omega loud notification sounds in quick succession: I was sitting next to a person at a bus stop and I almost forgot how loud and annoying traffic sound is to me because to my right: CLICK CLICK CLACK CLACK BING WHOOSH BING CLICK CLACK CLACK GONNNGGG GOOONGG WHOOSH CLICK CLICK CLICK ALL WHILST ALSO TALKING TO SOMEONE IN PERSON RIGHT NEXT TO THEM. Phew. That was something.


Your comment reminded me of the default typing sounds from ICQ.


That was my text notification for years!! "Uh-oh"


I hate that iPhone doesn't have separate ringer and notification volume sliders. Some of them are annoyingly loud


I would love that feature. And specific notifications (like texts or WhatsApp or whatever you need to prioritize) getting a louder volume than others


🤣 When I got my new phone this year, I had forgotten the keyboard sounds are default on and I almost had a melt down in front of my husband


That’s a very reasonable reaction


Keyboard sounds suck. But I will keep using keyboard vibrations and you can't stop me from doing that. I hate typing on a keyboard where I don't get any feedback about my taps. I don't know why, but I make so many more typos when my phone goes into power saving mode and turns them off (yeah, I could probably change that but I just haven't bothered)


Haptoc feedback for a keyboard is important since we no longer have physical ones


You can take a picture with writing on it and then highlight and copy the writing on it and paste it. Ex. Take a picture of a page in a textbook and then copy and paste it onto your notes or text message


You can set your iPhone to alert you when it hears certain sounds that you may not have heard. Like a door knock, or a baby crying. It’s under accessibility, sound recognition.


Omg that’s amazing? Like that’s so accommodating for deaf people. Like getting a little Apple Watch notification with “someone’s knocking on your door”. That’s great. I don’t need it, but love that it exists.


Somehow I think this could be used as a great scare in a horror movie with a deaf person on it.


Wait you’re actually on to something. A deaf person living alone. *There’s a knock on your door* *Footsteps are approaching* *Cat meows loudly* *Glass breaks* *Hinges creak* *Toilet flushes* *Microwave dings*


_tense music playing_


*Vinyl scratches* *Eerie silence*


I have chronic health conditions and sleep in spurts. My service dog alerts me, but often, I wake up groggy and have to find out why. This feature with customizable alerts saves us both frustration and frustration. Thank you.


does it also save frustration?


This works on Androids too. I use this sometimes then turn it off after a few minutes. Who knew hearing is actually really effing annoying? I've been deaf so long, I forgot! (Lost my hearing around age 11.)


Also has a feature that adds captions to all calls or video. Way easier for my mom to understand when she’s listening via Bluetooth hearing aids.


Also on android, didn't know about that. Very cool!




You can actually stick the speaker directly next to your ear. There are sensors which will turn the screen off and stop you from pressing random buttons with your earlobe or cheek.


Oh crap, so if I do this my call won’t be heard by everyone around me? /s


Hahaha, I kept reading this over and over, trying to figure out the trick, until I finally realized you were being sarcastic. :(


Also rather than having a video call where you're just staring at someone's face. Put the phone to your ear and use your imagination of what they look like. Everyone within a 50m radius will love you for it.


this trick works perfectly in the bus , I don’t know why


You can also take it off speaker when in a call. 😉


Noo, it’s not true, it’s not how the phones work. If you don’t have headphones, you have to turn volume to the maximum, better having a really huge speaker, so everybody knows what music do you listen to


Your phone does not need to be parallel to the ground while you shout into the charging port, You can hold it like a normal phone when talking.


I get irrationally angry when I see people do this.


I don't know if it's irrational but I do share this sentiment.


I always thought people did that when using the speaker, in cases where you will be required to press number options so you want to see the screen.


The pizza phone


But for real, why is this so widespread? Did we collectively forget how to hold a phone in under a generation?


I've thought about this way too much and have come to the conclusion that they've seen people using their phone like this on The Apprentice and think it looks all savvy and cool?  The likely actual reason they do this is so it's easier to see the faces and reactions of the contestants from a variety of angles. 


Gboard > Settings > Dictionary > Personal Dictionary > All languages (or whatever language you want) * Add words you don't want autocorrected or marked as misspelled * Add *anything* for which you want to make text-expander shortcuts I have made *dozens* of text-expander shortcuts here, including shortcuts for... * "soft return" line breaks * horizontal dividers * favorite emojis * symbols that don't appear (or are hard to find) in Gboard * Words of phrases in other fonts that Android supports but Gboard does not Examples (I start most of my shortcuts with "rr" or "ee" because no *words* start that way, so this mostly avoids auto-correct issues) * rrreturn = soft return * rrhr = horizontal rule * rrrp = ¶ * rrrf = ƒ * rrtt = two tabs (as in, hitting the TAB key, which Gboard doesn't have) * rrbu = five • bullets with line breaks in between * rrff = 🅵🅾🅾🅳 followed by 4 bullets (for listing meals in my bullet journal) * ssgr = 🟩 (I have these for every color) * ccor = 🟠 (I have these for every color) * rrgoal = 🎯 which I use as a visual reminder on priority goals And that's just a small sampling. EDIT 1: Forgot to mention something I learned the hard way: Gboard accepts *only* letters and numbers for the shortcuts you type. So no "rr\*\*" to make a ★, it would have to be "rrstar" or something like that. EDIT 2: I should have also explained how I get the TAB and soft-return into the Personal Dictionary in the first place, since you can't do either in Gboard: I make them on my computer, in a note-taking app shared with my phone — then on the phone, copy-paste them into the Personal Dictionary.


I use the following too to make filling forms out easier - @@ = my email “# #” = my phone number (remove the space) P@ = my partners email P# = my partners phone number


I see how that could help if there wouldn't be anything else, but when I input my mail address, the phone suggests it after I type the first two letters. Same for the rest of your list. This is why I never bothered to set this up.


I do this too but for all my email addresses gg brings up my Gmail address ww brings up my work address dd brings up my daughter's email address Etc etc


If you take a picture of a flower, you can hold it down and click "Info" to search for its name.


This also works for trees, leaves, bugs, animals, famous buildings and more. It is a truly amazing feature.


Fyi most of these AI recognition apps are woefully inaccurate. Especially never use those if you're trying to figure out if something is edible or not.


INaturalist is a community app that does some very similar things and is much more reliable. It does give you a predictive answer but then throws it to the community to confirm. It’s also willing to sometimes just tell you “bug” or just a genus but not a species or something like that. The overconfidence in specificity is often the problem.


iOS has a built in backrgound noise function that let's you listen to white noise/waves/rain etc. either on it's own, or mixed in with whatever else you're listening to.


Not me paying for a subscription so I can have a noise app on my phone. Sigh. Thank you!


😲 where?! I can’t find it….


Go to Settings > Accessibility > Audio/Visual (under Hearing) > Background Sounds (basically, Apple’s term for white noise). Tap the on / off toggle at the top of the page to start Background Sounds. You can choose from a few different sounds. Just tap Sound and pick from the following options: Balanced noise Bright noise Dark noise Ocean Rain Stream


Awesome! Playing with it now thanks!


You can also set it so if you press the lock button 3 times then it turns the noise on


Holy shit! And thank you!


You can also access this from Control Center instead of going to settings. If you go there, there should be an ear icon (if you don’t see it, you can go to settings and enable it for control center).


You can also do it by pulling down control centre (I think that’s what it’s called?) clicking the little ear button, then clicking “Background Sounds”. :)


Omg. So useful. Thanks


Holy shit! I actually did not know about this!


Reminder that although most smartphones do pretty much the same things these days, android and iphones dont always have the exact same features so it's useful to clarify what platform you're talking about in threads like these


Accidentally delete a bunch of text in your notes? Double tap three fingers


Wooooow, finally a very useful trick I didn’t know about! I’ve always thought that there HAS to be a way to recover accidentally deleted text. Thank you 


You can also shake the phone to “undo”. Works with deleting emails too


On iPhone, shake the phone back and fourth twice to undo


Is this iPhone only?


I tried this and I don't think it works on Android.


Almost all smartphones have some variation of "Live Transcribe" built in for Deaf/HoH accessibility. On Android, you just need to enable the app in the accessibility settings, and on iPhone it's buried deep in the settings but if you search for "Live captions" it will come up. It's incredibly accurate, and at least on Android it's able to identify multiple speakers and even pop up little bubbles for noises like applause, traffic, music, etc. I didn't know this was a thing until I started hanging out with a few Deaf/HoH friends, and they showed me how to turn it on! Such an awesome feature!


I’m an iPhone user, so I can’t speak for android. But. - if you hold down 0, you can make a ° - you can hold down your Bluetooth button in your little menu to immediately choose what device to connect to. You don’t have to go through settings - make a shortcut like @@ and make it your email. This has been my favorite hack so far. I never type in my email anywhere anymore, I just go @@ and it autocorrects to my email address. - if you hold down on your flashlight icon you can change the brightness - using your camera, you can hold down the take-photo-button and slide to the left, it’ll continue to just spam pictures. It’s great if you want someone to take pictures of you, but want movement and natural pictures. They won’t have to take the pictures, just hold the phone lol. And it’ll always have at least one or two good photos this way - if you hold down - you can choose between – — • - hold down = and choose between ≠ ≈ - hold down “ for ” “ „ » « - holding down the timer button in your shortcuts in the little menu thing will give you the option to start a timer for however long you want. You don’t need to open the app - hold down on an element on a photo in your photos app, and it’ll make a cut out of it - when you’re on safari and take a screenshot, you can choose to screenshot the entire website at the top of said screenshot - you have an app that lets you measure whatever your heart desires. I think it’s called “measure” or something. That same app has that tool thing that shows you if things are level or not - rotating your screen on your calculator app will give you way more calculator options - in your safari app you can make “folders” of websites and name them. It’ll be visible on all your Apple devices too. Great cross compatibility


A tip on holding the photo button and sliding it, if I want to record myself and keep music in another app playing, opening the camera and sliding to the video recording option stops that music. But if I open the camera to take a photo and press-n-slide the photo button to the right, it starts recording video and leaves the music app playing so the music gets recorded, too.




First iPhone app I ever saw was that game where you have to get a metal ball through a wooden maze with holes in, by tilting the phone.  My buddy was playing it in a lecture at university and we were all watching, enthralled, trying our hardest to keep quiet when he had near misses.


I miss those days of weird apps. I also remember Juicy Fruit had an app that was just a few different mouths that said odd things. This had to be 2010-2011ish. Those early apps remind me of the early internet. Do you remember that app that just showed a diamond that cost like $1k just so people could say they bought it?


My favorite weird app was called Bacon Or Beer Can. It was just a picture of a Jamaican guy and the words bacon and beer can. When you tapped either word it was the same sound Edit: [it's still alive and well on the web](https://www.baconbeercan.com/)


i think it was called "I Am Rich" lol


According to the Wiki article, eight people bought that app lol!


and I thought there were dozens of us!!


Oh man. The zippo one, a lightsaber with customizable colors, those were the days


The bubble wrap!


Back in the day, I learned Android programming and made an app for managing my city public bike service (back then there wasn't an official app). It was a tiny, useful app with a lot of work behind, but I only got about 50 downloads or so. Then I looked at to top-10 most downloaded apps in Play Store, and the number 1, with millions of downloads, was an app that showed an ass, and if you clicked it made a fart sound. Not saying that made me abandon app creation, but it was certainly sad...


Sounds like something out of idiocracy


[The number one movie in the country was called “Ass”. And that’s all it was. For 90 minutes. It won 8 Oscars that year, including Best Screenplay.](https://youtu.be/UPD0srSiOFE?si=s8RL26BHsuucyrSC)


And the candle/lighter where you could blow in the mic and the flame would flicker


Clicking the side button 8 times in a row can dial 911. I only found out after accidentally doing it.


Yeah mine did this before when I was hitting the wrong button with gloves on trying to change the volume. It started doing some type of loud af air raid siren that scared the shit out of me. Then I look at it and it's ringing calling 911, and so I had to explain to them that I was just trying to turn my music up and now all of a sudden there's a missile launch happening so please send help (/s, obv, I just explained what had happened and they were like "k no problem bye")


It's good that you explained it rather than just hanging up.


911 operators are generally very understanding when you give them a good explanation how the oopsie happened. If you just hang up they send a welfare check to your position.


For Android, it's 5 times, but you can change the emergency number to any number you like. I've changed it to my mum's number, as she's normally the one who saves me in an emergency!


Yup found this out by accident while I was out riding my bike, only realized what had happened when a cop flagged me down. Apparently my phone was hitting against my leg while riding and hitting the button.


They found you through GPS?


Yes. It's called E911, and all modern phones support it. It lets the dispatcher know where you're calling from when you call 911 and it's really accurate. It also updates their map in real-time if you're moving as long as your call is connected.


I just learned this year that you can have two windows open at once in split screen.


I learned this about 34 times accidentally. Still not sure what I did


.... or how to undo it when it happens


Swiping right on a song in Spotify adds it to the queue. I thought this was well known but every time I do it my friends are like wtf did you just do


Swipe left to delete the last number you entered in your calculator. Has saved me hours of headaches 😀


The shortcut to search on a Google Pixel- hold your thumb on the bottom of the screen and then it'll let you select text, highlight images or draw a ring around something that you want to search immediately. Neat!


Hijacking for pixel-specific features - call screening! You can have a robot answer questionable phone calls and ask their reason for calling before you have to decide if you actually want to talk to them


For phones with a stylus (e.g. Samsung ultras), the stylus button can be used as a remote trigger for the camera (great for selfies!).


This also works with the Apple Watch, it can be used as a shutter button and there’s a little version of the camera view on the watch to help you frame it up, too. This is one of the default apps on the watch but for some reason no one ever seems to try it out.


Have an app/game you use but getting annoyed by the constant ads? If the app does not require an internet connection to work, you can go into app settings and disable internet access! Now you can keep playing the app without any ads! (Do restart the app to make it work) Works perfectly for apps for kids and such too, so they dont go clicking random stuff.


You can set your phone to start recording if you ever get pulled over by cop. You set a trigger phrase like “hey siri, I’m getting pulled over.” Your camera will start video recording and a text will be sent to whatever number you programmed it to.


How do you set up the phone recording? 


[article, with pictures, on how to set this shortcut up on iPhone](https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/tech/pulled-over-by-police-siri-shorcut-iphone)


On Samsung phones, if you double tap the on/off button, it opens the camera, even while your phone's screen is off. If you press the upper volume button, it takes a picture or video.


Double click it again in the camera and it'll swap between rear and front camera 


The clock icon on android phones is an actual working clock. The icon is animated and will show the time accurately without even opening it.


Same with iPhone. The clock icon is a clock. Live clock


Redmi has a feature (maybe other phones have it too)that you can turn off screen while playing video but audio works .it works on YouTube so you can play lectures/podcasts on YouTube as audio files.


Idk if this is Samsung exclusive but if you hold up your hand like this 🖐️ while you have the camera app turned on selfie mode, it'll trigger the count down to take the photo without having to press buttons.


When someone calls you and you don't really want to answer but are annoyed by the ringing itself and don't want to reject the call, the fastest way to mute the ringing is just turn the phone upside down. Just put its screen to a flat surface.


Something somewhat new i think but works great. Snap a pic of a business card. Long press on card. "Add to contacts." It lifts the name, number, email and whatever else.


If you can’t find your iPhone and you know it’s nearby, say “Hey, Siri, where are you” and Siri will say “I’m here” and you can determine where you left it.


This comment section made me realize I spent way too much time on my phone.


My takeaway from the comments: * no phone specified: they mean an iPhone feature (majority of comments) * 'Android' specified: they mean a Samsung feature, occasionally Google Pixel * Actual Android brand specified: might be a flagship-only feature * snark about listening to / talking into: universal 'feature' To add to the pile of "figure out what phone is meant": you can ask where you parked and get a map with walking directions to the last place you stopped after driving, no pairing with the car needed


I just tried "hey google, where did I park?" with my phone a couple of times and for both attempts it just decided to open Spotify then did nothing. Cool, thanks Google.


You can actually call people with it if you need to reach them. You no longer have to bash me for not answering your text within 5 minutes...


You use it as a *phone*? Hey everyone! Check out this weirdo!


You can connect a pair of hearbuds or headphones and not annoy everyone else on the goddamn bus


On iPhones that don't have a dedicated Action button, you can tap the back of the phone and activate certain tasks like taking a screenshot, or opening a specific app. Open Settings, and go to: Accessibility > Touch > Back Tap There you'll be able to use Back Tap to activate a lot of nifty shortcuts and do useful tasks!


I’m adding this and it’s a bit of a stretch as it’s not a feature specific to phones but of an app (🫣)— If you have Roku, and use the Roku remote app, you can connect the audio of your show to headphones. Just hit the headphone button and connect your headphones via Bluetooth (or old fashioned headphones with a cord :)). Lovely for nightowls (I say at 3:24am) who want to watch TV and not disturb others in the house.


If you press on the space bar and move your finger side to side you can move where the cursor is in the text box.


Omg!!!! You just ended the most frustrating thing about typing on a phone!! Wow! I truly feel my blood pressure rise when I need to get the cursor somewhere specific and it’s just jumping around selecting this and that. Ahhhh I’m so old. Thank you!


I know! I only found that out like a month ago!




Physics toolbox has all of these cool things available!


the OP Babygirlamanda07 and cutiejewel24 are bots in the same network comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/15k0m31/what_do_most_people_not_know_their_phones_can_do/jv3ekf1/


I thought you were taking the piss…. But I looked, there are legit metal detector apps! 🫨


For Androids, you can use Google Lens to identify objects in photos. The hack is that you can take the search results page and augment it with search text. That way you can specify what you're looking for, e.g. "mug Disneyland 1987" vs "mug Disney World 2004"


#Why the fuck are top comments deleted?


Today I learned that you can press and hold the screen while you’re taking a photo with iphone to raise or lower exposure!


1. Your Phone can help you change channels on your TV. 2. You can also measure stuff - You can take measurements of anything you need to on your phone using your smartphone's camera and AR technology.


I use my phone as a TV remote whenever I lose the actual remote. Which is often.


One of my old phones had a legit IR blaster on it and a remote app that worked with almost any TV. I had tons of fun secretly turning off televisions at friends or family's houses. Even trolled a Halo LAN party with it once. I kinda miss that feature.


* All notifications on the phone are logged at OS-level and you can look them up. For instance, if you swiped away a notification and don't remember which app issued it. Or if you saw someone important "like" your tweet in the middle of a night and later remove it (which removes the notification from app history) and you want to make sure you weren't dreaming at the time. Don't ask. * Many modern phones can be woken up by double-tapping the screen. * If your phone's fingerprint reader is under the screen, placing your finger directly on it will wake up the phone, without turning the screen on first. * You can set a message to be displayed on your lockscreen. You know, such as "this phone belongs to ... please call ... if found". You can also make certain contacts available to call without unlocking the phone. * Google Lens is able to automatically Google objects you point your camera at (useful in "wtf is this thing" cases sometimes), translate any written language live using your camera or from your stored pictures and it also allows copying text you point your camera at. * If you have a USB 3.0 docking station it will work with your (Samsung*) phone automatically, allowing you to use your phone as laptop for basic tasks. The desktop mode works really well and modern flagship phones are so powerful, it's not much different from a full-fledged computer. ____________________ \* Android


> All notifications on the phone are logged at OS-level and you can look them up OK, gonna tell us how?


If you are using a Samsung device, it is under settings > notifications > advanced > notifications history. It is probably going to be wildly different under different versions of the OS, so specific instructions when it comes to Android are not always useful.


A lot of people don't realize their phones can scan documents with the built-in camera. On iPhones, the Notes app can do this, and on Android, Google Drive has the same feature. Super handy! Another cool feature is setting custom ringtones and vibrations for different contacts. You can tell who's calling or texting without even looking at your phone. Also, check out the emergency info feature. You can set up emergency contacts and medical info that can be accessed without unlocking your phone, which could be a lifesaver. And don't forget about "Do Not Disturb" mode. You can schedule it to activate during certain hours, so you can sleep without interruptions.




And what are you doing on your phone one-handed?


Don't ask please


I use one handed mode religiously-- and I religiously get asked why my keyboard is so small. MY KEYBOARD IS SMALL BECAUSE MY HANDS ARE SMALL BECAUSE I AM SMALL. HAND NO REACH. Anyway, shoutout to the one handed screen


On iPhones you can tell Siri ‘Lumos’ to turn the torch on, and ‘Nox’ to turn it off.


On android there is a functionality to detect airtags following you. That's how I noticed there was one on my car. 


On iPhones you can use the volume down button to take a picture/video instead of touching the button on the screen.