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My basketball teammates in middle school were all car pooling together, and on the way back from a game we came to a stoplight. The parent driving suddenly yelled not to look out to the left of the car. Naturally, all of us middle school boys promptly looked exactly there, only to find a butt naked man on the side of the road aggressively shoving a large spoon in and out of their asshole. ‘Twas a quiet ride home after that and a sight deeply seared into my mind even over 10 years later.


> yelled not to look out to the left of the car. > Naturally, all of us middle school boys promptly looked exactly there LPT: This is why instead of saying DON’T look left (which makes anyone want to look), say something like “Whoa, is that a deer over to the right? In the bushes there? Can you see it? It was right there?” Then everyone is concentrating on scanning the right.


Strangely this brought some light and levity to a pretty hard to read thread. Thank you


I watched a guy stab himself in the neck and then try to saw his right arm off. He was high on meth. He was my patient in the ER. I calmly told him that we would be fixing whatever damage he caused, so please, don’t make our jobs harder. It actually worked. He stopped.


Funny how when you put it in that context, they get kind of nice. Like they will try to take out their eye but if it’s a burden on you they apologize.


I mean... I'm only trying to maim myself for personal reasons but I draw the line at inconveniencing another person.




Damn, when/where was this??




When my husband was working in a grocery store, there was this mystery guy who did "art" with his shit all over the bathroom floor, walls and door. It happened a few times before they caught him. They nicknamed him Picasso.


Why not poocasso


We had both Poocasso and Fecalangelo at work.


A colleague and I were first on the scene of a fatal hit and run in Manchester a few weeks ago. While we were trying to give the victim first aid, or more accurately panicking, knowing our first aid ability was completely inadequate, a lady was stood by us filming everything on her phone. I'm still completely traumatised by it and all I can think of is this absolute cunt filming while a 22 year old girl lay dying in the road.


Something about just standing around filming someone actively dying is probably the most depraved thing in this entire thread to me. Like how can you stand around and not help and then FILM it? It's incomprehensible to me.


Kid died in a car accident in a town close to mine, a small-town, tight community. All star football player, good grades, community service. Great kid. Someone got to the scene before the police and took a video of the crash and made sure to focus in on the stump where his head should be and his brains on the dashboard. What the fuck compels people to do that?


I grew up in a small town as well and moved abroad. My brother died in a car accident in 2012, I found out about his death through Facebook because people posted pictures of him dead on the side of the road. Fucking cruel.


I’m so sorry for your loss and that completely unnecessary additional trauma.


I was a teenager running a 5k fundraiser. Before it even started I noticed a guy who was dressed unusually. He was wearing one of those tight fishnet shirts from the 80’s and black short shorts. He looked like discount Rocky Balboa. As the race commenced, he started making sounds like he’s struggling almost immediately. Like tail end of a marathon sounds. My group was right behind him and I was keeping an eye because I’m intrigued. I notice that his inner thighs are unusually hairy. Then I notice that they seem to be getting hairier. Then the grunting noises get more intense. Then the smell starts to spread and then everyone nearby notices. The dude ran the entire 3ish miles with poopy pants and then sticks around like nothing is wrong. He’s grabbing bottles of water, leaning against wooden fences at the park, leaving shitty ass prints in multiple spots. Finally an old lady tries to help, telling him he should go home and giving him her jacket to wrap around his waist. He acted oblivious. To this day I wonder what that was. Mental illness? A public humiliation fetish? I’m leaning towards a combination of the two.


Up until you said poopy I thought this was a werewolf story, lol


I worked security at a night club in the late 90s. It was a multi-tiered spot with a concert venue an night club that sometimes had wildly different crowds. The night this story happened, we had an 80s themed night in the club and a punk rock show in the venue. I get called to the women’s bathroom in the club part, which was never a good thing. There’s a girl in there passed out on the toilet, shit and puked all over herself. So I have to carry her out. I get her to the back staircase and sit her down. She’s babbling, but nothing I can understand. After a short time, this guy comes outside and claims to be her boyfriend and wants to take her home. Says she drank too much. The girl is a pretty, young white girl. Dude is a fat, mid 30s middle eastern looking guy. Something was off. We were trying to find her ID, but her pants are still all tangled up. Her keys fall out and one of the other bouncers picked them up. The guy immediately tries to claim them, saying they’re from his car. My coworker asks him what kind of car it is. Before he can answer, another girl starts screaming behind us “Holy shit! What happened?” I start to tell her what has happened to her friend and that the boyfriend is wanting to take her home. “What boyfriend?” The guy immediately hauls ass running down an alley away from us. We caught him, but instead of calling the police, we told some of the punks I knew that were there what he had done. They took him and kicked the shit out of him and dropped him in a dumpster


Good for you. Street justice by punk.


Punks don't fuck around, you don't want to find yourself on the business end of a doc Martin.


Second post I've read with a happy ending; feels good man. That girl tho, hope she recovered alright.


She went to the hospital and ended up being okay. They confirmed she had been drugged (which was obvious). I never heard from her or her friend afterwards though. In my city, if too many incidents happen at a specific location, the liquor license gets put in jeopardy. It was really sick the hoops the owners would jump through to make sure police or ambulances were not called. I don’t know how many times I was instructed to call taxi cabs to pick up inebriated people. We would just pay them to drive to whatever location was on their ID. So we never called the police or ambulance for her, but her friend did. My manager was super pissed at me and the other bouncer the next day for the incident, but only because she went to the hospital and not that we just got my friends to rough the guy up. I was either 19 or 20 at the time and didn’t really comprehend the weirdness of it all


Spoiled childhood friend had a gas powered RC car. He thought it would be funny to duct tape a lizard onto it and take the poor thing for a ride. When he tried to take the tape off it basically ripped the dude in half and the kid laughed. Fast forward some years he went away for murder


It's well known that abusing/killing animals as children usually leads to them doing the same to humans.


My friend and I used to joke that the next door neighbors kid was a school shooter in the making. It was an internal joke between us based on his odd behavior but we never took it too seriously. Sometimes we'd look out the window and just see this kid in the dirt alley next to the apartment pacing back and forth for a while. If you passed him and nodded or said hello he would just look right through you. Very odd. One day my friend looks out the window and the kid is swinging a frog around by its legs violently in circles over and over. Those thoughts were elevated from a silly joke to serious concern.


It's a common question when interviewing murderers if they harmed animals as children.


My dad sold my boombox I got as a present for finishing kindergarten for crack.


My cousin stole and swapped my first motorbike worth around £4000 for £50 worth of crack, I feel you bro.


I assume you told this story at his funeral after you murdered him, right?


😆 After a while I forgave him, a bit of time had passed between it happening and then finding out the details which made it easier. Cut him out of my close family’s life’s and moved on. He’s in Prison now for a long string of poor decisions.


My dad cashed in the savings bonds I won in the state spelling bee. For a lot of my teenage years I was living in a house without a phone or electricity. I scored high enough on SATs that I could have gone literally anywhere, but my chaotic homelife and working a job to feed myself and my way-too-numerous siblings nixed that. Later when i joined the military you had to have an emergency power of attorney. I didn't think he even knew about it, but after basic training when there should have a been several paychecks in my account I found out he'd drained it. I loved the guy, funny, smart, charming. Taught me a lot. But shitty luck and a gambling addiction ruined him. He died of a heart attack when I was home on leave between training schools and I found his body. Had to pay for his funeral leave the same day to go finish some very intense training, and deployed to Iraq for the first time a couple months later. My mom had died just a few years before. Rough couple years.


So sorry that happened to you, friend. My dad was/is an addict too and he made me empty my piggy bank so he could have "bus money." I only told my mom about it over a decade later and she was horrified that five year old me was extorted to feed his drug habit.


Having breakfast at a coffee place, sitting at the high tables looking out at the street in San Diego on a nice sunny day. A homeless man comes by, picking up trash. Everything, cig butts, plastic cups etc, and unfortunately he crams it all into a post box, not a trash can. You could see how happy he was for helping, while also totally strung out. A couple walks by, with a little shit for dog. The dog craps in the little square around the trees you know. And they DON'T PICK IT UP. They walk away. Here comes homeless man. Picking trash. We understood what was gonna happen, and we saw it all. The claw shaped hand reaching down, grabbing that poop, shoving it into the mailbox. Wiping the hand on the pants, continuing picking trash. We left immediately. It still haunts me. The heat, the post man, the post office. Urgh. Untreated mental illness, poverty and street drugs. F that.


I used to work at a magazine store. Just a normal one which also had an Adults only section. Haven't seen a magazine in years but in those days, it used to have a plastic cover which would hide the entire magazine apart from the name of the magazine. One day as I was walking around the store, I saw one smartly dressed gentleman licking the cover of a magazine; really going at it. The magazine was still in its plastic cover and all you could see was the brand name


Went to dinner with another couple and he licked the Chili's laminated menu. Never dined with them again.


genuinely way fucking weirder than the porn licker


Yeah at least there can be some connection made when it's porn, like oh it's a weird fetish. Licking a chili's menu has no justification whatsoever.


This is seriously deranged. You made the right call. 


I used to work at a small grocery store in a town that had a decently sized concert venue/campground. Needless to say, every summer was a constant parade of drunk girls in bikini tops, weed-auras, and people who lost their shoes in the river. The following story was witnessed after the fact on the security tapes. One night as me and the manager were in the back room closing up (only two employees locked up at night) a guy managed to jimmy open the locked front door. He completely failed to find the restroom he was looking for 15' to the left despite the clear signage, and proceeded to the produce section. There, he climbed aboard a cart-shaped display full of iceberg lettuce (think the cart from "MY CABBAGES!"), took off his pants, threw them on the floor, and took a shit on the lettuce. When he was done, he reclaimed his trousers and walked right back out the door. When the manager and I did our final walkthrough 5 minutes later, we smelled his deposit long before we found it. After checking the tape we notified the store manager that we'd be staying late to clean it up and rebuild a lettuce display. The next day the store manager gave both of us $100 and had upgraded door locks installed.


> a constant parade of drunk girls in bikini tops, weed-auras, and people who lost their shoes in the river. Just wanted to say that that is a surprisingly beautiful and evocative line, and was especially unexpected in a story about somebody shitting on the lettuce. Nicely done!


Thank you. I try to make my words gooder that their is funner for the readers.


+1 for “My Cabbages.”


Maybe his grandparents died on the titanic and that’s the only revenge he could get on icebergs


I work in a big box store. One morning, I go into the rear restroom (two sets of restrooms in the building, one in the front, one in the back) to find a guy probably on meth sitting in a urinal. He immediately starts yelling that he needs the manager, that he needed to take a shit but only the urinals were available. He ignored the fact that the one stall beside the urinal he was shitting in was standing completely open. Yeah, that was a fun morning.


I had that same thing happened when I walked into the bathroom at a TGI Fridays in Philly


I worked at nicer Mexican restaurant where we served these giant ass football size burritos. This one guy on his 21st birthday ate the whole thing and puked back up onto the plate. The table started to chant “eat it, eat it” so he did… and the dude next to Him helped. Just a couple of bites but dang.




I probably shouldn’t have clicked this thread after I started eating


Went to a fucked up drinking session with some marines, those guys are sick in the head. Anyway, to save having to keep going up the stairs to the toilet there was a slop bucket to piss in and be sick in. The bucket was about half full when someone decided to poor half a drink into the bucket at which point one of the marines exclaimed that was a waste of good alcohol, and they all decided to do shots from the slop bucket full of piss, sick and half a cup of beer.  One of the worst things I've ever seen in my life. 


This one made me retch


There's a reason that the standing joke about marines is that their diet consists mainly of crayons


I don't know if this counts. In my late teens/early 20s a friend of mine introduced us to his new girlfriend. She was actually pretty cool and meshed well with our group. That night they both pass out in his room and she wakes up completely disoriented. She couldn't find a light switch or door so she just dropped a deuce in his bedroom floor then crawled back in his bed. He woke me up the next morning asking what we should do. Before we could approach her she jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. She bent down to throw up in the toilet and simultaneously sprayed the wall behind her the most toxic smelling shit brown I've ever witnessed. Every time she heaved to throw up more there was more back spray. After she was finished, she washed her hands and told him she had to head to work and left. She never apologized or even mentioned it. We never ran into her again after that. He didn't date anyone for almost two years after that. We laugh about it now but for the longest time it was just a known thing we don't mention. It wasn't his fault but he carried that guilt on his own for a long time.


Back Spray is a new term that no one ever needed until now.


I saw an Evangelical, holier than thou Southern woman, spend the last week of a mans life bedside, claiming she was trying to save his soul, turns out that involved having him change his will to her and her son. While he was actively dying.


My mom’s stepmother did this. My grandpa (died in his 40s of leukemia before I was born) was with this woman and split from her. When she found out he was dying and basically out of his mind she somehow got remarried to him at his bedside. My mom who was EXTREMELY close with her dad didn’t get anything from him after he died because that lady took everything and cut contact. My aunt (moms sister) still searches for her name in obituaries


my brother did that after being estranged for 25 years. my dad dies, my mom has stage four cancer, he swoops in and SAVES HER so she can die with him away from the rest of us. She goes along because she has been desperate for his love for the last 25 years. i thought it was nice. so he wrote her will with zero inheritance. but his business recently attracted a 500k angel investment! and when i asked him what happened, suddenly i am directed to his lawyer.


Why not contest it. Even if you don't care about the money you can just donate it to charity rather then reward the atrocious behavior.


When I was 16 a friend got punched and KO’d into a bonfire. This was pre-cellphones so we had to drive him to the ER. When he woke up and said “what’s on my face” and rubbed his hands on it and was pulling off actual flesh. I can still smell and see it to this day and now I’m nauseous


Drunk guy at a party claimed he could drink anything, and that “if everyone spits in a cup I could even drink that”. Someone took him up on this, went around the party with a cup gathering spit, foam from beers, cigarette butts and one guy peed a little bit in the cup. The drunk guy did drink it. Then puked everywhere shortly after.


At least his body is wiser than his brain.


When I worked at a hotel years ago, we had a wine tasting event with around 200+ attendees. Each winery had a spit bucket for guests to taste and spit out the wine. End of shift, we were doing a last clearing of the buckets at the dishpit (I had a cart with 5 8L spittoons half full). One the dishpit guys (I'll call him Kevin) stopped me from dumping them out as it was "perfectly good wine in there". He filled 3.empty wine bottles and took them home to drink. Heard the next day from the other dishpit guy (they hungout after their shift that night) that Kevin drank a half bottle of the spit wine before throwing up all over his living room, then drank the remaining bottle and threw up again. Was smart enough to through away the other 2 bottles though I guess..


Dishpit and dipshit are pretty close


I was so confused as to why he was insulting his colleagues


I read 'dishpit' as 'dipshit' three times and the story still made sense.


Reminds me of something that makes me gag to this day.... When we were teens, one of the guys had a older brother who's house we used to go to and smoke pot, lots and lots of pot, bongs, lungs, shotguns the lot. There was one old lucazade bottle everyone used to cough up and spit into. One afternoon one of the younger guys rips a massive bong, has a choking fit and in a panic grabbed the phlegm bottle, taking a huge chug. He puked, then I puked, then half the room joined in our chunder train. Absolutely vile, to this day. Edit: spelling


Got me dry heaving over here


Someone pissed in a beer at a party and put it back in the fridge. Drunk guy grabs it and starts pounding. “Eww, this beer tastes like piss!” Finished it.


Got a “fun” one for you! My younger sister and I went out to eat at a diner. Towards the end of the meal, she told me that she had to use the bathroom. She was gone for a longer than usual time. She finally came back and we finished eating, which wasn’t very long. I paid for the food and told her that I had to use the bathroom before we left. I went into the women’s bathroom and opened the door to the first stall. There was shit smeared everywhere!! All over the walls and the toilet. Shit covered paper was also everywhere. I was absolutely appalled and disgusted. It looked like a kid went to town and fingerpainted with shit. I left the bathroom and told my sister about it. She was also shocked and disgusted about it. I found out years later that she was the one that did it. I no longer have anything to do with her. Not because of the poop painting incident but a myriad of asshole behavior including stealing my identity and going on a shopping spree.


what comes over someone to do something like this genuinely, what is the god damn thought process?!?!


At my old job they had to send out a mass email because someone in the ladies restroom had a habit of smearing their period blood all over a stall and stick their used pad onto the wall. It was a big building with about 7 men’s and 7 women’s restrooms and hundreds of employees. In the men’s room someone had the habit of taking a massive shit, wiping their ass, and leaving the dirty tp all over the stall they were in. They wouldn’t flush it, just left it on the floor.


Seriously, WHAT compels people to do this?? Like i understand mental illness but like wtf lmao. I remember about a year ago or so there were these two women at my work who would smear boogers on the wall and mirrors in the bathroom and I was beyond disgusted at that. But poop and period blood? Beyond vile


These are the things that tell me I most certainly do not *understand* mental illness


My grandpa was a mental health nurse in "institutes for the criminally insane" for decades, and he was *good* at it. He helped to transform the way that the mentally ill were treated in New Zealand, and was awarded some fancy letters on his name and a medal for it by the Queen. I only bring this up because I've had mental health issues all my life, and we'd talk about it often. I once said something along the lines of "You understand mental illness, so.." He stopped me. "Pickle, I don't understand the first thing about mental illness, if I did I'd have been on the other side of the locked door"


Your grandpa had a metric fuckton of empathy.


Exactly!! My husband works in a very high end aeronautical engineering company and some guy took a dump in the middle of the bathrooms. The cleaners refused to pick it up and went on strike. Quite rightly so. What possesses someone do such a thing!


My partner is also an aeronautical engineer with some crazy stories from their shared bathroom. Maybe it’s a hidden job requirement?


But… why? Why did she smear shit all over the walls?


When I was young I worked at a restaurant where someone did this. The toilet bowl itself was perfectly clean. They shit on the seat and body of the toilet, and the floor. And smeared it on the walls of the stall. I respectfully told my manager I wasn’t gonna clean that. I was 16 and had no responsibilities so it meant nothing to me if I lost that job. Boss had to get several people involved to clean it, only then did I help.


Okay, I know this is long past, but if the errant teenager is reading this and thinks 'huh, that's funny, that sounds like something my boss would make me do..." **Check your state laws**. Many states *require* a manager or owners to contact a specialized biohazard cleanup team. Feces and blood are *biohazards(!!)* and large messes like this should not be cleaned without full proper PPE. You more often then not have full legal permission to refuse to clean a bathroom covered in shit if management cannot provide PPE (masks, suit, thick gloves, eye protection, proper chemicals, biohazard bags). There's a reason biohazard teams exist and it isn't just for bodies, it's for this...shit, too.


How did you find out that she did it???


She had confessed it to someone else while she was drunk one night and it got back to me. She apparently thought it was funny as hell and I threw her off because she didn’t think that I would have to use the bathroom shortly after she destroyed it. I feel sorry for the employees that had to clean up after her.


Saw a threesome in the front yard of a house party, all 3 were maybe 18-19 and super high on ecstacy. Probably 10 other people standing around, filming/taking pictures, heckling and throwing stuff at them. Later that night they had sobered up a bit and came inside, it looked like one of the guys had fucked a tiger, his back had massive scratch marks and was just freely flowing blood. Before the threesome the girl was inside the house, pants down flicking her bean in the middle of the party, absolutely out of her mind on ecstacy and jawing like mad. Was probably 20 years ago but that's a memory I'll never forget..


Was a retail manager for a while years ago. We started getting emails about a guy who was going into the men’s bathrooms and vomiting all over them. The amount of vomit was enough that they had to call a company to clean it up each time it happened (always different locations). Well the day came and he finally hit my store and holy shit I have never seen anything like it, I’ll never get that image out of my head. Wall to wall vomit, you could make out the shape of the toilet but literally couldn’t see any porcelain. I pulled up the cameras because I was sure he like made a fake vomit cocktail or something (though the smell should have been enough confirmation for me). Nope, tiny little dude strolls in no backpack or anything, goes straight to the bathroom and then out he goes. Weirdest way I’ve ever heard of someone spending their free time.


just imagining this little dude walk into the bathroom and start projectile vomiting like Godzilla's radioactive breath is truly something out of nightmare


Remember those old big screen TVs that when you ran your nails over it would make a zipper noise. Was at a sleepover with a few buddies at my buddies grandpas house as younger teen. We were watching HBO. A sexy scene came up and one of our buddies immediately jumped up, ran up to the the TV, jerked off on said TV and tried to wipe it off. All in a matter of seconds. Quick enough we were like WTF is he doing and then saw the blob of jizzum It turned the screen a discolored green.


Did you talk about it?


I mean at first I was in shock and then I thought it was hilarious but it wasn’t my TV


Hahaha that's exactly what I felt reading it.


Where was this? This exact thing happened to me when I was at some random persons house when I was kid. They invited me to also jerk off on the TV and I was like nah. Later we went out to the gas station in the middle of the night for snacks.


LOL naw it was just one dude, spontaneous and unwarranted. I think he was trying to do something he thought was funny and give a shock factor. I definitely was shocked and definitely laughed at how crazy it was.


Nah because he came tho, you can’t just magically do that for the joke


Yeah that dude had been primed for hours


Locked and loaded


Uni years i walked in on my dorm roommate listening to our other roommate have sex whilst touching himself. Fun fact locked eyes with me and didn’t stop. At all.


What the actual fuck! I hope you left the room for good after that.


That day i found out RA’s are actually useless and i reported the incident and they asked me for “proof” i emailed back saying you wanted me to stop and record someone w**king whilst staring at me?


Probably so they could wank themselves to it




My son got stabbed in April. His intestines were outside his abdomen. A guy was trying to steal stuff from cars at a club and my kid was just chilling outside and saw the guy and asked him to stop looking in the cars. The perp is a career criminal. He was out on bail before my kid was out of the ICU. He has previously been charged with murder, burglary, assault and a bunch of other stuff. There was zero reason for that dude to stab my kid. Zero.


Is he alive?


Sorry! Yes, he’s ok. He went back to work after 8 weeks. No idea if the perp will be prosecuted. There is a video but it’s inconclusive if my kid did anything because his back was to the camera and the perp is standing in front of him so you can’t see the stabbing. But my son only asked the perp to move along. There are actual witnesses including my son in law (a super stand up guy) who confirmed the other witness accounts. It was the night before my youngest got married and my son was supposed to give her away. The perp ruined what should have been my daughter’s happiest day. The wedding went on, but no one was really in a good mood. It’s just a nightmare for a mom.


Circa 2002. I went to pick my gf at the time up from work. She worked at a facility that helped mentally disabled adults who were wards of the state do daily activities, find part time jobs, some even full time. I go to "the house" where she worked, and where many of the individuals she helped manage lived. One of these individuals, we'll call her Gail, was a short round woman pushing 50 years of age. Gail was always smiling like she was in on some joke no one else was, and this was the day I found out why... As my gf and I were saying goodbye to my gf's boss, Gail triumphantly marches out of the bathroom with a forearm sized turd in her hand (smiling proudly) and says loudly "you wanna see the shit hit the fan?" as she throws it upwards underhanded into the living room's ceiling fan (which was on high) and Gail's turd was plastered around the room and all of us. I still get sick thinking about the smell. MY GOD. Edit: Thanks for all the comments! It's been some time so I can laugh about it now...but it was pretty horrid. It's a shitty story but it is funny!


Gail got mad jokes...


This reply has made me giggle to myself for way too long


Aside from getting literally shit on, I would be telling people about this story for the rest of my life.


Sounds like something from a Stephen King novel


Omfg. Somebody had to clean that up




Maybe she comes to life when no one else is looking


More like life comes in her when no one else is looking


A girl having a screaming match with her boyfriend in a restaurant. Cops were called, and while they were detaining her, she reached up her skirt, pulled her tampon out, and threw it at the cop. It hit him! She got arrested.


I was skating at a park in DTLA when a drug deal went bad and one guy shot two guys dead. The park that had hundreds of people on this particular day emptied. After about a minute the people returned and began striping the bodies of the men that were there dying of their clothes and necklaces and by the time the cops got there they were in their boxers and wife beater shirts and that's it.


Wait… Putting aside how fucked up this is. People took their blood soaked clothing with, presumably, bullet holes?!


Maybe it was Versace and the bullet holes where a tribute.


My god, that’s traumatizing!


After the stabbings on the Portland MAX train in 2017, where three men stood up to defend two young Muslim girls from a homeless nutjob piece of shit and then had their throats slashed (two died), a separate homeless guy was caught and later arrested for stealing the wedding ring off one of the dying men.


In Scotland a couple of years back a young woman, Amber Niven, was raped and murdered by her own brother, Connor Gibson, who stashed her body in some woods in a park. The body was found by a man called Stephen Corrigan, who ~~of course called the police immediately~~ sexually assaulted the body, leaving his DNA “ all over her naked body, from head to toe, back and front.  In quantities greater than the host Amber Niven.  In 39 different places including her breasts, buttocks, pubic area and perineum” - quote from [the sentencing report](https://judiciary.scot/home/sentences-judgments/sentences-and-opinions/2023/09/04/hma-v-connor-gibson-and-stephen-corrigan) - and then *pushing the body further into the undergrowth* and making it harder for anyone else to find… 


> young woman, Amber Niven, She was 16. Absolutely heartbreaking and fucked up case.


Ya gotta love the British newspapers that refer to it as touching her body inappropriately.


I’m only one comment deep but I’m tapping out on this thread.


My uncle and his wife (who My Grandad despised) stole my grandads cigarettes from his pocket while he was on his dying bed while he slept. Everyone, including him, basically knew he wasn't going to make it through the night. When he woke, he just wanted a cigarette, but the nurse explained to everyone how his son had taken them. My mother went in search of a cigarette for him but by the time she got back he had died. He had smoked his entire life and just wanted that last one before he passed.


Knew a guy in high school that used his own semen as hair product and never ever ever bathed.


That’s the most vile thing I‘ve ever heard of


He was gross as shit, and (maybe unsurprisingly) not a particularly nice guy. But his girlfriend was one of the most stunningly attractive women I've ever seen, so figure that out.


How does a guy who does that get a gf? A nice one even


Plot twist: She was a dom and forcing him to do those things was how she humiliated him. They mellowed as they aged and now are happily in a condo in Tampa living typical lives.


Bro probably hearing voices in his head with all them potential kids on his hair.


Semen dude: Yeah yeah She calls me daddy all the time Girlfriend: no I don't Semen dude: well someone fucking does


“Is that… is that hair gel? Good, because I really need some.”


I was just telling a coworker this story, and its definitely NSFW... I used to work in a gym with a hot tub and pool- and I was the opening person. For years, we had an issue of a person shitting in the pool. It used to be more of an occasional thing, and at some point it started happening every morning. Its really annoying, because someones gotta go tell all the people who didn't notice the turd that they're swimming in shit, and then scoop it out, close the pool, shock it with chlorine and then it can not be used until a couple hours later when the chlorine levels go back down. The pool shitter would do his thing before like 5:15 am, when we've been open 15 minutes I wasn't sure how that could happen. My boss asked me who I thought it was, but I knew. There was an old man who would be shaking on the door handles at 4:58 am, slamming the locked door, and then when I would open the door he would try and run straight in the gym without scanning his key because it would "take me to long" to get behind the desk and take the key. Then he'd run back to the locker room and I wouldn't see him again until like 5:45 when he's leaving and he wouldn't say goodbye back to me, which is rude. We got cameras installed in the pool after like the 14th day in a row of this happening. The camera was white, on a white wall, so you could barely see it. That next day, someone came up to the front desk and told me there was shit in the pool. I called my boss at like 5:20 am and was like COME IN NOW, WE'RE FINDING THIS OUT NOW. We watched the camera in horror, this guy would go in the hot tub and just shit himself. We watched him use one hand to pull the back of his swim trunks out a little and take the other hand and scoop the shit out. He would then TOSS it into the pool. He would do this a couple times, scoop whatever was just floating in the hot tub out, and then GO UNDERWATER. The shitting all was done before 5:05 AM. Then right away he'd get out and shower- members said he'd shave in the sauna, get dressed and leave. Foulest thing I've ever seen. He tried to deny it, and we said we had cameras, and he stopped responding, never came back again.


I’m a teacher. About a decade or so I had a student with severe trauma and some symptoms that I think will eventually be diagnosed as schizophrenia. His mom also had severe trauma and likely ptsd. A lot of teachers were afraid of the kid because had some serious violence in his past but if you knew the story he was trying to defending a family member from severe domestic violence. He was among the sweetest most genuinely good kids/people I’ve ever met. Anyways, some scumbag took advantage of the situation and used the fact that the family was a sh*t show to molest the kid. I saw the person one time at the school before we knew what had happened and I’ve never gotten a feeling like I got from that guy. It was like something in my gut told me I needed to get away from him and get him away from the school. I’m really glad I’ve never seen him again as I’m genuinely not sure I wouldn’t send him to the hospital which wouldn’t help my former student or me at this point. I know he was arrested but I heard they dropped the case. I had no way to follow up and find out what happened. I think about that kid often and really hope he’s ok. He deserved so much better than the hand he was dealt. If you’re out there I’m proud of you and I hope things got better for you.


Some people just give you a bad feeling and you have to trust it. There was a guy my dad was friends with who came over one weekend. When he arrived I happened to be in the shower, and I was about 12, so old enough not to need supervision and be choosing my own clothes. My mom comes bustling into our tiny apartment bathroom with some sweatpants and a shapeless hoodie just as I finished up, urging me to get dressed as fast as possible. I should note my bedroom was right across from the bathroom so I wouldn't have been crossing through the living room in a towel. The man was never mean, and he gave my brother and I both gifts whenever we saw him (I think that was the only time he was in our home), so I was pretty confused about the situation. 25 years later I'm still sure mom was sat on my bed waiting to hear the shower turn off. Anyway, a few months later he beat his wife to death with a baseball bat. Mom knew. She didn't know what she knew, but she *knew* something about him was off. Sometimes you just have to trust your gut that someone is a threat, even if it's not necessarily to you.


Back in college my friend was having a party at his house and he invited a bunch of people, including some sorority girls. One of the sorority girls got incredibly drunk, stood up on the coffee table in the living room, pulled up her skirt and shoved the neck of a glass bottle in her vagina. She fucked herself with it for several minutes in front of at least a dozen people. I went and found my friend and let him know what was happening and he communicated it to one of her sorority sisters who went and put a stop to it. Don’t think that girl ever lived it down as some people had taken video of it and the videos started circulating. Felt really bad for her.


Watched a guy on the sidewalk stick his hand down the back of his pants, poop into his hand and then proceed to throw the poop at cars and smear on the side of buildings. someone called the cops...3 cops rolled up, took one look at the situation, turned around and left.


You cannot beat the poop wizard.


My first day working in casinos I saw a lady have a stroke or a seizure and collapse from the chair at a slot machine. As the emts prepared to load her on to a stretcher another lady stepped over her unconscious body to play off the credits on the slot machine she was playing before she fell


Oh easy, eat shit. A friend lost a bet, and the punishment was to eat shit. He chose to eat his own. It was only a tiny cube but I could never look at him the same.


Like, I would much rather go thru life as "the guy who refused to eat shit because he lost a bet" than actually do it


Is your friend by any chance a wombat?


Bro shittin cubes


When I was in highschool, there was this kid who'd sit at the back of the class and masturbate during math class. Didn't really see it, but he's the one who said it. He said like it's a brag or something.


I was working at a grocery store during the pandemic to make ends meet. A store 45 minutes from a place I shared with my ex in a shit part of town. I never closed except for one night. And an hour before closing, I was told I could go home a bit early because everything was done. My ex was a selfish piece of shit (for many reasons) but in our part of town with very little parking, while she was home all day, she didn’t bother to move her car from our one parking spot and I had to drive around the neighborhood at 9p for blocks looking for a spot with flowers I bought for her in my passenger seat. I’m driving down a main street approaching an intersection when I see people at a bus stop in the distance. One person is limp while the other two carry them so I thought, “hah! Drunk.” I got to the light to make a left into another neighborhood while still looking for parking and while I turned, I noticed it was two men holding up a woman who they’ve undressed and began raping while unconscious. I immediately called the police to report it and once I hung up, less than a minute later, I started screaming and pounding on me steering wheel out of frustration. I knew I couldn’t wait. I knew they were gunna take her somewhere darker and who knows what would happen when they got her there. I flipped around to go back to the corner and sure enough they were gone. I turn down the closest street to look for them. The street lights were either busted or weak so everything was dark. But I found them, one holding her up while the other raped her. I lived in a violent gang heavy area where people being murdered was a regularity. Im not a big guy nor was I armed. I knew trying to engage would just get me killed. So instead, I pulled up on them, tires screeching, high beams on, music blasting with windows down, and I just start screaming at them. Calling them pussy’s, bitches, flipping them off, anything I can think of to piss them off and get them to turn their attention on me. They drop her and start toward me. Seconds later the police pull up and are able to arrest both men as well as a third who was watching from the bushes “waiting for his turn” as the detective put it. What bugs me the most is that I was one of two people who called the police and the only person who tried to do anything to stop it. And when I testified, my ex called me selfish for “putting her life in danger to be a white knight.” Oh and that I still had to find parking after looking for 30 minutes and then walk blocks with my adrenaline up holding a bouquet of flowers for this asshole.


That is absolutely horrific. Good for you for what you did for that girl. I hope she is okay and I hope you are okay after witnessing that.


So she was actually homeless at the time. I ended up finding out through the process that she had a few kids that her mom had custody of and that her mom hadn’t heard from her in years. But when the detectives had reached out to the mom trying to find the victim (who had left the shelter they put her in), the mom hunted her down and locked her in her home, got her clean, and last I heard she was living with her mom and involved in her kids lives. After it was all said and done and the guys got convicted, the mom reached out to me to express her gratitude and how, through this really shitty event, her family was back together.


I'm so glad to hear that, thank you for sharing it. Sounds like your actions really helped that family in the long run. Also happy to hear that those pieces of shit were incarcerated for what they did Well done, sir.


I saw someone swerve to hit a turtle:((((  I hate people. Their violence towards each other doesn't really surprise me. But when humans go out of their way to hurt animals....it sickens me like nothing else. 


one time i pulled over to help a turtle cross the road and as i was getting out someone came and ran it over :/ it pissed me off bad


Same here. Pulled into a school parking lot to walk back to pick up a turtle in the road. Some dipshit teenagers saw the turtle then me trying to save it and purposely sped up and ran it over. They had their windows down of course and were laughing and cheering the whole time too. Karmas a bitch and it may take awhile but she always gets her way and I truly hope she had her way with those bastards. Happened 5+ years ago now but still pisses me off every time I think about it.


A kid I went to high school with drank piss at a party for free cocaine


Nothing about that situation was free. Everybody lost something that day


My parents used to tell me they don’t have to love me.  But I have to always love them 


Ouch. Sorry bro


Guy got punched in the forehead with brass knuckles. He fell to to ground and clear liquid poured out of his nose. Found a dead guy in a bathtub and another guy was shooting up in the room next to it. the guy looked like a rotten peach. He knew he was in there. The smell. Guy got knocked out and than stabbed several times.


That was probably the fluid in his skull getting pushed out damn 


100% cerebrospinal fluid


WHY DID I READ THESE ETA: Hilarious that my most upvoted comment on reddit is on this damn thread. Also, came back for more. Regretted it more.


Fr and I’m still going


About 8 years ago I working as a train conductor, my locomotive engineer and I hit a young woman with an 8,000 ton freight train traveling 40 mph. After applying the emergency brakes, it was my job to get out and visually check to see if we indeed had an accident. I found her contorted body in seemingly impossible ways near the side of the tracks. I radioed 911 to my dispatcher and emergency services were immediately called. She unfortunately passed away not long after the ambulance arrived.


I was in DTLA walking to an office from union station. As I was crossing the Fast Trak off ramp there was a homeless sitting on the corner with a sign. A big brand new Mercedes S65 AMG pulled up and rolled down its windows. The man sitting in the passenger side threw a water bottle and lays chips at the homeless man’s face. The homeless man didn’t even care. The minute the items hit the ground he moved so quick and started scarfing down the chips and drinking the water so quick it was spilling from the sides of his mouth. Before they drove off the passenger spit in the homeless man’s face and laughed and looked at me with a smirk and the driver peeled off into oncoming traffic. The whole interaction couldn’t have been anymore than 20-30 seconds max but everyday when I get off that freeway I remember that experience. People can be so cruel.


This pales in comparison to what some of you said, but a few years ago I was waiting for a bus downtown in the middle of what was quickly becoming a snowstorm next to a mom and her 5-6yo daughter. Mom was in boots, a north face puffer and a hat… daughter had a thin hoodie, capris and sneakers. AND the daughter had to hold mom’s grocery bags. I got yelled at and called a creeper for offering the daughter my scarf and hat.


Made a sandwich (mahi mahi reuben, fries) for a fella who ate half of it, puked all over the remainder, and then continued to eat it as the waitress cleaned up the surrounding area. Pretty sure he had heat stroke or something, we never found out. The ambulance came and he denied their service and left


That guy was shitfaced drunk lol


I saw a video on Reddit of someone sticking a gas pump nozzle up his ass.


I read a news item online about a woman in Philadelphia running onto a gas station forecourt, grabbing the pump, sticking it up her ass - and filling up ! witnesses said she was shouting about how good it felt ! she died from some kind of toxic shock and also tested positive for crystal meth...


Gasoline will apparently get you drunk faster than alcohol will. And kill you a *lot* faster. Alcohol enemas will get you wasted quicker than drinking it. A gasoline enema is probably like getting super-drunk. Then super-dead.


Yeah this will kill you


I hauled US Mail in a semi from Kalamzoo MI to Detroit. One night an accident tied up I-94 just into Ann Arbor. I took the exit to 14 to I 96 so I wouldn't be late to the downtown PO. I heard a West bound Canadian truck driver cussing out a driver in an S10 pick up heading the same direction. He literally ran the tiny pick up off the road and was cackling about it and kept on going. I saw the whole thing unfold from the Eastbound side and the little truck rolled about 5 or 6 times. I pulled over and another driver followed me to the shoulder. It was raining like crazy. When I got to the S10 I saw that it was a female driver and she was battered to hell and gone and the cab of her truck had blood everywhere. I had no cell service, asked the other guy if he did and told him to call 911. The girl was messed up and the area between 14 and I 96 is pretty out in the boondocks. I stayed and tried to keep her conscious until police and ambulance arrived. I couldn't tell what all damage she may have suffered, so that was the best I could do. That may not be the absolutely most depraved thing I've ever seen, but it is right up there.


There's a video of some guys in a landfill and one guy pulls a fleshlight out of the pile of trash, and, while laughing, proceeds to put his dick in it and simulate fucking it, while his coworkers laughed. I don't even like touching my dick unless I've washed my hands first. I cannot fathom the mindset of that guy.


If his dick was in it I don't think it is simulating 😂


Oh oh I'm pretending to come, watch guys


Last year I worked for a very small company that wasn’t doing well, and then one of our salesman came down with an aggressive cancer. The company went out of business six weeks later, and though no one can prove it, every single person suspects that the owner would’ve rather cut losses and receive a tax write off and a personal payout then try to pay for my coworkers medical bills.


Wait why would the company need to pay the medical bills? I'm assuming this is in America, but I thought the company handles the health insurance for their employees through an insurance company, not by paying the bills with company funds??


Yeah the health insurance company would be on the hook unless we are missing something here.


My former boss was very wealthy, but his best friend (let's call him Ralph) was a big time moocher. No one liked the best friend because he took advantage of our boss. One time the entire back office went to a high end sushi restaurant and Ralph happened to glom on. Our boss picked up the tab, but simply asked that we all chip in for the tip, which we all did in cash. What we later discovered was that the tip was very light. Ralph went back into the restaurant for his sunglasses and stole $200 cash from the tip on the table. He denied it, but everyone knew it was true. Real scumbag stealing from the waitress, who he claimed didn't really need the money.


This happened back in the '90s. Had a roommate who picked up some gal at a bar somewhere. They were in his bedroom when one of his friends popped by and asked if he could join in. Since he didn't have a condom he took the condom my roommate just used, washed it out and reused it. The same gal got up in the middle of the night that night and tried to get it into my room to be with me. I kept the door locked (thank goodness!) and told her good night! I moved out not long after that. Just a short story of how depraved people can be.


When I was like 18 or 19, I had a male roommate that I was acquaintances with in high school. I rented a room in his big, five bedroom house that his mom had left him with. We worked different schedules, so I didn’t really ever see him at home. One evening, I was hanging out in my room (I rented the entire basement level which had a fireplace and a sliding glass door to the backyard- it was super nice for $300/mo.) laying in bed with my door locked when I was startled by this super loud thud against my bedroom door. It definitely frightened me because of how loud it was, and when I looked over, saw the shadow/feet of someone standing at my door in the hallway. I gently shouted, “who is it?” But got no answer aside from more violent knocks. I did have a boyfriend at the time and was hoping it was just him coming over unannounced and trying to be funny or something? The knocks grew to even louder *pounding* against my door. I yelled again, “WHO IS IT?!” And a, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” And the pounding against the door switched to a VERY loud cracking noise with each blow. My heart was racing and I grabbed the nearest heavy object (a large vase) as I stood in my pajamas (it was summer, so shorts and a tank top), I guess readying myself to fight? Lol. Then, a piece of my shitty wooden door shattered and fell onto my bedroom floor- following behind it was something metal. I watched as the metal object was pulled out of the door, and lodged right back into it. I grabbed my cellphone, dropped the vase, ran the fuck outside through the sliding glass door (in hindsight, definitely should’ve done that WAY sooner) and hid in the bushes of the backyard while peeking into what I could see of my bedroom through the glass doors. A few minutes later, I saw my roommate, who up until this point was always a very calm, nice, easygoing guy, with a fucking *AXE in his hand!!!* I hid as I watched him belligerently tear apart my room, going through drawers and tossing my stuff around. Had there not been an axe involved, I probably would have been dumb enough to confront him. (In hindsight, I also should have probably called 911, but didn’t). After what felt like forever, I thought he was finally going to leave my room, but instead, he turned, walked up to the sliding glass door and I swear he made eye contact with me- at least, I thought he did. I began to dial 911 because I really thought he saw me. I was terrified and frozen. He took the axe and slammed it into the glass slider, shattering most of it within a couple blows. I screamed, thinking he was coming for me, but luckily I think the sound of him hitting the glass tuned out the scream. He turned again, leaving my room. I stood outside, scared and completely unsure of what to do next. After about 10 minutes of him not returning, I ran inside (I did step in the glass barefoot, but at that point I didn’t care), grabbed my car keys and my purse (which had $600 cash inside and was completely undisturbed) and after seeing that my bedroom door had been broken down “the Shining,” style, with a fucking axe, jetted the FUCK out of there, speeding directly to my parents’ house. I only went back the next day after my mom called her police officer friends to go with me and get my belongings. I did see the roommate and was brave enough (only because the police were there next to me lol) to ask him, “what the fuck happened to my room?” His answer? “Oh… I had a party yesterday and someone must have broke in and stole your stuff.” I responded, “Yeah, YOU! YOU fucking broke in and stole my stuff, I WATCHED YOU DO IT!” He had no rebuttal aside from shaking his head no before he walked away. After surveying my room, I quickly discovered that multiple (10+) pairs of my panties were missing and so was my laptop and one of my vibrators?? The whole thing was too weird for me to ask any questions and I was honestly terrified to ask for my stuff back (the laptop was a shitty brick by that point and I definitely needed a new one anyways). I never went back again after I got my shit and left, but a few months later he was arrested for possession of methamphetamine & stalking, assaulting and murdering another woman. I only knew this info because I was working for an attorney at the time and his case came through. I told my boss my experience with this guy and he passed the case on to another public defender. He’s in prison for life now 🤷‍♀️


Homeless guy wipe a public toilet with a slice of white bread and eat it.


off to flavor town


Was at a nightclub and we watched a bouncer shake a guy down for drugs "what's this!" throws it on the floor and stomps it while grabbing the guy to get tossed. Without missing a beat my buddy swoops down with a finger already on one nostril and proceeds to snort what was left.


Your buddy is a professional


I had to help my neighbors friends girlfriend after she knocked on my door and my neighbor had just stabbed his friend to death… She dragged me to the apartment and on our way there my neighbor came out with a bloody butcher knife in his hands and stared at us for a second before he ran to his car. Her boyfriend had so many stab wounds we found him lying on the couch with blood just spewing out of him. It was horrible, I made her come back to my apartment well we waited for the police which felt like forever. I also just happened to be going back into my apartment later that day when a woman came by asking what was going on she was bringing her kids to see their dad, I brought her to the police and she just fell to the ground. It was their dad that I saw die earlier that day.


Had a patient whose boyfriend was in a long-term dispute with some neighbours, and had smashed their windows a few nights before. Two guys broke into the house while he was watching TV and she was asleep upstairs, armed with machetes. Fella legs it upstairs, grabs his missus and uses her as a human shield to block the machete attack, leaves her there, jumped out the window and ran off, leaving her alone and bleeding on the floor. It seemed the guys who broke in were so disgusted at the man's actions that they called an ambulance for her and attempted to bandage her up before scarpering.




I was at a warehouse loft party in downtown San Francisco. We went out on the fire escape to smoke cigarettes at maybe 3:30 am. There were these two vagrant street urchin guys below smoking crack. They started to make out, take their clothes off, and then fully naked (still hitting the crack pipe), one of them kneeled down and started giving the other one a blow job. The guy whose loft it was saw them and yelled “hey I told you guys not to do that here!!!” He went inside, grabbed a full 5 gallon bucket of ice water, came back to the fire escape, and poured it on the two horny cracked out dudes. They immediately ran in opposite directions, into the alleyways, a half block from Market Street, leaving all of their clothes and shoes, fully buck naked, and didn’t come back. I was there a few days later, and there were still two wet piles of clothes and some crack accessories in the same spot.


I watched my neighbor across the street hang himself when I was eight and I did nothing


You were only 8. That kind of thing would be shocking and confusing for pretty much anyone, especially a child. I'm sorry you witnessed that.


I was taking a walk one evening and heard a loud crash. It sounded bad so I went running towards the noise. By the time I got there I saw two wrecked vehicles and a man leaning against a pickup truck bed in someone's driveway with about 10-15 people around him just staring or filming. As I got closer I saw that the bed of the truck and this man were covered in blood. I then got up to him and noticed that one of his eyes was dangling out of its socket. He collapsed onto the ground and I began doing what I could. I have EMT training but had nothing on me gear wise. I yelled for someone to call 911 which thankfully they did. I checked what vitals I could (really just his pulse and breathing) then went in his wallet to check his ID and get his name. I kept sternum rubbing him to keep him awake while calling his name and everyone continued to stand around filming. The ambulance showed up relatively quickly and I gave them all of the info I had and his wallet. I never did find out if he made it or not. His license was from out of state so I'm not sure if he lived here or not. Turns out it was a drunk driver that hit him. I watched him getting arrested and everyone continued to film. I walked home covered in his blood thinking about how fucked up it is that people can see someone in that state and do absolutely nothing but stare or, even worse, take out their phones to record.


Coming out of Metallica at download last year all the guys ran to a wall for a pee, one guy knelt down and had his mate piss in his mouth the. Spat it down his girlfriend. She can really pick em. Stay classy download.


Went to a leather bar. Had to use the restroom which had a trough. Walked in and found a guy laying in the trough drinking pee from several random guys. I quickly turned around, went outside, and peed next to my car.


Once i went to a village with my friend . Basically in my country some villages dont actually follow the laws of government they handle it on there own and the villages have there own committee of law and decision makers by villagers choice . They caught a rapist raping a girl in wheat farms they tied him to a tree and all the men of village gathered to see his punishment a guy comes with a machete and chopped the rapist's dick and balls in one strike he was screaaaaming and they feed his parts to fishes in the river He remains alive in the end. And it's been 4 years since i have seen this


In middle school a girl who hated gym and always got into it with the jock gym teacher did the most vile thing I have ever witnessed. He always carried around a large traveler coffee mug, so one day she happened to gain access to it when he wasn’t looking and stuck her USED TAMPON in it. Not only was she expelled, but the teacher sued her family and won. Absolutely unreal.


So I’m not sure if this counts but years ago I was working security at a shipping center. Nothing crazy I was just sitting outside of the facility at night. Well one night a truck comes into the lot. So I move to intercept it. I roll down my window and the guy in the truck rolls his down. He was in his truck with a younger girl. So I say to him “hey you can’t be hear I’m going to have to ask you to leave” and it was the funniest excuse I heard was “I’m sorry me and my daughter where looking for a dark parking lot to ummm” he then trailed off realizing what he was saying. Then he and his “daughter” left. To this day i still think it was a prostitute in his car. I mean really why would you at 3:00am look for a dark out of the way parking lot with your daughter.


I'm not sure how high up this will rate compared to some of the other posts I've seen here, but this is something I witnessed in person. My aunt had this idea that she was going to make some extra money by buying a bunch of roses from a "connection" she had, and selling them at intersections around Indianapolis for Valentine's Day. She recruited me to help out, and promptly sent me to one of the more run down areas in town. I set up in an abandoned parking lot and started selling my florist-rejected flowers. At one point, I noticed a teenage girl (14 or 15 y.o. my guess) walk out from an alley diagonally across the intersection from me. She was carrying a baby with her with nothing on but a onesie in the cold, rainy February evening. She stopped to light a cigarette, and started giving the baby drags off it. I yelled at her, and she just flipped me off and sauntered back into the alley. I don't know where this falls on everyone else's depravity scale, but it bothers me to this day. Both, that it happened, and that I couldn't think of the right thing to do in that moment.


Spent a weekend in Barcelona in 2011 with a group of buddies. One evening we chose to eat at a lovely restaurant just off La Ramblas, leaving at about 10:30pm. As we left, in the doorway of a department store opposite, two homeless-looking folk were fucking, scissors-style, oblivious to all around them. Were this not bad enough, the guy took an apple out of his pocket, took a bite out of it, and spat it in his partner’s face. We all looked at each other like: Did that really just happen?? It did guys, I promise it did….


A homeless guy asked for a beer. A guy put it on the ground, and when he went to pick it up, he kicked him in the face. The guy is in prison for some other shit, and he will never get out.


A guy shitting on a guy masturbating.


What a horrible day to be literate


Talk about his crushes then masturbate infront of me, this was 2 days ago at a school camp, the next day he told me about when he gave his brother a hand job VERY IMPORTANT EDIT: ive told my head of year and it is being dealt with by social services There will be no updates