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They keep telling us they love America, but it sure looks like they hate lots of America.


I think most Americans don’t understand how government works. They think EVERYTHING is political in government. Any regulation is viewed as overstepping, any tax is an inconvenience…they paint it all in oversimplified views about being screwed over because things in their own life are not as good as they’d like it to be. And why not? Government is a convenient scapegoat? If it weren’t for the “nanny state”, all one’s dreams would become reality. However…federal regulatory bodies, and federal research institutions, developed out of necessity, not greed. OSHA is needed because of how dangerous work became in the late 19th and early 20th century…without government oversight and legal regulation, your boss could cut corners on safety and endanger your life (because historically, they did). That needs to be an independent agency, and it requires support from a Department of Labor. Nonpartisan support. The EPA needs to be nonpartisan. Historically, non-regulation of the environment led to putting communities at risk. Lead poisoning, carcinogenic agents in water supplies, dangerous air…there needs to be nonpartisan scientists helping enforce safety standards for the public good. Otherwise, your only recourse against a private company who dumped poison into your water would be a civil suit AFTER you were injured. So, your cancer-ridden family could spend years filing law suits against a multibillion dollar organization in the hopes that your family lawyer could outspend them. Without an impartial EPA, your health is at risk. I could give hundreds of examples. Our quality of life and personal safety depends on systems that are indifferent to political whims. This eliminates that system. It is a literal threat to your health and well-being. To my health and well-being…a directive that fetishizes the 18th century and ignores everything that happened in the 19th and 20th century to get us to where we are today. It’s the byproduct of failed scholars, too. The Heritage Foundation is not a collective of renegade thinkers acting independently of a biased intellectual elite…it’s a group of fucking morons who couldn’t get their half-baked theories legitimized in a genuine scholarly environment because, y’know, peer review is a tough nut to crack when your theories are badly designed. I’m gonna be frank about how I feel about Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation, and far right “intellectuals”: These are spoiled boys who couldn’t hack it in the legal and academic world, so now they’re having a little pissy hissy fit and manipulating evangelical and corrupt business leaders to make their theories a reality. This is the plan from that dumb ass kid who always said his “C-“ on his history essay was because the teacher didn’t like him, when the reality is his history essay was poorly developed and badly researched. Our democracy is about to be dismantled by idiots who think they are intelligent.


My husband insists that because they've tried and failed in the past, that this won't fly. I say that this time is different because they've completely primed American conservatives and their elected officials for this very thing. I posted this elsewhere but I'll add it here. My husband is losing his job at the end of the year. He works at a company which receives grants and government funding for research. They were just told that one of the institutions responsible for handing out the biggest chunk of money was tightening their belts and being "austere" due to the potential outcome of the election and the prospect of *Project 2025.* Other people on that thread chimed in that they were in a similar position because government shutdowns also affected them as well. Just the IDEA of a country with the potential to be operated under the Project 2025 Manual is enough RIGHT NOW to cause people to lose their jobs. He's changed his tune about Project 2025 recently. It's more wait and see, but at least he hasn't completely written off the potential effects because he's already experienced them first hand.


Unstable governments are great for the tiny slice of the richest people and those in power but they suck for everyone else. You find examples of this all over the world. But the dollar is supreme because the US has been very stable because of the stability of our institutions and rule of law. If these go who would be willing to invest or loan us money?


These fools want to disband NOAA for goodness’ sake. It’s unreal. Imagine if the National Weather Service vanished, if the amazing talent of their storm prediction center went away. That’s what Project 2025 is proposing. It’s unconscionable. And these examples represent just one tiny part of the whole plan.


I really don't get why they want to roll back so many good institutions, it makes no sense. They're not only eliminating various forms of protection for the people of the country, they're also getting rid of so many jobs. It's not even "owning the libs" at that point, it's literally just wrecking the country and setting us back to the 1950's out of sheer pettiness and hubris. A part of me hopes that it gets firewalled and none of their goals happen, but a part of me also knows that there's a good possibility that all of those can happen and any protests will instantly get nerfed.


It’s because many of this agencies and departments protect non-white, and middle to lower class citizens. And protecting is a long stretch since they still do a shit job at that.


Anything "government" needs to be seen as bad. The funds can then be grifted, and the population can then become ignorant and naive. Unless they can pay, of course.


Not great, Bob!


Couldn’t have summed it up better myself, Jim.


I can't be the only one just focusing on enjoying these few months of peace before the shit show


I haven’t been able to enjoy a god damn thing since they killed that fucking gorilla dude


I do drugs and that does the trick


I picked the wrong election cycle to quit sniffing glue


I just wanted to tell you, [good luck, we're all counting on you.](https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExOTY1emZrYXExNjVvZ3F3Z3I0d3o1NnE2OHFwcmhkYm1xejA1YWhuNiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3oKHWikxKFJhjArSXm/giphy.webp)


I used to do drugs. I still do but I used to, too. In my case, this means I've been smoking weed for about 40 years and that I love Mitch. :)


Yeah it kind of sucks. In addition to completely dismantling the administrative State and replacing all of the dedicated public workers in the federal government with loyal MAGA stooges it contains the following (text borrowed from another redditor): It says that kids MUST grow up in an environment with a mother and father that are married, talks about banning non-married and non-heterosexual couples from adopting, compares transgender people to groomers/pedophiles/pornography, talks about getting rid of discrimination laws, getting rid of multiple government organizations such as the FDA, banning abortion with no exceptions nationwide, and more. Edit: because I'm getting a good amount of comments saying "oh, this is a great thing!" I looked further into it (I read it [here](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)) and here are some specifics - Project 2025: * Attempts to place a complete ban on gay marriage * Attempts to place a complete ban on divorce no matter the situation * Attempts to place a complete ban on anything deemed "pornographic", **including**:    * Anything sexually explicit, including drawings or literature that doesn't involve real people    * Anything involving gay people in media, even if it is as simple as a documentary or something *mentioning* that it is possible for two men to be in a relationship. * Heavily limit the abilities of the FDA, CDC, and OSHA, **including**:    * Making it even harder to get medicine    * Making it even more expensive to get medicine    * Making it even more difficult and expensive to get disability aids    * Getting rid or greatly diminishing many workplace safety laws    * Lowering the age of legal work/cutting back on child labor laws * Ban abortion **even in cases of:**    * Missed or "silent" miscarriages, which is when the fetus dies but is not expelled from the body naturally. According to Project 2025, **extracting an already dead fetus from a mother's uterus is still considered "murder"**. Leaving the dead fetus inside of the womb can result in infections such as sepsis.    * Ectopic pregnancies, which are when a fetus forms outside the uterus. It is not possible for the fetus to survive an ectopic pregnancy - **it is impossible to give birth to the fetus**, since it isn't in the womb, and it being outside the womb means it can only grow so much before it either miscarries or the mother is gravely injured; the fetus vary rarely makes it past the first trimester and never makes it to the third. It is currently impossible to implant the fetus into the womb. **Ectopic pregnancies can cause severe damage to the mother - it can cause the fallopian tube to burst open, which results in internal bleeding, possible sepsis, possible infertility, and often-DEATH**.    * Fetal abnormalities. With modern technology, we can use ultrasounds to tell if the fetus has or will have abnormalities. Even in cases of fetal abnormalities, many of which are fatal to the fetus/baby, Project 2025 wishes to ban abortion. Examples of fetal abnormalities include:       * Acrania, where the fetus's skull does not fully develop and the baby is born without the top of the skull, revealing the brain. If the baby isn't stillborn, it will live between a few hours and about a week, and it will be in pain its entire life. **There is no way to save it.**       * Body Stalk Anomaly, where the abdominal wall is defective or nonexistent, so the organs form OUTSIDE the body during fetus development. **It is always fatal**. It should be noted that it is similar to omphalocele/exomphalos or gastroschisis, which are visually similar (intestines outside of the body) but have much higher survival rates since the abdominal wall can be repaired in those cases. If you need to register to vote: https://vote.gov


And if you've moved in the past 4 years, or have any reason to question if you're still registered, go and double check your voter registration!!!!


Yeah I saw a 2025 spokesperson on the PBS NewsHour and he was being asked about something fairly neutral like the HHS/CDC research budget or Medicare (I can’t remember) and just didn’t answer the question and launched into how they’d gut the dept and rename it “The Department of Life.” Very alarming. And he was creepy AF.


Don’t forget the one that said we are in the second American revolution and it will be bloodless if the left lets it be.


To be clear, “The one” you mention is the CEO of The Heritage Foundation. He is the top douche bag leading the charge.


A colleague of mine was almost killed by the fake doctors at a “crisis pregnancy center” when she had an ectopic pregnancy. Thankfully, she realized she needed to go to the ER in time. And the happy ending is that she was state director for Planned Parenthood when we met.


Ectopic pregnancies are so dangerous too. Anytime one’s expected, they’re rushed to US to confirm and I’ve heard of patients crashing FAST and hard from complications if not caught soon. Basically this whole proposal is a middle finger to women (as well as the POC/LBGTQ populations who’ve been working for years for equality)


Neighbour of mine had an Ectopic Pregnancy a few years ago, called the ambulance with pain in the middle of the night, her partner was following in a car, halfway to the hospital the ambulance turned the lights on and sped up, she died before getting there :(. This was in the UK.


Holy shit that is devastating. I was unlucky enough to have two ectopics and the fear of rupture while receiving treatment was traumatic.


This is why I got a bilateral salpingectomy after the Dobbs decision. I’m in a state with an oldass law on the books working its way through state courts, and an IUD seemed like too high a risk for ectopic pregnancy. And I had a cousin who died from ovarian cancer; bilateral salpingectomy lowers ovarian cancer risk by like 65%! https://www.themedicalcareblog.com/opportunistic-salpingectomy-how-is-this-not-totally-a-thing/


> Yeah it kind of sucks I think "kind of sucks" is an understated way of referring to the death of American democracy, but sure... Just be sure to get your affairs in order and be prepared for the possibility of having to fight in a civil war in the near future.


That stupid racist project didn't even need Trump to begin with. This shit needs to be rooted out of the American society.


Yeah. This doesn't happen because of Trump. It happens because enough sickos in power want it, and Trump helps make their job easier. This is going to be a long flight.


I'm not American, I'm Canadian. But what happens in the states will inevitably affect me and my family.  It feels like American Christian fascist types are trying to kill their democracy, which will have a ripple effect across the western world. This will harm democracy at large.  And hand the future over to dictators like Xi and Putin in Russia and China.  We're seeing what a dictator's actions are with the war in Ukraine, the largest war in Europe since WW2.  Project 2025 will hand the next century to a totalitarian China on a silver platter. And American democrats are still playing nice as if the GOP still has morals and didn't just try to steal the last election. 


Seems more like a Russian oligarch's dream plan rather than an Americans. If the US is crashing into chaos it will be too busy to defend itself or help anyone else while Russia and North Korea and who else knows who might join in go on a nuke spree or invade some poor country. >And American democrats are still playing nice It's less that and more money. It's all money. The GOP tend to have more funding and while the Dems manage it still makes it way more difficult to spread messaging, etc without enough money. All the money seems to be supporting the GOP because the richer you are the more of an evil fuck you seem to have a propensity to be.


Hells bells, Trudy!


“It’s a shameful shameful day!”


I feel like these people should be hiding in the corners treated like wack jobs not celebrated by half our political establishments


This is why I find people who say, "bOth pARtieS arE tHe SAme!" are the biggest fucking idiots and ignoramuses on the planet. The are fucking NOT.


I used to be on the side of 'both parties are the same', back when politics were boring and it was one boring old white man calmly talking about fiscal responsibility while another boring white man talks about social programs.  Then 2016 hot and I was punched in the face with the truth and it's been a neverending shit show since. I am by no means a democrat, but I am starkly anti-republican, and a realist. I would love for a third party to have a chance, but that's not possible. So I will vote blue in every goddamn election until the religious conservatives lose their grip on Republicans. If that means I'm voting for a soggy banana, so be it. 


Had my best friend argue this with me at one point, and I finally got him to come around when I explained how one party is literally using Christofacism against us, while the other isn't. As much as people don't like to hear it, the United States is *not* a Christian nation. We're supposed to have freedom of religion, and those beliefs should be kept out of politics; instead we have our leaders using 'Christianity' for oppression of those who live different lives that their book says is sinful. It's sickening, and a large portion of why I don't attend church anymore; politics start to come in, and I can't support that at all. I also don't want the association when the other shoe ultimately drops for these people.


“It’s not Jesus I have a problem with, it’s his fan club I can’t stand.” Fucking malignancies.


We like canon Jesus, not fandom Jesus.


I skimmed through the wikipedia page and it looks awfully similar to our current situation in Turkey. Everything under one person, zero independent agencies, every official organization full of people with zero expertise because the organizations are directly under one person and they fill them with their own people. As a result of that the inflation is literally through the roof and price of everything increased tenfold in just two years, every negative word like "raise" have been turned into more acceptable terms like "price adjustment", every single criminal even the ones that literally murder people roam free on streets but the ones who criticize the current situation are put behind bars, our country is filled with millions of refugees with no plan for integration that suck money out of treasury (can't legally work because they are not immigrants so no tax but they are used as illegal cheap workforce by the bosses), most of the workforce works for minimum wage and it is below hunger threshold and people below 40 can not even dream of renting a place to live let alone getting married and building a life. I am absolutely sure they will win and put this plan in action because what we have learned from our own experiences is that the uneducated people outnumber people with common sense and they love to see people like them in higher places and do not care about quality of life, future of their kids and their country as long as they can say "We won!".


And it’s exactly what they want. Why else are they mass cutting funding for schools? Why are they banning CRT and now enforcing the bible? The way the poorest white people won’t see that THEY are these people’s enemy is by not being allowed to learn that.


If they actually enforced the Bible or the ten commandments, they wouldn't be following Trump. They enforce the preachers, not the Bible. They follow the guy who talks about God, not God.


I'm no longer religious but it is interesting how Trump lines up with the Anti-Christ really well.


Any dictator does. That's kind of the point of the Gospel of John.


Saying that you follow a holy book and then ignoring half of its contents is kind of the modus operandi of these kinds of people. Has been for as long as religion has been a thing.




I find myself being in denial that anything is going to come of it while at the same time I'm absolutely scared out of my mind.


I've had what's felt like constant heartache since I've heard about project 2025. Feels like the end of the world is coming and I can't do shit about it.


I’ve had that same constant heart and headache since November 2016 🫠


I remember watching the votes come in and watching trump’s face lose color and I knew it was real. It was my first presidential election I could vote in and it didn’t even feel real. Growing up, I was taught that government made sense. At least thats what they teach you in social studies. That maybe there’s corruption locally and sometimes shit slips through the cracks but nothing like this was supposed to happen. Its terrifying to realize that a lot of that “supposed to” stuff mostly just looks good in textbooks. Its idealistic and it just makes history and politics more palatable. Its easier to tell kids that things work out and everything makes sense.


November 2016 is kind of when it clicked for me that America is not some kind of special place where government systems work in ways that can’t be abused to try to bring a dictator into power the way we often see it in third world countries. I know lots of people will call me an idiot for not seeing it sooner, but I have lived a very privileged life


The warning sign was the UK voting for Brexit in June 2016. That had the scales tipped in leave's favour by Russian interference and deep personal data dives Cambridge Analytica stole from Facebook.


> Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them. -Barry Goldwater


Billy Graham saw it coming: “I don't want to see religious bigotry in any form. It would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it.”


Ring wing parties around the world never seem to learn that lesson. They keep allying themselves to fanatics for short-term political gains, be it religious fanatics or the far right, and always end up being eaten by the beast they unleashed. Over and over again. The "classical" conservative party in France ("Les Républicains") recently allied with the far right. Odds are, history will repeat itself, and they will just end up being absorbed by the far right. Same thing has already started to happen with the GOP and evangelists.


Another example: it was conservatives and wealthy business who thought they could tame the Nazis and use Hitler as a "drummer boy" to stir up support. Von Papen persuaded Hindenburg to make Hitler chancellor. Stupidly, they agreed to hand the ministry of the interior over to the Nazis and found themselves out of power quite quickly.


There's a great podcast episode on this titled [The Non-Nazi Bastards Who Helped Hitler Rise To Power](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/the-non-nazi-bastards-who-helped-hitler-29625604/)


wealthy business owners generally did extremely well under the nazis. they were sold vast state services and industries at a fraction of their value and then given extremely lucrative contracts to fulfill the party's needs. Meanwhile the people who lost out were the working classes whose trade unions were coopted or outright replaced by the nazis; these state run corporatist unions were given direct and total control of employment negotiations, which htey undertook without regard for the public's needs: only state and private interests were considered. The idea that fascism was disruptive to traditional holders of wealth and power is largely a myth, a both-sidesing of a regime that existed, fundamentally, as a reactionary force against communist revolution in Germany and Italy. Great families, industrialists, and institutions like the church bankrolled fascism in both countries precisely for this reason, and their pay-off was a "revolution" that largely cemented their positions.


Goldwater is just as guilty as any of them. He pushed the snowball down the hill.


Absolutely he is, but I still think it’s pretty fascinating given just how extreme Barry Goldwater was that even he thought these people were fucking nuts


Yes, Goldwater was extreme, and they''d call him a damn RINO today. These people are insane. It's a death cult.


Absolutely. Even back during don't ask, don't tell, when he said "To be a good soldier, you don't have to be straight, you just have to shoot straight", they said he'd gotten senile. The conservatism of Barry Goldwater was a far different brand of conservatism than what we see today.


He was an interesting man because, as opposed to almost every single conservative leader today, Goldwater wasnt a whore. He had a kind of moral rubric that he operated on and took very seriously. I disagree with almost all of his stances but I have respect for him and I think his voice and worldview was an important element in American culture.


So a quote from him pointing out just how bad this is going to be should carry some weight, no?


Im quite concerned about it and i think it goes against my human rights.


They want to gut the EPA! Did you know that clean air and water are not well protected by the bill of rights. Hard won limits on pollution? Gone


They already have effectively with the elimination of Chevron in the Supreme Court


My cousin worked for the EPA for 20+ years—it was already gutted in 2016-2020 bc Trump installed people at the higher levels who at best didn’t know and care about the EPA’s mission and at worst actively worked to undermine it. MANY of the most talented and dedicated people retired or quit, and it hasn’t been the same sense. It’s really sad and I’ve never heard the media cover the issue, nor praise Biden for holding things together as well as he has.


I feel like the media should have given it at least as much attention as they have to Biden's debate performance.


Jesus h christ CNN has not shut the fark up for 3 days straight. The SCOTUS ruling landed and they were all 'meh, not a big deal' and then turned to raw dogging the debate performance non farking stop.


SEVEN, seven days straight now that they've devoted over half their front page stories to how Biden should step down. Not one story on the front page anymore about the Supreme Court decisions or the new Trump Epstein documents.


There are new Trump Epstein documents? (I’m serious, I don’t know)


Old ones, newly released to public


CNN was purchased by a rightwing oligarch, and it shows. Won't stop the conservatives from still demonizing CNN though, because we all know their whole shtick is being unable to grow or change their beliefs despite new evidence.


> Won't stop the conservatives from still demonizing CNN though, because we all know their whole shtick is being unable to grow or change their beliefs despite new evidence. Isn't this more diabolical though? You can parrot right-wing talking points *while* the right demonizes you, thus making you look like you are speaking the truth to undecided moderates ("there's no way they're lying because see, the right wouldn't hate them if so")


Yes, that is exactly the game plan and it's worked better than I think they ever hoped. How people can watch David Urban tweet #Trump2024 constantly minutes before going on air to rant about immigration, and still think CNN is anything but the right's more moderate news outlet is beyond me.


Of course not. They want Trump to win or for there to at least be a close race, because ratings are everything


Not just ratings. Also, because most media companies are owned by billionaires, and Project 2025 would be extremely beneficial to them. So they get short-term gains with ratings that make their media companies more profitable and ought to greatly benefit from another Trump presidency with lower taxes. The game is rigged.


They are simple people though. Project 2025 is a complex 900 page document. It's much easier to say 'old man is too old.'


The media is controlled by billionaires. Fascism favors the wealthy.


The wealthy favor fascism. Thats the real problem.


And the most powerful thing the middle/working/poor class has is their vote. Keep democracy alive yall. We sure as hell won’t be passing down generational wealth, let’s at least pass down freedom.


No, their labor and their agreement with the government monopoly on violence are their most powerful political assets. Their vote isn't much compared to that.


To tell you the truth, it scares me and it fills me with rage. First, I’ve got a 1 year old son and I feel like I’m watching as things get taken away, that the country I grew up in will not be passed down to him, and we descend into full blown fascism. Two, when I read the words that Kevin “bitch-ass” Roberts said about there being no bloodshed so long as the left allows them to exert their will… The feeling I have reading that is dark, dark, dark - and something tells me shit is about to get real. I don’t want a war. I don’t want to see that, and I don’t want to experience it. But I feel like there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s unfolding right before our very eyes.


Fuck Roberts and any of these assholes. I was so pissed when he said that today.


Rage is the only logical reaction to fascism. These people want war? Well, I want my scalps 🤷🏾‍♀️


I feel like I have to vote. If that doesn’t work, we need to seriously consider what the future will look like and prepare ourselves accordingly. I am ready and willing to go beyond voting. I will not tolerate going further backwards. I brought children into a world where we were headed towards a better future. This isn’t the same place. I don’t believe I am alone. Adding: I am not talking violence. But I am not going to just sit here either. Fuck off trolls.


I've honestly gone from 100% zero interest in owning a firearm to feeling the need to keep a handgun and rifle for home defense, and teaching my children in the use and care of firearms. I wish that weren't the world we live in, but they need to be prepared.


I’m an Indigenous Leftist woman who owns more guns than any conservative I know. And I’m a *damn* good shot. The 2nd amendment isn’t just for them. Use it. Stock up. Go to the range and learn. Get good. Protect your family from *any* threat, be it foreign or domestic. Have your partner learn. Use common sense and keep them away from your children. And then spread it. Get others of like mind to do the same. Dont just sit by.


I grew up with firearms, but I’ve never owned one as an adult. I don’t like the idea of having one in my home because I have two little kids and a husband who has depressive tendencies. My husband has convinced me it’s necessary with potential unrest on the horizon.


You aren’t.


It’s authoritarianism and the OPPOSITE of freedom, which the right claim to be all about protecting. They may claim “Oh we’ll bring people to God”! They’re idiots, they’ll only push people further away from “Christ”.


Yep! I’m Catholic and this makes me care less about religion. Assholes like these people are exactly why I can’t stand religion anymore. They’re the American Taliban now. Fuck those assholes.


I was an asshole atheist in my teens and twenties, I'm more agnostic now... but I've realized that regardless that I can disagree with someone on a lotta things, but if they're a kind caring human... none of my particulars matter. We're all stuck on this spinning rock , we all want the best for our families and our children. That may take different forms or ideas, but if we're able to have a rational kind discussion about facts... that matters more than basically anything else. I took deep and great pride in being an American, in respecting what we've built as a very tenuous experiment. We're a young country. We have a lot to learn from the rest of the globe, but I thought we were on a path to blaze a trail. We're a ragtag bunch of cultural assimilation, and that gives us our strength. What's happening now is, and should be, utterly abhorrent to anyone that legitimately values the principles of Democracy and an open society. You? You're welcome at my table any freakin day. I'll cook, you chill.


Trump has done more damage to evangelicals than they could imagine. Instead of embracing Christianity, more Americans are fleeing from it, especially younger ones. The US will be a majority non religious country in 20 years.


I’m a Christian, white, male, straight, and married to a stay at home mother whose raising our kids. We’re supposed to be his target audience. I want absolutely nothing to do with Trump. He’s profoundly amoral and self obsessed. Yet people assume I’m on his team due to my faith. Nowhere in the Bible does it say “love thy neighbor but if they disagree with you then use the government to compel them”.


Real Christians should hate Trump. He blasphemously uses a religion he doesn’t understand to curry votes.


He very much mirrors the biblical Antichrist. If you want to believe the Bible deals in allegories as much as it does in literal prophecy, the antichrist's "demise" and subsequent "resurrection" could definitely be allegorical for a severe political defeat followed by a landslide victory in a future election. With impeachment, all logic would point to it being impossible for trump to get back into office, but miraculously, he's retained his base - many of which believing his impeachments and defeats to be false. They have faith in him, they believe that he's chosen, possibly even heavensent. If I were a Christian still I'd probably be terrified.


As a Christian, I couldn't agree more.


They couldn't be further from the teachings of Jesus Christ if they were Caligula him self.


I would bet my life Trump has been involved in at least one abortion.


People need to remember being Christian, white, male, and straight will NOT be enough eventually. You have to be Christian, white, male, straight, AND love The Party and Dear Leader.


Fascism has no endgame. By its very nature it can't have one. Once the fascists have eliminated outgroups the ingroup will turn to circular firing squads over "purity tests". As you say, it will no longer be enough to simply be a straight, white, Christian, conservative, male; these qualities will be scrutinized to create new outgroups over the 'right' kinds of Christians, the 'correct' amount of straight/white/conservative etc.


The MAGA crowd consider Jesus's words from the Bible to be leftist propaganda at this point, specifically citing the Sermon on the Mount as "promoting weakness." To them, the true MAGA Jesus wears a red hat and carries an AR-15.


They already do. There was an article a year or two ago in Newsweek: > Multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching—'turn the other cheek'—[and] to have someone come up after to say, 'Where did you get those liberal talking points?'" Moore said. > "When the pastor would say, 'I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ' ... The response would be, 'Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak," he added. "When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we're in a crisis."


There are times when I’m not sure the US survives 20 more years…


I remember when I was a kid, my dad telling me that the United States would probably fall apart in some capacity in my lifetime. That was incomprehensible to an 8 year old, but now I understand.


That’s pretty wild to imagine telling that to an 8 year old lmao


The point of it is they hate America. This is like ISIS winning an election on US soil. The average person is sleep walking into a labor camp or famine (where every right wing government has ended) while thinking they're the chosen few. I hate to break it to those folks but the chosen few will be numbered in the hundreds. They won't be you. They'll rob the Treasury and the resources of the country and you'll suffer the losses. If they'd bothered to read any book by this point they'd see what is happening.


Americans don't really believe it will happen to them.


I don't think americans really get the implications of project 2025. Or they saw one part and thought "eh". Project 2025 encompasses a *lot* of incoming legislation/executive orders if trump gets the presidency. Americans have had the "we're the greatest nation on earth" garbo slammed down our throats for so long that we're drunk on the kool-aid. Rich people are pretty much convinced they're insulated against the effects. Poor people are too worried about making rent to be involved in politics. That said, life in america has been good enough for a lot of people that they can't imagine huge parts of it being taken away. So they don't really understand the implications or have a blind faith in the system that it'll get solved by itself.


I am 83 and I have seen a LOT of Presidents come and go. I've seen a lot of scary things - like the Nixon years and Joe McCarthy. I've seen civil rights protesters set upon with dogs. But NOTHING could have ever prepared me for this. To think that this is what the country would be guided by is beyond appalling. I also think about all the sacrifices people in the country went through during World War II in order to save the world from fascism and yet, here it is, being embraced. It makes me want to cry. Redditor friends: PLEASE register to vote and VOTE! You DON'T want Project 2025 to become a reality. (And never forget that it could become Project 2029) Hugs from Gma.


Combined with the recent SCOTUS rulings, it is the greatest threat to the united states we've ever faced. A republican presidency and implementation of project 2025 would be the end of the USA. We would be a literal fascist nation. I don't care if Biden really had a bad night or if he's a real walking corpse. I don't care if you don't like Harris. I don't care if the swap him out or stay the course. I don't care if you're sick of the DNC jerking us off. You owe it to every American, whether you stand on the American political spectrum, whether you like them or not, whether they are the most obnoxious progressive you know, or the most foolish conservative who doesn't understand what they are voting for, you OWE it to EVERYONE IN AMERICA to vote blue from top to bottom, to know every single ballot measure and proposal and vote on all of them. We are at the actual breaking point.


Unfortunately even if we push it off, it could just turn into Project 2028. We need to keep voting the Republicans out of power. Maybe they will eventually go back to normal if they keep losing. Also we seriously need to start teaching critical thinking skills, how to spot/research fake news as well as how Hitler took over Germany in schools so the next generations will see stuff like this coming.


All of this. I just want to add, it's just as important to start voting in progressive candidates in your local elections, too. It's much easier to boot Republicans out of office starting from the bottom. This way we're not only preparing for future fights, but keeping local programs safe from Republican interference, as well. Edit: fixed typo


We're now at the point where I'm legitimately terrified that we're about to witness the death of democracy and actual freedom in this country. They could destroy it all, the guardrails are gone, if they ever really existed. Evil is about to win and it looks like we're gonna let it.


I will not allow this to happen, and a lot of others won't either. The thing people need to understand is we each have to *act*.


Millions of us won't.


*heavy sigh* I thought democrats had this election in the bag. They were set up to run a sitting president against a convicted felon. Sure, I was aware of Project 2025, and it is shocking and horrifying, but we didn't need to worry about that because it was never going to happen. It is officially time to worry. How is everyone not freaking out right now.


Because they're not really aware of project 2025, and getting people to even skim a 900 page document is incredibly difficult, plus you sound crazy describing it because it's so nefarious it sounds made up...except it's not.


This. I’ve been liking people to the wiki page on it instead. It’s baffling how little most people know about it, and it should be highlighted by the dems every chance they get. (Obv wiki is not perfect, but it at least provides an accurate - and terrifying - summary for people to absorb) Edit: link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


The amount of people claiming it is fake, not supported by Republicans or have no knowledge about it is horrifying. Their votes mean just as much as mine.


Republicans are running an incredibly strong gaslighting campaign to diminish the impact Project 2025 will have. Everywhere on TikTok and social media I see “Project 2025 isn’t real but I wish it was.”


Yes, I saw those too. How fucking evil.


I think a lot of people are indeed freaking out right now, but also have the attitude of 'Welp, not much I can do about it.' All I can say is that I really hope the people in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania realize that they're likely going to be the ones tasked with saving democracy, and that's assuming the Supreme Court doesn't step in and overturn the will of the people. Completely boggles my mind that someone who is such an obvious con-artist and who lost the popular vote twice still has a chance to cause this much havoc on the country.


Ohioan here... It's not looking too hot in my neck of the woods. I'm terrified of the coming future.


I felt that way after the Citizens United decision. I went to work and couldn’t understand why no one even knew about it, let alone what it would mean. They treated me like I was a paranoid toddler.


It's CRAZY how disengaged most people are.


America is about freedom. A fascist evengelical utopia is not freedom


Honestly horrified, also scared of the fact that when I try talking to right leaning people about it they claim it to be “misinformation” or “they don’t always follow those roadmaps”. The literacy and willingness to verify in this country is deeply frightening


Just like they would, “never REALLY get rid of Roe v. Wade,” right? I take them very very deadly seriously now.


The ol' Trump will act "more presidential" once he takes office.


They said the same thing about Roe vs Wade never getting overturned


The thing is they know who they are talking to, so they just say "oh that will never happen" because they recognize you don't want it to happen but they totally do.


Read Christopher Isherwood. Most Berliners dismissed Hitler as a crackpot, then decided to give him a chance when he won office.


We've already seen what a Trump presidency is, and nearly half of us want more. I couldn't think of a more terrifying metric of how fucked we are.


I’ve been saying it for awhile but when citizens of a country start waving around flags not in support of the country, but a political group within the country… Always bad.


> The literacy and willingness to verify in this country is deeply frightening I wonder why part of Project 2025 is to cut the education budget...


Can someone who has read Project 2025 in its entirety and has a good understanding of what it could potentially mean for the USA explain it to me in layman’s terms please? I have seen it pop up a lot in the news recently, but no one outlines what it will actually do. I am genuinely curious and would like to be educated on the matter. Thanks!


Here’s a brief summary of one section:  - Reclassify federal employees so they can be fired/replaced by the president  - Fire all federal employees, replace with volunteers who support P2025 (they’re already accepting members on the website)  - Instruct FDA to label over-the-counter abortion medication as “unsafe for human use”  - Instruct EPA to announce climate change does not exist - Instruct DEA to treat cannabis as a highly toxic substance punishable with maximum severity - Instruct DOJ to pursue legal action against dissidents  And another section:   - Officially define any content depicting same-sex couples as pornography   - Outlaw “pornography”   Etc etc etc 


I had never heard that part about same sex couples. So if we’re watching a regular tv show and a same sex couple is on there, it’s automatically porn?




I watch a lot of porn then. But seriously. This just seems like its trying to make being gay incredibly taboo again and we were making so much progress on that front over the last decade


There's no way they will stop at taboo. They are gutting women's rights. They will make it illegal to be gay. No law is safe.


Being lqbt in general, ESPECIALLY trans is gonna be a huge no-no. They made it legal to sentence pedophiles to death, which on the surface sounds good, until you realize this means they can sentence any trans person to death whenever they want, since they see trans people as pedophiles. Have you noticed the increase of trans hate this past year? There's a reason for it.


A few years ago i would say you’re crazy. But isn’t there some law or rule in schools now where school teacher’s couldn’t mention “gayness” or “being gay” at all? I think it was in Florida from Desantis. A teacher couldn’t even mention they were gay if a child asked about a family picture on the teacher’s desk Crazy. It’s only going to get worse. I called the idea of getting Roe V Wade getting struck down crazy too and i was totally wrong about that so I’ve got an open mind now


Also * dissolving the Department of Education * limiting the reach of the CDC * rejecting all "gender ideologies" making transgender people and nonbinary people persona non grata in all contexts * eliminating all DEI efforts and any racial classifications, including eliminating equal employment opportunities in both public and private entities * terminating any FBI investigations that are contrary to the interests of the nation (if I had to take a stab in the dark, I'd guess that those investigations are ones against members of their own party) * prohibiting the FBI from engaging in efforts to combat the spread of misinformation and disinformation * "resetting" HUD to reverse its "progressive ideologies" (unclear what resetting entails or what the progressive ideologies encompass) * increased oversight and consolidation of media services, including defunding the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and National Public Radio (NPR) with the goal of ending the "tyrannical situation" of left-leaning media (read: government-controlled media)


Re: HUD Up until the mid 1900's, it was perfectly legal to add deed restrictions to homes to prevent individuals of color from purchasing the home. Completely legal and enforced at that time - folks with older homes likely still have that clause in their deed restrictions, but was rendered illegal/unconstitutional later in the century. Reversing "progressive ideologies" may mean preventing black people from purchasing homes. We're really not that far removed from it previously happening in our own history, and may be back on the agenda. Fucked.


Last week tonight (john oliver), did a pretty decent intro to the topic recently. That might be a good place to start. It's a pretty long wishlist of far-right authoritarianism, that basically gives the president unilateral authority to do whatever the fuck they feel like, and basically just ignore congress or law in general, including congressional budgets. It would also make it legal for a president to make a substantial portion of the government direct political appointees whose main qualification would be loyalty to the current administration: essentially making them direct puppets of the executive branch instead of organizations which must make an effort to objectively and fairly follow congressional guidelines and the rule of law. Practically, this could, for instance, functionally give Trump the ability to directly tell NOAA to fudge their numbers to deny the existence of climate change or use the FBI to directly harass political rivals (among other things). It's some pretty deranged stuff that could easily erase U.S. democracy via a sort of legalistic coup if fully implemented. It CANNOT be allowed to be implemented.


To me, it looks like pre-ww2 Germany. Slow rolling a culture of hate and reactionism that targets the "other" of the community. Even if it doesn't work for them this election, they have built the foundation for the following one. We can only hope it fades into history.


And like pre ww2, pandemic -> many disabled people ->  eugenecist sentiment grows ->  feeds the nazi growth 


Vote, motherfuckers, VOTE!


I’m African, but ofcourse due to the dissemination of American politics, I know way too much than I need to know, and one of the things I think about is how American people’s votes actually count. A lot of African countries have shown the world that voting changes nothing when you have a corrupt government that couldn’t give a shit about what you want, but in the States, your vote could actually make a difference. So this is the best thing, vote and make sure this shit doesn’t happen, because, unfortunately, it affects the rest of the world too!!


Even if Biden wins, I will never feel safe in America again.


It will just become Project 2029. It is war now.


It's so depressing, because they only have to win *once*. We have to win every single time forever. I honestly can't see a path forward without the complete destruction of the Republican party, and unfortunately they are now brainwashing young men to make sure that never becomes a reality.


If Biden wins, he needs to FIGHT to expand SCOTUS like he was supposed to in 2020. That's the only way we stand a chance of not falling into complete fascism. Look at the damage they're doing even with Biden in office.


It’s a blueprint for a coup d’etat.


But no civil war as long as the blue people accept the coup - thug leading the Heritage Foundation


Right. They're *already acting like they have it in the bag.* That's what terrifies me the most. What do they know about the incoming election fuckery that we don't...yet.  I say this as an atheist: God help us all.




Legit just thought about this the other day.


The worst thing about Project 2025 is if Biden wins, it becomes Project 2029 and they get four more years to refine it. It feels like a matter of when, not if. Because if there is one thing you count on with Democrats, it’s not voting.


It's a very obvious play to install an authoritarian regime. If it comes to pass, the American government will be among the most oppressive governments in the world. And no, this isn't being overly dramatic. They want to lock up all political opposition, turn America into a Christian theocracy, get rid of women's rights, and corrupt all levels of government so that no non-republican can become mayor, governor, congress member, or president ever again.


Christofascist kleptocracy, not just authoritarian.


you are fucked - sincerely some german guy. and it's far too late to solve this in a fair fight. and they know liberal&democrats wont fight dirty, even if they constantly state the opposite. a few evil crazy people and their horde of stupid individuals can ruin the world. we had this, and we researched it. nobody followed the warnings.


If Trump isn't elected, there will be a Project 2029.  


Yep. If I'm not mistaken, the plan refers to 'the next conservative president'. So it's only Trump for now. If he doesn't make it, it will just be the next guy.


Which is why we need democratic majorities to pass legislation to prevent this, impeach the corrupt justices on the supreme court and pass an amendment to overturn their ruling giving presidents immunity.   Without Republicans in large numbers in office, this goes away. 


I fucking hate it. It’s horribly unconstitutional. Persecuting anyone who is your naysayer within the government?? Ffs, that is PRECISELY what a fascist dictator would and already fucking has done time and time again. it will attempt to remove so many people’s rights. Kiss the reproductive health rights of your daughters goodbye, just as an example. It’s proof the Trump *regime* wants to militarize within the US, which is the same bullshit people on the right thought Obama and Biden have been doing/wanting to do, but I guess it’s okay when Trump does it. I’d be shocked if any of it truly makes it through the Supreme Court, and if we’re fucking smart, the moment any of that shit starts happening is when the SECOND impeachment process should begin. **If a Democrat did this shit, the conservative right would absolutely lose their fucking minds.** I fucking hate this land of double standards. Y’all wouldn’t know a patriot if they read the Declaration of Independence to you and the. shot your red hat off point blank with a musket.


I've never been more terrified to live in this country Vote Democrat y'all


The world. This is happening across the world and the US is one of the main fronts. But it’s happening everywhere, there is nowhere to move to that will be safe long term. We have to fight now, everywhere, and for a long time.


Yeah I'm not American but this election greatly concerns me. As they say, if America has a cold, the world sneezes.


I never really considered what countries are viable democracies until this year. I'm very dismayed at what may be the end of our democracy.


The choke hold the far right has ahold of in Western countries is mind-boggling. The Billionaires don't see us as humans, and the number of people lining up to be exploited is dismaying.




It’s fucking terrifying and will ruin the country.


Like it might be the last 4th of July.


America was nice while it lasted. If you happen to be one of the traitors voting for Trump, you’ve made your bed and now you must sit in it. By the time you realize how wrong you were, it’ll be too late. We told you so. We told you so every step of the way but here we are. When that world view crumbles, you’ll have next to nothing left.


I will literally die if they have their way. I can't afford all my medications without obamacare. If they have their way and strip it away from us, I'll die.


Depressed at the possibility, and angry at the media, uninformed Americans, the DNC, and Joe Biden. Of course I'm voting for the Democrat whoever it is. Because the alternative is literally the dismantling of the govt. But how in the fuck is he down in the polls.


I'm a Christian with a conservative based theology. Project 2025 terrifies me because you can't legislate faith. Sinners gonna sin no matter what, even with the most restrictive policies or government. We aren't in the sin mitigation department. That is the work of the Holy Spirit. We are here to share our faith with others in a compelling way (not a compulsory manner) by our own personal holy living. Those that think we can force others to holiness through policy are foolish and probably self serving rather than Christians.


I'm terrified beyond belief. As a woman, I am *desperately* trying to get my tubes tied before I lose all of my rights and forced to birth a child. I skimmed this comment section and I see individuals denying its existence, claiming it would not happen or that Trump "doesn't believe in it". This is even worse. It would permanently change my life as I know it and citizens of our country refuse to be educated or know about any part of Project 2025. I am genuinely looking at moving to another country. For any woman that is attempting to get tubal ligation, /r/childfree has a wonderful selection of doctors that would not deny your reproductive rights. [https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/doctors/](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/doctors/)


Anyone who thinks they won’t be affected by Project 2025 is naive. I’m sorry but even just the Supreme Court ruling on Chevron last week, effectively dismantling regulatory agencies, were all about to be at the mercy of these authoritarian nut jobs


Follow the money Who does Project 2025 most benefit




Jeez, haven’t they got enough?


I just wish the media would get into the actual details of it. There's so many videos of news anchors and YouTubers saying "It's bad", but they don't actually get into specifics, and I think that could end up backfiring. When they say things like "it would be bad for the LGBT+ community", say exactly what Project 2025 says. That would get a lot of people to take the threats in it seriously.


I've said it for years, the Republican party is the American Taliban, instead of the Muslim religion it's Christianity. They have taken away women's rights. They have made laws requiring teaching the bible in public school. They have required the display of the ten commandments in public schools. They are trying to outlaw porn. They do all this while being the total opposite of that in their own lives. Make no mistake, project 2025 is about control. It's about establishing a new Taliban and setting the US back decades. I think Biden is not the best choice at this point. I honestly don't care. If the Democrats nominate Biden dog at this point, and his only campaign promise is to bite every American, sign me up because I'm still voting for him.


So many people are talking about Biden's shitty debate performance and I'm sitting here thinking, 'Bro, the other guy instigated a literal insurrection.' I'd vote for a ham sandwich before ever casting a vote for Trump.


And lied through the entire debate and at least for what I could tolerate watching brought no real evidence or proof. Just exaggerations, vague statements and otherwise meaningless statements. Trump said "I had the best economy the USA ever had". Easy to say Biden: I have uh added x hundred thousand jobs, brought y manufacturing jobs over, unemployment at z%. For someone with "problems" he was actually throwing numbers and actual examples. I feel like I got something very different from the debate then everyone else.


Lets just say i have 7 American friends and i got four rooms in my house not in use. Should they ask, it will be theirs.


The same way I feel about North Korea, it’s a terrible thing to do to people.


I'm not from the US, but I'm following the absolute shitshow going in there, and Project 2025 is borderline a hate crime against the American people. We had a moron of a president with the same agenda here in Brazil in the previous term, and the damage was substantial. Project 2025 seems even more aggressive, and given that the US has some great laws regarding personal freedom (like the right to legal abortion, for example), there's a lot to lose. Not just that, the US IS based on the immigrant workforce, and if Trump gets his way, it's gonna be a colossal loss. Long story short, it's gonna be a big disaster, and in the times we live in, disasters can not be afforded. We don't have time to recover.


I don’t care what anybody says it’s a plot to turn America into a fascist dictatorship. We saw this same story with Mussolini in Italy and then Hitler in Germany and even Japan before ww2. Back then we knew what fascism was and fought against it. Now we are welcoming it into our own country.


# A conservative leading the pro-Trump Project 2025 suggests there will be a new American Revolution [https://apnews.com/article/project-2025-trump-american-revolution-6e02a297fb91b55de01ba7e86615bb08](https://apnews.com/article/project-2025-trump-american-revolution-6e02a297fb91b55de01ba7e86615bb08) NEW YORK (AP) — The leader of a conservative think tank orchestrating plans for a [massive overhaul](https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage-857eb794e505f1c6710eb03fd5b58981) of the federal government in the event of a Republican presidential win said that the country is in the midst of a “second American Revolution” that will be bloodless “if the left allows it to be.”


"Bloodless if the left allows it" is the new "if you don't struggle, I won't have to hurt you". Horrifying that people think this way and still consider themselves to be the good guys.


Is that how like Russia taking over Ukraine will be bloodless "if they allow it to be"?


That's one of the wildest things to me. "Allow us to take over the government and we won't start fighting you" Wtf kind of psychopathic bullshit is that? Why the fuck are so many people so stupid that they can't see through it? It's very frustrating.


Up until last week, I thought this was one of those Alex Jones conspiracy theories but a friend pointed out it's real. It's got me wondering why we are spiraling to death, as a country.