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After months of unexplained painful poos (and a doctor saying that my symptoms were just “me being 30 years old”) I made a Reddit account to try to get on a path to a diagnosis. Reddit was right, I have endometriosis


I feel ya


Imma need the story behind your username now


That username is VILE! But hilarious 




I, too, have butt lightning. Thankfully it is only a problem for me during menstruation.


Ah I have that too but that’s not what I was experiencing before I had surgery for endometriosis. I was experiencing sudden and severe cramping that was making me black out. Turns out my bowel was adhered to my abdominal wall with endometriosis so my bowel physically wasn’t able to flex/move properly.


Oh, wow! I didn't know that was possible. I'm glad surgery resolved that for you.


I learned the swedish language at university and liked the concept of just adding a "jätte" in front of adjectives to emphasize it. "trött" means tired. And I am super-tired, so jättetrött


As someone who added Norwegian to their engineering degree in university. Jeg liker det


Oh nothing.




I may be Gary Busey and I may have rabies.


Its my pen name, I'm getting ready to publish my first novel.


Oh dope, congrats. What is your novel about?


Three year old clone soldier learns the realities of war soon after humanity unexpectedly discovers interstellar travel. His Machiavellian commanding officer tempts him with drugs and a simulacrum of affection.




Your answer is unhelpful and frankly a bit of an inhaled low-pressure air.


Funniest comment of the day.


Checks out


Checks out, in my academic opinion.


Right back at you


Ha take a wild guess


How are your feet these days?


Better then ever


20% wallace + 80% gromit


The heavenly feeling of numbness in the lips, when you're half way drunk where things make sense and don't make sense at the same time.


“I just should jump off that rock…wait….yes.”


That's after that one lol


My name means “where the hawks fly”. My son’s name means “little hawk”. So we joke that I’m big hawk and he’s little hawk.


I was when a giant came out of nowhere and , it was a pretty neat experience, and one I'll never forget. Especially once I got home and XD.


I think I've read about your experience in a recent SCP report.




Good name. It's got pizazz to it.


Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, I was on some drugs 🎶


I'm just a meatball


I thought it was supposed to be pronounced: "I'm just-a meat-a ball-a!"


[This song](https://youtu.be/6PK6Gd5DpkI?feature=shared)


My wife and I were talking about someone and I mentioned that he's kind of a weasel (deceptive and irresponsible). She said he is but all in all is very earnest in what he does. I said "You're telling me he's an earnest weasel?" And a username was born many years ago.


It's a secret spy codename, but don't tell anyone!


"Operator." *starrysage24* There was a pause. "Countersign." *plump anus* "Please hold while I connect you." The line buzzed, clicked and crackled. Then a final click. "Did you get Putin's poop?" *I have the baggie. I need extraction, and a shower.* In an hour I met the helicopter out in abandoned farm land. Getting on board, no one wanted to get near me. They took the bag begrudingly, and put it in a small cooler. The smell in the chopper must have been overwhelming. I can't say I blamed the men. They knew where I'd been and what I'd done. **-Chronicles of StarrySage24, chapter 3**


I wanted it as a Xbox gamer tag, basically as a reference to rage quitting. So I made it on reddit instead, and it makes no real sense.


I was a decently well known furry and that was my twitter handle. Sold my costume for $5.5k and am not active in the fandom anymore, but the username stayed


I’m proud of you for your recovery.




It's my SAG name. ... I admit it's not a great story.


When I can't think of a username, I often pick a word from another language that I like the sound of and ignore its meaning. I was reading about the Old Testament and Vayyiqra is the Hebrew name of the book of Leviticus. The problem is that the contents of that book are rather, uh, edgy and have a lot to do with ritual animal sacrifice and lovely things like that. A few times a Jewish Redditor has noticed my name and found it funny. Another problem I did not foresee is that almost nobody can pronounce it right even if I tell them and show them audio of it.


I'll give you one guess......


Train driver named Bob?


But my Mum calls me Robert.


so I killed Red John and wanted to flaunt it


I have type one diabetes


I thought HairyNips would be funny for my Xbox gamertag when I was 14, but it was already taken. Luckily it suggested I add the Baggy to make it unique.


My name is Al and I have much hair. Quite literal, really


I’m an airman


For some reason the Sir Lancelot wedding scene in Monty Python & the Holy Grail was playing in my head when I created my username. "Sorry...sorry... See what I mean? I just get carried away" But everyone just assumes I'm from Canada


I love tits


Randomly came up with it in 5 seconds


I was walking through a shopping center one afternoon and saw a sign for "Crate & Barrel," and realized that it sounded like a person's name.


It was originally a place holder name for my short stories. I used “Drake” as I’m a dragon nut, and “Cloans” was just something I came up with randomly.


Reddit hates me and didn't give me a chance to select a name. Lo and behold, my username.


I like penguins the shadier the better


I’m an enby, I like puns, and I have a certain… je ne sais quoi.


I was an extra in the movie "Fight Club"; a fighter they called Spacemonkeys. Then my birthday.


That's so awesome!


I haven't seen Fight Club and assumed from the first half of your sentence there was just a random macaque in an astronaut outfit as a background extra. Kinda disappointed that's not true.


13-year-old me trying to come up with a new username for my new Gmail account when it first came out. 13-year-old me thought this one was cool -- my name starts with a B and I was really into Invader Zim at the time. 33-year-old me still thinks it's cool so here we are.


While I was setting up my xbox live account me and my friend were having a stoned argument about the best doritios.


my name


Rosa, Rosa, Roooossssa! No, I am not Doug Judy.


I’m just baby Johnny




I was on vaccation in New York. I went to starbucks and gave the employe my card so he can write my Name on my drink. The Name on my card was Yannick but as the dude went with „one caramel machiato for Yarrick“ I Kept That as my username.


I gave up reddit because they broke RIF, but came back because the alternative (Twitter) is honestly a hellhole now. The app is meh.


It was 2010, I was making my Xbox Live account and I was like "Firebird" and there were about 1000+ "Firebird"s so I went with "Gamebird8" which there were surprisingly actually no "Gamebird"s and I could have just taken the top spot... But I only learned that years later. It stuck. It's honestly a pretty good username that hasn't aged poorly and lacks that "I made this when I was 13" vibe that some people's usernames obviously have


I'm curious and a problem child


My name is Ryan and I have a Reddit account


it's a name that is used in the last book of the Hunger Games but only once and without the H's (Atala) and I read Darlah around the same time and I liked the "ah" at the end so here I am with Athalah


It's my license plate and car, 91 gtr


my username says it all.


drainfall (my og) is because i was looking at a username generator, and wanted smth with rainfall, accidently didn't take out the d when I was removing it. so I got drainfall. and CXI is just roman numerals for the 111 angel numbers


I made this reddit account shortly after playing undertale. I think its obvious 😅


Joke w friend about how there should be a minty breakfast cereal


Because I’m definitely not an alien researching the deepest darkest corners of your world via Reddit.


NO stories, just merged Beast and Stoic


I just love the colour


I used to have a Reddit account prior to this one that I deleted to avoid porn bots and spam back when I was a minor, and now my new account is the rebirth of the old, hence the _reborn handle added to my old name. Don’t try to find my old account; it’s long deleted as are all comments and posts.


It's my younger, cringier self's attempt at being deep in 15 characters or less 😅 Lilies are associated with death/funerals and I was, at the time, struggling with suicidal ideation, so it was my way of saying I wasn't going to let those thoughts win


My cats were using me as a racetrack while I was signing up


15ish years ago I was driving someplace and stuck behind a car that was not going fast enough for my liking the car had a Jesus fish emblem on it which led to me to exclaim "Move it professor Jesus Fish!" Why that's what my brain came up with I don't know, but I found it funny and it became my go to username for a couple years and during this time period I discovered this website and when I saw the rage comics I knew that's something I needed to be a part of.


I was teaching some kindergarteners how to do texture-rubbings in Art. I had drawn a bear with a shirt and pants, and I placed sandpaper under the paper and proceeded to rub crayon over the paper to texturize the pants and one really adorable kid was like, "They're sandpaper-pants!" I was like, I'm stealing that.


I have so much broken stuff in my garage that needs to be put back together.


Sometime in the past I saw the acronym FTW and heard it expressed as "for the win" or "fuck the world" I love French toast and Wizards so I decided it stood for French Toast Wizard


I like sea turtles, the ocean and the colour blue.


I've always loved owls and even raised two baby barn owls (Freyr and Freyja) for a wildlife reserve. Also I've always liked boobs.


My name is Stacy and I love horror.


I was in jr high and thought, "I like monkeys, jazz is cool, I'm a band nerd and I'll graduate high school in '07." Thus: jazzmonkey07 became my AIM chat username. Then it became my gamertag for Xbox, steam, battle.net, and eventually, my reddit user name. At this point, I'll never change it. I have some friends who literally only call me jazzmonkey, even in real life. This post actually made me realize I'm kinda sentimental about the name lol.


I play guitar when I'm stressed out. Well, I used to. Now I just drink


I was at dinner with my kids and rich, chocolate devil's food cake was on the dessert menu and we made up a whole story about a rich, chocolate devil and that night, I set up a new account.


Long story. I like bourbon AND coffee.


A bug flew into my eye as I was setting up my account.


Freya means lady in Old Norse. Gin is short for Virginia, my actual name.


It was my gamertag on Xbox forever ago, and it’s stuck with me every since.


I was in a bad mood after working with rude customers all day.


I am obsessed with the McDougall’s Pad Thai soup


Taco Bell can't count and gave me an extra taco


I was wearing comfortable polka dot pajamas. I don't have much of an imagination. 


My dogs name is Tito, and my youngest daughter couldn’t pronounce it at the time. She would always say Tits. He wears a couple chains. This is how he became Titty 2 Chains.


Self explanatory


So back in 5th grade we had a substitute teacher one day. The sub was my homeroom teacher, so I saw them first thing in the morning. Tired little me ended up yawning in the middle of class and when I finished I noticed everyone including the teacher was looking at me. Apparently this yawn was way louder than I thought and the teacher exclaimed that it sounded like the mating call of a moose. Fast forward a year when my cousin introduced me to Runescape and we wanted to make silly usernames. I told her that 5th grade story earlier that day and she suggested I name my account Matingmoose.


In middle school, my friend and I were obsessed with the fictional/satirical composer P.D.Q. Bach. C.J.R. Beethoven is my version of a similar idea. A joke we made up when I was 12 now lives on more than 20 years later!!


I had the username options available and I saw one with the word “square” in it and for some reason I am not a cube.


It was a default offered.


It’s a fun one


Eris Harrier is like a pen name, it's the main characters name in one of my novels. my real name is far from that unfortunately because I love the name Eris


The lizards were blue


I wanted a sushi themed name, i am also queer, queer sushi


I just really love potato chips and will forever


My son got the nickname "Crazy" in HS from the football team. It stuck and they called him this all through his junior and senior year. Even chanting it at the game one time while he was on the field. It drove me "crazy" asking him why?? What did you do? He kept saying he did not know. I kept insisting he must have done something to have them calling him that. Finally at the end of his senior year, he asked one of the boys who started it. He told him it's like calling a fat kid "Slim". Phew did I breath a sigh of relief.


When I was a little girl, I used my Barbie doll to act out my feelings.


My alter ego is a witches familiar that is chained up and used as a plaything (BDSM)


2137 is a pope john paul reference


I like zelda


My head is always in the clouds and it’s my name backwards=]


The movie Megalopolis is coming out soon directed by Francis Ford Coppola, I’m looking forward to the movie, and ended up making my Reddit name after it


It was my irl nickname. Haven’t been called that in nearly 20 years though.


i was looking at world of warcraft and wanted my character to be a skeleton and a monk so there it is skeletamonk. I would change my name to Poo diddy if i could or make the name PPooDDiddy.


Mystic is because I'm a spiritual person as well as someone who studies religions a fair bit. Waltz? Just needed a second half and it's what came to mind. Mightve just been listening to music at the time and got the idea there 


I had no idea what the fuck to put because I'm super indecisive, and it was originally just meant to be a throwaway. Didn't even think of the potential for it being confused for a MLP reference when I'm not a brony. 10 years later and here I am still.


I first shuffled - so that I had a username that seemed unique, but I wanted to mix it up a little, so from the website-made name, I took the word potential. I was thinking about how I needed to study for my exams at the time, so the next word that came into my mind was study. But all that just looked too boring. that is when I decided to add the letter 1. The letter 1 also represents that I am the first potential study and therefore any others that copy my name will be easier to spot because they go for the changing numbers.


It's simply my name... "Aadhi" And I'm living as aadhi for now ;)


I like stupid rhymes.


I suck at names 😅


I'm a fan of Dragon Ball Z and Vegeta and wanted a goofy way to show that I love the Prince of all Saiyans


My previous account was perma banned for jokingly saying “people who speak in metaphors should shampoo my crotch”, a quote by Jack Nicholson’s character from As Good As It Gets.  Seriously, an account with hundreds of thousands of virtual internet points over a decade, was banned for that tame comment.   Adding insult to injury, the notice indicated that the “objectionable content” was identified by AI tools, but reviewed by a human to confirm it.  The appeal was also denied. Pretty wild the turn Reddit is taking.


It’s one of the default names for leaders in Stellaris, specifically from the ‘Humanoid 1‘ list. Why I chose was because of me 4 years ago deciding to make an Imgflip (a meme making website that allows to make memes) account to see my memes on the front page. That decision ended up changing my life and introduced me to a lot of people that I am no longer friends with.


Well you see . . . (bursts into song) https://youtu.be/pqHcEbm4MbI?si=WfmAV2K4SwWD3nJ6


So I was dating this girl and after a night of wild passion she ghosted me when I asked her what she felt about my superior love making her response was…… I just don’t understand it I watched all the Andrew Tate videos even read his book, ha guess we’ll never really know what went wrong


I like Frappuccino, I like banana


Some random clothing brand


For a couple years I was really obsessed with omelets. I NEEDED to make the perfect omelet. A popular French version is "omelette aux fines herbes" (omelet with fine herbs). I am also a stoner, so fine herb is rather important to me. Now I am finesherbes and everyone thinks it's "fine sherbes" and that's okay.


I have a lot of tattoos


Jelly that looks like a cake


I like Ariana Grande and I like the number 100 


I used to babysit from 3 families. Fucked all 3 dads :)


I use an username which look like ones generated in username generator


Easy to figure out!


Nice try, narc


My two favourite things growing up were zombie games and snowboarding.


Moment of awareness....


It will be my sons name❤️


It will be my sons name❤️


It will be my sons name❤️


My sniper rifle


I pressed the button "regenerate" (or whatever it is) multiple times.


I like archery, and my initials are FTM


Umm Give me a few minutes to think about that




I used to post on r/im14andthisisdeep. Then I got older


Take a wild guess


They forgot to season me at birth.


People wanted to know who I am so I let them know.


I started this account on my work computer (at a nursing home) and couldn't think of a username. McKesson is one of our vendors and thought it would be a cool name for a lake


It's pretty self explanatory. This is also my name everywhere else. Including PSN where I was one of the first few hundred accounts made for sure. Had a few monetary offers made for my name since it contains no numbers or irregular characters. Also had my account hacked and stolen many times before 2 factor was brought in. I've no idea why they want it so bad. It's not even clever.


Pretty self explanatory


When the kids had killed the man, I had to break up the band.


Nearly 20 years in call centers and IT Support.


Own one


Mine is a joke from high school. I read comics and many said I should be in the booster club. So I chose Booster Gold from DC comics and added on that I read a lot.


I ate a sandwich filled with grapes. It was heavenly - new favourite breakfast


Hellllloooo! Ongo Gablogian, the art collector. Charmed I'm sure.


Lifelong nudist with a travel trailer.


Terraria mod of redemption, the boss Patient Zero, a former scientist infected with a parasitic infection (Xenomite Infection) that slowly takes over and mutates the victim's body


It's my last name spelled backwards with a letter missing. It was until way after that I realized the word is also used in Fallout Modding


I like the end song credit scene in a game


It's... it's my name. Yes, I'm boring.


My other Reddit has my name in my username so it was time for a change, also I watch Cold Ones and they say “Obamna” instead of “Obama”.


I majored in linguistics in college. As well as other things. And 2009 is a significant year for me.


it’s a random phrase from my favorite podcast that ended shortly after i made this account lol


Kendrick Lamar


Im a guy who has fries


I get asked a ton and I have genuinely no idea. I'm 37 and made it when I was 8. But it's so unique I almost never have to worry about it bring taken. It's also an interesting conversation piece in interviews or online, EVERYONE asks me about it. Sometimes I feel like it came from this game where you eat fish to become bigger fish from like the 90s I used to play in school and I needed a name for the game save but it could just be an implanted memory at this point hehe


Movie references. But no one has ever comment on it, so... could be big much.


I was writing computer viruses in my teenage years. Never released any in the wild but i was trying to figure out how to infect other computers efficiently. I lost interest after a while since I knew I wouldn’t have guts nor willingness to be a troll. So I became a reddit troll instead.


I like animals?


Mine is username site generated


Hero Forge. The character customizer site.


It's random.


It's from the comedians No Burnham rap song


11 year old me watching Black Hawk down at night before i made my steam username in the afternoon the next day. Saw the character ssg. matt eversmann and cpl. jamie smith and i thought that was a cool name. Fast forward, it's been almost 13 years old now.


Charity event at Los Angeles zoo in the 90’s. I stole the name for my email address and have been using it ever since.