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Good set of knives


This is my standard wedding gift. I tend to buy a set of Zwilling knives for the couple- there's nothing more dangerous in the kitchen than cutting something with a dull knife.


>there's nothing more dangerous in the kitchen than cutting something with a dull knife. Clearly you've never eaten my ex's cooking.


She probably prepped it with a dull knife.


$13k whole home generator from GENERAC 2yrs ago. We live in Houston, TX šŸ« šŸ«  ETA, to help with a few FAQ GENERAC brand generator. HALF THE COST was for the generator and the other half was install (permits, concrete slab, connection and line to natural gas, connection to breaker box, and auto on/off switch) Single story, 1400sq ft house


Freakin grid in my neighborhood is ass so the power goes out almost every time it storms


Donā€™t worry! Good ole Abbott says the power grid is supposed to fail sometimes!


TX Power systems engineer here. The Grid is supposed to fail the same way a car is supposed to crash. :-)


How's the job security in TX?


It's Texas. We don't believe in security.Ā  We believe in self defense and heavy hips.


Texas Job Security: WFH + Castle doctrine.


Do not, my friends, become addicted to electricity! It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!




We were at a hotel in TX and the lights were going out for short times, like 15 minutes here and there, the elevator was stopped of course and we had older people with us. We asked the front desk clerk, because it wasn't bad weather, wasn't too hot or too cold at all. The lady just looked at me like we were weird. She just said it's grid issues. like, we should know. This is not normal where I'm from in Illinois. It only really goes out if there's bad weather. ETA and even then, it's usually no more than 15 minutes. I cant remember the last time we were out for an hour or more. Maybe when I was kid.


I'm looking at getting a backup battery for my solar system. Sitting in a hot, powerless house right now thinking about how the panels on the roof can't help


How much will that cost? Will it power your AC?


Probably in the $10k range from what I'm reading. Haven't gotten a quote yet though. I'm not great with electrical stuff, but it should power the AC the way I understand it. How long it will power it is the question. It has the added upside of being able to optimize when I import and export energy though, so I can optimize my power bill when the power is running normally


Just make sure it will function off-grid. Some still require the grid to regulate even with a battery. Or will provide power but can't charge at the same time.


I think with the way so many utilities are steadily abolishing Net Metering in a lot of markets, a battery is the way to go if you have solar. F\*ck selling it back to the grid. Use it yourself.


Same here in rural MI, 18kw was $8,900 including installation. Big expenditure but it's been a Godsend the past 3 years


I bet youā€™re loving that purchase right now. Hope you didnā€™t get any damage.


Oh for sure! Our neighbors too as we have their fridge, router, and tv connected to our house through a long outdoor extension cord! No damage except some fence and tons of branches in the yard


They better be doing your lawn and cleanup for you after that šŸ˜


For real. Forget State Farm. THIS is a good neighbor.


Last time they gave us the gift certificate to a steakhouse. We didnā€™t ask for anything. If we can help, we do. Inside our means of course


damn youā€™re using it this week! my bf is out there for work and his hotel hasnā€™t had power for 2 days.


As someone with no power rn, sitting in a parking lot just so we have service, Iā€™m jealous. The heat sucks ass. Itā€™s impossible to get comfortable.


A proper sturdy car crate for my dog. Had to save up for almost six months, but it did save his life when my car decided to explode a tyre and send us rolling down a hill. Everything in the car was upside down and broken, except the crate and the dog, not even a scratch.


What make/model crate we talking?


please link it!


Same! I bought a used TransK9 crate, and couldnā€™t feel more secure knowing that my dogs have a top rated impact crate to keep them safe.


Great choice! I know it's absolutely worth it, but it's tough to save up for them.


Electric toothbrush...game changer.


I LOVE mine. If it had another attachment we'd be dating.


Oh my GOD




If you feel like a bidet is kinda related to an electric toothbrush - youā€™re using one of them very wrong.




A high end mattress, couch and office chair. Anything that you are sitting and laying down, buying a quality one is much much better for your body and posture. Well worth the investment now then medical bills down the line.


In 2008 I paid $4k to get a huge Italian leather sectional. I am currently sitting on that couch. We do need to refurbish part of it but itā€™s still in great condition. It was well worth the investment.


I agree, I spent a good chunk of my savings at the time for a custom made sofa from What-ARoom-Sofa and haven't regretted since. It has been so comfortable its crazy.


I've done all 3, I'm still paying off my mattress after 5 years but it's 0% intrest so i don't care, nice sectional with electric recliners are great, and the secret lab office chair, trust me don't even bother looking at other chairs, get secret lab


Try a Herman miller and get back to me


Yea after upgrading to a Herman miller embody it definitly clears my old secret labs titan and multiple steelcase chairs from work / friends.


Tires and shoes as well. If it is between you and the floor/road donā€™t skimp


Do you have recommendations on an office chair?


I hear Heman Miller Aeron is a good one. Iā€™m in the market too.


I bought a rebuilt Steelcase Leap for $600 bucks this year and so far so good. Ā 


Never cheap out on anything that separates you from the ground.


Good chair underrated.


I bought a tiny fixer-upper in town a few years ago. At first, I thought I'd made a huge mistake. I practically lived at Home Depot, and I spent so much money, I hadn't budgeted for. But pretty soon the joy of putting my own stamp on my little home has become a huge source of happiness for me.


I found a house to be a GIANT sink for money, but if you make it a hobby, then it brings you a lot of joy.


Our home is like this. Was barely over 100k, but we've put nearly 70k into it. Appraised for 220k last time we refinanced, and it's so dang cozy now!


On the flipside.... We spent years thinking we're going to be able to fix up the house we bought ourselves, and every time we tried to start a project, it snowballed as we found more and more things wrong. We finally hit the point where we said, "fuck it, we can't do this ourselves" and are about to sink several 10's of thousands into a professional to actually fix things.


Lasik eye surgery. Went from poking myself in the eyes every morning to perfect vision almost instantly. Best 4k I have ever spent on myself.


They wanted like 3k *per eye* in San Francisco, so I went to Korea and the entire week long hotel stay + flight + the surgery only cost 2k lol.


I paid $6k in SF, in 2017. I wish I'd known I could go to Korea for cheaper. Dang it! Still worth $6k though. Not wearing contacts anymore is worth every penny.


You spent a dollar per pixel. šŸ‘


I hemmed and hawed about getting LASIK for a long time; I managed to get it done for $3400. I do not regret spending any of that money. The liberation you feel when you don't have to deal with devices to make you see anymore is rare to feel.


My lord, that's truth! I honestly completely forget what it's like to have to grab my glasses or contacts in the morning. Just....20/20 vision all the time. I love it so much.


I spent $1500 on Lasik in 2003. Still 20/20, but I had to get progressives last week because I am sick of taking on and off readers.


My first DSLR camera. Helped me preserved and be grateful for the memories I captured


I paid 120 bucks for an Eddie Bauer Backpack in high-school. Was the comfiest backpack with the best arrangement of pockets I've ever used. Got about 8 years out of it (high-school, travel, hiking) before it started getting a tiny tear in the top. Saw they had an "unlimited lifetime warranty" so went to ask about it. They gave me a new one off the shelf and let me keep the old one (just ripped the tag off it). I gave the old one to my cousin who was like...12 or 13 at the time. This was like 10 years ago. He still uses it.


I have a winter coat from Eddie Bauer. Really great buy, not surprised the backpack held up nicely.


My Eddie Bauer backpack has traveled the world and is ripped. I'll be heading to the store this weekend.


My dog. But he is the best running partner and that makes it all worth it


My first dog (RIP :( ) saved my life so many times each year she was alive.


I bought a condo in 2006 for 220k. The market absolutely tanked and never recovered for that building. I finally sold it in 2012 for 38k. Total disaster financially speaking. But right after I bought it, two sisters moved in next door. I worked up the nerve to ask them to go hiking one day and we quickly became best friends. They're nothing like me, but the whole experience completely altered the course of my life and while it was a financial disaster, no regrets.


hold up. you sold your condo for 38k? you took a 180k hit?? how is that possible?


Two things: * The market completely tanked in 2006. This was in Phoenix, which was hit really hard. * A lot of condos hit this weird spiral. People stopped paying their HOA dues because it was too expensive. When that happened, it raised everyone else's HOA dues. That caused more people to foreclose / stop paying, etc etc. My HOA started at 300 / month (Including the AC, Sewage, Garbage). By 2012 it was up to \~550. There were condo units in my building selling for < 20k ~~in~~ after 2006.


Were you not around 2009-2012?


That was like 15 years ago, they may not have been, or at least young enough at the time to not notice what was going on. Writing this comment has made me feel old...


Wonder what condo is going for now?


On Zillow, I found a Phoenix 2br condo that sold in 2007 for $269k. It sold in 2011 for $79,900. It is now up for sale for $310k. So I would imagine one originally bought for $220k, sold for $38k, it is likely in the $250-300k range today.




1000% second this. Going once a week at about $100 a pop definitely stung but it was worth every penny. Proud of where I'm at now!


$100? That's half the cost of anything I've seen!


A horse ranch in the country far away from civilization. The night sky alone was worth the price. Edit, going to post my personal photo/video journal here since this post has become so popular. The site loads slow, so be patient: https://www.icloud.com/sharedalbum/#B0aJtdOXmJ0MrLi


This for sure. I doubled up on my hoa suburban home. Took that money bought a farm. I love having no neighbors, just bought our first horse to go with all the other animals. I now have a hellishly long commute to work, but my home is now my happy place. Fishing in the river out my front door and a fun little tractor for all the back fields :)


Amen to this. The peace and quiet and it is amazing looking at the night sky with no light pollution.


I had a coworker who lived in the neighboring state on a modest farm on his land. He wasnā€™t far away, maybe an hour. But he said he would never give up that life for city life again. Granted he is a country guy lol but I honestly donā€™t blame him.


Every five years or so I buy a deliciously decadent fully fleshed out high octane over the top ridonculous gaming computer. They cost a lot but considering how many hours of entertainment I get out of them I don't regret a thing


I don't game a lot but this is how we buy computers. They last a really long time and don't become obsolete real quickly. My new computer is a framework laptop. It is completely modular and upgradeable.


Modular and upgradable are key. I don't play games on my PC but my precious one lasted about 15 years. Had to replace it because the motherboard went but was a much better investment that buying a cheap disposable computer.


I went full Ship of Theseus on one of my old computers. Over a period of a decade or so I replaced every single part of that computer at least once (including the case) but never actually replaced the entire computer. I did eventually get a new computer but even there I bought over the GPU and 3Tb HDD from the old computer.


I, too, get 10000 FPS while playing slay the spire.Ā 


God that game is addictive


It's a well established fact that shiv damage scales with FPS ^/s


Why do you buy another one every 5 years? It's way cheaper to just upgrade the parts in your current one. Like changing a GPU takes maybe 15 minutes at most.


That's probably the most rational way to go about it but I just like the gratification of plugging in a brand new shiny juicy pc. I usually sell the old one


But then you'll never experience setting out to upgrade one thing on your PC and having it snowball until the only parts you've kept are the keyboard and mouse.


Computer tower of Theseus innit. That's how mine is, several times over.


There are many reasons to this: * Some people don't want the hassle. * Once you outlived the platform (Board, RAM), it is not "just upgrade the CPU" or "get a new GPU". Then you're talking Board/RAM/CPU/GPU, and probably a new case since the USB-ports have changed. Therefore: a new PC. * Some people just don't dare to do that. And with some it's also better that way. ;) I upgrade as I go along, first CPU, then a compatible board, then some RAM, then the GPU, then a new Board/RAM/CPU... throw a PSU in between or whatever, maybe a new SSD/m.2, including the OS, sure, works - but I get why some people just get a completely new computer every 4 or so years and don't have that hassle at all.


Bought a car and did a bunch of modifications to it parents think im stupid spending 25k on a 2013 car but to be honest it helped with my depression took me out of my shell and changed me to an extrovert and made me find that no matter the situation you can always enjoy life a little


I bought a new Honda Cr-V after my old car died. I was really surprised by the vitriol I heard from so many people about buying new. One of the main reasons that I did buy new was that two people very close to me had recently gone through unexpected car maintenance nightmares with used vehicles. These used vehicles were ā€œbought cheaply and fixed up,ā€ but there were unknown, major issues with both vehicles, because either the seller hid something, or the vehicleā€™s prior history just came to bite the new owner in the arse. Anyway, in both situations, the unexpected repairs to each vehicle ended up costing as much to repair as the owners paid to buy and ā€œfix upā€ those vehicles. Because I donā€™t know Jack about cars, I wanted a new one, with an extended warranty, and I was going to take it in for every single regular maintenance item, and I didnā€™t care what other people thought about it. I did a ton of research, I test drove all the vehicles I was considering, and ultimately was very happy with my purchase. Itā€™s now coming up on ten years with this little SUV, and itā€™s running like a top. I spend an average of $1000/yr on regular maintenance, which is an amount I can afford. I do A LOT of highway driving, and need at least four oil changes a year (at least one of which I get for free at the dealership). Iā€™m more than happy with how this vehicle is aging, and I intend to drive it into the ground like I did with my old car. Iā€™ve never regretted buying new, or a single dime of money spent at the dealershipā€™s service department.


I have a 2004 CRV with just shy of 300,000 mile in it. Not my daily anymore but still use occasionally and itā€™s still the best car Iā€™ve ever owned!


Hobbies are an easy answer to this. My answer is expensive magic the gathering cards. Yeah they're absurdly priced, but most of my friends I met through playing magic and they've provided tons of fun.




My mountain bike. It has really opened up a whole new way of experiencing the world. Last year we took a road trip and stopped over in Colonial Williamsburg for a brief window of time, being able to bike through the town instead of walking was such a blast!


I always say that the best money Iā€™ve spent was on private swimming lessons for my now adult son. He is autistic and nonverbal. When he was a young child, we moved to an area with a lot of backyard pools. I found a swim school that offered private lessons; group lessons wouldnā€™t have worked out. It cost a lot. Iā€™d estimate I spent between 2 and 3 thousand dollars. That was twenty years ago. It was completely worth it. It has saved his life, and he loves swimming. He had to stop swimming for a while when his epilepsy was not under control, but it is now, and itā€™s his favorite sport. The best things arenā€™t always things.


I can't up vote this hard enough. PLEASE if you have someone on the spectrum in your life, get them swimming as soon as possible. It will be their favorite place to be I PROMISE YOU.


My non verbal 5 year old with ASD loves water. He gets sad if we don't do a water activity every few days.


Am on the spectrum and i live on a lake. 10/10 place to be would recommend.


Can concur, also on the spectrum and can spend all day in/near a lake or pool.


I'm actually kinda curious why this is. EDIT: Thank you everyone for indulging my curiosity. It makes a lot of sense that water is just plain relaxing while also regulating stimuli. TIL!


I think itā€™s because water is soothing to our souls and bodies. Not only is it low impact and helpful on our joints and muscles, it harkens back to our very first home in the womb. Itā€™s part of why babies love water and can ā€œswimā€ with support. Often the safest place we will have ever been.


Iā€™m a very verbal autistic adult and I love being in water. Itā€™s a combination of the pressure and support along with the cool steady temperature for me.


I was a swim instructor around 20 years ago in Arizona. One of the most memorable students I taught was a non-verbal autistic boy. It was a challenge for me as I wasnā€™t trained specifically on how to support or teach autistic students. I was so worried I was getting it wrong. I remember seeing him get more comfortable and happy in the water though. Heā€™s one of the few students I remember and Iā€™ve always wondered what happened to him and whether or not I made much of a difference for him. Your post gives me hope that I did! Thank you for that!


All the best to your son - what an amazing parent you were/are giving him the gift that could potentially save his life one day. ā¤ļø


Changed AC/Heating system. $10K+ but definitely worth it. Old system was super old and the AC was barely working well the past 5 years. I don't wanna melt in the summer so I did it before summer began since summer service fee and times are much higher.


Gaming PC. Even if I'm not playing any games it's so great to have a fast, powerful computer for my everyday stuff.


A solid espresso machine


idk dude I thought espresso was meant to be liquidĀ 


I bought a Philips fully-automatic espresso machine. No grinding. No tamping. No mess. Not really that expensive. I'm not a connoisseur, but I do like a decent latte. It has saved me hundreds of dollars over the years, and it gives me a bit of happiness every morning.


Litter Robot. The time and "gross task" savings are immense.


I had trouble pulling the trigger on this one because of the price. Eventually decided to give it a shot since they have a money back guarantee. Now we have two. Totally worth it.


This is one of those things that I know Iā€™d love if I get, but I canā€™t get past the initial price. 2 cats, 2 little boxers. Takes me < 5 minutes to clean up, but it is gross and that time really adds up when itā€™s daily.


My dad went from cleaning the litter every other day to being able to go a whole week before it should be cleaned (not even when it needs to be cleaned, just when it should be cleaned). It makes it so much easier, and he says it uses a lot less kitty litter as well.


30 minutes saved a week, over 52 weeks is just under 3 days of a standard workday saved each year.


My son taught his cat how to use the toilet. Solved that problem.


Does the cat also flush after him/herself? If not, does that mean your son and other household members and potentially guests occasionally walk into a bathroom to find cat poop/pee in the toilet? Does he warn people beforehand? I have so many questions.


That is the one thing. Truffles canā€™t flush. But itā€™s a whole lot better than cleaning a litter box. We could have trained her, but it takes time and sheā€™s too old now. And heā€™s moving into my house with her and itā€™s going to be a change. My wife loved to close the lid but canā€™t do that. And we tell everyone. Some people wonā€™t believe it till they see it.


HVAC and a roof


Traveling the world


Bought an expensive real wood hand crafted dining room table. It is beautiful, sturdy, and I know will be around long after I am gone.


Grandkids: this thing is old as fuck, let's sell it for $60


I've got a lot of nice furniture this way, we appreciate that someone cared enough to buy and take care of it for many years before we bought it.Ā  And we don't have kids so we fully expect the next owners will buy it for cheap in a thrift store too!


My cats. I've had cats for the last 16 years and they've cost me so much money to buy, feed, medicate, insurance, vet costs, kitty dental... I've been flat broke and dumpster diving for my own food, while they ate quality kibble. I've lost kitties along the way, as they age and pass on. I tear my hair out at their squabbling weekly. I still wouldn't change it or sell them. I can't imagine living without furry bastards trying to lick my eye lid at 4.30 am, because as I'm typing I have one asleep on my stomach and one by my shoulder, and that's worth everything.


One of our was recently hit by a car...it was almost 6000 $ of vet bill to put him back together but I am not regretting one single penny ...and yes he's here next to me


A robot vacuum


Whole house generator! Live in tornado and hurricane prone area with severe heat in the summer. When I first shelled out that much money, I thought Iā€™d lost my mind. First storm that took out power: it was over 100 degrees out and power was out for 10 1/2 hours. So glad I had it then!


when I bought my house over 20 years ago, I planned to have a generator installed but didnt get around to it until just a couple of years ago. $15k later and I was having serious buyers remorse, 2 weeks after installation we had 95 degree weather for a week straight and rolling power outages. there were times my power was out and I didn't even know it until I was like "what is that noise?" (the generator).




Agree. Just bought a home gym and now if I donā€™t use it for a day I feel like Iā€™m out of shape and wasted money.




Itā€™s like the old joke. Q: Why does getting a divorce cost so much? A: Because itā€™s worth it.


Or the other joke: Why is marriage so grand? Because divorce is 50 grand. Edit: Updated this figure to reflect inflation


Mine cost $20K. Then I spent another $30K paying off all of the house upgrades that were in my name, while she kept the house. Then the value of the house went up another $100K afterwards. Sigh.


funny story: My wife refused to even open any legal docs I had sent to her so had the lawyer redraft the docs so she gets nothing but her car. She didnt even show up to court. The judge said it was the cheapest divorce hes seen goto court lol.


High-quality mattress. At first, I hesitated because of the cost, but once I started sleeping better and waking up refreshed, I knew it was worth every penny.


Iā€™ve found that since buying a luxury mattress that traveling just makes me miss my own bed šŸ˜‚


Yeah, hotels really skimp out on the bed quality these days


Opposite for me. Bought a $3000 name brand mattress, hated it and couldn't sleep. Replaced with a $700 mail order mattress in a box, best sleep ever.


Yup. Its not the price, its getting one thats good for you. If you dont try before you buy its gonna be pot luck. Beds are insanely complicated to match to and there is basically no one to help. Salesmen are clueless, but they also dominate the online discussion making it difficult to find real information.


I went to costco and just laid them fuckers down in the aisle and tried em out.


Same. Best mattress I've ever had came off Amazon in a box. $300 for a queen. Unfortunately when I moved I couldn't take it. Whatever brand it was disappeared from Amazon and the store bought one I had to get was an awful plank.


What did you get?


A bidet.


Expensive high quality pots and pans


As a diy type of guy, I'd say my tools. Having the correct tool for the job makes life so much easier.


Having recently bought a house this cannot be understated.


Good bed , good Linens, a pillow you prefer. I learned I didnā€™t like the fancy hotels, I liked the beds at the fancy hotel. 3k later for a bed, 500 for pillows and new bed sets every 90-120 days makes all the difference. Bonus cool mounted tv on the wall. Iā€™m not rich by any means . The investment was worth it.


My dogā€™s back surgery. He hurt his back and was paralyzed from the waist down essentially. I eventually took him to a dog neurologist and he needed a laminectomy because his intervertebral discs were swelling and putting pressure on his spinal cord. We could have tried conservative treatment (strict crate rest, steroids, pain meds), but after one day of it he got worse- thatā€™s when we went and saw the neurologist. That was 7 years ago. He is now 14 and has had full mobility back since a few weeks after the surgery. Iā€™d pay that 5-6k again in a heartbeat.


good headphones, sennheister hd-25, i know it really depends on your wealth, but buying 200ā‚¬ headphones while being a broke-ass student was a huge huge investment for me and i still wear them 10 years later and love their quality and sound.


Can be huge. I am not an audiophile, but yes please. I like all my headphones but every time I travel, I don't leave home without my Bose QC35's. Had them for around 5 or 6 years - every trip, every time.


Thermoworks Thermapen instant read thermometer. Might seem crazy to spend a $100 on an instant read thermometer but it really is one of the best money will buy. Restaurant quality that blows the competition out of the water. If you grill or smoke meats get it.


My first house


My skydiving rig. Little over 10k, saves my life every time.


Probably be easier and cheaper to take some lessons on how to land.Ā 


My lutes all cost me anywhere between $5k and $10k. Totally worth every penny.


Are you Ezio Auditore


I had to google that! Turns out no. Auditore hails from the Renaissance, and my specialty is the baroque lute.


If itā€™s baroque, donā€™t fix it.


My house. I can paint the walls whatever color I want and tore up the back lawn to plant fruit trees and a vegetable garden. No HOA, so I donā€™t have to deal with people dictating where I put my car, what I have in the front yard or even what is in the backyard.


oh THIS is the dream I'm not sure I'll ever be able to afford it haha but good for you!


90% of the antipathy to dressing formal is killed **by** finding a comfortable pair of men's leather shoes.


I dont get this bolding choice


I've probably put 1000 miles on my Allen Edmonds from going on walks at lunch. Have gone through three sets of soles, but zero regrets.


And having a tailored (not even bespoke) suit. Have broad shoulders, a belly, no butt, and short legs? They'll tailor a suit that will be almost as comfortable as pajamas, and look much nicer.


Zojirushi rice cooker. Lodge Cast iron pan.


A house


Lasik surgery. After almost 45 years wearing glasses, it was my best purchase. I only regret that I have to wear reading glasses now. But I can count the leaves on a tree 1000 feet away on a nice day.


Iā€™m going to go broke just reading this threadā€¦


Vitamix blender. Got it based on the America's Test Kitchen pick. We use it all the time for salsas, smoothies, and other stuff. It's easy to clean, cuts through anything, and is easy to use.


My studies.


Meet and greet tickets for my favorite artist.


it was expensive at the time (1982) - $777.77 - but it's been the best: a Gibson ES-335 dot.


Collings I-35 LC guitar Matthew Hilton Cross Extension Dining Table in walnut


For me it was a Collings OM-2H MR (madagascar rosewood). I play it every day, and it sounds so beautiful. Whatever is vexing me just melts away. It's like a reset button for my brain.


A good pottery wheel


I bought a Core PRS 10 Top guitar. Cost nearly 5 grand and I'm not that great of a player and am not even in a band, but literally every single time I pick it up to play, it makes me smile. Zero buyer's remorse.


A custom made electric guitar that my wife hit the roof about when she saw the price tag.


Our temprepedic mattress




A $1500 office chair


Same. Love my Herman Miller


A 2nd fridge for the garage.


We have the exact fridge as our main upstairs fridge in the basement. Anything broken on the upstairs fridge gets patched up with the basement fridge. Ice maker just died. No need to buy a replacement, just go downstairs for the new part.


Since they charged me after delivery, can I say my kid? šŸ¤£ But seriously. Tie between the espresso machine and the stand mixer


Groceries, gotta eat.


Dishwasher. Lived for four months in university at a place that didn't have one and I swore to myself I wouldn't live in a place without one ever again. Cleaning every fork, knife, plate, glass, pan *by hand* is for chumps. Takes forever. I moved out of my parents' place in September, picking the place I did because it had a dishwasher. But rent was a little too high for my liking, so I moved to a new spot that was $350 a month cheaper. Nicer neighbourhood, nicer place, cheaper rent... but no dishwasher. Grr. Last weekend I drove out, bought a used full sized portable dishwasher for $250 - a new one's closer to $900 - and fit it into the back of my tiny-ass Mini Cooper. Just barely fit in the back and I had to move the front seats up to get the back door to close. Basically zero clearance at the bottom so I had to tip it on its side to get it onto the sidewalk and over the doorstep. Ran it Sunday afternoon. Works like a goddamn charm. Now I only wash wooden stuff by hand. It's lovely. Plus it gave me counter space - fit the drying rack and my microwave on it, so now the counters that came with the place can actually be used as counters. Will probably go down as one of the best $250 I ever spent.


I never regret the money I spend on my computer. My entire life revolves around it being powerful, both professionally and personally/ hobby wise.


My condo. Bought in 2009 for less than 200k. I didn't want to be housepoor so I rented and spent on travels and other things. One day my buddy told me why don't you buy? I checked prices and the unit near me (larger and extra brm) worked out to be an extra $50/month. No brainer. Now, it's worth about 3x! So glad I got it when I did bc there's no way I can afford to buy one now...even after my income tripled. Real estate in socal is crazy. It has to come down at some point.


An office-grade desk chair (Haworth Fern in my case) I work from home and go through bouts of gaming a lot. Having a good chair is super underrated.


A pepper cannon. It's a $200 pepper grinder milled from a single aluminum block. It works even better than I expected and if I had grand children, they would beg me to will it to them when I die


I am also a Pepper Cannon guy! I was in on the Kickstarter and it's everything it was promised. If it wasn't $200 I'd love to gift one to everyone I know.


A window unit AC. I hate being hot.