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Isn't there a certain nearly-defeated group of international terrorists who'd like their little caliphate back? Aren't they a bit strapped for cash right now? Yeah. That'd be literally the worst way. ​ ^(Edit: Well that blew up. So if anyone's wondering, in the real world, they're) [^(not really strapped for cash at all)](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2019/03/isis-caliphate-money-territory/584911/)^(, and it's going to take years to actually defeat them.)


I'm really surprised that ISIS isn't higher up. I'd say that's hands down the worst way to spend 10 million...


Worse than Plan H? 1. Start a charity to feed the poor, donating much of your own money towards that goal. Lace it with a slow-acting poison that will make them die horribly. 2. Buy a crop duster, fly over the Amazon. The spray is gasoline. Light as much as you can on fire. Do it in several trips. 3. Buy radioactive materials. Dump them in the water supply of highly populated cities. 4. Suicide bomb a UN meeting in a plane.


Wouldnt the gasoline evaporate before you could really light it on fire? Try napalm, its sticky and heavy and it burns for a lot longer than gasoline.


Reddit casually gives terrorism advice


Yes, would you like to know how to make it at home as well? Governments hate him, terrorists want to be him! Try this little trick at home to improve your chances of mass destruction!


You can make homemade stuff by literally just sticking styrofoam into gasoline and waiting for it to melt


Yes, but there are mixture ratios, and a certain consistency that you want to try to maintain! I actually have no idea. I know its gasoline and styrofoam, probably 1:6 ratio. Mix, pour out the remaining gas, and voila! Dont try at home kids, shit is wicked.


w-wait thats...


... Illegal? Yes.


Fyre Festival VIP suites


Nah, fuck that. Organize Fyre Festival II.


I’m putting my hand up now as the one who will not be looking after securing the water for guests.


For the right salary, I'll get the water. Shouldn't be too hard, there's a whole ocean of it right over there.


Just depends on how far you're willing to go. Make sure to shower and use some mouthwash first.


After. Use some mouthwash after.


Micro transactions in freemium mobile games.


Gotta get past those Candy Crush levels


I've been stuck on a level for 6 years now


Should try playing it.


Or else spend those $10 Million. Should cover for at least 18 levels.


The people in /r/clashroyale would disagree. With that amount of money, you would almost have a maxed account!




Just a joke, you can max an account for less than $20K USD


...that's my car...why would someone do this?


Couldn't tell you, honestly. It is possible to get it for less. I'm probably a third of the way there, and I've only spent about $50 ^(and three years) doing it.


I really enjoyed the game but damn was it grindy..


Yeah, it's still a grind. Clan wars really help with gold, but when they're releasing 4+ new cards a year its just more and more...


Those FGO waifus aren't rolling themselves


This guy speaks my language. How else am I supposed to get Skadi, amirite?


Buy pennies and gum. Stick them together and then stick that on the sidewalk


Gotta do it with quarters. That way people might actually try to pick them up.


I would say dimes. Largest denomination for such a small coin. Small thin coin makes it hardest to pull up. But it’s still a dime so you’ll get enough people trying. Why am I even typing this right now? This is such a waste...


That sounds worse than any form of torture




OP said 10 million - this probably will barely cover the entrance fees


Nah, it aprox cost like 300 grand to get to the absolute max and meet theyr alien grandmaster.


What happens next? A boss battle?


Given the fact that David Miscavige is known to regularly beat up high level Scientologists around him, I would say that a boss battle is accurate.


I would absolutely pay $300K to beat the shit out of [this guy](https://www.scientologynews.org/FURL/imagecache/scalecrop-374x374-auto/data/www.scientologynews.org/files/david-miscavige/DAVID_MISCAVIGE_20161203_3860.jpg)


He looks like he would have a henchman sneak up behind you and inject something in your neck to make you pass out. Then he beats up your comatose body




This just became an awesome way to spend 10 million dollars.


Simply put, he looks villainous lol


This makes me wonder at what point do you actually have agency within the church versus being a manipulated cash cow. How does one become one of the guys with a fancy mansion in Clearwater with a team of technically-legally-not-slaves to do their chores while they conspire against the government?


Host an exact replica of Margaret Thatcher's funeral


This actually sounds perfect


You really wonder how some redditors' brains work with ideas like that


Putting it into a high interest savings account in Australia, and watching it slowly become nothing due to interest rates dropping lower than inflation.


Lmao that's so the most depressing thing I've heard in the last 24 hours and it's not close. This could potentially be #1


How about donating all $10million to NAMBLA?


Hey, the North American Marlon Brando Look-Alikes do a lot of good charity work!






Isn't this common? The UK interest rate has been 0.25 / 0.5 for 10 years and inflation is about 2%


Australians have been spoiled with relatively high interest rates - they were one of the developed economies least impacted by the GFC. So they're shocked to now be experiencing sub-3% savings interest rates.


How can interest rates fall lower than inflation?!!? That's the only point of interest rates. I'm genuinely mad about this


Our housing market about to take a trip down memory lane to the wonderful times of 08/09 Edit: I’m talking about Australia’s real estate numbers, doesn’t look all that crash [hot](https://www.businessinsider.com.au/australia-house-price-falls-record-downturn-2019-6)


*People buying up property and various banking shenanigans happening* Reality: I'm about to end this man's whole career


There is forced-gentrification going on in my neighborhood. It's an old city neighborhood. The average house value is about $65K. My wife wants to move, so she is constantly checking the values of the houses in our zip code. Well, just in the past month, a real estate company started listing properties in our zip code for $250K. I guess some other homeowners noticed this as well, as other independent properties are also suddenly starting to get listed for between $200K and $250K. I'm honestly thinking about doing the same with our house, just in the off-chance that someone actually accepts my $250K price. What's ridiculous is that, in some of these cases, it's just an empty city lot that is being sold. Not even a house. And, I know these houses in my neighborhood. The homeowners aren't even bothering to spruce them up at all for the pictures, or even bothering to take good pictures. It's just like in economics. If you put a price tag of $250K on something, someone will think that it's worth it.


Interest rates are lowered by injecting money into the economy, which allows people to spend more and hopefully sparks inflation. When inflation is too high, central banks raise interest rates to slow it down. It is the point, but they are inverse to each other.


Deliberately, as an economic stimulus. It's supposed to frustrate you into spending or actively investing your money.


*Cries in Euro*


Logan Paul merch.


Nope, this takes the cake.


I gave a Logan Paul sweater to a homeless guy once; he told me to go fuck myself.


Understandable response


My Aunt bought Team 10 tickets for my little cousin, Visa cancelled her card the next day


I think that's because you were forcibly putting it on him over another sweater


spending it on the lottery and winning back like 50 bucks lol.


Years ago, I worked in a convenience store. One of my regulars had won $300,000.00 on a scratcher. Afterward, he would hit several stores and buy several hundred dollars in tickets, and then sit at Waffle House and scratch them all. My store was the last one on his route, as I was right next door to the said Waffle House. The waitresses said he never tipped. He blew through the whole thing in one year, and tried to bum money off of me for cigarettes. No thanks, dude.


I worked in a conveinience store for a week. Selling lottery tickets to poor people who compulsively bought them made me feel like a drug dealer. I figured that if I wanted to feel like that, I would just sell drugs and make more than 10 bucks an hour. I used to think the lottery was a good thing, supporting education and all, but now I can't see it but anything but a tax on poor people. Rich people don't buy lottery tickets, at least not anywhere near the same rate.


This is probably the one time I can name where I was actually convinced to change my opinion based on an Internet argument. I used to support the lottery as a "tax on people who are bad at math." But I came to realize how it's marketed towards the people who can least afford to buy tickets and how destructive it can be, and now I'm anti-lottery.


If I won $300,000, I'd give a quarter of it to charity. Not sure what I'd do with the other $299,999.75. Edit : [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/4069hn/you_just_won_the_800_million_powerball_lottery/cyrs4em/) [joke](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/409zc7/if_i_won_900000000_id_give_a_quarter_of_it_to/) [will](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/ak1aqz/a_truck_driver_from_brooklyn_wins_298_million/ef0vwcq/?context=10000) [be](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/ak2ku7/if_i_won_298_million_id_give_a_quarter_of_it_to/) my [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/apaees/jamaican_super_lotto_winner_taking_no_chances/eg77q0j/) [legacy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/c0jzlk/if_i_won_300000_id_give_a_quarter_of_it_to_charity/).


Sort of reminds me of a joke: A guy and his wife are experiencing hard times and he decides to let her prostitute herself for money. So she goes out and later that night when she gets home, he asks, "So how much did you get?" She tells him, "$900.25!" Puzzled, he says, "Who's the jerk who gave you a quarter?" To which she replies, "All of them."


That’s 3601 dudes




Had us in the first half


Lost us in the last quarter.


He was roleplaying Golden State


A man comes home one day and says, "Guess what honey? Pack your bags, I won the lottery!" The wife gets very excited and says, "That's great! Should I pack for warm or cold weather?" He says, "I don't care, just get out!"


A husband comes home from work and asks his wife, "What would you do if we won the lottery?" She replies, "I'd probably take my half and then leave you." He says, "Well we won $2. Here's your $1, and get the fuck out."


that made me really sad


Reminds me of these Chinese bankers who would steal money from the vault and tried to cover their tracks by winning the lottery Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agricultural_Bank_of_China_robbery this one, super good read


Damn they were executed


I feel personally attacked by this, what have you been told about me?


It certainly checks out.






The hell with your spoiled baby! I need those shoes!


Once again, the conservative, sandwich-heavy portfolio pays off for the hungry investor!


I'm having fun, and a Sardini!








Later, mumbling: I spent it all on gambling... Also, necessary fart sounds


Buy fifty thousand truckloads of ripe avocado and have them dumped into the ocean. Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger




There's an emoji combo I never expected. Much less expecting it to be perfectly relevant... Edit: Ok, people. Fish tacos, keto, and sushi. I got it, and thank you.


It certainly checks out




Even if you somehow got avocados for less than 50 cents per pound, 200 dollars of avocados would be less than a cubic yard. That's definitely not a truck load




The front looks like a car, the back looks like a truck. The front is where you drive, the back is where you...


It's like an automotive mullet. Party in the back.


Beanie Babies. Hundreds of thousands of Beanie Babies.


It's been 2 hours and I still don't know how I feel about this


Don't worry, I'll fix you right up: you can buy plushies with holes.


I shouldnt have googled it


As I started typing into google (of course) it suggested “plushies with human teeth”. Frankly I’m more disturbed by those results than I was with the first one!


I have 3,000 I’ll sell you My Grandpa thought they’d all shoot up in value


You may want to Google the most valuable ones and look through the collection. There are a handful that are actually valuable. The royal blue elephant in particular because it's known as the one that started the fad


I will use it to fill a pool with jello. Then i will jump into it from 10m.(33feet) as someguy asked us in a previous askreddit post


Check this video out. You might like it if you like jello. https://youtu.be/DPZzrlFCD_I




10000 Apple Pro Stands


You'd be left with 10000$ left cause it's 999$. Edit: aaaaaaaaa ok so there's taxes I get it. Edit 2: you guys I have like 50 notifications, all telling me I forgot the tax


Not if he let them keep the change


He may be an idiot, but he has a good soul. Edit: fixed *maybe for the grammar guy so that he may not kill himself


... the filthy animals


Damn, that’s like 10 more Apple pro stands.


Damn then you’d actually have $10 more dollars. Literally can’t lose in the situation


There was a dude who won something like 60 million pounds and blew it all over a few years on cocaine and hooker parties. He was quoted as saying something like, “ I spent most of my money on hookers and blow and the rest I wasted.”


How do you spend 60 million pounds on hookers and blow in a lifetime, not to mention a few years? He must have shared the blow with people he didn't fuck, like a noob. Should have just founded his own coca plantation instead, hookers are also cheap unless he went for exclusively western ones and paid extra for rawdog.


I think he bought a mansion to host the parties as well.


Unless he burned it down, property is an investment, he would get some of that back if he sold it. Is this the dude who bought Ferrari's to drive around in his back yard like bumper cars? I heard that story and thought it was money well spent, should just have left some to retire on.


Depends what he did to the mansion. There was a guy who won the lotto in the UK who bought a mansion and built a banger racing track in the back garden and held drunken parties and ended up punching holes in all the walls.


He got so poor that he even had to steal (or modify) quotes: > I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered. - George Best


Investing into a militia in east Africa ​ ​ Edit: RIP my inbox


Fuck it, that's the best way to spend it. Having your own band of war criminals wreaking havoc in distant countries at your whim is peak rich man's entertainment man!


Buy your own mercenaries and plunder their natural resources to sell on the global commodities market. $10m is not even close to enough to make that happen, though.


Not with that attitude.


Wouldn't a band of somali pirates just be the cost of a motorboat and some AK-47s? You could easily start there and work up.


> Wouldn’t a band of somali pirates just be the cost of a motorboat and some AK-47s? With returns of $0 for the risk of being arrested for financing terrorism. Also, there’s a decent chance that they fuck off with the money and do something else. This is probably one of the best/worst investments here, if only it cost more.


That's basically what every developed country has done at some point/is still doing anyway so why not you too?


Well, some people buy themselves a Knighthood, or a Viceroy. You bought yourself the title Warlord.


Call me Big Boss.


pffft I'll hire a bunch of mercenaries and take over Montana, imprison the population, and harvest their organs


My fat ass would probably spend it on food ngl


See this is problematic for me because I love food so I would actually endorse this


See this is problematic for me because I love fat asses so I would actually endorse this.


See this is fat asses for me because I love endorsements so I would actually problematic this.


Just go and buy the entire building and burn it to the ground. Or Use it to slap people and give them that money


Donating it to antivax and flat earth research.


You forgot about all the gay frogs.


Lets buy 100 winrar licenses and make a giveaway


Imagine if the price actually was 100k each license


/r/PaidForWinRAR would become a lot more prestigious.


Yeah that's nearing MATLAB's price tag


V-Bucks. Or just some random in-game currency that does nothing but be the "Premium Currency" you use to buy cosmetics or speed stuff up.


Oh s**t this carrot is going to take 22 hours to grow. I don't have that time. Wait what's this? "Magic growing fertilizer 1 use" only $0.99! Sold! Got my carrot, now cabbage takes 1 day 15 hours. Oh man here we go again.


MLM schemes


Can't believe it took me so long to find an MLM answer! Invest $10 million and with a little luck by the end of the year you'll only be $10,000 in debt!


Investing in blockbuster in 2012.


Hey seriously can we talk about this. I'm super high and I just really miss going to block buster and picking out movies to rent and grabbing popcorn and treats from the store. Ah days were simpler back then.


Spending it all on Xbox live 1 year subscriptions, you will probably only use 2000$ worth at most of that 10 mill you spent


Well, rounding Xbox Live subs to $60/year, and dividing into $2,000 gives us 33.33(repeating). So, roughly 33 years of Xbox live, and if you started gaming at about 15, which is a reasonable estimate imo, you're talking 47 years old at the time of death. That'd be a bit of bad news, dying so young, but there *is* some good news. If you truly spent it *all* on Live cards and they never expire(idk if they do or not), you'd have 166,666(also repeating), years of Live subscription. Taking the average human life span off Google(79 years), and dividing that means you'd be able to provide Live for a total of ~2,109 people with what's left over. Assuming you take one off for yourself, roughly 2,108, but I'm done with math for now.




Partying. With $10m to spend partying, you're going to develop some fairly severe vices. Quite probably some expensive addictions. Then the big problem would hit when the money ran out and you could never reach those highs again, and spent the rest of your life regretting blowing all of that money that could have made you comfortable forever. I'm not saying don't party, but I am saying spending $10m on partying would absolutely ruin your life unless you were actually earning enough to throw those sorts of events.


Ask Lindsay Lohan


I feel like she never had a chance. She was the sole support for her family at 11 and never seemed to have any solid parental figure in her life that wasn’t a leech and using her for something. She’s definitely had issues and made mistakes, but I give her a pass. She started with so many strikes against her not of her making.


I love seeing genuine human empathy on Reddit. Thanks.




NEVER EVERRRRRR GIVE MONEY TO FAMILY. they will blow it all and be right back where they are.


Not to be intrusive but is this from experience?


Its ok you can be intrusive I'm a open book. Yes it is, gave my mom 7 grand to fix a used car when I told her from the start if it gave problems just sell it. I was the kid that never said no because I felt bad and she would try and guilt trip me over it. I just felt bad she would work and end up with very bad pain in her feet and back from walking 10 hours a day. She never listen to me and the car ended up being totaled. So now she is taking the bus and walking 10 hours a day and complains to be that she is in pain.


My dad gave my grandma about 5k just for general living expenditures for the year. Same year, my aunt (his sister) got a new kitchen. How did she pay for it? Grandma gave her the money! So basically, my dad accidentally bought his sister a new kitchen


No, basically your aunt is a cunt. The fuck she going and asking grandma for shit, her bitch ass can work where as apparently grandma needs her other kid to help her make ends meet. Fuck your aunt




>fuck your aunt Pornhub recommendations are creeping into everything smh


My co-worker's uncle once won the Mega Million lotto and gave away $250K to both of his kids. His daughter was responsible and put it ALL away and uses the interest each year to go on a rather lavish holiday. His son bought a Cadillac which he immediately totaled. Then he bought a BMW which he crashed in three days. Then he bought an Acura which he destroyed. He then gave away a bunch of his money to his friends who ditched him, and now he's got nothing again. This was 5 years ago and this dumb motherfucker managed to completely blow $250K like it was nothing.




Read up on British girl Callie Rogers who won almost £2 million on the lottery at age 16 and blew the lot very quickly on designer clothes, 3 boob jobs and cocaine. She lost her baby because of cocaine abuse while pregnant, she got beaten up by another woman for boasting about how much money she had, and now she has trust issues because she has realised that people just wanted to be her friend for money. And now in her early 30s she looks a total state. She gave nothing to charity.


Golden state warriors 2019 championship ring


Buy all of the most expensive apps on the Appstore that are thousands of dollars on multiple accounts til you run out


Now you can help your Nigerian prince relative and you can reap the rewards of your royalty. Edit: WTF I actually switched to my alt account before commenting and now I have more karma on this account and gold. I'm an idiot.


But the email said there would be mutual benefits for this foreign partnership, lol Edit: Thank you for the Gold


What’s it called when something comes up after you see it for the first time ? Had one of these messages come via fax this past week (I work at a hospital) and immediately taped it on the wall.


Baader Meinhof Phenomenon? The **Baader–Meinhof effect**, also known as **frequency illusion**, is the illusion in which a word, a name, or other thing that has recently come to one's attention suddenly seems to appear with improbable frequency shortly afterwards Happened to me with my Hyundai Accent I got a few years back, THEY'RE EVERYWHERE NOW. Edit: Yisssssss, I feel so validated.


I call that the GTA3 effect. Whenever you found the Banshee in the game (which was supposed to be super rare) they started to drive down every other street. Then if you lost the car, whatever car you got next would show up all over the place.


I'm pretty sure that had to do with memory limitations, it was easier to just replace the other car models with the one you were using.


That's not all that different than human memeory, we're limited in what we can notice.


When the prince of Nigeria ask for help you do it ok! Hes a prince.




I have to go make a phone call...


Becoming a #bossbabe and investing in my FUTURE 💰💰 hun if you’re interested pls pm me to know about these AMAZING opportunities to work from home and earn 50k a MONTH 😯selling these INCREDIBLE essential oils that will cure your cancer 🔑💗💗💗


Buy 2.5 million dollars each of: * Facebook advertising * TV advertising * billboards * Robo calls All spouting your name, address, photo and the fact you've won 10 million you plan to spend poorly.


Donate it to a hate group or eat it.


Donate it to eat the hate group ?


Spend it on organic burgers that will rot within a day.


This is just incredibly depressing haha


Boats and hoes


It's the fucking Catalina wine mixer




Leaky boats and diseased hoes.


In-app purchases.


Literally lighting it on fire and literally uploading it to YouTube for literally thousands of views 😉👉


Logan Paul came to mind


Calm down Heath Ledger Joker!


[https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8402541/how-national-lottery-lout-michael-carroll-blew-9-7m-pounds/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8402541/how-national-lottery-lout-michael-carroll-blew-9-7m-pounds/) ​ this actually happend in the UK (although it may be arguble he had a "good time") ​ was poor > won 10m > he's now broke i believe