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Boob size. A lot of us don’t give as much of a shit as we may show. Edit: RIP Inbox


Girls care about boobs waaayyyy more than guys.


Well it makes sense, since it’s theirs.


Uhmmm i own my gfs boobs, we signed a contract


Yeah I did the same with my GF, or as she now likes to be called "my wife"




Girls seem to really like guys forearms and I don’t think about them at all even though they’re mine


Being smart. Don't dumb yourself down to appear less intimidating.


On my first day of university, my dad called and told me it wasn't too late to change to a less scientific degree, or drop out entirely - that guys were scared of women who appeared smarter than them. Some guys truly are insecure about smart women. ​ However, smart women should be smart enough to let such men deselect themselves from consideration. It takes some training - women are taught to be nice and want to be wanted from before they can crawl - but it's worth owning yourself.


WTF? That is a shit dad move if I have ever seen one. Don't dumb yourself down. The best relationship I ever had was with a women who was smarter than me and introduced me to things and we could talk all day every day, about the stupidiest to the intelegnt stuff ever. Beauty is the a thing that leaves you with age but a character and a brain doesn't.


It's another way for her dad to say "Hey, you should marry an insecure guy. What could go wrong, amirite?".


This. Intelligence in a partner is a very attractive trait for me.


Their laugh, some girls feel insecure because it doesn't sound cute or it's an ugly laugh. Those laughs are the funniest and cutest shit ever Edit: Love your laugh ladies and gentlemen! They are the purest sources of joy we can get and you should never feel insecure about it!


Just yesterday I was laughing and at the same time I thought to myself I hate my laugh, my boyfriend smiled at me and said he loved my laugh and gave me a big hug while being super happy. He didn’t even know I was thinking the opposite and that he unintentionally reassured me If you ever hear someone whose laugh you like, you should tell them, I’m sure it would make them happy :)


My wife hates my laugh. I just laugh more when she tells me that. We are weird.


I cant even laugh out loud with my friends because I snort while laughing and they keep making fun of it...


I recently told a friend to never mock me or someone else for their laugh because it makes them laugh less. He commented on the weird sound a friend of us does when she laughs and I told him to not do that again because I really know how much it hurts when people mock you for your laughing sounds. It's sad.


Snort laughs are the cutest though!


This whole thread is making me happy right now. So so *so* many of these are things I've felt insecure about for ages. Maybe it all just stems from the beauty industry trying to continuously make money off of us.


Asking a guy out. Seriously though like you don't know what you're missing out on if you don't even try.


I was actually friends with my now fiancé for a bit before I asked him to be my boyfriend. Turns out he was feeling the same way and was trying to get up the courage to ask me. We’re getting married in a month. I concur with this as a woman.


This. We're morons who wouldn't know water if we fell out of a boat, whatever hints you think you're dropping, we're probably missing it


*girl lying nude on bed says its cold outside* Me: well better get some clothes on. Speaking of the cold I should probably get home before the weather gets worse


Girl: "But I'm SOOO wet right now." Me: "Oh, I'll get you a towel so you can dry off before you get hypothermia. Your clothes seem dry, so I'm not sure how you got so wet."


She might have just been from Canada and was being nice. I think you played this one right buddy.


Height, acne, boobs, shyness. Those are just the common ones I've seen on Reddit.


I’ve literally never had an issue with height Between girls being 5’, or my current gf of 5’10, it literally isn’t an issue for me.




I have often felt that being a short man and being a tall woman are kind of similar in life struggles.


Glad to know that my 6'2" ass has full license to continue being insecure.


That's a lot of ass.


Picking up guys. Every girls that has asked for my number has got it, even if nothing happened. Edit: Thanks for my first silver on the most American day!!!


Every girl who's asked for my number has gotten it, all none of them.




Well I'm certainly not going to post it for the whole world... and honestly I **really** hate talking on the phone. but feel free to DM me if you want to chat.


And that, kids, is how i met your mother.






Can I have it? Update: did not get number.








If you dial that with area code 567 it plays the song.


When I was 13 I had a random girl come up to me and ask for my number because she thought I was cute. I panicked and said I didn't have a phone. Stranger Danger!


You must be like a 10 cause I don't consider myself ugly at all (I would give myself a 6.5 / 7 right now) but I've never been approached by a girl, like ever.


6.5 out of 7? That's pretty high man.


Not as perfect as a 5/7


Just because your hair is a mess, does not mean you are ugly. I think it's cute/adorable when a girl has messy hair.


Not when I have messy hair it's literally a bird's nest




But that's often still cute af


Or when I wake up after I haven't washed my hair in a few days and I look like I am a bird who just fell out of the nest with mascara under my eyes. Apparently this is "super cute"


It looks damn cute when you all just throw it up in a messy bun/ponytail while wearing like baggy sweats and a hoodie. I don't know - it just makes me so happy when I'm with a girl and she feels so comfortable around me that she doesn't feel like she has to be magazine-perfect. Don't get me wrong, I love it when y'all get all dolled up too - just take it from a random guy on the internet - it doesn't matter if you aren't


So basically: we look cute no matter what, but on occasions we clean up *goooood*


Not the same guy, but take it from another random stranger on the internet that yeah basically that


Thank you. On behalf of women we appreciate that


Stretch marks. Everyone has them. They’re normal. Stop apologizing for them.


I actually like stretch marks on an ass


Show me somethin real like ass with some stretch marks


Still will take you down right on your mama's couch in Polo socks


I have so many that they look like roots, all over my body, arms, legs, back, chest I'm a 19 year old man


Anyone who has grown since puberty has them, it’s fine.


Seriously, I'm a skinny man and I have stretch marks. Nobody should be worried about those.


Who needs a cougar when you can have a tiger?


But cougars are cool too, right?


Tiger stripes and lightning bolts ftw


Their periods. It’s completely natural, and anyone who makes you feel insecure about it, is an asshole.


I usually just say cramps if anyone asks me why I look like I am dying - male or female. The majority get it and go “okeee” and don’t faint. Except one guy who was my manager at work. I was working in finance. Biggest knobhead you could ever work for. I was taking a day off every month and after however many months, he pulled me up and asked me why this was happening every four or five weeks. Completely oblivious. All I said to him, loudly, was that I had my period and I get incredibly bad pains so I stay home in a ball because it’s nice to be in a ball and not move. He had the most horrified face in the world, like I had said fuck you dickhead or shat myself there and then or anything anyone could be rationally offended by. Insecure 50 something year old man. Very sad fellow. Didn’t get along with him so it was nice to terrify him in that way. Otherwise, meh. Edit: I don’t usually get this many replies so I think I am just going to put this here. This happened about 10 years ago (I wasn’t clear). Since then, I have had everything checked out and one ovary has more follicles apparently which potentially caused the pain. They weren’t sure - I was just one of the unlucky ones. I now get the depo shot which works well for me so I get phantom cramps now but no period unless I am not on time with my injection. I know it doesn’t work well for everyone. I am nearing 40 so they will probably stop providing this in the next few years. In the meantime, I still get cramps but definitely not what I went through in my 20s and early 30s.


Yeah seriously, go see a good ob/gyn. Period pains that hard is NOT normal and if you've got endometriosis it will go worse if not treated. Plus there are ways to deal with the pain that it wont affect your life that much. Been there, done that. Got diagnosed with endometriosis and treatments to keep the pain at bay. I wish I had done it years earlier!


My husband is a douche when it comes to mine. He whines "eww thats so gross I don't want to hear about it." if I so much as mention that I have it or have to take care of it. Edit: a word


That's a child, not a man.


Yeah I say that to him regularly.


If you really love him then you should express clearly how that makes you feel, and if you married the right person he'll take that to heart


Thinking that they are alone in feeling insecure. Dude here, and while I'm a grown-ass adult, I still feel like I'm one goofy comment away from getting laughed at like I used to be in school.


Fuck this is a relatable comment unfortunately.


Their bodies. Every flavor has its savor. Self worth is the real sexy.


Wow that is a very unique way of saying that. Thank you for sharing


Their boobs. So many times I encounter women who think they're too small or too large or lop sided. Tits are tits, and tits are awesome. Love your bewbs because some guy will love them too








Lop sided boobs are so common, more women have one slightly larger than the other than have two identical boobs. The difference can be anywhere between barely visible unless you’re really looking to a few bra cup sizes apart.


their breasts, even if they are not perfect or anywhere near, we still like em.


My uncle always says “Boobs are like pizza, some are bigger or smaller but they’re all good.”


I have no complaint on boobs. But there is absolutely bad pizza.


Its like a circle of hot garbage.


Oh yeah definitely




Thats when you know he loves you as a person, not only because you look good


I'm a boob guy and my girlfriend fits this description. I couldn't care less for the size of her tits. She is beautiful and incredibly special.


I was with this girl last year, she has 34DD and was fit. She never slept with anyone before, slept with me... refused to take off her shirt and bra. We broke it off due to distance. ​ Never saw them... ​ It didn't matter what they looked like, I wish she had the confidence but some guy destroyed her confidence before me who did see them, gave her shit about it and she never recovered. I know she will eventually. ​ You're gorgeous. That guy who gave you shit was an asshole. Edit: stop pming for pics creepers Besides, what makes you think she would have any pictures showing off her chest?! That’s the one part she’s insecure about! Use your brains...


I was with a girl who had very large, beautiful breasts. She told me I was the only guy she had ever had sex with without having her bra on because she was so insecure. It was really sad because she was gorgeous but people had made her feel terrible about her body.




Keep supporting you’re friend, you’re a great person to stay with her and being an anchor to her self doubt opinions and to help reinforce that she beat fucking cancer


But like what if your boobs are too big/saggy. Absolutely hate mine


I always knew I preffered small boobs. Then I met my girlfriend, who has relatively big and saggy ones, I liked them from the beginning, because, you know, boobs. But still, at first I thought "it would be really nice if she had smaller boobs". This changed, as our relationship matured and I really got to love her, I wouldn't change her boobs anymore, even if I somehow could. They are a part of her, the most important person in my life, and just to think of her boobs arouses me like no thought of any other boob, as perfect as they may be, can. Be proud of your body, take care of it, be nice and no one you care about will see your boobs in a negative way.


Mine are two noticably different sizes and they face in opposite directions like chameleon eyes. I still have yet to hear a single complaint about them. Boobs are awesome, own that shit.


there's a guy who likes every kind of boob, tons of guys like to be smothered in great big saggy ones




Do they touch your knees? If not, you're good


Even then, I mean, y’know...


What is it about girls not eating in front of guys? Like, damn, drop the act, we know you eat too, relax


It's mostly comments from other people. Especially when you're younger, teenagers are dicks. I used to never give a shit about eating in front of guys, until people started making comments about it. If we went on a class trip, some of the girls would get salads and some other girls would get..more than a salad. Cue both girls and boys making fun of the girls eating hamburgers. I've never been overweight, nor anywhere close to it tbh but that kinda shit gets hammered in at such an early age it's really hard to get rid of. Even now at 23 I'm ashamed of eating a lot in front of most people, guy or girl. Hell, when I was 14 me and my friend were chilling at school eating a bag of chips because a lesson got cancelled and a teacher came up to us and went "don't eat too much, you will get fat" and even though we realized he shouldnt be saying shit like that, it still fucks with you when youre 14. At that same age, a friend of ours refused to buy junk food in the supermarket unless someone else would do it because she felt ashamed that people would think she's eating too much.


That's honestly fucked.


I'm amazed at how many women are insecure about arm hair. I've never even noticed it. Edit: I'm really happy that my top comment is on body positivity!


I have black hair and fair skin, so my hair shows up REALLY obviously on my arms. What also didn't help was that I am super hairy for a girl. Got bullied for it all throughout highschool by guys and girls alike. One day a reoccuring troll trying to impress his friends was like "dammmn you're hairier than me lol" and being sick of it all I was just like "yeah I know, just means I'm more man than you" He no longer made comments after that. It still kinda hurts though and began shaving. Can 1000% confirm that this comment made me feel a lot better about myself :) Thank you




That makes so many girls feel better believe me


It’s true! I was wearing a tank top all day and felt self conscious.


I got made fun of in elementary school for my arm hair, so I *FEEL* this.


I was at church years ago and a visiting lady said, “Wow! You have a lot of hair on your arms. You should shave them. Boys don’t like that.” I’m blonde. Blonde arm hair. Had a boyfriend. Nobody has ever cared.


"Wow! You have an unsolicited opinion. I don't like that."


I notice it. But it does nothing to change how i think or feel about the woman. Shows she's human. Humans have hair on their arms. There are 3 things that a woman need s to do/be/have/etc to have a straight man be genuinely attracted to them. 1. Be human 2. Be female 3. Be yourself. Once those 3 requirements are satisfied, someone will like what they see. And if they don't, someone else will. Always.


4. Put yourself out there. Some guys will take anything as a signal that you like them. Something like "bro she's calling the cops on me she totally wants me" or similar. Most guys will be oblivious or won't make a move out of fear of misreading you. Also you don't really meet new people if you don't talk to anyone.


Shout-out to all the women that have had to lose their twins: Please don't be ashamed of your chest. I will lament not having nipples to play with, as I will lament that you had to suffer whatever cost you your boobs; but the rest of you still leaves plenty of fun to be had.


God bless you! I am VERY married (think 25 years) and I am still super freaked out by my post op breasts. I had a double mastectomy (and reconstruction). So I have boobs- but they have scars and I feel like Frankenstein. My husband swears they are more beautiful than they were before but I am super self conscious about them. I actually had a 20 minute meltdown about this exact thing last night. I try to be positive about it, but breast cancer took what was “mine” and turned them into something I don’t recognize. You would think that by my mid-40’s I would be over insecurities like this. Nope. I guess a girl is always a girl. ☹️


As a girl, I can confirm that we get insecure about our messy hair, weight and penis size. Thank you for this thread


I am so insecure about my penis size that I even bought a fake one.




Hold up




Summn ain’ right




*jazz music stops*


*record scratch* And that’s when Rob Schneider dirpy drip dirp da diddly derp


I'm only self conscious when I'm bigger.


Do not be afraid to ask us out. More often than not it’ll be a yes.


tried, didn't work




the only thing I lose by trying is my good mood for the rest of the day, which doesn't even happen that often, so basically I got nothing to lose


Uneven boobs, stretch marks, nipole size, freckles, thigh gap or lack of thigh gap, "pig" nose, imperfect teeth... Honestly. Any flaw you have will be adorable to someone out there.


> nipole size I believe it's spelled Nepal


no, it's short term for northpole






Freckles are fucking adorable I would sell my soul for a girl with freckles, especially with freckles all over the body.


Their pussy queefing during sex. Don't worry girl you're hot as fuck and I'm happy to be in there making that happen


I queefed when I was having sex with a guy in high school. Two days later there was a rumor at my high school that I farted during sex. Finally my neighbor (who graduated years before us and was like an older brother to me) called me to have a serious conversation about who I do what with because he heard I had shit on a guys chest... Obviously as an adult now it’s not something I worry about because men tend to be more acquainted with how all that works, but good god I was traumatized for years after that.


How does that rumor even travel to that extent, jesus, those are some immature people


That's great and all but how do you know I didn't farted.


If it doesn’t smell.


I came here to read the comments and damn.... y'all making me feel hella loved-


Not having the nails done. We honestly dont give a fuck about that


i kina prefer regular nails tbh


Me too, these murder weapons some women have scare me.


I think women do it because it makes them feel good to have pretty nails, in the same way dressing nice feels good. If someone is feeling uncomfortable going out without having their nails done, it might be that she feels pressure from other women (to be like them), not to impress men.


Cellulite and Strech marks. Most of the time we don't notice, and If we do we still find you beautiful.


Age. You’re still hot.




Here before the cursed comments.


Their boob size. Now idk about you but I for one love boobs of all sizes and shapes.


Unless you look like Maggie's rival baby, I may or may not even notice you have eyebrows, let alone have an opinion on them. Also, your face looks fine without makeup; wear whatever makes you happy, but I am never going to judge you for not having it. Everyone farts. Don't feel nervous about eating food. Your freckles are adorable, yes, even those ones. Whatever your hobbies and passions are, they're yours, and that's great.


I recently saw a post from a girl saying her boyfriend hated her vagina. That’s absolute bullshit. Vaginas come in all shapes and sizes and no vagina is the standard for beauty. Disregard the standards set by the porn, fashion and plastic surgery industry... If anyone gives you crap about this, fuck them, you’re beautiful and perfect as you are. Just keep it clean and healthy, that’s all. (Edit: spelling, changed disgregarse for disregard)


Pale skin. I genuinely don’t understand why the tan


white people want to be darker and black people want to be lighter


And the brownies want to be checkerboarded.




#And the brownies want to be checkerboarded.


Why is it that when you typed this louder I finally understood it lmao. Edit: Aw, common you guys, it's a metaphoric joke 😂


A girl being pale and owning it is a hundred times more attractive than one who looks like an orange


They like looking at bulges


I feel so much better about myself and guys after reading this thread.😊




thank you for saying that. i’m a girl and i have a bit of a tummy and it’s my biggest insecurity. this made me feel a lot better


Yeah everyone's got tummy man especially if they are bending over. Who cares? Not 99% of dudes






Stomachs, I genuinely prefer it if a girl has a soft stomach even if that means it’s not really flat


Soft stomachs are wonderful, absolutely agree.


The size of their areolas. I’ve been with women who had pretty big ones. They always told me they were self conscious about them and that they wanted them smaller. It’s something they seriously should never be concerned about. All nipples and boobs are beautiful.


Your hair color. Your hair length. Your height (if you’re tall). Your height (if you’re short). Your acne. Your interests (please never apologize for liking things). Your achievements. Your plans. Your pets.


Being independent


Watching chick flicks and crying us guys cry like babies when an animal dies in them


500 days of summer always does it for me. 😭


Freckles, I find them kinda cute. And glasses, they might look good on them


freckles are the shit


I'll be honest, I really have no idea if you are wearing make-up unless your face is green or something and even then I'm trying to work out what is going on with the lights.


Stretch marks, I don’t care where they are they are sexy asf.


The size of their lips 👄🦆


Their pussies.




The "nom nom" fuckin got me, dude.


Honestly too many are self conscious about it.


Eating in front of us, we like to eat to and love watching you eat, stop pretending that you only eat a salad and chow down!


I used to be afraid to eat in front of my boyfriend and somehow that came up with family and even though I said I didn’t care, my brother texted me a week later and said “don’t be afraid to eat in front of him. My girlfriend always eats like she hasn’t eaten in days and I think it’s kinda hot” I didn’t realize it until I read your comment but my brothers message took away any fears and I haven’t thought about it since then. So thank you for being a unique comment out there that is making people feel more secure :)


Their belly. If we're cuddling. And i hug you at your belly. Don't complain and give me this, "im fat lark" if I'm cuddling you so that means everything is on the table. You get ti touch what you want so it's only fair i do too. I like touching every part of my partner.


The ratio of the volume of their big toe to their pinky toe. I can't think of even one situation where that ever comes up.


Eyebrows. Just leave them alone. They look fine.




What if you're self-conscious about being annoying? Not trying to fish for compliments but a lot of girls focus on physical traits while some of us struggle with personality/ mental traits as well. (Been told I'm annoying for various reasons so now I just get really quiet)


I have never heard a story from any guy I know who's getting hot and heavy with a woman and then as she's undressing, he discovers some minor imperfection that makes him make up an excuse and get out of there because he doesn't want to sleep with her now. Things that aren't dealbreakers for the vast majority of guys: mismatched bra/panties, a bra strap that shows, a dress or skirt that's a few inches too long or too short, fingernails that are too short or unpainted, a nipple showing through a top, panty lines, that weird rogue hair on your body you missed while grooming, a little extraneous pubic hair, one breast that's slightly lopsided compared to the other, lips that aren't brightly colored and plump, breasts that are smaller or larger than average or aren't perfectly shaped like a Victoria's Secret model, a little extra fat around the waist, hips, or thighs, ugly shoes, or different parts of an outfit that may seem mismatched by color or pattern. In fact, if anything, guys are trying to be really careful not to accidentally even notice something weird and make a remark about it that's almost always just us being curious, not judgmental. There's a real danger that absentmindedly noticing and saying, "oh, you got a weird bruise on your thigh; how did you get that?", will result in more clothes being put ON.




Wow i didnt expect that one. I always get self conscious about arm hair


I just stepped out of the house with hairy legs for the first time in a long time. In jean shorts. It was glorious. I didn't give a fuck.


weight, too many girls judge their lives over their weight


Obligatory not a guy, but a lesbian so pretty much the same thing. (Bc this is asking straight men lmao) Girls are so insecure over their body shape, like baby I don’t care if you’re a stick, pear or pudgy everywhere you’re absolutely gorgeous in my eyes and I hope u know that ur body is perfect the way it is <3


Your weight in general. If you're morbidly obese that's a health problem and should be addressed as such, don't worry about how you look, worry about your health. But if you're a little overweight and self-conscious about it... stop. We men love you women, we love your personalities and idiosyncrasies more than your looks, especially once we all start getting older. Stop worrying about your physical appearance, it's *you* we like, not the shell.


Their boobs. All guys like boobs. Does not matter. Any boobs are better than nothing at all


I am a female, my partner (male) gets very angry when I wax my moustache. He calls it my non existent moustache. This all started when I was having coffee with my mother a few months back, and she told me I had a light moustache. Cue me driving straight to the pharmacy to buy face wax, and going home to remove the 10 or so hairs there. He thinks it's so unnecessary because it apparently does not exist and when it is waxed it leaves a red mark for a few days.


Eating on dates. Eat your food. Ive been on so many dates where they took the food home or didnt and then later confessed they didnt eat cause they didnt want me to think they were fatasses. Eat. I dont want you to be hungry. Eating does not make you less beautiful.