• By -


Which celebrity is dating whom, who broke up with whom, who got back together.


I really honestly think the people who are obsessed with and keep up with this kind of stuff, just don’t have enough interesting things going on in their own lives




All the pointlessness of celebrity culture without the celebrity part.


TikTokers, influencers etc


Celebrities' personal lives.


Also celebrities political views


same. This is why celebrities without (public) social media are the smart ones.


Paid content with commercials


I am sick to fucking death of being advertised to. Watch Hulu? Get 5, 2 minute ad breaks for a 30 min show. If I pause the show there's an ad on the pause screen. 1/3 of my viewing time is watching ads. Other day on Facebook I counted 1 ad per 2 legit posts. Reddit is 1 ad per 2-10 posts. Not counting the 500 billboards you see when you drive and fucking ads being played while you fill your gas. It's ridiculous. Great way to make me NOT buy your product.


Honestly, I think we could trim that down even more and just say advertisements as a whole. Just because a company pays to put their brand in front of my face doesn't mean I'm going to buy it. It just annoys me because now they're interrupting my video to scream at me about their bullshit.


They don't care about whether you want to buy their product from the advertisement. Rather, they want to build up a memory of their repetitive advertising so you know that they exist. It's a long term game they want to play, you cannot fight remembering very annoying repetitive advertising. It's a win-win for the advertisers.


They're competing for my brain space, but joke's on them, I have selective memory loss! ...Now why did I walk into this room again?


Anything to do with facebook.


Any awards show.


Particularly if it’s groups awarding themselves.


When is it not though? Industries tend to award themselves. When does one group get up and honor a totally unrelated group?








Now we know.


Anything on any ad played before a youtube video, ever


Man, I miss the day when only one ad would play and they were all skippable. Now days I’m forced to watch two 15 second ads just to watch a 3 minute video. 90% of the time they’re the same ads too. EDIT: I appreciate ya'll but I do have adblock on my PC that blocks ads from YouTube. I'm speaking of if I'm ever watching YouTube through my Xbox, Apple TV, etc.


I noticed a couple days ago I had started to get ads on YouTube shorts. I'm sorry but fuck if im watching a 30 second ad for a 1 minute video. That's when you know shit has gone too far. Youtube trying to compete with tiktok and Instagram reels by pushing for shorts, oy to not get how the ads can't still be 30 seconds.


Where they really fuck up is having ads which are longer than the video you're trying to watch. Ads companies have all the data in the world and still trying to shove a square peg into a triangle, Google included.


If you’re on desktop download ublock origin on your browser and it’ll take out the ads before a video. Forgot ad were a problem until I watched a video on YouTube on my phone. Like cmon 3 ad breaks in a 10 min video with 2 ads each is ridiculous and basically like cable again


There is a TV show that I will admit the premise sounded like something I might check out, if it were not for the fact that youtube tried to pass the ENTIRE pilot off as a pre-roll ad. Nope. Now I'm not watching that show out of pure spite.


They want you to buy premium


I will just use addblock instead of buying youtube premium


I don't understand the economics of unskippable ads. A normal ad makes you watch for 5 seconds so you know what it's about, and if the product / service doesn't apply to you, you can skip. But if a company buys an unskippable ad, they're saying they know I'm not interested, but they won't go away, like a salesman who keeps pounding at the door. If I'm an marketer, I want to maintain the good name of my brand just as much as I want to promote it. If I'd bought a normal ad and the viewer turned me down, fine, sorry to bother you. But now the viewer has a reason to hate me. For what? Are unskippables cheaper?


Unskippable ads are way more expensive since you're forcing someone to sit there and watch it. At least they were when I was buying some for my old work.


I actively avoid products shown in ads relative to how annoying and intrusive the ads are.


Extra (negative?) points if the ad is blatantly and shamelessly misleading


Like, ahem, reddit ads that try to camouflage as a regular post? "TIFU by not buying the better dandruff shampoo"


I want what you’re having. I only get GoArmy and Navy ads mixed in with some misleading “99% Of PeOpLe CaNt BeAt ThIs PuZzLe” ads for Chinese mobile games


Are you dieting to lose weight? Counting calories? Walking? Running? None of it works. Let me show you the one secret that’s going to take everything you thought you knew about losing weight and flip it on its head!


You're gonna try to sell me a tape worm again, aren't you?


Nah, that would actually work.


Stella artois has a 30 second unskippible ad on youtube five or six years ago and to this day i have deliberately refused to buy any anheiser-busch products because of how much it pissed me off


It's also a good way to get me pissed off at your product


The more a company barrages videos with ads the less likely i am to buy their product or try their service. I'm looking at you Raid Shadow Legends and Audible


I refuse to get a YouTube subscription cause theyre so egregious with their ads. It's a shame. Unfortunately it's a circular issue, but at least I can block them on my PC Edit: I'm actually referring to my Smart TV And I can afford the subscription fine, I just am being pigheaded.They have copious amounts of ads and horrible practice of showing them to you. Starting a video with 25s of unskippable ads, getting 1m30 in and getting more ads, then finishing and getting more ads. Fuck that noise.


I will deliberately go out of my way to not purchase anything pitched in a Youtube ad.


Like, maybe once in a while an ad for a movie or game comes up and I'm like "oh, that looks interesting" Then I'm bombarded with with ads about power tools, banks, and stuff like that, and I skip.


Right?! If Google is so smart why are they showing me ads for shit I will literally never buy or use. If every ad was a neat gadget, a movie or TV show, or a video game (not mobile games) I'd watch every single one


Hahaha "not mobile games" And agreed, if you are advertising your mobile game, it's definitely horrible.


•Rich people being mean to each other


I'd be interested if it were a fight to the death


Fuck american idol bullshit. Live action celebrity deathmatch would get everyone to tune in.


I’d settle for a UFC fight between 2 celebrities. No ads. No prizes. No one profits. Just 2 fucks beating each other.




My parents would sacrifice a baby to go see that stupid shit live, or the got talent things, like the only good ones are the magicians and im not gonna lie, it’s the dorkiest shit ever. Occasionally a kid really good at piano will be on there and thats cool


And in the end a mediocre singer wins


This is so true. You have people with some really cool and unique talents that would actually sell tickets for a Vegas show, but they never win. It’s always some singer you’ll never hear about again.


So much easier to monetize mediocre singers than people with other talents unfortunately


I suppose. I just can’t imagine going to Las Vegas and spending any of my time/money watching a singer no one will remember in a year when the next singer wins


One of my coworkers just spent $2k on four tickets to go see some trending teenybopper. He won't stop complaining about the amount of kids that were there. No sure what he expected. Edit: I think it was someone who won a Grammy or a famous show or some shit. I can ask when I see him again tomorrow. Edit2: Olivia Rodrigo


It's also like, if a guy is really, really good at walking upside-down on his hands... that's pretty cool. If I was at a party, I'd rather see someone do that then hear someone sing. But the issue is, in a weekly competition show, people are going to get pretty bored watching the same guy do the same one trick over and over. With a singer, you just get them to sing a different song and it's suddenly not boring and basically a different trick each week. It's almost not fair putting an opera singer with a catalogue of 30 different songs up against a dude that knows a few impressions or can hit a bullseye really well with a slingshot. Those unique talents have to basically blow their entire load on their first appearance to ensure they make it to the next round. The singer just needs to sing a different song each week to be instantly more entertaining.


The singers don't write their own material, either! The variety acts all do their own stuff (with some exceptions, but biting someone else's stuff is a GREAT way to get blackballed in the circus/variety industry in the US.)


Because the show-runners have the apparatus in place to monetize that singer. That's it, that's the entire twist. There's no established industry which can turn a magic act into a worldwide phenomenon, that is endlessly consumable by the market; you need to book a physical place, and sell tickets to that place, or you gotta watch a recording of it...but booking a show is more the sort of thing a performer does - you know, someone with performing talent, the supposed point of the show! - and when people buy a show, they usually watch it one time for the enjoyment of it, and then never watch it again. Neither of those are as ready to monetize, and take viral, as a singer, because you can turn the singer into as many products as they can sing, and *those* products have gone completely non-physical, easily go viral, and create a desire to reconsume and reconsume the same product repeatedly, because songs stick in our heads, create strong emotional responses, and we want to repeat the experience of hearing them over and over. That mechanism is *extremely* monetizable. My presumption is, the music competition shows had a good thing going, but the sheer market saturation started to turn people off; it was the same shit, over and over, because of the way those programs work on your emotions, by their very architecture. The end consumer is getting a smaller and smaller reward, viewing the same thing over and over. So, they kept the parts that work, but just replaced 90% of the singers with random variety acts, to distract the audience from the fact that it is the show they were originally bored of, repackaged as the same show, with even less mystery.


This is a really good point. Singers do make more sense from a marketing perspective! I just find it frustrating as a viewer when a person/group is clearly more talented but will never win. After the second time it happened I stopped watching those shows entirely.


"So you say that you're a dancer - But we only want to know - Have you had a little cancer? Have you faced a little woe? "Did you lay to rest a mother? Did you 'fare thee well' a wife? Have you lost a bigger brother? Have you lived a painful life? "Did a battle leave you bloody, Leave you broken on your knees? Are you dancing for a buddy With incurable disease? "Are you fit to go the distance If we dangle you a dream? Can we peddle your existence? Can you make it as a meme? "Can you find a tale and tell it? Can you keep it sweet and brief? Can we pack it up and sell it? Can we profit from your grief? "It's the moment for your glory! It's the perfect time to shine! And we'd love to hear your story… If it boosts a bottom line."


Oh neat, a wild sprog. Been a while since I've seen one of these masterpieces.


Also dance


I came around and ended up loving *So You Think You Can Dance*. I was never exposed to dance before, and seeing those semi-pro dancers learn new routines quickly ended up being super interesting to me. That show made me appreciate the work that goes in, on top of the raw talent those dancers have.




Expecially when it is with children. People forget that the Voice Kids in the Netherlands literally had 2 pedophiles as judges.


Reality shows period. They are all written. They are literally the opposite of reality. The Kardashians do not celebrate Christmas in August (which is when their Christmas episodes are filmed). Every single competition show has a disclaimer at the end saying that Producers have a say in who gets cut each week. It’s all so sleazy, and it’s destroying the US. I don’t mean in a moral sense. It’s destroying people’s ability to decipher what is real and what is fake, and makes people way more susceptible to information warfare/propaganda from adversarial nations.


It’s sad to see something that feels authentic like Susan Boyle’s first appearance and then realize it’s just an endlessly repeated format repeated endlessly across several countries.


\*sorts by controversial\*


This is the only answer, if only because you escape the boring hell that is celebrities, celebrities, celebrities, celebrities, celebrities, celebrities, celebrities, celebrities, celebrities.


Gender reveal parties. Edit, because there may be some cross-cultural confusion: a gender reveal party is an event in which expectant parents dramatically reveal the sex of their yet-to-be-born baby. They may pop balloons to reveal blue or pink confetti, slice into a colored cake, or burn down a forest, etc.




Imagine doing it with rose petals. Would be so much more romantic and even biodegradable.


Not an astrology hater, but I couldn't care if I wanted to.


Sick of astrology? Come to Japan! Or maybe South Korea as well! Instead of 12 or 13 or however the fuck many zodiac signs there are, we instead try to categorize your entire personality and compatibility with others into a much simpler scheme with just four types, based on your ABO blood type! It's utterly baseless and has no statistical correlation whatsoever, but because it's a bit more science-ey than astrology since it involves a blood test, a not-insignificant portion of the population has fully embraced it, and you can expect anything from misinformed innocent comments on your personality, up to getting discriminated and harassed during your job, all because some fuckwits believe that blood plasma antibodies and red blood cell antigens somehow correlates to you as a person! Fun times! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_type_personality_theory


The only reason I knew about this before is because blood type is so often included in official anime/manga character descriptions. I had to look that one up because I was confused 😂


IIRC hero academia made a point about this, by naming the blood type but intentionally giving characters a bloodtype that would go against their personality.


Street Fighter II, for me.


Holy fuck, that's why?! I always thought "the shit do I need to know that Blanka's blood type is B?" and figured it was a weird Japanese thing to care, but never really knew they CARED.


I had so many blood transfusions back when I was really sick/had a major surgery, I once had a chimeric blood type for about six months...what would y'all have made of that?


Chimeric blood type could be a swedish metalcore band


You were Moon Knight.


I blame planets for stuff all the time! Earth is the primary offender.


Repeat offender.


I’m a twin. Anyone who has a twin can tell you Astrology is bullshit. We’re completely different.


Spoken like a true twin


I would’ve had a twin, but I resorbed the other fetus in the womb


Every girl I’ve ever dated has been kind of into astrology. Not like it dictated their lives or anything, it was just something they had fun with. Every single one of them would ask me my sign and I’d say something along the lines of “well I’m a Capricorn but I don’t really out too much stock in astrology” and every time I would get hit with “spoken like a true Capricorn” lol


A fun thing to do is tell people the wrong sign and watch them say the same shit anyway


I love doing this. “Oh, I’m a Pisces” “I knew it! I got a total Pisces vibe from you!” “Actually, I’m an Aries” “Lol, that’s such an Aries thing to do” “I’m a Taurus.”


Oh, you, bullshitter, you!


I answer with Virgo and always get the same response, and it is an act of sheer willpower not to roll my eyes.


"Typical virgo" The answer I got when I told my girl-friend that I didn't believe in astrology. With that said I do love the apps that calculate the movements of the stars. It is great fun. It all started when an acquaintance started writing the funny astrology read of the day for the local Times. He thought it would be funny to personalise the virgo astrology of the day and fuck with me. He really messed with me, I thought I was going crazy when I believed that the 'Astrology of the Day' was commenting on my life. It bloody was.


I can sense Uranus is influencing you, because you're an asshole.




My local newstation does a "Daily Dish" where they talk about whats going on in celebrity lives. Honestly, who fucking cares!!


The Kardashian-Jenners


Dunno who phrased it initially, but “everything I know about the Kardashians was learned against my will.”


Thats fucking funny. But its totally true.


It’s really difficulty to 100% ignore them. I never watched a single show, a single interview or read a single news story about them. But you can’t ignore a blurb you hear or a glance at a headline. Threads like these are the extent of my acknowledgment of their existence.


TV dating shows. I don't give the slightest bit of a fuck if tanned, generic cunt A will end up with tanned, generic cunt B or C


This made me lol. Thanks. I really don't care about tanned generic cunts.


The 90 Day Fiance universe is so annoying. There’s this one guy who looks like a sore thumb, is a douchebag, but somehow gets the best looking women. It’s probably all fake.


Fun fact: Big Ed is/has (I haven’t checked up on this in a while) faced lawsuits from women claiming assault and harassment from him prior to his show days. So yeah, I think it’s safe to say that every relationship he’s in is fake on one level or another.


That honestly doesn’t surprise me, he seems like an awful guy


Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox


Those 2 are so desperate for attention that it gives me 2nd hand embarrassment.


The Germans have a word for second-hand embarrassment. Fremdschamen. There’s some umlauts in there.


All celebrities are umlauts. They think they’re above it all


I almost think they're delusional enough to think the rest of the world thinks the fact that they drink each others blood ...*romantic* or something.. they are like middle age middle schoolers


I know Megan Fox from Transformers and the fact I once had lunch with her randomly like 10 years ago. I was on a film shoot in Venice Beach and so was she, we both went to grab lunch and ended up sitting together and talking for a bit. I had no idea it was her at first. She was actually a really nice person from my interaction. She treated us on the crew like equals to her, she wasn't the least bit stand off ish like talent usually is, especially "hot actresses". I've never been a fan of her as an actress, but she still seemed like a nice person. Machine Gun Kelly I assume is either a rapper or a MMA fighter. I hear him mentioned enough, but I never bothered to look up who he actually is.


Won't lie. I did like her in Jennifer's Body. I love campy horror.


Jennifer's Body is great except Amanda Seyfried is supposed to be the ugly nerd best friend. Amanda Seyfried.


I'm sorry, did you miss the glasses and ponytail? Textbook uggo. /s


As a performer, she has range. But she can’t reach into ugly.


What are you talking about. She had glasses and a pony tail. The girl was hideous! Hideous I tell you!


I bet their bacon and eggs taste like syphilis.


Celebrity culture


Every news headline that says Trump could be in trouble for this or he may be facing charges. Let me know when he goes to trial or they slap handcuffs on him. I feel like I’ve read May or Could 1000s of times in the past 5 years and nothing has happened. Done with reading about it. Edit: a word


Also any article that says so and so "blasts" someone else for something. OK. That literally does nothing.


Redditor SLAMS news media in their latest comments and makes a bold claim, quote "OK. That literally does nothing". However, our sources indicate that this scathing rebuke is not something that will affect any news media going forward.


Dude is Teflon. Nothing sticks to him and you also hear about how it could give you cancer...


I think of it like the Simpsons episode when Mr Burns had so many diseases they all cancelled each other out. If everything is a scandal nothing is


Ye Olde "three stooges syndrome"


If I told you, that would mean I gave a fuck.


My exact thoughts while reading this thread lol


Last time I saw this post so many people would list things that they said they absolutely hated. I felt I needed to inform them that not giving a fuck is basically another way of saying apathetic, so anything they hate should be disqualified.


Instagram influencers. Just stop. If you weren’t hot, nobody would give a damn.


Most of them are also just rich kids documenting their (typically) already “amazing” life of travel and excess consumption.


Born on third base, think they hit a triple.


Born on third base, waiting for daddy to fly them home.


The only thing they’ve influenced me on is not using Instagram.


Instagram is also trash now. Back in its inception I would see post from people I personally knew and followed. Now the first post I’ll see is from someone I know, but after that it’s nothing but brands, media outlets, and just stupid bullshit. I basically never see my friends or people I know posts unless I search for their profile. The app is fucking trash now and has completely moved away from its intended purpose. I don’t use it anymore and should probably just delete it at this point.


I’ve more or less been influenced by disasters relating to botched lip fillers and Turkey Teeth.


Legit had a couple of young women claiming to be "nano influencers" walk into our bar and ask for free wine to post. They each had less than 600 followers.


I dislike influencer culture as much as any guy, but in their defense they did refer to themselves as “nano” influencers hahaha. Should have given them a “nano” tasting of wine. “This is a sip of our house cab”


Should keep a bunch of thimbles at hand just in case they visit again.


For-profit charities.


Nfts’ and the metaverse and so on


not even people working at fb give a crap about the metaverse


I work in the pharmaceutical industry with a special niche of using VR for conducting medical studies. When the "Metaverse" was announced, Facebook set up a meeting with me to see what kind of applications I could envisage for it within the pharma industry. It quickly became apparent that they themselves had no idea what it was and had absolutely no clear brief. It was a very awkward conversation.


I've got a mate that works very high up at FB. I asked him recently about the meta verse while asking if I should wait for a new version or get the Quest 2, and he said the metaverse is essentially just vaporware at FB. They have no plans, no vision, just.........make stuff in VR and sell people a dream.


I can't wait for the metaverse to inevitably fail and take Facebook down with it. Mark Zuckerberg is pumping billions into this nonsense and pinning Facebooks future on it.






Look into second life. It's basically the same concept


VRchat. But much shittier.


Separating whites from colors. Ive been mixing all my laundry together for years and nothing bad has happened




Yer got me too. I thought they made that illegal in 1965.


and cold water. works fine.


Only time I use hot is on bed sheets (because they soak up all the sweaty boy blech that leeches out of my poor husband who's a furnace when he sleeps) and the occasional load of bath/ kitchen towels if the kiddo or husband put a wet one into the bottom of the hamper instead of hanging it to dry (gotta use hot water to get rid of the mildew smell).


Terrifying way to say sweat


Use vinegar. Gets rid of the mildew smell


I little dash of oxyclean in with the soap




He's up there partying like it's 19.95


I heard someone once say that modern dyes/detergents no longer have this issue and that it's outdated advise. I do remember growing up once washing a red shirt with my clothes and everything came out slightly pink, but nothing like that has happened to me in a long time, so I guess there's some truth to it. Edit: To summarize some of the comments I'm getting a lot of, you should still consider washing separately NEW clothes (e.g. jeans) that are colorful to avoid potential color bleed to your other clothes And if you have things that are white and continuously wash them with other colors it will gradually become a bit off-color


It still happens both with red polyester blends and cotton clothes. I washed an FC Barcelona shirt with some white compression shorts and they went pink. 30C wash, synthetics cycle, under weight limit, non-bio detergent, washing taken out within 5 minutes of ending. I now do about 6 loads every two weeks :/


I just do red/dark/pale.


I just don't buy white clothes.




Pro Goth Tips


same. once i did turn a grey sweatshirt purple by washing it with my sheets, but it looked cool enough I didn’t care. so yeah. nothing bad


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle


Who wore what to the met gala. That is so many layers deep into things I don’t give a shit about I don’t know where to begin.


I remember someone saying that Met Gala is just Halloween for rich people


I still don't even understand what the Met Gala IS.


Met gala is a charity event for the museum it’s hosted at.


It’s a fundraising Gala for the Metropolitan Museum’s annual fashion exhibition. Each year has a theme based on the theme of the exhibition that the celebrity guests are supposed to try and adhere to with mixed results.


Fun fact: the MET gala used to be open invitation and you just needed to purchase a ticket. Tickets were only a few hundred bucks too, so not too bad! It was all in the name of charity (to fund the museum) and the tickets were even tax deductible It wasn’t until a new hire for PR decided to make it invite-only and exclude the common folk as well as charge thousands of dollars per ticket (as in you must be invited to even have a chance to purchase) in order to get more people interested. Now regular people want to go but it’s so exclusive they never will. I worked at The MET and actually spoke to a few employees who’ve been there since pre-celebrity gala.




Other people's kids


I'm telling you, that baby could be the star of a show called 'Babies I Don't Care About'


But it's Peepee




Also! Not all newborns are cute! lmao


TiKtok and Instagram “culture”




My mom texts me links MULTIPLE times a DAY, most of which are impossible to be true, and I tell her every single time…”ok”. I love her so much, and when I was younger she and my dad literally had the opposite views than she does now and raised me accordingly (I am 35 now). Once right-wing bat-shit Fox News politics come up, I let her talk and then I just go “mhmm” and “ok”, with the uncanny ability to not listen to one word, I just hear the inflection and respond accordingly. Then when she’s done I immediately change the subject. I got a pretty good cadence going.




It really hurts more than you'd think it would. I still haven't quite recovered from my sister spewing vitriol about how they "lied to us about Anne Frank" and how she "had a whole suite to live in" and other horrible things. Why is there so much hate involved? Why do they take it out on their own families? It's shocking and heartbreaking.


Ugh. My mom. She's not all the way in that rabbit hole, but it's far enough that I instantly blank out when she starts talking politics. No, Mom, the latest person you don't like isn't the Antichrist.


> No, Mom, the latest person you don't like isn't the Antichrist. It's such a sad statement on the state of our national discourse that this absurd assertion counts as "talking politics."


The Kardiashians


The royal family (any)


anything to do with sororities or fraternities. whenever i hear the rich college kids talking about it, man. it's the ONLY thing I've heard that makes me feel like im actually losing braincells.


Anything Kardashian


I can list literally everything I know about that name. - Someone has a big arse - Someone had a sex change and crashed a car - There's a TV show with that name in the title - The lawyer that Ross played in the OJ show had that name I think that's it. That's way more than I wish I knew, and I will never, ever want to add to that list so I am disabling replies just in case.


"Reality" TV. The entire genre was invented to screw over striking screenwriters.


I absolutely loathe reality TV. 90% of it is such trash.


People and their fake outrage about books. This isn’t Footloose folks and I’d venture 100% of them haven’t read a word of them.


It's like the moral panic about Doom, because there is demons in it, you can tell they've never played it because it's about a guy kicking the shit out of demons because he hates them.


Any thing to do with NFTs or Bitcoin.


Astrology. It means nothing.


Will Smith/Chris Rock or Johhny Depp/Amber Heard


I made the mistake of clicking on one video, just one time, and now YouTube seems to have concluded that clips from the Depp/Heard trial are my hobby or something.

