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Depends on the quality. High octane gasoline without any biofuel added can easily last 20 years. Diesel on the other hand can only be stored for 6 month, maybe a year.


Depends Theres also Diesel without any biological parts that can also be stored a while without going Bad.


We can make our own diesel from fats and vegetation though. Might want to keep a hard copy of the internet available to you in your bugout shelter in case you forget.


Fuel will be the first thing, consumed, fought over and destroyed.


This is in the news today. Sri Lanka has only 1 day's supply of petrol/gas and won't get any more for a couple of weeks. Some army trucks pushed in front of a huge line up of essential workers at one petrol station, triggering angry reactions and the soldiers having to face off against the citizens.


If an economic collapse lasted more than a year or two, electric cars would be the way to go if you have solar panels .. huh. Never thought about that


You'd need a lot of solar panels to charge a car.


Also time.


Yeah and lots of sun. Cloudy, overcast days? Well, you're walkin' :-).


Bonus! Once the ozone deteriorates more, you can get a lot more power from solar panels! *I think*




Luckily I'm physically fit and can literally walk all day, I know this because I've done it very recently. Good point though.




Yea I keep thinking that to just,they're zombies they're not alive so they can't regenerate flesh back meaning in about a few weeks or more likely a few days they simply just fall to the ground sire they can still probably craw and bite but they're less of a hassle then.


Arms would wither away so they wouldn’t be able to crawl either. Maggots and flies would eat away at the bodies, that’s something they never show in the walking dead.


Come on Hollywood show us an actually accurate zombie movie, it's not rocket science


Fade in to a park, children playing happily. A kid tosses a ball to another and it rolls to the fence. He chases after it and as he picks it up he sees a man slowly walking towards the fence covered in blood, his shirt torn open. We hear the wheezy growl of a zombie right as the child screams. Cut to black and text appears. “One month later” Two young men and a girl are standing at the fence in the same park and one goes “fuck it stinks around here”. Credits.


Ok maybe not a movie but this could be a shirt film for the bonus features lmao


Sounds like a "Death Love Robots" episode


Running zombies are always kinda silly to me. How can a dead decaying corpse run at the same or faster speed than all the alive humans? I can’t imagine a corpse’s muscles would be as effective to generate that much speed.


Best explanation is mutant virus. Didnt left 4 dead and another zombie universe use that as a explanation?


L4d zombies were more like 28 days later zombies, they were rage virused


YES! This is the guy I'm looking for! Also, if you'd like to speed up the process, go somewhere warm. Very, very warm.


Babies Aren't they like surprisingly loud for their size stupid for their species


So you're saying have lots of babies to create decoys. Got it.


Big brain time


Well technically babies aren't stupid they just can't understand the gravity of the situation


Yeah they are too young to know about Isaac Newton


Stupid idiot babies


Babies cry because they remember oblivion and would rather that then the world they've been thrust into.


"kids, can you lighten up back there?"


"Easy for you to say, you're like nearly dead already. I still have a long and painful life ahead of me before I return to the warm embrace of nothingness." "... How bout some Peppa Pig?"


I thought about this while watching the Quiet Place, the main two adults have a baby in a world where aliens with super hearing have taken over.


Hawkeye Pierce would like a word with you.


https://youtu.be/rvBS0VqJPXs It’s from MASH, mother kills a crying baby to avoid bus of people getting caught /u/TERRIFYINGLY_NAIVE


Once your supermarked has been destroyed, you'll find out why 90% of people a few hundret years ago were farmers. Just producing enough food to survive the entire year is hard. Also, having no water or no clean water killed a lot of people. Infections and disease, other than zombie virus, are also a problem once the hospital and pharmacy closes down.


But wont armed forces start to kill zombies making zombiw aclopse stop their while population of the world exponentially decreases


I only have 3 months worth of contact lenses and one pair of glasses that are generally too weak every 2 years. I'd be hella blind.


Yep imagine those who need things like insulin or other medications. Absolutely fucked.


That is exactly why I’m gunning to get lasik asap. In case of a national emergency (not necessarily zombies) I do NOT want to be scrambling for contacts


I'm pretty sure I can go steal a lifetime supply of contacts from my local optometrist, but getting new glasses would be impossible. Makes you wonder if the expiration on new contacts is actually relevant and how they break down though.


The smell.




Yeah I never understood how slow zombies could just stumble up behind someone by surprise. You’d smell that dude a mile away.


Well since there would be so many zombies roaming around wouldn’t the smell be everywhere? You’d kind of get used to it I feel.


after a while you would not even smell it anymore you would be used to it and not pick it up


Nobody thinks they can be patient zero


Mosquitoes spread disease so you can’t assume you’re safe from a zombie virus unless you get away from zombies AND away from mosquitoes and other disease vectors


It is a widely proven fact that other animals stay away from the undead. They can smell it. Thus, mosquitoes will not be carrying the virus.


All women with IUD’s fitted are in for a rough time, those have to he removed or changed every 5 or 10 years.


What happens if you leave it in


Dangers of infection, uterine perforation, embedding etc.


Pretty uncommon though? Like, probably safer than not having it. (Babies are loud, birth is dangerous)


I dont think people would care about abortion when half the planet is undead.


In all movies and TV shows, no one ever seems to comprehend the obvious practicality of a bicycle.


Yes exactly it doesn't require fuel other then leg power, it's faster then walking and running, quiet so you don't grab attention and doesn't require as much maintenance as a truck or car.


And allows you not to carry much, relies purely on your stamina, you can easily fall over or get stuck on basic blockades, you can't drive "through" hoard of Zs and so on. Bikes. With engine or without. are rarely used because they are impractical and give no protection. Imagine getting a flat tire on your bike surrounded by Zs. Or riding and riding and riding till you nearly collapse and there are still Zs around.


All those things besides falling over can happen to cars too, plus they make a shit ton of noise that will attract zombies. Bikes are way more versatile in a situation where roads might have barricades built by other people or abandoned cars blocking the way. Worst case you can always carry your bike past obstacles. You can't bring your car with you inside a house either so you have to risk it getting stolen by other humans. And it will limit your available escape options if you have to bail from a shelter, unless you want to abandon your transportation.


Also a car parked outside says “we’re home”


Yeah, great way to get ambushed by other humans. Probably way more of a danger compared to dodging dumb zombies on a bike.


Plus there's the temptation to ring the bell, which might just give the whole game away. *Ting-a-ling! Ting-a-ling!* "Rawwwrrrr!"


I think there's a bit in the World War Z movie where they ride bikes. It's when the military plane lands at some airstrip at night.


in The Stand (Stephen King) A few characters use bikes and motor bikes. I Think a few use scooters.


They actually did this on _The Walking Dead_ once. It took the showrunners 10 seasons to showcase the bikes, but they're there.


Nobody ever goes north. Go where it's cold. Zombies are dead. They will freeze.


Bodies are kept refrigerated to slow down decomposition. Go into a hot region-they will decompose faster. It'll smell awful, but be much quicker.


True, but in subzero temps they'll just freeze and you can just drive a truck through them, without the smell


Zombies are moving around with coagulated blood. They are already magic. Not sure the cold will help.


Well no because even with magic blood, the blood could still freeze if the flesh already didnt. Plus youd have to think about snow depth itself and how difficult itd be to traverse it as a shuffling braindead cannibal.


Well, lol, that's my b.... 😆


world war z taught me that was not true


World War Z the book actually covered that this was true and only areas that had periodic thawing like Canada still had to deal with zombies during their warmer months. The book attributed this to Canada's success as they could send out hunting parties in the winter and take out the frozen zombies at their leisure. The book was so much better than the movie.


Knowing that cold places are cold tells me it is true.


Nazi zombies can handle it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Snow


Yeah they will freeze but so will I


Who’s going to be delivering milk in the mornings?


The milk mam obviously, he may be a zombie but there's no breaks for a milk man under any circumstances


When am I going to get my next Wheetabix fix. People just don’t take this into consideration.


Just go and live on water, steal a cruise or something and just create your hideout. Surely zombies can’t swim


There was one of the ".... Of the dead" movies where a horde simply walks along the bottom of the sea or a river or something. It had the mentalist in it


THe novel World War Z has a bit in it about a submarine hearing people thump on it on the bottom of the ocean (presumably not too deep)


Does the novel have more events and stuff than the movie? It’s on my to-read list!


The novel's divided into chapters which are autonomous stories from events around the world, so no real beginning or end (or cure) like the movie. And yes, there's some amazing stuff not included in the movie.


Woah thanks! Definitely gonna be my next book to read!


That people are more dangerous that the zombies.


People never think about how to get access to clean water. You can go without food for a good amount of time, but a fee days of no water will kill you.


1 water heater per person month. No bathing. Poop in the bathtub.


Someone probably already said this but using/having weapons People think that finding a gun Is Easy (which depends on the country you live in)and even if you find One you have to learn how to use them properly, how they work,to control recoil and maintain them, you have to find ammo, they are very noisy and also you have to maintain them because if they have problems and you dont know how to fix them you are screwed. Melee weapons may be easier to use but you Need the strenght to use them and probably the weapon would Stick in the body, also you have to get close to the zombies and again large groups Is really dangerous. Another thing Is being anke to kill a zombie, much people wouldnt do It Because they look similar to humans and if they do It they could be traumatized. Another thing i won't talk much about Is Electricity and gas, without them you wont have light and heating so surviving Winter would be hard


Once human zombie exists, it can never be 100% cleanse / eradicated. Something somewhere on Earth will be infected still, just waiting for opportunity to spread it all over again, thus cycles of ages where either earth is dominated by zombie or dominated by humans? This could probably make a film/series


How fast the undead would decay, also. Go somewhere hot, they won't last long against the swarm of insects munching on them, and the heat itself.


even if you survive through it, would you even want to continue living


That people who take medication daily are not going to be able to have it anymore after a while. If you have to take a medication to survive, you aren't surviving.


I've considered this for myself and anyone who takes medication just for mental health (ex SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs, etc). It's hard to get those meds on a regular day and I need them to function normally, during an end-of-the-world scenario? There's no way I'm finding those, and I don't think I'd have the greatest desire to keep surviving without them.


Runaway nuclear reactors. No one to work at the facility eventually components break down leading to a meltdown


This was my first thought. There is going to be a majority of the states would be uninhabitable after a just a year or so, if not sooner.


killing unarmed soft human is what our military always been specialized about. Zombie outbreak is physical impossibility.


We (military) are taught to shoot center mass, ie torso. Headshots in combat are Hollywood or dumb luck. While heavy weapons/explosives would probably be effective, most weapons smaller than the M2 .50 would not cause enough damage.


Artillery, infantry fighting vehicle, what zombie going to do with people in reinforced vehicle? Claw them? This is non shooting adversary. No need cover. Anything you can reinforced and hold you can hold indefinitely. Hell i reckon any organized medieval army can survive an outbreak. Human are dangerous because of their mind not body. How does roman legion survive against barbaric horde 3 times their number. This is modern army we talking about if we have to change tactics we not going to change it after few billion casualty. That pure fiction, we have brain to think of solution


That’s why I said heavy weapons (ie like the 25mm on the Bradley IFV) or explosives (like artillery) would be the weapons to deal with them


Why bring out centre mass shooting when we have plenty of weapon that can blend the fuck out zombie threat in a month?


Because that’s how a majority of the military is equipped, with small arms (rifles and light machine guns M249/M240). There are relatively few heavy units between active and guard with the type of firepower that would be effective. Most people when saying the military would have no issues with zombies forget we’re not equipped or trained to fight such a foe


How am I gonna clip my toe nails?


Not really surprised you asked this considering the name


Got a problem, pal?


Well I do have to ask something what's your preferred drink to get drunk lmao


Long Island Ice Tea


You’d have to kill your own children


>You’d have to kill your own children eventually. You forgot the word eventually. You make it sound like you see Zombies appear on the news and your first intention is to kill your kids..


Do you really think you could get your kids to survive longer than a month in a zombie apocalypse???


We eat a ton of processed food... hunting and gardening is physically demanding, especially when your survival depends on it. Tinned food may last a long time but there are a lot of things that wont last more than a few months sitting on the shelf, and even then there will be people out there grabbing every single thing they can so chances of finding a store with stocked shelves will be very slim. A LOT of people will starve because they wont be able to suddenly become the hunter / gatherer they'll need to be.


They'll start eating other people.


First of all, stopping a zombie apocalypse probably wouldn't be that hard If there was a possibility of creating a vaccine. Second of all, if it ever did get really bad, and you were one of the last people left on Earth, why would you try to survive? living on canned goods, scared for life with no one to keep you company? No thank you, I'll become a zombie.


Honestly I wouldn't try becoming a zombie cause what if your still conscious but the virus just simply took over all motor functions so you'll probably be in pain from getting shot at by other people etc. Just better of maybe shooting yourself in a zombie apocalypse situation


There's a reason they say the lucky ones die first.


Um. We literally just got out of a pandemic where millions died across the whole world. A vaccine took a year. None of the deceased turned aggressively cannibalistic upon dying. If they had, we would all be dead.


give me 5 minutes, just gotta whip up a batch of vaccine real quick. I'll be with you in a sec. Even if that were remotely true we've seen it's pretty hard to convince the general population to take a potentially life saving vaccine so good luck with that one


i think ppl didnt hear of reinforced military vehicles and tanks. The only dead d be the zombies. There is absolutely no way for zombies with no tools to break a tank. Tanks literally go through buildings , no ammount of zombies in a horde could deal with only one tank. ( remember history when some knights went attacking the 1st tanks with swords lmao ) And if u think abt " the ppl inside would turn zombie " , not of they have gear for that , no. all sorts of air filters and stuff. Idk what s with ppl thinking abt zombies as such bad as depicted by movies. Forgetting the modern tech and military grade stuff. bring one chopper put it to shoot down rockets. There s absolutely no such thing as " we d all be dead from zombies ".


Neat. Glad the people with military grade vehicles will be safe.


*looks over at my wife with a shit eating grin* "and you said this was a stupid investment" *taps tank*


still people nonetheless. If u think abt what happened in china , they locked in the ppl in their homes... imagine what d be done in a zombie case. Will the army fk up entire cities with tons of survivors in them ? yep they will. But outbreaks? not rlly possible. They d basically wipe out entire zones of infections at expensive of ppls lives just to save the rest.


What about fule? You will run out sooner or later.


this " sooner or later " applies in a post apocalyptic world where everything went to shit already. Which i'm saying it cant be the case as a " dezombification " process via heavy machines and rockets would take very little time , a month or two to clear them all out. But in other order of ideas , well the petrol extractions that happen in the open seas or oceans.. how would a virus get there to infect ? is literally far far away from shore, so basically the fuel would still be produced => so will electricity.I'm pretty sure there's electric military vehicles already out there even if we're not being told. Throughout history , most " special " materials and technology were and are developed by the military and bit by bit they become common enough after like 10 yrs of their existence to be used in civil usages ( example: aerogel ) So there are definitely efficient enough tech in some militaries I mean think abt it , airforce has so many high end stuff , there's radars , heat signature radars , 3d scanning , etc. Every single zombie can be tracked down by a few planes flying over huge areas and mapping out the zone , not t talk abt satellites. How long could it possibly take to " get rid of all the signatures " when you're clear to engage with all the weapons at your disposal. There are fuel reserves that could probably last a few years even without any more " fuel making ". But i told u some argument upper why i think the fuel can still be going.


>they have gear for that I know it isn't what you meant, but I like the idea that the tank crew have specific anti-zombie gear to hand, just in case.


they d surely make some xD


They'd waste half that time while WHO came up with an inoffensive name for it. "We don't want to offend the walking dead. They're people too."


True, but on the other hand, a zombie virus is very similar to rabies, and that isn't really a problem worldwide.


Rabies affects humans differently than animals, though. Humans become aggressive but have enough awareness and intellect to know that you don't just go biting someone. A hypothetical zombie virus would have funeral homes and hospitals infected at an alarming rate if even one person gets loose and starts biting folks. Furthermore, rabies is a disease that you don't know you have until it's too late. So imagine a mystery illness/death at a hospital. Doctors wouldn't know how to handle it and wouldn't know to contain the threat ahead of time.


Chocolate or funfetti


People don't take into account the fact that it can really start!


That it is likely they are going to die screaming just like the idiots in the movie did.


Medicine, shit good side ways and I'm raiding the local pharmacies for antibiotics and stuff like that. I have a feeling most people will go for the Ambiens and Oxys but forget the life saving stuff


Get as much hard alcohol as you can. Not for drinking but for cleaning wounds and also Molotovs


The smell


Allot of shit going to be blowing up, as well as land going to get flooded, power plants, damns, any factory, without humans overseeing them allot of these turn into ticking time bombs.


Lack of antibiotics or fresh water. If say dysentery would be a major problem.


The term ‘Zombie’, where it originated from, and that no amount of dehumanizing to those you deem undeserving of life will ever fill the void that ensues upon you taking a life.


Any form of fully automatic weapon is a bad idea. Why? You'll be burning through ammo a fuck ton faster, you'll be wasting bullets by missing more due to recoil. And the longer report would only make it easier for you to be located. Also. High caliber weapons are a bad choice as well. Sure they do over the top damage but with the bigger bullets, you'll carry less as you wont be able to carry as much with you. AKA space management. The bigger the object the less of it you'll be able to carry. Hence why so many of us rednecks love our ARs. Low recoil. Small caliber. Semi automatic. Can carry hundreds of rounds on us instead of only 30-40 if it were say a 300 win mag or 30-06. Also its sorta pointless to shoot at long ranges. As the more threatening targets will be within 100 yards. I doubt that zombie standing 600 yards away on the other side of town is more of a threat then the one hiding in the closet of the house you are currently inside of. Also. Small side note. Grocery stores will be nearly inaccessible after the first month. All the untouched perishable food that wasn't scavenged will start to rot and decay. Being a breeding ground for flies and bugs. The smell would be horrible and the moment you walk in, you'd be hit with a swarm of flies that has been contained inside the building until you decide to prop the door open cuz of rule #8 of zombieland survival. Side side note. Agriculture regions will reign king. Countless seeds. Almost an endless supply of veggies and fruits that are often times returning annual crop and can grow. Itself. Domestic Livestock that very well may be to fast for a zombie (try catching a chicken) or simply trample it.


The fact that all nuclear facilities will eventually fail and then we’re all screwed regardless.


The real threat is actually other humans.




Wiping your ass


The rate of decomposition for a human body exposed to the elements is… rapid. So all the “ten years later” zombie movies are hilariously unrealistic. After the first week in an “infected zone” you would mostly be dealing with squirming soup.


That its completely fake and will never happen


If the Walking Dead (and others) is to be believed, someone will have to be assigned the most dangerous task of mowing lawns during said apocalypse.


Where they live… and the demographics, population etc. You see, I live in Appalachia… so ive concluded that my region is the absolute best for a zombie apocalypse (despite what The Walking Dead has lead us to believe). since it’s got a small population of mostly elderly and retired or disabled people, it would make for the lamest and most survivable zombie outbreak EVER. even a 28 Days Later style pathogen couldn’t save the drama, it’d be anticlimactic picking through Walmart zombies on motorized shopping carts. The youngest of us have Mountain Dew or meth mouth so the “able-bodied” zombies we would get wouldn’t have nary a tooth in their head. But if it were a green flu kind of outbreak we’d be screwed. the obese people in the area would become special infected haha


once it runs out, lack of toothpaste/dental hygiene would mean your teeth would rot/need to be extracted as well as cause other health issues.


Oddly specific fun fact but I watched a documentary of how the very poor communities in Africa use the soft reeds from local plants to scrub their teeth clean, and because they don't eat processed foods or drinks like we do their teeth are in great condition! I would be concerned for people stuck with braces tho lol.


Glasses and contacts will eventually run out, and it’ll be hard for anyone with poor vision to survive from that point on. And on top of that it would be incredibly hard to come across a new pair even early into the apocalypse if something happen to yours, sure you could go to an optometry office but it’s gonna be super dangerous getting there, and then there’s no guarantee it’s not already been raided/destroyed, plus you’d have to remember exactly what your prescription was on the chance they had that exact one.


That disease can transfer via bugs, animals, and water if you lived near a mosquito population your done


That it's just a movie, it ain't gonna happen any time soon.


The military is going to know a LOT more than we do, and a lot more than thier going to tell us too. The military actually has a protocall for a zombie apocalypse (forgot the name and contents) but they take a apocalypse as a serious issue/ risk.


Oh man you guys need to read/Listen to Max Brooks World War Z (the old version) man its amazing how much thought went into that book wrt. all facets of humanity and how it impacted all parts of society. I wish Audible will get the old version :(


Even vegans will discuss with the zombies why fresh meat is bad


That we have militaries, almost every zombie movie apparently have no military at all


If there was a zombie apocalypse, all takeaway food supermarket food would be gone pretty fast.for those living in cities(majority of us) there isnt exactly any other place to get food so we're kinda doomed.


That the overwhelming odds are that you will die.


Why do zombies need to eat if they’re dead?


That they'll most likely be zombies 🧟‍♂️


Laxatives and anti diarrhea medication. During times of great stress, most people would either get constipated, or get diarrhea. This would be problematic, hence, hoard the pills and have regular bowel movements 🤔


Laxatives and anti diarrhea medication. During times of great stress, most people would either get constipated, or get diarrhea. Seeing as a zombie apocalypse is highly stressful, this would be pretty apt. Hence... hoard the pills and have regular bowel movements 🤔


Birth control.


It will be over in a week We got military


Guns, ammo and tins of beans only get your so far. Make friends with you local doctor. Make friends with your local seamster, leatherworker, cosplayer. Make friends with those witchy goths with the blooming vegetable gardens. make friends with the geeky guy who does electronics. Make friends with the local animal vet, make friends with the local woodworker, bricky, labourers and tradesmen. Make friends with your local hunters and fishermen. They all have skillsets that are infinitely more valuable than being able to shoot, and they will help you not only survive, but thrive. If all you've got going for you is guns, ammo, and beans, that makes you a level 1 bandit who drops common loot.


Gasoline goes bad, food and water shortages, and eventually running out of ammunition


Tetanus and rabies have no cure. Sepsis requires antibiotics to treat but also no cure. Diabetics are fucked because insulin has a shelf life too.


Zombies are brain dead and can’t think or move


The smell


Whenever this topic is discussed I truthfully state that I don’t want to survive it. Seems like a lot of work. I don’t know that ppl know this is an option too 🤣


That if a real zombie appocolyps would occur, it would be over in a few days or weaks because of the boddies decomposing and maggots eating the flesh


People are gonna be eating each other to survive, and I don't mean the zombies. Also really bad people will be out in the world unchecked so you wouldn't be able to trust anyone.


Quit using AR's and Automatic rifles, They consume to much ammo and it costs less to use a shotgun.