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Rude to service staff.


How thoughtful of you


Used to be one myself.


You used to be a girl?


The whole "bad bitch" thing. If anyone talks about that in a serious manner I just assume they are a train wreck of a human being.


Honorable mention-boss bitch.


See I hate the attitude but I love the look. My friend often wears dark eye makeup, heavy on the liner, hoop earrings, ripped jeans, leather, etc. and has a cool "bad bitch" aesthetic but she's probably the sweetest, nicest person I know.


Fair enough


Her husband.


Lack of personal hygiene, being rude to others, smoking cigarettes, posting a new selfie on social media every day, being high or drunk more than you are sober. Using the if you can’t handle me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best quote.


Hahahaha you got me with the last


There's usually a reason if they're more often drunk/high than sober. Some of them do it for attention but a lot of people don't gaf if you're attracted to it it's an addiction.


When they only seem interested in money or being taken care of. I want a partner, a teammate, and a friend. I’ve gone out with women who, when introducing me to people in their lives tell them “This is my BF he makes bank!” (I don’t, just more than people my age at the time.) it did take me awhile to phase those people out of my life though.


Lol, do women actually introduce you like that? I’m not rich. But I was lower six figures in my mid-late 20s when I met my girlfriend and lower mid-mid six figures in my late 20’s and early 30’s and never had my girlfriend introduce me like that. I doubt her family even knows how much I make exactly.


Unfortunately yes… I made a lot of bad choices for who I would date when I was younger. I had a few others who tried to use me as their personal bank too. Learned a lot of lessons during those times. This was all in my early 20’s, I was making close to six figures, I was immature, didn’t know what I wanted or who I really was yet, and they were hot lol.


Being superficial / having nothing more to offer or contribute than being attractive and thinking it’s enough. I guess the same could be said for both sexes




Smoking, just absolutely kills any attraction for me.


On this, I would have to agree.


You mean fish lips


Related: coloring outside the lines on your lips. You can't just draw lips where you want them to be. The texture of normal skin vs. the texture of lips is completely different. Why do women suddenly think this is okay?


I'm a lady and like, for the longest time, I've wondered if it's just my lip shape but like I tried to put lipstick like over my cupids bow because it seems to be trendy but every single time I've tried, it just looks like I smeared it and was too lazy to fix it. Or like I let a little kid put lipstick on me. But you saying that really validated how I feel about doing it to myself. I feel silly.


Even if I’m a girl, I must say I don’t get why they’re doing that lol


Of someone here finds this attractive, please tell. So far haven't found anyone who would find them attractive


Idk if I can say this yet. I have never made out with someone that has lip filler and I'm kinda curious how it feels.


Cold shoulder energy. If I’m made to feel expendable


Not being able to think fir themselves. Going with the crowd.






Not breathing. Under Age. Not single. Not interested in me. Not living near me. Yup, that's about it.... in order of importance.


Conveniently left out not related I see. That cousin crush is still possible


I consider that under the fourth category in my comment. I hadn't thought of that possibility.


not breathing? somebody's got some high standards


You are the key demographic for “hot single milfs close to you” ad is targeting


Obsession with social media, taking a picture of everything they eat and do. You'll hear "take my picture" enough to make you puke.


I grew up with picture-taking parents and this was just how life was as we travelled the world in the 90s.


Being confident isn’t bad but being a cocky turd who flexes their sugar daddy and “oohhh I’m so hot and rich” is an instant turn off.




Those ridiculous cartoon looking eyebrows. Especially the ones that look like they are painted on.


Poor hygiene


That long gel nails. Creeps me out


Yes and how do you even function with these things. They seem to easily be in the way of sample task.


I can assure you those nails are harboring the next plague too. Nasty germ collectors.




Reading these comments confirmed my dating preference is women


If she doesn’t put the bugles on her fingers like crazy finger nails to eat them. Like what kind of goddamn princess are you? Eating food out of the bag and not having fun???? Preposterous!!


Honestly, for either gender I'd say just people who are clearly acting up a personality instead of being themselves.






Thinking that smoking weed is a personality trait


I know someone like that, most annoying chaotic person EVER And every time you bring it up she’s like “I’m not addicted”


Girls that don't brush their teeth regularly or at all.


Being dumb. Followed closely by having zero ambition or ability to take care of one’s self. Don’t date no dumb broke girls.


Went here to look at what guys could say, *I'm taking notes*


Tbh just be yourself, there's a dude for everyone lol I've been with my husband for 14 years (since age 17) and we're very happy, I know what I'm talking about haha


If you do not value music. That’s something that’s specific to me because music is my all time favorite thing ever so when someone doesn’t care about it at all I immediately lose interest.


Does it count if she loves music but her favorite music is like songs from Disney channel in the 2000s and country music?


As a girl who is also into girls: Zodiac girls. I can't stand people who judge someone based on something they can't control. (Race, age, gender, sexual orientation, and *the day they were born* ) It's just bigotry. Plain and simple. Bigotry that has somehow become mainstream among typically left aligned people who claim to love everyone. I can't fathom how these girls think its cute or funny to hate someone just for being a certain sign (I see a lot of shit about Scorpios/Gemeni in particular) Its gross to hate people for things out of their control. Only judge them by their actions, not because they were born in a certain month ffs. My boyfriend is a Scorpio and he is the sweetest and most compassionate guy I've ever met. I've been with the dude for 11 years so fuck all the girls who literally try their best to convince me he's secretly a piece of shit because he's a scorpio. Absolutely pathetic, bigot behavior.


Yupppp, went on a date with a coworker once whose first question was asking me what my birth date and time was, then spent the rest of the date trying to tell me about myself. Never spoke to her again lmao


Talking behind your back


When she has a laundry checklist of what she wants in men, then when asked what she brings to the relationship, she declares herself the prize. Bitch, you're not even a participation trophy.


If she has a loud, annoying, or obnoxious voice with matching behavior.


Terrible ! Even for me, who’s a girl!


Snapchat filters. Immediate left swipe.


Fake breasts


other dudes




To much perfume.


As a woman I agree. I do however love it when someone walks by and you get a whiff of their perfume 😌 it’s amazing. Also I get used to the smell on me so I think the perfume or body spray just sucks and I put more 🙃 I need to stop doing that. Thankfully though I don’t do it often 😩


When they never get off of their phone especially during quality time. Some use ok, that's what it's for but if a girl invites me over and immediately goes on her phone and acts as if I'm not there. Sucks, a lot.


Phone addiction


Eh depends






Worrying about the amount of likes a post gets.


Sense of entitlement.


The games they play. Some of them will text you saying go away, and are surprised when you leave then alone. Guys, if a lady gets mad at you for listening to her, leave before the situation becomes too sad.


When they are disrespectful to people who are struggling but trying, dude was probably a doctor in his home country you know


When they expect the guy to pay/do everything for them no questions asked


Im a pansexual woman so I can say something here. To much fake tan or begging for attention 24/7


*Me, a girl reading these just to do them all tomorrow to make guys stop staring at me.*


Ok, here’s the list: - Be rude to everyone especially service workers - Get your lips filled - Have large amounts of bacteria on your nails - Don’t brush your teeth - Flex your sugar daddy - Do what everyone else is doing - Take pictures of everything - Be a bad bitch - Covet money over everything else - Never shower - Get a boob job - Use filters - Never look up from your phone - Wear a lot of makeup - Get a cow nose ring - Don’t shave - Have a penis - Get a fake tan - Talk a lot - Be a SJW - Play with your hair often - Talk behind peoples backs - Wear a lot of perfume - Be picky about what you eat - Have an accent TBC…


this just looks expensive


You forgot smoking


>Have a penis 😂




I have the "cow nose ring" for so many years hahaha. "Moo" dare I say to my husband!




When they are not mature enough to have faced past trauma in their life. So they bring this trauma in to new relationships and then it becomes the responsibility of the SO to deal with it. It’s okay to have trauma, there’s nothing wrong with it, but it shouldn’t negatively impact someone else that doesn’t deserve the result of it.


You don't want someone with 'baggage' they haven't worked out, you mean?


It’s not a matter of ‘maturity’ tho it just takes a lot longer with some people


What do you want to eat? Idk. Nope! I don't want that!


But what if they really don’t know 😳


Noticeably big ego or *over*confidence. Notice “over” lol. Confidence is fine and good.


Arrogance. I don't mean a girl being confident or knowing she's good at something. I mean a girl thinking she's the cat's meow and thinking she's better than everyone around her, especially if she can't back it up with actions. Same thing goes for guys. You can be confident in yourself without acting like you're better or more important than everyone else.


Having issues with men as a whole. Yikes. How any man would find a woman who had issues with them by default appealing is beyond me. Maybe men with no self respect I'd like a nice loving relationship. Not start a relationship with a woman who has already decided I'm bad without even knowing me as a person Some girl on tinder once liked me and her bio said "I think men are assholes. Be the one to prove me wrong"... how bout no. Instant turn off. Swiped left because I ain't got to prove anything to her Or ones who make MEN BAD comments everywhere. Just toxic people being toxic.


Being a mf-ing gold digger.


Playing hard to get isn't as much of a turn on as they seem to think it is


"I'm brutally honest" No, you're just an asshole.


When I ask you a question and you give a five word or less response, and/or don’t ask any back. Like, I’m legitimately interested in your life. Gimmie something to work with.


A penis


When they are too superficial, or sexist toward men.


Some people don’t realize that if you fight sexism with sexism, you aren’t any better than they are.


The amount of “Men 🤮🤮🤮🤮” on popular social media sites is astronomical.


Happy cake day


Oh! Didn’t even realize lol, thanks!!


Once I hooked up with someone and she called me daddy while we were in bed, to the point where I couldn't carry on


Some dudes love that


I know but it doesn't do it for me, who wants to be in bed with their dad


In defense maybe some chicks never had a dad like me so theres no familial connection to the word lol But totally ok for you to be like nope I'm not your Daddy Im going home lol


I've never had a dad neither, still weirds me out lol




A woman I was on a dinner date with years ago got a server's attention by snapping her fingers at him. It was separate bills and a hefty tip for that young man from that moment on.


Caked in makeup.


Obesity and bad teeth


I mean if they're a jerk I'm going to not like them if they are a guy or a girl.


Views you as a project to be improved. Like the despair.com poster says: If you can’t handle me at my worst, you deserve to know that’s also my best,


Lack of identity.


when all they do is talk shit about people, or are constantly causing drama


Claiming independence when they are completely dependent


Insecurity. You’re the best person ever but then I see you constantly putting yourself down? That’s a no from me. Also, don’t be crazy.


They're a Liechtensteiner


When they're constantly on their phone


Zodiac Signs


Too much makeup. I have never been into that look.


Vanity, avarice, and lack of self care


A husband


Doesn't like me.


Makes sense


Those plastic breast and butts, it looks like you need chemo not natural.


Piercing, fake nails, fake tits, fake anything, excessive tats


Septum ring and or stupid tattoos on hands and arms like “breath”


Tattoos of nonsensical Asian phrases


Acting like everything is about them. Also having a bad attitude and gold diggers.


Smoking and the bull nose rings.


Girls who act well, girly. I'm a sucka for tomboyish girls


A pick me attitude is enough to make me nope the fuck out


Absolutely obsessed with zodiac sighs


Girls that “don’t want to be mean.” He sends you unsolicited dick pics and asks you for nudes when he knows you’re dating someone else but you refuse to block him because you don’t want to be mean. That and an addiction to social media/online validation


* Littering * Smoking cigarettes * racism


Not a dude, but still attracted to women: Not brushing their teeth. Disgusting.




Lying about small stuff. Why???


an arrogant, superior attitude. Acting like she's doing me a favor talking to me.


I get that it's kinda superficial but leg hair is just *not* it for me. Don't care at all about hair on the arms.


Selfie w duck lips


Loud, ugly personality, there's ugly pretty and then there just an ugly personality regardless of looks. Same with guys actually if you're loud, opinionated reek of dumb arrogance your ugly regardless of what's between your legs.


That they don’t have a penis.


When she asks for my zodiac sign


Nose rings


When they smoke. I'm not saying they shouldn't smoke, but it's just irritating when they do it in front of you even tho they know you don't smoke


When they try to one up you any chance they get.


Astrology, crystals, arrogance, smoking


Vaping or smoking anything in general


Meanness/ Pettiness/ Bitchiness. I have been on dates with women who thought it was funny/cool/ edgy to say awful things about people. Super gross to me.


Cow nose ring.


How they treat their pet is how they will treat you


Not true. I treat my dog way better than my husband


I heard somewhere, carrying cliche luxury products should be a red flag.


recording everything


Maybe they want to make memories


Trying to be somebody she is not It hurts to witness that


Girls as well as guys sometimes feel as an “outsider” and insecure, the only way to feel better is to try to be a part of something you’re not, it hurts to see it but for some that’s the only way.


Sucks dating in San Diego where so many people talk about homeless people like roaches. I've been homeless and during that time I was treated like dirt, where people "keeping their neighbourhood safe" felt justified to assault me, rob me, piss on me in my sleep, throw rocks at me, and offer me food with dogshit, glass, or garbage in it. I know what those attitudes lead to.


MAGA Hat, I orginally posted this on what turn you on? But thought it said turn off, Just for the record if she a Trump lover then hell no






Not so much a turn off, but if on one of the first couple of dates, they are willing to demolish a taco and not worry about getting messy. They are a keeper.


Her penis is bigger than mine.


If they are stupid and selfish. And narcisstic


Plastic surgery faces, designer hand bags, expensive shoes, that shitty bitch voice some karens have


If they vape/smoke


-Complains about cold but always come terribly unprepared. Asked for an jacket. Well duh!!! No shit, we are freaking in middle of winter! -always declines food if "not hungry" but immediately grabs some of your food and eat them anyway. -always obsess over super expensive clothes that probably wouldnt seen the light of day again, long ass fake nails, and want more jewelry than humanly possible ever had. -takes ages to do the makeup "just right" and get the outfits ABSOLUTELY perfect or "my night will be ruined if i dont do this right!" I could go on...




Constant negativity and complaining. Or if she is constantly arguing or fighting with somebody.


Bad breath.




When they gossip about other people or cant get over someone. Vaping, smoking, drugs, cant take care of themselves. Cakes their face with makeup. Has ridiculous standards for people


Having an immature argument Its ok to have arguments but don't use cheap tactics to convey or manipulate one into accepting your argument


Those long dick grabber nails, disgusting.


Vape'ing. Rude to customer service rolls.


playing stupid


selfish women.


Uptight voice. The one that makes them sound like theyre better than everyone.


A mouth. Eyes. Anything they can use to turn me off lol.


Lack of effort in conversation. Overuse of “like” is also up there. I also have a hard time with girls who try to make annoying cliches part of their lives.


A turn on is when they have a drive to become some version that’s better than them self, turn off would be lack of ambition and complacency. Actually is a huge turn off if she makes excuses before trying, or after trying once, try like 10 times and you’ll get it, not everything’s easy at first, people expect too quick of results with no struggle


Shit tons of tattoos, super obvious fake eyelashes that look like tarantulas and spider hands (really long veins and fingers). Not a big fan of drug addicts/alcoholics or smokers, but I can deal with the latter much better than the former!




Lack of patience


Acting “street”




Being snoopy


those long ass nails, fucking gross, cant stand them "iTs NoT fOr You Its FoR Me !" dont care, 9 out of 10 times girls with that shit on their hands are usually a trainwreck and "badass bitch"