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2 weeks can turn into 2 years real quick lol


I refuse to believe it’s 2022


Today is March 857 2020


Something tells me you did the math and I'm here for it


They did. If you look up days since March 31 2020, it's been 827 days. When they wrote the comment it had been day 857 of march


Same. I refuse to believe I will legally be an adult next year.


I turned a legal adult almost 10 years ago and I can only stress this enough - FUCKING ENJOY IT and SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!


Dually noted.


*duly Unless you are noting it twice simultaneously.


I’m already 18. Time flies.


Me too^* (* - plus 47 😊)


I'm still stuck on covid time. Like, I can't even convince myself 2021 happened.


2020 was so intense that 2021 was hard to even keep track of. We all just sort of tuned out


It didn't, we just sort of skipped right over that to 2022.


Yes, this. I feel like I blinked in March 2020 and when my eyes opened it was 2022.


It really feels like we all got Thanos snapped


I really, really like hanging out by myself.


I've discovered that I, too, enjoy being very alone for most of the time {WFH video calls are just enough interaction thankyouverymuch}




I consider myself extroverted but I hate staying out late. Evenings are my own personal time.


Totally opposite for me. I used to love my alone time, likely because I never got it. After 2 years alone with just myself and a cat I was going crazy. Now I've found a happy medium where I get 2-3 hours a day alone and the rest is full of friends / colleagues, and it is working out well. Some days I don't get alone time and a few extra hours on my own the next day makes up for it.


I already knew this about myself and I am so thankful that its more normalised now.


Boy I envy you introverts.


This x1000. I like *some* alone time but the pandemic taught me I need people. Plural. Take that away and it can/will affect my mental health.


yes exactly


That was my life before, so nothing much changed for me


I already knew that. I just didn't have as much opportunity.


The trajectory of your entire life can change in an instant


This. I was a dedicated museum worker just finishing my degree in museology. The pandemic made that all museums had to be temporarily closed, and then closed for even longer and I had to get a new job. Now I work for a tech startup and I LOVE it and even got a permanent position. Never thought I would become an office rat, but my team and company and the salary are just awesome. If you told me that before the pandemic I would have just laughed in disbelief.


Congratulations! Maybe we need some critical push from life to find ourselves where we should be! I'm very happy for you!




I 100% lost some people I thought were *really* close friends during lock down, they just never put the effort in and I finally saw that.


Life just sucks sometimes, that’s the way it is and there’s nothing you can really do about it and you just kinda have to accept it and keep going


When you're going through hell - keep going


Don’t slow down


This is where I was at in early 2021, now it's 2022, life still sucks, still keeps moving, and every single day something happens where I say "I don't know how much more of this I can take." and then tomorrow there's more!




Even people who can't work from home for their jobs will still benefit from others doing so. It means less traffic for the rest of us who absolutely have to be on site to work (anything from construction to food service plus hundreds of other jobs in between) because the roads won't be choked full of paper pushers who are going to spend their day in an office doing the same shit anyone with a computer and internet can do at home.


I work 8-5 through the week. I was working from home 2-3 times a week and was heavily monitored to make sure I was doing just as much work at home compared to the office. I was told that my workload was diminishing working from home even though I was doing just as much, if not more. Then got a promotion and was forced back into the office, where within a month I got Covid.


It taught me a lot. It taught me: I don't have to go to an office to work. I can have a deep relationship with my kids. I can re-shingle my garage. I can walk my dog during the day instead of staring at my office wall. I can sell my second car and save on gas and insurance. I can be happy and fulfilled.


>I can walk my dog during the day instead of staring at my office wall. My dog has gotten on board with this as well, and has become very accustomed to such treatment. She's very displeased that it's too hot at noon right now for her walk and she stomps her paws at me at lunchtime daily through the summer.


Dancing like an idiot to disco in my house is my favorite form of exercise


That when the time comes the rich and politicians will throw us under the bus and then complain about the noise it makes


They will sing "Imagine" to us from their island villas


When the time comes? They've been doing that for centuries.


Yeah that's pretty much rich people throughout all of history.


It taught me that I love my partner and we work together well in difficult times. We started an illegal take out food business to make ends meet, we started cooking at 8 am and had all the food in containers and ready to go at 6pm for about 20 people per night. I am a furniture maker who lost access to my woodshop with so many people testing positive. My girlfriend is a PhD student who couldn’t go to school and get paid for TA hours. We both had never worked in the food industry. We decided to isolate together and made a ridiculously successful business. A year later we got married, because we kicked the shit out of lockdown.


If your relationship already survived the pandemic *and* starting a new business, then you've surely got what it takes for a lasting, happy marriage. Many happy returns, Internet-stranger!


That is great! I also started a food business! It was for Diabetics and Keto diet followers too. I stopped because of the Covid surges. I might start it up again.


If you want you business to be legit but without all the headache of a large commercial business, look into Cottage Business Laws in your state.


That most people survive by maintaining delusions.


Which is weird, right? You'd think that the truth, or some relatively strong connection to reality, would be required for survival. But, evidently not :/


Kinda seems to be the opposite


That my relationship was so much stronger than I thought! We both went into those first two weeks very concerned about working at home in our one bedroom apartment on top of each other. Twoish years later and we are both mostly permanently remote and take so much joy out of being around each other every day! Sometimes it's a lot but learning to give each other a little space here and there intuitively has made life incredible.


My takeaway was the opposite. My husband wasn’t just a dickhead sometimes, it was that I only saw him sometimes.


Can't tell if this is salty but loving or the preamble to divorce...


Ha ha ha we got divorced but we’re cool with it. We were always very different and unfortunately our decade together didn’t change that. But our kid is awesome and he’s a brilliant dad so all’s well.


I wouldn't have met my awesome current partner if the pandemic hadn't revealed all the cracks in my previous relationship


Any improvement on the beer though?




Enjoy! As a healthcare worker, I've never felt more out of balance, with no end in sight.




And friends who want you to join playing a game that you're not into is often times worth it. After all it's hanging out and shootin the shit over voice chat. Perhaps they miss you.


Games with friends are WAY more fun then solo. It can turn a crappy game into an entertaining time.


Things will get worse before they get worse.


And then we’ll make them worse.


That humanity wouldn't survive a pandemic that has a high kill rate. People were dying in large numbers in the early days and yet there were still people ignoring it, downplaying it, and even denying it up till their death. So many people knew people who had it and yet they never took precautions or wanted the vaccines. Best believe if something comes and has like a even a 10% kill rate that we'll all be screwed.


Im a true introvert. I’m one of the few people who looks back on the 100% lockdown days with fondness.


The only bad thing about the lockdown for me was feeling bad for my extrovert friends who were struggling. Everything else about it was heaven on earth.


I used to be a huge extrovert after years of being an introvert, never spent time at home and had plans every day. The pandemic really reeled me back into my introverted self and I really realized how many of my “friends” were just shitty humans and how many plans were made by me. Sometimes I miss my extroverted years but I really value my tiny circle of people and my ability to just chill and live for myself


Yeah me too. My family and friends were struggling and I was thriving! They said I'd been training for years for that and you know what. I was!


no limit to human stupidity and abysmal living conditions


My dreams of ever owning a home are demolished


My dreams of affording rent, bills, clothes, etc are almost shattered as well :(




"The difference between stupidity and intelligence is that intelligence has its limits"--Einstein


"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe." -- also Einstein


Im more of a misanthrope than I thought I could be. Humans are the worst.


amen there. with everyone still going on marathons, doing beach parties, with so many public spaces going mask free, and all those protests against lockdown and the vaccine, it's taught me that humans are selfish pricks who would murder their closest loved ones for a pat on the head


I moved across country, got hit by a car, disowned for being a 17yo cripple, spent my 18th birthday alone holidays too, learned to walk again by myself, was homeless (found a shelter), and now I’m 18 I live with a roommate and pay rent and I’m about to get a car. So for me definitely perseverance, strength, and self care


That I am much more closed off from the world than I thought because it honestly didn't affect me much.


The only affect it had on me is having to go to the store during the day since the only 24 schedules that survived the pandemic appear to be gas stations and truck stops. No more romps to Walmart at 3am after work


Me too, life barely changed for me


That the taxes I pay are really for nothing, because my government doesn't give a shit about me. And, I share my country with a plethora of complete idiots.


Your taxes go to funding wars in other countries and lining the pockets of plutocrats.


And lord help them if they cheat them out a single cent come tax time! Those third world kids absolutely *need* to be blown to bits.


We don't have each other's backs. Divided we fall. And I lost 190 lbs, so take responsibility for your health, whether physical, emotional, or mental. Nobody else will.


>190 lbs You lost a whole me plus another 50lbs.


That most people are horribly selfish.


I hate people even more than i did before. Thats pretty much it. Not trying to be edgy, but I fucking cannot stand the reaction people had to this thing. Old people fucking panicking, people making it politically oriented, the toilet paper rush, the vaccine conjecture, the people who went alt right against the mask mandates. Jesus, the lack of compromise was astounding and no one was in it together the entire time. We go through shit together but act like its a fight to the finish.


This one. I fucking hate people. For a solid week or so there when everything first broke it actually looked like we were all in it together, but BOY oh boy did that change so goddamn fast. I hate it here


Yeah, I wasn’t surprised by too much of the political stuff surrounding Covid from mask issues to vaccine rollout, but I was surprised just how quickly everyone lost their minds and bought all the toilet paper. It’s definitely made me rethink my TP storage situation because of people’s hoarding behavior and potential supply chain issues


That I am truly alone. In the sense of, if I had disappeared during those 2 years, the people who knew me would probably be over it already. And many wouldn't even know to this day. Im sure I'm not the only one. Truly sad to be in a world where individualism has peaked


Garbage collectors deserve the highest salaries


If i stay at home and work from home, i can see my daughter grow and have thousand more smiles on my face . she is eager to show me all the new achievements of the day. She achieves something new that she did not do before everyday. On the other hand, I say at the desk, slept in th bed. Had lunch with my kid. Also COVID sucks when * people you know around you died. And you cannot even visit or say good byes. * The large daily wage working class is trying to get by and are gonna go into a bottomless pit of debt.


That when a crisis worse than COVID eventually hits, we are all screwed. The pandemic really opened the curtains on how dysfunctional our society is at the core.


I used to believe in human ingenuity. I used to believe that we have more in common than we have differences of preference/opinion. I used to believe that there was nothing we couldn't do if we put our collective effort together and worked at it. I've lost faith in humanity. We're selfish, we're ignorant, we're inconsiderate. We are cancer. Any event that is more severe than this pandemic will end very poorly for our species. This was a minor societal challenge (by comparison). We failed on so many levels. I have no faith humanity will address climate change in any meaningful and proactive way. We will wait until it's too late and we have to react. It will be more painful for everyone. Thanks for coming toy TED talk.


That all those natural disaster movies are wrong. Americans won’t band together and overcome differences when our survival is on the line.


People really don't give a shit about others.


That I enjoy not spending Christmas with my parents and siblings. Having a smaller christmas with just my spouse and kid has been awesome


Never going back to wearing shoes inside the house




This. I also have a couple friends in the medical field and a lot of them got burnt out and left the field or took like non-patient care jobs.


Sleep is important, I started actually getting good sleep when places closed down and I'll never go back to the non-existant sleep schedule I had before lol.


It’s taught me how selfish people are.


People are idiots. Working from home is great. Our government in NZ effectively locked us away from the outside world for two years. I now literally expect anything is possible.


People only hit you up when they need something.. revealing their true colours


My circle has become much smaller when I stopped reaching out to everyone and no one reached out to me


That the way I live normally is apparently mentally damaging for most people.


No company respects you, they only respect your labor. Very few people care about you, they only want what you can do for them, and hard times can change you into a person your younger self never would have imagined. But despite all that, despite all the pain, and betrayal, and empty platitudes, one thing holds especially true. Those people you find that are the exceptions, the ones who are with you through the pain and change, fight for them. They are the ones worth keeping in your life.


You are good with your own company


For me, it was the opposite. Laughs with friends + family make life worth living.


There are even bigger idiots out there than I already believed.


That my employer was lying when they said we didn't have an adequate system to allow people to work from home. Enter covid.. took them less than a fortnight to get us all set up. Also, I like my own space better than I like hanging with other people.




Being alone with a peaceful mind is better than being with someone who makes everything hard for you and makes you doubt your worth.


That if a zombie apocalypse were to happen, a lot of people would be hiding the fact that they're bitten


That people can't handle living like poor people. See being poor means that you can't afford restaurants, bars, museums, theaters. Dating, relationships etc. For two years people lived like I did for 15 fucking years. A month in they were about lose their shit. Suddenly I feel like a superhero for handling forced social isolation.


Telephone calls and texting help keep you in touch with your family when you live in another state, but seeing them in person, hugging them and laughing with them means so much. We three kids(lol) got together for 2 days and we had a great time. God is was good to see them.


People are selfish, the world doesn't give a shit about the disabled. Extroverts couldn't handle an introvert weighted world the way introverts deal with the extrovert world. Also, I can't wait to retire as I fitted into furlough soooo well.


If a way worse virus comes our way we're fucked.


Good thing that upcoming nuclear fallout will prevent this from happening.


Living through a combination of the pandemic and 9/11 has taught me that people need a tangible enemy to build a sense of camaraderie around.


People love to talk about how 9/11 brought America together, but also love to conveniently leave out the mass wave of Islamophobia that came with it


That people are easily convinced via medias


And how people can easily fall to propaganda


Firstly: I didn't know it was possible to work from home. Secondly: I didn't know that I can find a work from home job that I love. Thirdly: that I can making more money working from home than I've ever made before.


Curious, what type of job did you do from home?


That overall we cannot trust adults to do the bare minimum to not spread a deadly disease. Or actually know what a bad source of information is.


I am unbelievably introverted.


I’m both disgusted and terrified by other people coughing and sneezing in public


Those "The world comes together to fight the aliens"-movies are utter bullshit. ​ In my infinity stupidity, I actually thought the organizations working on vaccines would collaborate and share information in order to counter AN EFFIN' PANDEMIC. But apparently not even that is a big enough threat to counteract greed.


That when people are forced to choose between the safety of the people around them and their personal comfort and convenience, they will almost always choose comfort and convenience. That shit had me depressed for a long time.


The class disparity in the is US worse than I thought I had to work a customer facing job during the pandemic and became my family breadwinner since everyone was getting laid-off left and right. My work hours increased, the stress of this caused me to drop out of college since I had to cut my class hours so much and lost all of my scholarships as a result. I couldn't afford to attend university anymore. For so many people I know it was the worst time of their lives. People were losing their business and relapsing into drugs/alcohol. Everyone's plans to get out of their terrible financial situations were put on hold or cancelled completely. Meanwhile I get to read about wealthy people getting even more wealthy and middle class people saying "I loved lockdowns! We should stay locked down forever!"


* Work From Home is clearly not a detriment and I should've started doing a lot more of it, a lot sooner. * A lot more people were in unhappy relationships, only made to work by constantly being away from each other. * A lot of people are not like me and are happy staying indoors for months at a time, not socializing at all. * Sourdough is a lot easier than it seems.


that people suck


We very much could stop climate change but it would be bad for business.


That politicians have no business running the country


That all the things they've been telling disabled people are absolutely impossible for decades will become possible within a month when able-bodied people need them.


People, what a bunch of bastards. - Roy from IT Crowd


I learned that for half the population the greater good is not a goal; it's something to be scorned.




I did much better mentally in quarantine then I do in every day life


My 'excessive' hygienic habits aren't actually all that excessive.


Everyone else is just fucking gross


The American government really doesn't care about us


That we can't say "avoid like the plague" any more because that isn't a thing.


That I can handle isolation a lot better than others and nothing really changed for me with it.


I'm absolutely and positively okay with sharing only my own company. Nobody fights over the last piece of pizza or who takes out the trash. I put something down and it's there when I return. I can eat when and what I want and the only reason I fight for the covers, is the puppies (12 lb, 7 month old sisters) are taking up 90% of the bed!! 😂 Seriously, the time alone was priceless in terms of self acceptance and awareness.




I should stop feeling guilty when I know I have a contagious illness and call into work. Sure maybe it won't kill most people, but you never know if that cold will really F up someone with a bad immune system. I became much more aware on how my illnesses are passed on to someone else.


i could’ve been hotter if i just focused on myself


People are fucking stupid


The world doesn’t care about the disadvantaged


People be selfish as heck


How much I love my family, and appreciate them. But also how much I need space from my family and time alone


I love being by myself


Became a better bassist.


1. I hate shopping. Buying groceries online and having them delivered is six billion times better. 2. Buzz cut is undescribably convenient.


I liked not having to touch people more than I thought I would.


People are stupid and everyone’s on their own.


That more people than I'd ever realized are selfish idiots. And that truculent conservative Christians think nothing of ditching their vaunted Golden Rule and putting their religious practices over public health and the good of others. Also, that no one seems to care; I'm still waiting for the first Christian plague rat to get prosecuted for [depraved-heart murder](https://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/2020/03/31/post-covid-crisis-churchgoers-should-face-depraved-heart-mass-murder-charges/).


That we don't really need to go to an office to get shit done.


how selfish people are.


That selfishness is wide-spread. And I don't mean the "think of one's own needs first" kind of selfishness. I mean the "I don't care if you die, there is no way in hell I'm gonna wear that mask for 5 minutes" selfishness. That a lot of people take their health and the health of their loved ones for granted and have no awareness of how fast that could change. Ignorance is a bliss, apparently. That a lot of people are way dumber than I ever imagined.


You are never in total control of your situation.


That if I really want to, I can read a book a day for a year straight.


I'm happy at home


That time is valuable, and even a couple hours a day commuting to work, even though I need to do my 40 hours a week to live, makes a big difference on my quality of life. I won't go back to the office. I'll quit, first. I can find something closer, if I need to.


Some people are scarily unintelligent and think they're intelligent by reading shite online and spreading it.


People are idiots and compassion doesn’t last as long as you would hope.


People are incredibly stupid and delusional. Most lack attachment to reality and cling to ideologies. It doesn't matter if you're a professor or a pauper.


Government has too much power.


Life has no purpose and nothing matters. So why waste your time doing something you hate just to survive


You can build pretty cool things with enough hours in minecraft


People can be really easily coerced into complete dependence on the government and will hoard and loot and turn on each other at the drop of a hat.


Just because someone is related to you, doesn’t mean they are your family. You choose your family


It taught me never to trust someone who says they “follow the science” because they don’t. They absolutely do not. Instead they ran with something they heard two years ago and have shut themselves off to new evidence constantly being added to the pot.


I’m not really that interested in what anyone else is doing.


Tbh this shit has put my family homeless and has been hell since it’s all started


I'm not actually an extrovert, I'm an introvert with really bad FOMO.


I do better inside then outside.


It made me realize the world needed to hit pause to realize how many unhealthy compromises we made with our mental health and satisfaction with life. No longer is it expected to settle for a dissatisfying existence.


People will accept, celebrate, and abuse their little bit of power over others with a willingness that shocked even my most negative view of my fellow man.


I've learned how easily people are manipulated at a much deeper level.


Bras suck and no one cares if you don't wear one


That being able to be alone and be ok with it is a skill that not everyone has. I feel very fortunate to have that skill in times like these


That willfull ignorance is all over the place, and in people I’d least expect to see it from.


That people are willing to die to spite the government.


That a lot of people seemingly don't know the absolute basics of human hygiene.


People are irrational idiots who think they know better than experts who studied for years.


How fragile everything is. The economy. The Healthcare system. Humanity.


How much I truly dislike people


That everyone who says they think Retail are jobs for teens are lying. They know they're jobs for adults but claiming they're "starter jobs" is their excuse for slave wages.


America has very few social safety nets and our work culture is a trap.


Assholes are numerous but while fewer than non-assholes their impact is greater