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These people are all liars. I do every day as do most people.


Finally, honesty.




I feel like the more sad/depressed I am the less I care about fantasizing about others tbh. Especially after the end of a serious relationship


A lot. But then I kinda break the thought cuz duh.


No I don't do it. why fantasies about people with flaws when I can fantasies about a made up tall thick tomboy gf with short hair?


Tis I my only flaw is that I have a dick


I used to feel physically sick trying to think about a real person, then I met my current guy, best sex I have EVER had. Now every fantasy session ends with him.


Never, I think that's gross (for me, personally. You wanna fantasize about your friends go have fun, I guess).


almost never


But there's some real fun to be had at the edges of that "almost"...


Fantasizing about the people I know makes me feel weird, after I'm done I think like "Wtf did I just do?"


Knowing you're going to feel that way is what makes it so hot.


Dm me and let's talk about it


Never. Cus I’m Demisexual and not sexually attracted to anyone because I’m not in a close relationship with them. The most I get is I think (He’s cute/hot) but I have never sexually fantasized about anyone, because I don’t know them well enough to have real feelings for them. I would never have sex with someone I have only known for a little while no matter how good looking they were. Idc what anyone says or thinks. I can’t sexually fantasize about anyone I’m not truly in love with and trust completely.


Okay but what if you met someone at the club and they were made of chocolate and you knew you’d never see them again. Are y’all having a one night stand?


No because they would already be in my stomach before they left the club 😋🍫 the only time in my life I’d be a cannibal.


But you ate the Wein, so there was a split second where you were going down on them


Lol I suppose that’s true 😂


Haha from that laughter I can tell you enjoyed it!


WHAT?! No not at all! 😠 💭 This guy is too smart. He’ll see right through me.


Ayyyy did we just become best friends?!


lol I guess so :P




Even before i watched porn i had these fantasies. I took a huge break from porn, no change. Maybe its time to try again.




A lot


Too often, so often in fact, its unhealthy.


I try to avoid it because it's weird to see them later and remember it. But I often let myself fantasize about people I've been with before


Daily, mostly family