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Cries then takes a photo/video


When they realize it wasn't recording and have to start crying again.


Yeah this is so annoying, like what’s the point? And why? It actually gives me second hand embarrassment rather than what they want to hear which is like “OMG what happened? Are you okay” ugh.


I was very close on posting those videos/pics once or twice in my life. Mostly because I was in a really bad spot and nobody believed or listened to me when I said that I was feeling down and depressed. All I wanted was for them to finally believe me. I didn't post them because there were to many people on my social I that I didn't wanted them to know. Thankfully I opened up to another group of my friends (funny enough, those were the none depressed, the depressed ones were downplaying my feelings) and I finally got heard and found help/understanding.


Toxic depression groups are real especially in highschool those groups treat it as who has it the worst instead of getting help I remember from my own experience a girl told us that she is "soooo depressed like literally wanting to die" because her mom made her do dishes


i fucking hate people like that as someone who is actually diagnosed with depression/anxiety issues. the least thing a severe depressed person wants is that others know about it. (except for close relatives ofcourse)


The good ending


Tbh... It was very close of not being a good ending... The friends I reached out to still don't know that I'm only alive because of them. Only the internet and two friends knew how close I was. To everyone reading this, get help, everyone deserves it. Never feel like your problems aren't big enough, if they bother you, they are. Take care of yourself even if it's hard <3


Or that recent video where a nurse/doctor is grieving a lost patient until you realize she perfectly set up her phone beforehand.


i tried doing it but i immediately stop crying as i fumbled thru my purse looking for my phone. looking back it was absurd wanting to do that to begin with


My ex friend used to do that. She would take photos of herself crying. Why? It also seemed that drama constantly followed her and she had to top up everything with her issues. Let's say I had a problem, and she would write something else that happened to her that was worse xd we are not friends anymore lol


I honestly never understood how this works, no hate to those who do. But like, when in the middle of your breakdown do you decide, let me take a video? What's the point of documenting it? It might just be me, but when I'm having a breakdown, pictures are the last thing I think about. Can someone who does this explain to me how it works? Genuinely asking. I of course understand videos when you're explaining something or giving an apology (the video is about something else and you just so happen to cry), but just crying pictures/vid??


In my experience with groups, loudly interrupting me right as I am explaining something or telling a story to immediately take over the conversation with their own input or story. Edit: for my ADHD and anxious talker friends, don't worry, I wasn't poking at you. :) it happens to all of us sometimes.


My mom is a narcissist and she literally did this to my siblings and I our whole lives. Someone listened to us speak once and pointed out it's like we are fighting to get our words out as fast as possible. I realize why that is, my mom would crash our conversations that we learned to speed up and get to the point.


Are you my sibling?


Lol wouldn't surprise me, I wish our mom didn't do this to us.


One of my coworkers does this. I'll be trying to convey important information about something, and she will interrupt to tell a story. I used to just wait it out, but every phone call would turn into an hour of story time instead of 2 minutes of "hey, this is something you need to know/do for this project." I have since started cutting her off with a very blunt "shut up and let me finish. I don't have time for your stories."


Although I totally get it, that kind of rhetoric is rather unprofessional and can cause you headaches down the line. Don't let anyone catch you saying that in writing; shit can escalate.


Agreed. Even the coworker is obnoxious, if you say that around a witness you can get the reputation of being someone that contributes to a hostile work environment and you’ll get shitcanned. Also, never underestimate which one of your bosses likes the talkative guy more than you. Cool heads always prevail.




*breaks neck and dies* Finally! Ah, so where was I?


I have ADHD and I sometimes do this by accident, but I'm getting better. However, most people stop me or say let me finish and I will of course automatically say oh sorry and apologise immediately. I'm also super embarrassed when this happens


Same. Practice makes perfect. We’ll get there


I was going to say that sometimes we just get excited and can’t hold back. I do math in my head like (count back from thirty, ok next time he looks to the right count to 10) to try to stfu until it’s my turn.


Can confirm, I have ADHD and I do this too. I catch it almost immediately when I do it and apologize too.


Agreed- it is never intentional or meant to be rude with ADHD-something you said opened up some random tab in my memory and I want to tell you about it- if I wait to say it, I’ll forget what I wanted to say.


My cat


My black cat meows non-stop in the hallway. Like bruh, I fed you, you have water and your litter has been changed for you 😩


what else do you want??? what does he want???


Your attention. Maybe he's telling you " I miss you and I'm right here but you don't spend any time playing with me or scratching my chin. Don't you love me anymore?" Providing food for him is a given. Interacting with him, because you want to tells him that he's important to his human. You're his world, think about it.


We give him a lot of attention. I’m always cuddling with him and giving him pats and scratches. I think it’s because he’s a black cat?? I’ve heard that black cats are very vocal and attention seeking lolol


oh because he's black huh? nah jk


Checks out-mine’s a total attention whore


Is he a Bombay? I have a Bombay and she never shuts up, she's the happiest most spoiled cat in the world and she just loves screaming


My cat will have full bowls, not want to go out, have been given treats and still stand in the hallway and yell. Mainly because he's a lazy sack of shit and wants mum to put him on my bed even though if he came in my room and meowed once I'd put him on my bed. He wants the attention of BOTH of us for a time. Then he gets cuddled and happily shuts up and sits on my feet.


Relatable. My ginger, Karl, is constantly climbing all over me, especially when I am teaching online. And my calico, Princess Consuela Banana Hammock, is always yelling screaming or knocking things down if I'm not paying attention to her


every cat actually, got 4 of those bad boys


Faking an injury


Holy, this just triggered a memory from elementary school. Someone had broken a bone, and obviously received a significant amount of attention as a result… shortly after a girl came to school with a cast on her wrist except she got busted for faking it hahaha I feel like she only lasted a day too


My son once climbed a closet at my moms house and had the closet fall on top of him, he was fine but looked pretty bad, got an arm sling, a big fat black eye and loads of attention, I spent a night in the hospital with my (probably 4-year old) son. My daughter (one year older) came to visit the next day and was quite impressed. She had a miniscule scratch on her finger, went to look for a nurse and proceeded to demand she be given the same treatment.




I sprained my wrist in the 6th grade only a couple weeks after another girl sprained hers. Everyone accused me of faking it. Took the brace off to show everyone the bruising and refused to put it back on. I was fuming. I’m 29 and still harboring some slight resentment from that.


Similar to myself. I fell off/flew off my bike and broke my arm over the summer holidays. I was in hospital for a week. Come September I went back to school with my cast removed and just a big scar and a sling. Everyone thought I was faking it . . . I still don't know why but my best guess is it was because they were asshats.


Lol I was racing my fat step dad and we both tripped / he landed on me. Shattered my ankle man. Tell some friend what happened, finally get back to middle school, and get called to the office. “We heard.. your step dad this to you?”


there was no crying


I broke my arm over summer break, before joining a new school. I had a break that required my arm to be strapped to my chest, so everyone thought I had one arm until it was healed. No cast signing for me!


I bet that story is fake. I mean, it’s so similar to the comment above it.


hahah i can't ever imagine myself doing stuff like that


I once broke my goddamn wrist when I was with my school on a field trip but I didn’t get any help because everyone thought I was faking it for attention since someone had already hurt themselves, I went around with a broken wrist for three whole days.




I'm a teacher and I had a kid do this a few months ago. Basically, he fell out of his seat. I didn't realize it until some students called me over. I asked what had happened. He said he fell out of his seat and his leg was broken. He didn't look like he was in that much pain, but I figured I'd get the nurse anyways. She comes in and looks at him from afar. I talk to her outside and she tells me that's not the first time this has happened with him. He's able to help himself up, and "limp sprint" to the nurse's office. Next day he was fine.


This. I thought things like this would end after high school because people would grow up. Turns out i was very wrong. February 2021 i had emergency surgery because ovarian torsions happen out of nowhere and mine needed to be removed. After i came back and was healed my coworker told everyone she was having a surgery, wouldn't specify what it was, and then came to work saying "i had surgery yesterday. I can't lift anything over 5 lbs and it hurts to stand". (She said this because my torso was open when i had surgery and i couldn't lift anything or bend over for a month or else i would injure myself). When my managers asked for a doctors note, she threw a fit


I faked an injury in middle school. I didn't want attention I just didn't want to be there any more.


My brother faked a breathing problem for months. We have some of the same friends and they all new it was fake. My parents spent thousands trying to find and solve the issue. They were understandably furious when they found out and it’s like why would you do that


Generally it's people who aren't allowed to be weak or vulnerable unless they've got a physical injury, or sensitive kids who grow up in 'tough love' environments. If you're constantly hurt / upset by trauma, bullying, parents arguing etc but never allowed to express it, it's going to manifest as a socially acceptable hurt. Kids coping mechanisms are insanely depressing to hear about as adults, once someone connects the dots. Once we had a case on a kid who really seemed fine and super resilient (unstable home life) except he kept 'falling over' and banging into things, no brain scans or eye tests could explain it. Eventually turned out he just really needed adults to say 'are you okay?'. He'd always say yes, fine but whenever his parents started arguing again he'd be ricocheting off walls like a well mannered pinball. Stopped when one of his teachers made a point of saying 'hey, how are you doing' every time they saw him outside class, and listening to the answer. 5 seconds or so a few times a week, was all that kid needed to get through a really horrible home life. I now view 'attention seeking' in kids not as a fault, but like those people who eat washing powder and it turns out they've got some weird deficiency that can only be negated by those specific minerals. Lotta kids know what they need even if they don't know why. Lotta adults ought to listen.


Recently learned that a former roommate of mine faked a brain surgery, long lost brother, birthplace and ethnicity (claimed to be black when they were in fact very white). Poor fella committed suicide last week :( was definitely a shock to learn none of it was true though


well it depends on the situation, if it's only for attention yea


Went to uni with a girl who did this. Her hand was in a beace for over a year, but Doctors could just somehow never figure out what was wrong with it, until one day it was just fine.


Holy shit I remember a dude that could get a scratch and act like his leg was blown off.


Faking an "accidental" fire.




they don't even acknowledge their existence


Cats. I swear to fuck, the moment I move my hand away from them to try and pick something up, I'm suddenly treated to the screams of purgatory from the drama queen.


haha purrgatory


Political bumper stickers. Especially the really obnoxious ones.


I've heard that the more pieces of "personalization" on a car the more insufferable the owner regardless of their political position.


You mean truck nuts aren't cool?


Truck nuts automatically scream "my balls are small and I'm insecure about it" to me. Also, "I might find some men attractive and I'm afraid of that."


This is weird, I’ve seen people with truck nuts and never got this impression. I always kinda though it was just a dumb joke like “lmao my fucking truck has balls”


I know Reddit loves to armchair psychoanalyze people, but the truck nuts thing is one a don’t get. It’s just juvenile humor saying “heh, look I put a nutsack on my truck.” But apparently people take that as some kind of personal attack lol Now if they’re already an asshole *and* they have truck nuts, that’s one thing. But most people just think it’s funny to put nuts on a truck


>This is weird, I’ve seen people with truck nuts and never got this impression. I always kinda though it was just a dumb joke like “lmao my fucking truck has balls” Likewise. A ton of low key projection on this site.


>I always kinda though it was just a dumb joke like “lmao my fucking truck has balls” Hell, that's why I would put truck nuts on my truck, if I had one. But I'm also seriously considering putting massive googly eyes on the local robot lawnmower, and my brother and I have lamented the fact that neither of us have enough engineering knowledge to wire the little guy to make R2-D2 sounds.


"I might find some men attractive and I'm afraid of that." Christ I wish I had stickers I could carry around that said this, so I could tag these a-holes.


Ive never understood them. Normal i just chuckle at the audacity… but the huggeeee Fuck (insert name) flags flying off a truck, those concern me.


I never understood putting your most contentious opinions on the most valuable thing you leave unattended in public.


Back in 07/08 one of my sales managers shows to work one day in a brand new truck. On this beautiful sparkling pickup were 2 separate NObama bumper stickers, placed on the paint too.. not even the bumper! In a large California city of all places fwiw. I was just insulted he did that to the truck.


20 Instagram stories a day


10 of them while being in a Mercedes, 10 of them while shopping


Bonus points if she's driving while recording


Bonus points if it's not even their car


For me, worse than a dumb amount of stories is you making a post, and then advertising the post with a story. We get it Josh you clearly want people to like your graduation picture. If your work does not depend on social media engagement, you just look silly doing that.


Well, I actually can understand it if you don’t post much and want people to see it as you look good on that photo and want to boost up your self confidence etc. But, documenting all your days, 7 days a week, like you were a superstar instead of just enjoying the moments for yourself drives me crazy. And I won’t even talk about the daily 10 selfies. I could not have a gf that picks up her phone every 10 minutes to make a story about the food we’re eating, the dress she’s wearing, where we going to, etc. I would go insane.


what if they're all memes ?


they simply wish to make others laugh as well


good, coz thats me


don't think it's the same


When people make vague posts to social media which start something like: “THAT’S IT, I’M DONE, you just can’t trust SOME PEOPLE.” But then don’t disclose any details about what was indeed the problem. If you listen very carefully, you can hear the gentle brushing by of tumbleweed while they wait for attention.


And those FB posts where they say, “I’ll know we’re really friends if you comment here…blah blah blah.” Or (try to) guilt trip you about reposting something they’ve reposted, because if you don’t, then you must not care. 🙄


This was called “Vaguebooking” back when I used Facebook regularly ie. a decade ago


Extreme rudeness is the ultimate attention tantrum.


sometimes yes, sometimes they just want to try and feel like they're superior




Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? Happy Cake Day! 🎂


We're gonna have a problem here


Y'all act like you never seen a white person before


Jaws on the floor


like Pam like Tommy just burst in the door and started whoopin her ass worse than before they first divorced — ahhhh!


It’s the return of the oh wait, no way, you’re kidding


He didn’t just say what I think he did, did he?


And Dr. Dre said-, nothing you idiots Dr. Dre's dead, he's locked in my basement (haha)


Feminist women love Eminem


Thank you!






ohhh yeahh saw a couple of those 2 days ago, what is the fucking point?




There would be another code real fucking fast


i would beat his ass


Narcissism. It takes a real narcissist to think, "yeah, someone just died, but look how it impacts ME".


They're producing their very own little hospital dramas.


Came here to leave that exact comment. ER employee here. If you can’t handle seeing death regularly without making TikToks for attention you are in the wrong field and you should find another job. I have no fucking patience for that shit. If I came across a coworker‘s TikTok I’d report them to hospital compliance and HR tbh.


faking injuries or disorders, too many ppl do it on tiktok and it’s disturbing


The Tourettes fakers on TikTok and IG are particularly infuriating.


yeah, especially those with "ADHD" or "schizophrenia ", like that aint cute at all bro


The people who fake disorders don’t even act like the people who actually have those disorders which just makes it annoying to see


mfs be faking OCD like wtf is cool about it


"Not to be that guy/girl... BUT... "


I just say this when i politely want my teammates to step it the fuck up and stop dying off of spawn


hate those people


Not to be that guy but hate is bad


#feelingsad #foreveralone #nofriend in an insta post with 4000 followers






I👏👏don’t have👏👏👏 the👏coordination👏to👏 do👏👏this👏 Edits: because it was too uncoordinated




"ohh i have depression, and it's depressingly depressing"




Making self diagnosed disabilities their whole personality.


Wife wife is actually disabled with MS. once she was finally diagnosed, several of her attention whore friends decided that they had it too and life was so hard, never went to a doctor or anything, just "my balance can be off and I get tired too! I should quit working"


Or self-diagnosing and then doing everything possible to prove that your "diagnosis" came out of your arse. Looking at Tess Holiday here...


Everything I know about that woman I have learned from people hating her on Reddit.


especially when they OCCASIONALLY show like 1-2 symptoms out of 30 possible ones no Karen, slight, practically non-problematic anomaly in your bodily functions is NOT a disability


Or, on the other hand, they show literally all of the symptoms. Or they think they do, because they read a symptom list and went "that's totally me!". No, having a lazy day after a bad breakup isn't a symptom of depression, and not being able to focus in a job you hate in the summer heat isn't a symptom of ADHD.


My adult daughter does this and changes the self diagnosed issue every few months.


I'm sorry for your loss


This is definitely becoming a thing, especially at work


Overly vague social media posts with no context or follow up.


Was gonna post this lol. Its been dubbed vaguebooking. When the OP replies to every comment "PM me"


people who constantly record themselves at the gym and take up the machines from other people






ohhh hell yeah!!!!


Super loud obnoxious exhaust systems


Whatever the toddlers are doing, cause it certainly fuckin works


Someone trying hard to be cool infront of you.


This post


Jus kidding :)






Talking about yourself when someone else is discussing an issue they're going through. Eg. "I think I might fail my math exam" Attention seeker - "I think I'll easily get 90" I think it's okay If you say "Me too" cuz theyll know theyre not alone lol


or the others who always have to one up how bad it is for them “I think I might fail my exam” and they reply “yeah but at least you aren’t failing the whole year like I did last year”, “my mom just died” “well at least she went out quick, my mom died a slow painful death so I had to deal with it all” they can’t just be like yeah that sucks or use their story to show they relate, it’s the ones who always have to prove they had it worse


My one aunt is chronic liar and a one upper. It's fucking hilarious to mess with her because you can make her admit some truly outrageous bull shit in an attempt to one up you.


isn't that some sort of bragging about something?


Well yea but it just really rubs salt in the wound when someone is sharing their insecurities and you are talking about how strong you are in that topic or something


Posting yourself giving to the less fortunate.


Trying to gain something from laughing at Technoblade’s death and clickbait


that's just shit man, why would you ever do that, it's so sad what it has come to, trying to gain clout off of his death


Everybody wants to be famous, some people confuse famous with infamous




fishing for compliments


"ugh guys I feel so ugly today" In comes the "wow you're so pretty" comments🙄


I used to do that, now I think I am fine.






Oh no..


Posting a selfie of your hospitalization or your charity work.


"Pray for me y'all, about to go in for my plantar wart removal."


I post my hospitalizations. Less as a "Pay attention to me!" and more as a "Most of my family uses facebook so this is the most efficient way for everyone to stay informed."


When people say that the A stands for ally


Incessant whiners


that one lady who filmed a tiktok after her patient died


Crying on your social media.


“I’m not racist but…” They might say they’re the most anti-racist people they know, then immediately switch gears and say the most racist shit you’ll ever hear.


A siren, but I think that's the point


Modifying your car or motorcycle to make it louder


I used to pin a playing card against my bicycle wheel. It made a motor sound.


People who wear t-shirts with big bold ass phrases on it. Hold up so I can read what you want me to read about you.


People Who Type Like This 🤣🤣🤣💯💯




“this isn’t you”


That is personally offensive to me and other people. You're spreading hate, this isn't you.


Someone posting multiple photos of just their face. They're not doing anything special, they are just in their house or whatever and posting pictures of their face.


Those American cars/trucks with flags and political stickers plastered across them.


When they record themselves crying


Party instagram parties or little kids vaping Also little kids posting their alcohol Bottles


Faking trauma


Truck nuts


truck nuts?


Just look at the parking lot of a Kid Rock concert..truck nuts


Umm.. face tattoo's?


Temper tantrums that include hitting something. 100% have met people who have admitted that they only do it for people to see that they're upset.


Doing "charity" but making sure someone's there to take a picture of it.


Selfies, influencers, fake-up and loud pipes Just blah


“I really hate my face that is super ugly” with the selfie that wears full makeup and the thickest filters.


Putting anyone down. This also includes oneself


Pick me girl/boys / not like other girls/boys....


Someone who talks about themselves in 3rd person


Posting cryptic messages on Social Media then watch the “are you ok” messages roll in without giving an update…