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"I did not give birth you and we might not match on a DNA test, but you are my son no matter what anybody says" Said by my best friends mum. She has been like a mother to me all my life taking care of me while my mother's alcoholism escalated over the years. I love her by all my heart and when she said it I just started crying. I never doubted her caring but having the verbal confirmation was just so touching.


This should be higher.


I graduated college 10 years ago. I still think about the time someone told me 8am classes suck less with me there.


It’s been something over 35 years since a woman said my eyes reminded her of Fernando Lamas. Still holding onto that one.


I have been accused of having “honey” and “iced tea” eyes by two separate women and that is a self-confidence boost I still keep in my back pocket.


Three girls told me that during my junior year of high school. There were 3 girls in my AP physics class that I always shot the shit with in that class and just kinda messed around but we were all really good at the class so its not like we were disruptive or anything. Just enjoyed talking and doing all the assignments together. It was my first period, and I missed it due to a dentist appointment. I showed up after 2nd period which was a short brunch, and I saw all three of them and they all ran over to me saying "dont ever leave us again! that class is nothing without you!" And Im pretty sure Im still not over that. edit: changed "with" to "without" cuz uhh.....yeah that matters lol.


Was there slow motion running involved?


When I play it back in my head, theres music and it probably went something like [this](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d026d726f425f04ea37efd5043fc4c55/tumblr_p7blw4PbKw1s16b9to4_540.gifv)


This thread is just highlighting how very infrequently men receive compliments from women. We receive a compliment and we remember it for decades.


In college (maybe some 8 or so years ago) I was reading a book outside on campus and some woman came up to me with a flower and said “this is for you.” I was so shocked she walked away before I could gather myself to say anything. I’ll be honest, I don’t think she did it to get a response out of me, she didn’t wait around, but I think she understood I was literally speechless I still remember it. I don’t think I’ve ever received any sort of gift like that from a woman outside family and a few good friends. For sure haven’t from a stranger or romantic partner


I compliment my man often. He usually replies by sticking a finger up my nose to hush me up, because he finds it super awkward. Or on a bad day he just doesn't reply. He's not well, so I guess he can't help finding compliments difficult. But until he asks me to stop, I'll keep dropping them gently into conversation, because I want him to know that he makes my world better.


When my wife was dying of cancer, she had one of those bitter evenings where she lashed out at how unfair for her to be fighting for her life at age 39. She was lashing out at how unfair for her children to grow up without her and for her to miss seeing the adults they would become. She shared how every single moment of every day was full of struggle, pain, and fatigue—and she was bitter and angry about it. I told her something I’d felt ever since she got sick—that I wished cancer took me instead. She looked at me through her bitterness and pain and said, “I would never want this pain to happen to you.” That was the most selfless, loving thing I’ve ever heard, and it helped me so much as I dealt with survivor’s guilt after she died. Edit: Holy Crap—thank you all for your kind words and for the awards. This conversation happened nine years ago when our youngest was four. He’s 13 now and will be the best man in my wedding this Saturday. We were lucky enough to find someone who loved our little mess and, after six years of dating, I finally proposed. I feel confident my late wife would approve of where we are now—and by her telling me it was okay to live on, I was able to do that. Also…here’s a PSA—if you have friends and family who are widowed, please make yourself present in their lives. Widowhood is isolating—many recent widows and widowers are in no place to reach out for help. Grief is messy; their lives are sloppy—especially if they are raising children. So reach out to them and let them know that, while you may not understand what they’re going through, they aren’t alone and they can’t push you away.


Fuck dude I'm in an airport, why are you doing this to me.


I ordered the Reddit without onions, sir.






What an absolutely lovely thing to say. Of all the endless string of words people have put together in the endless attempt to convey deep meaningful feelings, five words written on a card managed to say them all. An affirmation that her life was made more joyful by having you in it. Amazing how something so simple can convey such wonderful meaning. Simply delightful.


This comment gave me chills. Oh, to *feel* again…


“You’re an amazing father, and I know you’ll continue to be one.” —My wife just before cancer claimed her life.


Dude. I’m sorry. But still be that good father.


I try every day!


I’m so very sorry for yours and your family’s loss. :(


A friend told me she preferred how I looked bald rather than when I had a ton of hair and that I was a great looking bald guy. This meant so much as I am bald due to alopecia areata and legit used to have thick flowing locks so it was a hard process choosing to shave my head that first time


I started balding at 18yo i made peace with it and shaved it at 24, I grew a beard and started working out and boy Am i glad I shaved it, I got more complements than ever before and people that know me before and after balding unanimously said I look better bald


Going bald young is a curse and a blessing. Same thing happened to my friend. It was hard for him at the time, but he got over it and every he's met in the last 30 years has met him as bald. Me, on the other hand, have slowly been getting thinner hair and it's taken a long time so I've had years of torment over it. Meeting up with old friends you hear "Wow, your going bald!". The best is, of course that your and your friends are mature enough to know that some people go bald and there's nothing bad about it and nothing they can do about it.


I hear you on your side of things. That’s really difficult and generates tough feelings. If it truly causes you some torment I say just go for it and shave it. It may be very freeing!


I'm getting close to having to just shave it all off and used to have long hair, I tend to keep it pretty short at the moment as it starts to look like I'm trying to hide it if I let it grow too long. The other day I shaved it all down fairly short after having left it a couple of months and like 3 people laughed at me and asked if I lost a bet, it was pretty demoralising! Glad you get it the other way around internet stranger :)


if that is in fact you on your profilepicture, I can agree with your friend.


Yep that’s me! No reason to hide. That pic was from this summer. Thank you so much for the kind words. That means a lot and is a nice little confidence booster today!


A girl in my class said "You're a sweet, adorable and a nice person". Also my best friend's mom (we weren't that close back then) said that I'm a good man and she trusts me with her daughter's life. She said that if she had a son, she would have wanted him to be like me. What her mom told me has had an effect on me and I actually teared up a little on hearing it. My mom never said she was proud of me.


Wow… if I could choose any compliment it would be that or something similar


I also choose this man's compliment.


A girl complimented my outfit about 6 years ago and I still remember it vividly


Wow, like most men I could get through 20 - 30 years on a compliment like that. (EDIT - fixed typo)


Give a man a shirt and he'll wear it for a year. Tell a man he looks good in a shirt, and he'll wear it for the rest of his life.


Yep, my first gf told me over 3 years ago that I looked good in a certain shirt, and I still wear it even though I've gotten much broader shoulders


My grandma told me I look good in red once when I was 7. Now I wear a red watch band. I’m 42.


Ah man, I had a girl compliment my jacket a couple of years ago and I’m seriously worried about what I’m going to wear when it finally gives out. I don’t know if I can go back to clothes that haven’t been endorsed by a casual female acquaintance.


Buy an identical backup jacket. No, seriously. As a woman with a hard-to-shop-for body shape, when something works for me, I buy it in multiple colors and get backups to boot. I don’t care if my closet looks like a cartoon character’s. If I can be comfortable and look good, I do not care if it’s the same thing multiple days in a row.


Started a new job and I got complimented twice by ladies including an executive. So here's the tip: shirts with flowers




Did you tell her that? I’m sure it would make her feel great :)


I absolutely did!


Random girl from work, told me I looked good and asked me what I was doing to loose weight. I had never ever gotten a compliment like that before and it felt good. Made me more motivated to keep on track.


My sister's cute friend said I looked handsome at my sister's wedding. Been riding that high for almost 6 years now.




Holy shit that's one of the most left-field but also amazing compliments I've ever heard.


Mine probably smells like a fanbelt going out on an old Chevy


I think mines probably imitation crab meat


An abandoned sushi boat freezer on a summers day


Sandalwood is my jam.


Doesn't seem like it'd go very well with peanut butter.


Oddly enough, it was an apology from an ex's former best friends. Long story short, my ex was a legit psychopath, she uses people and throws them away on a whim, and was a supposedly recovering heroin addict (I, like an idiot, ignored all the red flags). She went out of her way to try destroy my life, going as far as court (fortunately the judge saw through her). After she tried to ruin me, she apparently tried to ruin her friends as well. 2 of those friends reached out to me after to apologize for ever believing a word she said. It helped me cope with what happened and the PTSD that resulted from it all knowing that they understood what she did to me and were sorry for ever having been a part of it. Not exactly the most feel good story, I know, but I'd be in a much, much worse state right now if they hadn't gotten in touch to reassure me that I wasn't in the wrong.


I disagree, this story is absolutely feel-good. I think a lot of times we underestimate how amazing it is to see people succeeding on their healing journey, especially when we haven’t reached our goal yet. I’m glad you were able to get that vindication and catharsis that you definitely deserved, and it was wonderful to read that you are recovering. Good luck continuing that journey! And hopefully a few people that were witnesses in a similar situation that aren’t sure if they should reach out will read this and decide to provide the same vindication for another.


I was in Nashville for a work conference and was walking back to the hotel one evening. A couple of women were sitting on some steps across the street from me when one of them yelled, "hey white boy!" I stopped and turned towards them, then she yelled again, "you fine as fuck!" I thanked them, then immediately called my wife to tell her I'm officially fine as fuck.




First off, thank you, its a pain to get people to call me that. Secondly, great! Hope yours is the same.


"I like your glasses." - Random girl who walked past me (she didn't even pause when she spoke) on 15 March 2019


A girl once told me I always dress nice and I also rember the exact date : 10 March 2020. It's both fascinating and sad and the same Time.


I bet you thought a lot about that during lockdown


Did you tell her " I'm sorry they're not for sale"


That I make her happy. This is the highest value for me🙏


I recently got out of treatment and i got really close with the women there. When I was getting ready to leave they went on and on for minutes about how kind, loving, genuine, ect. I was. It brought me to tears. After years of addiction and hating myself, that hit hit me so hard. Edit: you guys are so amazing and supportive. I'm going to cry all over again. Thank you all so much.


A friend when I was younger gave me a birthday card that said something like “I’m glad you exist”. It was such a simple thing but I guess no one had ever really said that to me before. It meant the world for some reason. Naturally I fell head over heels in love with her shortly afterwards but that’s a different story Edit: Oh lord I just woke up I didn’t know everyone wanted to hear the story lmao. I don’t think it’ll be what you all hoped but I suppose I’ll tell it. Not long afterwards we ended up both joining a film club (this was in highschool) and we were both actors in some cringey but funny live action Dungeons and Dragons movie the club was making. ( I was a blind samurai and she was a river siren…bard thing? Idk) anyway it involved us going out to this big property in the woods and filming a ton and we just hit it off during that. She was in band and would bring her ukulele with her to the set and I just couldn’t get enough of hearing her play it and sing. She was recently out of a relationship though so we decided to not be very public about things for a while which ended up really mentally wearing on me. I don’t remember how long we dated but we ended up breaking up shortly before graduation. I actually still have a note she wrote me while we dated, only letter someone ever wrote me. Good times. I can’t imagine that will satisfy you all but there’s the story lol.


it’s been 6 hours already DUDE WILL YOU JUST TELL THE STORY


How much longer do we have to wait?




The people of Reddit demands the different story be told! We demand answers! Our life is incomplete without it!


Tell the different story.




*grabs popcorn Anyone want some?


Ahh thank you Carry on


Here for the tea.


Want some nachos?


I brought m&ms for who's interested.


Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we... oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...


🔫 Tell the freaking story




MOD! Make him tell us the story!


Most men don't choose the girl, we just hope the one we like picks us.


I choo choo choose you


Not a woman, but a little girl. I’m a guy with long hair, and she told me that I look like a princess. Her parents were mortified but I took it as a the little girl giving me the highest compliment that she could think of.


You go princess !!


You are so smart to recognize that as the compliment that it was. If you ever have kids I'll bet you'll be a great dad.


If I had a wholesome award, you’d get it


I trust you.


Honestly this is so underrated. It sounds so simple but to actually have somebody put their trust in you is an absolute honor.


Got complemented on how I smelt by a few girls and I have never forgotten it.


Honestly dude. I never like cologne or anything like that but I got some for a birthday gift once and decided to try it for a date. First thing she said was how good I smelt and I never forgot it. Now smelling good is like my favorite thing lmao


When I was 12, a cute Italian girl told me I had beautiful eyes and I near melted from awkwardness.


When I was this age my grandpa took me into a funeral parlor of a friend. The basement is where the old men drank and it was almost a secret pub. The bartender was a nice old lady who just smiled from ear to ear at all times in a comforting way when people talked. I was 12 as well and she mentioned that my cheek dimples would drive women wild when I get older. Still waiting, but I like my dimples.


I was getting rejected from a bunch of psychology doctoral programs, and I was at an all time personal low. My wife, who pushed me to pursue school and stop breaking my body in factory jobs, said something that I’m ashamed to say I don’t remember verbatim. But to paraphrase: If all you ever do is fail, I’m proud of you for trying. I never did get into a program, I abandoned Psychology and started learning programming, and now I’m a software engineer. But if she hadn’t supported me through those times, I’d probably be destroying what’s left of me in some warehouse. I would never have thought enough of myself to reach higher without her support.


I think of all the ones I've read so far this is my favourite, thank you for sharing this.


3 things: *"I've been meaning to tell you that you're an amazing father."* -My wife at a concert on a rare night out together. *"I'm gonna fuck you on this couch"* -My wife the first time we made out. *"If you don't get along with someone then they must be a seriously shitty person because you get along with like.....everyone."* -My best friend's wife informing me that she trusts my judgement and opinion of people's character.


You sound flipping wonderful. Keep it up.


You just had to slip in the couch thing huh you lucky bastard... All jokes aside your an incredible person


This guy fucks




This sounds like poetry


The wife was sick recently. I spent the morning cleaning the house and entertaining the kid. She looked at me as told me that I was a good husband and a good father. It felt so validating.


You are a good husband and a good father. Keep up the good work, I believe in you.


"Your face looks like home." Said to me by my now-fiancée.


One women once told me that I looked cute with my beard. I still look at that message from time to time whenever I'm feeling down


It's kinda sad how little compliments men get.


I got a beard and what bugs me is I rarely get compliments on it... but when i shave everyone mentions how much better the beard looked.


A woman telling you she loves you often is great.


“I love you often. Not always, but often”


Preferable honestly, sounds more genuine.


“I would be *blessed* to marry you” Started to learn to love myself after that and was able to shed the weight of an old trauma too. We are best friends with a marriage pact.


Marriage pact?




Not directly to me, but in my presence. Our daughter was only about 6 months old at the time, and some friends asked my wife how parenthood had been, and she said, "I'm a little surprised at how great a dad rushandblue has been." Not that she thought I was bad, but that I was even better than she expected. I don't know if anyone's said something nicer about me.


Once after I admitted that I often find myself physically repulsive and have a hard time believing that I could be accepted, a female friend of mine who generally doesn't like physical contact with others sat on my lap and hugged me to prove me wrong and told me that I'm good enough. Fam, that shit has kept me going for years.


I have depression and Asperger’s and I had a tough time with it earlier this year. My girlfriend knows about this and when she saw that I was down, she sat next to me, held my hand and said “I will always be here for you. I love you. Please remember that.” It was very comforting.


Not me living vicariously through this story.


"You have beautiful eyes" - Random Columbian tourist grandma at my work edit : typo, in my native tongue it's "colombie" so I got it wrong 🦍 so is it with a U or a O ? 🤨


"This is not ok". Literally. Made me dig deeper and realize I was a shit partner. Ultimately made me a better person, through therapy. I just needed somebody to tell me that it wasn't ok. That was the trigger.


Well fucking done bro. Truly.


"What? What are you doing? Yes I'll marry you!" After a surprise proposal to my now fiance that she had absolutely no idea was coming


My girlfriend (now wife) and I had both gone through some pretty hard times before we met. On our first anniversary, she wrote a poem for me on a thin strip of paper: You. All & only you. No one else will do. I fell & fell & fell & fell until the night we met, I flew. I kept the strip in my coat pocket for 6 years and pulled it out last year at our wedding as a surprise. In truth, she was the one who saved me 👐


That is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations on your marriage💜


My wife once breathlessly told me that i had missed my calling as a traveling victorian orgasm doctor, and thats easily the best compliment ive ever gotten.


Did Victorian orgasm doctors exist?


Absolutely, look it up. When they referred to women becoming "hysterical" unless certain pressures were relieved, this is what they were talking about. Wealthy women would have a personal doctor that traveled with them. They invented tools to help them in their profession that are basically crank operated clockwork vibrators. Edit: apparently Shatzberg and Lieberman of georgia tech refute this, but looking at the devices and medical notes from the period i just dont see another use.


While curled up in a ball in my arms: “I want nothing more in this life, except to be your wife and be held like this all the time. You are so loving and wonderful, I just want to be Mrs. Barootangclan.”


Maybe it's best you take her name instead


Ehhh, long story, but we were kept apart, so no wedding bells.


It's not often someone knows exactly what they want in life, so sad that it came so close but no cigar.


She told me when we part she's already looking foward to seeing me again god I love that girl


Recently I visited a buddy from elementary school. I went down to celebrate his 30th and him buying his first home to raise his new family in. When I got to meet his wife, she told me she heard all about me and I was the only person buddy was talking about for the past week. Maybe not the BEST thing I got, but it really struck a chord in me that I have a pretty awesome friend.


Not a woman but my 6 year old niece looked at me intently and said “tio, why are you so handsome?”. That’s probably the only compliment I’ll ever need from another girl for as long as I live. Does that count?


My future wife the night we met, told me I had “kind eyes”. Melted me 😭


Nothing tops the “I love you” from that one girl.


I miss her, too, man.


Same bro. Same


My late fiance' was sitting in the car at the end of the sidewalk waiting for me. I walked down the sidewalk and got in the driver's seat and she says "Damn, that's all mine". I'll never forget it and how she looked at me. I love you Suzie. Forever babe.


Peace, friend. Hope your days are good.


When I clean up and get dressed for my office job, just casual/business casual (no tie or slacks anymore), my wife used to compliment me. She’s a sucker for men that are well dressed. Just a simple, “OOoooooo… you look really nice!” I usually just shrug it off and don’t pay too much attention to it. I’ve certainly not let her compliments dwell in my head, I don’t feel much from it. Realizing now that maybe I’m just taking her for granted in this specific way. She doesn’t compliment me as much these days, and probably doesn’t help that I’m not trying as hard (why get new clothes during a pandemic?!?). I think I need to up my game now, acknowledge her compliments better, and maybe just maybe, I’ll feel something amongst the backdrop of life’s busyness. Thanks for the reminder.


After my first ever BJ, she swallowed it and whispered “you taste good” in my ear. I presumed this is how all future BJ’s would end. I feel she set me up for disappointment.


Kind of different- but one time, after a night of drinking, I got an early morning blowjob. After, she says, "mmmm breakfast." It was hot.






“Thank you” “I’m proud of you” “I appreciate your efforts” “I feel loved, cared for and understood”


"I do"


Stop that’s fucking adorable ):


Came here to say this. My wife is perfect. I so look forward to going home to her each day.


You go down like a lesbian.


From what I understand, that’s quite an achievement


Yes. Yes it is.


King shit right there




All sorts of things could be listed, said by romantic partners, but the one thing immediately sprung to mind was back in college, I was walking down the street to work when a car full of girls drove past. As they did, some of the girls stuck their heads out of the windows and shouted to me “you’re hot!” I’ve never been catcalled before or since, but I was walking on cloud 9 for the rest of the day.


You are the reason Im still alive.


I couldn’t bear to live with that pressure of keeping another human alive




You didn't fail him. There's no need for blame here.


I love you too - my mom


Epic answer


I was sleeping in bed with my girlfriend. I’m the kind of guy that thinks consent is what makes the sex hot, so I’m kind of just dancing around what’s on her mind now that we’re alone. After 10 minutes of teasing I ask her “So what do you want me to do-“ “Just fuck me already.” Those words ring out in my head sometimes. Wasn’t a great relationship, but certainly an ego-boosting moment.


“You are a real man” Said by my back then girlfriend when i stood in front of her, naked (after makin out on the couch), reaching my hand out to her to take her upstairs. That was a good day.


You just unlocked a memory of when I was dressed up on a sidewalk downtown. This woman (maybe 36-ish) looks over to her friend and gestures to me. "This is what a man should look like." I was like that bashful looneytoon vulture inside HA


H-yuck h-yuck h-yuck... Awwwww


Before we parted ways my ex wrote me two really really long paragraphs about our journey and told me how glad she was that I was her first everything and even though she has some regrets about other things that happened in her life, told me how she'll never regret meeting me and it was one of the best things that ever happened to her. She writing two big long paragraphs expressing her feelings came as a shock to me because she was the type of person who had a hard time expressing how she felt. To date it is one of the best things any woman had ever said to me.




I love your dick too bro.


Lol true story, I originally made a reddit account just so I could post compliments for the guys on a NSFW subreddit I was enjoying, some of us females genuinely appreciate a beautiful penis and like to make the guy attached to it feel happy about himself 😀


Personal top 5 compliments of all time: I told a girl “one has to go, my dick or it’s always sunny in Philadelphia” knowing she’s a die hard sunny fan, and she said sunny in Philly would be missed. I was flabbergasted because I was trying to give her a chance to roast my ass to see how creative she’d get with it.


.. So anyway, I started blasting


For the first time in my life a woman bought me flowers last year, and I had absolutely no idea how to deal with the way it felt. I’m in my 30s. It was great - and showed how rare things like this are. So it was non verbal, and technically not what you asked - but was amazing so felt worth sharing




"Sexy Voice, Babe" - on note inside a box of wings I had ordered from her over the phone. It included her phone number. I was a coward and did not call.


It’s not that small


My ex told me the smell of my skin was a turn on, especially after a little sun. She would bury her face in my neck and inhale. That was 25 years ago and I'm still waiting to meet someone like that.


A chick at a stoplight once rolled down her window to tell me I was “super duper double cheeseburger hot”, and I’ve been proud of that ever since.


"Mmm. Keep doing that." For the record, "that" was rubbing her shoulders after a long swim workout. But that statement, and the relationship that developed after, taught me that girls *do* like the same physical things as me, and it's OK for me to want them too. She did say "keep doing that" in other circumstances too, and I liked it just as much, but opening the door because she had sore shoulders was priceless.


My elementary school teacher saying: "Good Work"


When my future wife said "yes" when I asked her to dance for the first time, on 12/28/1982.


“No problem, I’ll get a fresh pizza put in for you. Do you want to keep that one too?”


A very intoxicated woman at a bar sidled up to me and said, "You look one half white, one half black and one half Chinese".


That is just a woman who can't do maths.


“Can I do naughty things to you while you drive?” Well yea.


"Sure! As long as I can do naughty things while I drive too!" \*speeds up to 120, removes seat belt, and aggressively changes lanes without checking blindspot\*


You are a good man, and anyone is lucky to say they know you.


On the way out the door in the morning on her way to the airport “I’m going to touch myself to the thought of you”. It was so hot it lead to an immediate fap before going back to sleep.


A crush once asked to wear my hoodie It’s been 20 years and it’s still somewhere in my closet never been washed. The hoodie… not her corpse


Yesterday actually 2 nice older ladies complimented my hair. I do agree my hair did look really sexy that day


"You have the most beautiful blue eyes"


The world would be a better place if there was more people like you


girl I met in a random Team Fortress 2 server said I was the best player she'd ever seen my 6,000 hours felt valid that day


"You make me feel safe and like everything is gonna be alright."


Coworker told another coworker I was a “beautiful man”. I’m not a youngster so it was surprising and flattering.


"You made me believe in good people"


"That's a pretty cool shirt"


“No”. Because I was able to use that as motivation to improve my own life to turn the next one into a “yes”. Sad that it can take a proverbial slap in the face to better ourselves, but for me personally that push as shitty as it was had been a blessing in disguise that I wasn’t able to thank her for until I completely understood the good it ended up doing for me.


"Who the hell are you and how the fuck did you get in my house!!" Still married 20 years later.


Don’t be afraid to touch me.


“I do.” I know it’s kind of corny, but I really love my wife.


We hung out, I took her back to her place, told her I had a great time and then I kissed her. Held on a little longer, move down to her neck and gave her a gentle bite, and then I told her I'd call her the next day. She texted me a photo of her wet underwear and said "damn you are pretty good". I've never been able top that one.


No one's ever made me feel like you do. Had it said to me twice.