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Portal 2


This was the best one-up ever. A lot of studios can make a sequel that's better. But there has never been one this good. Valve needs to make more games. I'm concerned they have forgotten how good they are at it.


They probably don't have the same teams they had ten years ago sadly. Also they have a phobia of the number three.


They put so much effort into improving on the prequel that they’re probably afraid of not being able to live up to the hype. As much as fans clamor for a third they’d rather quit while they’re ahead, and I respect that.


I think alyx was pretty great


To the portal fans here, try portal reloaded. It is a free community made mod that introduces a third portal. Truly challenging puzzles.


Dude I got that game a year ago and got stuck halfway. I should pick it back up again but I was really stumped. I would look it up on YouTube but I wanna figure it out myself haha Definitely would recommend though


The trick is time. Spend an ungodly amount of time staring at the puzzle and youll figure it. It's really difficult tho


I just beat Portal for the first time last weekend. I’m pumped to fire up Portal 2. Never played it and know nothing other than Reddit threads hyping it up over the years. Finally got it on the Switch package.


Most fun I have had playing coop ever. But you definitely need an experienced partner, it would suck it you tried to play with a noob.


I actually have to disagree here, personally at least. Puzzle games are always better with people that don't already know the puzzles.


San Andreas had a massive amount of hype and massive shoes to fill and it absolute shattered expectations.


Meanwhile the remake they made shattered everyone's hope and expectations in the worst way possible


I expected it to be shit because as soon as I heard who was making it, I remembered they made the 360/ps3 port that was shit, I’m still mad about it and more that I lost my sales ticket for that dumpster fire of a game, I plan on taking that disk to a shooting range and blow it up to pieces


Really wish they’d make gta like that again, just good story and fun nearly 20 years later. Plus the cheats are more fun


I would have been content with the online vehicles being added to the story mode, too.


One of the best storylines of any game made.




Influence Gained: Kreia Influence Lost: Kreia Dark Side Points Gained Light Side Points Gained


Boy that bad guy sounded really bad, I hope i dont get to fight him. *20 hours later* OMGWTF how did I not see that


Batman: Arkham City Arkham Asylum was the shit back in '09, but the trailer for City made Asylum look like child's play. City looked big, epic and fucking larger than life. And when it came out it surpassed expectations four times over.


I personally like Arkham Asylum more. The open world didnt add much for me personally. I liked the smaller handcrafted areas of Asylum more and remember more locations. Not that City was a bad game, the city didnt add a lot for me.


I think they changed the feel too much, sure it's a pretty great open world batman game, but the first one had a brilliant claustrophobic feel and unique challenges to each environment. Obviously not perfect though, the final boss was a massive letdown.


Yeah, we dont talk about the fact, that Asylum only had one type of boss you actually get to fight that got recycled a lot. For me personally i liked the claustrophobic athmosphere a lot.


Being able to properly glide in Arkham City was a huge improvement. I love doing that


Assassin's Creed 2, bigger and better in every way from the original.


That really was a true upgrade. One of those times the sequel just killed it.


It's funny how Ezio was introduced and nobody remembers that Altair even existed.


Ezio became the face of AC after it was released


Because Altair is just stoic, badass nobody-guy. He's the silent protagonist of RPG's and the game would still work if he never said a word. Not true for Ezio, though.


I enjoyed so much AC1, but AC2 was truly a next level experience. And Venice was so well recreated, I enjoyed it so much. Lost all my interest in AC saga from Origins onwards though.


U looking forward to mirage? It will supposedly follow the ac2 format


Until I see some solid gameplay, I watch it from afar with a certain layer of skepticism.


Loved it. Only Black Flag was better IMO


Star Wars Battlefront II (2005)


Yesssss!!!! 17 years have passed and this game is still played by thousands.


Once in a while my older brother and cousin (both 27) and I (20) will get together, fire up the old ps2 and play it for literally hours. Just goes to show you don’t need Hollywood-grade graphics and realistic physics to make an amazing game


The enemy has taken another command post!


This is unacceptable! Lord Vader will not be pleased!


Important clarification.


Diablo 2 Diablo was great everyone loved it and played it, Diablo 2 being released so quickly after the first (year or a year and half if memory serves) me and i think most people assumed it would be kinda more of the same but new classes which wouldve been awesome but they took everything dialed past 11 and took it up to 20. Daiblo 2 blew everyone out of the water it was lightning in a bottle and still the gold standard and still heavily played today


There were 3 and a half years between Diablo and Diablo II. And the hype was REAL. I'd print out pages of new info off the Battle.net forums and took the words of the MVPs there as gospel. I'd wait patiently as my 56k modem slowly but surely loaded new screenshots on sites like DIABLOII.net. The Diablo II hype train is something I have not experienced since then. It was just something else.


Stardew valley


So pumped for Haunted Chocolatier I do think it's funny now how any game with some element of farm management is now described as "Stardew but (adjective)".


It used to be "Harvest moon, but (adjective)". I always think about friends of mineral town




I wasn’t in the community before it launched, but I’ve gone back to some really old posts and seen ConcernedApe reply to people asking about concepts, development, and even responding to people who showed contempt for the game calling it a Harvest Moon clone. He definitely deserves the success that the game brought him






I mean they both did, the new and the old.


Resident Evil 2 Remake


Man I wish so much the Resident Evil 3 remake was as good as the 2 remake. I don't hate 3 but man was there a lot of wasted potential.


True, but I’m also confused on how they messed up the B scenarios (too repetitive) for RE 2 remake. Especially since scenarios A and B were awesome in the original. So wasted potential there as well.


I'd put RE7 in the same camp, maybe not as 'hyped', but the game was made to reinvent the franchise (a massive ask btw), and it absolutely delivered.


Switching to first person really gave the series a fresh start, and it really amped up the horror after the previous couple of total cheese-fests. Although healing yourself by pouring medicine over your hand and all over the floor was a bit stupid. Can’t wait for Resi 9 if that ever happens.


RE9 will happen at some point. 7 and 8 have done too well to just stop the series and the RE engine they made for 7 has been a major boon for Capcom.


World of Warcraft (the first time round)


And Burning Crusade, and Wrath of the Lich King. Both exceeded the expectations. Even when some promised features were missing (dance studio and flying vehicle combat).


When that WotLK trailer dropped i shat my pants. Blizzard peaked there. They could do no wrong


The Lich King died and blizzard died with him.


A lot of people don't really understand how World of Warcraft is such a pinnacle of a game. No other MMO's back then, and for a long time could not match what WoW is. The lore behind WoW was incredibly massive in 2005. The balance of different races and having 3 specializations for each class. The balance of 2 very different factions. The choices the game gives you right from the start. The size of the land that you get to travel. The progression of your character and the choices you get to make from level 1-60 is just incredibly satisfying. All while the game ran surprisingly smooth....after a few months post launch. Not only the game itself, but how it was planned to be. "Live service games" wasn't even a term back then, but WoW is really the first game to do it. A $15 monthly fee came with it, but every player will tell you that it's worth it. A game with as much content and storylines as WoW just never happened prior, and maybe a handful of games have done as much since then. There's a reason why games come out, and people claiming it the "WoW Killer" yet...only 4 or 5 games have really competed in the same ballpark as WoW. Granted...WoW has had a massive decline and it can't be ignored. For myself it was Cataclysm. For others it was Warlords, or Battle For Azeroth. However, WoW classic has brought many of these players back and I myself am enjoying the hell out of it.


i would love to go back to wow, but morally not until that company does some serious changes, and throws a certain somebody from the roof.


The re Release of Classic was also very enjoyable


Red Dead Redemption


I’m playing Red Dead Redemption again now. First time in 10 years. I can’t believe how well that game holds up. It’s a masterpiece. There are parts that I like much more than rdr2.


When you ride down into Mexico with Jose Gonzalez heartbeats omg


"Heartbeats" is a great cover from him but the song from RDR is actually "Far Away."


Pokémon Silver and Gold


OMG, I cannot believe no one else has mentioned this. Yes, they didn’t age the best, but the hype was very real for them and people absolutely loved those games.


Just replayed crystal a month back... man I love those games


That moment when you go to the right of New Bark Town, and the guy there says "Check your pokegear map". Literal goosebumps.


Getting to the top of Mt Silver, and “…”


When you beat the whole Elite 4 and see Lance’s cheating ass waiting for you after you’re depleted.


Oh god yeah actually; still arguably one of the greatest sequels, in terms of continuation from the previous, of all time.


And it fixed the Psychic semi-invincibility bug from the first game.


To that extent, Heartgold and Soulsilver have been the only Pokemon remakes that I was excited and hyped for. It did a lot of things right but didn't try to change things too much like the other remakes.


Halo 3


*Finish the fight.*




Yeah Halo 3 was highly anticipated, had huge marketing, and overall a massive release. And it delivered. Played that game for like 10 years straight. Still stirs something within me when I see that menu screen, hear the soundtrack, or even just see a screenshot.


Might be the nostalgia, but that ad campaign was the best, *ever*. Still think of that massive diorama ad with the music set to Chopin's *Raindrop prelude, Op. 28 no. 15* and the war museum/mockumentary commercials




Man that song is something else, especially set to the still life of all that carnage. Chills every time.


A thousand percent yes. The marketing and hype for Halo 3 was bonkers. The live action shorts made by Neil Blomkamp and Peter Jackson (the *Landfall* trailer) with rumors about a live action movie, the 'Believe' campaign with a $10 million battle scene diorama and it *still* gives me chills. The hype surrounding Halo 3 was unparalleled and it absolutely lived up to it. ["Believe" Interviews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GX5Kh1f5ksY) [Halo 3: Believe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3ZGGIdpfEM) [Article including the "Making Of" documentary and higher quality vids](https://www.polygon.com/22809986/halo-3-believe-ad-campaign-making-of-unreleased-version) [Landfall Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk0SBXrm4nQ) Honorable mention for Halo 3:ODST [We are ODST](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRMUYpH7bQk)


finish the fight🎺🎺🎺


Came here to say this. I bought the game before I even had a 360. Best game I ever played. Most fun I’ve ever had online with friends.




This is one of those games that makes me wish I could rewind time just to experience it for the first time again.


GTA: SAN ANDREAS. We could swim, at last.


San Andreas I feel surpassed my expectations with just all the extra gameplay we weren't told about at all until we played it. Especially the jetpack


The jetpack was absolutely amazing. Yeah, I’m gonna roll on some Ballas dual-wielding Uzis dropping from the sky. And who didn’t drop an occasional airstrike on their corners once you got the fighter jet? Or you could always bring in the katana or the flamethrower or the dildo you can find in the police station bathroom….


I think the one mission that annoyed the hell out of me was the one where you had to intercept the Learjet with that Cessna propeller plane. I was stuck on that bit for a while.


Mass Effect 2, W.itcher 3, and a little game called Alpha Protocol as they hype around it was that it was a broken glitchy unfinished mess, and MAN did it live up to that


ME2 was the pinnacle. Loved it.


The closest thing I have to a problem with it is not enough Wrex, but I understand why he is not in it more as well all the wrong-minded people who killed him in 1.


Witcher is incredible, DLCs rocked too


Half Life 2


I remember when the game got delayed a year. People were so mad about it. One of the few times I bought in to watching releases from E3 and such. I even saved up and spent pretty much every spare penny I had for a card to run it and the game. It was totally worth the wait and lived up. I still go back and replay it every few years. It still holds up remarkably well for how old it is. Just wish we had gotten Episode 3.


I just played Entropy Zero 2 (free mod on Steam) and I now class it as Ep 3, even though it's from the perspective of the Combine


I'm amazed that this is so far down, especially when gta San Andreas is there *twice* above this as well as halo 3, which were minor blips on the radar in comparison. The impact on the industry that half life 2, counter strike source, steam and the source engine brought with it was insane.


God of War (2018)


Dad of Boy simulator


*"You will always be... a monster."* **"I know. But I am your monster no more."**


Mario 64


Mario 64 had the advantage of nothing to really compare it to outside of a few PC and some early PS games. I feel Wonderful 101 gave me the same joy of something so new that Mario 64 introduced


In the same vein, odyssey pitched itself as on the big Mario game level, and it lived up to it's hype too


Halo 2 back in the day. Tons of hype and the multiplayer Experience was amazing It was simplistically beautiful, but had a lot of depth. There was a huge “sandbox” element to it. A good skill gap, and amazing combo of symmetric and asymmetric maps Superbouncing, bxR, double shot, all sorts of glitches to get out of the map. Soft modding. Launching yourself and/or vehicles across the map (I remember being able to launch and spin the tank around the map, due to some physics glitch, lol. Would always surprise people) Playing “zombies” and having to find out and boot the person who won’t turn their player green when killed. I could go on. It was awesome .


Borderlands 2. It just improved on absolutely everything from the first game.


Handsome Jack is one of the best villains, and you basically only hear him for 99% of his lines, you only see him like twice. The Tiny Tina Dragon Keep DLC is my favorite DLC for any game ever.




I'd even say StarCraft 2 , too. Great games.


Resident Evil 4


Still the best RE


I've never played a game that so masterfully subverted expectations of a then 10 year old franchise, and ended up providing the template for the next generation of action games. This was my answer as well.


Halo 2


What an Era. Online was peak Halo multi-player, arguably peak multi-player in general. It wasn't about META or K/D and toxic players. It was just good fun. 8v8 on maps that were way ahead of its time. The solo/co-op campaign is absolutely timeless. Imo, it redefined gamers' expectations for graphics, game environment, and story building. All around amazing game and I'd give anything to be able to play that game over again for the first time


It’s amazing how the game was a fraction like what it was hyped up to be due to the hellish development and yet it was still able to exceed that hype with what we got.


Didn't think so at first, but Skyrim. It was so much fun


Still is too. Just wait till Skyrim Special Super Ultra Final Dovahkin Supreme edition comes out in 2034.


Half Life: Alyx. It's one of the most amazing things I've ever played. I'm replaying it right now and I'm still blown away


Breath of the Wild


I never played any Zelda games before this. What a game to start out on.


If the rumors of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess getting Switch ports turn out to be real tomorrow, give Wind Waker a try for sure.


Man.. I played Ocarina of Time a ton when I was a kid, and I just finally caved and bought a switch to play BOTW for the first time, and god damn is it good.




Recently watched a whole gameplay video on this game. I see why people liked it.


Elden Ring


I’ll never forget, after years of waiting and excitement, finally getting it downloaded on preorder and it finally going live. I discovered FromSoft late with blood borne and played all of them over the course of a couple years, way after they had been released. This was my first time being at the beginning of a Soulsborne release and the excitement is something I hadn’t felt in a video game since maybe I was in middle school (a long time ago lol). The exploration was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced and adding it in with tried and true FromSoft combat was incredible. I’m not sure I will ever experience anything like it again and am so grateful to have been a part of it


This is what im currently playing. I didnt know anything about it and had never played any of the dark souls games. My wife came home with it one day as a suprise for me. She saw it at target and thought i would like it. She was right, its an incredible game. But its HARD.


Came here to say this. It got me back into gaming after years!


Super Mario Galaxy


Still wish they released an official Rosalina's Storybook.


Slay the Spire.


Super Smash Bros Ultimate


I think the one way in which it did not was that Subspace Entity was a much more interesting "campaign".


Ghost of Tsushima. Not sure if there was huge mainstream hype, but as a huge fan of sucker punch's previous games, I was beyond hype. And holy shit that game was awesome


“You have no honor.” “And you are a slave to it.”


There was hype when the initial gameplay footage came out, it was incredible. Then silence for years and everyone was speculating that the project had been scrapped. The game blew me away despite using everything that worked well for similar games of that type and inventing pretty much nothing new.




When I think about it… yea. It doesn’t seem that way now because it’s been beaten like a dead horse and milked like a golden cow by rock star, but honestly it was so great when it came out.




Was about to say the same honestly all the gta games so far have lived up to the hype its just been literal years so no one remembers the hype


Imagine the hype when GTA VI gets announced.


Bold of you to assume they will ever announce a GTA VI


They actually did announce it already back in February (well they just confirmed the next entry in the gta series, but I don't see how that doesn't mean gta 6) "With the unprecedented longevity of GTAV, we know many of you have been asking us about a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series. With every new project we embark on, our goal is always to significantly move beyond what we have previously delivered — and we are pleased to confirm that active development for the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series is well underway. We look forward to sharing more as soon as we are ready, so please stay tuned to the Rockstar Newswire for official details." Link. Scroll to the bottom under "what's next" https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/ak73k92o47ko75/grand-theft-auto-community-update Knowing Rockstar though, it's probably not coming anytime soon




Red Dead Redemption 2.


Agreed. I usually don't like open world games, and when I do, it's usually in spite of, or at least regardless of, the open world itself but RDR2 was the first, and so far only, game that I enjoyed **because** of its open world and how it was designed.


It ruined other games for me, at the moment. I played Horizon 2, Dying Light and Elden Ring since my 1st RDR2 play through. But they felt underwhelming for big games. I know people rave about Elden Ring's exploration, but I thought it was empty and not rewarding at all. I did 2 play through and the second was somewhat boring and tedious. With RDR2, the wild life is amazing, the encounters, the sounds - the world is how you are rewarded in exploring. You can choose spend time relaxing in the game, or shooting everything you see and fight the law for hours, you can hunt, fish... Put that on top of good mechanics and awesome story - best game ever. I am doing my 4th play though at the moment and it still feels great. The last game I really enjoyed playing again and again was Skyrim for 2-3 years.




Battlefield 3. Absolutely insane how that game filled my life


being good at that game got me laid.


Original Wrath of the Lich King It was pretty much everything we wanted. The peak of WoW. They will never hit that high again


I was going to say World of Warcraft in general. It's gone to shit since, but in its original release it was something else.


Those were the best days of WoW. It dropped off so fast when Cataclysm came out.


I'm assuming you already know, but Wotlk is being re-released on classic WoW next month. Pre patch is live already


Actually it's this month in about 2 weeks And I will be checking it out just like I did classic and classic tbc But it's not the same. It will be the fixed version just like the other two. And you can't replace that first time feeling . We know what to expect now. And by fixed version I mean. All the broken bosses we had to deal with and bugs and blizz trying to fine tune the classes along the way, all that will be the final version we ended up with. . Rather that be good or bad. It was still part of our initial experience But I will enjoy another true run through all the raids when it releases .


Fallout New Vegas.


Actually evreyone REALLY didn't like new vegas when it came out. It was extremely glitchy to the point of being unplayable.


Also the graphics. Fallout 3 was already dated graphically in 2008. F:NV looked pretty bad for a 2010 title. Another big complaint is that the game abruptly stopped at the end of the game. People didn't like this about fallout 3 but it was fixed in DLCs. Having Fallout NV do the same disappointed a lot of people. I also remember a lot of complaints that a desert setting was too boring. I remember a lot of people just wrote the game off as worse than fallout 3 for a while. It took a couple months or a year for the fan base to really build.


I still put time in here and there


I do as well. Every few months the itch needs scratched.


If you want New Vegas style writing and the Outer Worlds didn't scratch that itch, I recommend Discon Elysium. Take New Vegas quality writing, make it isometric like the old Fallouts, remove the combat, and make the dialogue tree options feel like your decisions have life changing weight to them and you have Disco Elysium:)


Outer worlds felt too empty to me. Plus 10,000 different items that I never used.


I'm so glad somebody else said this. I just got a ps4 for the first time a few months ago and I downloaded Outer Worlds thinking it would be like Skyrim or something. That first world that you're on has like 3 fights the entire time you're on it. The enemies are scattered so far apart that you just spend your time fast traveling to NPC 1>fast travel to NPC 2>fast travel back to NPC 1->fast travel back to NPC 2->>>> Just the same thing, barely anywhere to explore, no enemies, so empty.


Planescape: Torment. But Game Hype was very different back in 1999. Also the game has not aged terribly well interface-wise. Its story is still impressive, but the central gimmick of the game (your actions have consequences for yourself and others) which was novel and groundbreaking when it first came out is now almost the floor of acceptability for any game in the RPG genre these days.


Bro I wish that was the floor


Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater. A whole summer was devoted to that game and its soundtrack. Big head mode, officer Dick, playing as Spider-Man…Huge influence on a punk rock kid like me back in the day.


Mario Kart 8


Although after more than 8 years, I'm ready for a new main Mario Kart.


Devil May Cry 5, Doom Eternal and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart for me recently, then again all 3 are also the only games in awhile I marathoned thru them in a day or two and started up a NG+ play thru or just hop back in repeatedly (DMC5 especially)


Left 4 Dead 2


Elden Ring




The Last of Us. I remember coming home from work, eating dinner, knocking out the daily chores then getting settled in and binge playing for hours. It was like a great TV series that I was participating in. My wife would watch me play it for the story. The ending gave me a glimpse of what a parent's love for their child was like before I had kids and now that I do I can relate. I realize she wasn't his daughter but his actions stemmed from his love for his daughter. I would do the same thing in a heartbeat.


Sad it never came to Xbox. That game was so special.


Black ops 1


Final Fantasy 7 for the og Playstation. It had commercials on tv and people bought it not even knowing what an RPG was. Totally lived up to the hype, one of the most highly regarded games of all time and it's remake is equally spectacular 20 years later.


I still remember my reaction to the first Remake trailer. Realising I was looking at snippets of Midgar, and I about lost my shit completely when I saw Barret’s gun and Buster. I get teary eyed whenever I watch a reaction video to that trailer, everyone just loses their mind and it’s just pure joy.


Spider-Man PS4 anyone?


The Long Dark. Even though there was literally no hype.


Animal crossing new horizons. I have spent more hours on this game that any other.


it was the right game at the right time but animal crossing fans told me the game misses a lot of things previous games had. I enjoyed it for what it was tho.


Grand theft auto 4. The trailer was beyond amazing when released and made me so hyped for its release. Great game




The first Bioshock


Super Mario World


It was a quiet(ish) hype, but Control was full stop stunning.


Outer Wilds Always will answer with this game. It’s my favorite of all time. One of those “don’t look anything up and just play it” experiences. Do yourselves a favor and play this masterpiece of a game.








Very good sir have a pleasant day.


Red Dead Redemption 2 had a lot to live up to and was hyped hard. There were articles about how the writers were working all day every day to get the dialogue done, and the release date was delayed several times. The game was pretty fucking awesome when it finally released. I don’t usually get sucked in and drop other games and hobbies to complete a game, but I definitely lost some sleep to play RDR2


Halo 2. The hype was INSANE and I remember being so excited for it. Waited in line to get on release day. Had a giant grin on my face the entire time.


Not really a separate game, "just" an expansion. The Binding of Isaac: Repentance. It was postponed multiple times over the years. Community had insanely high expectations after rather average Afterbirth+. And these all expectations were absolutely exceeded once Repentance got released. Content this game already had got more than doubled. Game got more challenging, but in general in good way. Some loose threads in lore found their closure. Issac already was the king of roguelikes even before Repentance. And I'm pretty sure this expansion will let Isaac keep title for at least next couple of years.

