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That is the whole point of different countries having different laws. Its not that we allow Americans over the border specifically for abortions. It's that we allow anyone who is eligible to come in and do whatever they want that is legal. Abortions are legal, so is drinking and buying weed under the age of 21.


Yeah it's a dumb question. "Other countries have different laws than the US, what are your thoughts on that?"


It's not a dumb question, but it will have dumb people answering dumbly by saying something like "but they killed their baby and should be tried for murder when they arrive back in the U.S." Fetuses. aren't. babies.


Also, Countries should be treated as sovereign. If I smoke marijauna in Canada, I shouldn't be charged with smoking marijauna in the USA if I go back.


I can think of several crimes for which I would approve of prosecution at home that were commited abroad. Like sex tourism and even worse versions of that.


Believe it or not, those are pretty much the only crimes the US will prosecute regardless of which country they're committed in: sex tourism with minors. https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-extraterritorial-sexual-exploitation-children I have no qualms at all about this.


Yeah same as Germany. And I agree, there's just no reason that should be legal anywhere.


I disagree. If my cousin goes to Qatar, I don't think they should be able to jail him for having had sex with a man in the USA.


I feel as though the existence of an aggrieved victim should be the determining factor here. Drug use typically does not have a victim - but sex tourism most certainly will.


I mean, it's pretty clear that laws are about more than *where* you can do something. Human trafficking is a major issue. Just because something is legal somewhere else doesn't mean you're not going to have relevant thoughts on it. In this case, abortion isn't murder, and forced pregnancy and birth is effectively slavery, so I consider it a good thing. In a different case "conversion therapy" isn't illegal everywhere, so I would feel very strongly about people being able to take their gay children to another country and trying to torture and brainwash them into being something they are not.


i think its more of a "do you think canada should help people get abortions?", like aimed at ppl who dislike the idea of legal abortions


thank god for moose lovin canada


No moose lovin is illegal in Canada, sorry.


This is one of those sentences where a missing comma makes all the difference.


No, moose, lovin is illegal in Canada, sorry.


no moose loving, is illegal in canada, sorry


Thats the one i was looking for lol


You better love that moose


Moose can love other moose.


No-moose lovin' is illegal in Canada, sorry


Yep gotta assert dominance and fuck a moose once a year up here or you’re in for a world of “do better eh”’s. Keeps em in line


Nothing says "assert dominance" than getting your ass ploughed by Bullwinkle the One-Ton Moose




The trick is to get him before he gets you ya see


Better to let him cool off in you than get trampled or gored to death in a moose rape gone wrong


When I heard "fuck a moose," I assumed for some reason that it was giving rather than receiving.


Have you seen a moose?! I don't think they're the "receiving" types like sheep and goats


I see someone's been to Wales 😉


Remember to bring your step ladder on a hike in case you see a moose


I thought Canadians had to assert their dominance on your bad ass, Hades-grown, honking murder chickens.


Oh ya make sure at least a couple cobra chickens sees what you’re doing to the moose


There must be a booming ladder business up north.


I mean… it’s gotta be a three-man job. Unless it’s a sick moose. You could probably do it with two if it was a sick moose.


No, moose loving is illegal in Canada. Sorry. 😂


They said sorry. So you know they're Canadian






Must have been a sick Ostrich




Eh bud were pretty great, stoned eating maple syrup. 🍁


I've been known to take the odd swig of Grade A Maple suryp when I was alone


Did this last night.


As any good Canadian should.


Emphasis on bud


Wait could you make cannabis infused maple syrup?


Cannabis infuses better into fats... you could totally serve pancakes with maple syrup and pot butter


Canna maple butter?




You know whats good eh? Make some toast with butter and dip it in maple syrup.


Moose lovin, maple syrup drinkin’ Canada


better this, than dead babies in dumpsters and dead mothers - victims of illegal abortions.


Dead mothers because of nonviable pregnancies and no doctors willing to perform a medically necessary abortion due to threat of prosecution.


Even here in Ole USA a lot of our parents/grandparents could freely buy beer and wine at 18. There are tons of people, not even necessarily THAT old really, who remember those days. It's only when our funky system lets state vs federal law come into conflict with each other, that we get weird shit like we have now. Technically any state that wants to *could* set their drinking age back to 18, but doing so means they lose a shitton of federal money because some dumbasses a few decades ago decided it had to be 21. Cue teenagers thinking of alcohol as some "forbidden fruit" just because it's not allowed. I think fewer 16 year olds would get wasted if they knew that could drink at 18.


Here in Ontario a right of passage for 18 year olds is a road trip into Quebec because unlike Ontario's minimum drinking age of 19 it's legal for them to drink in Quebec.


My sons did this after prom in Ottawa. Just slip over the border--not boarder--to Gatineau with a DD. The DD was probably high...


Right of passage for under 21 Americans is to cross over to Canada where its quite legal and spend their hard earned there. Border town pubs must be empty in the US at the weekends. Lots of lost revenue.


Nah man, Canadians go down for cheap drinks. Well pre-Covid.


Gotta love those big liquor stores on both sides of the highway in NH.


18? I don't think Quebec checks IDs at bars. I was 17 when I went to Montreal to experience corner store beers and strippers. No one checked my ID at either establishment. That was a long time ago though.


We used to pop over the border to a petit Quebec town called Swisha. If you were tall enough to put your money on the bar you were good to go. There were no cops. The closest detachment was 45 min away and they had to drive up on the Ontario side. Someone would see a Quebec cop driving along and would call the bar to alert them. The only real danger was the high school principal showing up on a Friday afternoon looking for his senior year class.


Quebec, the cool uncle of Ontario and New England


You mean in SOUTHERN ONTARIO. Those of us in Northwestern Ontario would go to Winnipeg. There is more to Ontario than Toronto/Ottawa.


TIL Manitoba has an 18 drinking age, I thought it was just Quebec and Alberta


Not to Torontonians. There is only Toronto, and the rest of Canada.


>There is more to Ontario than Toronto/Ottawa Nah dude it's actually hilarious how weird Ontario is shaped, you know damn well that [everything outside this circle](https://imgur.com/a/BKRX82p) is irrelevant nothingness


The legal drinking age here in Australia is 18, but drinking underage is not a big deal at all. I mean depending on the pub you go to they might ask for ID if you look young, but binge drinking at underage parties is fairly full on. To be honest my parents bought me beer to take to parties from about 15 years old onwards. Cheers to them! 🍺


In Denmark it's up to 16,5 % alcohol at age 16 , and the rest at age 18. Funny thing is most young adults today don't really drink as much as their more focused on getting a career compared to their parents generation.


They also have access to pills. Most of us didn’t have that, so it was booze or perhaps weed or nothing.


Oh, "pills" are regulated to fuck and beyond. Doesn't mean you can't get them tho. I went in to get my finger stiched, 5 of them to be precisee was told no drugs for you "it shold be numb" so you won't really feel it. It was indeed painful.


The pub thing is not allowed in Canada. I've never heard of anyone underage drinking at a pub. But underage parties? Oh yas super common.


I’m in Saskatchewan and 40 now, but drank in plenty of pubs and bars underage.


Old mate is full of shit. No fucking way are you drinking underage at a pub in Australia.


Yeah pretty strict on underage drinking in the bars but every fellow Canadian I know has been getting fuckin blasted at house parties and bonfires since grade 10


In some provinces it is legal to drink under 18 if you're at a private residence and your parent/guardian gives you the alcohol and is present.


Raising the drinking age drastically decreased the number of alcohol related car accidents. The reason states don't drop the drinking age back to 18 is because they'd lose federal highway funds.


Damn I need to try some Canada weed


You should try their Canadian salad too, it’s great. It’s called poutine


Canadians can allow whoever they want into their country for whatever reason they want.


Ikr. This question honestly. Like Americans you are not the centre of the world lol. Canada has our own rules.


I learned the USA wasn't the center of the world when I joined the military. Was further established years later when I married a Brazilian. We taught our kids how to drink safely when they each turned 18 in Brazil. They were already drinking a bit at parties and such prior, but on their 18th birthdays we took them out for their first legal drink before sending them off with their friends. Prior to that though, we had plenty of discussions and lessons on drinking. Both of them now make way more money than I do and each are doing great. I'm fairly certain they did some shit when younger we never found out about, but that's all good in my book


You know that you're a good parent if your kids tell you everything that matters. and don't bother you with stuff that doesn't because you taught them enough to handle that themselves. You don't WANNA know everything your teenage kid does. It's the same shit we pulled when we were their age, and our parents would've disapproved too. But they wisely turned a blind eye if they ever suspected.


Odd. We start drinking at 14 in Sweden.(18 is legal tho) Haven't hurt our overall budget or education much.


Right now, this female Redditor is so so so happy that Canada has different laws than the US. I also wondered WTH the question asked was getting at. Like…do you want a bunch of forced birth advocates to come in here and wine about another country?


The bigger concern is that the US (and other countries as well) have precedent for laws criminalizing conduct no matter where in the world it occurs. [Federal law makes it a crime for US residents to engage in sexual or pornographic activities with a child younger than 18 years anywhere in the world](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/sex-tourism), for example. I'm concerned that some US states are or will be taking this angle on traveling to other states or countries for abortions. Liability for anyone who assists in the travel, liability in the state if you ever return there, etc.


How would they know someone had an abortion in Canada? Yes they know so-and-so went to Canada, but they don't know what the person did in Canada.


Americans are welcome here anytime, but please America, just legalize it so your girls do not have to cross any international boarders for their health care, it's stressful enough without all the extra bullshit.


There are currently no US states which border Canada where abortion is illegal. The closest is North Dakota but abortion bans have been held up in courts, similar situation in Idaho


Technically speaking it's not illegal, not at the national level. Prior to Roe states were imposing different bans on abortions, and some states did nothing. The Supreme Court decided in [Roe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roe_v._Wade) that such laws were unconstitutional because they violated a woman's right to privacy with regards to her healthcare (IIRC). Therefore those laws curtailing access to abortion were unconstitutional and could not be enforced. [Later cases](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_Parenthood_v._Casey) found that the right to an abortion was not unlimited, and found that the states could impose some limitations on abortions, such as the so-called “viability threshold,” 24 hour waiting periods, and so on, but the state cannot impose an “undue burden” that makes an abortion functionally impossible to obtain. Prior to the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg it was expected that the [Dobbs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dobbs_v._Jackson_Women%27s_Health_Organization) case would be a further test of the viability standard, as this case was about a ban on abortions after 15 weeks, well before a fetus could realistically exist outside the womb. It was largely expected that a case against the [Texas Heartbeat Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_Heartbeat_Act), which directly outlawed abortion, but used a civil enforcement measure that was specifically written to side-step the finding in Roe under the letter of the decision, while explicitly flouting the spirit of the finding, would be the case to decide the future of Roe. However the court's conservative supermajority decided to use Dobbs to declare that the Justices who wrote the finding in Roe were stupid and wrong and just killed it then and there, returning the decision to ban or not to ban to the states. So what we need is a ban on banning abortion.


Pro tip though: it's actually really tough to get into Canada if you've ever been arrested...for anything. If you've so much as been nabbed for weed in the 90s and it's on your record they'll boot your ass back at the airport. It's not just America with shitty border policies! Hurray!


Unless you’re really close to the Canada border, it sounds terribly impractical since you can always cross state lines openly any time for any reason.


Your perfectly factual explanation isn’t nearly inflammatory enough for this thread. Please see yourself out.


Are there even any states on the Canadian border that have made abortion illegal?


Michigan technically was for a bit, but have officially struck down that law.




Only Idaho I think.


And going to Oregon is way more practical for that


Idaho has abortion up to 20 weeks and in North Dakota it's "mostly illegal".


So realistically, the only Americans that would need to travel to Canada for an abortion would be a very small portion that live in northern North Dakota. Don't get me wrong, overturning roe is a colossal mistake and I think anyone should be able to get an abortion - but no one is traveling to Canada for one like this post implies. It's misleading


I love seeing people not take the ragebait.


All of the people saying if you get an abortion in another state and go to one where it’s illegal you’ve committed a crime when that is blantantly not true if you know literally anything about the US… There are SO many problems with the Supreme Court decision but spreading misinformation is just fear-mongering and will do more harm than good.


It definitely depends on the state, but Canada is a 5 minute trip from Detroit. In the old days people would cross the border for lunch or dinner pretty regularly. A lot of Canadians cross for medical specialties better handled in Detroit than Windsor.


And even then, it's legal in Michigan


I love how juxtaposed those two things are: - “Hey Canadian, what brings you to America?” - “A time-sensitive, specialized medical procedure that can get done considerably quicker here in the States” - “Hey American, what brings you to Canada?” - “Lunch”


Even more fun: Canadians used to come to Michigan to buy gas and shop. Michiganders buy non-generic drugs in Canada but generics are often cheaper in the US. One of the most common reasons for crossing is because the drinking age is 19 in Windsor and 21 in Michigan. And the strip bars in Windsor, aka “The Windsor Ballet”, have full nudity and are much safer than those in Detroit.


Only for people living in northern Idaho, still it's way easier for them to travel to Washington instead.


Welcome to California, where we just amended our state constitution to guarantee an individual's reproductive freedom, which is defined to include a right to an abortion and a right to contraceptives. So even if the nazi party were to miraculously gain control of the state they cannot ban abortions wihtout two-thirds approve of the voters.


I mean I feel like if the nazi party took control of the state they'd just throw out the state constitution. It's not like constitutions are magic, and fascists gonna fascist


Right? Plus you need a passport


You're not necessarily wrong, but people don't even feel safe disclosing the last date of their period to their doctor regardless of the state.. We're scared, and the laws keep changing constantly. We aren't protected. Canada isn't having this problem. It's clear. We're safe. I'd feel safer getting an abortion in Canada than any of the states here


More practical than having a baby you can't properly care for.


It’s more practice to go to one of the 33 states where abortion is legal


I don’t wanna be that guy but you spelled border wrong


Boarder? I hardly know her.


What immediately hits me is that you spelled border wrong.


The engagement bots do it on purpose to drive more comments


There's a snowboarder who guards the border from November to March.


Canada does not forbid crossing (as in angering) any boarder (as in someone who bought room/board), therefore Americans are allowed by Canada to do that.


People from Latin America used to do this to get abortions in the US. Now they go to Europe instead. So it's normal, people look for medical care in foreign lands when they can afford. Just like Americans going to Mexico for dental care.


There’s quite the abortion trade for Americans in Mexico now


There is for all kinds of healthcare-related stuff. I’ve been getting my dental work done in Mexico for most of my adult life. The difference in cost is absurd.


Women in Ireland used to travel to Britain. People power changed that shit and gave a massive "fuck you" to the church. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/26/ireland-votes-by-landslide-to-legalise-abortion


> Just like Americans going to Mexico for dental care. Wait, what? Are the procedures cheaper without insurance or something?


Many people don't have dental insurance and dental care is very expensive without it. I personally get my cleanings done for $27 by the dental students at my college but people who need things like braces, extraction, ECT may not be able to use that option.


It’s wonderful idea. And I am glad it exists. With the exception that the people who usually need abortions are people who are disadvantaged to begin with and can’t afford to travel across long distances, never mind a air/land border.




Why would they randomly do this to Target poor people?


"Because Republicans are angry that they can't keep black people as slaves anymore, so they try to punish black people whenever they can. The only goal of the Republican party is to bring back slavery, that's literally their only political goal. They have a sexual fetish for enslaving black people because their white penis is smaller." -Reddit, probably


I agree. It’s awful. I’m a Canadian woman and I realize what a privilege it is to have this right.


I appreciate the spirit of your comment—but it’s not true that predominantly poor women have abortions. It’s only true that the wealthier women who need abortions have no problem accessing them, so it’s the poor women who end up in truly heartbreaking situations. I don’t want to stereotype or stigmatize women who opt to terminate pregnancies for any of a HOST of valid reasons—not restricted to any one social class


Thanks for being a good neighbor


Canada is the Mister Rogers of countries


I Canada, we grew up with Mr. Dressup on the CeeBeeCee. EDIT: Mr. Rogers was invited by the CBC to produce a kid's show in Canada. He left for the states again, but his employee, Ernie Coombs ("Mr Dressup") stayed for life. Bob Hoome also was an American who produced a kids show, was also invited up north and stayed. He was "The Friendly Giant" .


My boyfriend is Canadian, a GenX like me, and he introduced me to Mr. Dressup on YouTube, which he watched with the same Nostalgia as I would watch Mr. Rogers. The tickle trunk is what sent me over the edge.




We should allow it in the US so they don't have to travel.


How many states that border Canada don't have legal abortion?


According to this map, [one state](https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/abortion-access-tool/ID) And it’s Idaho


So it really doesn't even make sense to go to Canada for it?


I’m assuming it’d be a lot easier to go to California, Illinois, Maryland, Montana, Nevada or New Mexico if you’re want to be in a place with the last amount of restrictions. At that rate, Planned Parenthood will probably give you the contact info of the closest location for you to call them and ask if you can get the care you need and if not there, where else you can go. It’d still be an uphill battle if you live Deep in the Heart of Texas or in the Middle of Mississippi…




Many states do. It’s terrible that some do not and it should be mandated as legal federally, but I’m not sure why so many in this thread are acting like it’s federally illegal.


Plus I'd wager a good number of states that border Canada allow it, so if you're already traveling north, why would you keep going into Canada? Here in Michigan we just added it to our constitution so it'll be legal for all... According to a Google search, Washington state, Minnesota, New York, Vermont, Maine all have it legal too. So besides a couple states with trigger bans, like 70% of the states that border Canada have legal abortions So I honestly don't see why anyone would keep going into Canada if they can just go to one of those states


A ban on abortions is just a ban on the poor getting abortions.


It's also a ban on women who suffer a miscarriage. They might have the funds to go to another state (after all, theirs is a planned pregnancy) but are in no physical shape to make a trip like that. Some have nearly died and some probably will die before this is fixed.


A ban on abortions is an abortion on the future of your nation.


God bless Canada.


INGL, I got a shmashmorshin when I was in my early 20s and there were three young females protesting across the road because they werent allowed near the clinic i went too. They shot an avocado at me and said thats my unborn baby, i shot it back and said no its unborn guacamole. I just wanted to justify everything to them but you cant undo dumb.


Too late now but rip the avocado open and take a big bite


They murdered unborn guacamole.


Makes sense, usually people in authoritarian regimes leave for assistance in other nations when they can't get in their own.


This statement couldn’t be truer my father managed to escape Salazar slytherin regime (his real name António de Oliveira Salazar) Portugal’s very own dictator not as famous as hitler


Salazar Slytherin lmao I am happy for your father


It's fucked that Americans have to leave the country to get medical care for something that isn't the government's fucking business.


Land of the not so free.


"The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin


Land of the free (but only if you're wealthy)


Land of the fee, home of the slave


Honestly I don't get why they banned them in the first place. its your body, your choice. banning it only incentifed people to do it them selves.


Inspite of our own issues with wait times in our healthcare, if it means that rapists in America are not free to choose the mothers of their children, or it is no longer certain death for women with complicated pregnancies in America, then I am happy and proud. Nobody should ever be forced into motherhood. Edit: and that includes not wanting to deal with a fucking unwanted or unplanned for baby! It doesn't need to be as dramatic as rape or being killed by your pregnancy, nobody, EVER, should be forced to go through the ordeal and danger of pregnancy.


Where else are Republican politicians mistresses going to get their abortions?


To be fair, republican’s mistresses are often men.


Hershal (idk how to spell his name)Walker knows and will pay


Neither does he so it’s ok




We also let Iranian women cross the border and not wear hijabs Same principle


I think it’s fucking insane this question even needs to be asked. Why do Americans need to cross a damn border for access to health care?


America also allows it's people to go to other countries to get other surgeries we make impossible... I know quite a few Canadians who come to America for medical treatment as well. If we had to check the reason people left or entered America and confirm those details, international travel would stop and God knows it didn't stop for a pandemic so it isn't going to stop while the tsa checks if your pregnant, want a penis or want to remove your penis and confirm you arent going to another country to have that done... Imagine the paperwork! At least Canadian doctors give a crap and *can* help people instead of being a doctor in a ban state having to refuse services their patients deserve because of being terrified of being sued or jailed if they can't prove it was within whatever ridiculous law was currently in play. I appreciate Canada being open to helping people whose own country has failed them miserably.


come in guys! you're welcome!


It’s called health tourism. Lots of countries do it. I know of a woman who went to Mexico for bariatric surgery and a couple that went to the Caribbean for fertility treatments. When Americans come here for abortions, they’re getting it done in private clinics so it doesn’t take away from our public health care system. I think it’s a win-win; abortions are health care, period.


As a Canadian in a border town, I say "Welcome friends. It's none of my business why you're here, but I hope you find what you're looking for. And please don't toss any trash on the ground. We have bins for that." Essentially: don't be a jerk and you can come to visit anytime.


For the Midwest, Michigan will always be available. Abortion is guaranteed by the state constitution, and the US constitution will not likely ban abortion in the next generation or so. I am glad that for those who need it, there is an avenue for them.




Exactly. And thats fucked, how many women are going to be slayed in a back alley now


Well, in some states they've started cracking down on college sports students raping women in back alleys, so ...


I feel sad for the women that don’t have the money to get here to get a medical procedure that they need.


It's none of my fu*king business


Sovereign nations allow legal activities to be performed. I don't see how this is posed as a dilemma or thought provoking question.


My thoughts are that that's their business and not mine or yours.


Come to the dark side America. We have abortions, lower ages to drink and gamble, and free healthcare




It is perfectly fine. In fact, why does this level of effort be needed at all when we should just let women do this in their home country? Republicans, while you might not like it, it doesn't hurt you, and you aren't gaining any more voters by banning abortion and potentially birth control.


Don’t care. If you want to do it, have at it. If you don’t, then don’t. Pretty simple to understand


It’s ridiculous that abortions are illegal. Anywhere. Period. Not only am I fine with this, I openly encourage it.


We are a mature and civil nation that doesn’t hate women. That’s why they can come here.


Come to California too


I am in California. If any woman wants to come here. I’m all for it. I would probably happily drive her to the clinic and pay if she needed it.


My thoughts on this are: “Shame on Americans that wish to oppress a woman’s rights to her body”


It’s ridiculous women are forced to do it to begin with because Bible thumper’s are somehow allowed to make laws when our government isn’t supposed to be ran by religion.




And your very generous maternity leave!


Parental+mat. Mat leave is quite short but parental is for either mother or father to take. Just saying with enthusiasm:D


15 weeks still feels like a lifetime to those that get none.


True. Im sorry


Parental leave. It can be split up between both parents.


Well, it's a tough one. Because on one hand, I'm against women's bodily autonomy, but on the other hand, I'm in favor of killing babies.


That hell is hot...


This is what I'm thankful for today. Canada's the best!


American women should be allowed to have abortions if they want them. The fact that America is being infiltrated by Christo-nationalist asswipes is a travesty.