• By -


We all die alone.


*Previously on LOST*


Where'd he go


Outside of car accidents, mass murders, and genocides, you are damn right.


I definitely will. I never had anyone to begin with.


Due to family issues, I cut all ties 10 years ago. Had to do it for me. To this day, I’m still talked about in a negative way even though I have no contact. I’d rather die alone than have a room full of toxic people around me.


20 years for me, and same thing.




Familys can be unstable and you can still say hello, I mean idk how bad things were but we'll at least their alive mine the not, I miss them bunches


I'll be your friend :D I mean don't go all suicidal in front of me pretty please, but yee I be your friend. You not alone no more new friend! I'm matt nice to meet you!




I am pretty sure. It really hit me a couple of years ago when I was in the hospital and had no one to put down as an emergency contact should the surgery go wrong. Or anyone to watch me when I got home. Or care that I died. If I were to cut the cord and go offline, I would have absolutely no one at all in my life.


Sounds like it's time to make a change my friend.




Only if you die at 2am


Nothing good happens after 2am.


My Mom used to say “ nothing good happens after midnight “


And then she met us!




Yeah same here


No way, I'm taking a shitload of you fuckers with me when I go!


My wife and I talked about this a little bit last night. We both agreed our son will probably never move out, so I don't think it's going to be a problem.


Why do you guys think he wont move out?


It all works out in the end


This thread is already more depressing than I expected it to be.


What did you expect? It's not like you set it up for positivity...




For sure. I'm a genuinely terrible person. Soon as I finish remodeling my former best friends house, I'm out


Why do you think you are a terrible person?


I'm the wondering a little myself like I sometimes think stuff I did along time ago people hate me for, but I mean I eventually went up to them and was like "Hey that thing you are missing, yeah I kinda stole that but here's 5o$ it's all I got, I'm really sorry." But a different time it didn't technically work out to well but when I woke up on the floor well I guess it was "cool-ish" between us... They didn't really hate me or babe anything to say but we'll it was just a me owning up to my bs when I was doing horrible in life long time ago, I don't do things like steal from people anymore because well getting into fights you don't always win isn't always fun... But then again I do remember them stealing from me first but didn't say anything... But idk don't do cocaine? Idk. Best I can really say about that one...


Yea. No to cocaine!


It nasty stuff. Biggest waste of damn money and stupid I ever did. :\ lessons were learned for me that much is the certain.


I hate to be graphic but I've worked with hospice people before. They usually are too out of it, or too in pain(you get morphine to cope) to understand that they're dying that day/week. Even if you're surrounded by family, you'll likely not know that they're there anyway.


Hospice and palliative care is a gift.


Born alone, only child, introverted type. Bad marriage, divorce, but one child, a son who I remain proud of. He'd be there if he could. I was for his grandfather. But yeah, likely alone. But in truth, we all cross over by ourselves.


I am afraid of that for sure. Finding the right partner for me, one who wants me back…it’s a struggle for sure. But I’m not going to give up. It’s what I want most in life.


Same. Don’t lose hope and just keep trying.


Probably yeah


We are stardust, and are never alone here in the universe. My dying breath will become green growing things. Even now I'm alive with things like bacteria and those tiny eyelash mites. My carbon becomes more life. The universe loves me and the life that consumes me if I get squashed by a truck. I'd like to die in bed with a sexy friend although that might be a little traumatic. I'll leave something in my will for therapy.


lol that last line really change the tone of your message. overall a beautiful sentiment, and one i try or remind myself of.


Yea lol i've come to terms with it already


Yes, but that's no bad thing IMO. I've seen my grandparents slowly deteriorate from Dementia to the point where they no longer recognise anything or anyone. Seeing my mum nourn her parents while they're still alive is crushing - and I hope that when I go, it's quick, with nobody around to suffer seeing it happen.


I or my wife will. We won’t be having any kids so by the time we’re elderly, my younger brother is the only relative we’ll have that would be alive in to our senior years. I think about that all the time.


Two military snipers decide to compete in who’s a better shot and go hunting. As they are walking through the woods, suddenly, a bear jumps in front of them and starts charging at them. As the snipers quickly get up the nearest tree, the bear climbing after them, one of them drops his rifle. The other sniper boastfully tells his buddy: -Watch this, I can rip off his left testicle with my shot! He shoots and, indeed, hits the mark. The bear roars in pain but keeps climbing. The same guy says: -Now check this out, this time I’ll shoot off his right testicle! Another shot, and the other testicle is gone, but the bear is still getting closer. -Now watch this, I’ll shoot his dick off! His buddy replies: -SHOOT HIM IN THE HEAD, GODDAMIT! I SEE IT IN HIS EYES, HE’S NOT PLANNING TO FUCK!




I'm way more afraid of being I'm an unfulfilling relationship than dying alone Sure, I'd be happier with a loving and fulfilling relationship, but I like my life now, I like myself and my company. So dying alone doesn't seem bad, just unideal


I feel the same. Everyone keeps asking me why I’ve been single for so long and I’m just like… because I don’t want to be in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship? And being in a bad relationship destroys your soul.


To the one person that actually likes themselves, 🍻


Please, this doesn't have to be a group project.




Dude after the last 3 years, I deserve to rest. It doesn’t matter if it’s alone or not


Over here 🖐️ 👈


I go back and forth with this. At least romantically speaking, I usually oscillate between "I do not understand how anyone could know me and not want me, I'm a literal joy to be around" and "I can't believe I even have friends, I'm the most annoying fuck I've ever met". I've never been in a long term relationship, and I've never wanted to, but I do wonder if if I had wanted one, would this change? I'm pretty sure at this point that I'm unloveable, and even if someone would love me, I would have no idea how to love them back. I *am* happy alone. I wouldn't mind dying without a romantic partner. But I kind of would like one anyways; I'm not sure if it is possible, though, because someone whom I wanted would have to want me back, and that just seems imposible to me.




Yeah my wife threatens me that she'll kill me if I die first


I can't see it playing out any other way.


Absolutely I will. But I will go out happy


Don’t do anything stupid


I hope so, I would hate to take anyone with me.


Oh definitely. It'll probably be a while before anyone finds me. And my dogs will probably eat me.


Most certainly. It will take north of a week for anyone to even know. A couple of people will message me saying how I have been quiet lately. I won't reply but it will be another day before they think something is wrong. Might be another day or two to act on their worry and call the police (I live 5+ hours away from anyone who cares about me).


I will die alone. At age 43, I have given up on finding someone who can love this broken shell of who I am.


It's not too late. But don't waste time.


I never really understood what the phrase "dying alone" means. Is it supposed to be taken literally or is it in a more abstract relationship sense?


I'm trying to avoid that by getting my pilots license


Hopefully not but it is my biggest fears


Yeah. It looms over me more and more as I get older. Never to have someone to look after me or make sure I'll be okay when I pass away.. I'm scared OP


I probably will. That’s hard for me. I’ve always felt weird and just very different than other people and like I didn’t fit in and didn’t fully understand other people and feel misunderstood in return while feeling very lonely because of it from a young age. I’m probably undiagnosed with some neurodevelopmental disorder. Probably ADHD. I’ve had lots of different people tell me they just assumed I was ADHD (or autistic). Most of my ex-girlfriends have either been diagnosed as one of the other (or both) after we dated or they just live their lives assuming they have one of those disorders. It makes sense that I would be attracted to and understand them and them to me. I should get assessed for ADHD and try to move forward with that, but I’ve had a series of traumas through my life that have led me to a point where I just don’t feel motivation or drive to try to do anything anymore. Maybe this is just a form of depression. I’ve been depressed for most of my life starting from age 14 (36 now) when I realized how different and undesirable I was to so many people because of it. This depression feels different, though. There used to be a desire to climb out of it and do better. This depression just feels like I’m lying in a grave, staring out at the sky as it gets darker. After fighting to climb out of depression over and over for more than 20 years, I just don’t have the same fight in me anymore. And I don’t think it’s fair to drag anyone else into sharing a life with me when I can’t even get myself to WANT to climb out of this hole. So, yeah. I’ll probably end up alone.


Definitely, I have PTSD from how badly my last relationship went. Don’t seem to be moving past it.




Bigggggggg yesssss


Everyone does alone


100% yeah, no question about it.










Firmly convinced of it at this point.


Nah, I'm taking at least a few more people down with me... ok was that too dark? But on the real considering my lack of any self preservation instinct I feel I'll probs die something stupid, so IDK if I'll necessarily be "alone".


Born alone die alone, no matter who your man is Hope he live long enough to tell it to his grandkids


Not with 4 children and 2 ex wives I'm friends with.. Also I've never been single for more than a few months in my life. Highly doubtful.




Meh it's in God's hands


No I don't hear I'm deaf


Yes me. It's so depressing everyday knowing you'll never find anyone, get married or have kids. I wish I could just die already so I don't have to feel this way.


Everyone dies alone. Except for the passengers in my uncles car...... they all died together. That was a joke.


Everyone dies alone…


I will…i live alone and not a bunch of friends, and always joke I feel sorry for the person that finds me dead because it will prob be awhile since i had died..


we all die alone don’t we


Would not be amazed actually. Not that my friends wouldn't want to come but I have a tendency of going low profile for weeks. They'll probably find out when it's too late.


Pretty much. Dad passed away several years ago and immediate family pretty much went their separate ways. Pretty toxic family members too. Lots of egos and unchecked anger issues within my family which makes for being around each other an absolute nightmare. I'm comfortable by myself and pretty much keep to myself. Only friends live elsewhere in the states and extended family lives on the other side of the world. I've come the fact that I'll be one of those people that die in their apartment and no one will know until people smell my corpse.


Almost everyone dies alone unless you do some fucked up shit


Not to be that bitch....but we all die alone so try putting most of your energy into your relationship with yourself, you are all you have and we all die alone. So might aswell love your self and learn to be happy with the love you have for yourself, everything else is supplemental Im a new widow, can attest to we all die alone on our own time line, we dont know when or how, even when we think we do. Love yourself because you will be all you have when you do die


I'm planning on it.


Who'd you hear that from🧐


If you die alone, does anyone hear it🤷🏻‍♂️


We all die alone


25M here. Yes, honestly. Dating is tough nowadays. It's been about two years since I last dated anyone, and before that, it was a string of relationships that lasted a couple months, then died. Every girl I meet either just wants to party or doesn't really have much ambitious. Or while I'm trying to better my life, they want way too much way too early in the relationship. That or the people I do try to talk to either take hours/days to respond or don't respond at all. Then, I wonder why I have texted in several days or weeks. That and everyone's a "strong, independent woman who don't need no man." So why date then, what are you in the game for? I get it: you've got a job, your own place, a car, blah blah. So what? I've got two out of the three. What's the big difference? That and just nearly everyone seems so damn entitled. Apologies for the rant, I'm just tired of dating honestly. Edit: Got family so no. Relationship wise, I'm fucked.


Define "die alone"? A brother died at his vacation place of natural causes. No loved ones around him. Mom died in the early hours at the hospital surrounded by doctors and nurses, not by her children. So, it that interpretation, they died "alone". Or do you mean you don't have a husband, wife, SO?


Who cares how you die, I never think about such things. I just don't want live alone, I thankfully still have people who I can talk to and have fun with. But I appreciate that this might not always be the case, so make the most of it.


Well we are all born alone and we will all die alone and that's just the way it is.


Oh, definitely. I'm a bad person, don't actually remember having much feelings about people. Do I feel alone? sometimes, but I never actually felt connected with anyone, like feeling the need to have people around, call them every once in awhile. Besides my family, no one ever looked after me and I guess I go used to it to the point I don't actually care about anyone beside my parents. My entire life I always was friends alone, you know? You're doing everything to keep the friendship going, even I don't remember doing anything wrong, after my best friend from highschool died, I realized people just don't like me, she was the only actual friend I had. Nowaday I just interact with people the best I can, don't push them out or anything, but doubt anyone will stick around, and marriage? Never gonna happen.


I've started thinking I probably will. It's not that I'm ugly or anything it's just that I've never had somebody and don't know if I could keep someone happy. It's kind of hard to explain.


It's looking increasingly likely. Most of my family is dead (both parents, grandparents, one uncle), and it was never very big to begin with. I've been in a lot situations over the past few years where it's just me, in the ER or some other place where they ask who they can call, and I have to give them a cousin's number because that's the only person I can think of who will show up. Romantic relationship-wise, I think I have a lot to offer on paper (have multiple degrees, speak multiple languages, have a steady job/income, people tell me I'm funny and caring, etc.), but that's only looking at the positives, not the whole picture. Due to some health problems I was born with and have had all my life, my body seems to be wearing out a lot quicker than is usual. I'm a millennial, but I already have arthritis in one of my knees like a grizzled old man, which makes it increasingly difficult to exercise or even just move around very much, leading to weight gain. On my short frame (5'5"), I recognize that it ain't pretty. I'm still trying to chip away at it (I'm about 100 lbs overweight by now, I'd guess), but it's a lifetime of work and maintenance, and since I'm in middle age by now, I don't exactly have a lifetime left in which to right this ship. My health situation also prevents me from going out and meeting someone in person, at least for now, not that it really matters, because most women wouldn't want to be with a man in my condition in the first place. I can't really blame them. When there are healthy partners out there who also have all my positives and more (like being tall), it's not shocking to me that I'm without a partner for long stretches at a time. I still try to stay positive, because you really never know, but being realistic about it, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm alone until the end. Ah well. I have a cat who likes me sometimes, and provides me with hours of entertainment and a feeling of being needed. What more can I really ask for.


I probably will. I really don’t see a future with anyone else in it due to the fact I just can’t find anyone willing to actually get to know me. Especially after years of bullying without people actually getting to know me (which gave me a jaded perspective of life). Everyone I know just kind of says hi and goodbye and that’s it. Some don’t even say goodbye, because they just leave. Never even had a girlfriend. I’ve gotten to the point where I just gave up. All this hopeful nonsense people tell me of “you just have to wait for the right person” and “trust me, you’ll end up with someone who is interested in you at the right time” just doesn’t convince me anymore. I just want to live in peace and be successful now. I’m too mentally and emotionally exhausted to even go out on a date and don’t want my heart broken again. Live and learn.


I hear 👂


After 16 years I do now


For sure lol.


I think I will. I just can’t seem to attract a good man; I’m a magnet for men with addiction, abusive tendencies, men who only want me for a fuck buddy, and other red flag behaviors. I get lonely a lot, and I would love to find someone special but I just don’t think it’s in the cards for me.


Used to way back. Not so much anymore.


Yeah I am sure of it, at this point


Yep 100%


Most die alone.


Hmm. It's not like you're guaranteed to die at the same time as your soulmate, and aren't your kids and grandkids and greatgrandkids supposed to live their lives? Sounds to me like dying alone is what to expect.


I think the question means will anybody be there to see you off rather than do you think you'll get decapitated in a car crash alone or with friends.


Knowing my big mouth someone will probably be the one to end me so no, probably not alone.




Of course. No reason to think differently. Also think it's going to be a very violent one.


Ya Probably


Everyone dies alone/




Idk I'll be to dead to know if I'm. The dead. I'll cross that bridge when I get there though.


I'd prefer not to have a audience


I definitely will


It's definitely possible and I'm ok with that. Who knows what's going to happen though, I'm only in my 30s


I used to think I would die doing something reckless, so if that's true, I hope I die alone.




Nah. The people around me have a healthier lifestyle than I.


I hope so. And, honestly, I feel bad for whoever finds my corpse.


I'm quite sure that I will. I love being with someone, but I'm already 37 and not had a long-term serious relationship yet. I'm not ruling it out, but even if I do find someone, I don't think I'd live the rest of my life with them.


probably will


We all die alone.


Me: should I reply or not?...


we ALL die alone


Idk. Not old enough to predict my future.


I don't think it, I know it.


- Shagga : How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin? - Tyrion Lannister : In my own bed, at the age of 80, with a belly full of wine and a girl's mouth around my cock.


Me, I can't seem to connect with anybody. Every time I find someone special, I ruin it. So, I guess that's my destiny.


I think there's a good chance I will. On the positive side, my girlfriend is younger than me (assuming we're still together at that point) as are both my sisters. Alongside women tending to live longer than men, I feel I have a good chance of having somebody there. On the negative side: - I don't have a large family or a good relationship with the vast majority of them. - My mums side is small with the only people likely to outlive me, assuming we all die naturally of old age are my younger brother and sister. I do not get on with my brother at all. My sister and I have nothing in common but we do love each other, so there's 1 person. I do otherwise get on with my mums side but...I doubt my grandma is going to be sat at my bedside when I'm 89. - My dad's side is huge but because my dad wasn't there most of my life and none of them bothered to reach out or stay in contact, I don't know and have no desire to know any of them. Sure, I could have reached out at 14...But there's like 30 of those fuckers, why didn't a single one of those do it? Again, I'll outlive my dad. I have another younger sister on his side but again, I don't really know her because of """complications""" with her mum. Whether she'll be there when I die pretty much depends on how our relationship goes once her mum is out of the picture. - Friends. I struggle to make them. I feel I'm really good with friends once I get to the point they're friends but my anxieties massively get in the way of making them. I'm also quite poor at staying in contact, partially because I much prefer face to face contact, also because again, my brain overthinks shit when I'm trying to "pop up" out of the blue. - I don't think I would say I have friends at the moment. Covid was a real eye opener when I thought my little friend group were just chillin' doing their own thing until we could meet up again when in reality I was the only one not getting invited to virtual get togethers and such. Fuck those guys. Really didn't help my insecurities and anxieties...Everybody now I would moreso class as acquaintances. Yea, I go to a festival every year with a group, I'm in a band, I get on with everybody at work, I very rarely see a couple people through the year, but I'm very hesitant to call any of them friends when we don't really hang out or chat beyond these things. - Kids. I don't want them. I'm just not a kids guy, I don't see kids in my future and the only reason I can think of to have them is ensure I'm not alone when I'm old and dying. I personally feel that's a piss poor excuse to have children and isn't fair on me nor them, so I'll be sticking to my guns unless I genuinely decide I want them for reasons other than that. It's just how it is. I'm happy at the moment, maybe things will change in the future. If not, at least I'll die playing whatever game came out at the time...Probably the 76th Pokemon game.


One of the few here with a partner ☝️




🙋 Don't want to, but it seems highly likely at this point.


Yes and I welcome both


yeah :/


Ya probably. My partner is 40 years older then me. Plus I have this fear of ageing cause I don't think men will want me once in 35+ I'm 25 now and start to notice men aren't looking at me like they once did. Ugh.


100%. Im kinda resigned to it now too. I’d rather not, but hey ho!


Maybe. Maybe not. Who can say it surely, before it even happens? I can, and I do think that tho. But can I really know it for sure? Probably not...well at least I'd like to be wrong at least in this.


Oof, right in the gut with this one. But it’s hard not to imagine this when that’s what you’ve thought since the beginning.


I hope to. I don’t want my kids to see me go. My wife doesn’t really care.


Relationship wise, yes. Actually having loved ones around, no I have a lot of family. My luck is terrible when it comes to guys


I ride a motorbike daily. I know I will…


I’ve never heard that.


i here that


My wife tells me that I'm going to die alone. She is the one that people avoid inviting to things


I have a family who cares about me, but beyond that yeah absolutely.




Try not to think about it but I'm pretty sure I will.


My whole life I've been alone, my parents split up they've lived alone, my grandparents split up, they've lived alone. I don't have much friends either. I'm used to it now


kinda thought this…. and that’s why i’ve decided to move out lol




No I’ll die at the work place most likely.


Everyone dies alone


My wife is 8 years older than me. I think I'll probably go before her, but if she does go..then I'll have my kids but by that time they will be on their own. So I'll be trying to mac on the nursing home ladies I guess?


Well based off my life so far, I’ll have to be more confident in college because after that my chance of talking to people will drop drastically.


I’m convinced I will. I’m an unlovable guy based on my experience.


It’s my biggest fear and often paralyzes me


Depends, anyone here got anything going on in about 60 years?


Yea. People are leaving my life as soon as they encounter any bigger problem which I tend to have very often. Also : I am pretty hardcoded man, most likely they see me as 'not worthy'




Regrettably, yes.


Everyone dies alone.


Better that than like grandma, with the passengers in her car.


We all die alone


Without joining a cult probably. Cults are the only places I know where you can die with friends.


I can't hear anyone else thinking that but these comments would make me think that people do


After 47 years of very happy marriage she announced she should have left me years ago. The result a broken marriage for no reason. I'm living alone and she has my head turned looking me to return home to her. She realises she was well off and didn't know it. I'm happy now home alone.


Me me me me me


Most definitely, which is sad but true.






Hope so. Who needs to see that? Why should my loved ones sadly witness the last moments my spirit sheds my well worn meat and bone?




Probably will. Parents are dead, no sibs, no kids, spouse has passed and I have difficulty keeping friends.


I am a member of that club now...permanently


I hope I die alone. That means my wife didn’t have to grieve my passing and carry on without me


*here, and yes. We will all die alone in some capacity.


We all die alone