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The "Daddy" kink




Ah sexual awakenings are always fun


I'm over here like, if she calls me daddy my dick is going soft. Hate it. Lol


Thus right here us why I mostly go after Latinas. Call me daddy an now I have to focus on not losing my boner. Call me papí and I'm gonna now try to fuck you so hard that my dick turns her into a pez dispenser.


Oh I hear that. When she's screaming fuck me harder daddy and you realise that it's not a bad thing


You guys need to stop in this thread, you're turning me on 🙃


It’s a dangerously amazing sentence to hear from a girl’s mouth


Ooooooh yeaaaaahhhh I was a little taken aback when I realized I'm in to this hard-core 😂 as cliche as it is, I have major daddy issues, so I was grossed out at first. My husband is not in to it though, so just a fantasy for me.


As a guy I spent a long time trying NOT to be so into it


Same here. Always weirded out looking at it from the outside. Then my current girlfriend happened and, well, time makes fools of us all 😅


The way I see it, it's perfectly harmless as long as I don't have kids and I'm not dating anyone who's actually underage or anything.


Yeah, this has me worried. I don’t have kids yet but this would be really weird if I have a daughter. There was a post in the r/TIFU sub where a husband spanked his wife while doing it doggy style and she replied “yes, daddy, harder” or similar. But they have a daughter, and the guy got weirded out, lost his desire, and stopped. This confused the wife who thought that’s what he wanted when he spanked her. This was something new he did. They discussed it and now she uses “master” or “sir”, I forget which one. Communication for the win.


I was too. I don't have daddy issues though. I have a really great dad and thats why I was so against it, but one day me and my bf were gettin it on and it just came out. He loved it, I loved it. It stuck.


Omg, only one guy ever said “..like it when daddy does that?” (or something to that effect). I lost my mind.


That is a risky move to make aint it?


I think most not into the kink would be massively creeped out by that comment. Even knowing full-well about the kink and how many are into it, my first thought is that it just sounds like abuse even if it's imaginary. I want to be open to accepting kinks without judgment, but in this case I feel like saying there are some areas you just don't tread, and that this is one of them. You really can't know if the one you're exploring this world with is someone who wants to realize those fantasies or not, and I personally would never take that risk with my own future children


I’m really hoping I get to hear those words again someday. I didn’t know I was into talking during sex until I heard those exact words


Yeah it's definitely a turn on with the right person


It's wild to me that despite being a Dom for decades, I always found the Daddy thing off putting until I had a sub that was really into it and showed me with the right little I can definitely be a Daddy


I'm glad you found a little you were comfortable with! I wish you the best with your future endeavors.


First time a prior gf said “please spit in my mouth, daddy” I was genuinely disappointed in how hard it made me.


definitely, the first time a woman called me daddy... I had the hardest orgasm I think I'd had until that point in my life...


I was about to say this. My fiance droped it on me for the first time during sex and my brain went - Xbox ding"new kink unlocked" He was into it I'm into it like damn


My current girlfriend who is 19 years younger than I started calling me daddy and turns out her father has the same first name as me. Turned this link on for me.


Yeah I’d definitely like to be called daddy in bed lol


Same. CNC. The first time he fish hooked my mouth and spit on me I was like “wtfffffffff is happening and whhhhhh do I love ittttt?????” Lol And then I came to Reddit and met all you filthy animals and realized that ain’t shit 😂😂😂


Hahahaha yesssss 😂 I felt like we were so naughty and kinky until I got on reddit and was like "oh....having belt shaped bruises all around my neck is literally no big deal here."


Oh- I’m not the only one who wants to drip cum at the grocery? Nice 😆😂 Kinda wholesome how validating Reddit can be while being absolute filth 😂😂




First time I saw the term - CNC - I was assuming "Clothes, No Clothes" LOL...


Bi guys. After a lifetime of internalized homophobia I watched a porn scene where two really cute guys please each other and the woman they are with. I was embarrassed at how turned on it made me. I’ve been on a journey towards accepting and exploring my bi side ever since I think of myself a pretty typical bi guy- I’m happily married, you’d never know it to meet me, but one day I’d like to suck another man’s cock while my wife looks on.


I definitely wish I could be the F in a MMF. Huge fantasy of mine!


It would be amazing wouldnt it?Theres so many things that I’d love to try with both partners…ah well, one day.


I'm a lady married to a guy who is not at all curious in experimenting and I have found myself getting quite turned on by men having sex with men where I regularly watch gay porn. Additionally as an avid reader, I have found myself fantasizing about bicurious men, men toeing the line of gender non-conformity and the like. All of this has left me slightly confused over why this would be hot to me. Any other ladies out there in this situation??


Maybe because you’re attracted to people who are confident enough in their masculinity to try some things that are not societally considered masculine.


I’m not a lady, but I’m in the same boat as you. It’s definitely a “me” fantasy in my marriage, not an “us” fantasy


Same, dude. Messed around with some same sex friends with I was younger but never thought anything about it. At 35 years old came out to wife as bi, and we’re swingers and in an open relationship. First time I sucked a cock as an adult was just…heavenly.


That’s fantastic. How did the conversion with wife go? I mean, obviously she’s supportive now but was it always that way. What advice would you give to a bi guy who’a curious but shy.


Hey you sound like me! Except I realized when I would share NSFW pics on reddit and didn't care who I got attention from.


That’s really hot


My first bi experience was with my wife. And we have shared that experience a number of times.


I quickly realized I think I have a kink for other people’s kinks, like there is something about s woman being open and honest and sharing their kinks with me and then whatever it is, it just turns me in know they have the kink, and I can help them fulfill it. Personally, the only one I have that I would like fulfilled on occasion is that I’m a switch and need to be dominated by a woman occasionally for my mental health.


I didn't realize that could be a kink, but now that you say that, I realize I'm the same. I love reading other people's kinks. And like you said, it's a turn on if it's something you can fulfill.


You're not alone; helping someone get off makes me feral. Bonus points if she affirms that im doing her the way she wants.


I’m the same way! Especially trying to figure out a partners.


That’s called being a Service Top!


Femdom, mostly gentle femdom, I have always been expected to be this reliably dude in my household and what not. Everyone always of that mindset "he's so smart he's going to be alright and doesn't need anyone to rely on"..... and then I found out that that power shift from having to be like that to wanting to just be this needy dude that craves some affection and occasionally wants to be fucked in the ass by a strapon(this is a bit less gentle obviously) is actually a huge freaking turn on for me. That was also when I discovered I am pretty much a switch, occasionally I still like being dominant but I definitely have my moments where I just want to be someone's submissive. It's hard to put into words really but in the end I sadly have not gotten to taste that in real life yet so for now it remains a fantasy that might not be as hot/arousing as my mind makes it out to be.


Awww I feel this. For me, I feel like my job is so mentally exhausting and I always have to be on my toes and in control, that it's so nice to just give up that control to someone else. I want to be needy and I always crave attention. I don't have a dominant bone in my body though. I hope you find what you're looking for one day ❤️


Yeah exactly! I am between jobs myself right now but previous jobs were equally mentally exhausting and it just hits so hard at times. Those feelings of just wanting to let go for a bit hit even harder at those times. You just want that attention, those few words of affirmation or that pet name that gives you that fuzzy feeling inside that makes you feel desired, loves, makes you want to try even harder for your partner. I hope you find that special someone yourself some day❤️


I found me a Mommy. People don't understand that it's so much more emotional than they expect.


Yeah it's.... I don't have an irl mommy domme but I have talked to a few online and picked their brains a bit on what this exactly entails, what is the real life aspects and not the kink only aspects of it and stuff. And I have definitely learned that when you seperate the kink aspect from the real life relationship aspect that it's so much more intense than anything. Sure being pegged sounds fun and all, but imagine just being held and told you matter! That will hit harder than any size plastic dick can ever.


It's does! last visit to Mommy, she kissed my forehead head and said I was perfect and every emotion I had bottled up since last seeing her came out. It's healing a lot of toxic masculinity. Not a single sex was had. But next time, she will be popping my pegging cherry.


That sounds awesome! I am glad you found someone like that :). You are definitely living that dream! Enjoy the cherry popping :). Even going by what little you have shared in two replies I am sure that is going to be an amazing experience!


This is me. I’m the supervisor and Johnny-on-the-spot guy around work. Brought in to guide others when their first attempt fails. Always a phone call away even on vacation. And nothing gets me going like when my wife takes over in the bedroom. The ability to just let it all go and have someone else take charge and make the decision is the peak


I’m kinda the same way, minus the pegging. We’re (men in general) expected to be this strong unstoppable force in life. Emotionally silent and mentally/ emotionally unstoppable all the time…. Truth is, I just want to be held and gently caressed and loved and told everything will be okay and that I’m safe and that it’s okay to let my guard down. 😢


Realest thing I've read all day, i relate 100%


Orgasm denial for me. I've found that I love it when my wife doesn't let me orgasm but makes me give her lots. It's so hot


I'm usually very subby, but that's something I think I would find very enjoyable. Except i do have an intense love of cum, so that would be hard to live without.


I've moved on to chastity (more to stop me playing with myself). My wife isn't so bothered about that but will sometimes make me wear it for a few days before she decides she wants sex. It drives me wild focusing on her orgasms when I know I can't finish myself off. There's still (very frustrating) ways to get a guy to cum without making him orgasm


I guess I have more of a dominant side than I thought, because I'm very jealous of your wife rn 😅 that would be so fun to have a guy in chastity and having him focus on me.


I used to think I didn’t have a single dominant bone in my body until I started exploring orgasm control/edging. My favorite way is by giving an oily handjob. Watch them squirm and get so close to cumming and then I slow down and their orgasm build subsides. Then repeat the process until I want to let them cum.


Oooooh I'm definitely going to have to try this


Monster fucking. Lol


I remember thinking my friend was so weird for liking tentacle porn. Now here I am....being weird and getting myself off to tentacle porn lmao monster fucking was just a short step from that.


Yeah.... it started with werewolves, and then vampires (not twilight tho I like twilight wolf shifters) and it just went downhill from there with all the anime I watch.


😂 me and my friends gave my brother merciless shit when we were younger because we found his hentai / tentacle history… last year I tried it out of curiosity and I get it. Won’t do it again, but I get it. That was an embarrassing apology.


For some reason why does being tied up with tentacles while being pleased with other tentacles kind of a turn on…


Same... monsters are super hot in many ways humans can't be. I love the creativity with them as well.


Monsters and aliens. I was in a group chat on Tumblr a few years ago and one day the conversation devolved into matching Bad Dragon dildos to Star Wars alien species. Enlightening topic.


Eating a man's ass. I've done it in real life but not a ton. But seeing it in porn made me cum like crazy and I wasn't expecting that.


Same! But in my case, whenever I used to chance upon rimming videos, I wouldn’t get turned on. Until I met my partner and he has a great ass, so I just tried it one day, and it was so fucking hot.


I've never gotten to try it either, but it looks like fun!


It can be hard to find, but I love watching videos of men face sitting women. I’ve never told anyone I get off to that, but I do. I honestly don’t think I could actually do it. I’d get skeeved out, but I’ll watch it.


Is there straight porn like that??


Yes. r/rimjob


Watching my bbw wife dress up in cow print lingerie and trying to make her herself lactate.


Oh man, hucow is another one that I was shocked to find out I was in to. I live in a farming area, and someone was recently selling a homemade apparatus for milking dairy cows.....and I instantly was thinking about how I'd like to be strapped down to it, dressed like a cow, and milked. And then I had to sit and think for a minute about wtf was wrong with me and how my brain got to where it is today.




And contagious 😁🫠


Oh same. If someone told me a few years ago that I’d call my wife a fat cow and that we’d both be into it, I would have said you were crazy.


I've got a really independent personality, but I'm really into being dominated. I can be a strong woman, and a very good girl.


Same! In everyday life I have a major independent personality. But in the bedroom.....I just want to be the goodest girl 😇


And it's tough finding a guy who's able to totally dominate you, and still fully respect the independence you have outside the bedroom.


I feel this statement. In my experience Either they respect your independence and will occasionally top you (when asked which sort of defeats the purpose for me) or they’re just fucking assholes.


Watersports. I used to make fun of it but very much believe in trying everything once so when I had a partner that was curious about it I figured why not. The first time I released that hot, salty stream onto a her face, it rewrote my DNA, it changed my brain. Seeing someone submit so fully was hotter than most things I tried up until that point. And it all happened again 15 seconds later when I said one word to her: “Drink.”


Watersports had always been a hard limit of mine until recently. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm not sure what happened....it switched from a hard limit to "I want to try this at least once".


The best thing about it is whether you’re giving or receiving you’ll INSTANTLY know if you’re into it or not. I’ve been with partners who have tried it with me and the moment it hit them, they put their hand in the way to block the flow and we’re done, never to try again.


Salty? Pee is salty? Lol


Yes, urine is salty. It is mostly water (~95%), but it also contains urea amd uric acid (the things which give it its scent), creatinine, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfates, ammonium, phosphates, etc. It's a liquid waste disposal for ions and chemicals that are removed from the blood. Source: I'm studying to become a radiologist and I had to take a ton of anatomy and biology classes


Only one way to find out!


CNC for sure. Let me wrap my hand around your throat and remind you that you’re going to take every last drop of cum inside while you look up at me with a mix of fear and lust


I loooooove being choked. Here lately I haven't even been able to get off during sex without being choked.


Why did this give me butterflies 😂


My, my. Username checks out ;)




This one threw me off too. I didn't know I'd be in to it. But now I wish I could be both the giver and the receiver.


Same. I always loved having my boobs sucked. Had an ex boyfriend tell me that he wanted to drink milk from me.


Yessssss. As soon as I saw that lactation scene in Outlander I was humping my sofa cushions. Surprised the hell out of me.


For me it’s either cnc, mind break or Beastplay. Sometimes when it’s happening to me I’m loving every second of it, but afterwards when the guy is gone, I’m like, am I really letting a dude use me for his pleasure. Do I really want to be a dumb and easy slut for men. But like I also really love it, sooo…


Ugh I feel this so much. When I'm that horny I'm pretty much game for whatever..... I'm just there to please. And then afterwards when I snap out of it I sit there for a minute like "wtf is wrong with me?". Rinse. Lather. Repeat.


I'm on this but as the dominant and have had to reel myself in a few times because it felt too pervasive in my head.


Misogyny and related kinks. Because I am a fierce feminist. Until I learned how that's actually a feminist kink because it lets you take control of something you previously had no control on. And you can practice it strictly with someone you trust and are equal to in every way. Although what I see online is a lot of truly misogynistic guys trying to abuse young women in the name of kink which is just horrible.


This is an interesting take and I’m glad you mentioned this. I’ve always been embarrassed to admit I’m into CNC, and I blamed it on being r@ped when I “lost my virginity”, but a part of me thinks I was into it even before then. As a feminist, I thought it was something you can’t even possibly think of being into, but reading your comment about CNC being a tool for power dynamics in the bedroom, I think it makes sense now why it’s a kink I have.


I am sorry this happened to you. But yes, CNC kink is a way for you to empower yourself and.only exercise it with someone you trust and want, with the knowledge that the moment you want it to stop, it will stop.


Thank you. It took years of consistent therapy, but I’m good now. I’ve been open with my partner so he’s aware of my history, and we use safe words on the rare occasion we get to do CNC stuff. 🙂


Cnc is up there for me, I also have past trauma and always thought I was horrible when I would read cnc stuff and get off on it. I have an amazing therapist now that’s helped me realize enjoying that is completely normal and I’m not horrible. A newer one is anal! Being raised in a conservative christian household that was always talked about as a horrible sin and so dirty. After walking away from the church and being married for 20 years my husband and I have started exploring anal play and WoW mind blown!


Same here, i have past trauma and also love cnc, especially free use. I don't think mine was there before my trauma, but either 6 turns me on so much. It gets to the point that i get thoughts regarding my trauma that i shouldn't be thinking about but i do anyways lol


I was young (teens) when it happened and it plagued me for years wondering if it was normal to feel an attraction toward the person who caused the trauma. But I eventually shoved it far in the back of my mind and never want to think about or relive it again. The whole experience was brutal. Including the hospital visit and court that followed. YET FOR SOME REASON I constantly fantasize about being drugged, or too high or drunk to fight back, and being taken advantage of by one or multiple people.


I was around 16 when it happened to me and recently (22) I've been kinda fantasizing about being in that situation again, but yeah like you said i just shove it as far back as possible. It slips up every now and then (like right now), but i try to replace those thoughts with free use or getting drugged, haha! On one hand maybe it's a little empowering that I'm able to look at my trauma in a different light but at the same time, I dont know if it's right for me think that, especially since i feel like it let's her win. But maybe that's the reason why i feel so filled with lust thinking about it? All this stuff is so confusing 😂😅


I understand that all so much! I'm sorry for your trauma....I will admit that it's nice not being so alone and that someone else has the same confusing feelings.


I'm sorry for yours as well. I'm glad my story can help give you some reassurance. And thank you for giving me an outlet to talk about mine, I've had this pent up for months now with no one to talk to about it. If you need someone to talk to regarding your feelings about all this or whatever, don't hesitate to shoot me a pm!


Wanting to be shrunk down to 3 inches tall and carried around like a pet by a now giant woman.


I completely forgot all about this kink


Breeding and creampies. I do NOT want kids. I also like edging my partner. I'm 10000% a giver preferably, so it kinda made me weirded out about that. On the opposite side I have a fascination with trying to get my partner to orgasm as many times as possible. ETA: Also, slow, sensual love making. I always figured Id just want to get it done, but no. I love exploration, pampering, holding, kissing, basically sex with the aspect of being in love, and then just falling out of it as soon as it's over and the other one passes out. Being able to stroke my partners face, and whisper "Let me have you" and them giving every ounce of trust to me without any fear just means so much.


I really thought that I had myself all figured out as far as kinks go. I’ve been very active in kink for over 15 years. I’ve heard of breeding kinks many times. I knew they existed, they just didn’t interest me. For some reason, just recently, like last month or so, breeding kink has been getting me crazy. I had a partner into breeding say something extremely hot that just got me going. …always fun to have a surprise about yourself, been a while since that’s happened for me. I have an IUD and absolutely no desire to actually have a child, but I love role playing it.


Same. And married men. Which is awful and it's only in fantasy, but the fantasy turns me on so damn bad.


I hate saying it but I liked when my partners would cuckold me with married men. Made it even hotter for some reason. We'd talk about her getting bred by a married man and it was so hot to imagine.


It's weird how the brain work lol.


DDLG But for me, it’s not sexual. I don’t have sex when I’m little. I do call my partners Daddy during sex, but that’s different. It’s hard to explain if it’s not something you’re into. I’m extremely submissive. I love being treated terribly. Super rough CNC scenes. After those scenes I often slip into “little space.” I want to snuggle my stuffed animal while being snuggled. Tell me a bedtime story. Get me a juice box. Make me feel safe. The first time I heard about DDLG I was so turned off. The first time I called a man “Daddy” because he practically begged me for it, it turned my stomach. But somewhere along the way things all clicked for me, and it’s now something I love. I’ve read many times that age regression is therapeutic for many. Many with trauma. …I don’t know if maybe that’s my case. It could be, I didn’t have a great relationship with my father. I lived in extreme poverty. Faced homelessness two different times, went hungry many times, lived without utilities. Even lived in a group home. A lot of shit. So, sure, maybe that’s why I like to snuggle my partner while watching Curious George and drinking a juice box, after he just got done pretend rapping me. Honestly, who really knows, or cares? lol It works for me. It took me a while to stop beating myself up for being this way.


I'm glad you're not beating yourself up about it anymore! I agree with the first part though....I guess I didn't know age regression was what I was doing. I didn't have a good relationship with my dad either. But I do slip in to a very similar headspace after rough sex.


I'm the exact same way! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who has a bit of a hard time accepting it too.


What is cnc???


Computer numerical controlled milling machine. A spinning cutter in a machine that moves via computer control in the X, Y, and Z axis to cut metal parts. They do have up to 5 axis, but its all computer controlled vs a standard manual milling machine like an older Bridgeport. Source: hobby metalworking.


Well it does involve decent amounts of grinding and drilling so it might not be that far off...


Wow. I learned something new today !


Consensual-Non-Consent (r@pe play)


For someone who doesn't understand why anyone would be into that; what is it about it that makes you (and maybe other people) enjoy it? I'm really quite curious what the appeal is


I can't speak for everyone, but I think for me it breaks down to two different reasons: The first, being the reason why I was in to it before I ever experienced SA, is that I like the idea of the lack of control. Like it gives me an excuse to do all the slutty and promiscuous things I *want* to do, but having the control taken away from me so that it's not *my* fault that I'm being such a slut. The second is after my SA, which is kind of opposite of my first reason, but I did not enjoy any aspect of it and in a way want to go back and re-write it. To be the one to decide to give consent and take control of the narrative. I'm sorry if none of that makes sense. I can't say it necessarily makes sense to myself either. I just know I've always enjoyed the idea of being the helpless victim.


Lots of reasons, do some googling. Google Evie Lupine, she is a pretty good rep of the kink community, I think.




A lot of kinks can be developed from childhood trauma. I got choked a lot as a kid and it affected me to where I don't like anyone near my neck. BUT during sex, I cum when I am choked. It's almost like replacing that history of pain with present pleasure.


Mommy dom. I’m a fairly masculine guy and it feels really embarrassing that I like being called a good boy and whatnot


I dont think that's anything to be embarrassed about ❤️ I actually think it would be sweet knowing I'm the only one who gets to see the soft side of someone who doesn't usually show it. And I can see the appeal of wanting to have one person that you can relax and not only show that side to, but be praised for doing so.


Lesdom and a fetish for other womens feet.


I'm honestly surprised more people haven't said feet.


I guess feet is something that is either a hit or a miss, I don't think many people question whether they like feet or not, they just know.


For me...honestly, pee play.. went from disgusting to kinky almost overnight. Porn has its way of doing that


Watching my wife with other men. We started out as exhibitionists, getting off from people watching us. We had talked about her participating with other guys, but the day she took the initiative to blow a guy who had been watching us…I about lost myself because I found it so hot. I’ve loved it ever since.


For me, it was when I went from being a pleasure Domme with a MAJOR kink praise for my subby to a Gentle Femme Dom who loves to have a pit bull subbie call me Mommy. 🤷🏾‍♀️ it’s freaking adorable 🥰




Definitely for me sexual either public play or cnc for sure I’m more chill outside of that so not sure what would be can’t believe I’m into that


Public play is so much fun 🥰


Daddy stuff. I didn't want to like it, but I fucking do.


Having my ass eaten…


Not something I've had the pleasure of trying. As either the giver or the receiver.


I’ve been both on the giving and receiving end and I can honestly say that Cunnilingus isn’t complete without attention to both areas


CNC, from a dom side. Super solid, kind person outside of the bedroom - but in it, i"ll dominate/degrade/face fuck the hell out of you as sadisticallly as we're both into. Took me a long time to be comfortable with it, but GD is it so much to healthfully explore with my partners now.


Most of mine, but seeing my partner in a diaper takes the cake for worst kink. I used to have a partner who was incontinent and she slowly got me more and more into it as our relationship progressed


Idk why people are downvoting you for this tbh. It’s not my cup of tea but if you’re into it and she’s into it then good for you for finding something you like.


If she squirted all over me, I wouldn’t be mad.


Piss play! I discovered it as a sub. So one night, my girlfriend, (who was my domme) and I were browsing some porn as we liked to have it on in the background during sex. Anyway, we stumble upon a lesbian piss scene. Now we both knew that people were into it, but for us, it wasn’t really something we considered before that night. We watch it, and she jokes about pissing on me sometime. I joked back that she should, and we both were sort of like “eh let’s just try it so we can say we did”. Well, something clicked. I think a lot of had to do, and why I’m still into it, is that I’m into humiliation/degradation, so being pissed on really plays into that. Plus, for me, it’s a great power exchange




Literally a huge fantasy of mine! (Being the girl in that porn scenario, I mean)


I watched my friend while she gave a blowjob to a guy and that was when I learned I was a voyeur.


Don’t ask my fucking why, but tentacles. I have NO FUCKING IDEA why


Having sex with men in front of my husband


Definitely CNC too. I like a good scrappy fighter


Yeah CNC for me too lol. Still can't believe I have done it


Watersports. I soooo wasn't into it until my girl basically begged, after seeing how much she enjoyed it I'm now a fan 😀


Being called Daddy. At first I thought damn that is gross and weird. Then I was balls deep in a girl and she says fuck me harder daddy. I damn near came right there. Now I do enjoy it but only in bed.


Fisting ans dilation 100% Kink runs deep af in my brain too


I've always wanted to try fisting but I'm soooo tight that even my husband's dick hurts sometimes 🙃 (tbf, he is well endowed. I just have hypertonic pelvic floor. I couldn't even dilate for my kids....had to have c-section)


Yes the pelvis is thine enemy. I think a lot of people feel the same way you do. And, because of that it's hard to find a partner that's into it. I have found that more are into it than I have previously thought. Becoming more mainstream probably helping. That being said the journey is definitely part of the fun. Not something you can just do overnight takes a lots of practice and Lube. :-)


Maybe that's why I've always wanted to try it....because it seems so unobtainable 😅 When I was pregnant with my last kid and at my last checkup, my OB (whom i had worked with and been friends with for years) had me basically on display with his fingers in me, and had my husband move from the head of the exam table down to where he was standing so he could show him "exercises" to help stretch and dilate me for my (failed) VBAC.....I had to try so hard not to cum and my husband still talks about how awkward that whole visit was 🙈😂


Thanks for randomly making my dick hard from some medical story. LOL Caught me off guard. But yeah that experience and wanting the seemingly unobtainable is totally understandable. Not to mention it's extremely hot AF generally;-)


Lmao you're welcome. I can't be the only one who shamefully masturbates to that story.....that just wouldn't be fair 😂


CNC for us. We stumbled into it and just WOW! As the M in our relationship I like it for obvious reasons. But how much she is into it is the surprising part! It's the best 😁


Femdom, I had to grow up quick and be a man before I fully knew what it meant, I had to suppress my problems, take care of my mother since I had no father, I just wanted a break and to not control something where I still felt safe.


Consentual somno


Pegging or trans


As an ex CNC operator in a woodworking mill I am extremely worried. I will now Google "CNC KINK" and pray there an alternative CNC that I'm yet to learn


Eating my own load. Didn’t realise how much it turned me on!




In terms of sex it was also cnc, ive never tried it before i got with my ex, she was super into it and i was hesitant at first, but i kinda grew into it, and i kinda like it In terms of just masturbation, ive masturbated ti redo of healer, and ive been told thats fucked up from me


Cuckold, also due to past trauma. My ex cheated on me numerous times, now I find myself wanting to see my incredibly loyal gf dicked down by another guy.


So in the vast array of experiences there are two that stand out as WTF for my persona. The first is that I have come to really enjoy being pretty dominant in a control manner as well as light to moderate pain infliction. And the reason this surprises me in myself is that I am generally very gentle and kind with women in all ways. So I have had to work through some strange feelings ever since my ex GF (several years back but ling term) convinced me to: choke her, cuff her, HARD spank and even belt whip her ass, throat fuck her til she choked and couldn’t breathe, slap her tots, CNC fuck her in her sleep, CNC fuck her when she passed out from drinking/drugs, CNC anal - the ONLY away she wanted it - while inebriated, and the last led to the second thing… Breeding kink. Same girl got me started with this. I have my kids and don’t want any more at all. And she never wanted any and still doesn’t. But about two years before we split, she decided to go off birth control. But refused to use condoms she was convinced that “she couldn’t get pregnant”. So the first time we were having sex after I just suddenly went animal and growled out as I could feel my cock up into her cervical ring as I let loose on what felt like the biggest load of my life “I’m putting my baby in you you bitch! You’re my little cum slut cock whore and you’re going to serve your purpose now!” Even as I said it I’m like “oh shit” in my head because this chick is volatile AND crazy. And I feel her tense up whole body (mind you I’m pile driving her from behind with her hair in one hand and her wrists in the other behind her back) and I’m thinking I’m about to get bounced and screamed at. But instead she CUMS! HARD! And this is a girl who rarely came vaginally but now she actually squirts a little and is just moaning and mumbling “no daddy no I don’t want to be a mommy no daddy oh no daddy I’m all filled with your cim now what are we gonna do?” As she is just totally spawning for a couple minutes after and collapsed face down on the bed. So that really jibed that kink for me but it’s scary. She found out that yes, she certainly could get pregnant and did - twice. First one miscarried naturally early. The second she ended up having to have an abortion. Then a few years later I was casually seeing this much younger Russian gal and like the third or fourth time she is at my place and I’m fucking her. Prior to this she had finished me in her mouth every time and she already had a kid by an ex and I she had said that she was taking care of birth control. So this time we are both a little drunk and I’m like fuck it I’m gonna indulge my kink. So I don’t pull out but instead I put her legs up over my shoulders and proceed to really fuck her hard until I blow a full load deep inside. She immediately goes “OMG OMG no wait you can’t I’m not on BC!” I’m all well I thought you said you were. And she said not yet she was getting Norplant in a week. Well I’m like too late now so I said turn over and fucked her again and proceeded to fuck her to completion again from behind. Figured I was gonna pay for Plan B I might as well get my money’s worth. And I did 😁!


Every one is listing things that I wanna try with someone so badly 😭😭


Being called mommy and letting men “suckle” my breasts


Sharing my girl in mfm threesome


I say this internally every time I put a funnel gag on when I ask my girlfriend to pee in my mouth




Welp....there's something new I didn't know I'd be in to 🥵


Drinking pee. Drinking from a woman’s pussy is heaven.


Piss kink


The “sissy” femboy kink. Something about dressing up in cute lingerie and feeling sexy, feminine, pretty, etc is nice but a weird feeling all at the same time




I was surprised at how much I love piss


CNC, Step Bro, Step Sis, Cousin, Daddy, stuff. I love feet too.


When a girl forces a guy to impregnate her … idk what that falls under kink wise . I have a cum fetish .. never thought be into that then one day boom it turns me on. I’m sure I have a bunch more


As a straight guy, dick


Exhibitionism for me 🫣😅


The person being nice to me




CNC and having my nipples/clit tortured and abused. I’ve been masturbated with sandpaper, had super hard clamps attached to me, had my nipples brushed with a hairbrush, bitten, pierced - you name it, I done it


Ooooh I've never tried sandpaper. But I definitely crave pain in my nipples, clit, and other areas when I'm horny. Which is weird, because I'm such a weenie otherwise and will cry at the slightest papercut lol


Cnc, free use, being a Sadomasochist and loving getting as much as giving. I once planned and executed the abduction and interrogation of a good friends wife. Afterwards I had some serious wtf have I done moments.


Choking. I've always had a phobia of not being able to breathe so that has been on my no-no list for most of my sexual life until some one just kinda did it and I was all ..Okay uh this is hot. (side note, don't just choke some one without their permission)