• By -


Not at all. No. Huge turnoff. Makes me not want to touch them whatsoever for fear of hurting them. It takes me out if the mood as i worry about it getting caught on clothes. And it is not a great feeling tasting metal. All of this comes up before my opinion on the aesthetic does. It’s too many negatives for little to no positives.


I agree with the above BUT I feel like if someone wants to get their nipples pierced, they should. It’s their body after all.


Agreed fully. If they want it, do it. Our opinion is not as important as their own. Personally though: Aesthetically no issues, but I agree with top comment in my concerns/fears of hurting them.


It actually doesn’t come with any pain, it gives more sensitivity not pain, unless you are ripping it out.


I’d be worried about accidentally catching it on something and ripping them out, that’s the fear of harming them. Just something i’d always be aware of.


For me it’s the implied grossness of dirty piercings. I do not want that in my mouth.


Disagree. I have had mine pierced for 5 years and my biggest fear is having them ripped out. If you are too rough, it definitely hurts. I'm not big on my nipples being played with anyways so it's not a huge issue.


Everyone is different


The question is if they are liked, not if you want them banned or something.


Tough call. If I wanted to get a foreskin piercing (no idea why that’s a thing) and my wife said she didn’t want to have metal hitting her teeth I would not get it.


True. I agree with you, and my explanation is that I like BJs from my wife more than I’d potentially like any sensation I imagine I’d get from the piercing so I wouldn’t do anything to lessen the chances of me getting the former at the expense of the latter.


But that was not the question


You are right, but that wasn‘t the question.


Of course, but that was not the question.


Oh for sure. I think this person is just answering the UI aspects since that seems to be why the OP is asking about.


Right, except that whether OP should get their nipples pierced wasn’t their question and also wasn’t the response from the person you replied to.


Huh. I always thought they were incredibly sexy, never realized other guys thought this way.


At least for me personally, I feel I have good reason to have worries. Very quick side story, but back in college, I was dating a girl who had a really cute nose stud. I do like those. Anyway, after a night of drinking, we were back at my place. She was wearing my “drug rug” hoodie, which has a lot of loose threads. She went to take it off - drunkenly - and in the process of doing so it caught her nose stud and tore right off. Blood fucking everywhere. She’s just drunk, so she’s laughing and having a great time and has no idea. Meanwhile, I’m partially covered in her nose blood and I’m panicking something fierce. Ever since then, I don’t really care for most piercings. If the same thing happened, but she had a nipple piercing, don’t know what the fuck I would’ve done. Probably sign up for a lifetime of therapy.


Well that's horrifying


Just reading this made me shudder, and obviously clasp my nose stud - just in case!


Damn so it’s a personal experience that got you traumatized cause holy shit… that’s traumatizing ad


>And it is not a great feeling tasting metal Pierced nipples taste like house keys and there's no place like home.


Sounds like they need better jewelry or to keep them better cleaned. My girlfriend's don't have a taste at all.




Im not attracted to nipple piercings BUT im attracted to the type of girls that get their nipples pierced lol


It’s so awesome when you get a woman who you would never think would be the type to have nip piercing! Like my wife appears to everyone but me like a conservative, church going, mom of two who works at the county attorneys office (all true)… the picture of professionalism and Christian mother, only I get to see when she takes her top off and that super slut comes to life. It’s pretty awesome.


That’s awesome! Sounds like u have a very happy marriage! 🤘🏼


This here is fact there I tend to keep those comments to myself Therefore


All of this!


I second this!


Agreed. Huge turn off.


100% agree. I get so disappointed when the bra comes off and I see she's got piercings.


Wish I could give you two votes.


I'm genuinely shocked that so many people adamantly agree. I thought men would have liked them 😳😳


Respectfully going to disagree with what seems to be the majority here. I fucking LOVE 💕 ❤️ my wife’s pierced tiddies. She has smaller boobs and inverted nips and I swear getting them pierced was like a poor woman’s boo job 😂 Also, she has plastic bars 🤷🏼‍♂️ so no metal taste (and the metal ones she had at first didn’t taste like pennys or anything weird like that). To each their own, but for me it’s definitely an enhancement.


Omg I have inverted nips too and heard piercing them can pull them out, but I've seen a bunch where the piercer basically just does it like a belly button piercing or otherwise incorrect and it doesn't work. They worked on your wife though??


Yes. Perfect. I absolutely could not recommend it more. Dude did it freehand too without clamps… we didn’t even realize it until a week later talking to some friends who are more into piercings and body art but come to find out the guy we picked at random was actually known as like THE best piercer in our area.




Find ✍️ an ✍️ anaemic ✍️


I was thinking of doing this. thinking my bf would like it.. I was doing it for me though .. anyway. he was like I dont wanna taste metal. lmfao sooo I haven't gotten it.. cause he's obsessed with my boobs so I dont want to ruin it.


Not all of them taste like metal. Hey quality jewelry and it won't have a taste at all, from my experience anyway.


It depends on the metal. What a lot of people don't realize is metal doesn't actually have a smell at all. Rather, it reacts with oils on your skin to produce a chemical which is what you are smelling. You're not smelling metal, you're smelling yourself (or at least, your own oils catalyzed by the metal). I know it sounds weird, but go wash a coin with soap and water and then don't touch it with your skin. Smell it, and it'll be scentless (except maybe the soap). Anyways, the point is it only works with certain metals. Iirc copper, iron, maybe zinc. I don't think it works with gold and silver. So that's why you don't associate it with "high end" jewelry.


Same. I just don’t see why you want to mess with the perfect little mass of concentrated nerves. They are soooo attractive au naturel


I got mine pierced because I hated the way looked and now I like them. People gotta understand that folks get body modifications for themselves, not for others.


Same here! I always hated my boobs and would really hesitate to remove my bra with partners, but after I got them pierced, it was like an instant confidence boost. I love how they look now.


Completely agree.


Wow, someone who shares my feelings on nipple piercings.


Fully agree


There shouldn’t be a taste unless they’re using low-quality metals.


So far, 100% of the time there has been a taste. For me, in my experience anyway. Maybe 5-10 people.


Metal isn’t a fun taste. Kinda blood-like. I get why you’d steer away.


Iron-y? (As in, tastes like “iron”?)


Yup. Said all I came here to say. Hats off, good sir/madam.


Same. Aesthetically I'm neutral, but they're way less fun to play with for all the reasons mentioned above.


Well said. I always feel disappointed when I see that they're pierced. Women obviously do this because they like it and that should be the only reason they do it. Never get your nipples pierced because you think others will like it more. For me, I'm a purist when it comes to boobs. No piercings and no tattoos, please. Breasts are already perfect the way they are naturally. To add anything more to them takes away from that perfection in my eyes.


even your thoughts on small boobs too?


I love tasting metal! 🤘


as someone with a lip piercing, i hate getting my shit caught on hair/clothes 😒


Big yes, they draw the eye, they are a tactile delight and you also benefit with increased sensitivity. You can also have lots of fun with accessories. Bars with the balls at the ends, rings with a ball - tons of fun. Also if you are wearing a figure hugging top then the outline is divinely visible. I had an ex with one and it drove me wild


✨ tactile delight ✨


♩♪♫♬ Sky rockets in flight ♩♪♫♬


It may increase sensitivity for some people and decrease it for others so I wouldn't count on that


That's true, it decreased the sensitivity of mine ☹️ but I still like the way it looks!


I’ve taken mine out, but I have basically lost feeling in my left nipple from my piercings. Very unfortunate


Yeah my wife had them done and it basically killed all sensitivity. Not the tingly annoying kind of numbness, just kind of nothing. They looked hot but I was disappointed for us both on that aspect


That may be the saddest thing I’ve read on Reddit.


My already sensitive nipples became hypersensitive after having them pierced. It could really go either way I guess.


I don't know if I can handle more sensitivity.


😂 I feel ya. If I'm not a bit warmed up the sensitivity is almost startling


This is one of the main reasons I haven't pulled the trigger on getting mine done 😭 I love nipple play


this is one reason I chickened out getting them. I don't want to lose sensation.


i was about to say, my ex lost almost all sensitivity in their nipples after getting them pierced. so she played with mine instead. as a guy, i really did not expect to enjoy it as much as i do. now i’m conflicted cause i didn’t even know they could get MORE sensitive…


Yep one of the reasons I like my piercings is how they look through a top.


Tactical Delight?


Tactile as in the pleasure to touch. I am sure they are a tactical delight as well as men are distracted by them.




Increased sensitivity? I call bullshit. They do nothing to promote increased blood flow or nerve generation, so I don't know how they're going to go about increasing sensitivity. Plus the piercing probably triggers a bit of micro level scar tissue formation in the healing process, which would likely decrease sensitivity. The only thing I could see is that if you had flat or inverted nipples, they might feel more sensitive because it's forcing protrusion, meaning that the nipple will be rubbing up against contact more often. But sensitivity and arousal aren't one in the same and I doubt that, statistically, it is really increasing the latter. Any increased sensitivity or arousal is psychological in origin, not biological.


You make entirely valid points and I realise that I should have clarified my statement. The presence of the piercing in effect makes the nipples a larger target for being touched. Any movement imparted to the piercing accessory is physically transferred to the nipple itself (as well as the areola which the accessory is probably resting against). Scar tissue notwithstanding it would be my understanding that the nipple would receive additional kinetic stimuli leading to stimulation.


Do nipples not do enough on their own to tactfully delight the draw of our eyes? THO is visible regardless of a piercing.


I do not. I have a nipple fetish, and having pierced ones in my mouth is like sucking on my keychain. 😄


Yeah, I want to be sucking a nipple, not a piercing. 😆 I don't get it at all


Exactly. Maybe it's because I'm older, and my generation didn't really do that, but it's just not for me. 😁


Probably became popular with the punk scene from Gen X if I were to guess.


I've had someone start sucking on my nipple piercing while we were messing around and tbh it was weird. Idk I was indifferent. Like he obviously was having a great time, but it just wasn't doing anything for me. The whole time I just couldn't stop thinking about how that must feel against teeth and how bad I'd feel if he chipped his tooth or something. Metal in mouth outside of utensils is just a no for me, and when I see metal in someone else's mouth it just puts my teeth on edge if that makes sense... took my lip ring out after a couple months and decided I don't want a tongue ring as much as I thought I did.


That’s so funny! I’ve not sucked on one but I see the point and it would be just like that. 🤣


I've never actually sucked on my keychain but, It's metal rattling around in your mouth, so I imagine it would be on par. Lol


I just sucked on my keychain. Yep. I’m sure it’s like that. Tested and confirmed. 🤣😂🤣


Haha, it should be a lay-up for you. You're "Key-comfortable" after all. 😂


I’m dying! Lmfao. 🤣😂🤣. Well said man. I guess I am now. Thanks for helping me get there. 🤜🏼🤛🏼


No problem, tit was my pleasure. Breast of luck! 🤪


Now you got covid and e.coli, haha


Gotta love that dedication!


Hey coach! If you’re going to put me in the game, I want to know I’ve touched the ball at least once before. 🤣


Totally agree with you - I also think nipples look fantastic and enticing just on their own LOL. I do like piercings, just not there.


Yes. Ears, belly buttons, maybe an eyebrow but, not in the naughty areas. Haha. Again, just my opinion/preference. 😁


100% agree. My brother from another mother!




THIS 100% Don’t ruin a good thing!


Yes, exactly. Even if they take the piercing out there is always body goo (sebum, dead skin cells, etc) in the piercing channel and unless you work hard cleaning it out you still get an icky taste.


I see them and constantly imagine the same happening to my body. I don't want to be stabbed by things like that, and I don't like imagining it either.


No, for me, it is a big turn-off


Personally yes (assuming you mean nipple)however it depends on the boob and body of the person too. I don't think simply having a pierced nipple is enough to change things unless the body matches the interest in the first place. If however you mean the boob it's self with those microdermals or whatever they are called... Not a fan in the slightest and I find it a bit of a turn off Fundamentally though, don't make the decision for others.. you do what you want. It's your body!!


yes, I was referring to the nipples, and I agree, on everything, I don't even like microdermals lol


As I said, I personally think they can be hot but it depends on more than just the piercing. Again, don't make the decision based on what others want.. do it yourself. If you want them then to them, if you don't.. then don't




Been with one woman that had hers pierced. Could lick her nipples to orgasm, so no complaints here lol


Lmao <3




Not me. I don't like how they look and they just get in the way of me enjoying the feel of the breasts and nipples.


No, not a fan of piercings. I'm an old fashioned boomer


Love it! Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, in my opinion, but it also adds a very nice feeling when you get to lick them 🙃


No, I hate them... I literally can't understand and comprehent why someone would pierce their body by metal mini-spears.


Because it heightens sensation intensely and some people are insecure about their nipples 🙃


Plus they look cool as hell, the only reason anyone does anyone.


Oh, i get it


Boobs? Me like


I like all tits.


Incredible turn off. The idea of pulling on a piercing is disgusting to me. I would hate to taste the metal, and I would instinctively be more delicate out of fear to hurt them, to the point I would actively neglect those. More power to you if you want them, but like every thing, not everyone will be into it. It's such a big ick for me, and I'm a huge boob guy


I am not a fan. I am old.


Yes. But not as much as a pierced tongue. And lips.


Well, I think it would be very complicated when kissing...


Exactly the opposite of complicated


I'm really curious what you mean by this. I've always been curious about getting my lip pierced, but wary because of that exact reason.


I don't mind them... Visually, but if I was involved in nipple play I think I would prefer no piercings in


Did someone say tits? Yes we love tits. Big or small. Pierced or not. Cones or flap jacks. Yes. Yes yes.


I love them


Its a preference, like most things. Some do, some dont.


Meh, i once almost accidentally ripped a nipple bar off with a necklace i was wearing


I’m not a man, but I’m pansexual woman who ADORE women. I love pierced nipples on women, it’s really hot in my opinion. And I have a huge respect for people who have them pierced cuz it hurts like hell.


Go with your feelings. Do you think your nipples would look sexy pierced? Then you'll present yourself that way. Guys like lots of things just like when and if you get caught up with who likes what when it pretains to your appearance you'll drive yourself nuts.


Agree ❤️ my piercings have made me more confident, and i think that comes across.




Not really


I don't


Not a guy, but girl I can’t recommend nipple piercings enough. They have given me so much confidence in my body. If you want them you should totally get them!


Yes. As long as you are comfortable with them.


So you’re telling me I can see boobs and all I have to do is deal with little metal? Dam I guess I am taking one for the team 🫡


Ouch on some of these comments 🤣🤣 i like both. I find pierced nipples very pleasing to the eye. Also lots of cute jewelry available ❤️


I like titted piercings




I like the look tits with and without piercings, I haven’t had the pleasure of playing with a pierced pair though. You should do what you want to do, it’s your body after all and no sensible guy will call you out for having them done.


If a guy doesn't like what you've got, he's not the guy for you. You can't live your life based on what "some guys" think or want or like. Do what YOU like.


I don’t hate them but I prefer natural


Great question, no not even a little. Why on earth would i want a metal bar on whats supposed to be a soft suckable thing? It doesnt even look good, just distracting like a tattoo next to or on the breast also a huge turn off.


Of course! Tasty metal tits!


Lmao <3


Those guys are definitely in the minority,you should stay away from guys like that 😒


Yeah, i've been thinking that.


If you want to do it then fuck it 🤷🏽‍♂️ stop caring what others think




Absolutely turned on


I love all kind of boobs and I am very happy, whenever I get to see those beauties 🤷‍♂️


My opinion shouldn't matter, body mods including piercing and tattoos should always be for the wearer, not the audience.


Ah, but that wasn't the point. OP ask for opinions on whether people like them on others.


a pierced tit, quite a weird image. But nip nöps pierced, as long as their sensitivity is kept, is 🌶️


Yes, ma'am. I love a nice set of pierced tits, along with pierced belly-button. 😍




I don’t care I just love tits


They look hot definitely, it was a turn on when my FWB got them. Unfortunately, I really like to play / bite nipples, and they really ruined it.


I like them when you can see them through fabric but not so much nude. It makes the nipple puffy and looks uncomfortable to me


I wouldn’t say its a turn off for me because I live all tits. But not really my thing. But hey, they’re your titties if you want to go for it.


It’s all fun and games until it gets caught in a loofa during sexy shower time


I'm not a fan but if a pair of tits were in front of me and they were pierced I am not likely to turn them away.


Tits? No. Nips? Yeah.


Some men will hate piercings, some will love them, others won't care either way. Same with tattoos or any other body modification. But none of that should have any influence on your decision. The only opinion that should ever inform any decision about what you do with your own body is your opinion.


I’d say do what you want. I’ve had mine pierced for 20 years and have never had a man or woman disappointed that I had them.


What your size ?


36D, why?


i don’t think you should bother caring what men think. do what makes u happy! if u want em pierced get em pierced! the right guy won’t care :)


Not at all! At least they can be removed unlike tattoos.


Yes, it’s hot to see, but they get in the way. I still think their beautiful though


These are my favorite piercings. So many pretty options! That being said. I like them on girls, not so much on guys.


yes but only if you have both done. I feel one looks awkward or off balance. but I think the key is, if YOU feel sexy then they are sexy.


Absolutely!!! Especially if the woman wears thin/low neckline top braless!!! Added benefit I've discovered is increased sensitivity which I love to take advantage of!!!😍😍😍😍 If you want to get nipple piercings , do it. If someone doesn't like or have an unwanted opinion of, tell them to FUCK OFF !!!


my tits are pierced for a few years now and i’ve never had complaints, every man and woman i’ve been with loves it. but everyone has different taste in looks for their sexual partner. some hate it, just depends


I think pierced nipples are incredibly sexy. My wife had them a while but decided they were more trouble than they’re worth. Hers were always hurting and trying to migrate out. Your experience may vary. She’s had a belly button piercing for years and years with no issue though. It looks great on her.


If nips are big nuff


Yuk. Nothing like a mouth of metal…


I do love nipple piercings, but know they can be a bitch to heal.


To watch not to touch , unfortunately it's only turn on when you see them but big turn off when you start the action








I'm still contemplating it, especially since my partner is a cuck. It makes me see other men and I want to continue feeling desired by them. Although I have wanted to have nipple piercings since I was 16 years old.


Absolutely, Wel I am a breast fetishist, and appreciate all breasts. Pierced, etc.. yum! ☺️


No difference for me.


Ok <3


Yeah, especially if paired with a VCH


Big yes


Generally yes, there are some that it just doesn't suit.


They’re my favorite type


I love it! I prefer it! Its sexy! Do it! 🤣🔥


Love them even if it's just one 🙃


Some guys like it, some guys don't. But I doubt the people that don't would kick you out of bed because you've got pierced nipples. At the end of the day, do it for you. It's your body.


They dont do anything for me. But i would still never turn a pierced titty down. Cause lets be honest, it a titty.


I think they look great. 👍🏻


Oh fucking yea


You could always go for 1 pierced 1 not. I always find that pretty hot tbh.