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I'm fucking dead. I just had this happen last night. I tell the dude I'm horny, an hour later asks me if I'm wet. I actually was and say yes. He just said something like "yum" or "nice" or whatever. And the Convo ended there. I'm thinking WHY DID HE EVEN ASK LMAO Edit: STOP DMING ME IF IM WET


🤣 because your “yes” might have finished him


We didn't even speak all day lmao


I love that not only did the guy not care about giving you pleasure, but he waited an hour after you became excited before he even responded. That's some quality service right there.


In his defense, I texted him around like 1am lmao


That's even worse, though. That means the dude was still up at 2am and just sent you a low effort response. If he had been asleep that's understandable, but if he's up that late the guy was probably cranking it and when he finished he couldn't be bothered to help you out, too. Selfish.


I wake up in the middle of the night to respond to things and go back to sleep. I guess I'm a shit too Also I was out at a party and driving home. I couldnt do anything lol


Checking the phone after waking up during the night is so weird to me. I probably wake up a dozen times every night because of sleep issues, but I just roll over and fall back asleep. Any messages I received through the night can wait. Alright, I guess "yum" guy isn't selfish. Just low effort.


And that's the magic of everyone being different. I always check whenever I wake up. But I'm also very active at events and stuff so my phone after a party would be blowing up to share videos I recorded of their music sets and stuff. Sometimes people message asking if I'm ok or if I got home safe and id forget to let them know.


All very valid. For me, I value healthy sleep habits and an appropriate night's rest, and I know staring at a screen is the worst thing you can do for that. Then again, I'm one of those stuffy, boring people who think we as a society are too addicted to our phones, so I know I'm probably in the minority with this sentiment.


My sleep schedule is regulated to a solid 7 hours so I have no issues there. I HAVE to or else I'll trigger my migraine. Too much sleep causes it. But I also have a supposed envying ability to immediately go back to a deep sleep in less than five mins. So me waking up and checking quick and going back to sleep doesn't do much to me.


You should let a sleep study group observe you, then. That's quite an impressive talent. They could probably base a lot of meaningful research off of such a phenomenon.


So from pizza to tv, how wet are you right now?




Under the rain?


Maybe a car wash


Hmmm in which stage? Sprinklers on?


I hate to break it to you... but most sexting is actually fiction.


Of course.


Please. They're instantly wet after the first "hey"


That could be pee mate 🤣


I hope so, I'm soooo into that *Sarcasm*


Men, just know that as you are sexting me, telling me about how badly you want to be inside me, I am eating a bowl of Fruity Pebbles and watching Bluey with my kid


Ooh, I got another one. Are the Fruity Pebbles wet? Or did these dad jokes dry *everything* up?


Whaaahaaaa. You’re a saint for keeping to fantasy alive!


Really? Not even tickling yourself with a featherwand?


as a woman on here… with the things that i get asked like that i really hope they expect us to lie 😫 because if not i’m concerned




nothing turns us on like “hey” “wyd” “dtf” 🥵🥵


Hey 😉






The sexiest woman ever is misconception.


If they really think two messages (of likely questionable quality) have actually made you wet I think they deserve to be lied to


Hahaha exactly


Some people pre ejaculate and their messages show


This is so fucking funny


Just going through the motions after the motions have gone through them?


No? Don't lie. And 2 messages now, really? 🤣


Of course we want the truth... That you're not actually turned on at all and are just indulging us to let us have a few minutes of fantasy... 🤔


Of course not, *after three messages, tho...*


Yep legitimately


Are you wet now?


Are you telling me "hi" won't make someone fall on their knees shaking? *Surprised pikachu face*




I'm fairly sure some people would send "hi", type an unsolicited dirty message and believe that was enough


Good question🤣


Would prefer the truth. Makes me want to really work toward making you wet. If any guy thinks a simple dick pic makes a woman just start dripping without anything else, they have a lot to learn.


And they *do* have a lot to learn


Sounds like you're speaking from experience, haha. Too many guys think their dick is the shit without any effort whatsoever. Sorry you've dealt with idiots.


I can’t imagine asking a girl by text? Is this just me? Like what a crazy mood killer. I just wait to be told it’s much more fun!!


I mean, I wouldn't ask, but if you're sexting and they're open to it, they can send pics, a video, or voice notes. It's not impossible to share, but just have to work towards it.


I prefer to use the word "moist". It's much more sensual that way and practically guarantees positive results after even just one message.


So you suppose if you send someone “Hey” and “how are you” that would make them “moist” between legs?


Of course you skip the "heys" and "hellos" entirely and go straight to asking about the humidity in their nether regions using the most effective phrasing thus ensuring it to be true. It's called manifesting, you should try it.


Tell me sweet little lies




Wouldn't be the first lie a woman told me


Well if “hi” didn’t make you wet, I don’t know what else will hahahha


I’m dying


After two messages, tell him he’s dreaming 😂 Plus put some effort in.


Id rather her be honest so I can try and guide the conversation towards what she's into


It depends on the guy honestly. I get wet after a few text messages if I find the guy hot. That’s if I know the person in real life. Not some stranger on Reddit.


14 days into 2024 and I think we have the top post of the year. *applause*


I don't care how wet you are until my tongue contacts your clit. Even then, I want a clear signal that I should continue.


Don't lie 🙏 Asking that after 2 messages is also plain stupid, none of us are Cassanova after all


Honestly is appreciated


The kind of guy that asks that after two questions doesn’t deserve to know if you’re wet. If you really like the guy make him work for it a little more. If he doesn’t want to work for it then he probably won’t try very hard to please you in real life.


Truth is the only thing


interesting I think its not like a faucet you turn off and on. Men that think all they have to do is speak and its instant aren't living in a real world.It take a little finesse. Same with getting there panties off . Men should understand females have lots more control than we do. this is just my Experience.


The truth will set you free


I don't get the point in disingenuous transactions. It's likely why I don't like strip clubs, onlyfans, or porn alone. If watching porn with another person whose truly getting off on that porn then it makes the experience authentic so... NO - i want to figure out how to authentically get your mind going so you're wet.


I think the ones who are asking do that or they want to know if you entered the conversation already wet 


THISS!! I’m all for a good dick pic and a sexy convo but am I drenched at the fact that you want to rip me open with your huge “monster” cock??? I laugh a little sometimes bc they’ll be sooo turned on and it just doesn’t do it for me.


It’s all fantasy Looks Age Kinks Every once in a while you find something real. But the girl could have been edging all day and what you bring to the table helps


i don’t know about you but my panties get soaked when i *sense* they’re going to message me


I’ve literally never asked a woman if she’s wet. If it it’s in person I would probably notice if she were or not. At distance she can tell me if she’s wet and I’ll appreciate it, but asking “are you wet” has never entered my mind