• By -


Honestly - looks have never made me think one way or another. Smell on the other hand- I had to leave a relationship due to it.


Eww, totally valid. I hate bad hygiene in anyone, it’s a dealbreaker, even bad morning breath 🥹




I had to leave a relationship due to dick smell before 🫡


So you know how it goes! It’s awful- cuz then every thought when you start to get intimate is all about that smell and avoiding it.


I cringe every time I smell balloons now 🤢


Do you think it could have been a yeast or bacterial infection?


Or recurrent BV from his sperm 


Personal opinion but not all pussies look equally inviting. I find most pussies appealing, be it with small lips, big lips, shaved, hairy, etc but sometime ago I came across a subreddit where women had huge, gaping holes for vagina and I didn't find that appealing. At the end of the day, I don't think you'll get an unanimous opinion on this question. You shouldn't feel insecure either way, pussies vary wildly in look and you should find a man who likes your pussy, that's all you need :)


I have this with some cocks that look like they've been jacked off way too much. Dry-looking, red, some places looking like they are peeling, etc. So I definitely get what you're getting at. 


After a long dry spell (masturbating with lotion the whole time) I had a woman tell me I had the softest hard cock she ever saw.


HAHAHA that's amazing 😂


Imagine if there was lotion purposely to moisturize penises lol


Look up Penile Health Cream on amazon. There is a lotion for that.


Wow the more you know lol


Yea just happened across it just the other day.


>just happened across it Hmmm we can all be honest on Reddit 🤔😂


Was cross advertised to a stroker. 🤣


Amazon knows their customers' needs 🤣😂


".......thank you?"


Ah so it's common in both sides haha I didn't want to be judgey because everyone has what they got but yeah let's say they're not all appealing.


Of course but it all depends on the person, right? I mean of course the other sex (when straight of course) will see more delight in our genitals because that's what they're attracted to. I'm not attracted to female genitals so I don't see the appeal but I'm just going with what plenty of men have expressed, that they are highly appealed to it. And the same goes the other way around. So many men have voiced themselves about not seeing the appeal in penises at all and while I can understand their perspective.... When I see one, my initial response in my mind is "Get it in my mouth!" Lol. But yeah, I think there's nothing really wrong with not finding everyone's genitals just as appealing. I mean when a penis looks like it has a disease to me (odd bumps and whatnot) I'm also passing. Something that looks out of the ordinary possibly indicating one thing or another is I feel your mind trying to just be on alert. And that goes for everyone. 


Totally agree and you've done a great job at explaining what I meant to say so thanks. Yes, it's the same for me, as a straight male, I'm like "I want to be deep inside that pussy" if I find it appealing 😂


Yep thanks for that :)




Are they gaping after being fucked or being stretched out? I think the hole is more closed looking when “at rest”


Never. Contemplations about the aesthetics of the ideal pussy (if it even exists) don't really enter my mind once I've got one in front of me. Or ever, really.


I think you mean vulva. The vagina is usually not something they see


Yeah it's time we call stuff the right names I feel lol. 


https://www.thegreatwallofvulva.com/#:~:text=Women's%20genitals%20have%20long%20been,private%20parts%20have%20gone%20public. Check that out; it's amazing!


It doesn't matter at all, never have been turned off. It's something you can't control, would be the same as being turned off by someone's skin tone


Yeah understandable


I've never once been turned off by looks. Hygiene is another story.


Honesty, when I’m browsing porn I gravitate towards big meaty lips. Not sure why, but I find big vulvas super hot. But in reality it doesn’t fucking matter. I’ve never turned one away and I’ve never left someone because the way their vulva looks. My current partner has very small lips but I can’t get enough of her!


I don't care but even more than that I have become more attracted by pussy with distinctive features instead of the bland smooth pussy we are used to in porn. But all pussies are beautiful 😊


Literally never, when seen in sexual contact. I'm medical, so I see plenty in a non-sexualised context: they do nothing. The brain is really good at contextualising information.


It is interesting how much context matters. A beautiful woman handled my penis just recently, like just this side of intimidatingly attractive, but nope nothing. She was removing my Foley catheter. I know it wasn't sexual in any way for her, and somehow even less so for me.


Preference yes, so by strictly looking at pictures some look more attractive than others but being intimate with someone? Never thought of it being unattractive.


Yeah, I have never cared one bit. All vaginas deserve love


I am happy I get to see her pussy in the first place.


Not stupid, I’m sure it’s the same insecurity that men have…everyone is different…you just gotta own what you have💪 it doesn’t matter what it looks like, I’ve never been turned off, some people have a preference like any other things This is making me more excited for you not to be hiding it anymore 😋


Yeah I think you are going to get a lot of “never once” here. It doesn’t really matter to us


Aww glad to know


Hell and no.


Idc, pussy is pussy


No honestly vaginas aren’t really something that I like looking at aesthetically. Like they’re there for pleasure but I don’t check them out or anything.


No. Though I prefer trimmed over bushy. But as for the pussy itself, I’ve never met one I didn’t like the look of. Scent can be another story, even in the same person on different days, but even there I’ve never met one that was what you might call rank. Responding to some comments, I’ve never had a woman come to bed with an unhygienic pud. Wet, yes. The occasional bit of tp yes. Even sweaty, if not immediately then as we went along.


Never once. If I’ve gotten far enough that I’m looking at it, I love what I’m seeing! All I’m thinking is “that looks delicious”.


Big lips small lips? Big/small clit? No bother?


No bother at all. I’ve seen all types and shapes. All of them are beautiful! Think of it this way. Have you ever been turned off by a guy’s dick?


Never once!


Size of lips or clit doesn’t bother you?


Not at all. I love an innie, big lips, everything. Honestly lately a bigger clit has been pretty enticing too 🥵


I'm sorry that you feel self conscious about your body down there Have you always felt that way or did someone say something?


Nah I’ve had relationships none of my boyfriends ever said anything but I myself never find mine flattering as compared to what I see in some subs


It is so tuff keeping a good mind about your body image with how many "perfect people" are one here. But I can almost guarantee that they have there own self confidence worries. I just hope you can find some confidence for yourself


Not really. Although I'm sure it's pretty nice the most important is how amazing it tastes and feels


Found all of them sexy


I've never seen a vagina I didn't like the look of


I mean…. I love them all or mostly so but I suppose there are certain things that might scare me away. Teeth for instance. Horrible hygiene…. That’ll taint the way it looks to me as well.


Does it *matter* not really, no - only in the occasion that it may look like there’s something medically wrong. Do some look more visually appealing? Yes. Thats just the nature of preference.


To me it doesn’t matter how it looks. It’s out of your control just like how a penis looks is out of the guy’s control. Judging someone based on if their parts are visually appealing makes no sense cause that shouldn’t be what attracted them to you.


If you made it to the point that people can see it, you're usually already past the point of it mattering. Not saying that when I go down on a girl and it looks 'cute' it isn't a bit of a pleasant surprise, but it's nothing major.


The only time I'd be turned off by a vagina's looks, would be if it looked like I could fit half my body in it (gaping, not into that). Otherwise, I'd be fine with any way it looked. I dated a woman once that told me she was nervous about us getting intimate because her vagina "wasn't normal looking". I asked about, we talked, and she showed me. Her clitoris would get erect like a small penis when she was excited. She got over her nerves when I went down on her and gave her a shaking orgasm.


I think I lot of women think everything should be neat and tucked away like a hotel bedsheet down there, where you almost feel guilty wanting to stick your tongue in and get messy. But they forget men are horndogs like me who love the chance to explore with their face lips and tongue. Prominent hoods, labia, hair, large clits, whatever, they’re all places to rub, taste suck and tease and I’m gonna feast. So both?


I'm not a guy but I have lots of male friends who speak very freely around me. And vaginas have been the topic every now and then. What I've learned is that yes, it does matter to some degree. Some only have preferences, like they would prefer it looking a certain way but it's no deal breaker if it doesn't, while others think certain vaginas look so bad they are literally turned off by it.


just make sure to trim your pubes and you'll be golden. never fun to spit hairs out


I have never seen one I didn't wanna play with. I have smelled a few though that I didn't wanna go near.


Absolutely not!


Doesn’t matter at all. As long as everyone is hygienic and STD free, it shouldn’t matter at all


Not really. A pussy is a pussy, and all are different but beautiful


Honey! We are all different and it’s totally ok 😘




Absolutely not


I have never once really considered how a vagina looks when I'm with a woman. Normally the only thing running through my head is "Nice." on repeat.


I don't think it should matter honestly. Never been turned off by one, I think each is beautiful or hot in their own ways. Sometimes you can't do different things with one that you could with another. 😊


For porn, yes, for sex, no.


Yes, I did. It matters.


I don't like it when there is bad Hygiene or not shaved (my opinion). If you have bigger or smaller lips or not the same big lips it doesn't matter for me


The only way it's an issue for me is either hygiene or hair. I much prefer bare, but I can work with very neatly trimmed. Excessive hair is a turn off for many men.   **You should also note that many subreddits have a hive mind - so only answers that agree with the hive mind tend to be visible at the top.** **Any answers that deviate tend to be downvoted to the bottom - so if you don't look there, it's easy to get the wrong impression of what people actually care about.**


It "matters"/I do notice and I have certain preferences in appearance even of a vulva. However, it's pretty damn far down the list and very rare that it should look particularly bad.


Glad to see someone calling the part OP intended to name as it is called, the vulva 🙏❤️


Hehe, I think colloquially it's fine to refer to the vulva as pussy. As long as they don't use "vagina", I don't make a fuss about it.


I never had a conversation with any of my friends that they didn't like how a vagina looked. I mean they all have great appeal.


Kinda? I do have preferences, but it's certainly not a deal breaker if it's not my ideal, my ranking goes from like to love, never dislike🤷🏽‍♂️


Never seen one I didn't like




No. I think I would love every kind out there. I’m sure you’re insanely sexy, a lot of us are just a bit insecure about our genitals. I know Im still working on my confidence with the whole male penis size insecurity like a lot of guys. If I can help out in any way just let me know 😉


while being vagina happy man🤷‍♂️


As long as its clean, anything is good


A guy can have his preferences, but he will never back down when he see how it looks.


Not at all. You're just being to hard on yourself. Trust me, you look better than you think


Not in the slightest. You think Kyle over there is an expert in vaginas? Probably has never even seen one up close.


No. Never ever been turned off by one. I’m sure everyone have preferences on what they think looks better or what they prefer, but I have never seen one I don’t think looks sexy.


There are preferences


Never been turn off by how a pussy looks. I’m still going in regardless


I wouldn't say that I have ever been turned "off" by a woman's vagina. However, I do get more turned "on" when I see one that is well taken care of. Neatly groomed, shaved/trimmed, clean, etc. It's all about presentation. Big lips, small lips, none of that is a factor for me. Hygiene is far more important. 😊


Unless there is an obvious medical issue (inflamation, infection, extreme difformity, but i neverr saw these), the appearance of pussy doesn't matter. The feelings matter. Does it feel nice and wet to the touch? Great! The woman makes cool sounds when i touch her pussy? Awesome! The pussy feels good around my dick? Fantastic! That's all that matters.


I’ve seen some different shapes. Different labia sizes and lengths. But I still ate them all. Men are just happy to get up in some pussy. I wouldn’t be too self conscious about it


I've not got a high body count but I've never been put off with the ones I have seen


To be honest, the bigger the better for me. Wide, gaping and wet sounds perfect


I'm just happy to be there ☺️ doesn't matter to me at all


Honestly, couldn't care less. If I get to the point where I can be face to face with her vagina, I'm just grateful I got there 😁 sure, some men might appreciate some details (innie v. outie, trimmed v. shaved v. bush etc) but at that point, most men are just happy to be there 😁


If someone shows me their vagina, how it looks is one of the last things to go through my mind. I'm just happy I have a pic of one, or better yet, it physically in front of me.


They all look good


Not just no, but hell no. If we're close enough to each other that I can get a good look at it, I'm not going to suddenly turn into an art critic or whatever; I'm going to be thinking how much I want the woman it's attached to. Anyone who's turned off by the appearance of your vagina is probably not mature enough to be a good partner in the first place. Men don't care about that, but boys might, because immature boy-men probably haven't been around real vaginas, so their idea of what one 'should' look like is all based on fake, plastic-pussy porn nonsense. Bah.


I don't think I've ever seen an ugly one. Some have features that I prefer, but I've never looked at one and thought it was ugly.


Doesn't matter in the slightest


Not to me, I'm not gonna go near it if I don't feel comfortable with you and by that point I'm not concerned about how something looks anyway


Looks never matter to me. They’re all beautiful in my eyes. I hate seeing insecurity on here about larger labia, for example. Larger labia is one of my biggest turn ons.


I suppose some people have preferences, but for me I've never gotten down there and thought "oh...this doesn't look how I like so I'm not going to go near it" I've always been too busy thinking "wow...this lady is actually letting me see her naked!" To be concerned about that.


A little bit yeah, but they're never ugly. All of em are nice and I'm never turned off by any of em. Just slightly more turned on by some.


Na it definitely doesn't matter. Especially with a body like yours 🔥


I don't think I've ever seen a vagina that didn't look pretty to me.


Absolutely not. They're all different and beautiful in their own way. If I was going to judge a woman's pussy then I wouldn't deserve to be looking at it in the first place.


Depends what you mean.. purely on the astetics then no... However if it looks infected, then yes




Not everyone has control over how sensitive their skin is there ;p 


Literally never in my life


I think it comes down to preference, I don’t like vaginas with big lips that flop everywhere.


only if it's shaved, not a fan of that. otherwise, all good.


I don’t mind how one looks personally. I won’t be looking at it while I’m inside


It’s always the confidence and attitude that makes things sexier than the body and body features.


Nope, never!


I love the look of all pussy. Although I do prefer large pussy lips more. Fat pussy turns me on more.


aslong as your clean he will not care


Unless it’s completely trashed and looks like a wizards sleeve no, 99% of pussies are beautiful.


Looks don’t matter. Smell matters.




I had to scroll down quite a bit to find the first non-popular answers.


Nope, never once have I seen a vagina that I didn’t like the look of. Pussies are beautiful


I think all pussies are fantastic but like anything people have there likes and dislikes I assume like a girl with a dick. Big head, little head or a curve. Small medium or big etc. for me I tend to like a pussy that is a bit lippy. More to kiss and suck on. Shaved or trimmed is also preferred. Hope this helps helps


Unless there are indications of illness, it’s just part of what makes you unique.


Not ever, once your at that point with someone the connection should be more than physical appearance. Woman are beautiful creatures that should always be worship’d never judged.👌


Looks no, smells yes!


As long as it’s not oozing with puss, not smelling like fish, std free, I’m good.


If it doesn’t look too “messy”, that’s fine. I got turned off more easily by the smell … #NSFWChatGPT #EroticRolePlay with hot AI girls Find out more r/crush_official


The only thing that would "turn me off" is hygiene. Lack of hygiene can be easily solved. One pussy might seem prettier or more aesthetically pleasing than another but they are all good. In reality, if the person is not desirable then their pussy is of little interest to me, once I've gotten to a point where the person is desirable then so is her pussy (barring the opening statement). I feel that being online and in particular social media has had a negative effect on people's own perceptions of their genitalia and their appearance in general. It's better to try to step away from that image issue. If you are someone who would be turned off by someone's appearance in such a way then you deserve to have a similarly judgemental partner. If that's not the type of person you are you shouldn't have to put up with it from another either.


As long as it's healthy, it makes no difference to me.


Not a man. But I'm pretty damn sure men don't give a flying fuxk. I've been told I have a 'beautiful' one ..n I swear to God it's NOT beautiful 🤣🤣 I've seen muchhh better in porn ... so yeah as long as u smell n taste good all pussy is good pussy


It's never once mattered to me.


Nope never. Always grateful to be invited. And I’m sure your vagina is wonderful.


I was with a woman who had rather long labia majora. First time experiencing it I was confused for a second then that was it. Added a different level of play to our experience. My current partner has a rather small clitoris, it’s no big deal. Every partner has slightly different genitalia. That’s part of the fun mapping out something new finding the pleasure zones etc


As long as it's clean and well maintained I don't care.


things that matter: 1. Smell. 2. Your confidence.


Looks dont matter at all. How it might smell and taste does for sure.


Never in my life. I love and appreciate all vagina shapes and size’s. Ironically, I’ve found that the women who are most insecure about it, usually have the nicest V. If all vaginas were the same that would be boring.


Honestly I’ve always been so thankful whenever someone shows me theirs, how it looks doesn’t enter the equation.


Does how a dick looks turn you off? I've seen pics of vaginas that I've absolutely been turned off by.


I'm more concerned with the hygiene rather than the look. If it looks pretty then great! Otherwise, I eat food for how it tastes not for how it looks 🤷‍♂️


They are all unique and look beautiful


Never really got turned off by a pussy, apart from an unhealthy pussy that smelled a bit off, but she was going through the process of getting it sorted, her pussy looked beautiful though, just the smell wasn't great, can't remember what was going on with it, some kind of infection of sort, and she got embarrassed about it, cuz she couldn't really get the smell herself, probably cuz she was used to it or something, so I tried to put her at ease as much as I could, didn't want to be that asshole


It doesn’t really matter to me, I just love pussy. As has already been said, there are exceptions to the rule if you look for the extreme stuff, but other than that, there are so many different shapes, colours etc, what’s not to love about them 😏


I never have cared never will, I bet yours is fine, I’ll still be turned on


All vaginas are beautiful imo. Doesn't matter whether it's an innie or an outtie, it's shape or it's size. They're all pretty and beautiful!


Haven't been turned off a single time, and I've seen quite a few. The relevant measurement is tightness


To me...it is the person as a whole not just one aspect.


I’m sure there are some guys that care, but the vast majority of us could care less.


I've found certain genitals more appealing than others visually, but never found one visually unappealing when looking for them. Unsolicited genitals on tbe other hand..


Honestly, no. Do we rate them out of boredom, yes. But they all taste the same.


Absolutely not.


Looks no. Smell, yes, once.


It does not matter how it looks.


All vaginas are beautiful


No and no. On the other hand, I've definitely been surprised how one looked. I was with a extremely beautiful woman just over 10 years ago who was from the Philippines. Her natural completion was just tanish/asian-like, but her vulva was straight-up black. Not a turn-off at all, just shocking 🤯


I've never liked how any vagina looks on it's own, but I've also never had that stop me, lol. I enjoy the feeling of giving pleasure to my partners, and I don't care how their genitals look.


Yes. I've bailed on oral and on conventional sex when a woman had an... unconventional... looking vagina. When it looks inside-out. But I think it's a personal preference. But yes, I've walked away from sex when it looks like her vagina is inside out, and I've failed to return when it's not tight... even in older women...




Absolutely not! As long as you’ve got good hygiene, I’m happy to be there, and want to please you. Looks don’t matter.


Every flower is unique! Every petal as beautiful as it could ever be!


Honestly looks have never put me off


Nope, as long as it's clean they're all sexy!


welp i havent seen any in person, but to me more than the looks of that particular part, is the prospect of whats coming and who that belong to tha matters the most, i know theres diferent opinions out there, but if someone rejects you for how one particular part of your body, dont let kill your self worth


I’ve never been turned off by the appearance of any vagina I have seen. However, if hygiene has been neglected, that’s another story (no I’m not referring to shaved or bush either)


feel and taste is more important


I mean, most vaginas look monstrous and as men we have to accept that porn pussies are not an accurate representation of the average woman. It'd be an odd dealbreaker for sure... So I wouldn't say it matters much, but I'd be lying if I said it doesn't matter at all. Vaginas can look off-putting and a nice looking pussy can definitely somewhat compensate for other areas... like, if she's fat and her labia are hanging to her knees it's not helping for sure... but I also think I'm speaking on behalf of all straight and bisexual men when I say that as long as it's moist and warm inside we're generally happy.


Doesn’t really matter to me tbh. As long as the person is hygienic, then that’s all that matters to me!


"Does my appearance matter"? To a certain extent yes, but different strokes for different folks...




We'll eat it as long as it's not infected and it doesn't have any foul odors. Some of us may like it bloody.


Pussy is a pussy i don’t care how it looks as long as I can eat it and breed it then it’s all good


For me not much I would love if I find a girl with Innie Pussy but if not I wouldn't stop seeing someone because of it I think some people would choose a certain shape/look over others.


Not even a little bit. They are all lovely and anyone lucky to see them should appreciate them!


No absolutely not


In short, no.


I've seen lots and there all different. and I have never turned on away


its my favourite thing :) yes, its genuinely pretty to me and a turn on. But no, it doesn't matter in some kind of specific important way. It's like anything else - unless there' something deeply abnormal or something then its perfectly fine. You're also by no means at all the only person who feels insecure or unsure about his. Some of the dms I get are literally just people asking me to tell me if they're okay because I've seen a lot. Breaks my heart a little people feel so low or unsure about themselves :/


When you get to that point you're so into that person that few things stop you from viewing them as attractive, just make sure you're clean. If you happen to be wildly unfortunate to run into assholes who poke your insecurities with intent then don't fuck them, if they can't appreciate you they don't deserve you.


I'm attracted to the person, not their parts. Like everyone, I have preferences, but I've never turned down someone because their vulva or labia doesn't meet my preferences.


Doesn’t matter one bit. Juicy wet vagina always welcome!


From the 2 pictures I seen on your “page” (profile, whatever reddit calls it), you have nothing to be self-conscious about, it’s beautiful. If you post it more (especially in subs like RateMyPussy), it may help boost your self-esteem. That said, I think all pussies are beautiful. I haven’t seen too many ugly pussy, but those looked like they were mutilated by someone. I think porn screwed peoples perceptions of what a dick and pussy should look like, especially since most male porn stars are above average and women have been getting cosmetic surgery.